Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    [color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]In the Middle Ages[/color] was considered as a  mythical animal who can defeat an elephant. In addition, it was said that with his single horn could purify contaminated water to make them drinkable.<br /><br />[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]During[/color] the Middle Ages was hunted for its horn as it provided protection against all poisons and diseases, which made  very long-lived to whom it was administered, the nobles and men looking for these gifts that consuming powdered horn in the food and drink, preferably in a cup made of the same material. To obtain this remedy against death, the nobles paid a lot, they believed they could never be poisoned.
  • on 1318381693:
    <br />[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]In the Middle Ages[/color] was considered as a  mythical animal who can defeat an elephant. In addition, it was said that with his single horn could purify contaminated water to make themdrinkable.<br />[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][/color]<br />[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]During[/color] the Middle Ages was hunted for its horn as it provided protection against all poisons and diseases, which made  very long-lived to whom it was administered, the nobles and men looking for these gifts that consuming powdered horn in the food and drink, preferably in a cup made of the same material. To obtain this remedy against death, the nobles paid a lot, they believed they could never be poisoned.<br />
    <br /><br />So, could this take us back to the Fountain of Youth?
  • The children are being coached from the father and the family. They are mature young children, they know what they are doing. Paris response to that person was well said, straight to the point and she did not offend anyone. <br /><br />Michael protected them when they were young, due to Paps, but he always did say if they want to sing or what ever he had nothing against it.. People should mind their business, we are not these children parents nor relative, so who are we to tell these wonderful children what to do.. They still have their father around to guide them. I say May God continue to bless them and protect them from all stupid people...
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I thought that maybe the judge would say "Unicorn-Unicorn"  for Exhibit UU but he said "Uniform-Uniform" instead!  :lol:<br /><br />This makes me also think of the gates at Neverland in the coat of arms there is a unicorn... and also that a unicorn is often found in Magical and Enchanted Forests, which reminds me of Front's magical forest picture in the Back thread.<br /><br />neverland03.jpg
  • julia142julia142 Posts: 195
    Remember Paris tweet 2 days ago?<br /> <br />  Quote from: voiceforthesilent on October 10, 2011, 12:48:30 PM <blockquote>Tell me what the meaning of this is? I am sure there must be meaning but I don't get it...<br /><br /><br /><br />  Quote <blockquote>  pariisjaxn 26 mins 13 secs ago Twitter  Full Moon Tonight!! Me And My Pack Of Unicorns Will Go Galloping Tonight. <br />And the day before yesterday was not full moon, it was yesterday... So maybe a clue for the illusion of the date of the autopsy relating to the Great Moon Hoax on august 25th? Does it make sense? </blockquote></blockquote>
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    on 1318385323:
    <br />
    on 1318381693:
    <br />[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]In the Middle Ages[/color] was considered as a  mythical animal who can defeat an elephant. In addition, it was said that with his single horn could purify contaminated water to make themdrinkable.<br />[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][/color]<br />[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]During[/color] the Middle Ages was hunted for its horn as it provided protection against all poisons and diseases, which made  very long-lived to whom it was administered, the nobles and men looking for these gifts that consuming powdered horn in the food and drink, preferably in a cup made of the same material. To obtain this remedy against death, the nobles paid a lot, they believed they could never be poisoned.<br />
    <br /><br />So, could this take us back to the Fountain of Youth?<br />
    <br /><br />It is said that Ponce de León wasted 8 years trying to find that leyendaric fountain of youth and that he destroyed his life for being so ingenious believing the stories of the indigenous people.<br /><br />However, it is supossed that the fountain of youth is in Florida. Is that what you mean?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Can´t enter twitter. Has Paris been active today?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Paris was on Twitter today too. She changed her profile pic and added this one of hers with a TOY!  suspicious//<br /><br />helloK.jpg
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1318222110:
    <br />Tell me what the meaning of this is? I am sure there must be meaning but I don't get it...<br /><br /><br /><br />
    scaled.php?host=a2&profile=1568118986&filename=image_normal.jpg&via=twitter  pariisjaxn 26 mins 13 secs ago Twitter  Full Moon Tonight!! Me And My Pack Of Unicorns Will Go Galloping Tonight.
