Randy speaks to CNN



  • My research found that “twitching generally occurs as a result of an overwrought nervous system unloading impulses. (Overwrought means distraught: deeply agitated especially from emotion; such as ‘distraught with grief’) The causes of facial tics are still poorly understood, but some things are thought to trigger or worsen the symptoms. Tics can be caused by some nutritional deficiencies such as a lack of magnesium, but they can also very often be symptoms of other conditions such as Tourette syndrome, whose causes are most likely neurological, and, to a certain extent, genetically inherited. Stress and anxiety have also been shown to provoke and significantly increase the frequency of facial tics.”

    So there we have it. As someone already pointed out, Randy was in a very serious auto accident in the 80’s. As a result he experienced some neurological damage, because what I remember the most about him after he recovered was his body movements that took some time before they began to appear normal again. Just take a look at some of the Jackson’s videos done after the accident where he performs with them and you will notice it. So I don’t doubt that serious stress and anxiety might easily trigger some facial twitches in him due to his nervous system having been so severely damaged in the past.

    Now were his twitches during the interview due to his being distraught with grief or distraught with the stress and anxiety of the hoax? I go with the hoax because in his later years Randy was the closest sibling to Michael, so yes He is in on the hoax. And because he was so close to MJ I feel he is trying harder than all the rest not to make any slip-ups! It will soon be a year that he has had to continue to play his part and probably more than all the rest of the Jacksons, watching closely what he says and does. If that’s not stress I don’t know what is. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Part one and two of the CNN interview is on YouTube and I have watched them both and I am still not convinced by the interview that MJ is dead! This site has revealed too much evident that speaks against his being dead! And my spirit tells me yes, our “treasure” MJ is still alive!

    And oh yes, I did see the scar in the back of Conrad Murray’s head where the scar from Michael’s burn would be. Things that make you go, Hummmm <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> As someone said on another thread, this is going to be a long movie! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Sending blessings your way "on the wings of love!"
  • jenwren20jenwren20 Posts: 282
    ah, so Mr Twitchy (aka Randy) is back...
    I particularly L.O.V.E the part at the start where he says, " the little girl has a piece of paper on her wall saying "I'M ALIVE" ".......

    WELL, DER!!! <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • jenwren20jenwren20 Posts: 282
    Can somebody explain what Witness Protection Program is please? Sorry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Yes, jill is correct in what she explained about the witness protection program, I would like to add to this subject. The witness program is a very serious thing to be involved in, why I say this is because if someone agrees to go into this program there is a agreement made between the witness and the government: below are listed some of those protocols.

    1. Witnesses are not allowed to travel back to their hometowns or contact unprotected family members or former associates.

    2.In order to prevent the possibility of the witness being followed, the witness is made to adhere to a convoluted and indirect transportation path before finally reaching the location where they will live under the new identity. This path often involves a long chain of seemingly random flights which are intended to be difficult for a potential adverse party to anticipate.

    3.Usually the witness is relocated and given a new name. Witnesses are encouraged to keep their first names and choose last names with the same initial in order to make it easier to instinctively use the new identity.
    To anyone that watches South Park, does this mean we should be on the lookout for Michael Jefferson??? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • to continue with the protocols of the witness program

    4. Witnesses agree not to jeopardize the alliance between them, and the government, such as giving away their protected indentity at any time, under any circumstance.

    All this being said I think about Jermains slip up"when we took Michael to the Airport", also makes me wounder if any family members are protected. Lastly, in order for the program to work, obviously you need to stay under cover, so why would Michael come back? It would not make sense to go through all this, otherwise, I know many would like for him to come back, but it is far better that he does not do that. We must learn to let go with love, and know he is alright. Some times the greatest love is letting go....
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    To anyone that watches South Park, does this mean we should be on the lookout for Michael Jefferson??? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I wouldn't doubt it.
  • domdom Posts: 30
    my theory has been for a long time that the family are going OVERBOARD playing up "the murder theory" & all the other "cock ups" to distract the fans,seems to me that every time lots of fans really start thinking its a hoax the family step in & push the things on us to make us think "oh silly me its not a hoax its real murder". or they push the things about jason pheiffer or the will or some other issue on us to stir us up & trying to preventing us from pausing & thinking "hang on a second this dont make sense!!"try to prevent us & the media from questioning the whole thing. at the end of the day the first 48 hours are the most crucial of ANY CASE- think back to all the odd things that happened on june 25-27th. if it is a hoax the family have probably perfected their act by now & we probably wont see another slip up for a long time if ever!you got to remember Michael may not want to be found EVER! either for his own gain or for his own safety- he could be sitting some where wishing we would all shut up, he could be prayin we all think he dead!
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    did anyone consider that randy could have asked to see the questions first? obviously they were interviewing on a touchy subject for a family member (a "death"). he could have asked to see what questions the reporter wanted to ask and agreed to the ones he wanted to answer. it could be why there was no "slip up." but, as previously mentioned, the slip ups are jermaine's job. randy has always been very much about "truth and justice" for michael. i believe he [randy] is the closest to michael (michael is RANDY'S big brother, meaning there's a sense of protection there, which is deep and apparently mutual).

