TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



    on 1322256598:
    <br />@Gina In TS' original post on 7b he very much did, in my opinion.<br /><br /> Are you saying MJ died? Or was alive and lying down?<br />
    <br />I don't believe it was MJ alive lying down on the stretcher.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Thanks TS.  What you've said and shown us does show that MJ did not sit up on the stretcher.  That theory has been around since the beginning and it was assumed by many of us that it was Michael. But I do see the leg now that you've pointed it out and I honestly never thought of him coming out head first when it should be feet first.  Duh.<br /><br />TS:<br />
    In this post, I’m going to be debunking the theory that MJ sat up in the stretcher.
    <br /><br />Going with the MJ alive and there theory (still, lol) - he remained laying down on the stretcher, which makes a lot more sense than sitting up and drawing attention to himself as he is supposed to be "dead".
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322210051:
    <br /> <br />It is important that we understand 7a correctly, because it’s a solid foundation upon which we can build to find the answer for the main question in 7b (what went to the hospital in the ambulance?).  For example, since the video events really happened on 6-25-09, we need to start thinking about all the people who were already at the residence (before any LAFD arrived)—were they ALL in on it?  If so, why?  And if not, what would keep them from finding out (and spilling the beans)?
    <br /><br />I do believe that everyone in that house on the 25th is in on the hoax. It would be too risky if there were people in the house who didn't know about the hoax because they might see the paramedics get into the house and get out of the house without MJ on the stretcher. Were they going to lock people into a room for them not to see anything going on in the house? Probably they kept the number of people minimum in the house that day. The maids were not there maybe. So, the bodyguards, and the chef know about it. As long as this is a sting and the FBI is involved, no one could spill the beans because no one would like to get into trouble with laws etc. I also remember that all maids were fired just after the 25th. Probably they were all in the house on the 25th and know about the hoax. They were paid and told to keep their silence by the FBI and were sent away. <br /><br />
    on 1322210051:
    <br />Remember this statement, which I made at the beginning of this thread: “Start with the fewest people possible in on it, which would actually be zero and no hoax (MJ really died); and then work backwards from that point—changing nothing from the no hoax scenario, except what is NEEDED to be changed in order to accomplish the hoax.”<br /><br />For example, do you think that Kai Chase was in on it?  If so, why?  Would she NEED to be in on it, and what EVIDENCE is there that she is in on it?  In fact, have you ever considered whether the CHILDREN were in on it initially (or just informed afterward)?  And again, what EVIDENCE do you have on this?
    <br /><br />I wrote above already why the people in the house needed to be in on it and I do believe Kai knows too as well as Alvarez. Their testimonies contradict. Alvarez said that Prince went into his dad's room when Murray called him but Kai told that Prince stayed with them downstairs and they all prayed together. I believe that these contradictions were created by Michael, even not all of them but most of them were, and for Kai and Alvarez to make these contradictions, they need to be in on it. Otherwise, I do not think that they will be remembering it wrong if Prince stayed downstairs or went into dad's room. This is not something to be confused about.<br /><br />About the kids; I'm pretty sure that Michael told them about his plans before the 25th. He wouldn't let them panic and scared to death for their father.<br /><br />
    on 1322210051:
    <br />Some have claimed that MJ would or would not do things a certain way, merely because it does or does not fit his habits or personality.  For example, some say he would love to be in the middle of the action; and he is a prankster, therefore that fits with him riding to UCLA, sitting up in the stretcher, riding the helicopter, hopping out of the van, etc.<br /><br />Although the above is correct in a general sense, it is not correct in relation to this hoax.  Please notice the following, from TII (also in the puzzle above): “LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE”!  This alone should tell us that the TII production is DIFFERENT from what we would normally expect out of MJ.  The hoax is the biggest and most important production of his life; and [size=14pt]he would not risk having it all ruined[/size], merely so that he could have some fun riding around town in an ambulance, helicopter, and van.