    <br /><br />Is this supposed to be a comment about Thriller?<br /><br />
    <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
    During the final week of August 1835, a long article appeared in serial form on the front page of the New York Sun. It bore the headline:<br /><br />
    GREAT ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERIES <br />LATELY MADE <br />BY SIR JOHN HERSCHEL, L.L.D. F.R.S. &c. <br />At the Cape of Good Hope <br />[From Supplement to the Edinburgh Journal of Science]
    <br />[/t][/t][/t]
    The article began by triumphantly listing a series of stunning astronomical breakthroughs that the famous British astronomer, Sir John Herschel, had apparently made "by means of a telescope of vast dimensions and an entirely new principle." Herschel, the article declared, had established a "new theory of cometary phenomena"; he had discovered planets in other solar systems; and he had "solved or corrected nearly every leading problem of mathematical astronomy." Then, almost as if it were an afterthought, the article revealed Herschel's final, stunning achievement: he had discovered life on the moon! <br /><br />The article continued on and offered an elaborate account of the fantastic sights viewed by Herschel during his telescopic observation of the moon. It described a lunar topography that included vast forests, inland seas, and lilac-hued quartz pyramids. Readers learned that herds of bison wandered across the plains of the moon; that blue unicorns perched on its hilltops; and that spherical, amphibious creatures rolled across its beaches. The highpoint of the narrative came when it revealed that Herschel had found evidence of intelligent life on the moon: he had discovered both a primitive tribe of hut-dwelling, fire-wielding biped beavers, and a race of winged humans living in pastoral harmony around a mysterious, golden-roofed temple. Herschel dubbed these latter creatures the Vespertilio-homo, or "man-bat".<br /><br />The article, of course, was an elaborate hoax. Herschel had not really observed life on the moon, nor had he accomplished any of the other astronomical breakthroughs credited to him in the article. In fact, Herschel was not even aware until much later that such discoveries had been attributed to him. However, the New York Sun managed to sell thousands of copies of the article before the public realized that it had been hoaxed. <br />Although the Sun managed to sell many copies of the moon hoax, it is not clear whether people at the time actually believed the story, or simply found it to be an entertaining topic of debate. Various eyewitnesses to the hoax assure us that the credulity was general. For instance, one reporter, writing 18 years after the event, recalled how the hoax was received at Yale College:<br /><br />Yale College was alive with staunch supporters. The literati—students and professors, doctors in divinity and law—and all the rest of the reading community, looked daily for the arrival of the New York mail with unexampled avidity and implicit faith. Have you seen the accounts of Sir John Herschel's wonderful discoveries? Have you read the Sun? Have you heard the news of the man in the Moon? These were the questions that met you every where. It was the absorbing topic of the day. Nobody expressed or entertained a doubt as to the truth of the story<br /> <br />However, many discussions of the hoax that appeared in papers at the time of its first publication were openly skeptical of it. For instance, on August 29, 1835 the New York Commercial Advertiser had this to say about the hoax:<br /><br />It is well done, and makes a pleasant piece of reading enough, especially for such as have a sufficient stock of available credulity; but we can hardly understand how any man of common sense should read it without at once perceiving the deception. Without referring to the monstrosities of the story itself, can any one suppose for a moment that such preparations as are described, should have been made without a word of notice in the english papers? Preparations going on for years—an object of glass of twenty-four feet in diameter—a donation of ten thousand pounds by the king—consultations with Sir David Brewster—and other extravagancies not less preposterous!