TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • people who are part of Michaela's camp has been using the word "they" now i know what they are talking about...<br /><br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Concerning who monitors the FBI I had posted the following article: http://articles.latimes.com/2001/jul/12/news/mn-21327<br /><br />It mentions amongst other things that : <br /><br />
    For years, the FBI has been largely exempted from inspector general investigations and left to police itself except in rare situations.
    <br /><br />
    In those few cases where the Justice Department did allow outside investigations, the FBI "made life both difficult and unpleasant" for the inspector general's personnel, former Inspector General Michael Bromwich told a Senate hearing last month. The FBI's frustrating lack of cooperation, he said, meant less and less oversight of the 11,000-agent bureau.
    <br /><br />Therefore we cannot take what is written on their website as the ultimate truth. The reality of the terrain is much more different. Of course we may say this is an old article but I don't think that decades of FBI independence are going to be erased just like that. As an example here is a recent complain (2010) from the ACLU's website proving that things are more or less still the same:<br /><br />
    Without an outside check, FBI agents are able to demand and obtain sensitive information at will. This is the kind of abuse that is inevitable when we broaden the government's surveillance power and don't modernize privacy standards. It has become very clear that the FBI cannot police itself. Congress must step in to institute and conduct rigorous and frequent oversight of the agency's use of NSLs and exigent letters.
    <br />http://www.aclu.org/national-security/internal-report-finds-flagrant-national-security-letter-abuse-fbi<br /><br />Therefore the whole governement doesn't need to know about the Hoax as the FBI seems pretty much independant and especially if we consider that just a few key people would know. <br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I wouldn't take what the ACLU says as the gospel truth either. They are pretty much the constant self-appointed Devil's Advocate.<br /><br />The FBI comes under investigation periodically by the Attorney General, who himself comes under investigation periodically by Congress, who can't seem to coordinate getting ANYTHING accomplished.<br /><br />The bottom line I'm seeing is that we can't even come close to proving the existence of a sting operation in this hoax.<br /><br />Trust me-- I would LOVE to uncover clues pointing toward a sting on the people who arranged the allegations against MJ in 1993 and 2005. However, the fact remains, if we could find these clues, they could find them too and possibly get spooked.<br /><br />Another fact that remains is that these people wouldn't need an actual physical dead body in the ambulance on 6/25/09 to be fooled into believing MJ is dead.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1354729872:
    <br />I wouldn't take what the ACLU says as the gospel truth either. They are pretty much the constant self-appointed Devil's Advocate.<br /><br />The FBI comes under investigation periodically by the Attorney General, who himself comes under investigation periodically by Congress, who can't seem to coordinate getting ANYTHING accomplished.<br /><br />The bottom line I'm seeing is that we can't even come close to proving the existence of a sting operation in this hoax.<br /><br />Trust me-- I would LOVE to uncover clues pointing toward a sting on the people who arranged the allegations against MJ in 1993 and 2005. However, the fact remains, if we could find these clues, they could find them too and possibly get spooked.<br /><br />Another fact that remains is that these people wouldn't need an actual physical dead body in the ambulance on 6/25/09 to be fooled into believing MJ is dead.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, it would be nice then to actually prove it that the FBI is so tightly monitored, but I don't believe so.<br /><br />As far as the sting is concerned of course it’s not possible to know who are the targets only time can tell. We can just speculate in our position.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1354729872:
    <br />Another fact that remains is that these people wouldn't need an actual physical dead body in the ambulance on 6/25/09 to be fooled into believing MJ is dead.<br />
