TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1354814074:
    <br />90+% of what we've done here for 3 1/2 years revolves around speculation.<br />
    <br /><br />Isn't that the truth.<br /><br />A personal aside, 1/1/13 may be less the end of the hoax and more the beginning of getting back to real life. I've likely neglected it for too long. I am grateful to TS_comments for giving us this clear deadline so I will be able to let it go and move on to more positive pursuits.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    I hear ya bec....I've set it up in my mind too as a sort of deadline.  Of course, I'm praying something happens...but even if it doesn't, I know Mike's alive and I'm grateful for TS' excellent guidance along the way.  We've all learned SO much...no matter what happens or doesn't happen, I will forever be thankful for having had the experience.<br /><br />But damn...I want a BAM!!!!!  :icon_lol:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1354816084:
    <br /><br />Isn't that the truth.<br /><br />A personal aside, 1/1/13 may be less the end of the hoax and more the beginning of getting back to real life. I've likely neglected it for too long. I am grateful to TS_comments for giving us this clear deadline so I will be able to let it go and move on to more positive pursuits.<br />
    <br /><br />The question is : Are we going to be able to move on after this experience ? I bet not !!  We certainely are in a great need of a Bam ! But what if it doesn't happen ? what then ? are we going to lose hope ? to ignore all the facts that we are now sure of ? doesn't it sound goofy to do so ? <br />I think that moving on and letting it all go is just a sort of depriciation of Michael's message ! I know it was hard for all of you guys to gather these facts and connect the dots coz it was hard for me to get my thoughts clear after reading them , I also know that you were called mad or insane for not believing the media when Michael's 'death' was reported coz it happened to me as well ,and I know that you must have sleepless nights and lost hours of sleep investigating the hoax BUT we must keep the faith and never lose hope  for we are nothing but a mixture of the two .  <br /><br /><br />love
  • I have a deadline, and it’s set at 4 years from 6/25/09.  I will no longer be looking for reasons nor trying to figure out if Michael will return.  If he does, I’m sure the news will find me  :smiley-vault-misc-150:  However, I will continue awareness of the hoax while committing to rally on the side of those determined to erase the negative stigmas some still insist on attaching to Michael’s name and his legacy.  In that vein, there will always be work to do.  I would die to know exactly what happened, but somehow I don’t think I ever will.  So I will be content to know that I gave it those 4 years that Michael prophesied it would take.  What ever happens after then, bam or no bam, I will always believe that Michael outsmarted them all & he lives.  I can live with that.
  • None of this is 'fiction'....there is a TON of documented evidence that these 'secret societies' exist...and have existed for a very long time.  There are also MANY signs/clues BOTH prior to June 25th and after, that Mike was WELL aware of them and may have also been a member (clothing, pins, paintings, symbols, etc).  IF there was ever a plan to 'overthrow' the inner-circle (the 'bad' side), the best (and probably only) way to do so would be through infiltration...or, in other words, a sting.
    <br /><br />That also comes to my mind Mike "was" one of them. For sure some of them bad illuminati guys are in the music industry. So "maybe" they had mind-controlled him and told him how to act and to throw sublimal signs he wasn't really aware of:<br /><br />michael-jackson-illuminati-freemason-young-eye-of-horus-satanic-murder-dead-body-death-conspiracy-rihanna-beyonce-lil-wayne-omer-bhatti-prince-paris-blanket-kids-children-5-janet-secret.jpg%3Fw%3D500%26h%3D289<br /><br />hmmm...<br /><br /><br />michael-jackson-young-illuminati-666-freemason-ok-black-dead-body-death-murder-conspiracy-rihanna-satanic-omer-bhatti-beyonce-lil-wayne-prince-paris-blanket-kids-janet-secret-son-nose-conrad-murray-jay-z-lady-gaga-eye-of-horus.jpg<br /><br />ok... that could also mean "ok" in sign language - or 666.<br /><br /><br />conrad-murray-freemason.jpg<br /><br />Here comes Conrad with a masonic chain. The build was first published around summer 2009 I think. So is this a metapher that Freemasons/Illuminati wanted to kill MJ?<br /><br /><br />mj10.jpg<br /><br /><br />mjpolitian3.gif<br /><br /><br />mjmason3.gif%3Fw%3D300%26h%3D298<br /><br />Maybe Mike wants to point out this problem.....<br /><br /><br /><br />Btw .. I was at Cirque du Soleil yesterday. Of course They don't care about us was played - but what really came to my mind was the ceremony at "Man In the Mirror".  Hitler, the KKK (inspired by Templars -> degree in some Freemason rites) and JFK (he critizied secret societies) flashed in.  Hitler was also rumored to be a member of a secret society (Thule Society).