TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Sweetsunset<br />
    He changed it for the hoax and because this patient was a terminally ill person and he would probably be very skinny that's why Michael lost weight to perform in TII, so they changed their roles, the patient took Michael's artistic name and Michael took the DWD patient's weight.          MAYBE?!?!?!?!?!?! If DWD theory is true.
    <br />Yeppers! You worded it nicely!<br /><br />Ellyd<br />
    If the leaves were shopped in (= artificially added) and don't have any other meaning than just adding reflections, making a photo more lively and driving us crazy at the time searching an impact where there was none, then the FBI notion may be out just to test our drawers.
    <br /> :icon_lol:<br /><br />Bec, so you’re saying the leaf pattern is a signature mark, watermark?  Seems like it to me too.  Joint signature of FBI and MJ.  This hoax/sting is historical and artistic.<br />One option I long thought for CM is a FBI agent.<br /><br />Sim<br />
    Quote from: SimPattyK on December 01, 2012, 05:52:03 AM<br />Quote from: curls on December 01, 2012, 05:34:46 AM<br />Why does FBI involvement automatically mean MJ was/is in danger and they were there for his protection, as some are saying here?<br />1. There are recordings posted on Youtube with Michael saying he was afraid for his life, in various occasions.<br /><br />2. There are videos on Youtube with members of Michael's family saying countless times that there was a conspiracy against him, that "they were trying to murder him".<br /><br />If you don't believe Michael and his family, then WHO do you believe?<br /><br />3. TS stressed on the Illuminati theory for a reason! That means those people were infiltrated in his entourage from the music industry, trying to get his catalog/fortune/Neverland by all means!!<br /><br />4. Michael was framed for those 2 trials!! If "they" were capable of doing that, do you guys seriously doubt that 'they" would hesitate to murder him ??<br /><br />5. Do you think the FBI just sat on those false allegations and did NOTHING? Do you think they had so many files on Michael just for nothing?? It was said in those files his life was in danger!! It is said on those files that they had found nothing to incriminate Michael!!<br /><br />How on Earth you can doubt that his life was in danger??<br />Do you think the FBI would get involved in Michael's hoax, just to have some fun!?? of course there was a SERIOUS MOTIVE!! Life threatening IS a serious motive!! + Financial fraud!! which most of the music industry sharks did to Michael!<br /><br />6. And then...don't forget about ELVIS !!! Michael wasn't the only one to have received help from the FBI to fake his death to save his life!! Elvis and his family have received numerous death threats too prior to 1977!!
    <br /><br />This really sums things up nicely!<br /><br />BTC, there are thousands of good investigative posts made by smart members (many past), but there’s also the very necessary contribution members still here can make by remembering and condensing, and giving overall statements coming from the past investigations.  It’s a daunting task, and unfortunately I have such a rotten memory section of my brain.  I can just barely keep up with main threads every day, do a little other investigating – never mind reread some older threads.  Though I've been here since the very beginning, I am so thankful for the ones here who can so well remember obscure details from several years ago.  :beerchug: I wish I could emplant a 'total recall' computer chip in my brain.  :Crash:  But it's teamwork, we each do what we can according to our gifts!  To all:<br /> :bearhug:<br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    [size=20pt]LATOYA & FBI [/size]  :icon_e_wink: 
      <br /><br />[size=14pt]POST BY TS ----> [/size] http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,21319.msg375503.html#msg375503<br /><br />
    on 1322548550:
    <br />[size=12pt]In this post, I’m going to be giving further evidence about one of the reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital (risk of being murdered).  [/size]<br />[. . . . ]<br />The question here is whether MJ has been facing [size=12pt]a real murder danger[/size] (at any time, not just 6-25-09), and therefore was his artwork was designed to portray this real danger through entertainment?  Or was the danger just an artistic creation, designed merely for the sake of entertainment?  Once we understand the “how’s” of the hoax, the answer to this question should be very clear.  However, even before completing 7b, I want to show many reasons why[size=12pt] this danger is very real;[/size] then the rest of 7b should be relatively easy to understand.<br /><br />First and foremost are MJ’s beliefs about the Bible, the NWO, and the end of the world. <br />[. . . .]<br />For those who have been following the [size=12pt]tweets from Paris,[/size] you know that she has tweeted several things about “secret societies”, the [size=12pt]Illuminati[/size], the eye-pyramid (with the Army of Love cutting the strings), the warning about the New World Order, etc.  <br /><br />[size=12pt]Are all these things just for art and entertainment, with no real threat? [/size] <br />[ . . . .]<br /><br />[size=14pt]Can anyone read La Toya’s book [/size](Starting Over), and come to the conclusion that Jack Gordon was not a real threat in her life—that she fabricated the stories, pictures of bruises, etc, just for entertainment?  And if this was real, and not made up by La Toya, then it should be clear that the threats against MJ were just as real; [size=12pt]she talks about the threats against both of them (herself and MJ)[/size] in the same context, and sometimes the same people behind the threats.  In fact, it went beyond mere threats; when it came to the molestation charges, it was these same people who “got him [MJ]” (according to Jack Gordon).<br /><br />“Latoya and Frank Cascio also wrote about 9/11 in their books!!! WHY do they brings this horrible attacks in their books, related to Mj, this is what I don't understand and it really disturbs me” {applehead250609, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg374959#msg374959}.<br /><br />Yes indeed, some people on this forum and elsewhere are having trouble understanding the how’s AND THE WHY’S of the hoax, because they are living in a fantasy hoax world: thinking that it’s all just fun and games, with multiple ambulances floating around in the sky—while not gripping the reality of the power and the agenda which exists in the underworld, and that they actually did try to take MJ out in the trade towers on 9-11 (but they failed).  How can we be a united Army of Love, to stand up against their corrupt agendas, when so many of the soldiers think that it’s “All for E.N.T.E.R.T.A.I.N.M.E.N.T.”???<br /><br />Speaking of entertainment: [size=12pt]The Illusionist (which [size=14pt]La Toya [/size][/size]pleaded with us to watch, and “read between the lines”) is a good example of entertainment [size=12pt]WHICH PORTRAYS A REAL DANGER![/size]  There was a real enemy, with a real intent to kill the person who “died”; and the plan of the illusionist included not only saving the life of the potential victim, but also exposing the criminal.<br /><br />[size=12pt]Probably everyone knows this by now, but let me remind you anyway: “Michael Jackson's FBI Files Reveal Death Threats[/size] {http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1628762/michael-jacksons-fbi-files-reveal-death-threats.jhtml}.  Surely [size=12pt]the FBI[/size] did not make this up, just to go along with MJ’s artistic creation of some imaginary enemy.  [size=12pt]The FBI was also involved with investigating La Toya’s[/size] situation (Jack Gordon, etc); during level 5, I already quoted important excerpts from her book {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=19778.0}.  <br />[size=14pt]So I think we have every valid reason to believe that the FBI is helping MJ in the death hoax, for more than just movie and entertainment purposes; they are helping to create the illusion, in order to expose the criminal.[/size]<br /><br />“1. He just knew! He was famous and rich from the age of 5! The fortune hunters were always after him. He is intuitive! He is God-gifted. He just knows things!  