Recruiting Soldiers for Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E.



  • Sternschen87Sternschen87 Posts: 526
    Count me in the Army of L.O.V.E.
  • fedeDAfedeDA Posts: 48
    Michael, I've said many times ... you know I'm here for you. Sure! L.O.V.E.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    I've always been in Michaels Army for Love and Peace. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • DanielaDaniela Posts: 37
    Count me in. I'll be there to support Michael.
  • ninn_ninn_ Posts: 7
    I wanna be with them who are sending a message of L.O.V.E.
  • I wish I to be a soldier in Mchael's Army of L.O.V.E forever. I'll be strong untill the end. I will love you forever Michael I won't let go of your hand.
  • I'm all the way IN.
    Praise and bless everything in the world, and you will dissolve negativity and discord and align yourself with the highest frequency ---- LOVE. Michael knows that, he turned negative energy into positive energy in everything he does. Empower and share with others. Everything in Energy.
    What can we do (?) Everything seems so BIG, and we feel so small. But we are so powerful, we just need to really focus on that positive energy. Want love, peace, happiness, friends, etc. wish it, feel it, really feel it, send it out into the universe and you shall receive. If you can, then through your existence and the power of your thoughts, you will bring the greatest good to this world and to the future of all humankind.
    Feel the love always,
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I'm here and ready to be of service to MJ in his ARMY OF L.O.V.E. Whatever you need can count on my support! Much love to you always.
  • i dont remember if i already replied or not. i think i did. but im here again anyways just for good measure <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    Loved MJ since i was like 7 year old(18 now) and always seen good side of things to him and always will, L.O.V.E is a strong word, 1000 of these, is powerful, thousands more of these can be unstoppable, Man In the Mirror, make that change, i said that to my self so many times in mirror tbh, My Love & support is in this.
  • Count me in !!!
    My English is bad so, with your permission, DudewheresMichael ...
    :D I've never posted on this site, but I'm a long time reader and believer. I feel like since June 25th I've been living a story book. At the momment, I feel like I'm in Harry Potter, signing up for Dumbledore's Army. And like the students at Hogwarts I will fight for what I believe in, like the rest of you.

    My thoughts exactly!

    I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL JACKSON !!! I will be there for you until the end of time !
  • Count me in !!!
    My English is bad so, with your permission, DudewheresMichael ...
    :D I've never posted on this site, but I'm a long time reader and believer. I feel like since June 25th I've been living a story book. At the momment, I feel like I'm in Harry Potter, signing up for Dumbledore's Army. And like the students at Hogwarts I will fight for what I believe in, like the rest of you.

    My thoughts exactly!

    I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL JACKSON !!! I will be there for you until the end of time !
    Interesting screen name, can ask why you chose it?

    Do you know it is a reference to Satan, demons or possession?
    Just sayin...

    The Christian New Testament gospels of Mark, Luke and Matthew describe an incident in which Jesus meets a man, or men, possessed by demons who, when asked what their name is, respond:

    "My name is Legion, for we are many."

    The quotation has been referenced and alluded to many times throughout history in popular culture.
  • I am a long time reader but i resantaly joined. iv been spreding Michael's message to friends, faimley, and through vids i make on YouTube. i understand his message and see what he is sayin. I love anyone and anything even if they dont love me back <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I would love joining the L. O. V. E army and i am happy i am for me, Michael and to support him as much as possible <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    True Love <3
  • Interesting screen name, can ask why you chose it?

    Do you know it is a reference to Satan, demons or possession?
    Just sayin...

    The Christian New Testament gospels of Mark, Luke and Matthew describe an incident in which Jesus meets a man, or men, possessed by demons who, when asked what their name is, respond:

    "My name is Legion, for we are many."

    The quotation has been referenced and alluded to many times throughout history in popular culture.

    I am an atheist and totally ignorant about Christian legends, but I like your story.
    Beware, NWO, for we are many!
    About my screen name, My Name Is Legion is an anthology of three stories by American writer Roger Zelazny (my favorite author). The protagonist of these stories was involved in the creation of a global computer network designed to give ultimate economic control by keeping track of all human activity. Just before the system went live, the hero expressed his concerns about the possible misuse of such power to his superior, who gave the hero the chance to destroy his personal data before it was to be entered into the system. In taking this step the hero becomes non-existent as far as the system is concerned. Using backdoors in the central network, the hero is able to create identities for himself as needed. With this freedom he sets himself up as a freelance investigator and problem solver.
  • Eugenie AEugenie A Posts: 2
    I'm already in the Army of L.O.V.E with Michael & all of you!
    Looking at the mirror every day, trying to improve myself to become a better human being, opening my heart to the beauty of every expression of life, filling it with LOVE more than yesterday, less than tomorrow...
    Thank you Souza!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm already in the Army of L.O.V.E with Michael & all of you!
    Looking at the mirror every day, trying to improve myself to become a better human being, opening my heart to the beauty of every expression of life, filling it with LOVE more than yesterday, less than tomorrow...
    Thank you Souza!

