TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @fordtocarr, I really have no idea what you are talking about. Souza was the first to suggest this was all a movie, back in July of 2009. As soon as I read that theory I knew it was right. All I did was respond to your comment about how MJ was in debt when he "died" so how could he pay for all this? by pointing out that no one knows that, and I'll add further, it's fairly obvious, knowing what we know now, that is almost certainly false, and further, that rumor was probably planted by MJ himself to support his illusion of being weak, desperate, and easily controlled and therefor was worked to death, just like James Brown.<br /><br />All I know is what you post. I don't remember what you said months ago, why would you expect me to? There's a lot of information on this forum and people post thousands of things over years. I was shocked that you would support such a rumor, as it seems so transparently false, and you have to admit, that statement in your post that I reference was ambiguous. So please, don't take offence, just clarify, which you did, so back to the topic...
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1321121079:
    <br />When talking of the stalker fans, we would be mostly talking about Samantha and the 'followers' who morphed into TINI. Ever since I watched David Gest's doco, I have been entertaining the idea that these girls could also be employed for hoax purposes. Could it be possible that the followers are a great big fabrication depicting extreme intrusion created especially for the hoax? The end shot of the grieving fans outside UCLA on the 25th just happened to be the stalker/follower fans.  Coincidence?  TS's picture at the start of this thread shows 3 puzzle pieces out of place.....there are 3 distinct personas displayed by MJ in TII.  We also have This is it , This Is Also It , and This Is Not  It. I realize I am rambling here. Forgive me. It is 4 in the morning in Australia and I'm so tired. It makes sense to me that everything that could be prepared in advance would be. This would free up going 'live' with the 'death' and make things as simple as possible. I feel pretty sure that some are playing multiple roles in this production as well, and @MJonmind.....I enjoyed your theory so much and if that was the case, well that would just be the bomb. Seems Murray is not so much MJ's personal physician but more of his personal MaJician....well....he did make him disappear.<br />
    I agree with you ^^ ;)
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1321121079:
    <br />When talking of the stalker fans, we would be mostly talking about Samantha and the 'followers' who morphed into TINI. Ever since I watched David Gest's doco, I have been entertaining the idea that these girls could also be employed for hoax purposes. Could it be possible that the followers are a great big fabrication depicting extreme intrusion created especially for the hoax? The end shot of the grieving fans outside UCLA on the 25th just happened to be the stalker/follower fans.  Coincidence?  TS's picture at the start of this thread shows 3 puzzle pieces out of place.....there are 3 distinct personas displayed by MJ in TII.  We also have This is it , This Is Also It , and This Is Not  It. I realize I am rambling here. Forgive me. It is 4 in the morning in Australia and I'm so tired. It makes sense to me that everything that could be prepared in advance would be. This would free up going 'live' with the 'death' and make things as simple as possible. I feel pretty sure that some are playing multiple roles in this production as well, and @MJonmind.....I enjoyed your theory so much and if that was the case, well that would just be the bomb. Seems Murray is not so much MJ's personal physician but more of his personal MaJician....well....he did make him disappear.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, it is possible, but we still have the tour bus full of people who "happened" along... and if it was filmed prior, would require being in on the hoax. So you have to bring into the hoax all the stalker fans AND the tour bus full of people in order to satisfy this theory. Are you ready to do that? <br /><br />The purpose would be to retain a closed set, when the staged 911 call already allows for a more or less closed set. But why do we need a closed set? The only purpose I see is so that Ben can get close enough to go through the motions of "getting the pic". Otherwise, it's perfectly ok for anyone to witness what occurred. Nothing on that footage gives away that is a hoax to the casual viewer... not even to the active viewer (as proven after 2+years of investigations, that video has been poured over and still we are at a complete loss to PROVE hoax from it). So why not let casual viewers witness those events? Keeping the 911 call and dispatch off the police scanners by staging it would significantly reduce pap presence, which is what we see on the footage, and so long as Ben doesn't have too much competition, he can muscle in there and "get the shot" ... <br /><br />So we are still at a loss to provide a PURPOSE or BENEFIT to (much less any supporting physical evidence for) filming the ambulance leaving Carrolwood on a day other then 6/25/09. I am concluding that the risks outweigh the still elusive benefit.<br /><br />So no purpose, no benefit, and no evidence. I think the ambulance leaving Carrolwood filmed on a different day is debunked unless anyone else wants to weigh in.