2. He got hints from Elvis who also faked his death! He knew what happened to Elvis all his life because of his celebrity! and that Elvis had also received death threats!  3. He saw what happened to John Lenon and other celebs [MLK, JFK, Lady Di, etc]! he didn't want to wait for that happening to him too!” {SimPattyK, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg370869#msg370869}.<br /><br />Let me share a little secret, about the bitter opposition that I have received for about two years now.  If I had never done anything but promote the fun and games aspects of the hoax, you can be sure that the whole hoax world would have been raving about TS for these last two years.  The opposition is primarily because I support the serious aspects (Illuminati/NWO, end of the world, etc); humanity generally wants to believe that everything is hunky-dory, and all things will continue fine and dandy.  This is precisely the attitude which was prevalent before the flood, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah—and Jesus warned that this would also be the attitude at the end of the world (see Luke 17:26-30).<br /><br />Nevertheless, even though I have received great opposition from many: I have never received any opposition from the hoax insiders (family, TMZ, etc); quite the opposite, both the family and TMZ have supported TS/TIAI on several occasions {including the recent Too Short article, http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/22/rapper-too-short-not-dead/; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21471.0}.  And this is because I have been giving MJ’s real message, including the serious aspects; and I have NEVER said it was only a movie, or only a sting on the fans and media.<br /><br />I’ve said the following before, but it is worth repeating.  This is the only hoax forum that I have ever posted on, and it is also the only hoax forum or website that TMZ ever linked to in their blogroll; this blogroll is no longer on their home page, but it is still on their website and still has a link to our forum on it {http://www.tmz.com/blogroll}.  For a long time, many have thought that TMZ was just another unreliable tabloid media source—that they have merely been playing with hoax believers, and don’t really have any inside information about the hoax.  Well, TS has always supported TMZ; and recently, [size=14pt]La Toya[/size] also supported TMZ: “But there’s more to the story guys, and Harvey knows that; Harvey Levin knows that (don’t you Harvey).” {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0f7T8h3VTM}.<br /><br />I could cite many more examples, both from TMZ and the family; however, I have already done that many times in the past, so I only added a couple of newer examples here.  But I will close with the following, which sums it up in short.  The whole world, INCLUDING HOAX BELIEVERS, need to wake up to the reality of the seriousness of the danger—not for the sake of fear and mind-control, as some people have claimed; but rather for the sake of awareness and preparation: forewarned is forearmed!
    <br /><br />
    on 1354554459:
    [back in time mode on] <br />Don't know if this helps: [size=14pt]the leaves in the ambulance photo were shopped in.[/size]  We discussed the leaves were [size=14pt]pointing to the FBI logo and involvement[/size]. If I recall correctly, these leaves showed up on the outside of an ambulance drawer. [ . . .  ]
    <br /><br />Regarding [size=12pt]the LEAF-pattern[/size] that kept showing all through out the hoax, <br />I made some montages on this thread here: THE CLOTHES "SPEAK" clues TO US <br />---> READ on PAGE 3 (replies #72, #73 ) and PAGE 4 (replies #77, #78, #89, #91<br /><br />fbileafpat.jpg<br /><br />[size=12pt] Police Officer Latoya [/size]<br /><br />They're laughing at her, but the FACT is she really is a Police officer!  :icon_e_wink:<br />Pay attention to what she says between minutes 04:29 and 04:53 - regarding the investigation on Michael's case! how she says she's working with them (the investigators!). Watch her face/eyes when she says 'I'm in contact with them, I'm working with them..."  :icon_albino:  :icon_e_biggrin: <br /><br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />fbileajvj.jpg<br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]POST BY TS ---> [/size] http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,18964.msg327641.html#msg327641<br /><br />
    on 1304316315:
    <br />Sting.jpg<br /><br />[...]<br />[size=12pt]We are now at the most important level: who is the focus of The Sting? [....][/size]<br /> Keep in mind the possibility that more than one person or entity is the focus.<br /><br />Most specifically, though, we need to investigate whether the entire court is in on the hoax, or could the court itself be the focus of [size=12pt]the FBI investigation (or part of the investigation). [/size] Some have already proposed this possibility, while others have summarily dismissed it.  As always, please do not dismiss any theory until it has been thoroughly debunked.  And whatever theory you personally believe, try to debunk your own theory; many hoax investigators are still not doing this.<br /><br />In favor of the court sting theory, let me point out a few things.  Some say that the court did the right thing back in the 2005 acquittal, so why would it be investigated?  The reality is that the defense and jury did the right thing, but what about the prosecution?  We already know about Aphrodite’s testimony, and Tom Sneddon (TS  :lol: ), etc.<br /><br />We also know that for years the FBI investigated MJ, and the pedophile claim; but they found nothing against MJ.  Could it be that in the process of this investigation, [size=12pt]the FBI found evidence of corruption in the LA prosecution and the MJ trial? [/size] Could it be that as a result, the FBI in cooperation with MJ decided to make [size=12pt]the LA court system the focus of a sting operation? [/size] Please remember that the “top priority” of the FBI is “public corruption” in government agencies; and their investigation specifically includes “verdicts handed down in courts” <br />{http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/corruption}.<br /><br />We are also at the point, which I mentioned earlier, of running two different coherent theories in parallel.  And as we try to put all the pieces together—including the research of previous levels, as well as the new information that we will get during the hearings—hopefully one of the two theories will fall into place, and the other one will fall apart.<br /><br />Although there are endless minor variations within these two main coherent theories, for the purpose of this level we are only examining two basic theories: the court is in on the hoax, or the court is not in on the hoax (other than the defense, and maybe a few other key people).  For the sake of discussion, we can refer to these two theories as “hoax court” and “sting court”.<br /><br />In level one, we found that the ambulance photo was staged in advance. <br />In level two, we found that at least a few key people in the FBI are helping with the hoax (and cooperating with one or more in the LAFD).  <br />In level three, there are still a few different ideas about who or what (if anything) went in the ambulance on the stretcher to UCLA; most agree however that a corpse was not used.<br /><br />Even though level three is still unresolved, yet we can and should start investigating level four (The Sting). <br /><br />[ . . . .]<br /><br />It has been suggested that this would constitute entrapment; but sting versus entrapment does not depend on [size=14pt]using a dummy versus a corpse. [/size] It would be possible to use a dummy, and still qualify as entrapment, if the job was done so airtight that nobody could figure it out. On the other hand: it would be possible to use a corpse, and not qualify as entrapment, as long as there are plenty of clues and evidence that MJ is still alive.  If the hoax forums can figure out that MJ is alive, when most of the members are not even professional investigators, then what excuse would the LA prosecution have for not figuring it out?<br /><br />[ . . . .]