    <br /><br />I wrote exact the same words about the live MJ theory. He wouldn't risk himself to be seen around on the 25th. That would fail the project. This is his masterpiece and as I wrote before he is the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN. I do not believe Michael would like to be in front of the camera coz he is the director of this project. He is also the star of it but he is the invisible star of it and we have a visible star of the movie who is Murray.<br /><br /><br />
    on 1322210051:
    <br />To make it as easy as possible, I’m going to go through a process of elimination here in 7b.  I am going to start by showing that MJ did not go to the hospital in the ambulance (in fact, I have already started this process, in those last two paragraphs above); then I will go through other possibilities, one at a time (living double, nobody, dummy, corpse).  And for each step in the process, I will be using at least two or three different strong points—which is a very good principle to use in all cases, not just this hoax investigation.
    <br /><br />Now if we move to 7b; WHAT went to UCLA. I never thought the possibility of a long term ill MJ double or healthy MJ double going to UCLA theory as it doesn't sound plausible to me. I go with a real corpse theory as it sounds plausible the most to me. <br /><br />A corpse that was dead on the 25th would be useful if the paramedics were not in on the hoax. And if we're trying to keep as few people as we can in on the hoax, then we can skip the paramedics. They could be deceived by a corpse. I don't know about the doctors tho if they could be deceived or not but the DA has to be in on it. A corpse would explain why the room was heated in the middle of summer and why the paramedics told that they couldn't recognize MJ and told that the man was an old, fragile, Asian man. Probably the paramedics were told about the hoax later and that is the reason why they changed their statements at the trial about recognizing MJ. This is one of the corpse theories.<br /><br />The second theory of mine about the corpse is; a corpse was used not because the paramedics didn't know about the hoax or the doctors but a corpse was used for them to tell what they really did with the corpse instead of pretending and saying things. Talking about the actual motions is easier to create things in your mind and pretend what you did with the body. <br /><br />
    on 1322210051:
    <br /><br />And finally, once the how’s of the hoax become clear, then the why’s of the hoax will become even clearer than before.  Understanding the why’s is very important—not only before BAM, but especially after.  And if people who come to this forum after the BAM can see that we have a good solid coherent theory on the how’s, then they will be much more likely to believe that we also have the correct understanding of the why’s.<br />
    <br /><br />I do agree that the WHYs of the hoax need to become clear for all of us. I believe that people started to miss the most important WHYs of the hoax and I'm hoping everyone to understand the reasonS of it very well. We should understand it so well that we will be the guiding lights of many after the BAM.
    on 1322251234:
    <br />Just a thought.  Maybe we won't be able to figure out all of the "how's" of the hoax because it is on a whole different level.  I have feelings that Michael could be connected to the spiritual world.  Things that we are not too familiar with.  Think about what Kenny Ortega said about him having "Bioliminessence".  And Akon saying "He thinks on a whole other level".  <br /><br />Think about energy waves,magnetic fields, light bodies,channeling, psychic powers, astral projection, different dimensions and frequences, quantum jumping, spirits, angels, E.T's, astrology, sacred geometry, alchemy.    Or maybe it's something we don't know yet.<br /><br />Get ready to learn a new "reality".    I think we have to go Waaaaaaaaay outside the box and it might be something we don't know ??????  Just ideas.<br /><br />Love and Light to all<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />I was thinking about this too, but I can't make these things clear not even for me, so I can't explain to others.
    It would be too risky if there were people in the house who didn't know about the hoax because they might see the paramedics get into the house and get out of the house without MJ on the stretcher.
    <br /><br />They were sent home before the paramedics went downstairs with the gurney.<br /><br />
    Probably the paramedics were told about the hoax later and that is the reason why they changed their statements at the trial about recognizing MJ.