    and isn't the timing lovely? could this trial be any more of a joke? the more interviews the family & professionals give about this case, the more the public is consumed by information and bias. there's no way murray's going to get a fair trial. sorry, but people have opinions, and the more others invade the media to discuss michael's "death" the more certain the opinions become. the justice system has legal authority to limit and control what people involved in cases are allowed to say. the fact that there is no limitations on what people can say about the case makes this pretty obvious. actually, the fact that murray is still allowed to practice medicine with a murder charge (i don't care what degree it is) makes it pretty obvious this case is b.s.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    my theory has been for a long time that the family are going OVERBOARD playing up "the murder theory" & all the other "cock ups" to distract the fans,seems to me that every time lots of fans really start thinking its a hoax the family step in & push the things on us to make us think "oh silly me its not a hoax its real murder". or they push the things about jason pheiffer or the will or some other issue on us to stir us up & trying to preventing us from pausing & thinking "hang on a second this dont make sense!!"try to prevent us & the media from questioning the whole thing. at the end of the day the first 48 hours are the most crucial of ANY CASE- think back to all the odd things that happened on june 25-27th. if it is a hoax the family have probably perfected their act by now & we probably wont see another slip up for a long time if ever!you got to remember Michael may not want to be found EVER! either for his own gain or for his own safety- he could be sitting some where wishing we would all shut up, he could be prayin we all think he dead!

    well they can't have us getting too far ahead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> we have to watch for the cues. things can't triggeron their own.let's revert back to the gospel. jesus told his followers certain things would happen before his return. he also said when they saw certain things not to worry because it still wasn't time but gave them other benchmarks to go by. maybe tii is micheal's book of revelation. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> or maybe it's simply time for my meds <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • I don't think I'll be able to watch this interview, it's too hard because it makes my increasing fears more real <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> . So thanks to everyone that described what was said. I think people will continue to find "hoax clues" in everything no matter what but I just can't dismiss everything so easily. Btw, I do think Randy has used the world "death", and not just "passed", before when talking/tweeting about Michael...
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I don't think I'll be able to watch this interview, it's too hard because it makes my increasing fears more real <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> .

    I really can't believe that if you truly believe he's alive, why you can't watch this interview... How are people ever going to understand the meaning of this all if they keep their eyes closed?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • supysupy Posts: 1
    guys i know this is crazy but wow conrad murray and randy jakson favor quite a bit//they have identacal baldness in the front with huge bump!! also how big or tall is randy?? when they did the side by side even his mouth looked like his...hmmmmmmmmmmmm

    i know im not saying hes murray just noticed the similarities
  • mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
    was randy there at the first trial on april 5th?? i dont see pics of him just the other family members..thats kinda odd eh?
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    was randy there at the first trial on april 5th?? i dont see pics of him just the other family members..thats kinda odd eh?

    Actually there are..







  • mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
    was randy there at the first trial on april 5th?? i dont see pics of him just the other family members..thats kinda odd eh?

    Actually there are..








    oh ok... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • Shamone guys, it's not 'Slip-up' Jermaine! Randy just chooses his words carefully]http://twitter.com/randyjackson8[/url]<!-- m -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    did he also say micheal was hard headed and stubborn? if so this is new.
  • I don't think I'll be able to watch this interview, it's too hard because it makes my increasing fears more real <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> .

    I really can't believe that if you truly believe he's alive, why you can't watch this interview... How are people ever going to understand the meaning of this all if they keep their eyes closed?

    Well it's because I DON'T truly believe he is alive. I'm losing hope more and more every day but I still want to know the truth whatever it is. My eyes are wide open but I think it's the one year "anniversary" coming up that is making it harder. I've watched many interviews, with the sibling for example, and since I see a great possibility in Michael being gone they are quite tough to watch.And I think the "meaning" of all this is different to many of us since none of us really know the real circumstances.
  • Iam a CNN junkie and watch it religiously LOL and had no idea this was going to be on. Just so out of the blue

    It was interesting to watch though so thanks for posting those videos

    Iam still believing the best is yet to come. Expect the unexpected with Michael
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
    I don't think I'll be able to watch this interview, it's too hard because it makes my increasing fears more real <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> .

    I really can't believe that if you truly believe he's alive, why you can't watch this interview... How are people ever going to understand the meaning of this all if they keep their eyes closed?

    Well it's because I DON'T truly believe he is alive. I'm losing hope more and more every day but I still want to know the truth whatever it is. My eyes are wide open but I think it's the one year "anniversary" coming up that is making it harder. I've watched many interviews, with the sibling for example, and since I see a great possibility in Michael being gone they are quite tough to watch.And I think the "meaning" of all this is different to many of us since none of us really know the real circumstances.

    if you don't understand what is going on, of course you will lose your faith!
    for many, this kind of faith has everything to do with the bam!
    If only bam is important... i am sorry, then is easier believe that he is dead. For your sake. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    (you can't lose something you never had!)
  • julietjuliet Posts: 491
    In the Part 2 of the YT Vid, from around 1:07 - this is what I heard Randy say about Michael:
    "....a man who dedicates his life & doing his part to improve the lives of others.."