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Thanks for posting all that Sim...I was actually re-reading some of those last night!<br /><br />That bit in your montage about the "big Fish" reminded me of what Travis Payne says in This Is It at about 9 seconds into this video.<br /><br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @MJonmind...I am, by far, not opposed to discussion and I have always appreciated the many contributions from all members here (not saying that's what you meant but want to make that clear for those who've missed the many instances where I have echoed those sentiments).  And yes, there's been a TON of info that has come our way over the years....and it takes time to sort through it all.  What I find pointless is supplying/doing the work for those that are either 'mocking' a theory or are closed off to even giving it any credibility.  It's like trying to convince those who still think Mike's dead...and are not genuinely looking for answers or willing to do the work themselves.  Of course, everyone is free to do as they please...it's not worth my time though when genuine intent is not evident.<br /><br />We've been building a puzzle together for 3 1/2 years...and it took a lot of teamwork to get us to a semi-coherent picture.  NO MATTER WHAT we do or how much we go back and forth...the picture will NOT be complete until after the BAM.  If people want to spend their time dismantling the picture we have built...then so be it (although it should've been requested in the proper/relevant thread(s), IMO, if we are trying to keep the forum streamlined).  It would be nice though if people were more mindful of their comments.<br /><br />@Adi & Sim...great reminders, thanks for sharing.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • on 1354579006:
    <br />
    [size=20pt]LATOYA & FBI [/size]  :icon_e_wink: 
      <br /><br />[size=14pt]POST BY TS ----> [/size] http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,21319.msg375503.html#msg375503<br /><br />
    on 1322548550:
    <br />[size=12pt]In this post, I’m going to be giving further evidence about one of the reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital (risk of being murdered).  [/size]<br />[. . . . ]<br />The question here is whether MJ has been facing [size=12pt]a real murder danger[/size] (at any time, not just 6-25-09), and therefore was his artwork was designed to portray this real danger through entertainment?  Or was the danger just an artistic creation, designed merely for the sake of entertainment?  Once we understand the “how’s” of the hoax, the answer to this question should be very clear.  However, even before completing 7b, I want to show many reasons why[size=12pt] this danger is very real;[/size] then the rest of 7b should be relatively easy to understand.<br /><br />First and foremost are MJ’s beliefs about the Bible, the NWO, and the end of the world. <br />[. . . .]<br />For those who have been following the [size=12pt]tweets from Paris,[/size] you know that she has tweeted several things about “secret societies”, the [size=12pt]Illuminati[/size], the eye-pyramid (with the Army of Love cutting the strings), the warning about the New World Order, etc.  <br /><br />[size=12pt]Are all these things just for art and entertainment, with no real threat? [/size] <br />[ . . . .]<br /><br />[size=14pt]Can anyone read La Toya’s book [/size](Starting Over), and come to the conclusion that Jack Gordon was not a real threat in her life—that she fabricated the stories, pictures of bruises, etc, just for entertainment?  And if this was real, and not made up by La Toya, then it should be clear that the threats against MJ were just as real; [size=12pt]she talks about the threats against both of them (herself and MJ)[/size] in the same context, and sometimes the same people behind the threats.  In fact, it went beyond mere threats; when it came to the molestation charges, it was these same people who “got him [MJ]” (according to Jack Gordon).<br /><br />“Latoya and Frank Cascio also wrote about 9/11 in their books!!! WHY do they brings this horrible attacks in their books, related to Mj, this is what I don't understand and it really disturbs me” {applehead250609, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg374959#msg374959}.<br /><br />Yes indeed, some people on this forum and elsewhere are having trouble understanding the how’s AND THE WHY’S of the hoax, because they are living in a fantasy hoax world: thinking that it’s all just fun and games, with multiple ambulances floating around in the sky—while not gripping the reality of the power and the agenda which exists in the underworld, and that they actually did try to take MJ out in the trade towers on 9-11 (but they failed).  How can we be a united Army of Love, to stand up against their corrupt agendas, when so many of the soldiers think that it’s “All for E.N.T.E.R.T.A.I.N.M.E.N.T.”???<br /><br />Speaking of entertainment: [size=12pt]The Illusionist (which [size=14pt]La Toya [/size][/size]pleaded with us to watch, and “read between the lines”) is a good example of entertainment [size=12pt]WHICH PORTRAYS A REAL DANGER![/size]  There was a real enemy, with a real intent to kill the person who “died”; and the plan of the illusionist included not only saving the life of the potential victim, but also exposing the criminal.<br /><br />[size=12pt]Probably everyone knows this by now, but let me remind you anyway: “Michael Jackson's FBI Files Reveal Death Threats[/size] {http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1628762/michael-jacksons-fbi-files-reveal-death-threats.jhtml}.  Surely [size=12pt]the FBI[/size] did not make this up, just to go along with MJ’s artistic creation of some imaginary enemy.  [size=12pt]The FBI was also involved with investigating La Toya’s[/size] situation (Jack Gordon, etc); during level 5, I already quoted important excerpts from her book {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=19778.0}.  <br />[size=14pt]So I think we have every valid reason to believe that the FBI is helping MJ in the death hoax, for more than just movie and entertainment purposes; they are helping to create the illusion, in order to expose the criminal.[/size]<br /><br />“1. He just knew! He was famous and rich from the age of 5! The fortune hunters were always after him. He is intuitive! He is God-gifted. He just knows things!  2. He got hints from Elvis who also faked his death! He knew what happened to Elvis all his life because of his celebrity! and that Elvis had also received death threats!  3. He saw what happened to John Lenon and other celebs [MLK, JFK, Lady Di, etc]! he didn't want to wait for that happening to him too!” {SimPattyK, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg370869#msg370869}.<br /><br />Let me share a little secret, about the bitter opposition that I have received for about two years now.  If I had never done anything but promote the fun and games aspects of the hoax, you can be sure that the whole hoax world would have been raving about TS for these last two years.  The opposition is primarily because I support the serious aspects (Illuminati/NWO, end of the world, etc); humanity generally wants to believe that everything is hunky-dory, and all things will continue fine and dandy.  This is precisely the attitude which was prevalent before the flood, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah—and Jesus warned that this would also be the attitude at the end of the world (see Luke 17:26-30).<br /><br />Nevertheless, even though I have received great opposition from many: I have never received any opposition from the hoax insiders (family, TMZ, etc); quite the opposite, both the family and TMZ have supported TS/TIAI on several occasions {including the recent Too Short article, http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/22/rapper-too-short-not-dead/; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21471.0}.  And this is because I have been giving MJ’s real message, including the serious aspects; and I have NEVER said it was only a movie, or only a sting on the fans and media.<br /><br />I’ve said the following before, but it is worth repeating.  This is the only hoax forum that I have ever posted on, and it is also the only hoax forum or website that TMZ ever linked to in their blogroll; this blogroll is no longer on their home page, but it is still on their website and still has a link to our forum on it {http://www.tmz.com/blogroll}.  For a long time, many have thought that TMZ was just another unreliable tabloid media source—that they have merely been playing with hoax believers, and don’t really have any inside information about the hoax.  Well, TS has always supported TMZ; and recently, [size=14pt]La Toya[/size] also supported TMZ: “But there’s more to the story guys, and Harvey knows that; Harvey Levin knows that (don’t you Harvey).” {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0f7T8h3VTM}.<br /><br />I could cite many more examples, both from TMZ and the family; however, I have already done that many times in the past, so I only added a couple of newer examples here.  But I will close with the following, which sums it up in short.  The whole world, INCLUDING HOAX BELIEVERS, need to wake up to the reality of the seriousness of the danger—not for the sake of fear and mind-control, as some people have claimed; but rather for the sake of awareness and preparation: forewarned is forearmed!