    <br /><br />Only Blunt testified he recognized MJ. Seneff didn't.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Re TS' latest post, personally I never could see MJ sitting up on that stretcher, so I'm happy if that is finally being debunked!<br /><br />
    on 1322250464:
    <br /><br />Oh, and it was never mentioned but maybe on the stretcher there were simply some pillows or stuffed toys  :shock: (that's my son's theory LOL)<br />
    <br /><br />I actually put this idea forward earlier today! Page 39, reply #968:<br /><br />"But if we have bodyguards, paramedics, 2 docs at UCLA and coroner 'in on it' (and I hope it's safe to say they are, due to their involvement in the trial) then essentially there is no need for anything to be transported, except perhaps, at most, a load of sheets crumpled up and arranged in a 'body' shape on the stretcher to satisfy any unexpected sightings - easier to dispose of when no longer needed than the other options."<br /><br />I've been mulling over all these other options today and still keep coming back to the 'NOTHING' theory.  If we keep in mind that success on that day was the main concern, then the use of anything (whether that be live MJ, live double, dead body, MJ dummy, other dummy), would, to my mind, present too many unnecessary risks, complications and difficulties without any need or benefits.<br /><br />Keep things simple and don't add anything unless it's NEEDED.<br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322258211:
    <br />
    It would be too risky if there were people in the house who didn't know about the hoax because they might see the paramedics get into the house and get out of the house without MJ on the stretcher.
    <br /><br />They were sent home before the paramedics went downstairs with the gurney.<br />
    <br /><br />They? Who are they you are referring to? And do we KNOW for sure that they were sent home?
    on 1322258347:
    <br />
    on 1322258211:
    <br />
    It would be too risky if there were people in the house who didn't know about the hoax because they might see the paramedics get into the house and get out of the house without MJ on the stretcher.
    <br /><br />They were sent home before the paramedics went downstairs with the gurney.<br />
    <br /><br />They? Who are they you are referring to? And do we KNOW for sure that they were sent home?<br />
    <br />Yes, Kai testified about it. See her testimony Souza posted on youtube. They are Kai and housekeepers.
    on 1322258313:
    <br />Re TS' latest post, personally I never could see MJ sitting up on that stretcher, so I'm happy if that is finally being debunked!<br /><br />
    on 1322250464:
    <br /><br />Oh, and it was never mentioned but maybe on the stretcher there were simply some pillows or stuffed toys  :shock: (that's my son's theory LOL)<br />
    <br /><br />I actually put this idea forward earlier today! Page 39, reply #968:<br /><br />"But if we have bodyguards, paramedics, 2 docs at UCLA and coroner 'in on it' (and I hope it's safe to say they are, due to their involvement in the trial) then essentially there is no need for anything to be transported, except perhaps, at most, a load of sheets crumpled up and arranged in a 'body' shape on the stretcher to satisfy any unexpected sightings - easier to dispose of when no longer needed than the other options."<br /><br />I've been mulling over all these other options today and still keep coming back to the 'NOTHING' theory.  If we keep in mind that success on that day was the main concern, then the use of anything (whether that be live MJ, live double, dead body, MJ dummy, other dummy), would, to my mind, present too many unnecessary risks, complications and difficulties without any need or benefits.<br /><br />Keep things simple and don't add anything unless it's NEEDED.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Sorry I must have skipped your post. It was just that I asked my son what he thinks was in the ambulance and he said pillows and stuff like this and made me laugh.<br />I am not sure about the "corpse" theory but I also am not sure about the "nothing" theory.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322258625:
    <br />
    on 1322258347:
    <br />
    on 1322258211:
    <br />
    It would be too risky if there were people in the house who didn't know about the hoax because they might see the paramedics get into the house and get out of the house without MJ on the stretcher.
    <br /><br />They were sent home before the paramedics went downstairs with the gurney.<br />
    <br /><br />They? Who are they you are referring to? And do we KNOW for sure that they were sent home?<br />
    <br />Yes, Kai testified about it. See her testimony Souza posted on youtube. They are Kai and housekeepers.<br />
    <br /><br />I don't remember Kai said such a thing. I remember her saying that she went back to the kitchen.
  • Children are emotional and not at all reliable when it comes to “keeping a secret”.  I do not believe they were initially in on the hoax but were certainly comforted and had it somewhat explained to them later.  Michael I am sure used his better judgement about his children and relied and trusted that his family or whom ever he deemed the appropriate person to talk to them would do it to his satisfaction.  No way would little talking children be in on something this important where 100% secrecy was mandatory.
