MJ Tomb -- Defaced with Hidden Messages



  • LoesLoes Posts: 612
    all four of the yous looks different

    To me it looks almost the same (the style), but on the other hand I can't imagine Michael was there ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • LUNALUNA Posts: 361
    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.
    "Never believe
    what you --- hear
    & only believe
    half of what
    you --- see
    -Micheal Jackson"

    is it mj's handwriting?? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> i think it could be.....

  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    ..but Michael is spelt wrong - MJ would surely spell his own name correctly.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    My train of thought just went down an entirely different path about this. The spelling "Micheal" and the believing half of what you see. What if Michael is now using Micheal as his name, just an itsy bitsy change in the name. Michael was laid to rest, the entertainer etc...and now we have Micheal instead.
  • 0712-mj-masoleum-launch-ex.jpg

    I don't know if this is relevant or not but I started looking up what the names could mean.

    Keep the Dream Alive - RJJ
    RJJ is part of a formula in Ring Theory.
    Ring Theory
    In mathematics, ring theory is the study of rings—algebraic structures in which addition and multiplication are defined and have similar properties to those familiar from the integers. Ring theory studies the structure of rings, their representations, or, in different language, modules, special classes of rings (group rings, division rings, universal enveloping algebras), as well as an array of properties that proved to be of interest both within the theory itself and for its applications, such as homological properties and polynomial identities.

    But what I found interesting is that Ring Theory is used in QUANTUM MECHANICS (quantum physics).In quantum physics it is believed that thoughts have energy and with this energy when affect and change the world around us (The Secret), that everything is connected on an atomic level, that everything is in constant motion, that objects are in multiple places at the same time and that it is only our viewing eye which captures them in "a blink of the eye" so that they appear stationary, that reality of our universe is not as we perceive it.

    Love Tammy
    Tammy is character in the movie "28 Weeks Later" which is a sequel to the movie "28 Days Later".
    28 Days Later
    Late one night, British animal rights activists break into a science laboratory to free chimpanzees being used for medical research. Disregarding the warnings of the local scientist, the activists ultimately free the Rage virus subjects, which attack and infect the activists and scientist. Twenty-eight days later, a bicycle courier named Jim (Cillian Murphy) awakens from a coma in a deserted hospital. As he leaves the hospital, he discovers London is completely deserted and rife with signs of catastrophe. Jim is soon discovered and chased through the streets by infected people before being rescued by two survivors, Selena (Naomie Harris) and Mark (Noah Huntley), who rush him to their hideout in the London Underground. They reveal that while Jim was comatose, the virus spread uncontrollably among the populace, turning most people into vicious monsters ("the Infected") and resulting in societal collapse, possibly on a global scale.

    28 Weeks Later
    In the country nearby London, Don, his wife Alice and a few survivors live hidden in a farmhouse. When infected people break in the house, Dan panics and does not help his wife to escape, running away and leaving Alice trapped inside the room. Twenty eight weeks after the outbreak that annihilated the population of Great Britain, London is considered safe and the British survivors return under the coordination of the American Army, that keeps the city under permanent surveillance. The teenager Tammy and her younger brother Andy travel back from Spain to live with their father Don in London. They miss their mother and decide to escape to their old house to retrieve pictures and some other personal belongings. However, they find Alice surprisingly alive and the Army brings her to the base. After some blood test, the biologist Scarlet discovers that Alice is a carrier of the lethal virus and somehow has immunity to it. Meanwhile, Don sneaks through the facility to say how sorry he is to Alice, who forgives him. When he kisses her, he is immediately contaminated, spreading a new epidemic.

    Miss You Sweet Angel
    Sweet Angel is song by Jimi Hendrix (Who died under mysterious circumstances)


    Told me a story yesterday
    About the sweet love between the moon and the deep blue sea
    And when it was time for her to leave she spread her wings high over me
    And said I shall return tomorrow

    And I said fly on my sweet angel
    Fly on through the sky
    Fly on my sweet, sweet angel
    Tomorrow I shall have you by my side

    Sure enough this mornin' came to me
    Silver wings silhouetted against the golden rose of today's sunrise
    And the angel she bent down and told me
    You'll never have to worry about this place just wipe your weepin' eyes
    I'll take you where you've never been, you can fly Michael said: you want to take them places you've never been before)
    I looked around and I thought

    Fly on my little angel
    Fly on through the sky
    Fly on my sweet angel
    Tomorrow I'll be by your side
    I got my wings to fly

    Miss you love HUNNII
    Hunnii is Romanian for the HUNS
    The Huns
    The Huns were a group of nomadic pastoral people who, appearing from beyond the Volga, migrated into Europe c. 370 AD and built up an enormous empire in Europe. The Huns may have stimulated the Great Migration, a contributing factor in the collapse of the Roman Empire. They formed a unified empire under Attila the Hun, who died in 453; their empire broke up the next year.
    lol mike even is there
    and TMZ is always missing their words
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Never believe what you "...." hear
    "..." only believe hair? of what you "..." see.
    "Never believe
    what you --- hear
    & only believe
    half of what
    you --- see
    -Micheal Jackson"

    is it mj's handwriting?? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> i think it could be.....


    But his name is mispelled - It says Micheal Jackson, not Michael Jackson... hmm
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Annnd spelling his name in a different way may mean a whole boat load of legal fun and then again it may be a different clue entirely. But it could mean he has changed the spelling of his name.
  • Maybe it is a common sign in America and therefore not of interest, but I have just noticed this:

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    friendlikeme81, this is another coincidence? or what? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • friendlikeme81, this is another coincidence? or what? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    don't laugh at me, please. I am not familiar with this sign because I am no American native speaker. That's why I cannot say whether this is a coincidence or not... But you can tell me, maybe?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    friendlikeme81 I'm not laughing at you, I am perguntas if another coincidence, this forum is full of coincidences, and if you look to your right you will notice that I am not American. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • friendlikeme81 I'm not laughing at you, I am perguntas if another coincidence, this forum is full of coincidences, and if you look to your right you will notice that I am not American. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    o.k., sorry, this was a misunderstanding then <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . I still don't know if we have to put this sign on the coincidence list ...

    feedback anybody?
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