    <br /><br />
    on 1354554459:
    [back in time mode on] <br />Don't know if this helps: [size=14pt]the leaves in the ambulance photo were shopped in.[/size]  We discussed the leaves were [size=14pt]pointing to the FBI logo and involvement[/size]. If I recall correctly, these leaves showed up on the outside of an ambulance drawer. [ . . .  ]
    <br /><br />Regarding [size=12pt]the LEAF-pattern[/size] that kept showing all through out the hoax, <br />I made some montages on this thread here: THE CLOTHES "SPEAK" clues TO US <br />---> READ on PAGE 3 (replies #72, #73 ) and PAGE 4 (replies #77, #78, #89, #91<br /><br />fbileafpat.jpg<br /><br />[size=12pt] Police Officer Latoya [/size]<br /><br />They're laughing at her, but the FACT is she really is a Police officer!  :icon_e_wink:<br />Pay attention to what she says between minutes 04:29 and 04:53 - regarding the investigation on Michael's case! how she says she's working with them (the investigators!). Watch her face/eyes when she says 'I'm in contact with them, I'm working with them..."  :icon_albino:  :icon_e_biggrin: <br /><br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />fbileajvj.jpg<br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]POST BY TS ---> [/size] http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,18964.msg327641.html#msg327641<br /><br />
    on 1304316315:
    <br />Sting.jpg<br /><br />[...]<br />[size=12pt]We are now at the most important level: who is the focus of The Sting? [....][/size]<br /> Keep in mind the possibility that more than one person or entity is the focus.<br /><br />Most specifically, though, we need to investigate whether the entire court is in on the hoax, or could the court itself be the focus of [size=12pt]the FBI investigation (or part of the investigation). [/size] Some have already proposed this possibility, while others have summarily dismissed it.  As always, please do not dismiss any theory until it has been thoroughly debunked.  And whatever theory you personally believe, try to debunk your own theory; many hoax investigators are still not doing this.<br /><br />In favor of the court sting theory, let me point out a few things.  Some say that the court did the right thing back in the 2005 acquittal, so why would it be investigated?  The reality is that the defense and jury did the right thing, but what about the prosecution?  We already know about Aphrodite’s testimony, and Tom Sneddon (TS  :lol: ), etc.<br /><br />We also know that for years the FBI investigated MJ, and the pedophile claim; but they found nothing against MJ.  Could it be that in the process of this investigation, [size=12pt]the FBI found evidence of corruption in the LA prosecution and the MJ trial? [/size] Could it be that as a result, the FBI in cooperation with MJ decided to make [size=12pt]the LA court system the focus of a sting operation? [/size] Please remember that the “top priority” of the FBI is “public corruption” in government agencies; and their investigation specifically includes “verdicts handed down in courts” <br />{http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/corruption}.<br /><br />We are also at the point, which I mentioned earlier, of running two different coherent theories in parallel.  And as we try to put all the pieces together—including the research of previous levels, as well as the new information that we will get during the hearings—hopefully one of the two theories will fall into place, and the other one will fall apart.<br /><br />Although there are endless minor variations within these two main coherent theories, for the purpose of this level we are only examining two basic theories: the court is in on the hoax, or the court is not in on the hoax (other than the defense, and maybe a few other key people).  For the sake of discussion, we can refer to these two theories as “hoax court” and “sting court”.<br /><br />In level one, we found that the ambulance photo was staged in advance. <br />In level two, we found that at least a few key people in the FBI are helping with the hoax (and cooperating with one or more in the LAFD).  <br />In level three, there are still a few different ideas about who or what (if anything) went in the ambulance on the stretcher to UCLA; most agree however that a corpse was not used.<br /><br />Even though level three is still unresolved, yet we can and should start investigating level four (The Sting). <br /><br />[ . . . .]<br /><br />It has been suggested that this would constitute entrapment; but sting versus entrapment does not depend on [size=14pt]using a dummy versus a corpse. [/size] It would be possible to use a dummy, and still qualify as entrapment, if the job was done so airtight that nobody could figure it out. On the other hand: it would be possible to use a corpse, and not qualify as entrapment, as long as there are plenty of clues and evidence that MJ is still alive.  If the hoax forums can figure out that MJ is alive, when most of the members are not even professional investigators, then what excuse would the LA prosecution have for not figuring it out?<br /><br />[ . . . .]
