Media Offer from Wonderwall Magazine



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Nice article Souza. I like the personal touch. I guess it would be the magazine's job to write a disclaimer saying this in no way reflects the beliefs of Michael Jackson or anyone from his camp. Even though it is in the conspiracy section of the magazine so I don't know if it's needed. Just thinking out loud here. Anyway, great start. I can't wait to see what's next. And you can use whatever findings from me. I really don't care. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    In fact Souza could put a disclaimer that these views do not necessarily represent the views of all members on the MJHDI forum. (We are an eclectic independant-thinking people here.) may think this far fetched.. but how do we KNOW Michael isn't behind this too? Not many can say the can have updates on where he is monthly...clue? Michael has dealt with magazines to get out info since a child with passing out mags for JW's...maybe he wanted his own publication (media) to get his message out where he has the final view before publication. Just a thought <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> The timing makes me think too...
    Nothing would surprise me, with all the other shows advertized that turned out to be hoax-related and nothing.

    So I would say go ahead, Souza. The worst I can see happening, is another bigger magazine noting it, twisting it, and reporting it as ridiculous. This magazine may be going to nowhere and barely even go to print, in which case, you have a lovely new article to add to the front page of this site. I sense you enjoy writing anyway!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I can understand your position Serenity as I have in the past spoken out myself about certain issues and the danger of an "in crowd" mentality however I'm still here in spite of it. Divisive issues like this will always come up, however in this case I don't get what the big deal is.

    You took the words from my mouth.
    The media when they choose to speak to the members of this site have to speak to a single person, and as the administrator (maybe now the only admin if Mo has decided to quit), it's obvious that Souza is the person they speak to. As pointed out she has not been elected spokesperson but she is the mouthpiece for the forum because she's the admin. Common sense really.

    I Think the same.
    Whatever is in the article is already here for all to see anyway, this seems to be another "Souza wants all the glory" problem, just as Mo said in her posts. Turning the whole thing into a competition for credit and authority. Unfortunately these issues detract from our goal here and come off like a case of sour grapes. Ego and personality clashes are bound to happen but they're destructive. As long as Souza informs us what she's writing and doesn't make us all look nuts then I don't think we have to worry about her going power crazy and trying to invade a small country. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Agree on this as well.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    At best, this will be completely pointless and no one will notice it at all, At worst, she risks doing more damage to Michael, the hoax and the community, if a larger media outlet picks up the story and twists it as The Sun did with her previous interview.

    Let's hope that it falls somewhere in the middle and it isn't all for nothing...

    Imo, whoever is interested in knowing the hoax views, will come back to the source, this site, and read by themselves and find out if any info was twisted intentionally.

    I am sure that by now larger media outlets are awared of this site or hoax ideas in general.

    Looks like you are suspicious that this Wonderwall magazine just wants to use Michael´s name to get sponsors and not really talk about the hoax, but I believe the benefit of the doubt must be given in this case.

    However, I agree that a voting must happen to see how many members agree with the publication of the 1st article.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I do not agree with Souza doing this without consultation with other forum administrators and members. If we do not agree as a whole on this, division is created and Michael's message is about unity and bringing us together. Souza has not been elected as our spokesperson and does not speak for Michael, me or anyone else. Souza turned my post original post around with a rude response and calling me judgmental when I was disagreeing with her, pointing out things "we" should consider, and possible outcomes of taking this action. There is no "love" in her posts to myself and others, who disagree with her actions. There is disrespect, rudeness, cruelty , and dismissal, and many members continue to ignore this behaviour and attitude which I find very upsetting.

    Souza's posted a draft of her first article in the thread; you must realize that the entire time she was arguing with me, she had already created that article. In other words, she was never asking for anyone's opinion on any proposed articles at all...this was straight up manipulation. She had already decided what she was doing and had actually already written the first article for the Wonderwall Magazine.