    <br /><br />They wouldn't need a trial either but that took place.  The corpse, if used, would've been to ensure that the hoax/sting doesn't get blown...and the whole thing would've ended abruptly if anything other than a real body was discovered by anyone who wasn't in the know.<br /><br />But I do get what you're saying about the difficulty in proving the extent of FBI involvement.  It's a catch-22 situation....if they are NOT involved in a sting, there won't be any evidence that they are...if they ARE involved in a sting, there won't be any (or hardly any) evidence that they are.  <br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    The latest posted to MJ Facebook:<br /><br />
    Michael Jackson<br />Quote of the Day: "I've always wanted to be able to tell stories, you know, stories that came from my soul. I'd like to sit by a fire and tell people stories - make them see pictures, make them cry and laugh, take them anywhere emotionally with something as deceptively simple as words. I'd like to tell tales to move their souls and transform them.” (Moonwalk)<br />Like · · Share · 9,114484581 · about an hour ago
    <br /><br />Story teller  :suspect:
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1354734342:
    <br />The latest posted to MJ Facebook:<br /><br />
    Michael Jackson<br />Quote of the Day: "I've always wanted to be able to tell stories, you know, stories that came from my soul. I'd like to sit by a fire and tell people stories - make them see pictures, make them cry and laugh, take them anywhere emotionally with something as deceptively simple as words. I'd like to tell tales to move their souls and transform them.” (Moonwalk)<br />Like · · Share · 9,114484581 · about an hour ago
    <br /><br />Story teller  :suspect:<br />
    <br /><br />But this is fun! I've always enjoyed the stories my grandfather used to tell us when i was a little kid! Childhood memories! It's part of who we are.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1354723948:
    <br />Ps. Are we SURE the 333 pages of FBI files released are legitimate? There's no way they were faked is there?<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />In the own site of the FBI said this, now if are false or not, I don't believe.<br /><br /><br />
    In response to Freedom of Information Act requests, the Bureau has released its investigative files on the late entertainer Michael Jackson, who died earlier this year.<br /><br />[size=14pt]The records total 333 pages, divided into seven files.[/size] They detail the FBI’s investigation of a man who threatened to kill Jackson, as well as various forms of assistance to California authorities in two cases involving allegations that Jackson had abused children. It should be emphasized that none of these allegations were ever proven in court.
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2009/december/jackson_122209
  • <br /><br /><br />.<br />
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1354676958:
    <br />
    on 1354676697:
    <br />Can Obama over-rule them and give them a command?  Then MJ needs Obama.<br />
    <br /><br />no the president has no government control, [size=14pt][size=12pt]presidents are puppets[/size][/size] and they do what they are told to do. Michael doesn't need Obama or any other politician because they are all sold by banks and corporations, michael needs the people to abolishing corrupt system we live in (matrix)<br />
    <br /><br />Bless you ! that's so freaking true . Michael doesn't need Obama . I beLIEve that he is way rational not to make a such move !
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    SimpattyK<br />
    Then, moving on... From what you said in your whole message, it seems that the death hoax has only 2 purposes: 1. farse/sting/hoax against the media and 2. against the fans.<br />Are those 2 ^^ really the only reasons of this death hoax? Entertainment and making the media pay for their crap?<br />I doubt it.<br /><br />This is a much more elaborated plan than just that! He wouldn't have needed 10-20 years to only plan a hoax for the media and his fans.<br />Things go way deeper and there is ABSOLUTELY a danger-factor (conspiracy, death threat, sting) in it all! <br />PLUS the following:<br /><br />1. There is also an environmental factor (Save the Planet, heal the World)<br />2. There is a humanitarian factor (fund raising, Children's hospital, though all the hoax-products that came out and that will continue to come out even after the BAM!)<br />3. There is also a cleansing/clearing aspect of Michael's image!<br />4. There is the aspect of corruption in the Justice System, Music  and Pharmaceutic Industries!<br />5. There is also the FBI aspect who may have 2 major interests in getting involved in this hoax: 1. make light in Michael's case of conspiracy against him and 2. some hidden/top secret purpose that would serve only the government/FBI and that we may probably never find out!<br /><br />And if I left out other important aspects, pls feel free to add to the list.