    <br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Has anyone read the novel "Obedience" by Will Lavender?<br /><br />
    Book Description<br />Release Date: January 6, 2009<br />When the students in Winchester University’s Logic and Reasoning 204 arrive for their first day of class, they are greeted not with a syllabus or texts, but with a startling assignment from Professor Williams: Find a hypothetical missing girl named Polly. If after being given a series of clues and details the class has not found her before the end of the term in six weeks, she will be murdered.<br /><br />At first the students are as intrigued by the premise of their puzzle as they are wary of the strange and slightly creepy Professor Williams. But as they delve deeper into the mystery, the boundary between the classroom and the real world is blurred and the students wonder if it is their own lives they are being asked to save.<br />
    <br /><br />I checked it out on a tip from a friend. Interesting read, especially based on what we are doing here. I got a hard copy for about 1c with paid shipping off Amazon.<br /><br />TS doesn't always tell the truth. He has been clear about that for a long time. Sometimes he supports false theories. If you strip away the evidence that has been obtained from TS_comment's quotes, what is left?<br /><br />Andrea had a good post a while back on FBI numerology:<br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=317514&#p317514<br /><br />
    I’ve been thinking about the FBI’s involvement, the possible clues they’ve given and numerology.<br /><br />As we all know, the FBI intended to release 333 pages on Michael Jackson on 12/21 but was delayed a day.<br /><br />Here is the link I found when googling “Michael Jackson 333 pages”:<br /><br />http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2009/de ... son_122209<br /><br />Here is the image with that article:<br />mj260.jpg<br /><br />See how it clearly says “Michael Joe Jackson”. When you look at the actual 333 pages that were released, the always refer to him as “Michael Joe Jackson” or just “Michael Jackson”.<br /><br />From the above link, there’s another link at the bottom of that page:<br />http://www.fbi.gov/foia/electronic-reading-room/michael-joseph-jackson<br /><br />
    Michael Joseph Jackson<br />Michael Joseph Jackson, a celebrity pop star, was born on August 29, 1958. He died unexpectedly on June 25, 2009 at the age of 50.<br />Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Mr. Jackson was investigated by California law enforcement agencies for possible child molestation. He was acquitted of all such charges. The FBI provided technical and investigative assistance to these agencies during the cases. The Bureau also investigated threats made against Mr. Jackson and others by an individual who was later imprisoned for these crimes.
    <br /><br />So when the FBI is referring to Michael being dead, they call him “Michael Joseph Jackson”. Very interesting, wouldn’t you say? A deliberate clue like the DC and a subtle reference to an Elvis parallel with the middle name? The Elvis/FBI involvement has been discussed in this thread and many know that his full name is Elvis Aron Presley but on the grave stone it says “Elvis Aaron Presley”.
    <br /><br />Which is pretty good proof of FBI awareness and cooperation in the hoax; at least one person at the FBI must be cooperating with MJ in order for these numbers to be inserted into the information (333, 111, 7, 12/21) and for the name discrepancy to be so complete.<br /><br />But the question that continues to nag at my thoughts is this:<br /><br />Does some sort of FBI awareness/cooperation mean that a sting is going on? and does proof of the former prove the later by default? <br /><br />Since TS_comment's DWD patient theory hinges on the FBI sting theory, it may be worthwhile to back track and reevaluate the evidence at the foundation of the theories.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    So I think we have every valid reason to believe that the FBI is helping MJ in the death hoax, for more than just movie and entertainment purposes; they are helping to create the illusion, in order to expose the criminal. “1
    <br /><br /><br /><br />I have always thought of this, but so far not seen anything. The only "criminal" that is exposed and " in prison " is Murray
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354568291:
    <br />I'm having another number(s) momment.  :icon_lol:  Not sure if this has been discussed in the past already, but I decided to look  at the release date of the FBI documents, to see if there's a pattern - if it means there's a connection with FBI.<br /><br />From Pepsi to death is 9282 days and add another 180 days that is 1-8=7  [size=12pt]December 22[/size], 2009 it's 9462 days =21  and 1351 weeks =10 <br /><br />From and including: Thursday, June 25, 2009<br />To and including: Tuesday, [size=12pt]December 22[/size]2009<br />It is 181 days = 10<br />25 weeks = 7<br /><br />From and including: Tuesday, [size=12pt]December 22[/size], 2009<br />To and including: Friday, December 21, 2012<br />It is 1096 days  =7 <br />156 weeks  12<br /><br />I've always wondered if CM number 2926725 = 33 and MJ 073164 is 73 =10 1 64=10 = 111 or 3  means anything.  :icon_e_confused:<br />29 mj birthday<br />26 7 ?  if there's 333 pages released out of 600 that's the difference of 267 <br />25 death<br /> :icon_eek:
    mindseye  :icon_e_wink:  The date of [size=12pt]December 22[/size] appears quite often on the pics I posted on the previous page...<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1354569702:
    @Sim....you rock  :icon_albino:<br /><br />Love you too, sis  :icon_razz:
      :) I don't rock, WE rock !!! we ALL do !!  :icon_e_wink: guitare-musique-hard-75.gif 0020.gif  :icon_lol:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354577984:
    <br />BTC, there are thousands of good investigative posts made by smart members (many past), but there’s also the very necessary contribution members still here can make by remembering and condensing, and giving overall statements coming from the past investigations.  It’s a daunting task, and unfortunately I have such a rotten memory section of my brain.  I can just barely keep up with main threads every day, do a little other investigating – never mind reread some older threads.  Though I've been here since the very beginning, I am so thankful for the ones here who can so well remember obscure details from several years ago.  :beerchug: I wish I could emplant a 'total recall' computer chip in my brain.  :Crash:  <br />[size=12pt]But it's teamwork, we each do what we can according to our gifts!  To all:[/size]<br /> :bearhug:
    I fully agree with this whole paragraph^^  We're a TEAM   :multiplespotting:grouphnkn.gif  :bearhug:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />I've thought for quite a while that if there is a sting then it would almost have to be against the "big fish" in the world.  To incorporate a sting into such an elaborate hoax would mean the target is of the "TPTB"-scale (white-collar crime to the extreme) because it's not going to take such a hoax to catch some rinky-dink crime ring or whatever.  I don't think there's anyone on here who completely denies any FBI involvement in MJ's life or the hoax.  It's been established.<br /><br />bec:<br />
    But the question that continues to nag at my thoughts is this:<br /><br />Does some sort of FBI awareness/cooperation mean that a sting is going on? and does proof of the former prove the later by default? <br />
    <br /><br /><br />That's the part that gets me.  How does FBI involvement = sting = DWD patient?  That is a genuine question because I don't get it.  A sting I can understand based on things Michael and his family have said, MJ stated when Invincible came out that there was a conspiracy against him.  And of course the allegations prove that as well.  So I get the need to stop these people, whoever they are exactly.  But we don't know nearly enough to conclude that a DWD patient was needed for a sting to happen.  We can't rely on yet-to-be-determined information/evidence we don't have.  I cannot make an informed decision without all the information because to do so would be dismissing a very important lesson that Michael has been trying to teach people for years.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354581737:
    Thank you!  :)  :bearhug:<br />Well ...as for the time... I DON'T have time! it's 03:36 a.m. here ;) But I DO have insomia  :icon_lol: I might use some "milk" right now  :icon_lol:<br />And as for HOW I find all these things.... it's no secret.... it's easy to search through TS & TS-Comments posts when you know the approximate period when he had posted certain things and regarding my own stuff, I have it all indexed/organized on my PC, so it doesn't take too much time to find what I want.<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354580725:
    And yes, there's been a TON of info that has come our way over the years....and it takes time to sort through it all.  <br />What I find pointless is supplying/doing the work for those that are either 'mocking' a theory or are closed off to even giving it any credibility.  <br />It's like trying to convince those who still think Mike's dead...and are not genuinely looking for answers or willing to do the work themselves.  <br />Of course, everyone is free to do as they please... it's not worth my time though when genuine intent is not evident.<br /><br />We've been [size=12pt]building a puzzle together[/size] for 3 1/2 years...and it took a lot of [size=12pt]teamwork [/size]to get us to a semi-coherent picture.  NO MATTER WHAT we do or how much we go back and forth...the picture will NOT be complete until after the BAM.  If people want to spend their time dismantling the picture we have built...then so be it (although it should've been requested in the proper/relevant thread(s), IMO, if we are trying to keep the forum streamlined).  <br />It would be nice though if people were more mindful of their comments.<br /><br />@Adi & Sim...great reminders, thanks for sharing.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    @BTC: 0055.gif  :icon_e_wink:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354585000:
    <br /> I don't think there's anyone on here who completely denies any FBI involvement in MJ's life or the hoax.