    I don't care if some members believe that the article is well written (not all members do though but I will not name names) or any of the other accolades some forum members are bestowing on her; she has lied, manipulated and deceived us all once again. Members of this forum are afraid to speak their mind honestly, as they have witnessed the abuse that occurs, if you don't agree with Souza or the group; the ridicule, ganging up, dismissal, rudeness etc and then eventual banning or being told to leave. This isn't "thinking for yourself" this is being bullied and dictated to. Leaving the forum means no longer being a member of the community and feeling alone and excluded when so many others don't believe Michael is alive. This is not right nor just.

    Souza has admitted to other deceptions/manipulations and just because you admit to that doesn't excuse it. She has made at least one fake account on the forum to play with people and "show how easily they believe in fakes", she was aware of at least one other fake accounts made by a member on twitter and with her blessing, she received information from an anonymous informer, who directed her research and beliefs which she then shoves down all of our throats as the only truth, whether we agree with her or not. All of this does reflect on someone's character and many of those who have written about their experiences with Souza, are being labelled as at fault. When the fault actually lies with the person in the centre of all this discord, Souza herself.

    Many members have left or been banned from the site, there is something wrong here. When are we going to say enough is enough and be tolerant of others views, treating each other with respect, caring and understanding? When are we going to stand up to any authoritarian figure, when their behaviour is not acceptable and when are we going to stop being afraid of anyone and back up those who are thinking for themselves? This forum is a reflection of a larger world view and where is the love really because I can't see it anymore. It's just hollow words written on a screen and actions are speaking much louder. We are failing Michael, each other, and ourselves.

    That's it SD, I am sick and tired of your negativity, lies and arrogance on this forum. I am not spending hours a day on this to get stabbed in the back by members like you. You are out. Seems like they totally agree with you on .net, so I guess you should resume posting there.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Souza I've stayed out of this one because I'm a newbie here.
    But this has always been my outlook on things.

    If it feels right to you DO it.
    I have no vested interest one way or the other.

    Just DO it. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    WHAT is .net?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    WHAT is .net?
    The other forum where bitching and attacking other forums and its members/admins is more important then investigating the hoax. That one...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I think i'm done about this story and about people thinking they know what Michael want in his life.

    I'm out of here and asked for someone to delete my account.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    hummm don't sound like "home" to me..♪"When I think of home I think of a place where there's love and affection"♫ (The Wiz)
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Yeah, well anyone is free to stay or go if they want if they think this is such a big disaster. I never heard anyone attacking me for being interviewed twice by a UK radio station. So be it, but just so that everyone knows: I only deactivate accounts, I don't delete them. The forum will get way too messy and confusing if I did.

    I am a bit tired of the discussion. Next time I will just go ahead like with the radio station, and no one will make a big deal out of it. Whatever I do, I can never do it right in everyone's eyes and that's ok as long as I know what I stand for myself.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    So...both sides have been heard...there's no benefit from continuing on with the discussion. Just lock it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I am very very sad about this. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> , but I know as a leader you have to make hard calls and decisions, and allowing members to attack the leader undermines the very existence of this forum. I remain faithful to this site, to the investigations into MJ's life and hoax. There needs to be unity to stay healthy. Unfortunately the more strong feisty personalities are often the best investigators as well. I still love and appreciate you Serenitys Dream, and I will miss you very much (real tears). This is a sad day, but let's move on and forward. On with the show, THIS IS IT !
    I'm behind you Souza!
  • Off topic and
    a side bar.
    hummm don't sound like "home" to me..♪"When I think of home I think of a place where there's love and affection"♫ (The Wiz)

    Yeeeeeeeeea!...My favorite song from that movie is You Can't Win!
    I think we are both kids at heart...who says arrested development
    is a BAD thing?