  • on 1321084774:
    <br />
    on 1321079491:
    <br />I will give it a shot, I may be totally off but I will try. We all heard La Toya saying to watch the Illusionist.. Now in the movie, the illusionist was in love with this woman and he faked her death, he gave her a drug so she seemed clinically dead. When they left to the hidding place the illusionist gave her the antidote to wake her up. Can it be that Michael was in the ambulance clinically dead, he did go to the hospital but in the ambulance they gave him the antidote to wake him up.If you all remember that day there was a fire alarm that was triggered at the hospital, probably he made his escape then and went to the LAX airport which was also closed.  The only thing is that Jermaine slip up stated that he was gone way long to the airport..Coincidences NOT. By the way isn't what they did to Elvis too? Gave him a pill so he could have had a heart attack? This is what Elvis doctor stated. I will stop now it is very late and I am exhausted.. The more I think about it the more I am confused.. So I will give it a rest for tonight and I will think of more clues tomorrow. blessings. <br />
    <br /><br />I rejected this theory because if they had used a defibrillator on MJ he could have potentially been killed. Massively risky to "play" dead. As it is, reports were that no defibrillator was used which also supports the no body theory. If the paramedics and/or the ucla docs were fooled by a dead body, what earthly reason did they have for not defib'ing the body?<br /><br />Cuz you know if that really was MJ on that table they would have shocked the crap outta that corpse before throwing in the towel.<br />
    <br /><br />I understand what you are saying bec, how about if  Michael's body was in the ambulance, hypothetical speaking he was dead due to death drug , he was revived with the antitode before he went to the hospital but they switched bodies  with a sick frail person who looked like Michael, and he left to go to the airport. Example if you remember on june 25/2009 they said that a Shane something was admitted in the hospital. Not Michael.. Unless all the doctors in the hospital that helped Michael were actors. They seemed like it. Especially the Vietnamese doctor.They probably used a defibrillator on someone else not Michael.  I will be seeing my doctor friend tonight for supper, I will talk to him about this drug and see what he can tell me about it.. I do not even know the name of this drug, hopefully he will understand me. lol.. Bec I will give you an accuracy of this drug by tomorrow. I appreciate your input. blessings.
  • I had a thought/question on the whole ambulance thing, and made a post somewhere else, but someone said it would be beneficial if I mention it here-<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />---<br /><br />Okay, guys! My first official post with a major thought on this.<br /><br /><br /><br />My Mum has never been a believer in the hoax, and probably never will be. Period.<br />But she DID pose an interesting question to me I brought to a friend of mine who is a sorta on-the-fence beLIEver and it seriously got his brain cranking, and now I want to bring up to all of you:<br /><br /><br /><br />The famous footage of the ambulance -- who was filming that?<br />A random passerby?<br />Paparazzi?<br /><br />Or someone rolling cameras for Michael?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I mean, how many people knew that Michael Jackson lived there?<br />And how did they arrive just in time to catch all this, so precisely, so professionally?<br /><br />Such perfect, unshaky capturing is not that of an amateur.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Note: Bec said it was probably Ben Everstadt's people who were filming, which makes me MEGA suspicious.<br />You know, Mr. "That day, and the other da-- *oops*"...
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    ♥ Bec TY
  • on 1321122030:
    <br />
    on 1321121079:
    <br />When talking of the stalker fans, we would be mostly talking about Samantha and the 'followers' who morphed into TINI. Ever since I watched David Gest's doco, I have been entertaining the idea that these girls could also be employed for hoax purposes. Could it be possible that the followers are a great big fabrication depicting extreme intrusion created especially for the hoax? The end shot of the grieving fans outside UCLA on the 25th just happened to be the stalker/follower fans.  Coincidence?  TS's picture at the start of this thread shows 3 puzzle pieces out of place.....there are 3 distinct personas displayed by MJ in TII.  We also have This is it , This Is Also It , and This Is Not  It. I realize I am rambling here. Forgive me. It is 4 in the morning in Australia and I'm so tired. It makes sense to me that everything that could be prepared in advance would be. This would free up going 'live' with the 'death' and make things as simple as possible. I feel pretty sure that some are playing multiple roles in this production as well, and @MJonmind.....I enjoyed your theory so much and if that was the case, well that would just be the bomb. Seems Murray is not so much MJ's personal physician but more of his personal MaJician....well....he did make him disappear.