    <br /><br />Sim,  6.  There is the upper echelon of evil, TPTB/Illuminati/demonic/alien on a planetary scale where ‘Michael defeats the dragon’ talked of in Revelation.  I know that seems of mythical/fanciful stuff, but Back/Front/TS/Michael have talked much about it, so it can’t be ignored altogether, though it seems irrelevant to non-religious people.  And indeed TS said it was the most important reason for the hoax.  Is he just making this all up to make the story more interesting?  I just don't believe so, at least I don't lean that way, though I could be wrong. MJ told Oprah, "I believe in God, very much!" and believe he still thinks that way.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1354740033:
    <br />
    on 1354676958:
    <br />
    on 1354676697:
    <br />Can Obama over-rule them and give them a command?  Then MJ needs Obama.<br />
    <br /><br />no the president has no government control, [size=14pt][size=12pt]presidents are puppets[/b][/size][/size] and they do what they are told to do. Michael doesn't need Obama or any other politician because they are all sold by banks and corporations, michael needs the people to abolishing corrupt system we live in (matrix)<br />
    <br /><br />Bless you ! that's so freaking true . Michael doesn't need Obama . I beLIEve that he is way rational not to make a such move !<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />On the night of the American elections, the entire world saw the results displayed in real time on the Rockefeller building which is owned by the…Rockefellers. Between the bars representing the Democratic and the Republican party is an artwork depicting a Demiurge “shaping” the world with a Masonic compass – an important gnostic symbol in Secret Societies. The symbolism of this scene is quite telling and flagrant:  No matter who wins, it is the Masonic compass that will ultimately shape the world…And that’s pretty much all you need to know about politics.<br />http://vigilantcitizen.com/pics-of-the-month/symbolic-pics-of-the-month-1212/<br /><br />0c139cab62382a1f200f6a706700a40b-e1354559927143.jpg
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    Ok! I'm loving the discussion that @MJonMind started about the [size=12pt]Illuminati, NWO, 9/11[/size] and the [possibility of a sting on the FBI! [ :icon_eek: Geez! that would be SOME shift in all this!  :icon_lol: ]<br /><br />It also fits with the numerology of number 11! <br />Remember the post made by @mindseye...few days ago? and the date of December 22 [11+11].<br /><br />I definitely think there's something big in the hoax destined to this subject!! Sting or whatever it is, but there is SOMETHING to IT!!<br /><br />[size=14pt]POST BY TS ---> [/size] http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,21319.msg375503.html#msg375503<br /><br />
    on 1322548550:
    <br />[...]<br />First and foremost are MJ’s beliefs about the Bible, [size=14pt]the NWO, [/size]and the end of the world.  I have already documented this significantly, so I won’t repeat it here (see Update #1, for example).  For MJ, these beliefs are not just entertainment; they are very real.  There is a real battle between good and evil in this world; it has existed for thousands of years, but it gets much more intense near the end of the world.  <br />[size=12pt]And anyone who does not take sides with the evil powers, especially if they are rich and/or famous, will become prime targets of these evil powers (often referred to as the Illuminati).[/size]<br /><br />[...]<br /><br />[size=12pt]For those who have been following the tweets from Paris, you know that she has tweeted several things about “secret societies”, the Illuminati, the eye-pyramid (with the Army of Love cutting the strings), the warning about the New World Order, etc.  And MJ himself did the music video, while standing beside the NWO all-seeing eye[/size] {at 1:05, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJL6nfu__Q}.  And he has also talked about a “conspiracy”, more than once.<br /><br />[size=14pt]Are all these things just for art and entertainment, with no real threat?  [/size]And even IF there was no real threat before such warnings were given: would not the warnings themselves generate a real danger?  <br />[size=12pt]Would MJ put himself and his children in the cross-hairs of real danger, just for the sake of creating entertainment about a threat that was not real—that is, not real until the entertainment was created?[/size]<br /><br />[...]<br /><br />[size=12pt]“Latoya and Frank Cascio also wrote about 9/11 in their books!!! [/size]WHY do they brings this horrible attacks in their books, related to Mj, this is what I don't understand and it really disturbs me” {applehead250609, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg374959#msg374959}.