    Read a few pages back!  :icon_e_wink: you missed some comments ...  <br /><br />
    on 1354585000:
    [size=12pt]That's the part that gets me.  How does FBI involvement = sting = DWD patient? [/size] That is a genuine question because I don't get it. <br />[ . . . . ]<br />[size=12pt]But we don't know nearly enough to conclude that a DWD patient was needed for a sting to happen. We can't rely on yet-to-be-determined information/evidence we don't have.  [/size]
    I know what you mean. But the same goes for both theories! can you proove with 100% certainty ANY of these theories that we've been discussing so far?<br /><br />On the other hand, I think TS has provided enough evidence in favor of the DWD theory and also debunked certain parts of the other theory. Anyway, that just my opinion.<br /><br />As I've said once before, we have 2 plausible theories, right!? YET we CAN'T possibly know, with 100% certainty, which one is true! at least NOT until after the BAM.<br />WHat do we do in this case?<br />I think this is one of those moments when we need to "play" the TRUST card! and not rely entirely on reasoning! <br />We've done that all these past 3 + years! We've questioned/doubted, researched, investigated, denied, accepted, etc...<br />Now, I definitely think we should just BELIEVE and be PATIENT! The end is close...and the truth will come out!<br /><br />
    on 1354585000:
    I cannot make an informed decision without all the information because to do so would be dismissing a very important lesson that Michael has been trying to teach people for years.
    No matter what theory people decide to go for, nobody that has been dedicating his/her time in this hoax, all this time, nobody can say/accuse us of "dismissing Michael's lesson".<br />We are all winners no matter what the outcome of all this will turn out to be!  :woohoo2: :bearhug: Don't worry , be happy!  :multiplespotting:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354585000:
    [size=12pt]That's the part that gets me.  How does FBI involvement = sting = DWD patient? [/size]
    <br />Either I am too tired now or I just simply can't explain it more clear .... <br />But I think the answer to your question lies somewhere in those 2 quotes here below:<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1354532923:
    <br />
    on 1354513468:
    <br />A [size=12pt]DWD patient[/size] ended their own life and was [size=12pt]not the victim of manslaughter,[/size]  <br />                                            therefore they are an [size=12pt]"alleged victim"[/size]of manslaughter. <br /><br />Since there was no manslaughter there also was no date for manslaughter to occur on...<br />                                          ...therefore it is an[size=12pt] "alleged" date.[/size]
    Yes, Adi...that makes perfect sense.  [size=12pt]TS [/size]had asked us to think of [size=12pt]what was alleged and what wasn't.[/size]  It makes sense that anything following the charge of manslaughter, which wasn't alleged, would have to be 'alleged' since there was no victim of manslaughter and no manslaughter took place on June 25th.  <br />[size=12pt]It also makes perfect sense that if the trial was only for a movie/entertainment purposes, there would've been absolutely no need to include the use of 'alleged' in the verdict. [/size]
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    There's no need to add MJ beat boxing "keep-a-watchin" to the TII billy jean intro either and they did that. There's no need to add Liberian Girl pics to the memorial slides and on the stage and booklets at the burial. There's no need for all sorts of clues and hints that have been dropped over the years other then to keep us entertained.<br /><br />I think what Andrea and are I trying to say is clues to FBI involvement do not automatically prove the existence of an FBI sting going on. Involvement could be cooperation, clearance, approval, condoning, etc. FBI cooperation, for example, doesn't have to be a sting operation. The FBI do lots of other things besides just sting operations. That's why I was asking if anyone wanted to organize a list of reasons or evidences for the sting theory, because proving it's validity is imperative to the strength of the DWD theory.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1354586993:
    <br />
    on 1354585000:
    [size=12pt]That's the part that gets me.  How does FBI involvement = sting = DWD patient? [/size]
    <br />Either I am too tired now or I just simply can't explain it more clear .... <br />But I think the answer to your question lies somewhere in those 2 quotes here below:<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1354532923:
    <br />
    on 1354513468:
    <br />A [size=12pt]DWD patient[/size] ended their own life and was [size=12pt]not the victim of manslaughter,[/size]  <br />                                            therefore they are an [size=12pt]"alleged victim"[/size]of manslaughter. <br /><br />Since there was no manslaughter there also was no date for manslaughter to occur on...<br />                                          ...therefore it is an[size=12pt] "alleged" date.[/size]
    Yes, Adi...that makes perfect sense.  [size=12pt]TS [/size]had asked us to think of [size=12pt]what was alleged and what wasn't.[/size]  It makes sense that anything following the charge of manslaughter, which wasn't alleged, would have to be 'alleged' since there was no victim of manslaughter and no manslaughter took place on June 25th.  <br />[size=12pt]It also makes perfect sense that if the trial was only for a movie/entertainment purposes, there would've been absolutely no need to include the use of 'alleged' in the verdict. [/size]
    <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Thank you for those quotes, I had read them before as well.  A sting can still happen without a dead body and that verdict can be read in a number of different ways, as shown in this thread.  I understand the aspects of both theories (DWD vs no DWD), I really do.  Both theories are missing that one piece of incontrovertible incriminating evidence.  Which seems deliberate now that I think about it.  No wonder Front got the popcorn out! <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • on 1354588004:
    <br />There's no need to add MJ beat boxing "keep-a-watchin" to the TII billy jean intro either and they did that. There's no need to add Liberian Girl pics to the memorial slides and on the stage and booklets at the burial. There's no need for all sorts of clues and hints that have been dropped over the years other then to keep us entertained.<br /><br />I think what Andrea and are I trying to say is clues to FBI involvement do not automatically prove the existence of an FBI sting going on. Involvement could be cooperation, clearance, approval, condoning, etc. FBI cooperation, for example, doesn't have to be a sting operation. The FBI do lots of other things besides just sting operations. That's why I was asking if anyone wanted to organize a list of reasons or evidences for the sting theory, because proving it's validity is imperative to the strength of the DWD theory.<br />
