MJ Tomb -- Defaced with Hidden Messages



  • 0712_mj_masoleum_4_full.jpg

    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    only believe half of what you see, IMO
  • 0712_mj_masoleum_4_full.jpg

    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    I think it's " only believe half of what ....you see"
  • 0712_mj_masoleum_4_full.jpg

    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    I think it's " only believe half of what ....you see"

    triple post <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    Ok thank you ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    Ok thank you ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    This is an aphorism according to <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphorism<!-- m -->

    " The word aphorism ... denotes an original thought, spoken or written in a laconic and memorable form. The genre is also known as "maxim".
    The name was first used in the Aphorisms of Hippocrates later to other sententious statements of physical science and later still to statements of all kinds of philosophical, moral or literary principles.
    The Aphorisms of Hippocrates was one of the earliest collections. Hippocrates includes such notable and often invoked phrases as:"Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience misleading, judgment difficult."

    "Usually an aphorism is a concise statement containing a subjective truth or observation cleverly and pithily written. Aphorisms can be both prosaic or poetic, sometimes they have repeated words or phrases, and sometimes they have two parts that are of the same grammatical structure".
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    why TMZ say HIDDEN MESSAGES? why the typo on the message? if you do this things you know for sure what you want to write and this person have the time to correct the sentence? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> why quote Mark Twain? why not Michael Jackson? like never believe anything you hear.... you know...
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Could it be from the same person ?? Whoever wrote this, has a tendacy to write in lower and uppercase combination........this is the comparisons...
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I thought about that too. The photos do not show that it's on the tomb or the mausoleum. It can be anywhere else.

    Good point! None of this really makes sense...

    1. The handwriting looks the same in all the messages, and apparently they all shared the same permanent marker. And it's not like permanent marker is really "permanent," anyway. Tell me they can't get those messages off (if they're actually on that building).

    2. If this actually did happen, funny how TMZ is the first to report it...AGAIN. Are we to believe that of all the media outlets, Forest Lawn would give this to TMZ?

    3. What's the point in making this public? Wouldn't that only encourage other fans to think they could get away with the same? It would seem in Forest Lawn's best interest to just remove the messages and carry on with business.

    4. I'll be curious to see what the family's reactions are, if any. I would expect they would be upset or disturbed by it, or at least make an appeal to the fans on behalf of MJ, themselves, and Forest Lawn. Wouldn't that just make sense?

    5. Writing on the wall......Living off the wall (I don't know if it means anything; just something that popped in my head)
  • Could it be from the same person ?? Whoever wrote this, has a tendacy to write in lower and uppercase combination........this is the comparisons...

    Good observation. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    why TMZ say HIDDEN MESSAGES? why the typo on the message? if you do this things you know for sure what you want to write and this person have the time to correct the sentence? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> why quote Mark Twain? why not Michael Jackson? like never believe anything you hear.... you know...

    I also wondered about the typos really seems to be made on purpose... I thought we had to "fill the blanks" but even would the message be more "revealing" ?

    Let's try:

    Never believe what you can hear
    Only believe half of what you can see

    Hmm quite the same meaning. If we put "will" it can be a reference to the hoax but for forthcoming events ? A warning ?

    Maybe it's just a reminder to not take things at face value.

    Looks like Michael's handwriting no ? Capital letters everywhere <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    why TMZ say HIDDEN MESSAGES? why the typo on the message? if you do this things you know for sure what you want to write and this person have the time to correct the sentence? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> why quote Mark Twain? why not Michael Jackson? like never believe anything you hear.... you know...

    I also wondered about the typos really seems to be made on purpose... I thought we had to "fill the blanks" but even would the message be more "revealing" ?

    Let's try:

    Never believe what you can hear
    Only believe half of what you can see

    Hmm quite the same meaning. If we put "will" it can be a reference to the hoax but for forthcoming events ? A warning ?

    Maybe it's just a reminder to not take things at face value.

    Looks like Michael's handwriting no ? Capital letters everywhere <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    yes, and the "permanent" again... remeber that kiss on the clark gable tomb???
    and TMZ is telling us HIDDEN MESSAGES... we have to search this!!!
    this written is on the tomb, we always say that he is not there and we don´t see the open casket so if we must:
    never believe what we can see or hear... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    why TMZ say HIDDEN MESSAGES? why the typo on the message? if you do this things you know for sure what you want to write and this person have the time to correct the sentence? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> why quote Mark Twain? why not Michael Jackson? like never believe anything you hear.... you know...