<br /><br />[size=12pt]Yes indeed, some people on this forum and elsewhere[/size] are having trouble understanding the how’s AND THE WHY’S of the hoax, because they are living in a fantasy hoax world: thinking that it’s all just fun and games, with multiple ambulances floating around in the sky—while [size=12pt]not gripping the reality of the power and the agenda which exists in the underworld, and that they actually did try to take MJ out in the trade towers on 9-11 (but they failed).[/size]  How can we be a united Army of Love, to stand up against their corrupt agendas, when so many of the soldiers think that it’s “All for E.N.T.E.R.T.A.I.N.M.E.N.T.”???<br /><br />[...]<br />“1. He just knew! He was famous and rich from the age of 5! The fortune hunters were always after him. He is intuitive! He is God-gifted. He just knows things!  2. He got hints from Elvis who also faked his death! He knew what happened to Elvis all his life because of his celebrity! and that Elvis had also received death threats!  3. He saw what happened to John Lenon and other celebs [[size=14pt]MLK, JFK, Lady Di, [/size]etc]! he didn't want to wait for that happening to him too!” {SimPattyK, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg370869#msg370869}.<br /><br />Let me share a little secret, about the bitter opposition that I have received for about two years now.  If I had never done anything but promote the fun and games aspects of the hoax, you can be sure that the whole hoax world would have been raving about TS for these last two years.  The opposition is primarily because I support the serious aspects (Illuminati/NWO, end of the world, etc); humanity generally wants to believe that everything is hunky-dory, and all things will continue fine and dandy.  This is precisely the attitude which was prevalent before the flood, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah—and Jesus warned that this would also be the attitude at the end of the world (see Luke 17:26-30).<br /><br />Nevertheless, even though I have received great opposition from many: I have never received any opposition from the hoax insiders (family, TMZ, etc); quite the opposite, both the family and TMZ have supported TS/TIAI on several occasions {including the recent Too Short article, http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/22/rapper-too-short-not-dead/; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21471.0}. <br /><br /> And this is because I have been giving MJ’s real message, including the serious aspects; <br />[size=16pt]and I have NEVER said it was only a movie, or only a sting on the fans and media.[/size]<br />[...]
    <br /><br />269303vsv.jpg<br /><br />debtspnrn.jpg<br /><br />
    on 1330990407:
    Author [size=12pt]Frank Cascio[/size] recently tweeted about the meeting at The World Trade Centre on 9/11 that Michael had supposedly missed because he overslept. <br /><br />[....]                                                                    JJ+TT+meeting.png
    <br /><br />
        In a new interview, [size=12pt]Jermaine [/size]gave Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush a preview of the candid memoir where he revealed that his brother was supposed to be in The World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. “My mother had stayed up with him all the way until four in the morning and he just slept; he missed his appointments, which was great,” Jermaine told Billy, saying Michael — a long time sufferer of sleep deprivation — had planned to attend meetings in the Twin Towers that day.
    http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread848620/pg1<br /><br />
    [size=12pt]LATOYA JACKSON:[/size] “Well, Michael got a camper for Elizabeth to get back home from 9/11 and she was in a camper going back home and of course at that time everybody was looking out for everyone’s safety at that particular time. But you know, I never asked him if he was in that camper with her or not. I never did ask that. But I think I was told at some point and then got out. I’m not so sure. But no, Marlin Brando has always been a friend of the family and so has Elizabeth. They would always come over and watch movies with us all the time and have dinners. Elizabeth Taylor would come over and have dinners. This is when we all lived together at Hayvenhurst and yes they’ve been friends for years.”
    http://www.cyinterview.com/2011/07/la-toya-on-her-brother-michael-jackson’s-death-says-“follow-the-money-trail…”-talks-about-her-book-starting-over/&lt;br /><br /><br />024dlchess.jpg<br /><br />mj911.jpg<br /><br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />mjjackieke.jpg<br /><br />mjjackxox.jpg<br /><br />mjjfkladyd.jpg
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ok so we lack proof of an FBI sting so the alternative is MJ is taking down the Illuminati and to do so he needed to break the law and use a real dead person?<br /><br />As in, how'd we get from there to here? The FBI needed to be involved to make the DWD legal for "use" in the hoax, give clearance because of the sting operation. If the FBI isn't helping MJ but rather part of Illuminati and trying to take Michael out, where does the DWD patient come in?
