Michael Jackson's wake up call



  • these are really great videos...
    the world needs to change,

    but some are refusing to help in even small ways.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    .this is well timed with the events occurring in copenhagen...
  • I'm happy that this is today's redirect. For once, it's a straight-to-the-point message. And what a wonderful message it is. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I hear you loud and clear! Thank you for this Souza.
  • It is sad what are family and friends think
    but you know what i dont care i keep talking
    im hoping they will wake up at some point
    i sent a video yesterday to some of my family
    and they are starting to ask me questions
    now instead of me always having to bring it up slowly they are asking me questions
    we have to keep trying Michael never stopped and we
    shouldnt either. It was hard for him to try and get across
    and it is gonna be hard for us. thanks for the video it really made my day.Im so tired of
    of alot of people saying tiai is playing with us like i told everyone else ive ran into with this
    attitude is. I personally want to thank them if its not michael behind it. come on those redirects
    are showing us about things we never cared to look into. they are important. so the redirects are
    opening our eyes to the truth. this is what is going on around us. the video i sent yesterday im attaching it is one of the best videos ive ran into on youtube. it is real clips from people and we are sitting in our nice homes and ignoring the truth.we have to wake up and hurry like you said. please watch this video i posted it yesterday and i see its getting some attention


    The BOOK OF REVELATION in the BIBLE had prophesied about these things to come... The NWO, The Beast, will take total control of a one-world govt. No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark...on the hand and on the forehead...that must be the microchip to be implanted under the skin........... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Cant watch it. "This Video included contend from Sony Entertainment"....and is not available any longer. Is it because of the country?

    I don't know, for me it still works.

    Thanks Souza, seems to be a ger-Prob. But another nice user helped me. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks here again <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • yes i think it is something in this direction.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    we have to make a change!
    together we can do it!!

    could watch it. GREAT Videos, great work!!!! Thanks again for the 'hidemyass' <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    But together we can change it? I would, but look around.
    They're laughing their ass off about us.
    I have no idea HOW to make ppl believe to change things.
    They have so much hate <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    And the Vids said it all: the government is allover us!
    I hope you understand my senses. But I have the feeling Im running with my HELP against big big walls!!!!!! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> It hurts. And Im only a normal person. It must be horrible for MJ to live such a live. And mostly the haters are envious.
    No, Im not down, but Im a person its brain is working night and day and cant stop thinking. And therefore: Ill keep the faith. I hope more and more ppl will...... we are not yet enough people up to now.
  • fafa Posts: 14
    Ok...after watching both parts I think I understood your message .
    I think it's a vain request...
    We may want to change something..but will we really achieve it?
    Watch to Denmark....
    Copenhagen had to become Hopenhagen..

    and now it's about to fail, because China and Brazil refuse some agreements....
    There were already protests....but they weren't successful...

    So I really doubt that anything powerful can be done....

    Hey! Wait!
    I am from Brazil!
    We proposed a reduction o 38,9% in our emitions!!!!!!!!!!
    Kyoto protocol didin´t propose any reduction on emitions to Brazil, but we are proposing a reduction! So don´t blame us!
    If Copenhagen fails, there will be more powerfull people involved!
    Our problem is with China ! Thay refuse to reduct. Also USA, the most powerful nation, refuses to reduct their emitions.
    So don´t believe in the press! They manipulate information and blame other countries just to take off the weight out of their own shoulders!
  • yes i think it is something in this direction.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    we have to make a change!
    together we can do it!!

    I absolutely agree, it definitely has something to do with all this!
  • Really great videos, even if MJ really died , he still sends the message of love, and challenges us to look to what the world has become, and how we can make the change.....
    Yes, he really is an angel and we should spread the message.
    For example: last week a 60 year old playmate was bigger news, it totally overruled the climate top in Copenhagen, go figure.......
    it opened my eyes and woke up things that I already knew.

    Thnx Mo & Souza for spreading the word
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    YES! YES! YES!

    I am so proud of what you've made.
    I am so proud of what you've understood.

    You have also reminded everyone that WE are the people we've been waiting for.
    Time to make that change, it starts now.