    Good to see you here and good to see the videos are doing what they have to do!

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    I'm already in the Army of L.O.V.E with Michael & all of you!
    Looking at the mirror every day, trying to improve myself to become a better human being, opening my heart to the beauty of every expression of life, filling it with LOVE more than yesterday, less than tomorrow...
    Thank you Souza!

    Good to see you here and good to see the videos are doing what they have to do!

    love the videos you post on youtube, find it best way for me to learn of them
  • i remember this thread, but don't remember if i wrote anything here, so here we go.
    I actually started to go over myself earlier than others got that idea after 25/06. I came to realization that i need to be a better person to others, treat people good even if they don't deserve it from what they've done and even if they don't understand i help them at all. i try to be polite and soft in situation when people are rude to me. though i can't say it bring me happiness. People still act like assholes (i'm sorry). Sometime it feels like there are no sensitive people left anymore. AT ALL. But i'm still glad that i at least try to go the right path, and i know it's the right path.

    This attitude also helped me see how different my close people are. Like i grew up and they are still the teenagers that like to bully everyone around them. Shame on you, people.

    i try to be forgive every1 everything
    i try never be angry
    i try to help unknown people whenever they ask for help in the street
    i try to be caring and notice when some1 is hurt and needs comforting

    i try
    that's what i advise to the rest out there
    thank you
    and i'm proud of my personal change
  • 10000iris10000iris Posts: 2
    Since June 25th, I have tried harder than ever to be the best person I can be. At times it's hard to spread my love, but I always come right back to it. None of us are perfect and that is what makes us human. I try to help all that I see with all that I can. Whenever I see a negative comment left on a channel I try to redirect that negative energy with love and understanding. Don't feed the hate and ignorance with more hate. Feed it with blessings of love. I am Micheal's soldier of love, I am God's sheep. I will defend both until the day I die.
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
    L.O.V.E is a key word ! Ready to be a strong soldier !!!
  • [b]A soldier from day #1 right here. I have loved Michael for 23 years and will always love and support this man and everything that he, hope, faith, talent, peace, family, and spirituality. Michael my love, I am ready for combat if/when necessaryl!!!! I will fight for your honor and your message with all that I have! I am a faithful follower, because you are a loving, kind, gentle, strong, courageous, and compassionate leader!!

    I have always spent time and money in better the lives of children. I have always loved working with children and hope to someday be able to not only adopt from a few orphanages around the world, but also work in these orphanages and work to raise money for them. I really believe that the future lies in our children and I want to bring truth and love to them. I continually sponsor a couple children, help and encourage others seeking to go on the mission field and who seek to adopt. I am working to start a non profit organization that will provide housing and daily living necessities to AIDS sufferers in the US and around the world, especially in Africa. I hope to someday travel to Africa with a team and aid the children suffering from AIDS and other illnesses in both medical and social ways. I have such high hopes for this and want to dedicate my life to it. I also plan on bringing MJ to these children and hopefully he will inspire them like he inspired me to rise above the negatives and obstacles to be all that they can
    be! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->[/b]
  • I am always here ready for Michael. I hope to be a worthy soldier. LOVE
    It's All For L.O.V.E.
  • MireyeMireye Posts: 1
    I am always here ready for Michael. I hope to be a worthy soldier. LOVE
    It's All For L.O.V.E.
  • Since June 25th, I have tried harder than ever to be the best person I can be. At times it's hard to spread my love, but I always come right back to it. None of us are perfect and that is what makes us human. I try to help all that I see with all that I can. Whenever I see a negative comment left on a channel I try to redirect that negative energy with love and understanding. Don't feed the hate and ignorance with more hate. Feed it with blessings of love. I am Micheal's soldier of love, I am God's sheep. I will defend both until the day I die.

    Amen to that! Michael Jackson's soldier, and the lamb of Christ! I am a faithful disciple of LOVE...I am in it for life, I will defend MJ's honor and the word of Christ with all that I have!
  • I feel so compelled to DO something...I mean actively do something. I want to get out there and start healing this world and representing MJ's message and keeping his memory and music alive. I'm serious, I'd would like to get together a group of MJ's soldiers and start putting in action what we all believe. I truly believe ans so did MJ that if we stand together , we can make a change. I'm ready to open the world's eyes to LOVE and healing. We really need to plan something, share MJ's music and message and lead by example. Individually we aren't as strong as we are together! Show that we will fight for LOVE and be soldiers of LOVE. And we are ready for battle, we are in it for life! Anybody with me?
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