  • @Sim<;br /><br />I've always wondered how MJ got inside info, like how he 'just knew' some things. The fact that it seems MJ knew somewhat about the 9/11 attack (well that's what I think anyway) makes me think about who would have told him. I mean yes he is one of the biggest starts on the planet with a huge following but these 'secret societies', whatever you want to call them wouldn't tell him anything about their plans even if he was a puppet of theirs. <br /><br />Those in the positions to be able to carry out that sort of thing or people in key areas (e.g. Presidents, those in high positions of government) would know this sort of thing (as everything they plan is already 'predetermined'). So I think JFK and Bobby Kennedy would have known about some of the things that they planned.I think you're right Sim, MJ could of got some insight information from JK as JFK would have told her everything, I mean she definitely knew a lot, I bet she even knew who killed JFK judging from her words and refusing to take off the pink suit that had JFK's blood all over it.<br /><br />Anyway I don't want to trail off but I do think MJ had some kind of discussion with JK as well as other Kennedy's, maybe even John Jr (who spent his time looking into his father's death).
  • I get confused... <br /><br />Freemasons are they the same as Illuminati or separate? I have seen some believe they are the same, and others believe they are separate<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Bec, I know it is frustrating to have key puzzle pieces withheld from us.  Front/TS have both said we can't hurry up MJ's plan being carried out.<br /><br />Unless MJ is dead and TS is faking being a Illuminatist, then the FBI are doing this operation from a subsection of their organization, perhaps independent from the head.  TS is clearly saying 911 was an inside job, and the FBI are clearly saying it was foreign terrorists, and trying to quash all truth about it—two opposite viewpoints.  Elvis was clearly against corrupt government and dishonest people, yet he became a Federal agent against drugs, and perhaps more.  I really believe that from the midst of evil, there can be good emerge that will contribute towards its demise or at least weakening.  If God is the writer of history, how do we know that he is not sowing some kind of discord amongst staff or protection for FBI agents working with MJ on the hoax and Murray trial.  Could there be something like Faction A and B in the FBI all this time carefully co-existing? Could the FBI be so focused on their sting on the say Pharmaceutical companies drugging the stars or whatever, that they don’t care what artistic thing MJ does with his ‘death’?<br /><br />TS<br />
    #2.  Direction could also be run on the scene by the FBI.  In fact, 6-25-09 was the day that FBI had primary say over how things would be run; MJ picked the day, and time, and most of the rest was arranged by the FBI.  The memorial (7-7-09) and burial (8-3-09) were events that MJ was the primary director (these were also the events with the Liberian Girl pictures).  And even on 6-25-09, MJ could give remote directions, if needed, via encrypted e-mail {www.hushmail.com}.
    <br /><br />Sim, great pics on MJ and the Kennedys, and yes they could have told him much inside top secret information, as well as Princess Diana.  In the video I posted, the former FBI chief said the 911 planning was coming from Great Britain. Is the US really as independent from them and their Queen, as they think they are?  It’s bankers/Bilderbergers/etc  that pull the presidential puppet strings.  If JFK was really trying to expose the Illuminati and the way bankers would rob Americans blind by the Federal Reserve, there may be many others that stay hidden, quietly making moves. <br /><br />And yes, Moonwalker is being played out in reality, perhaps on a global scale, and he will come back-- from the skies as well??  As his fans cry and wish.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354766769:
    <br />Ok so we lack proof of an FBI sting so the alternative is MJ is taking down the Illuminati and to do so he needed to break the law and use a real dead person?