    I also wondered about the typos really seems to be made on purpose... I thought we had to "fill the blanks" but even would the message be more "revealing" ?

    Let's try:

    Never believe what you can hear
    Only believe half of what you can see

    Hmm quite the same meaning. If we put "will" it can be a reference to the hoax but for forthcoming events ? A warning ?

    Maybe it's just a reminder to not take things at face value.

    Looks like Michael's handwriting no ? Capital letters everywhere <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    if it is really a prominent saying, it doesn't make sense that the writer corrected the words, least of all twice. I tend to say it was done on purpose to let the writing appear more spontaneous.
  • @CC
    More 'hidden message' than this???
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    When looking at the page info I noticed the following file name of the picture TMZ used for this article:


    The word 'mausoleum' is misspelled -> masoleum.

    <!-- m -->http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Masoleum<!-- m -->
    1. Masoleum
    Masoleum comes from the fantasy game Might and magic.
    It means the home of liches.
    Powerful magicians

    2. Masoleum
    Masoleum came from the fantasy
    Pc game of Might and Magic.

    Masoleum is the home for Vampires !
    There lives the vampires !
    It's a Masoleum !

    Liches: In modern fantasy fiction, a lich (sometimes spelled liche, cognate to German Leiche "corpse") is a type of undead creature. Often such a creature is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality. Liches are depicted as being clearly cadaverous, their bodies desiccated or even completely skeletal. Liches are often depicted as holding power over hordes of lesser undead creatures, using them as their soldiers and servants, and thus are a threat both individually and as leaders of belligerent forces.
    A lich should not be confused with a zombie. While both are reanimated corpses, the difference lies in their intellect. Whereas a zombie is incapable of distinguishing friend from foe (only living from undead), a lich is usually as intelligent as a regular human - if not more so.
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lich<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Might_and_Magic<!-- m -->
    Might and Magic (MM) is a series of computer role-playing games from New World Computing, which in 1996 became a subsidiary of The 3DO Company. The producer of the series was Jon Van Caneghem.
    Might and Magic is considered one of the defining examples of early computer role-playing games, along with the Bard's Tale, Ultima and Wizardry series.[1]
    The original Might and Magic series officially ended with the closure of the 3DO Company. The rights to the Might and Magic name were purchased for USD 1.3 million by Ubisoft,[2] who "rebooted" the franchise with a new series with no apparent connection to the previous continuity, starting with the games Heroes of Might and Magic V and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
    The majority of the gameplay takes place in a medieval fantasy setting. The player controls a party of player characters, which can consist of members of various character classes. The game world is presented to the player in first person perspective. In the earlier games the interface is very similar to that of Bard's Tale, but from Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven onward, the interface features a scrolling three-dimensional environment similar to that of Doom. Combat is turn-based, though the later games allowed the player to choose to conduct combat in real time.
    The game worlds in all of the Might and Magic games are quite large, and a player can expect each game to provide several dozen hours of gameplay. It is usually quite combat-intensive and often involves large groups of enemy creatures. Monsters and situations encountered throughout the series tend to be well-known fantasy staples such as giant rats, werewolf curses, dragon flights and zombie hordes, rather than original creations. Isles of Terra and the Xeen games featured a more distinct environment, blending fantasy and science fiction elements in a unique way.
    Although most of the gameplay reflects a distinctly fantasy genre, the overarching plot of the series has something of a science fiction background. The series is set in a fictional galaxy sector of a galaxy, where planets are overseen by a powerful race of space-travelers known as Ancients. In each of the games, a party of characters fights monsters and completes quests on one of these planets, until they eventually become involved in the affairs of the Ancients.
    The first five games in the series concern the renegade guardian of the planet Terra, named Sheltem, who becomes irrevocably corrupted, developing a penchant for throwing planets into their suns. Sheltem establishes himself on a series of flat worlds known as nacelles (which are implied to be giant spaceships) and Corak, a second guardian and creation of the Ancients, with the assistance of the player characters, pursues him across the Void. Eventually both Corak and Sheltem are destroyed in a climactic battle on the nacelle of Xeen.
    The sixth, seventh and eighth games take place on Enroth, a single planet partially ruled by the Ironfist dynasty, and chronicle the events and aftermath of an invasion by the Kreegan, the demonlike arch-enemies of the Ancients. It is also revealed that the destruction wrought by the Ancients' wars with the Kreegan is the reason why the worlds of Might & Magic exist as medieval fantasy settings despite once being seeded with futuristic technology - the worlds have been 'cut off' from the Ancients and descended into barbarism. The first through third games in the Heroes of Might and Magic series traces the fortunes of the Ironfists in more detail, though none of the sci-fi elements appear in the Heroes series.