<br /> <br />Authorship of the hoax is usually attributed to Richard Adams Locke, a Cambridge-educated reporter who was working for the Sun. However, Locke never publicly admitted to being the author of the hoax, and rumors have persisted that others were also involved in the production of the story. Two men in particular have been mentioned in connection with the hoax: Jean-Nicolas Nicollet, a French astronomer who was travelling through America at the time (though he was in Mississippi, not New York, when the moon hoax appeared), and Lewis Gaylord Clark, editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine. However, there is no real evidence to suggest that anyone but Locke was the author of the hoax. <br /><br />Despite the intense public speculation about the moon story, the Sun never publicly conceded that it was a hoax. On September 16, 1835 the Sun did publish a column in which it discussed the possibility that the story was a hoax, but it never confessed to anything. Quite the contrary. It wrote that, "Certain correspondents have been urging us to come out and confess the whole to be a hoax; but this we can by no means do, until we have the testimony of the English or Scotch papers to corroborate such a declaration." This is the closest the Sun ever came to an admission of guilt.<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /> <br />
  • @Paris'; picture: I have a Hello Kitty bag so does that mean I'm  suspicious// ? lmao NO!<br /> <br />If you make all of Paris' tweets out to be suspicious or hoaxy, then you are following her too much.<br />The kids are irrelevent right now. Do you think that MJ will use them to give us clues forever?<br /> <br />The trial is a new chapter. Its what we should be concentrating on right now. Not the children, IMO!<br />Lets allow the kids to be kids and focus on the so called evidence and so called true tesitmonies of witnesses.<br /> <br />I love you Purelove, but i don't find anything strange or unusual about this pic.<br />but is that a pic of her father behind her? If so, i love it. i used to have an MJ poster above my bed.<br />
  • Mish1981Mish1981 Posts: 538
    on 1318467745:
    <br />@Paris'; picture: I have a Hello Kitty bag so does that mean I'm  suspicious// ? lmao NO!<br /> <br />If you make all of Paris' tweets out to be suspicious or hoaxy, then you are following her too much.<br />The kids are irrelevent right now. Do you think that MJ will use them to give us clues forever?<br /> <br />The trial is a new chapter. Its what we should be concentrating on right now. Not the children, IMO!<br />Lets allow the kids to be kids and focus on the so called evidence and so called true tesitmonies of witnesses.<br /> <br />I love you Purelove, but i don't find anything strange or unusual about this pic.<br />but is that a pic of her father behind her? If so, i love it. i used to have an MJ poster above my bed.<br /> <br />
    <br /><br />I agree Moon .... <br /><br />All I will say about this picture is .... <br /><br />Remember being little and opening up a present and having to pose with it when your parents took photos? That's what this pic reminds me of. <br /><br />Other then that I agree, I think our main concentration should be on the trial. I see the kids (mostly Paris since she seems to be the most active on Twitter) as "in between events".
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Andrea has solved the puzzle of Paris' tweet about Unicorns!!,20587.msg362531.html#msg362531<br /><br />
    story from TMZ on Aug 25, 2009...<br /><br />MJ Alive? Someone Wants You To Think So <br />8/25/2009 7:19 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF<br /><br />This video is probably as real as the existence of unicorns -- but the clip, claiming to show Michael Jackson walking out of the back of a Coroner's van after his "death," is making the rounds on the Internet today.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />According to the LiveLeak post: "I checked the license plate number and it looks like the King of Pop is jumping out of the same van, his dead body has been in. I got the original video tape from a trustworthy source. I know him for years. And I am sure it´s real and Michael is alive."<br /><br /><br /><br />There is also a mention of unicorns, which Paris has tweeted about recently.