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, it is possible, but we still have the tour bus full of people who "happened" along... and if it was filmed prior, would require being in on the hoax. So you have to bring into the hoax all the stalker fans AND the tour bus full of people in order to satisfy this theory. Are you ready to do that? <br /><br />The purpose would be to retain a closed set, when the staged 911 call already allows for a more or less closed set. But why do we need a closed set? The only purpose I see is so that Ben can get close enough to go through the motions of "getting the pic". Otherwise, it's perfectly ok for anyone to witness what occurred. Nothing on that footage gives away that is a hoax to the casual viewer... not even to the active viewer (as proven after 2+years of investigations, that video has been poured over and still we are at a complete loss to PROVE hoax from it). So why not let casual viewers witness those events? Keeping the 911 call and dispatch off the police scanners by staging it would significantly reduce pap presence, which is what we see on the footage, and so long as Ben doesn't have too much competition, he can muscle in there and "get the shot" ... <br /><br />So we are still at a loss to provide a PURPOSE or BENEFIT to (much less any supporting physical evidence for) filming the ambulance leaving Carrolwood on a day other then 6/25/09. I am concluding that the risks outweigh the still elusive benefit.<br /><br />So no purpose, no benefit, and no evidence. I think the ambulance leaving Carrolwood filmed on a different day is debunked unless anyone else wants to weigh in.<br />
    <br /><br />If this was filmed prior june 25 /2009 isn't anyone in that  tour bus say No we were there at this date, not June 25..  They would speak up.. Unless they were in on it.. I personally think it was not filmed on a different day either. Someone would have said something. Too many people were around..
  • on 1321129951:
    <br />
    on 1321122030:
    <br />
    on 1321121079:
    <br />When talking of the stalker fans, we would be mostly talking about Samantha and the 'followers' who morphed into TINI. Ever since I watched David Gest's doco, I have been entertaining the idea that these girls could also be employed for hoax purposes. Could it be possible that the followers are a great big fabrication depicting extreme intrusion created especially for the hoax? The end shot of the grieving fans outside UCLA on the 25th just happened to be the stalker/follower fans.  Coincidence?  TS's picture at the start of this thread shows 3 puzzle pieces out of place.....there are 3 distinct personas displayed by MJ in TII.  We also have This is it , This Is Also It , and This Is Not  It. I realize I am rambling here. Forgive me. It is 4 in the morning in Australia and I'm so tired. It makes sense to me that everything that could be prepared in advance would be. This would free up going 'live' with the 'death' and make things as simple as possible. I feel pretty sure that some are playing multiple roles in this production as well, and @MJonmind.....I enjoyed your theory so much and if that was the case, well that would just be the bomb. Seems Murray is not so much MJ's personal physician but more of his personal MaJician....well....he did make him disappear.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, it is possible, but we still have the tour bus full of people who "happened" along... and if it was filmed prior, would require being in on the hoax. So you have to bring into the hoax all the stalker fans AND the tour bus full of people in order to satisfy this theory. Are you ready to do that? <br /><br />The purpose would be to retain a closed set, when the staged 911 call already allows for a more or less closed set. But why do we need a closed set? The only purpose I see is so that Ben can get close enough to go through the motions of "getting the pic". Otherwise, it's perfectly ok for anyone to witness what occurred. Nothing on that footage gives away that is a hoax to the casual viewer... not even to the active viewer (as proven after 2+years of investigations, that video has been poured over and still we are at a complete loss to PROVE hoax from it). So why not let casual viewers witness those events? Keeping the 911 call and dispatch off the police scanners by staging it would significantly reduce pap presence, which is what we see on the footage, and so long as Ben doesn't have too much competition, he can muscle in there and "get the shot" ... <br /><br />So we are still at a loss to provide a PURPOSE or BENEFIT to (much less any supporting physical evidence for) filming the ambulance leaving Carrolwood on a day other then 6/25/09. I am concluding that the risks outweigh the still elusive benefit.<br /><br />So no purpose, no benefit, and no evidence. I think the ambulance leaving Carrolwood filmed on a different day is debunked unless anyone else wants to weigh in.<br />
    <br /><br />If this was filmed prior june 25 /2009 isn't anyone in that  tour bus say No we were there at this date, not June 25..  They would speak up.. Unless they were in on it.. I personally think it was not filmed on a different day either. Someone would have said something. Too many people were around..<br />
    <br />Agreed!  moonwalk_/
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    If the ambulance showed up on 6/25 @ Carolwood; was the ambulance on a "legitimate" call or "for hire" call? <br /><br /><br />Richard Senneff (Paramedic) - (legitimate EMS or "hired" EMS?)<br /><br />Martin Blount (Paramedic) -  (legitimate EMS or "hired" EMS?)<br /><br />plus (*according to court testimony; 2-3 firemen who helped to carry the body from the house)<br /><br /><br />The ambulance and the 911 call go hand & hand. <br /><br /><br /><br />Can one be real, but the other fake?...<br /><br /><br />Real 911 call--->real ambulance response<br /><br />Fake 911 call--->real ambulance response<br /><br />Real 911 call--->fake ambulance response<br /><br />Fake 911 call--->fake ambulance response<br /><br /><br />....what is the evidence to support real or fake?<br /><br />*photos can be manipulated/video can be manipulated
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1321133216:
    <br /><br /><br />*Video/Pictures can be manipulated--->consider the source<br /><br /><br />Is the ambulance picture real or fake?<br /><br />Is the ambulance footage real or fake?<br /><br /><br /><br />Can one be real but the other fake?<br /><br />If the ambulance picture is fake, why would the ambulance video be real? or vice versa?<br /><br />if one is a lie, can the other be truth?
