LoveUalwaysLoveUalways Posts: 8
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi, all! I just signed up here to help my friend spread the word around. We are trying to go to different sites and Tweeting. She is a member of another fan site and there's a guy there named TimesRemembered (not sure if I spelled it right but I think that's it), who everyone thinks is MJ even tho he keeps saying he's not. I am not a member there yet, but my friend has sent me links and showed me some of his writing and what he says and, truth be told, I am kind of freaking out. I'm a member on another fan site but now I am going to join that one as well. I want to talk to him and find out more and feel him out for myself but I don't want to scare him away. She said he posted a voice message on one the forums recently and people have been PM-ing each other and talking about the possibility that it it *could* be Michael's plan to sound this way on purpose. It *does* sound a lot like him in certain ways but at the same time it sounds like he is trying to trick us with the way he talks so we don't beLIEve it's him beyond a doubt. Maybe he wants to keep us in suspense until he is ready to tell us directly and make his grand entrance on BAMs Day? Maybe this is his way of reaching out and letting us know I'm here but (ssshhh) I'm not here, know what I mean? And we all know what a prankster he is!!!! Please listen to it and tell me what you think and if you think this is worth pursuing or if it's a waste of time. I don't want to give up hope!!!

Also, if you get a chance go to the site and check out his poetry and songs. He writes *EXACTLY* like our Michael!!!! The most recent one my friend showed me is called "Night Into Day". It's very hard to beLIEve that anyone else but our Michael could have written it and now this voice message. It's driving me crazy!!!

Just when I had almost given up hope, now this! I feel like a yo-yo.

Here is the forum site
<!-- m --><!-- m -->

Here is his voice message
<!-- m --><!-- m -->


  • Thank you for you post but I cannot download the message. Is there something else you can send us to listen?
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    I can't download the message either. Can you please post it for us? Thank you and welcome to the family!! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    WELCOME to our forum! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
    Thank you so much for sharing this information with us!
    But i have a problem with this voice message, it downloads an empty file. Is there any other source where i can hear listen to it?

    L.O.V.E to all! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    I got scared! <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->
    Invincible Poster 666 Today

    The number of posts he has, just freaked me out! What a coincidence!!!!!!!!! <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    Ok i've checked his original message with this voice message and the link is not working either, so i guess the only way to listen to it is if somebody who saved it on computer could publish it somewhere else. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Check this out guys, is he BACK??????
    <!-- m --> ... hp?t=37697<!-- m -->

    He has picture of Morph and Keep Watchin'.............. thing after his messages. Or he is just trying to look like BACK.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Yet they WILL try (and ARE trying) to use this BS again in the current trial.
    he says.
    If he is really Michael seems like he is not controlling the trial, he's actually pissed by what are they going to use against him. FBI is out of the question if so.
    it just made me very angry and I was outraged to see and hear it again
    wish I had not created this thread now. I was outraged and venting, I'm sorry.
    he says.

    I have the audio, don't know how to upload, it has audio effects couldn't get too much from it.
    I'l try to gather all his posts here for our members cause you need an account to read.
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    Yet they WILL try (and ARE trying) to use this BS again in the current trial.
    he says.
    If he is really Michael seems like he is not controlling the trial, he's actually pissed by what are they going to use against him. FBI is out of the question if so.
    it just made me very angry and I was outraged to see and hear it again
    wish I had not created this thread now. I was outraged and venting, I'm sorry.
    he says.

    I have the audio, don't know how to upload, it has audio effects couldn't get too much from it.
    I'l try to gather all his posts here for our members cause you need an account to read.

    I'm reading his posts right now, very interesting i must say, but i'm not sure that he is Michael. But here is the best part from the post that you just quoted. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    And so the trial continues.......... the verdict will be mind blowing no doubt and raise a LOT of questions and confusion. I have no doubt about that at all. This Is (not) It............ it ain't over 'til it's OVER. The final Truth will come from one person and one person only. Patience is a virtue.
    Who is that person he is referring to? <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Can he be PeterPan ? He definitely sounds like Michael when he talks but he is not Michael at all. I couldn't download, so I can not say if it is him or not.
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    And the funniest thing is that he calls himself <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> TR
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    And the funniest thing is that he calls himself <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> TR

    Teddy Riley? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    TimesRemembered but sounds funny TR because we know why.
    i have the download but you will not be able to hear if it's him or not
    PureLove, you mean Peter pan from the webiste with that chatroom? Many believed it's him, i do not.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Not sure if i can post this but i respect the copyright and just quote
    © 2011
    All Rights Reserved
    by TimesRemembered