    <br />I don't see the Illuminati subject as an alternative to the FBI sting. But more like another facet of the cube.<br />Regarding the subject: DWD patient vs. dummy/live Mj - to me things are clear: both theories are plausible, but I incline to believe DWD patient theory is more valid than the other one.<br />I believe the FBI is very much involved in Michael's hoax and there are some bad guys to catch, otherwise FBI wouldn't have even bothered!<br /><br />But that is just one aspect , just one "corridor" of the whole hoax labirint! <br /><br />Michael's fight against NWO/Illuminati was OBVIOUS both before and even MORE so after June 25th, 2009.<br />The way I see it... Michael has a lot of highly positioned enemies, but he also has many POWERFUL friends! <br />At this point, all the managment/political/military/government institutions seem to be dominated/infiltrated with the bad guys (Illuminati/banker-families/bloodline leaders), including FBI, corruption is everywhere...<br />BUT that does not mean that there aren't some good guys too, willing to help, probably disgusted, sick and tired by the injustice, the conspiracy , the corruption that are installed right now.<br /><br />Maybe the help that Michael received from the authorities (FBI, police, Justice system) isn't necessarily OFFICIALLy acknowledged in those institutions! Maybe it's done in some camouflaged form, clandestine operation.<br />IDK, I am just guessing... Maybe that's why things cannot be entirely revealed YET! We are only put on the waiting mode, and given a bit of orientation... If that's true, then what @MjonMind said about this possibly being a STING not only for the media, fans, Justice system, music industry, pharmaceutical industry, BUT also on the corruption inside FBI! SO a sting by the FBI on the FBI!? Wow! Sounds crazy! but not impossible!<br /><br /><br />
    I mean yes he is one of the biggest stars on the planet with a huge following but these 'secret societies', whatever you want to call them wouldn't tell him anything about their plans even if he was a puppet of theirs.
    Just like inside government insitutions there can be good guys and bad guys, so it is inside those secret societies!<br />WHat if all the good people from these organizations decided to form their own "secret society" and act from the shadow against the bad guys!?<br />How else could anyone beat these bad guys who operate in secrecy, how else could anyone overcome them other than by using their same weapons!? Which means: conspiracy, secrecy, stings, plots, betrayal - ANYTHING that they do for their attorcious purposes, well imagine the good guys using exactly the same "methods" only to expose them, conquer them! V for Vendetta!<br /><br />I am a dreamer  I know!  :icon_lol:
  • on 1354780846:
    <br />I get confused... <br /><br />Freemasons are they the same as Illuminati or separate? I have seen some believe they are the same, and others believe they are separate<br />
    <br /><br />That's a complicated question to answer and isn't as straighfoward. But I guess the gist is that freemasons are from the same branch or group of the Illuminati.<br /><br />I guess I'll explain it this way. You have secret societies which features different groups of societies which are kind of the same thing, just slightly different with different names. But Illuminati is pretty much a secret society with no rules, one goal and complete ruthlessness. Then something like Skull and Bones, freemasons etc. are I guess more 'tame', but have the same kind of M.O, such as rituals and the way of running it.<br /><br />Having said that not everyone who is a freemason is evil or bad it usually is kind of like a fraternity would be the best way to describe it. Any society that holds some kind of masonic symbol  and acts in secret usually comes from the same branch known as secret societies.<br /><br />Hope that answers your questions and clears it up a bit, some people might have a different opinion but this is my opinion from what I know.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Further to UYI's explanation, there's lots of info in this 'e-book' http://www.scribd.com/doc/3289775/Famous-Freemasons-Exposed...Mike is discussed/highlighted in it a few times.<br /><br />Some relevant quotes:<br /><br />
    <br />What is Freemasonry?<br />Freemasonry is a secret order that has existed for hundreds, arguably thousands, of years and is now operating in most every country in the world.Masonry promotes itself as a philanthropic club for men of morals and they perpetuate this image through members of the first three “Blue degrees.” 97% of all Masons fall into this category and they are often upstanding citizens, pillars of the community who truly are charitable and benevolent.  However, the higher degrees, the inner-circle of World Freemasonry, use the society’s influence to advance an agenda of global control.