<br /><br />Anyways a US-Flag with a double-headed Phoenix was carried in. The Scottish Rite also use a double headed bird for their 32rd Degree.<br /><br />mjscottrite.jpg<br /><br /><br />Some high degree freemason teachings can lead into this Satanic/Luciferian belief that is contradictory to the Bible and the Christian belief:<br /><br />"When the mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must PROVE his ability to properly apply this energy (LUCIFER)"... "Lost Keys of Freemasonry", Page 48, 33rd° Manly P Hall.<br /><br />From former top USA freemason Pike: "The masonic RELIGION should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN doctrine"... "Yes LUCIFER is God and unfortunately Adonay is also God"... "The true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in LUCIFER, the equal of Adonay; but LUCIFER, the God of light and God of good, is struggling against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil"- 33rd° Albert Pike... from "Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world", July 14, 1889. <br /><br />quotes of source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/reply.php?messageid=1237428&page=1&quote=20160513<br /><br />There have also been other occult influences in Freemasonry like Aleister Cowly.<br /><br /><br />[size=12pt]Remember 9 of the 10 founder of the United States of America were freemasons that in its organisation goes back to the Great Loges of England / Scottish Rite.[/size]<br /><br />dollar_bill_showing_new_world_order.gif<br /><br />[size=12pt]See date 1776 translated from founding date of the illuminati in Germany. Coincidence??[/size]<br /><br />Btw... the Jewish Rothschild family/banks not only invented the financial/paper money system that we have today they also had the first Federal Reserve Banks - that can probably be controlled by the Elite/lobbyists/shadow groups. Even the Monarchy of England had debts and were dependendant from the Rothschilds.<br /><br /><br />If you want to get a deeper view into the rabbit hole I heartly recommend the following short documentary:<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />Allegedly the had connections to Adam Weisshaupt (founder of the Illuminati) and told them to infiltrate secret societies.<br /><br /><br />Rothschilds buy into Rockefeller wealth business<br /><br />http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/05/30/uk-rothschild-rockefeller-idUKBRE84T01O20120530<br /><br />MONEY RULES THE WORLD.. I guess there's some truth in it.<br /><br /><br /><br />[size=12pt]<br />Michael Jackson exposes Jewish Conspiracy[/size] <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Is this video authentic?<br /><br />[size=12pt]<br />Also remember what Michael said about a conspiracy against his album in the US:[/size]<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />[size=18pt]If all of that is the real deal I really hope that Michael got out of their hands and exposes them with the help of the loving GOD.[/size]<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354814074:
    <br />Actually, this is investigation...it's about investigating the possible 'why's' of the hoax.  All investigation involves speculation...there'd be no need to investigate anything if all answers were known.  90+% of what we've done here for 3 1/2 years revolves around speculation.<br /><br />This may not interest some or some might not agree with this line of investigation...and that's great, different/opposing views have greatly helped expand the mind throughout this whole thing...and, as always, everyone is free to skip it if not interested.  IMO, we have definite reason to investigate this 'angle' based on many clues from Mike himself pre-June 25th (in his lyrics, movies, interviews, paintings, artwork, etc)...and also after his 'death' (topics brought up by TS, tweets from Paris and other Jacksons, topics raised by LaToya, Jermaine, and others in their books, interviews etc).  So, while speculation is inevitable, there is undeniable evidence (NOT speculation) warranting this topic of convo/research as it could very well explain the 'why's' of the hoax.<br /><br />I'm enjoying it  :icon_razz:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />+1
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    [move] :moonwalk_: [size=30pt]B A M  [/size][size=24pt]in  December 2012 ![/size][/move]<br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]OR .........  aprox. 26 days (?) left till January 1st 2013[/size]<br /><br /><br /><br />http://www.zoklet.net/bbs/showthread.php?t=41245<br /><br />007fef.jpg
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @jam4truth: interesting post!  :th_bravo:<br /><br /><br />Speaking of MJ's time of "death" 12:21 ...I found this EERIE thing about Lady Diana's time of death:<br />another interesting connection... 12:21 pm (MJ) versus 12:23 am (Diana) ---> such close fatal hours!<br /><br />Princess Diana Murder - MI5 Agent exposes truth on Sky News - Assassination or accident??? - <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />mjdiana122.jpg<br /><br />009.jpg<br /><br />008glg.jpg<br /><br />010.jpg<br /><br />003ere.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br />[size=12pt]Other montages on the subject of ~ MJ exposing the Illuminati ~[/size]<br /><br />002rjr.jpg<br /><br />005brb.jpg<br /><br />006lll.jpg<br /><br />004grg.jpg