    @PureLove you should read the other posts, look it's here between 13:00 - 13:16, I posted it on page 40, Kai says she and the housekeepers were asked to leave. In fact you should listen from 11 to 13:16<br /><br />
    on 1322225599:
    <br />
    on 1322224658:
    <br />9 other staff members were sent home before MJ was transported to UCLA..I presume they were the homehelp....but who ordered them to go home, and why were they sent home ??<br /><br />Were they not supposed to see something that morning?<br /><br />So only Murray, was in the room, Alverez witnessed a dead body being worked on,<br />                                                    Amir was there to help get the cars ready, and so was Mohammed....<br />So just Murray  and the paramedics and the children and some bodyguards......witnessed everything..<br />
    <br /><br />Kai says security asked them to go home, between  13:00 - 13:16<br /><br />
    <br />
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    I don't think the 'nothing' theory is very plausible though it could be a possibility. I think realism is important, and crumpled sheets, toys and pillows would make me laugh if I was recalling the events of that day in court.<br />What if a pillow fell on the floor on the way into UCLA or into the ambulance? I'm thinking if a corpse or dummy were not used, then nothing at all on the stretcher is most likely.<br /><br />And Gina, you know he's not dead lol ;).
    on 1322259007:
    <br />I don't think the 'nothing' theory is very plausible though it could be a possibility. I think realism is important, and crumpled sheets, toys and pillows would make me laugh if I was recalling the events of that day in court.<br />What if a pillow fell on the floor on the way into UCLA or into the ambulance? I'm thinking if a corpse or dummy were not used, then nothing at all on the stretcher is most likely.<br /><br />And Gina, you know he's not dead lol ;).<br />
    <br /><br />No I do not know...the Big Boy doesn't let me know....I just suspect he is not dead, but he will be when I put my hands on him LOL!!<br /><br />Wouldn't that be funny, pillows and sheets starting falling from the stretcher :lol: :lol: :lol:!!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322257994:
    <br />A corpse that was dead on the 25th would be useful if the paramedics were not in on the hoax. And if we're trying to keep as few people as we can in on the hoax, then we can skip the paramedics. They could be deceived by a corpse. I don't know about the doctors tho if they could be deceived or not but the DA has to be in on it. A corpse would explain why the room was heated in the middle of summer and why the paramedics told that they couldn't recognize MJ and told that the man was an old, fragile, Asian man. Probably the paramedics were told about the hoax later and that is the reason why they changed their statements at the trial about recognizing MJ. This is one of the corpse theories.<br /><br />The second theory of mine about the corpse is; a corpse was used not because the paramedics didn't know about the hoax or the doctors but a corpse was used for them to tell what they really did with the corpse instead of pretending and saying things. Talking about the actual motions is easier to create things in your mind and pretend what you did with the body. [/b]<br />
    <br /><br />Those are not very strong points. Senneff testified that he has been a paramedic for 27 years. These are all professionals we're dealing with, I am sure that they would be able to picture such a scenario, because they have seen it many times before. And if they all just would recollect the events that really happened, then why weren't the stories of Senneff and Blount exactly the same? And why would you use a real corpse just to fool paramedics, if you are going to tell them anyway before they have to testify? In that case they could have simply told them right at the start. And for remembering real events, a dummy would do. Using a real corpse just for that reason, seems useless, it's still a dead human being you're dealing with. So IF a corpse was used, then it must be for more important reasons than that. Using a corpse just for the staff (in case they would see nothing on the stretcher) is useless too. You could put anything or anyone on that stretcher, it's a panic situation and everything goes pretty fast. There is security around the stretcher and three paramedics, plus Murray. A clear view would be blocked. Besides that, you also need to get the body INTO the house. If you want to use something, it would be easier to get a dummy in (I don't know, but they could make a dummy with a detachable head, arms and legs, so you could bring it in with a sports bag. That would be a little hard with a real corpse, which would have to be brought in on a stretcher, this riskier with staff in and around the house.