    A Tribute to Elizabeth Taylor

    Goodbye Elizabeth, darling Dame
    you touched many hearts during your fame
    but you were more than just a star to me
    you lifted me up so gently
    when I was walking all alone
    you stood by my side
    with every stride
    into the darkness your light shone
    and I felt strong once again
    because of you Elizabeth my friend
    your friendship was a blessing of sweet love
    you were an angel sent from Heaven above
    may your kindred spirit rest in peace
    my eternal love for you will never cease
    high up in the distance I see your lovely eyes
    so full of life
    your sparkling smile
    illuminating the dark
    Elizabeth, my friend
    you are always in my heart
    a friend so true
    oh what will I do?
    there will never be another you
    you were my rock when my world crumbled
    and for that I am deeply humbled
    remember the time you cut my hair
    and we ate pancakes outside in the morning air
    remember when we laughed so hard
    when we played that prank with the tub of lard
    these are just a few
    fond memories I have of me and you
    magical moments
    tears of sadness
    precious laughter
    we shared it all
    dear Elizabeth you are my shining star
    and from the sky you will never fall
    you will forever remain in my heart
    immortal --- that's what you are.
    So, You were a friend of Elizabeth Taylor? hmm...
    Thank you.
    No, I just wrote it as a tribute from the perspective of M.J.

    My God THIS IS AMAZING whoever this person is.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    TimesRemembered but sounds funny TR because we know why.
    i have the download but you will not be able to hear if it's him or not
    PureLove, you mean Peter pan from the webiste with that chatroom? Many believed it's him, i do not.

    I do not know if Peter is writing on any forums but he does make voice chats. He sounds exactly like Michael. He says that he is not Michael but some still believe that he is. I do not. This is his twitter. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- m -->!/peterpanpyt<!-- m -->
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    © 2011 All Rights Reserved
    by TimesRemembered


    I thought it was gone
    I thought I had left it behind
    Breaking free from the bond
    Those chains that cut and bind
    I just want to live my life at ease
    Have some sense of peace
    But every time I think it's safe
    Monsters in the shadows show their face
    Peering out from that dark place
    I just want to be left alone

    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    © 2011 All Rights Reserved
    by TimesRemembered


    I thought it was gone
    I thought I had left it behind
    Breaking free from the bond
    Those chains that cut and bind
    I just want to live my life at ease
    Have some sense of peace
    But every time I think it's safe
    Monsters in the shadows show their face
    Peering out from that dark place
    I just want to be left alone

    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    His poems and songs are just amazing, this one is heartbreaking. He does sound A LOT like Michael and he speaks of Michael in present tense! Here is a sweet story
    Hey guys! I thought it would be nice to start a thread all about children since Michael loves children so much and I'm sure that many of you feel the same way, I know that I always enjoy hearing about anything related to children from all over the world. Maybe you have a touching story to share about a child or maybe you have helped a child in some special way or maybe you've done some charity work or maybe you have an inspiring photograph to share or a funny sweet one. It could be anything at all!

    I think children are so important, they are little angels that God has planted seeds in to inspire us and bring us joy and it's our duty to take care of them and love them and show them that the world is not always a cruel place. It's our job as adults and parents to make the world a better place for generations to come. They truly deserve to have a thread dedicated to them, so this one's for the children.

    I will start off with a couple of things. First one is an interesting story, which I will try to keep as brief as possible. I did some charity work years ago at a children's hospital and one of the patients there at the time was a little boy 5 years old. He had leukemia and his prognosis was not good at all to say the least. But he was a fighter for sure. I had never in my life seen so much perseverance and bravery coming from such a young child. He really touched my heart so deeply and his mother and I stayed in touch for some time and every time I would have a chance I would go and visit the boy and bring him toys and stuff, just anything to help lift his spirits and make him smile and stay strong, you know? Sometime the simplest things can make a world of difference to a child, it really can. Just a hug, a doll, a teddy bear, a balloon, a toy can go such a long way. So anyway the most amazing thing happened the other day! I found out that the boy is doing quite well and has been cancer free for many years now and he's a teenager now, almost a young adult. That made me sooooo happy, it brought me to tears. I had often thought about him over the years and wondered how he was doing or if he even made it through. And yes he sure did! So I just wanted to share this positive story with you. Against all odds, this boy came out victorious and I think it's because of God and love and the power of prayer, he was always surrounded by so much love from his mother and his family and friends. My friends here on MJFC, let's stay strong for the children and always always love them. I love everyone here so much. Sorry about the long post!
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    His place should be AMONG US!
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Hi everybody. I am asking this with utmost love and respect. Please please stop PMing me. I am not Michael Jackson, okay? I am a fan just like everyone else here. It's not fair to make those assumptions or to PM me saying you know I'm this and that. You don't know, so please don't make those assumptions and let's put the rumors to rest. Some of my friends have gotten PMs as well from people asking them if I'm MJ. It's not fair to them to be harassed that way. I love you all very much, I really do. And I enjoy being here and being a part of this wonderful family but I've had to empty my inbox like a million times because of all the PMs so please understand, okay?