    G x

    Thanks G...x

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I want to send this video to everyone on my list but I need a url or something a link or something to send... help me .boy i cant even up load a picture on the computer.. souA..... THIS IS IT... I mean it this is really it..everyone keeps saying when is Mj going to return? hell he's right here.... what can I say LOVE = micheal jackson
  • also can you put this all on one page..............
  • We must do something and we have to start now! I think it is a damn shame with all the millions of MJ fans, that so few know of all that has been going on. I noticed on his official site <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com<!-- m -->, all the fans there are still crying like he is dead, or worse yet they are drooling over his gold pants pictures. I left that site months ago when somebody mentioned a website and informed me this was a hoax. I looked into it, and of course I have been following the truth ever since. I suggest we all try going to forums and fan sites in our own country and try to get the word out to more of his fans first. They claim to love him, we have to get them on the right track! MJ must be terribly sad that a large part of his fans are not behind him on this just because they are still uninformed!

    As for people who are not fans, I wouldn't try to convert them at this point, it will just turn them off to the bigger message. We can, however, try to make them see all the corruption going on in our world. I've thought of printing up some flyers with info and leaving them in public places around my town. Also, the internet in the biggest source of sharing info that we have, and we need to use it more wisely. I'm sure that Michael was counting on this going "viral" on the internet and we need to make that happen somehow! We all understand the message, we need to spread it more in other places and not spend so much time chatting among ourselves. Let's spread the message far and wide in all the public forum places we can. On tv news programs they all ask for comments and give out their twitter and facebook accounts. Let's flood them with comments on our dissatisfaction with current events!

    The elite "powers that be" that are trying to take complete control and create a New World Order are money hungry greedy bastards. They are all about greed and control. But you know what? There are more of us good honest people than there are them. They control all the major industries...Media, Education, Agriculture, Big Pharma, etc. We the people supply these corporations with the money and that is how we can stop them! We need to quit bending over and letting them stick it to us...we need to turn the tables on them! There is great power in our numbers and we need to start believing in ourselves. Remember when the gas prices soared so high? If the people had gotten together and refused to buy gas for a few days, the industry would have lost so much money that they would have had to lower the prices. There are so many ways we can passively resist what is being done to us. Just this morning I got an email from my cable company informing me that program providers were demanding a 300% increase in cost starting Jan.1, 2010. I will be disconnecting my cable then as it is already nothing but garbage and I don't watch it anyway! Here's a link that they sent me (Time Warner)

    <!-- m -->http://www.rolloverorgettough.com/<!-- m -->

    We are constantly pushed through fear propaganda to do what they want us to do. Look at how they told us all about the deadly swine flu, and tried to scare us into rushing and getting the vaccine for it. Here in America it didn't work as well as they hoped because around 50% decided not to get the vaccine. However at any time "They" decide something is in the interest of National Security, they can then make it mandatory. This is insanity and must stop! Please watch this, just click the play button at the bottom left.

    <!-- m -->http://www.djpauledge.com/wewillnotbesi ... tml?tt=1.1<!-- m -->

    Stay strong and know that we can and WILL make a difference!

    Love and Peace to ALL

    Touched By An Angel
  • Im trying to get everyone to come together also ive been trying over at the other forum if we really are gonna try and change the world we all i mean everyone has to do it. we cant have mj fans against each other and like you said have the ones on the other sites still crying. we have to become one. we have to inform and then be as one and start the fight. numbers are a powerful thing. we all have to get on the same track. if michael is watching he is probably disappointed a little we say we want to spread the message but we sit back and do nothing
    heres a link to the post i have over there saying about not being afraid and coming together
    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net/ ... f=11&t=805<!-- m -->
  • YES! YES! YES!

    I am so proud of what you've made.
    I am so proud of what you've understood.

    You have also reminded everyone that WE are the people we've been waiting for.
    Time to make that change, it starts now.

    G x

    Thanks G! X
  • I want to send this video to everyone on my list but I need a url or something a link or something to send... help me .boy i cant even up load a picture on the computer.. souA..... THIS IS IT... I mean it this is really it..everyone keeps saying when is Mj going to return? hell he's right here.... what can I say LOVE = micheal jackson

    Suzie, here ate the links to the videos:

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JolXieKhCZY<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLtFF5UEOE4<!-- m -->
  • Ok...after watching both parts I think I understood your message .
    I think it's a vain request...
    We may want to change something..but will we really achieve it?
    Watch to Denmark....
    Copenhagen had to become Hopenhagen..

    and now it's about to fail, because China and Brazil refuse some agreements....
    There were already protests....but they weren't successful...

