DonteRJackson Twitter Account - Michael's Nephew



  • Oh thanks PeaceLoveHappiness. I feel bad I didn't know that. I wonder if he made him his background for this reason:

    Today in History: King Tut's Sarcophagus Uncovered
    By: Hanna Jones
    Topics: Ancient Egypt, Howard Carter, King Tut, Mummy, Sarcophagus, Today in History, Tutankhamen

    The gold mask of ancient pharaoh king Tutankhamen

    Jan. 3 1924 was the date that British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the 3,000 year old remains of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen -- and King Tut still doesn't look a day over 18.

    Today marks the 87th anniversary of the day that Howard Carter's 32 year quest to find the tomb of ancient Egypt's 18th dynasty Pharaoh, Tutankhamen, came to a dramatic end. In the late 19th century, when Carter arrived in Egypt, most tombs of the ancient rulers had been uncovered -- but that of King Tut, who died a teenager, was still unaccounted for.

    In a monumental stone sarcophagus, the incredible solid gold coffin-reportedly depicting the living likeness of King Tut-that had preserved the mummified remains of the boy-king for 300 centuries was uncovered. The gold coffin, along with thousands of the treasures found with the title discovery, has since been the headline act of many world tours including a six-month stint at the British Museum in London in 1972 and a U.S. exhibition organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art which ran for two and a half years, from November 17, 1976, through April 15, 1979.

    Other events that happened today in history include:

    * 1521, Martin Luther excommunicated
    * 1868, Meiji Restoration in Japan
    * 1959, Alaska admitted into Union
    * 1967, Jack Ruby dies before second trial

    Almost a century after his tomb's discovery and over 3,000 years after his death, King Tut is still making headlines. (Via

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... z1A1pTXcfp<!-- m -->
  • # you wern't put on this planet to prove your worthiness, nope. you are worthy because you breath. 9 minutes ago via web Retweeted by you and 18 others

    we operate on a very high frequency, we think from the mind of our creator, we know who we ask yourself, who are you? 10 minutes ago via web

    Monsanto...#GoAway about 12 hours ago via web

    the physical you has died many times, yet the non-physical part of u has ALWAYS BEEN and will ALWAYS're immortal. enjoy this ride about 21 hours ago via web
  • # HelloDearFriend @DonteRJackson Working In Unison A Brilliance Will Shine...We Are ONE... Love To You And Peace Within. 38 minutes ago via web in reply to DonteRJackson Retweeted by DonteRJackson and 4 others

    # CMGrafik @DonteRJackson If not we..who then, if not now..when. Lightworker connection status..ON 40 minutes ago via web in reply to DonteRJackson Retweeted by DonteRJackson and 3 others

    # 3strellaAzul @DonteRJackson We re ready Donte happy proud to be a server of happinness for others..and fulfill our mission <3 about 1 hour ago via web in reply to DonteRJackson Retweeted by DonteRJackson and 1 other

    # theblu1 @DonteRJackson Here and ready. Really!♥♥♥ about 1 hour ago via web in reply to DonteRJackson Retweeted by DonteRJackson

    # the master that lives inside of me loves the master within you. about 1 hour ago via web

    # my fellow Lightworkers...its time to assemble !! about 1 hour ago via web
  • Did Donte delete his twitter or is it an error
  • # my fellow Lightworkers...its time to assemble !!
    Interesting quote..
    Light workers..
    of the coming Golden Age.?