<br /><br />I am definitely not against the corpse theory, but I have not seen or imagined a scenario where it was absolutely needed. So until someone can provide a plausible necessarity of using a corpse, I think it's either a dummy or nothing at all, and a dummy would make sense to create a scenario, make a picture in the hospital and at the coroner, have it transported to FL, where they would open the coffin after 10 weeks, finding the corpse in perfect state. So I think a dummy is the best scenario for me now: everything the same as when it would have been MJ, the only thing would be that the MJ wouldn't be real, like many other things in this whole saga. Very big pro for the use of a dummy is that you can have it look IDENTICAL to MJ. That means that anyone not handeling the body wouldn't have to have a clue that it was fake.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    at  the risk of being laughed at here ,or told to shut up.....could the body have been as pearl jr suggested...<br />1. a donated body to cryogenics.<br />2. therefore the person signs over their body and the name can be changed to michael joseph jackson<br />3. the heat in the room was to warm the body up.<br />the medical intervention could have been in the name of reseqrch into cryogenics...... o.k. i am going to put my straightjacket on now xxx :-[<br />
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    @GINA Lol yes, it would be hilarious, that's why I can't picture it. This IS a death hoax, not a comedy ;-D.<br /><br /><br />Edit: Souza, the corpse, if one was used, could have been brought in the house the night before. Therefore, staff and people not in the hoax wouldn't have any chance of seeing it.
    a dummy would make sense to create a scenario, make a picture in the hospital and at the coroner, have it transported to FL, where they would open the coffin after 10 weeks, finding the corpse in perfect state. So I think a dummy is the best scenario for me now: everything the same as when it would have been MJ, the only thing would be that the MJ wouldn't be real, like many other things in this whole saga. Very big pro for the use of a dummy is that you can have it look IDENTICAL to MJ. That means that anyone not handeling the body wouldn't have to have a clue that it was fake.
    <br /><br />Could be a dummy. But Senneff was so real when he testified, that's what bothers me, that man looked like he was telling exactly what he saw and did.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322259003:
    <br />@PureLove you should read the other posts, look it's here between 13:00 - 13:16, I posted it on page 40, Kai says she and the housekeepers were asked to leave. In fact you should listen from 11 to 13:16<br /><br />
    on 1322225599:
    <br />
    on 1322224658:
    <br />9 other staff members were sent home before MJ was transported to UCLA..I presume they were the homehelp....but who ordered them to go home, and why were they sent home ??<br /><br />Were they not supposed to see something that morning?<br /><br />So only Murray, was in the room, Alverez witnessed a dead body being worked on,<br />                                                    Amir was there to help get the cars ready, and so was Mohammed....<br />So just Murray  and the paramedics and the children and some bodyguards......witnessed everything..<br />
    <br /><br />Kai says security asked them to go home, between  13:00 - 13:16<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />Gina, you make too many posts that I missed to read some of your posts. I wish you collected everything you want to say in just one single post. It wouldn't be this much confusing. But it is your choice of course. <br /><br />Do we know when exactly the ambulance left Carollwood? Kai, says she and the housekeeper were asked to leave. But she doesn't say when she left the property or IF she left the property. <br /><br />
    on 1322258211:
    <br />They were sent home before the paramedics went downstairs with the gurney.