    I only ask of you that you please respect my privacy as I do yours. Let's focus on being here for each other and giving some love and support instead who we are and what our names are, you know? Because really that's the most important thing.

    Again I am not Michael Jackson. I am TimesRemembered, that's who I am.

    Thank you, and God bless you all.
    Love always,
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    I feel the need to clarify a few things............

    1. Michael is NOT (or "was" not, depending on your beLIEf) a drug addict, regardless of what they say.

    2. Michael does (or "did") occasionally engage in drinking alcoholic beverages. This does not make him an alcoholic.

    3. Just because someone doesn't eat a lot and is on the "thin" side does not make them an anorexic.

    4. People who claim to "know" Michael and were "close" to him do NOT always tell the truth. They too are victims of the media mon$ter$. Just like that whole sensationalized fiasco BS about MJ "romancing a string of women in the back seat." NOT true at all. So he has a girlfriend in the back of the car with him..... and then maybe another friend (girl) at a different time..... so what? And now suddenly a couple girls become 100 girls? Please.

    5. Another example is that bogus story about Michael's "rages" and "he is nothing like what he presents in public." Okay, I will give them that - the last part holds SOME truth but what performer IS the same in public as they are in private? Hmmm..... I can't think of one. Anger is a human emotion. Michael is human. But rages? No. And again that story was totally twisted and exaggerated. Michael did NOT smash that window and throw Bill's cell phone out in a "rage." He got upset (and rightfully so) and he did break the phone but there was no "window smashing" or "rages." Hmmm..... sounds to me like their own little fantasy of a music video.

    6. Diane D., I have one thing to say to you...... STAY AWAY from Michael's family, especially his mother.

    Keep watchin'...............
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    iane Diarrhea of Mouth Dimond, Harvey, Roger, Andrei, Gloria, Andrei, Jim, David..... where are you? Busy reporting more "FACTS" about MJ and his camp? Writing bogus articles? Books? Exploring with your tainted microscope every finger, eye, ear, hair, appendage, fiber, vial? Sending your so-called "undercover" reporters (which is kinda funny because I can smell 'em a mile away) halfway across the world to report more "news of the world" (you heard it here first, folks!).... or more "sightings of MJ".... Switzerland, Germany, Spain.... boy, he sure does travel fast! Or busy Photoshopping more pictures? Or you just plain SCARED?

    Trust me, you WON'T find your target. Patience is a virtue. Don't rush it. Good things come to those who wait. STOP mucking it up with your jumpin' on the "in the know" bandwagon. You are NOT in the know. You never were. You never will be. UNTIL the time is right. And then you probably STILL won't get it right. Retire your pens, people. Stop writing garbage.

    I won't even bother to say "keep watchin'".......... 'cause I know you will.

    so TMZ is out if we trust this person.
    TMZ with your make believe
    Your show is an illusion
    Harvey's mind is a delusion
    He got tricks up his sleeve
    Writing a little special somethin' --- in poetry form and believe me, it's not a love letter --- for Ms. Diamond, Harvey, TMZ et al, and all the other ignorant tabloid trash pen pushin' FOOLS.
    That's total BS! Michael did not KNOW they didn't have the "proper permits" at the TIME the procedure was performed. He was under the impression that it had been taken care of --- LEGALLY --- and that his son was in good hands. The doctor notified him that the procedure could not be performed due to lack of permit at that TIME, so Michael told him to get an anesthesiologist (i.e. permit) or whatever they needed to get it done right. LIES LIES and more LIES! This is a very good (sad) example of HALF TRUTHS and distortions of the FACTS. If your son is crying and in pain would you not do whatever necessary to take his pain away? Would you not sedate him for a major dental procedure? Sorry tabloid trash pen pushers, but get your FACTS RIGHT before you REPORT ....... or keep your MOUTHS SHUT.

    P.S. Just in case what I said gets misinterpreted, I just want everybody here to know that I'm not talking about YOU. My anger is directed at those ignorant fools
    > the tabloid trash pen pushers --- not you all. I love you guys. xo
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    His place should be AMONG US!

    I know! <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ -->

    When did you register on that forum? Do you know what he thinks about us?
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    I registered about <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> 2 hours ago
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    I registered about <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> 2 hours ago

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> same here!
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Can't find any opinion of his on this forum yet, you?. He seems playful, nice and not as serious and depresed as us <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> Maybe we should ask him what he feels about our community. He seems easily pissed by every speculation so i doubt he loves us the most. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
    sorry for the smiley abuse, i love them <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    By the way, if anyone on the Internet is Michael, it's him. Gut feeling. <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I couldn't read his posts, I'm having a terrible migraine headache right now. So I would be appreciated if you guys can tell me if this person is a believer? <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ -->
This discussion has been closed.