    I'm getting The Wiz for my favorite three year old this weekend. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    the way i look at is that either way this will eventually get out. the hoax will be exposed at some point. we can either be the first to put the information out there, the people who have been here and have been fighting and sticking together through the doubts, the stagnant periods, the exciting times. or, we can let a random journalist who hasn't invested time in this to write about it in whatever way they want to spin it.

    so, do we reveal to the world what we know, knowing it'll be written from the truth which we believe, or let some random person do it?

    personally, i'd like to keep it in the family. i've observed for the past couple of months that there are dealings going on behind the forum. not everything is laid out on the table. i respect that there are some things that aren't relevant to know, but i'm very thankful souza chose to discuss this as a forum, a family, instead of just writing it and then posting a topic of "hey guys i'm writing about this in this magazine now..." so thank you souza.

    those opposed to writing about it in the media, i understand your concern. but then again, who would you want to write about it in the end? cause trust me, it will be written. it's HIStory.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    i've observed for the past couple of months that there are dealings going on behind the forum.

    Can you please post what kind of dealings before people will jump on my back again? This might be taken the wrong way.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    i've observed for the past couple of months that there are dealings going on behind the forum.

    Can you please post what kind of dealings before people will jump on my back again? This might be taken the wrong way.

    yes, i was talking about the battle between the mods a couple of months ago. i DO NOT want to bring that up again. we've moved past that rough spot. i've just read what mo said and i've read what you said. i understand that it was a problem between you two, but i was merely observing both of your sides. that's what i meant.

    i think it's sad that you've been upfront about this and then people get really upset. but if you didn't say anything and all of sudden you did it, they get upset too. i just appreciate being given a heads up.
  • Why can't we find a way to get along? It is true we have different ideas, different opinions, but it does not mean we have to be vicious about it. Things can be said the class and diplomacy. If that can't happen we are not human beings. Michael wouldn't like that. Where is the L.O.V.E.? Has it vanished?
  • shelby61shelby61 Posts: 305
    personally, i'd like to keep it in the family. i've observed for the past couple of months that there are dealings going on behind the forum. not everything is laid out on the table. i respect that there are some things that aren't relevant to know, but i'm very thankful souza chose to discuss this as a forum, a family, instead of just writing it and then posting a topic of "hey guys i'm writing about this in this magazine now..." so thank you souza.

    those opposed to writing about it in the media, i understand your concern. but then again, who would you want to write about it in the end? cause trust me, it will be written. it's HIStory.[/quote]

    I don't think that anyone opposes to writing about it in the media per se. I think where the concern lies is how we use that information in the article, how it is relayed to the general public and does the article reflect our opinions and thoughts as a forum as a whole. I don't think it does... everyone has different opinions on different issues on this forum. I think that is where the concern comes and rightly so. Perhaps some people don't want their information used to "write an article or book or movie" and they have every right to advise the forum of their concerns. I think people should be able to speak freely on this forum without being called names or trying to get rid of people because they don't agree with everything here. We are here to learn and find the truth (at least that is why I am here). I am glad we had this discussion because if ever a more reputable magazine like Time or something like that approached us, we should have our ducks in a row as far as how to deal with the outside media who wants to publish some of our "stories" or "opinions".

    Everyone who has left the forum has their reasons and we are not here to judge why people leave or stay. I don't consider Souza a leader, she is just another poster with opinions who also happens to keep this forum running (and I do appreciate that and I have told her that), but I certainly don't give her anymore praise than the next person. I treat everyone equal here.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I am going to say it just one more time and then step out of this discussion because I get the feeling my posts are taken the wrong way every time.

    I have been contacted by the media and because I think it is a good platform to get the word out, I decided to cooperate. I have already stated that I am skeptical as well, but I have also showed a few times that the worst case scenario is that this magazine twists the words like the Sun did etc. and that no one will be in danger because of it, since it is already on the net everywhere for everyone to read. People might think we're crazy, but they think so anyway and seriously, this is not about our own egos. My nickname is Souza and my real name doesn't even come close. Anyone talking to me on here would walk right passed me if they bump into me because no one on here knows me. Even those who do not like me, would probably have a ball with me in real life when we would meet in a bar. I don't give a shit if some ignorant and blind fools taht might comment to the article call me names because they don't even know me and despite what people might say or think: I am not here for myself. I could have made tons of money with this website and I could have accepted way more media offers if I liked, but I didn't. I am here for the sole reason to support Michael Jackson because I can assure you that being the admin of this forum is not a fun hobby at all with all the name calling and accusations. But I started it once and I am not a quiter and I will do whatever necessary to maintain this as long as needed.