    Donte seems to be on the roll
    ..ala uncle Lightman??..
    hmmm, o.k.
  • Did Donte delete his twitter or is it an error

    I hope it's an error but it looks like he did. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Oh wait it works. Sorry. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- m -->!/Donte_Jackson<!-- m -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Did Donte delete his twitter or is it an error

    I hope it's an error but it looks like he did. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    it showed this to me too today. I thought he deleted it as well as he did with his facebook. It's still up. I think it was a bug
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    He changed his name. That's the issue. If you clicled on a twitt that contained @DonteRJackson it showed that the page doesn't exist cause he changed his twitter name from DonteRJackson to Donte_Jackson.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    He changed his name. That's the issue. If you clicled on a twitt that contained @DonteRJackson it showed that the page doesn't exist cause he changed his twitter name from DonteRJackson to Donte_Jackson.

    dumb me. exactly. If you change the name and people click on a twitt of you that has your old name it leads you to error. I didn't notice he changed it
  • ok so Donte posted this:
  • The word Wizard could just be a code word that means something between the family members.
    Kinda like "OK, when I tweet the word wizard, that means that I spoke to Michael.." or something like
    that. Definitely a code word that means something between the family! Hmm....... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Some of his tweets keep my attention
    it was once i lost my mind, that i truly gained my sanity 9:44 AM Feb 7th vía web
    why do the educators of our youth get paid dirt in comparison to rappers who pretend to sell crack...hahah... #MaybeImCrazy 11:46 PM Feb 11th vía web
    we operate on a very high frequency, we think from the mind of our creator, we know who we ask yourself, who are you? 9:21 PM Jan 5th vía web
    the physical you has died many times, yet the non-physical part of u has ALWAYS BEEN and will ALWAYS're immortal. enjoy this ride 12:15 AM Jan 3rd vía web
    fluoride damages the pineal gland inside your brain....! scientists have proven this. 8:36 AM Jan 2nd vía web
    cleaning my aura 9:38 PM Nov 16th, 2010 vía web

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Isn´t he too young to be so sure about the things he talks about?
    Could he have at this time advice from someone who is in to "those subjects" he talks about?

    I am just curious. Boys in his age talks about boobs and girls ya know <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I know, Gema.... I don't know, this young boy is really wise. Really.
    I think it's about how you are raised. There are teenagers who are very immature, and there are very few who are not. I don't know if it's the age that matters, sometimes wisdom doesn't come with age, but it's built from the roots, since child.

    Some of his twitts, lots of them, have a very deep meaning, and those specific twitts are obvious referring to the situation we are in, and to Michael. Remember a twitt of him in October 2010, if I remember well, when he said something like "in times to come ahead, only the strong in mind will survive.Let it marinate". I can't imagine other serious situation he'd referred to than to what we're living. After all he's a Jackson.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Well, what about this?
    # ADD and ADHD is just another word for Indigo Child hahaha. of course the doctors will say they need the pills,thats cause they need the $$$ hace cerca de 18 horas vía web

    "indigo children" have in fact a problem and need medication in some cases and therapy in every one to live healthy <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Many parents prefer to call their kids "indigo" but is just a smoke screen for the diagnose ADHD among others. Thye can call it whatever, still there is not such "indigo" children. That fashion started in the 70´s and had its pick in the 90´s to name kids with learning disabilities.
    An apple is an apple even if one wants to call it Carmencita <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    # 98% of my knowledge was obtained outside of the school systems curriculum. ahaha dont let their brainwashing techniques work, think freely ! hace cerca de 18 horas vía web

    This I don´t agree with either. To influence others to undervalue school is very wrong.
  • Sorry, but doesn`t that all sound like a Jehovah`s Witness kind of ... ? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    He does have some interesting and insightful tweets to be so young.
  • Donte decided to show us that he thinks about "V" too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Donte_Jackson Donte Jackson
    "people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people"-V from "v for vendetta"
    26 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    Donte strikes again.

    I truly believe that MJ may have called some of his relatives to a studio or movie theatre before 6-25-09, and hipped and shared with them many things concerning Cosmic related things, Tree of Life, Ancient Aliens and etc. Of course, he could have been teaching and sharing with them all along, but for some reason I think it was more recent; although since 2002 and the Sony blow up speech, he was serious about breaking and staying free and securing everything that was rightfully his, so he could have started sharing around that time.