    Talking about "hidden messages"? I think we got one here! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    @Puff <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> i was thinking more about connect the dots thing... maybe serenity? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    @ Doctor Death
    i was thinking about Off the wall lyrics and what we are feeling this days but i was thinking too on The Wall - Pink Floyd... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    off the wall lyrics
    When the world is on your shoulder
    Gotta straighten up your act and boogie down
    If you can't hang with the feeling
    Then there ain't no room for you, this part of town
    'Cause we're the party people, night and day
    Livin' crazy, that's the only way

    So tonight
    Gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
    An' just enjoy yourself
    Let the madness in the music get to you
    Life ain't so bad at all
    If you live it off the wall
    Life ain't so bad at all
    Live your life off the wall

    You can shout out all you want to
    'Cause there ain't no sin an' folks all gettin' loud
    If you take the chance an' do it
    Then there ain't no one who's gonna put you down
    'Cause we're the party people, night an' day
    Livin' crazy that's the only way

    So tonight
    Gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
    An' just enjoy yourself
    Let the madness in the music get to you
    Life ain't so bad at all
    If you live it off the wall
    Life ain't so bad at all
    Live your life off the wall

    Do what you want to do
    There ain't no rules, it's up to you
    It's time to come aliveAnd party on right through the night, all right

    Gotta hide your inhibitions
    Gotta let that fool loose, deep inside your soul
    Wanna see an exhibition
    Better do it now before you get too old
    'Cause we're the party people, night and day
    Livin' crazy that's the only way

    So tonight
    Gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
    And just enjoy yourself
    C'mon and groove
    Let the madness in the music get to you
    Life ain't so bad at all
    If you live it off the wall
    Life ain't so bad at all
    Live your life off the wall

    So tonight
    Gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
    An' just enjoy yourself
    C'mon and groove
    Let the madness in the music get to you
    Life ain't so bad at all
    If you livin' off the wall

    Gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
    An' just enjoy yourself
    C'mon and groove
    Let the madness in the music get to you
    Life ain't so bad at all

    Gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
    An' just enjoy yourself
    C'mon and groove
    Let the madness in the music get to you
    Life ain't so bad at all

    the wall pink floydhttp://www.fandango.com/pinkfloyd:thewall_v38166/summary
    Inspired by Pink Floyd's album of the same name, Pink Floyd: The Wall is a dark, expressionistic musical, told from the point of view of Pink, a depressed rock musician. The film is structured around Pink's reflections on his life, all of which center on the building of "the wall." This wall is a metaphor for psychological isolation, a barrier Pink creates to distance himself from his pain. The foundations for this wall are lain in childhood, with the death of Pink's father leaving him to be raised by an overprotective mother and a repressive school system. He seeks freedom from this world through writing and music. However, even after he achieves success as a rock star, the wall continues to grow, with Pink feeling trapped by fame and wounded by his failed personal relationships. Lost in despair and self-loathing, he attempts to isolate himself from the world entirely. Director Alan Parker approaches this material in a highly stylized manner, mingling animation and dream-like sequences to suggest Pink's perception of the world. These techniques complement the almost constant music, which the film often uses in place of dialogue. Songs include "Another Brick in the Wall" and "Comfortably Numb". ~ Judd Blaise, All Movie Guide
  • some fan....maybe they could learn to spell his name? Sad that MJ has fans that would deface property that's not theirs, so selfish...MJ isn't the ONLY one there...He wasn't too happy when Star Arvizo defaced his Neverland Log book...I don't think he would be thrilled with this either... how sad and what a way to show love and support of MJ, nice example to show the world how ignorant MJ's fans are...THANKS A LOT! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    why TMZ say HIDDEN MESSAGES? why the typo on the message? if you do this things you know for sure what you want to write and this person have the time to correct the sentence? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> why quote Mark Twain? why not Michael Jackson? like never believe anything you hear.... you know...

    I also wondered about the typos really seems to be made on purpose... I thought we had to "fill the blanks" but even would the message be more "revealing" ?