    <br /><br />And the date TMZ posted this on 8/25/09 is the same date as the pre-autopsy pic exhibit of MJ.  Paris is saying the video of MJ jumping out is real!!<br />
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
  • on 1318476282:
    <br />Andrea has solved the puzzle of Paris' tweet about Unicorns!!,20587.msg362531.html#msg362531<br /><br />
    story from TMZ on Aug 25, 2009...<br /><br />MJ Alive? Someone Wants You To Think So <br />8/25/2009 7:19 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF<br /><br />This video is probably as real as the existence of unicorns -- but the clip, claiming to show Michael Jackson walking out of the back of a Coroner's van after his "death," is making the rounds on the Internet today.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />According to the LiveLeak post: "I checked the license plate number and it looks like the King of Pop is jumping out of the same van, his dead body has been in. I got the original video tape from a trustworthy source. I know him for years. And I am sure it´s real and Michael is alive."<br /><br /><br /><br />There is also a mention of unicorns, which Paris has tweeted about recently.
    <br /><br />And the date TMZ posted this on 8/25/09 is the same date as the pre-autopsy pic exhibit of MJ.  Paris is saying the video of MJ jumping out is real!!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I saw this yesterday but I'm still amazed by it. This is great news - it should make our hearts feels a little better. Thanks for sharing it again.<br /><br />Great job, Andrea! <br /><br />Blessings to all.
  • UniverseOfMJ thriillerrr night.♔ <br /> by pariisjaxn<br />Gold isn't just a color, August 29th isn't just a date, Thriller isn't just a video, Michael Jackson isn't just a name. <3<br /><br /><br />Retweeted by Paris earlier...
  • Mish1981Mish1981 Posts: 538
    on 1318476282:
    <br />Andrea has solved the puzzle of Paris' tweet about Unicorns!!,20587.msg362531.html#msg362531<br /><br />
    story from TMZ on Aug 25, 2009...<br /><br />MJ Alive? Someone Wants You To Think So <br />8/25/2009 7:19 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF<br /><br />This video is probably as real as the existence of unicorns -- but the clip, claiming to show Michael Jackson walking out of the back of a Coroner's van after his "death," is making the rounds on the Internet today.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />According to the LiveLeak post: "I checked the license plate number and it looks like the King of Pop is jumping out of the same van, his dead body has been in. I got the original video tape from a trustworthy source. I know him for years. And I am sure it´s real and Michael is alive."<br /><br /><br /><br />There is also a mention of unicorns, which Paris has tweeted about recently.
    <br /><br />And the date TMZ posted this on 8/25/09 is the same date as the pre-autopsy pic exhibit of MJ.  Paris is saying the video of MJ jumping out is real!!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />It's reoccurring theme that's been going on for 2 years now and why I haven't remembered this is beyond me; every time we get something that could knock us down, rethink everything and throw in the towel a little piece is given to us to remind us that we are on the right path whether it's something new or something that is finally being connected.
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
      Numba 7, of course  :mrgreen: <br /><br />inkydays carole kerr            @pariisjaxn Paris, can you share a pic of you in your football gear??<br /><br />  pariisjaxn Pαris Jαcksoη      ;       @inkydays yeah sure, next time i hv a game, ill take a pic in my jersey.., Numba 7 ! :) 
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    So many people attack Paris...  :cry: :roll: :evil: <br /><br /><br />There's a new twitter account @HatePariisJaxn & they're telling Paris she isn't a jackson, she's a rowe and she's not Michael's daughter.  :roll:
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1318467745:
    <br />@Paris'; picture: I have a Hello Kitty bag so does that mean I'm  suspicious// ? lmao NO!<br /> <br />If you make all of Paris' tweets out to be suspicious or hoaxy, then you are following her too much.<br />The kids are irrelevent right now. Do you think that MJ will use them to give us clues forever?<br /> <br />The trial is a new chapter. Its what we should be concentrating on right now. Not the children, IMO!<br />Lets allow the kids to be kids and focus on the so called evidence and so called true tesitmonies of witnesses.<br /> <br />I love you Purelove, but i don't find anything strange or unusual about this pic.<br />but is that a pic of her father behind her? If so, i love it. i used to have an MJ poster above my bed.<br />