    <br /><br />She doesn't say anything like she left before the paramedics came downstairs with the gurney. So we still do not know IF Kai and the housekeeper left the house or not. Kai says she went back to the kitchen. IF Kai and the housekeeper left before the ambulance left, then this means they do not know anything about the hoax which is better to keep as few people as possible in on the hoax.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322259767:
    <br />
    on 1322257994:
    <br />A corpse that was dead on the 25th would be useful if the paramedics were not in on the hoax. And if we're trying to keep as few people as we can in on the hoax, then we can skip the paramedics. They could be deceived by a corpse. I don't know about the doctors tho if they could be deceived or not but the DA has to be in on it. A corpse would explain why the room was heated in the middle of summer and why the paramedics told that they couldn't recognize MJ and told that the man was an old, fragile, Asian man. Probably the paramedics were told about the hoax later and that is the reason why they changed their statements at the trial about recognizing MJ. This is one of the corpse theories.<br /><br />The second theory of mine about the corpse is; a corpse was used not because the paramedics didn't know about the hoax or the doctors but a corpse was used for them to tell what they really did with the corpse instead of pretending and saying things. Talking about the actual motions is easier to create things in your mind and pretend what you did with the body. [/b]<br />
    <br /><br />And for remembering real events, a dummy would do. Using a real corpse just for that reason, seems useless, it's still a dead human being you're dealing with. <br />
    <br /><br />Well you can not apply all the procedures on a dummy. And I do believe that a real body would be more useful for the paramedics and the doctors to apply all the procedures on it and tell about what they did instead of pretending doing all the stuff. To me this is a plausible necessarity of using a corpse.
    Gina, you make too many posts that I missed to read some of your posts. I wish you collected everything you want to say in just one single post.
    <br /><br />Sorry I can not do that.<br /><br />
    Do we know when exactly the ambulance left Carollwood?
    <br /><br />At 1:07 PM? I am not very sure.<br />
    Kai, says: she and the housekeeper were asked to leave. But she doesn't say when she left the property. If Kai and the housekeeper left before the ambulance left, then this means they do not know anything about the hoax which is better to keep as few people as possible in on the hoax.
    <br /><br />I don't know if she testified when exactly she left, but when Ms. Brazil asks her what next after she saw the paramedics going upstairs, she says she doesn't know, because she was asked to leave by security.<br /><br />In the ambulance video we can see one of the housekeepers ( a fat lady) leaving the residence and also in Ben's video he says what happened during those 40 minutes when the ambulance was in there, [size=14pt]he says 8 to 10 employees left the house during those 40 minutes[/size], so to me it is clear they left before the ambulance:<br /><br />Just listen the first minute:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322262691:
    <br />
    Gina, you make too many posts that I missed to read some of your posts. I wish you collected everything you want to say in just one single post.
    <br /><br />Sorry I can not do that.<br /><br />
    Do we know when exactly the ambulance left Carollwood?
    <br /><br />At 1:07 PM? I am not very sure.<br />
    Kai, says: she and the housekeeper were asked to leave. But she doesn't say when she left the property. If Kai and the housekeeper left before the ambulance left, then this means they do not know anything about the hoax which is better to keep as few people as possible in on the hoax.
    <br /><br />I don't know if she testified when exactly she left, but when Ms. Brazil asks her what next after she saw the paramedics going upstairs, she says she doesn't know, because she was asked to leave by security.<br /><br />In the ambulance video we can see one of the housekeepers ( a fat lady) leaving the residence and also in Ben's video he says what happened during those 40 minutes when the ambulance was in there, he says 8 to 10 employees left the house during those 40 minutes, so to me it is clear they left before the ambulance:<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />I watched the 5th part of her testimony and she doesn't say anything like she left the property. She says she called Prince and saw him approaching Murray, she didn't see if Prince went upstairs and then she says she went back to the kitchen. It is more plausible of course that all the maids and the chef are not in on the hoax and left the property before the ambulance left. So, they were not going to see what was on the gurney and what went to UCLA. Thank you for letting me know about this detail I missed.
    Pure Love didn't you listen to Ben???? He says at 0:30 that DURING THOSE 40 MINUTES THE AMBULANCE WAS INSIDE THE RESIDENCE - 8 TO 10 EMPLOYEES LEFT THE PREMISES !!!<br /><br /><br />They left before the ambulance left so I don't think they saw the stretcher.<br /><br />Purelove I think you are tired and I am too...I give you the exact minute where to listen and you don't hear?<br /><br />I go to bed now, see you tomorrow bearhug<br /><br />
    I watched the 5th part of her testimony and she doesn't say anything like she left the property.