    Let's try:

    Never believe what you can hear
    Only believe half of what you can see

    Hmm quite the same meaning. If we put "will" it can be a reference to the hoax but for forthcoming events ? A warning ?

    Maybe it's just a reminder to not take things at face value.

    Looks like Michael's handwriting no ? Capital letters everywhere <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    if it is really a prominent saying, it doesn't make sense that the writer corrected the words, least of all twice. I tend to say it was done on purpose to let the writing appear more spontaneous.
    There is no hidden message, anyone smart enough to encrypt a hidden message would be smart enough not to deface property...this is PURE ignorance and the person who did it wasn't thinking of anyone but themselves...I'm ashamed! Michael isn't the only one buried there and the building isn't his... Now the world gets to label MJ's fans as ignorant and they have proven that fans can not be trusted near Forest Lawn...WHAT IDIOTS...Thanks for representing you ignorant fool! I hope it wasn't anyone on here!
  • Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    why TMZ say HIDDEN MESSAGES? why the typo on the message? if you do this things you know for sure what you want to write and this person have the time to correct the sentence? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> why quote Mark Twain? why not Michael Jackson? like never believe anything you hear.... you know...

    I also wondered about the typos really seems to be made on purpose... I thought we had to "fill the blanks" but even would the message be more "revealing" ?

    Let's try:

    Never believe what you can hear
    Only believe half of what you can see

    Hmm quite the same meaning. If we put "will" it can be a reference to the hoax but for forthcoming events ? A warning ?

    Maybe it's just a reminder to not take things at face value.

    Looks like Michael's handwriting no ? Capital letters everywhere <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    if it is really a prominent saying, it doesn't make sense that the writer corrected the words, least of all twice. I tend to say it was done on purpose to let the writing appear more spontaneous.
    There is no hidden message, anyone smart enough to encrypt a hidden message would be smart enough not to deface property...this is PURE ignorance and the person who did it wasn't thinking of anyone but themselves...I'm ashamed! Michael isn't the only one buried there and the building isn't his... Now the world gets to label MJ's fans as ignorant and they have proven that fans can not be trusted near Forest Lawn...WHAT IDIOTS...Thanks for representing you ignorant fool! I hope it wasn't anyone on here!

    Dont get so "angry" at the messenger, we dont really know that this was damage, it could just be wipe off like the lipstick on Clark Gables momument. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> It could be photoshopped and placed there! We dont know, we only see a photographic representation conveying information.

    We should not judge people when we do not know the whole story. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Or even the people involved.

    Love and Peace to all
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    never believe
    what you hear
    only believe
    haif of what
    you see
    Michael Jackson
    Michael looks like a message, that your name below the message

    If I had written the message would be so;

    never believe
    what you hear
    only believe
    haif of what
    you see
    paula-c <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

  • When looking at the page info I noticed the following file name of the picture TMZ used for this article:


    The word 'mausoleum' is misspelled -> masoleum.

    <!-- m -->http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Masoleum<!-- m -->
    1. Masoleum
    Masoleum comes from the fantasy game Might and magic.
    It means the home of liches.
    Powerful magicians

    2. Masoleum
    Masoleum came from the fantasy
    Pc game of Might and Magic.

    Masoleum is the home for Vampires !
    There lives the vampires !
    It's a Masoleum !