<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br />“Although the brotherhood of Masonry appears to be relatively new, it is in reality the oldest continuous network on the planet, dating back many thousands of years, beginning when stones were first dressed. Masonry today has a generally sinister reputation, because the people suspect that this powerful brotherhood has been manipulating and exploiting them. However, the average Mason has never been ‘in the know’ and is, therefore, merely a member of a social club. Nevertheless, the higher-ups have indeed had their hand in creation on this planet on a large scale for a long time … The Masons are there, perpetually hidden behind the scenes, leaving clues to their existence as a brotherhood, some of which are evident yet still not seen.”<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br />“The conspiracy to create a centralized global fascist state is orchestrated in the five-sense'world' by a secret network known collectively as the Illuminati or 'Illuminated ones'. They manipulate through secret societies and groupings like the Freemasons, Knights of  Malta, Knights Templar and the Jesuits. These and others feed carefully chosen recruits into the Illuminati and they are installed in positions of power throughout the world, infesting all colors, races, creeds and countries. It is not that everyone in the secret societies is aware of the plot; the overwhelming majority are not. The Illuminati operate like a cancer to infiltrate and covertly control other organizations. Most Freemasons never progress higher than the bottom three levels of degree, the so-called Blue Degrees and they don't realize what their organization is being used for.”<br />
    <br /><br />None of this is 'fiction'....there is a TON of documented evidence that these 'secret societies' exist...and have existed for a very long time.  There are also MANY signs/clues BOTH prior to June 25th and after, that Mike was WELL aware of them and may have also been a member (clothing, pins, paintings, symbols, etc).  IF there was ever a plan to 'overthrow' the inner-circle (the 'bad' side), the best (and probably only) way to do so would be through infiltration...or, in other words, a sting.<br /><br />Here's another interesting article highlighting "Forest Lawn" and its Masonic ties http://www.freemasoninformation.com/2009/09/more-than-just-michael-jackson%E2%80%99s-final-resting-place/<br /><br />
    <br />...despite all the hoopla of the media circus that will surround Michael Jackson’s final resting place, the cemetery of his choosing is also a quiet memorial to Freemasonry and the brothers who have come this way before.<br />
    <br /><br />@Sim & MJonmind...great posts/info  :icon_razz:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br /><br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    We have gone from investigation to pure, unabashed speculation. Ah well, we have time to kill. Have fun everybody!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If the Illuminist Agenda still alive today, how would take? From the esoteric and spiritual point of view, some modern secret societies such as the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis) have claimed to be the heirs of the enlightenment. Other researchers claimed that there are orders hidden above the "visible" 33 degrees of masonry forming part of the Illuminati. As they are, by definition, secret, obtaining details about these commands is quite difficult.The political side of the modern enlightenment is much more visible and their plans are evident. He is dealing to a more restrictive and more concentrated group the creation of important decisions and policies. Committees and international organizations, acting over elected officials are creating social and economic policies that apply on a global scale today. This phenomenon is relatively new in the history of the world in that instead of kingdoms or nation-States, a shadow government not elected, composed of the elite of the world, is gradually turning into the center of world power.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1354810096:
    <br />We have gone from investigation to pure, unabashed speculation. Ah well, we have time to kill. Have fun everybody!<br />
    <br /><br />I hope you're enjoying your time as we all do!
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Actually, this is investigation...it's about investigating the possible 'why's' of the hoax.  All investigation involves speculation...there'd be no need to investigate anything if all answers were known.  90+% of what we've done here for 3 1/2 years revolves around speculation.<br /><br />This may not interest some or some might not agree with this line of investigation...and that's great, different/opposing views have greatly helped expand the mind throughout this whole thing...and, as always, everyone is free to skip it if not interested.  IMO, we have definite reason to investigate this 'angle' based on many clues from Mike himself pre-June 25th (in his lyrics, movies, interviews, paintings, artwork, etc)...and also after his 'death' (topics brought up by TS, tweets from Paris and other Jacksons, topics raised by LaToya, Jermaine, and others in their books, interviews etc).  So, while speculation is inevitable, there is undeniable evidence (NOT speculation) warranting this topic of convo/research as it could very well explain the 'why's' of the hoax.<br /><br />I'm enjoying it  :icon_razz:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
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