  • This is probably a stupid thing to write, but could the tour bus be on a daily tour schedule and pass  by Carolwood drive around the same thyme everyday?  So they wouldn't  be in on it, it would just  be a normal schedule.  I have a feeling that Michael planted alot of seeds and mixed the planed hoax with everyday occurances to look real and fall into place and then watched his plans grow.  It kind of goes along is simplifying thing for realism.  Use everyday life to fit your plot or idea.  Sorry if I am way off here.  Take care, Love to All
    This 7a level was supposed to be about the ambulance theories, yet we can not keep it in this area because we just can't treat one aspect separately, as everything has to tie together.<br /><br />From my point of view there was a 911 call and one ambulance arriving at MJ's home the way it was reported in the media. We have the Hollywood TV video that proves this and they don't seem to be in the hoax so the video must be true.<br /><br />If we want to stick to the subject of this level maybe we should keep the discussions into the "ambulance" matter.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1321134532:
    <br />This is probably a stupid thing to write, but could the tour bus be on a daily tour schedule and pass  by Carolwood drive around the same thyme everyday?  So they wouldn't  be in on it, it would just  be a normal schedule.  I have a feeling that Michael planted alot of seeds and mixed the planed hoax with everyday occurances to look real and fall into place and then watched his plans grow.  It kind of goes along is simplifying thing for realism.  Use everyday life to fit your plot or idea.  Sorry if I am way off here.  Take care, Love to All<br />
    <br /><br />http://www.starlinetours.com/<br />
  • Believing in the hoax is to believe that "nothings real but all is possible...." -Speechless<br /><br /> Leave it to TS to drop the damn ambulance on us.  /pull hair/  Part of me has thought that level seven is nothing more than an attempt to do two things;  1. stall us (believers) until Bamsday by making us chase our tails.  That certainly seems to be happening. 2.  Take believers down a notch and make us realize that we don't know it all. <br />  What amazes me is that some of us believe some parts of the hoax are real and some are not. One example would be that a fake autopsy report was given but a real autopsy was performed.  Seriously, I think it is all fake including the ambulance.  Lou said Michael would put a dummy in the ambulance and have the paparazzi chase it....right?  If thats the case than Michael owns an ambulance.  Maybe he owns two or three.  He used it to pull this off.  He sure as hell didnt play with real ambulances and have the LAFD come to his house for a little fun.<br />  To say however that "that many people" could not be in it is to underestimate the importance of the why's of the hoax.  Suppose Elvis IS part of all  this as our forum seems to suggest.  If Michael Jackson AND Elvis want something to happen then....well you  get the picture....theres the funding.<br />  The ambulance may have already been there.  That is likely if you believe it belonged to Michael.  As far as I know the camera in the ambulance video didnt start rolling until it started to leave.  It was not seen arriving at MJ's nor was it followed to UCLA.  Thats the key i think.  If everything is planned ahead all it takes to do a quick switcheroo on the appearance of the ambulance is a quick stop and change of a sticker or light or whatever.  A quick pitstop changes whatever needs to be changed and gives us believers a clue.  Nascar pit crews change four tires, make adjustments to performance and fill with fuel in 15 seconds.<br />  Things have been done in the hoax to seem real but are not after further inspection.  If the 911 call, documents, memorial and funeral,seal, court and verdict are all fake then so is the ambulance at carolwood and at ucla. It was there but i was Mikes.  <br />  I honestly believe that a childrens hospital has been promised to UCLA and the city of Los Angelas in return for their cooperation with the hoax which has not used any government or public resources.  The money Michael referred to in the Murray recording is the proceeds generated by the hoax.  I may be way off but this is my stab at it.  Love you all.<br />    <br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1321136303:
    <br /> Seriously, I think it is all fake including the ambulance.  <br />
