Michael in front of a red curtain ...



  • OOh! He's gold now! xD

  • OOh! He's gold now! xD

    these pics remind me of our eye comparison threads in regards to Dave Dave...
  • Looks like someone has added a bunch of make up on his face.

    u right and yikes! totally disgusting makeup mj is not a woman.
    whoever did this is totally sick and deranged in the head.
    smells like Karen faye.
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
    Michael is not a woman but he can wear women clothes <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    Swedish newspaper about the "new" Michael Jackson photos
    These pictures are unique and unedited, it is 11 years since anyone has seen them. I've had them for 11 years.

    Video <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> http://tv.expressen.se/noje/1.2176375/nya-okanda-bilder-pa-michael-jackson

  • OOh! He's gold now! xD

    these pics remind me of our eye comparison threads in regards to Dave Dave...

    Yeah! =D <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    My fav is Michael bottom left <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

  • OOh! He's gold now! xD

    these pics remind me of our eye comparison threads in regards to Dave Dave...

    Yeah! =D <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    When I see all these pics of Bani, I noticed that Michaels eyes are the constant factor. You can photoshop everything, but when you photoshop/alter his eyes, there's no Michael.

    And I also agree he looks sexy in front of the red curtain. He's simply beautiful.

    I wonder if the exposition in Paris is open for public sooner than December, fe end of October. Probably not <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

  • OOh! He's gold now! xD

    these pics remind me of our eye comparison threads in regards to Dave Dave...

    Yeah! =D <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    When I see all these pics of Bani, I noticed that Michaels eyes are the constant factor. You can photoshop everything, but when you photoshop/alter his eyes, there's no Michael.

    And I also agree he looks sexy in front of the red curtain. He's simply beautiful.

    I wonder if the exposition in Paris is open for public sooner than December, fe end of October. Probably not <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    This pic is a very simbolic for me. I think it says "I'm between the stars. I'll just look at you. I won't to tell you anything, any more words.
    sorry for mistakes
  • ...........i cant find the other pics from this photoshoot <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> lol < but here are some better ones..
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    Sorry but I do not like these pics of Michael. He is a sexy, handsome Man and I really dont know who did these but the makeup is outrageous. It is toooo much makeup for me. I love to see Michael in suits, and jeans and shirts. I loved the photo shoot that Quincy Jones and his daughter did for Vibe when Michael was wearing the sweat shirts etc. He looked so gorgeous. I love to see him in his white tee shirts and jeans but these photos make him look so feminine I do not like those at all.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Looks like someone has added a bunch of make up on his face.

    u right and yikes! totally disgusting makeup mj is not a woman.
    whoever did this is totally sick and deranged in the head.
    smells like Karen faye.

    I don´t think that Karen Faye did this makeup. I saw her work and she tends to go for a much more natural looks, using make up fairly.
    This make up that Michael is showing is too bright for him and extremely femenine, like if someone got "crazy" adding layers with no control.
    I wonder who made the make up sessions for this shoot. But, imo, I dont think it was Karens work.
    I look at previous MJ´s pics with Karen´s touch and it´s under control. This shoot looks out of control to me when comes to make up.
  • thx for posting ...
    the photos are MJs soul ...
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    though he looks awesome as usual i also strongly dislike the make up, looks like feminine, too much of it, Michael is a real man, he looks so beautiful and hot without it
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Why all this photos are unveiled now ?
  • It's kind of weird with all the make up makes MJ look like a girl it's not a good look for him
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    I prefer him in curly hair. Like his look in Bad Era.
  • OMG, I hope he did NOT cut his hair <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I luv those curls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • first of all the long hair is a weave, with Mike I think it was always a weave or a wig in latter years.

    Secondly these pictures are missing Mike's soul some how. He was such a beautiful man but these pictures in my humble oppinion are just wrong, and I can't explain it any other way than this, and please understand I am not suggesting these pics were taken after death.

    When someone dies and you go to the funeral home, to view the boday, it really does not look like the same person. Its kinda the same with these pictures, they look like Michael Jackson, but they are missing his soul some how. I don't understand how this was done.
  • Fantastic photos, my favorite is what I nick name "star dust" because it looks like his shirt, and his hand may have had what costume productions companies call "ultra fine glitter or glitter dust" sprinkled on it for the sparkle effect. But makes me think of the stars at night, and the colored rings our planets in the solor system.
  • HollieHollie Posts: 119
    These Photographs are absolutely charming... Michael can pull any look off! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Ha ha - with my username I thought I'd better chime in here! As the King of Pop, I loved MJ's curls, no point denying it! But as Mr Jackson, the man, I hope he now sports whatever style he feels comfortable with, whether that be short, long, shaved, bald, wig, weave, straight, curly, whatever he wants ..... although I would kind of like it if he comes back with hair like Jermaine's, just to see what people say then, after all the grief they've given him!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • WOW! I love these pics, let me tell you why... *cough* *cough*.... Ok, the first pic to surface was suppose to be from 1998 from a young Mr. Bani... Just starting to come out of his shell.... Pardon me, but wouldn't you suppose that any new artist just springing into action and trying to get their name into the pot.... If they had a photo shoot with the King of pop ....... Get those pics out in the public? I mean, da**..... What faster way to get your name out there and gain popularity is there other than MJ? Heck ask Oprah, she knows. (*cough*)...... Anyway.... You wouldn't wait 12 years for crying out loud. What did he do... Wake up one day and say..."Hmmm...I think I shall release these today!..) <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    More and more photo's with the King of pop surface..... Come on now.. AND also saying that these were taken in 1998 & 1999...... Sure.... I'll believe that when Barney runs for president.
    Everyone is mentioning the makeup..... Sure it's a bit of makeup... But, he's also trying to say these pics are 9 & 10 years old. PERHAPS... The excess makeup is accommodate that... To make him look younger, maybe? I'm sorry, but I know for a fact (since I'm obsessed with MJ) that MJ DID NOT look that way in those years... These Bani pics.. Are VERY recent!!!!
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