    I do believe Michael is alive
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I don't think I'll be able to watch this interview, it's too hard because it makes my increasing fears more real <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> . So thanks to everyone that described what was said. I think people will continue to find "hoax clues" in everything no matter what but I just can't dismiss everything so easily. Btw, I do think Randy has used the world "death", and not just "passed", before when talking/tweeting about Michael...
    You are right he did say his death on twitter not passed it's hard but he did say that word
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    This interview has made me uncomfortable all except for that big crease in Murray's hair, that was interesting.

    I guess I missed that, I was too busy trying to type as Randy was speaking so I didn't see the pic of Murray that they showed...damn!
    I thought it was weird that Randy talked about the little girl, Treasure, having a poster on her wall that said "still alive", what was the purpose of saying that? Very strange...

    Because <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> ..."TREASURE" is the "pet" name the carnival guy who says he "owns" him, calls the ELEPHANT Man."

    I'll just let that stew a while....<!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: -->
  • I don't think I'll be able to watch this interview, it's too hard because it makes my increasing fears more real <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> .

    I really can't believe that if you truly believe he's alive, why you can't watch this interview... How are people ever going to understand the meaning of this all if they keep their eyes closed?

    Well it's because I DON'T truly believe he is alive. I'm losing hope more and more every day but I still want to know the truth whatever it is. My eyes are wide open but I think it's the one year "anniversary" coming up that is making it harder. I've watched many interviews, with the sibling for example, and since I see a great possibility in Michael being gone they are quite tough to watch.And I think the "meaning" of all this is different to many of us since none of us really know the real circumstances.

    if you don't understand what is going on, of course you will lose your faith!
    for many, this kind of faith has everything to do with the bam!
    If only bam is important... i am sorry, then is easier believe that he is dead. For your sake. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    (you can't lose something you never had!)

    But how can you be so sure that YOU know what is going on? Not trying to be rude at all but think about it, how can you be so sure? I don't claim to know anything 100% if I don't actually know it 100%. Just like some of us are saying that they KNOW 100% that Michael is alive, I'm sorry but they don't. If they did they wouldn't bother being on this site. If someone beLIEve 100% then that's another thing. And I'm not ashmed to say that, yes my main goal is to find out if Michael really is alive and to know that I need something that will prove it 100% (perhaps not a BAM but something more concrete than "clues"). If Michael is gone I want to know so that I can investigate why he died and the circumstances etc.
  • domdom Posts: 30
    I cant remember who said this but one person here said that Randy probably asked CNN to let him see the questions he was going to be asked.this is a nearly certain possibility. whether or not MJ was murdered these questions would be pre-prepared-if it is murder then Randy must be careful what he says for fear of tainting evidence & if it is a hoax then then of course he must be careful not to slip up! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    the same with the TII crew. the questions they are asked are monitored to within a inch of their lives lol.

    the more time goes on the more i believe that MJ dont wanna come back and that they are "increasing security" round him to try and make us believe he is gone. remember he once said in an interview that he wanted to find a way to be "non visual" one day, to not ever grow old in the public eye but at the same time he wanted to see his children grow up? what better way to do it than to hoax his death, give his family and some trusted friends big payoffs ( i just heard to day that the family are being paid £10,000 a month to not contest the will!) & to live under a false name while maybe working for sony & his own company. the perfect solution for MJ! murray will get a slap on the wrist, Murray will walk out & it will never be seen again as long as Ben Evstad quits following him around <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> The movie This Is It was probably just that- a great gift for fans a final thank you, a "final curtain call" after his few years living away from us after the trial, & he will continue to make music or film under a different name or something. We will probably see him again many times but it will be like a "green man episode" or like on Janet's new song- just little hints to show us that hes still around.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    I cant remember who said this but one person here said that Randy probably asked CNN to let him see the questions he was going to be asked.this is a nearly certain possibility. whether or not MJ was murdered these questions would be pre-prepared-if it is murder then Randy must be careful what he says for fear of tainting evidence & if it is a hoax then then of course he must be careful not to slip up! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    the same with the TII crew. the questions they are asked are monitored to within a inch of their lives lol.

    the more time goes on the more i believe that MJ dont wanna come back and that they are "increasing security" round him to try and make us believe he is gone. remember he once said in an interview that he wanted to find a way to be "non visual" one day, to not ever grow old in the public eye but at the same time he wanted to see his children grow up? what better way to do it than to hoax his death, give his family and some trusted friends big payoffs ( i just heard to day that the family are being paid £10,000 a month to not contest the will!) & to live under a false name while maybe working for sony & his own company. the perfect solution for MJ! murray will get a slap on the wrist, Murray will walk out & it will never be seen again as long as Ben Evstad quits following him around <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> The movie This Is It was probably just that- a great gift for fans a final thank you, a "final curtain call" after his few years living away from us after the trial, & he will continue to make music or film under a different name or something. We will probably see him again many times but it will be like a "green man episode" or like on Janet's new song- just little hints to show us that hes still around.

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