    So I really doubt that anything powerful can be done....

    Hey! Wait!
    I am from Brazil!
    We proposed a reduction o 38,9% in our emitions!!!!!!!!!!
    Kyoto protocol didin´t propose any reduction on emitions to Brazil, but we are proposing a reduction! So don´t blame us!
    If Copenhagen fails, there will be more powerfull people involved!
    Our problem is with China ! Thay refuse to reduct. Also USA, the most powerful nation, refuses to reduct their emitions.
    So don´t believe in the press! They manipulate information and blame other countries just to take off the weight out of their own shoulders!

    Hey Fa....
    I didn't wanna offend you...I just quoted what was reported about it.
    I also know that it is not because of Brazil if it would fail....
    Brazil is just a fall guy..like Murray...

    Ok....let's change change our planet to a more lovely place <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • We must do something and we have to start now! I think it is a damn shame with all the millions of MJ fans, that so few know of all that has been going on. I noticed on his official site <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com<!-- m -->, all the fans there are still crying like he is dead, or worse yet they are drooling over his gold pants pictures. I left that site months ago when somebody mentioned a website and informed me this was a hoax. I looked into it, and of course I have been following the truth ever since. I suggest we all try going to forums and fan sites in our own country and try to get the word out to more of his fans first. They claim to love him, we have to get them on the right track! MJ must be terribly sad that a large part of his fans are not behind him on this just because they are still uninformed!

    As for people who are not fans, I wouldn't try to convert them at this point, it will just turn them off to the bigger message. We can, however, try to make them see all the corruption going on in our world. I've thought of printing up some flyers with info and leaving them in public places around my town. Also, the internet in the biggest source of sharing info that we have, and we need to use it more wisely. I'm sure that Michael was counting on this going "viral" on the internet and we need to make that happen somehow! We all understand the message, we need to spread it more in other places and not spend so much time chatting among ourselves. Let's spread the message far and wide in all the public forum places we can. On tv news programs they all ask for comments and give out their twitter and facebook accounts. Let's flood them with comments on our dissatisfaction with current events!

    The elite "powers that be" that are trying to take complete control and create a New World Order are money hungry greedy bastards. They are all about greed and control. But you know what? There are more of us good honest people than there are them. They control all the major industries...Media, Education, Agriculture, Big Pharma, etc. We the people supply these corporations with the money and that is how we can stop them! We need to quit bending over and letting them stick it to us...we need to turn the tables on them! There is great power in our numbers and we need to start believing in ourselves. Remember when the gas prices soared so high? If the people had gotten together and refused to buy gas for a few days, the industry would have lost so much money that they would have had to lower the prices. There are so many ways we can passively resist what is being done to us. Just this morning I got an email from my cable company informing me that program providers were demanding a 300% increase in cost starting Jan.1, 2010. I will be disconnecting my cable then as it is already nothing but garbage and I don't watch it anyway! Here's a link that they sent me (Time Warner)

    <!-- m -->http://www.rolloverorgettough.com/<!-- m -->

    We are constantly pushed through fear propaganda to do what they want us to do. Look at how they told us all about the deadly swine flu, and tried to scare us into rushing and getting the vaccine for it. Here in America it didn't work as well as they hoped because around 50% decided not to get the vaccine. However at any time "They" decide something is in the interest of National Security, they can then make it mandatory. This is insanity and must stop! Please watch this, just click the play button at the bottom left.

    <!-- m -->http://www.djpauledge.com/wewillnotbesi ... tml?tt=1.1<!-- m -->

    Stay strong and know that we can and WILL make a difference!

    Love and Peace to ALL

    Touched By An Angel
    I like the flyer Idea .. would you make one.. so we can all have the some one ..like print it from our computers to all over the world. if we unite people will notice
  • MJJLivesMJJLives Posts: 130

    I agree. I have joined that army and I am ready to serve! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Hello everyone,

    I had the same throughts some time ago...