    <br /><br />Bec - you and Andrea make a great point. I've been thinking about this as well. Just because we see the FBI involvement doesn't mean it's a sting.<br /><br />But what I've been thinking is this - Marlon wore the FBI hat which made us look the direction of FBI (at least it did for me). Was that before or after the files were released? Anyways, it was supposedly Charles Thomson that asked for the FBI files to be released and that has made me wonder for a long time whether he's somehow involved. I know he's somewhat controversial but he's done is part in helping with the vindication efforts.<br /><br />I guess what I've pondered is that maybe the references to the FBI has more to do with the files and 333 pages released, including the intended release date then it does the actual involvement of the organization. <br /><br />If it's a sting maybe the FBI has been investigating those that were trying to exhort money from MJ? I know it's been quiet and Jordan's dad committed suicide (on 11/5??) but maybe the sting/investigation is surrounding the ones that led the efforts of false accusation. I need to get to bed but will think about this even though my efforts will be weak because I don't support the sting theory.<br /><br />Blessings
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    "alleged" backwards is "degella" <br />degella shows up on these photos, which I think we have seen listed:<br /><br />http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/michael-jacksons-ladies/images/22529955/title/mj-de-gella-fanart<br /><br />*not my cup of tea website, btw.....I think it's kinda odd, as in really odd.  But thought I'd post it.......<br />we have the play on the word "manslaughter" to "mans laughter" ....just thinking outside the box.<br /><br />Blessings Always
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1354547402:
    <br />I think the "popcorn"-.gif was a reaction of Front, because we wrote 3 or 4 pages full of comments, that we were so excited for TS' post.<br />NOT that he was smiling about a (possible) DWD patient.<br />
    <br />exactly what I was thinking!<br /><br />@everyone..great team work, I just love your brainstorming!  :bearhug:<br /><br />@Sim...you are right, December 22 appears very often in your montage, it seems to be a special date  :icon_razz:
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    on 1354600764:
    <br />"alleged" backwards is "degella" <br />degella shows up on these photos, which I think we have seen listed:<br /><br />http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/michael-jacksons-ladies/images/22529955/title/mj-de-gella-fanart<br /><br />*not my cup of tea website, btw.....I think it's kinda odd, as in really odd.  But thought I'd post it.......<br />we have the play on the word "manslaughter" to "mans laughter" ....just thinking outside the box.<br /><br />Blessings Always<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for the laugh of the day. <br />Gella De<br /><br />Wonder how many more masterpieces went unnoticed to date.<br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1354610137:
    <br />
    on 1354600764:
    <br />"alleged" backwards is "degella" <br />degella shows up on these photos, which I think we have seen listed:<br /><br />http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/michael-jacksons-ladies/images/22529955/title/mj-de-gella-fanart<br /><br />*not my cup of tea website, btw.....I think it's kinda odd, as in really odd.  But thought I'd post it.......<br />we have the play on the word "manslaughter" to "mans laughter" ....just thinking outside the box.<br /><br />Blessings Always<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for the laugh of the day. <br />Gella De<br /><br />Wonder how many more masterpieces went unnoticed to date.<br />
    <br /><br />Shows off their Photo Shop skills  :fresse:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Wish, so I guess in the case of this MJ website they show 'alleged' relationships with MJ.  :icon_razz:<br />The admin at MJJC apparently said MJ had sometimes visited and especially liked the threads of women telling how they felt about him...  :icon_lol:<br /><br />Bec, are you saying we deserve a degree in Logic and Reasoning for our 4 years of intensive study? <br />th_graduate.gif <br />Yes, all it would take was one ‘aware’ FBI agent for MJ’s hoax, uh one who was well versed in numerology.  <br />“Who would ever suspect that I was a federal agent.”<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Also Murray may be an agent as well.<br /><br />Voice, it was not Charles Thomson who asked for the MJ files to be released but Brian Oxman. :icon_e_smile:<br /><br /><br />TS on May 2,11<br />
    In level one, we found that the ambulance photo was staged in advance. <br />In level two, we found that at least a few key people in the FBI are helping with the hoax (and cooperating with one or more in the LAFD).  <br />In level three, there are still a few different ideas about who or what (if anything) went in the ambulance on the stretcher to UCLA; most agree however that a corpse was not used.<br />Even though level three is still unresolved, yet we can and should start investigating level four (The Sting).
    <br />So level three is not completed because “most agree that a corpse was not used”. If we HAD agreed a corpse was used, we would have completed level 3.  :affraid:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354588004:
    There's no need to add MJ beat boxing "keep-a-watchin" to the TII billy jean intro either and they did that.
    I think the need was for Michael to create his validity/credibility as Back and Front on the forum. <br />I mean besides confirmations from the family, he verified himself... so to speak...<br /><br />
    on 1354588004:
    There's no need to add Liberian Girl pics to the memorial slides and on the stage and booklets at the burial.
    Those pics were an important comforting visual clue for the fans who were (most of them) suffering and crying! To most those pics didn't meant anything at that time, they didn't realize it then (me neither! I was still in shock...and had tears in my eyes during the most moving moments of the memorial), but I think those pics , alongside the other numerous clues had a very strong calming effect on the few, but very observant fans who noticed them right then when it all happened.<br />I think this was Michael's purpose: to make at least a small amount of fans feel better when seeing them.<br /><br />
    on 1354588004:
    There's no need for all sorts of clues and hints that have been dropped over the years other then to keep us entertained.
    i must disagree here too. I think every single detail was carefully planned and thought before hand and everything MEANT something important. Nothing was done at hazard... nothing was superficial nor superfluous. Such a minutely prepared hoax cannot have useless elements in it! At least that's how I perceive it to be, that's how I perceive Michael..as the perfectionist he is and almost obsessed with details! I highly doubt anything was done just like that... for the sake of it! Everything was intended and charged with a definite scope and effect! <br /><br />
    on 1354588004:
    I think what Andrea and are I trying to say is clues to FBI involvement do not automatically prove the existence of an FBI sting going on.<br /> Involvement [size=12pt]could be[/size] cooperation, clearance, approval, condoning, etc.