    I read that he owns over 50% of Sony Music. He is setting all things right that belongs to him or has his name (hence getting the Heal the World foundation back right and away from crooks). There was recently a huge shake-up at the top brass at Sony, and MJ owns some stock in Sony Corp. The Japanese truly love Michael.

    I can tell that Donte, Omer, Randy, Gen and Anthony Jackson - all occasionally posts things on their twitter pages that can be construed as deep and meaningful things.

    Now Omer is saying that he aught to get a Tumblr account/page. Lol

    Look what Donte has on page 2.

    "i always wondered why Archangel Michael carried a sword, then i learned it is used to cut away the Ego of man…that is true SWAG."

    "WE ARE ALL MASTERS" Indeed.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    When I get down sometimes like I am a little today, I like watching the below.

    <!-- m --> ... ack-music/<!-- m -->
  • Donte strikes again.

    I truly believe that MJ may have called some of his relatives to a studio or movie theatre before 6-25-09, and hipped and shared with them many things concerning Cosmic related things, Tree of Life, Ancient Aliens and etc. Of course, he could have been teaching and sharing with them all along, but for some reason I think it was more recent; although since 2002 and the Sony blow up speech, he was serious about breaking and staying free and securing everything that was rightfully his, so he could have started sharing around that time.

    I read that he owns over 50% of Sony Music. He is setting all things right that belongs to him or has his name (hence getting the Heal the World foundation back right and away from crooks). There was recently a huge shake-up at the top brass at Sony, and MJ owns some stock in Sony Corp. The Japanese truly love Michael.

    I can tell that Donte, Omer, Randy, Gen and Anthony Jackson - all occasionally posts things on their twitter pages that can be construed as deep and meaningful things.

    Now Omer is saying that he aught to get a Tumblr account/page. Lol

    Look what Donte has on page 2.

    "i always wondered why Archangel Michael carried a sword, then i learned it is used to cut away the Ego of man…that is true SWAG."

    "WE ARE ALL MASTERS" Indeed.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    When I get down sometimes like I am a little today, I like watching the below.

    <!-- m --> ... ack-music/<!-- m -->

    Great post, peacock - thank you kindly. I agree totally with what you've said.

    I saw a video regarding the Sony stock. Is that what you saw too or did you read it somewhere? I've been interested in the Sony connection from day one of this hoax and I've been searching for proof that Michael owns a large amount of stock in Sony Corp (different than Sony/ATV) as has been indicated in the video that I saw. Can you tell me so that I can read more about it?

    Also, what gives you the impression that he met with them at a studio or theater? That is also an interesting thought. I know early on we heard that they had a family gathering at a restaurant for Joe and Katherine's anniversary (6 months early) but I believe we received two different accounts on where they met as well as to who was there, so that's in question <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Thanks again - I agree that these younger generation of Jacksons are very enlightened on the spiritual side of life and have some deep thoughts. I can only attribute that to their time spent with Michael.

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Donte decided to show us that he thinks about "V" too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Donte_Jackson Donte Jackson
    "people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people"-V from "v for vendetta"
    26 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    Aha I didn't see this tweet of him. Thanks for posting it. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    Donte strikes again.

    I truly believe that MJ may have called some of his relatives to a studio or movie theatre before 6-25-09, and hipped and shared with them many things concerning Cosmic related things, Tree of Life, Ancient Aliens and etc. Of course, he could have been teaching and sharing with them all along, but for some reason I think it was more recent; although since 2002 and the Sony blow up speech, he was serious about breaking and staying free and securing everything that was rightfully his, so he could have started sharing around that time.

    I read that he owns over 50% of Sony Music. He is setting all things right that belongs to him or has his name (hence getting the Heal the World foundation back right and away from crooks). There was recently a huge shake-up at the top brass at Sony, and MJ owns some stock in Sony Corp. The Japanese truly love Michael.

    I can tell that Donte, Omer, Randy, Gen and Anthony Jackson - all occasionally posts things on their twitter pages that can be construed as deep and meaningful things.