    <br />How can the ambulance be fake?<br />You think MJ could have used a fake ambulance with the video of it reported all over the news and LAFD had nothing to say about this? <br />Or you believe they are in the hoax so that's why they don't say anything?<br />There was also a huge firetruck there, was it Michael's too?<br />Sometimes I just feel we are going way too far with the speculations.<br /><br /><br />@all4loveandbelieve don't you see nobody can help me at this point, only the TRUTH would help, this would reaaaaaly help, but you don't know the truth do you?<br />If you don't, you can not help me. /pull hair/ /pull hair/
  • moonwalk_/I have followed this forum since the beginning and have always been a believer. I must admit that the hoax clues are very difficult to unravel, but many people have done a superb job and seem much better than myself at making head or tail of it. However the one thing that makes me believe above anything else is the fact That if TS was lying then surely by now the Jackson family would have been suing him for spreading untruths. What I believe the greatest thing that Michael's reappearance will create is a total change to the media as we know. No longer will they be able to print lies about people without having some God damn evidence to back it up. Roll on the BAM!
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    There's been LOTS of great posts in the last few pages...great work everyone!  Out of the 3 parts to level 7 (i.e. a, b and c)....this level, level 7a, IMO, should be the 'easiest' to get through.  There has been LOTS of research already done in the previous levels that allow for 'quick' points to be made either in support or against what we're trying to figure out now....along with the great posts in this thread already.  <br /><br />Level 7a<br /><br />As per TS' post, he is asking us to look at the 'theories' floating around specifically about the ambulance.  The ambulance photo is a done deal...there is enough 'reason(s)' to confidently conclude that it's a 'fake' photo.  If anyone is still 'iffy' on that, a reread of that level, or TS' 'summary' of that level in his post in this thread, should help.  <br /><br />I think we're dealing with 3 such 'theories' that deal specifically with the ambulance that TS has asked us to debunk (if I've missed any, someone please jump in):<br /><br />1) there was more than one ambulance used<br />2) the ambulance went to UCLA on a different day<br />3) no ambulance showed up at Carolwood on June 25th (and by extension, no ambulance went to UCLA on June 25th)<br /><br />TS also offered the following:<br /><br />
    <br />There would be no need whatsoever to be running ambulances and firetrucks around town, on one or more days before 6-25-09, like kids playing with their toys.  It would only create numerous opportunities to raise suspicions, at the least.  Also, to NOT have the ambulance at Carolwood and then UCLA on 6-25 would be another sure fire way to raise major suspicions.<br />
    <br /><br />All 3 of the above theories, IMO, would only serve to add needless 'risks' and potentially raise suspicions.  For the sake of making it look like a 'real' scene...it absolutely makes more 'sense' to have an ambulance arrive at Carolwood AND arrive at UCLA on June 25th.  If we can come to some agreement over that, then the other 'theories' don't make as much 'sense' because they are NOT necessary in order to accomplish the goal...i.e. make the world believe that Michael Jackson was rushed from his home to UCLA (and died).  Having an ambulance at Carolwood on June 25th that went to UCLA IS the most 'simplest' option....so why would MJ complicate it with unnecessary 'factors' that could potentially derail his 'plan'?<br /><br />In the 'spirit' of trying to move things forward and based on all the comments so far in this thread, I think the general consensus is that an ambulance DID go to both Carolwood and UCLA on June 25th.  IMO, there have been enough 'good' points supporting this theory....and not many backing up any of the 3 'theories' above.  So, what do we do next? lol  Do we need to take a poll so that there's no 'accusations' of 'groupthink' or 'mind-control'?  smiley_spider <br /><br />:lol:<br /><br />I think the ones we need to hear more from at this point in 7a are either those that still 'support' something other than the general consensus...or TS himself.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • @Gina the firetruck IMO is part of the cooperation of LAFD that I spoke of.  Mike may own a fire truck for all we know though LOL.  Simply put,  I think the ambulance was already at the house then the fire truck rolls in and the plan goes into motion. lights, camera, action.<br />Who in the world, when presented with the promise of the grandest childrens hospital in the world, wouldnt agree to help Michael with the hoax?