    May I therefore ask you to join:

    <!-- m -->http://ffa.viviti.com/<!-- m -->
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    This might be an answer or THE answer...

    I would be pleased to meet you there... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/weeping_dolphin<!-- m -->
  • This Is Also It rederecting! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I don't have any problems watching it, maybe is it in Europe?? I'm in southeamerica BTW.

    It's difficult to hope for a change when things like Copenhagen keep happening when big countries prefer to keep their money safe than to help leaving a good world for future generations. Remember TII when MJ tell us about how many trees are taken down every minute in the Amazon, and still the brazilian goverment thinks the money they make out of it it's more important than protecting the lung of the planet. That saddens me, but at the same time I'm a big believer in the power one person can have. If we make changes, even if they're small, they can make more changes and that way we can say the planet.
    Save the planet? for who? the rich countries? 3/4 of the world are "3rd world" and dying of hunger and disease that a few dollars would cure. To save future generations you say? people are dying now-don't they count? Who saves these people every day who are dying? Who do not even have simple commodities like electricity and running water. Imagine having to walk miles and miles in the boiling hot dusty envirnment for a pitcher of water barefoot across rough terrain and bush with snakes etc lurking everywhere. Save the world? If it wasn't so tragic it would be funny. For these poor people their world is finished when every 3 seconds a child will die of maleria in Africa alone, that is not counting the other countries and other diseases such as Typhoid, aids,dysentrey, cholera etc and hunger. Everyone wants to save the trees and the global warming for our future generations-thats commendable and all well and good but people are dying this very minute as I type. Why are people sweeping these poor peoples suffering under the carpet? Everyone is worried about the flipping ozone layer and the rain forest-well that hasn't happened yet-people are NOW dying. So because they live in poor countries with corrupt governments we should not care and think about OUR future, these people do not care about the trees and global warming-they are struggling just to survive and living in extreme poverty. Also the meat producers in rich countries are the biggest threat to global warming than anything else. Check it out, it's true. To save the world is impossible-even God couldn't do it. Leaders in certain countries are corrupt and greedy- FACT!
  • DS365DS365 Posts: 17
    Serendipity and Touched by an Angel, you are correct about the NWO... I have heard from very reliable sources that it has started on 11/10/09 @ 4:25 PM EST in DC. So this it a real wake up call. I might sound pessimistic, but the only thing we can do is warn people. Serendipity, the book of revelation is coming to past, I have 2 months following this issue and its not a lie. Sadly, this NWO has to come, so the Anti-Christ can come and takes the throne. People might see this as fake, but its more real than anything that is going to happen in the world. People might think this is religious mombo-jumbo, but it is not! MJ is doing the right thing by warning us. He truly loves us and does not want us to be oppressed by the dark powers of satan. This might be my second post and it might mean than I do not know anything, but I see things and I say what is true. I am a agent for and from GOD and I am just here to reaffirm things.

    here is the article from the Washington Post...

    <!-- m -->http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... inionsbox1<!-- m -->
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    i loved the video and i think that its important that everyone sees this...the sad part is that alot of people think its a joke or its not plausible for this to happend and thats far from the truth..

    i just hope people open there eyes before its too late <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • I do not know why some of you are choosing to not reply or acknowledge posts that do not fit in with the theories that you want to believe in-more than half of the world live in extreme poverty without even a simple thing like running water or a radio-some indeed do not know of Michael or any famous person and are in no position to heed his advice to "heal the world". Yes Michael tried to help, tried to make people aware of suffering, as did John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Bob Geldof etc etc but to suggest Michael could do this is totally unrealistic. There has been suffering since the beginning of mankind. Read about the 3rd world in various parts around the world, see the numbers ansd stastictics of the dying every day and the extreme suffering, death, war and disease and then tell me you feel the same. I am sorry but I have seen much suffering first hand and some in the world have no hope and no future. I have seen dead orphans in the gutter in Africa, there are very very few orphanages-in fact where I was there was none. Get a one way ticket-live there for a while and then post what you feel and I assure you your posts will be completely different. People are dying and suffering NOW! I feel very strong about this whole topic and I am sorry but some posts seem just flippant. It is too late for those dying every day.
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