    Could be! maybe! perhaps!<br />IMo the evidence presented by TS (not just in his last posts, but on all his posts on the FBI sting) contains much more certainty than those doubting "could be-s", even if TS clearly didn't tell us everything! either because he doesn't know everything (as he clearly said it) OR because he CAN'T tell us everything , not YET (because "The BEST is YET to come!")<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354588004:
    FBI cooperation, for example, doesn't have to be a sting operation. The FBI do lots of other things besides just sting operations.
    Yes of course, FBI operations are not uniquely/strictly focused on organizing STINGs.<br />But so far, throughout this hoax, we've seen many signs, clues and also direct hints made by TS and also by the family (LaToya), that at least in this death hoax, the FBI involvement is focused on a STING operation meant to reveal a conspiracy! the word conspiracy had been mentioned countless times by Michael and his family in numerous interviews!!<br /> A conspiracy of that caliber (2 false allegation trials + money extortion + album sabotage - "Invincible" + death threats + media bashing) can only be stopped with the help/involvement of an authority such as FBI and the best "modus-operandi" in such cases is the STING!<br />TS dedicated 2 levels and several large posts on the subject of FBI and the STING!<br />I think we should NOT dismiss this as just a mere 'TS-prank/test".<br />he may have "played' with us here and there, throwing some small false leads to us, to check if we follow that blindly or we use our logic! <br />But I doubt he had invested so much time and energy on this them (FBI - sting operation) just for all to be a farse for us!<br />That's why the DWD theory seems to be the most plausible of all! because in such serious case, for such a sting, FBI doesn't "play with dolls/dummies and other weak materials like that! things HAD to be as REAL as possible!!! FBI never leaves place for mistakes! they don't want to compromise the work of so many people (most paid with public money) by working with "plastic-patients" !<br />PLUS: remember, we still don't have all the subjects targeted by this sting! Who knows what dark affairs FBI intends to uncover/prove/de-conspire through the use of the DWD practice!!
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354607065:
    <br />[size=12pt]@Sim...you are right, December 22 appears very often in your montage, it seems to be a special date  :icon_razz:[/size] 
    YEP! that date occurs quite often in hoax-related events!<br />I think we should pay more attention to it, even if so far December 22 didn't seem a like BAM-date!<br />I don't know why, but I am having this feeling... this number 22 = 11 + 11 ...this thread dated 11-11-11, then we have the 9/11 attacks...there's something about 11 ...and there are still some things that made me just ponder more on this date of 22 !! can't put my finger on it right now... But ever since I saw @mindseye';s post regarding numerology of December 22... I felt like 'the penny dropped' kind of feeling, you know what I mean!?<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354600764:
    <br />"alleged" backwards is "degella" <br />degella shows up on these photos, which I think we have seen listed:<br /><br />http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/michael-jacksons-ladies/images/22529955/title/mj-de-gella-fanart<br /><br />*not my cup of tea website, btw.....I think it's kinda odd, as in really odd.  But thought I'd post it.......<br />we have the play on the word "manslaughter" to "mans laughter" ....just thinking outside the box.
    <br />ROFL  :thjajaja121: <br /><br /><br />
    on 1354615014:
    <br />Yes, all it would take was one ‘aware’ FBI agent for MJ’s hoax, uh one who was well versed in numerology.  <br />“Who would ever suspect that I was a federal agent.”<br /><br />
    <br />YES  :icon_bounce: YES  :icon_bounce: YES  :icon_bounce:
  • on 1354572971:
    <br />Yes but if Michael has been threaten so many times and I am not doubting it, how the heck is he gonna reappear in public? who can tell him that he is not gonna have more threats in a future?  :omg:<br />
    <br /><br />Agree. Jmo, but I think he will always need a tight level of security regardless if he bams or never does.<br />Someone of his status are always open target.<br /><br />#not fair!
  • on 1354599221:
    <br />
    on 1354588004:
    <br />There's no need to add MJ beat boxing "keep-a-watchin" to the TII billy jean intro either and they did that. There's no need to add Liberian Girl pics to the memorial slides and on the stage and booklets at the burial. There's no need for all sorts of clues and hints that have been dropped over the years other then to keep us entertained.<br /><br />I think what Andrea and are I trying to say is clues to FBI involvement do not automatically prove the existence of an FBI sting going on. Involvement could be cooperation, clearance, approval, condoning, etc. FBI cooperation, for example, doesn't have to be a sting operation. The FBI do lots of other things besides just sting operations. That's why I was asking if anyone wanted to organize a list of reasons or evidences for the sting theory, because proving it's validity is imperative to the strength of the DWD theory.<br />
    <br /><br />Bec - you and Andrea make a great point. I've been thinking about this as well. Just because we see the FBI involvement doesn't mean it's a sting.<br /><br />But what I've been thinking is this - Marlon wore the FBI hat which made us look the direction of FBI (at least it did for me). Was that before or after the files were released? Anyways, it was supposedly Charles Thomson that asked for the FBI files to be released and that has made me wonder for a long time whether he's somehow involved. I know he's somewhat controversial but he's done is part in helping with the vindication efforts.<br /><br />I guess what I've pondered is that maybe the references to the FBI has more to do with the files and 333 pages released, including the intended release date then it does the actual involvement of the organization. <br /><br />If it's a sting maybe the FBI has been investigating those that were trying to exhort money from MJ? I know it's been quiet and Jordan's dad committed suicide (on 11/5??) but maybe the sting/investigation is surrounding the ones that led the efforts of false accusation. I need to get to bed but will think about this even though my efforts will be weak because I don't support the sting theory.<br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br /><br /><br />@voice. Interesting post / perspective. I like :)<br /><br /><br />@adi - yeah 'memory' that's my main problem. I read a lot. Understatement! But it's retaining it all that is difficult. My ability to hold onto the fine technical (Esp numerical & names) information is a challenge for me. I admire the many on the forum who not only hold onto the information, but are able to look it up in their memory like a telefax and quote verbatim on demand. Flaws me!<br /><br />My short term memory is a shocker! I am def a visual person. Love pictures and montages (thanks sim!)<br /><br />@ Btc, I think a lot of the 'forgetting' isn't deliberate. There are some that genuinely struggle to remember everything. <br /><br />Having said that just want to say how much I value this place and how incredible you all are and your research!<br /><br />#doin MJ proud - smartest fans!
    Where's Souza?
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