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1354827031:
    <br />
    on 1354814074:
    <br />Actually, this is investigation...it's about investigating the possible 'why's' of the hoax.  All investigation involves speculation...there'd be no need to investigate anything if all answers were known.  90+% of what we've done here for 3 1/2 years revolves around speculation.<br /><br />This may not interest some or some might not agree with this line of investigation...and that's great, different/opposing views have greatly helped expand the mind throughout this whole thing...and, as always, everyone is free to skip it if not interested.  IMO, we have definite reason to investigate this 'angle' based on many clues from Mike himself pre-June 25th (in his lyrics, movies, interviews, paintings, artwork, etc)...and also after his 'death' (topics brought up by TS, tweets from Paris and other Jacksons, topics raised by LaToya, Jermaine, and others in their books, interviews etc).  So, while speculation is inevitable, there is undeniable evidence (NOT speculation) warranting this topic of convo/research as it could very well explain the 'why's' of the hoax.<br /><br />I'm enjoying it  :icon_razz:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />+1<br />
    <br /><br />Two hugs......one for each of you! Love your posts here!  Thank you! <br /> :bearhug: :bearhug:<br /><br />PS>Just caught up with you Sim....your last post here too  :bowdown:<br />Unbelievable!  (ugh, I am so embarrassed though...I spelled praying/prayers wrong!  :icon_redface:) Sorry World......<br /><br />
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    SO Michael Jackson knew about 9/11 about 4 years BEFORE 9/11 happened??? *BullShit* and He tried to tell us by the blood on the dance floor cd cover?? <br />If Michael knew why the h*** did he not speak up,he could have saved 1344 people, and why did Mj have a  concert the day before 9/11 if he knew.<br />It scares me that some of you believe this. :over-react-smiley:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354831792:
    <br />SO Michael Jackson knew about 9/11 about 4 years BEFORE 9/11 happened??? *BullShit* and He tried to tell us by the blood on the dance floor cd cover?? <br />If Michael knew why the h*** did he not speak up,he could have saved 1344 people, and why did Mj have a  concert the day before 9/11 if he knew.
    :icon_eek:<br /><br />Yeah , go figure this:<br />The world would have totally believed that the US will collapse the twins if Michael Jackson, also known as "WACKO JACKO", "the child molester", had come out in public and said so! <br />They would have mocked and ridiculed him even more so! probably they would have attempted to kill him faster and wouldn't have wasted time to frame him with the 2nd trial!<br />NobodY would have believed Michael nor anyone else who had dared to come out publicly and say it out loud! Look what happened to Bill Cooper and so many others who have said it way before in the 90's or 80s!? They all "conveniently" died!!<br />All that Michael could have done in order to warn us without risking his life was exactly what he did: he SUBTLY inserted clues into his ART and ultimately he "died" for the truth to come out!<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354831792:
    It scares me that some of you believe this. :over-react-smiley:
    It scares me that some of you refuse to see the obvious :over-react-smiley:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Did we ever figure out for sure if Conrad is a Mason for sure....that thing around his neck always looked so shopped to me. <br />I remember talking about it, but don't remember the outcome.....<br /><br />Wonder what Murdoch has been up to.....things have been very quiet since his phone problems......<br />Just wondering.....<br /><br />LOVE
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354781832:
    <br />[...]Unless MJ is dead and TS is faking being a Illuminatist, then the FBI are doing this operation from a subsection of their organization, perhaps independent from the head.  TS is clearly saying 911 was an inside job, and the FBI are clearly saying it was foreign terrorists, and trying to quash all truth about it—two opposite viewpoints.  Elvis was clearly against corrupt government and dishonest people, yet he became a Federal agent against drugs, and perhaps more.  I really believe that from the midst of evil, there can be good emerge that will contribute towards its demise or at least weakening.  If God is the writer of history, how do we know that he is not sowing some kind of discord amongst staff or protection for FBI agents working with MJ on the hoax and Murray trial.  Could there be something like Faction A and B in the FBI all this time carefully co-existing? Could the FBI be so focused on their sting on the say Pharmaceutical companies drugging the stars or whatever, that they don’t care what artistic thing MJ does with his ‘death’?