    Liches: In modern fantasy fiction, a lich (sometimes spelled liche, cognate to German Leiche "corpse") is a type of undead creature. Often such a creature is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality. Liches are depicted as being clearly cadaverous, their bodies desiccated or even completely skeletal. Liches are often depicted as holding power over hordes of lesser undead creatures, using them as their soldiers and servants, and thus are a threat both individually and as leaders of belligerent forces.
    A lich should not be confused with a zombie. While both are reanimated corpses, the difference lies in their intellect. Whereas a zombie is incapable of distinguishing friend from foe (only living from undead), a lich is usually as intelligent as a regular human - if not more so.
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lich<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Might_and_Magic<!-- m -->
    Might and Magic (MM) is a series of computer role-playing games from New World Computing, which in 1996 became a subsidiary of The 3DO Company. The producer of the series was Jon Van Caneghem.
    Might and Magic is considered one of the defining examples of early computer role-playing games, along with the Bard's Tale, Ultima and Wizardry series.[1]
    The original Might and Magic series officially ended with the closure of the 3DO Company. The rights to the Might and Magic name were purchased for USD 1.3 million by Ubisoft,[2] who "rebooted" the franchise with a new series with no apparent connection to the previous continuity, starting with the games Heroes of Might and Magic V and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
    The majority of the gameplay takes place in a medieval fantasy setting. The player controls a party of player characters, which can consist of members of various character classes. The game world is presented to the player in first person perspective. In the earlier games the interface is very similar to that of Bard's Tale, but from Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven onward, the interface features a scrolling three-dimensional environment similar to that of Doom. Combat is turn-based, though the later games allowed the player to choose to conduct combat in real time.
    The game worlds in all of the Might and Magic games are quite large, and a player can expect each game to provide several dozen hours of gameplay. It is usually quite combat-intensive and often involves large groups of enemy creatures. Monsters and situations encountered throughout the series tend to be well-known fantasy staples such as giant rats, werewolf curses, dragon flights and zombie hordes, rather than original creations. Isles of Terra and the Xeen games featured a more distinct environment, blending fantasy and science fiction elements in a unique way.
    Although most of the gameplay reflects a distinctly fantasy genre, the overarching plot of the series has something of a science fiction background. The series is set in a fictional galaxy sector of a galaxy, where planets are overseen by a powerful race of space-travelers known as Ancients. In each of the games, a party of characters fights monsters and completes quests on one of these planets, until they eventually become involved in the affairs of the Ancients.
    The first five games in the series concern the renegade guardian of the planet Terra, named Sheltem, who becomes irrevocably corrupted, developing a penchant for throwing planets into their suns. Sheltem establishes himself on a series of flat worlds known as nacelles (which are implied to be giant spaceships) and Corak, a second guardian and creation of the Ancients, with the assistance of the player characters, pursues him across the Void. Eventually both Corak and Sheltem are destroyed in a climactic battle on the nacelle of Xeen.
    The sixth, seventh and eighth games take place on Enroth, a single planet partially ruled by the Ironfist dynasty, and chronicle the events and aftermath of an invasion by the Kreegan, the demonlike arch-enemies of the Ancients. It is also revealed that the destruction wrought by the Ancients' wars with the Kreegan is the reason why the worlds of Might & Magic exist as medieval fantasy settings despite once being seeded with futuristic technology - the worlds have been 'cut off' from the Ancients and descended into barbarism. The first through third games in the Heroes of Might and Magic series traces the fortunes of the Ironfists in more detail, though none of the sci-fi elements appear in the Heroes series.

    Talking about "hidden messages"? I think we got one here! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I also would like to give my little contribution ..
    in fact there a masoleum to Forest Lawn and this <!-- m -->http://wiki.worldflicks.org/forrest_law ... oleum.html<!-- m -->
    Draws a pyramid therefore observes, as we are concerned, the Illuminati. I know that probably does not make sense what I wrote but I tried <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    Sorry for my english
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    never believe
    what you hear
    only believe
    haif of what
    you see
    Michael Jackson
    Michael looks like a message, that your name below the message

    If I had written the message would be so;

    never believe
    what you hear
    only believe
    haif of what
    you see
    paula-c <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Yes exactly a quote from someone who's name is Micheal Jackson...why this "mistake" ? It's Michael not Micheal right. Why reversing a and e ? IDK.

    Meaning "palm tree" or "twin"
    Origin Hebrew or Greek via Aramaic
    Related names Tamar, Tamara, Tamsin
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_(given_name<!-- m -->)
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323

    IMO, no hidden meaning in the message itself. I just think the person mixed up the words they wanted to write, and doesn't know how to spell "Michael."
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I am afraid this is true. I have been to FL and seen this for myself.

    The writing is on the back wall of the building, by MJs window at the bottom and there is a bush there so people go behind the bush and cant be seen. There are no surveillance cameras there... its a huge place.

    Also.. TMZ got this from a facebook page that was set up against the defacement of Neverland and it came out on there that people were also writing on FL and someone posted those pics on Facebook and TMZ lifted them.

    Here is the FB link: <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=1 ... 017&ref=ts<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Well, if possible, TMZ hidden message uses the word, "but in what sense?, Which is not in sight, or subliminal. To say that there is no hidden message handling that burden but something that is there waiting to be discovered. Which pleases me more.
    And who saw the alleged fans writing that, what it was they who ensured? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.