    I have posted this for 2 simple reasons:

    1. Last time when we didn't let the members know, we were attacked, so this time I wanted to let you know in advance. I am my own person and although I appreciate the members of this forum, people can not forbid me to do anything.

    2. I thought it would be a nice idea if others would participate in the articles as well. As you can see when you read the draft, I have no intention on pushing my theories on someone or use someones posts, my sole intention is to get people QUESTION things and visit this forum so that they can make up their own minds. The idea is to present the evidence we found in a clear way that is easy for readers to follow and will make them scratch their heads. If the one writing the article wants to write about their personal thoughts and feelings about the hoax, then I think that will only make people able to relate to us. By only summing up facts we sound like robots.

    Anyone that feels the need to attack me personally, posting lies or whatever because they feel offended, go ahead but not on this forum. Like I said, I spend too much time keeping this up to be stabbed in the back. I already mentioned in my original post that I also was expecting negative opinions and that is fine, as long as people can stay respectful and don't go and attack me on things that are either untrue or just simply irrelevant.

    For those who do want to participate and have ideas for later issues (GirlSaturday already volunteered to write part 2), let me know. If this magazine will really go in print and if they do what they promise, we might make a lot more people aware of the hoax.

    Awareness, Awakening and Hope. SPREAD the LOVE. Why be selfish and keep it all to ourselves?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Im_convincedmjalive wrote:
    I am trippin on the members who are worried about theories being published in a magazine in a section about conspiracies and THEORIES like NWO, Illuminati, corrupt shit happening in our governments, God, and whatever else.
    Liberian Girl Heehee wrote:
    It is one thing to say that Michael felt threatened and even told people, including his siblings, that there were people out to kill him. That is undisputed facts. But, if you say the words NWO, Illuminati, etc., most people wouldn't know who the heck you were even talking about and if you were to try to explain who they are, they may say, "Ooookaaay," as they slowly back out of the room. So, stop trippin on me...please.

    No where in my comment above did I mention Michael and NWO theories. I said "theories being published in a magazine in a section about conspiracies and THEORIES like NWO, Illuminati, corrupt shit happening in our governments, God, and whatever else".

    That was a statement about theories not facts, and I was referring to the other threads posted here on this forum that are about the Illuminati, NWO, Etc.

    Theres alot of threads posted in The other Conspiracy section that have nothing to do with Michael. I was saying those theories are here on this forum; what is the difference if it goes into a magazine? The theories are here for the world to read already.

    I never mentioned anything about Michael and people out to kill him, you did.

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Gema wrote: I hope this new magazine will be able to use theories and so called conspiracies to show that Michael Jackson was unfairly treated by media and leeaches all over his life as well as promoting the idea that may be we have been lied about regarding MJ´s death.

    I agree with this, and we like it or not the new world order and this whole issue of the iluminatti is directly related to the industry of the music and film that in this way condition the people's minds to what they want. I am going to rely on Souza
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Gema wrote: I hope this new magazine will be able to use theories and so called conspiracies to show that Michael Jackson was unfairly treated by media and leeaches all over his life as well as promoting the idea that may be we have been lied about regarding MJ´s death.

    I agree with this, and we like it or not the new world order and this whole issue of the iluminatti is directly related to the industry of the music and film that in this way condition the people's minds to what they want. I am going to rely on Souza

    I have presented what I will send them and all we can hope for is that the magazine will do as they promise and will actually go to the printer. If not, well too bad, at least we tried.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • dom425dom425 Posts: 100
    I am going to say it just one more time and then step out of this discussion because I get the feeling my posts are taken the wrong way every time.