    Great points @MjonMind!  :th_bravo:<br /><br />
    on 1354781832:
    Sim, great pics on MJ and the Kennedys, and yes they could have told him much inside top secret information, as well as Princess Diana.  In the video I posted, the former FBI chief said the 911 planning was coming from Great Britain. [size=12pt]Is the US really as independent from them and their Queen, as they think they are?[/size]  It’s bankers/Bilderbergers/etc  that pull the presidential puppet strings.  If JFK was really trying to expose the Illuminati and the way bankers would rob Americans blind by the Federal Reserve, there may be many others that stay hidden, quietly making moves.
    Again, I fully agree with you !!  :icon_e_wink:<br />I also think a lot of the "world strings" are [secretly] being pulled from LONDON!<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354830344:
    [...]Two hugs......one for each of you! Love your posts here!  Thank you!  :bearhug: :bearhug:<br /><br />PS>Just caught up with you Sim....your last post here too  :bowdown:<br />Unbelievable!  (ugh, I am so embarrassed though...I spelled praying/prayers wrong!  :icon_redface:) Sorry World......
    HUGS back  :bearhug:<br />...and don't worry about the spelling! lol<br /><br />I also think that Murray-pic is shopped. maybe on purpose to make us pay more attention to the NWO/Illuminati aspect in the hoax.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Thx Sim...I am glad I am not crazy for thinking that about Murray's pic........<br /><br />Hugs!  <br /><br />LOVE
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Sim, I agree with you. Actually Scripture says that "by their fruits you shall know them", whether they be good or evil.  Though MJ or any person for that matter, does the secret symbols or is a member is not the key thing.  We are ALL part of the system, just lower down, whether we think we are or not--we are born into it.  All history is part of it, and I mean ALL. Also it doesn't mean there not are struggles going on ALL the time within all of these secret structures, divisions. And sometimes the secret societies deliberately set up 2 sides that fight against each other--elections are one example, or labor against management, etc.<br /><br />BTC<br />
    None of this is 'fiction'....there is a TON of documented evidence that these 'secret societies' exist...and have existed for a very long time.  There are also MANY signs/clues BOTH prior to June 25th and after, that Mike was WELL aware of them and may have also been a member (clothing, pins, paintings, symbols, etc).  IF there was ever a plan to 'overthrow' the inner-circle (the 'bad' side), the best (and probably only) way to do so would be through infiltration...or, in other words, a sting.
    <br /><br />It also could easily be argued that Jesus was a much earlier Mason. Throughout his teaching, there is one teaching for the masses, and a withheld teaching just for the ‘initiates’ or 12 disciples. There has always been levels, and coded messages and numerology. Quote:<br />http://www.masoncode.com/Jesus Christ Master Mason.htm&lt;br /><br />
    In early Christianity there were two parts of the Church, the exoteric Church and the esoteric Church (or Gnostic Church). The former was open to everyone, the latter was a form of mystery religion with secret rites and initiation ceremonies.
    <br /><br />In that same sense here on the forum, TS is the ‘master’ teacher and we are the initiates, learning things hidden from the masses and even the vast majority of MJ fans.<br /><br />There is another reason WHY there is numerology behind TPTB (including Illuminati, FreeMasons, other secret societies, most world religions), because there is one God behind it all.  He has created ALL things, whether evil or good. There are many Scripture verses that prove this. He has written it all in the stars seen from earth, guided the thoughts/minds of his chosen—good or evil to fulfill his purposes—fulfill His story-line—HISstory.<br /><br />
    But damn...I want a BAM!!!!!
      <br />That has a nice ring to it!  That could be our mantra!<br />
  • Jam4truth and SimPattyK... great posts thanks for sharing, so many coincidences shouldn't be ignored.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    OMG! @MjonMind you are amazing!!! very interesting perspective!!<br />Who would have thought about Jesus from that side!? A Mason? looll  :icon_lol:<br />I loved the part about TS and us being his initiates! i really DO feel like that! loll In that sense, then I love being a MASON lmao  :icon_lol: :suspect: :suspect: :icon_lol:<br /><br /><br />@sweetsunsetwithMJ:  :icon_e_wink: :icon_e_wink:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354834904:
    BTC wrote:
    But damn...I want a BAM!!!!!