    on 1321139783:
    <br />@Gina the firetruck IMO is part of the cooperation of LAFD that I spoke of.  Mike may own a fire truck for all we know though LOL.  Simply put,  I think the ambulance was already at the house then the fire truck rolls in and the plan goes into motion. lights, camera, action.<br />Who in the world, when presented with the promise of the grandest childrens hospital in the world, wouldnt agree to help Michael with the hoax?<br />
    <br /><br />Well if LAFD sent a firetruck why not sending the ambulance too? If they cooperated, they did it with everything that was needed.<br /><br />I don't see the sense of sending the firetruck, knowing it is a hoax, but not sending the ambulance also.<br /><br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1321136303:
    <br />Believing in the hoax is to believe that "nothings real but all is possible...." -Speechless<br /><br /> Leave it to TS to drop the damn ambulance on us.  /pull hair/  Part of me has thought that level seven is nothing more than an attempt to do two things;  1. stall us (believers) until Bamsday by making us chase our tails.  That certainly seems to be happening. 2.  Take believers down a notch and make us realize that we don't know it all. <br />  What amazes me is that some of us believe some parts of the hoax are real and some are not. One example would be that a fake autopsy report was given but a real autopsy was performed.  Seriously, I think it is all fake including the ambulance.  Lou said Michael would put a dummy in the ambulance and have the paparazzi chase it....right?  If thats the case than Michael owns an ambulance.  Maybe he owns two or three.  He used it to pull this off.  He sure as hell didnt play with real ambulances and have the LAFD come to his house for a little fun.<br />[size=12pt]  To say however that "that many people" could not be in it is to underestimate the importance of the why's of the hoax.  Suppose Elvis IS part of all  this as our forum seems to suggest.  If Michael Jackson AND Elvis want something to happen then....well you  get the picture....theres the funding.[/size]<br />  The ambulance may have already been there.  That is likely if you believe it belonged to Michael.  As far as I know the camera in the ambulance video didnt start rolling until it started to leave.  It was not seen arriving at MJ's nor was it followed to UCLA.  Thats the key i think.  If everything is planned ahead all it takes to do a quick switcheroo on the appearance of the ambulance is a quick stop and change of a sticker or light or whatever.  A quick pitstop changes whatever needs to be changed and gives us believers a clue.  Nascar pit crews change four tires, make adjustments to performance and fill with fuel in 15 seconds.<br />  Things have been done in the hoax to seem real but are not after further inspection.  If the 911 call, documents, memorial and funeral,seal, court and verdict are all fake then so is the ambulance at carolwood and at ucla. It was there but i was Mikes.  <br />  I honestly believe that a childrens hospital has been promised to UCLA and the city of Los Angelas in return for their cooperation with the hoax which has not used any government or public resources.  The money Michael referred to in the Murray recording is the proceeds generated by the hoax.  I may be way off but this is my stab at it.  Love you all.<br />  <br />
    Here's another post I agree with 100% ! Very funny too!  /bravo/
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1321136641:
    <br />
    on 1321136303:
    <br /> Seriously, I think it is all fake including the ambulance.  <br />
    <br />How can the ambulance be fake?<br /><br />There was also a huge firetruck there, was it Michael's too?<br />Sometimes I just feel we are going way too far with the speculations.
    I mean believing in the fact that he FAKED his DEATH is not so much of a speculation, but the fact that the man could have owned an ambulance and a fire engine in order to actually do IT is MUCH MORE of a speculation than that?<br /><br />It was hard for me too, at the beginning, but in time this hoax helped me get used to the idea that Michael always gets what he wants. Period.<br /><br /><br />
    on 1321139783:
    <br />@Gina the firetruck IMO is part of the cooperation of LAFD that I spoke of.  Mike may own a fire truck for all we know though LOL.  Simply put,  I think the ambulance was already at the house then the fire truck rolls in and the plan goes into motion. lights, camera, action.<br />Who in the world, when presented with the promise of the grandest childrens hospital in the world, wouldnt agree to help Michael with the hoax?<br />
    ^^ Exactly!! ;)
    Well I don't deny he could have owned an ambulance or a fire track, but what was the point of using his owns when he needed LAFD cooperation anyway? <br />He owned the paramedics too smiley_spider  :twisted:?<br />
  • The point of using what he owns rather than the equiptment or vehicles of LAFD is that Michael would not want to tie up public resources in the event of a genuine emergency.  Using his own resources as much as possible makes the hoax more controllable.<br />
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