    I have been contacted by the media and because I think it is a good platform to get the word out, I decided to cooperate. I have already stated that I am skeptical as well, but I have also showed a few times that the worst case scenario is that this magazine twists the words like the Sun did etc. and that no one will be in danger because of it, since it is already on the net everywhere for everyone to read. People might think we're crazy, but they think so anyway and seriously, this is not about our own egos. My nickname is Souza and my real name doesn't even come close. Anyone talking to me on here would walk right passed me if they bump into me because no one on here knows me. Even those who do not like me, would probably have a ball with me in real life when we would meet in a bar. I don't give a shit if some ignorant and blind fools taht might comment to the article call me names because they don't even know me and despite what people might say or think: I am not here for myself. I could have made tons of money with this website and I could have accepted way more media offers if I liked, but I didn't. I am here for the sole reason to support Michael Jackson because I can assure you that being the admin of this forum is not a fun hobby at all with all the name calling and accusations. But I started it once and I am not a quiter and I will do whatever necessary to maintain this as long as needed.

    I have posted this for 2 simple reasons:

    1. Last time when we didn't let the members know, we were attacked, so this time I wanted to let you know in advance. I am my own person and although I appreciate the members of this forum, people can not forbid me to do anything.

    2. I thought it would be a nice idea if others would participate in the articles as well. As you can see when you read the draft, I have no intention on pushing my theories on someone or use someones posts, my sole intention is to get people QUESTION things and visit this forum so that they can make up their own minds. The idea is to present the evidence we found in a clear way that is easy for readers to follow and will make them scratch their heads. If the one writing the article wants to write about their personal thoughts and feelings about the hoax, then I think that will only make people able to relate to us. By only summing up facts we sound like robots.

    Anyone that feels the need to attack me personally, posting lies or whatever because they feel offended, go ahead but not on this forum. Like I said, I spend too much time keeping this up to be stabbed in the back. I already mentioned in my original post that I also was expecting negative opinions and that is fine, as long as people can stay respectful and don't go and attack me on things that are either untrue or just simply irrelevant.

    For those who do want to participate and have ideas for later issues (GirlSaturday already volunteered to write part 2), let me know. If this magazine will really go in print and if they do what they promise, we might make a lot more people aware of the hoax.

    Awareness, Awakening and Hope. SPREAD the LOVE. Why be selfish and keep it all to ourselves?

    Amen!!!! At lest someone can say the truth! I would once again like to thank Souza for all of the hard work that has been put into this hoax. Just think of the endless hours of findind so many clues. I hope we can all spot and think about all of the effert that is put into this hoax. It always upsets me to read negative comments made that people have made. Remeber to think of who you are saying anything to and how you say/plan on saying/said it to them.
    Thank You Souza!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I am very very sad about this. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> , but I know as a leader you have to make hard calls and decisions, and allowing members to attack the leader undermines the very existence of this forum.

    After I read your post, I wanted to make a comment. I know that you're sad but something you wrote came to my attention. You wrote that there is a leader and members on the forum. I wouldn't like to name Souza as a leader. She is the admin of the forum but also a member of this community. I do not see anyone as a leader. Every each of us are equal on this forum no matter what our status is. Just wanted to state my opinion about this. And big MJ HUGS for you if you're still feeling sad. xox
  • I am very very sad about this. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> , but I know as a leader you have to make hard calls and decisions, and allowing members to attack the leader undermines the very existence of this forum.

    After I read your post, I wanted to make a comment. I know that you're sad but something you wrote came to my attention. You wrote that there is a leader and members on the forum. I wouldn't like to name Souza as a leader. She is the admin of the forum but also a member of this community. I do not see anyone as a leader. Every each of us are equal on this forum no matter what our status is. Just wanted to state my opinion about this. And big MJ HUGS for you if you're still feeling sad. xox

    We are all a unity in this forum. This is what Michael wants for us to come together as a union, with full of love and happiness. MJonmind hope you are feeling better. God bless everyone
This discussion has been closed.