      That has a nice ring to it!  That could be our mantra!
    lmao  :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
  • I don't care what anyone else thinks or the fact what you think I'm saying is wrong. I'm not saying it's definite, all I'm saying is that its a POSSIBILITY. How are you going to get anywhere if you're not exploring the possibilities? I'm not saying to go overboard but some of the theories on here are realistic and quite possible. <br /><br />And of course all this is speculation, what else do you expect it to be, the truth? You're kidding yourself. Stop standing in shallow water and try walking into the deep end, you might be surprised by what you find. Before this hoax I don't think anyone would think that the Pepsi incident could have been a hoax and now some of you are considering it. If you don't allow yourself to be open minded you're not going to get anywhere.<br /><br />If the opinions of others scare you so much maybe you should just shut your eyes and wait for the ride to be over, it might give you some peace of mind.<br /><br />Edit: I think what sweetsunsetwithMJ said summed it up well...'so many coincidences shouldn't be ignored'.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Speaking of ".'so many coincidences shouldn't be ignored'."<br /><br />
    ZSA ZSA GABOR<br />Back to the ER<br />... But I Ain't Dead!<br />12/6/2012 3:00 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF<br /><br />Zsa Zsa Gabor is ALIVE and kickin' (OK, not exactly kickin' 'cause she only has 1-and-a-half legs)  but she's ALIVE ... despite another major medical scare this week. <br /><br />TMZ spoke with Zsa Zsa's hubby ... the von and only Prince von Anhalt ... who tells us ZZG was rushed to UCLA medical center Wednesday morning after developing a nasty infection around her feeding tube. <br /><br />We're told the 95-year-old Hollywood icon underwent surgery to treat the infection. She's still in the hospital so doctors can closely monitor her recovery. <br /><br />When asked how he was handling the situation, Prince couldn't have been more clear -- "This really f**ked up our Christmas."
    <br /><br /><br />Back Ain't Dead...BAD.  Back to the ER.  ALIVE ALIVE UCLA. (Hmmm!) I suppose that's what we're getting from TMZ for December 6th.  Happy 1260 days + 1 day of simmering everyone!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Poor Zsa Zsa, it's so sad when people get really old and their body starts to fail them, sometimes quite rapidly.  It's happening with both of my grandmothers right now.  It breaks my heart.<br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    (OK, not exactly kickin' 'cause she only has 1-and-a-half legs)
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Sometimes I don't like how TMZ drafting their " news ", she is an elderly woman and sick ::)<br /><br /><br />There are other ways of saying things. i i'm sorry  of  your grandmothers Andrea
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1354843342:
    <br />Speaking of ".'so many coincidences shouldn't be ignored'."<br /><br />
    ZSA ZSA GABOR<br />Back to the ER<br />... But I Ain't Dead!<br />12/6/2012 3:00 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF<br /><br />Zsa Zsa Gabor is ALIVE and kickin' (OK, not exactly kickin' 'cause she only has 1-and-a-half legs)  but she's ALIVE ... despite another major medical scare this week. <br /><br />TMZ spoke with Zsa Zsa's hubby ... the von and only Prince von Anhalt ... who tells us ZZG was rushed to UCLA medical center Wednesday morning after developing a nasty infection around her feeding tube. <br /><br />We're told the 95-year-old Hollywood icon underwent surgery to treat the infection. She's still in the hospital so doctors can closely monitor her recovery. <br /><br />When asked how he was handling the situation, Prince couldn't have been more clear -- "This really f**ked up our Christmas."