    <br /><br />Actually I didn't find anything unusual with her pic either but I thought it could be something about the TOYS in the courtroom. ;) What if we see a Kitty toy in the courtroom. Who knows? I think you are a little bit underestimating these kids. These kids are very smart and she IS giving out clues. So, it's better to be cautious about her tweets imo. I'm not saying all of her tweets are clues but some of them ARE. She is doing and writing many things on purpose. Is Michael going to send clues with the kids FOREVER? No. Because first off, he is going to come BACK and not going to hide forever. So, that is not an option. And on the other hand, I'm not so sure IF Michael is sending the clues or not because Paris is such a smart young lady and she can decide about the clues herself imo. It is MY decision to follow the kids because I do believe that it is important to follow them and as you see, we are definitely finding out Paris is trying to say somethings important. If you want to concentrate on the trial only, that is your choice but I'm happy with mine. I'll definitely be watching out the kids as well as the trial. ;)<br /><br />P.S: I LOVE you too Moon.  :mrgreen: 
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1318476282:
    <br />Andrea has solved the puzzle of Paris' tweet about Unicorns!!,20587.msg362531.html#msg362531<br /><br />
    story from TMZ on Aug 25, 2009...<br /><br />MJ Alive? Someone Wants You To Think So <br />8/25/2009 7:19 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF<br /><br />This video is probably as real as the existence of unicorns -- but the clip, claiming to show Michael Jackson walking out of the back of a Coroner's van after his "death," is making the rounds on the Internet today.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />According to the LiveLeak post: "I checked the license plate number and it looks like the King of Pop is jumping out of the same van, his dead body has been in. I got the original video tape from a trustworthy source. I know him for years. And I am sure it´s real and Michael is alive."<br /><br /><br /><br />There is also a mention of unicorns, which Paris has tweeted about recently.
    <br /><br />And the date TMZ posted this on 8/25/09 is the same date as the pre-autopsy pic exhibit of MJ.  Paris is saying the video of MJ jumping out is real!!<br />
    <br /><br /> /bravo/<br /><br />See? This girl is very smart and everything she does and writes has an important reason. She wasn't talking about unicorns just because she is a 13 year old kid. So, the kids are definitely what I'm ALSO going to concentrate on. Like I've been doing from the start.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1318806762:
    <br />So many people attack Paris...  :cry: :roll: :evil: <br /><br /><br />There's a new twitter account @HatePariisJaxn & they're telling Paris she isn't a jackson, she's a rowe and she's not Michael's daughter.  :roll: <br />
    <br /> <br /> <br />People bitter, sick and filled with hatred :? <br />
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Time sure flies doesn't it.<br />
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Paris retweeted this today<br /> <br /> LiloJaxn Clara nakamura  by pariisjaxn  Once you said,''Just call my name and I'll be there ''- I called you so many times, and Michael did not you come = / 
    on 1318199168:
    <br />Michael's own words:<br /><br />"A lot of celebrities say they don't want their children to go into show business. I can understand their feelings, but I don't agree with them. If I had a son or daughter, I'd say, "By all means, be my guest. Step right in there. If you want to do it, do it."<br />~Michael Jackson, Moonwalk 1988<br /><br />Seriously, those fans need themselves updated on their big idol.<br />
    <br /><br />I am SURE Michael will PROMOTE his children in every way he thinks it's fit. And I am sure Paris and Prince WANT this, who wouldn't want to be famous after all?<br />It is obvious they want it. And they have all chances to make it, even if this is no guarantee of success, no matter they are Michael Jackson's kids. <br /><br /><br />
  • CocoCoco Posts: 80
    on 1318811048:
    <br />Wow.. I haven't seen the kids or paid attention much for a while. I can't believe how much they've/she's grown up in a few short years..<br /><br />Time sure flies doesn't it.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=8pt]This makes me sad and confused... Even though, he's alive (?)[/size]
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