    Now Omer is saying that he aught to get a Tumblr account/page. Lol

    Look what Donte has on page 2.

    "i always wondered why Archangel Michael carried a sword, then i learned it is used to cut away the Ego of man…that is true SWAG."

    "WE ARE ALL MASTERS" Indeed.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    When I get down sometimes like I am a little today, I like watching the below.

    <!-- m --> ... ack-music/<!-- m -->

    Great post, peacock - thank you kindly. I agree totally with what you've said.

    I saw a video regarding the Sony stock. Is that what you saw too or did you read it somewhere? I've been interested in the Sony connection from day one of this hoax and I've been searching for proof that Michael owns a large amount of stock in Sony Corp (different than Sony/ATV) as has been indicated in the video that I saw. Can you tell me so that I can read more about it?

    Also, what gives you the impression that he met with them at a studio or theater? That is also an interesting thought. I know early on we heard that they had a family gathering at a restaurant for Joe and Katherine's anniversary (6 months early) but I believe we received two different accounts on where they met as well as to who was there, so that's in question <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Thanks again - I agree that these younger generation of Jacksons are very enlightened on the spiritual side of life and have some deep thoughts. I can only attribute that to their time spent with Michael.


    Hey VFTS. As it pertains to why I think MJ called his nieces, nephews and some cousins together for a sit down and learning experience is because that is just how I think he rolled with this phenom. He is just so learned, and he loves to share. I honestly think that he has taught them many things. They were closer than some people think. Can you imagine having MJ as your uncle? From some of the comments some of them make, I think they've learned a lot about God, US Humans and the Universe. Donte is more or less hitting the nail on the head concerning some of these things. It is sort of spooky that he is so on top of it. That quote of his about the Archangel Michael was great.

    As it pertains to my feelings on Sony, I didn't look for the link, but I read about MJ possibly owning at least 51% of Sony Music and about him potenially owning stock in Sony Corp on this website. The title has the word "Imporium" in it. I read about the shake up at Sony in an article.

    I think that MJ's main issue has been in protecting his personal catalog/works. Back when Mottola was top exec, MJ didn't trust him and the situation. He didn't want them to try and swallow up his personal catalog, on the condition that he would need to in order to keep his half of Sony ATV Music. He hinted at it in his speech. He made it sound like he was booking (leaving), but being the ultra smart man that he is, he knew that they didn't want him to walk away with still owning half of their publishing and then offering up his songs to another company.

    Now he feels mighty good about (owning both - one half of and one outright) the deals he is able to make with Sony by licensing them the rights to release any of his new music. He is masterfully brilliant indeed. That was one of the reasons he feared for his life in my opinion. He knew to be able to live to see himself protecting HIS WORKS would be HUGE, and it is.

    <!-- m --> ... publishing<!-- m -->
  • on 1304128659:
    <br />
    Donte decided to show us that he thinks about "V" too  :) <br /><br />Donte_Jackson Donte Jackson<br />"people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people"-V from "v for vendetta"<br />26 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
    <br /><br />Aha I didn't see this tweet of him. Thanks for posting it.  :) <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hi - just thought I'd share an interesting tweet that Donte sent tonight.<br /><br />  Donte_Jackson Donte Jackson            #VictoryIsOurs<br /><br />  27 minutes ago  Favorite  Retweet  Reply<br /><br />!/Donte_Jackson<br /><br /><br />  <br /><br />
  • Here is another one from August 1st<br /><br />  Donte_Jackson Donte Jackson            as humans, we should make it a habit to ALWAYS #QuestionWhatWeAreTold  1 Aug  Favorite  Retweet  Reply 
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Donte posted this<br /> <br />  Happy Birthday uncle Archangel Michael. your presence is felt all the time.    <br /><br /><br /><br />I don't know how to take these things anymore...Why would he call his uncle an angel and talk like that? A simple Happy Birthday would make it...<br /><br /> I don't like all this at all...
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