    Hidden message or what ?

    And that is a quote from Micheal Jackson..?

    and the original quote is : ''Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'' and it's from Mark Twain

    Mark Twain:
    On two occasions the writer was incorrectly feared dead. Though only the second case counts as a premature obituary, the first is often erroneously cited as the most famous case:

    1. In 1897 a journalist was sent to enquire after Twain's health, thinking he was near to death; in fact it was his cousin who was very ill. Though (contrary to popular belief) no obituary was published, Twain recounted the event in the New York Journal of 2 June 1897, including his famous words "The report of my death is an exaggeration" (which is usually misquoted, e.g. as "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated", or "Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated").

    2. On 4 May 1907, when people lost track of a yacht he was travelling on, the New York Times published an article saying he might have been lost at sea. In fact, the yacht had been held up by fog, and Twain had disembarked. Twain read the article, and cleared up the story by writing a humorous account in the New York Times the following day.

    While Twain credited Henry H. Rogers, a Standard Oil executive, with saving him from financial ruin.

    Other mentions of Standard Oil in other threads on the forum.

    Political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
    Political sources
    Many of the events and characters of the book resemble the actual political personalities, events and ideas of the 1890s. The 1902 stage adaptation mentioned, by name, President Theodore Roosevelt, oil magnate John D. Rockefeller, and other political celebrities. Even the title has been interpreted as alluding to a political reality: "oz." is an abbreviation for ounce, a unit familiar to those who fought for a 16 ounce to 1 ounce ratio of silver to gold in the name of bimetallism. In the play and in later books Baum mentions contemporary figures by name and takes blatantly political stances without the benefit of allegory including a condemnation in no uncertain terms of Standard Oil.

    The book opens not in an imaginary place but in real life Kansas, which, in the 1890s as well as today, was well known for the hardships of rural life, and for destructive tornadoes. The Panic of 1893 caused widespread distress in the rural United States. Dorothy is swept away to a colorful land of unlimited resources that nevertheless has serious political problems. This utopia is ruled in part by wicked witches. Dorothy and her house are swept up by the tornado and upon landing in Oz, the house falls on the Wicked Witch of the East, destroying the tyrant and freeing the ordinary people—little people or Munchkins. The Witch had previously controlled the all-powerful silver slippers (which were changed to ruby in the 1939 film). The slippers will in the end liberate Dorothy but first she must walk in them down the golden yellow brick road, i.e. she must take silver down the path of gold, the path of free coinage (free silver). Following the road of gold leads eventually only to the Emerald City, which may symbolize the fraudulent world of greenback paper money that only pretends to have value, or may symbolize the greenback value that is placed on gold (and for silver, possibly).

    Enter Sony
    The name SONY began to appear at Tokio airport after the flood of post-war II recovery
    money, and one of the meanings of those four letters is "STANDARD OIL OF NEW
    YORK". That has always been SONY or SOCONY.
    (The Standard Oil Company of New
    THE ROCKEFELLERS had arrived to re-finance Japan.

    Enter Tommy Motola
    The two men had a falling out after Jackson began to believe that Al Malnik, who has known Mafia
    ties and was once a close associate of Meyer Lansky, was trying to wrangle Jackson's rights to
    half the Beatles catalog of songs from him, rights that are worth an estimated half billion dollars.


    JFK Assissination
    Al Malnik,who has known Mafia ties and was once a close associate of Meyer Lansky,

    Israeli conspiracy
    This theory alleges that the Israeli government was displeased with Kennedy for his pressure against their pursuit of a top-secret nuclear program at the Negev Nuclear Research Center (commonly called "Dimona") and/or the Israelis were angry over Kennedy's sympathies with Arabs. Gangster Meyer Lansky and Lyndon B. Johnson often play pivotal roles in this conspiracy theory as organizing and preparing the hit, thus bleeding into and possibly catalyzing many of the other conspiracies as well.

    In July 2004 Israel's nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the state of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Vanunu, a former technician at the Dimona plant who was jailed for 18 years for revealing its inner workings to Britain's Sunday Times in 1986, made the statement after his 2004 release. He claimed there were "near-certain indications" Kennedy was assassinated in response to "pressure he exerted on Israel's then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor.

    And there is more here in this thread.
  • Could it be from the same person ?? Whoever wrote this, has a tendacy to write in lower and uppercase combination........this is the comparisons...

    MJ writes like that <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

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