    <br /><br />It's not the fifh part, it's the 3rd part, I posted it above, listen at 13 /scream/ /scream/ /scream/ /scream/ crash/ crash/
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I just cannot imagine when this entire thing is over, and Michael is back, saying  "I used a real dead person to hoax my death">  We know there are going to be those out there, media included, that will be up in arms over this being a hoax, and to use someones loved ones real dead body, I just think would be TERRIBLE PRESS, and for his unbelieving fans, which are in the majority.<br />Let, alone, there are unsanitary conditions to be around dead bodies...<br />and...really, who'd HANDLE IT?  And, what'd they do...just keep one on freeze until the day before the hoax, then unthaw it?<br />Seriously???  Some family member in charge of the dead body would do that??  Freeze it, unthaw it, do all those procedures to it...refreeze it...blah blah..<br />And, they'd bring in a DEAD man into the house with the children?  Come on there are health reasons not to do that!  And if it was an imbalmed one..they'd not be able to put needles into it.  And if it were a resent death, WHAT'D THEY DO, SAY "just give me a fresh one on the 25th"...no...that would've had to be prearranged ..an unclaimed body..or a death that was planned.  They couldn't just get one on that day, and have permissions and all, to be fresh...<br />This just cannot be.<br />It had to be either Michael, which if it were, then it's ALL just not real...because they did not punch him full of holes and no one seen him dead anyplace or do an autopsy on him or bury him.  It'd all be fake, movie, sting or whatever.<br />If it was a dummy, an identical one, then still, they'd mostly have to be in on it, because again, they can't punch holes and bury, etc, a dummy and it even act as a human.  <br />It seems that no one was actually there.  This entirely is not real.  There are the same people in on it, but no need for all the above scenarios, they wouldn't work anyhow for my above reasons.  Whatever the reasons for this, could still pertain no matter WHO went into the amb/hosp.  As long as whoever it is FOR believes IT WAS REALLY MICHAEL DEAD.  OR...the sting is sprung, or the movie done.<br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    So an ambulance in real time went from Carolwood to UCLA on June 25th 2009 and the footage we have seen was filmed in real time from that day as events actually unfolded. <br /><br />For the events to have been filmed in real time MJ needed to have ultimate control AND also have the least amount of risk. There would have been outside factors that day that nobody would have had control over. MJ could not leave anything to CHANCE – it all had to be controlled and planned.<br /><br />As everything was filmed in real time they had no idea who was going to be present outside Carolwood that day, how many paparazzi, how many stalker fans etc. It was a variable that could not be controlled by MJ or anyone. <br /><br />Therefore how were they to be sure that another pap, besides Ben/Chris, didn’t manage to get a shot inside the ambulance or see something they weren’t meant to see?? If it was all filmed in real-time then to control who was hanging around would have been impossible.<br /><br />Therefore if events were filmed in real time on that day to make the entire thing realistic, then “something” needed to go in the ambulance. <br /><br />On the live Mj in the ambo:<br /><br />I have never agreed with the real live MJ being in the ambulance that day. <br />I agree it would have been too risky for MJ  to ride in the ambulance and potentially stuff up everything if something unforeseen happened along the way. What if the ambulance had of crashed/broken down? I know it’s a remote possibility but there is still the chance it could have happened and as we know from the numerology aspect this entire hoax is meticulously planned down to the last minute! What if some outside event interfered with the transport? I think everything needed to be controlled as much as possible.<br /><br />On the “nothing” in the ambo:<br /><br />If another pap did get a shot inside the ambo and take a picture of nothing in it (remembering it was all filmed in real-time) then that would have been the picture splashed around the world and Ben's sweet little "money shot" would have been rendered useless & possibly ruined the decades of what MJ had been planning for the purposes of this hoax. The hoax could have been potentially over in a day if it was discovered nothing went in the ambulance.<br /><br />To my mind that leaves either a dummy identical to MJ or a corpse went in the ambulance. Which one, well I have to think more about that.<br /><br />The house staff being told to leave before the ambulance makes me think there was something they weren’t meant to see on that stretcher. They needed the least amount of people in the house before the stretcher left the house.<br /><br />
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