    <br /><br /><br />Back Ain't Dead...BAD.  Back to the ER.  ALIVE ALIVE UCLA. (Hmmm!) I suppose that's what we're getting from TMZ for December 6th.  Happy 1260 days + 1 day of simmering everyone!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Poor Zsa Zsa, it's so sad when people get really old and their body starts to fail them, sometimes quite rapidly.  It's happening with both of my grandmothers right now.  It breaks my heart.<br />
    <br /><br />I saw that TMZ story earlier too Andrea and went  :suspect:<br /><br />Yep - seems not much at action at all on 1260 +1 day of simmering.....<br /><br />@UYI - great post  :icon_albino:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354843342:
    Speaking of ".'so many coincidences shouldn't be ignored'."<br />
    ZSA ZSA GABOR<br />Back to the ER<br />... But I Ain't Dead!<br />12/6/2012 3:00 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF<br /><br />Zsa Zsa Gabor is ALIVE and kickin' (OK, not exactly kickin' 'cause she only has 1-and-a-half legs)  but she's ALIVE ... despite another major medical scare this week. <br /><br />TMZ spoke with Zsa Zsa's hubby ... the von and only Prince von Anhalt ... who tells us ZZG was rushed to UCLA medical center Wednesday morning after developing a nasty infection around her feeding tube. <br /><br />We're told the 95-year-old Hollywood icon underwent surgery to treat the infection. She's still in the hospital so doctors can closely monitor her recovery. <br />When asked how he was handling the situation, Prince couldn't have been more clear -- "This really f**ked up our Christmas."
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]Back Ain't Dead...BAD.  Back to the ER.  ALIVE ALIVE UCLA. (Hmmm!) I suppose that's what we're getting from TMZ for December 6th.  Happy 1260 days + 1 day of simmering everyone![/size]
    OMG! I love this!!  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:<br /><br />
    on 1354848158:
    @UYI - great post  :icon_albino:<br />
    I agree!!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    “the von and only Prince von Anhalt”, is funny and the comment about her legs is not.  But open name-calling is just plain wrong:<br />http://www.tmz.com/2012/05/28/zsa-zsa-gabor-house-foreclosure/<br /><br />Sim, I forgot to add, thanks for all your excellent collections of pics with comments on the Secret Societies theme!  You make a huge contribution by doing this, and on other MJ related themes as well.  It is an important niche that no one else has filled, so good on you!<br /><br />Bec, I have a question about this old email to News of the World from Study, Jesse and Lisa.  It's somehow in the reverse order, right-- the person's name is below their post?  Well, Study/TS is talking just like Back here in lingo.  Jesse(Elvis) is giving 2 messages in what he is saying.  He is telling who has returned and who Back's identity is.  'Guess who is Back', in other words, 'Back is S.T.U.D.Y'.  Wouldn't that be an indicator that TS = Back/Front--one person?  How do you read it?<br /><br />TStudyback.jpg<br />
  • Interesting comments by everyone. I've been entertained and even educated. Thanks.<br /><br />I also am enjoying the walk down memory lane - as we've been told over and over, we need to look back in order to understand. Hmmm - MJonmind, I forgot about those comments.<br /><br />I know this is off topic but most of us are moving between two threads. Mods can move this if they want - just didn't know where to put it. It's just something I haven't noticed before.<br /><br />I was watching a clip on youtube of MJ's personal chef Douglas B. Jones. He shared some personal stories about Michael and the kids. Something that interested me is that he used hoaxy type words and comments. For instance the type of music that played in the house was music by Dionne Warwick, or instrumentals or soundtracks of movies, like the "Magnificant 7". (4:27 in the video).<br /><br /> /><br />Anyway, I did a quick search on this guy and found out that he took acting lessons.<br /><br />About the Author<br />Douglas Jones has been a chef for over twenty-five years, working for 4 and 5 star hotels and restaurants. He received his culinary training in his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio, while he was still in high school at Hughes high in Clifton. He moved to New York in 1977, and two days after arriving, he began his culinary career. He was hired at the waldorf Astoria Hotel and worked there from 1977 to 1979. He continued building his culinary background by accepting a culinary position at the Plaza Hotel in manhattan. While living in New York, he began studying acting at the herbert bergolf Studio Greenich Village from 1979 to 1981. He then relocated to Los Angeles, CA to further pursue his culinary and acting careers. He widened his culinary experiences in Los Angeles by working at the Beverly Hills Hotel, The Hotel Bel Air, and The Westin Bonaventure Hotel. If he has accomplished anything by being a chef of what ever level over the years, it has been a career of longevity along with the blood, sweat, and the tears, the good, the bad, and the ugly that is a reality of any demanding profession in life.<br /><br />http://www.1888pressrelease.com/excite-and-delight-your-palate-chef-douglas-jones-presents-h-pr-78305.html<br /><br /><br />
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