TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • on 1323441443:
    <br />"The value would be greater,<br />  <br />you let it rumble,<br />  <br />let it stay open,<br /><br />let it close in silence."<br /><br />Silence often does speak louder than words.  Here's to hoping that we're in the 'closing' stretch cheers.gif<br /><br />My bottle's been chillin' on faith...and it's ice cold.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br /><br /><br />
    <br />Ha! I like that quote :)
    Look you guys, we've been reading TS for 2 years now. <br />I think TS proved he/she is a very intelligent person, I would dare to say the best of us in analyzing this hoax and reaching conclusions. <br />I find it hard to believe TS (TIAI - STUDY BTW) would be so careless to make a promise like the one in this thread knowing from the beginning he/she wouldn't be able to complete, unless TS wanted to make his/her exit this way and had no intention to ever come back here.
  • No sense pretending its over<br />Hard times just don't go away<br />You gotta take that chip off your shoulder<br />It's time you open up<br />Have some faith<br /><br />Nothing good ever comes easy<br />All good things come in due time<br />Yes it does<br />You gotta have something to believe in<br />I'm telling you to open your mind<br /><br />Gotta put your heart on the line<br />If you wanna make it right<br />You've got to reach out and try<br />Gotta put your heart on the line<br />If you wanna make it right<br />Gotta put it all on the line<br /><br />You see yourself in the mirror<br />And you don't like what you see<br />And things aren't getting much clearer<br />Don't you think it's time you go for a change, oh<br /><br />Don't waste your time on the past, no, no<br />It's time you look to the future, oh<br />It's all right there if you ask<br />This time if you try much harder<br />You'll be the best that you can be<br /><br />Gotta put your heart on the line<br />If you wanna make it right<br />You've got to reach out and try<br />Gotta put your heart on the line<br />If you wanna get it right Gotta put it all on the line<br /><br />If you wanna make it right If you're gonna do it now<br />You gotta learn to try<br />You can make it work somehow<br />Let love come free<br />And that's just so easy now<br />You gotta go for what you want<br />You gotta do what you got to do<br /><br />Gotta put your heart on the line<br />If you wanna make it right<br />You've got to reach out and try<br />Gotta put your heart on the line<br />If you wanna make it right Gotta put it all on the line<br />"Sometimes just reading everyone's post in here i wonder how strong peoples faith really is!" We just may be being tested to see how strong our belief really is,it is easy to say you believe something but how easy it is to change your mind even though we are given hope with new clues all the time every time someone expects this to end and it does not,anger,doubt and disappointment take the forefront. How strong is faith really, I have enough already to ride me till the end and I hope everyone will be there as well.Even though i know many are disappointed right now I have faith they will be there in the end as well,no matter how long it takes god bless everyone. peace and love to all.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1323447522:
    <br />Look you guys, we've been reading TS for 2 years now. <br />I think TS proved he/she is a very intelligent person, I would dare to say the best of us in analyzing this hoax and reaching conclusions. <br />I find it hard to believe TS (TIAI - STUDY BTW) would be so careless to make a promise like the one in this thread knowing from the beginning he/she wouldn't be able to complete, unless TS wanted to make his/her exit this way and had no intention to ever come back here.<br />
    <br />I would agree except for this that everyone needs to remember; TS has said 2012 is the year [for Bam] on multiple occasions. Paris reiterated this statement on Twitter with her 2012 dinosaur post if you'll recall.<br /><br />I am at a complete loss as to why TS did what you mentioned, trapped himself in a promise like that---> 11/29 finish of Level 7---> a promise he apparently broke. THAT'S the part that I must be misunderstanding, a little help would be appreciated, otherwise I am left having to come to my own conclusions on it.<br /><br />So it's not at all that I expected Bamsday... well perhaps revealing just to us on 11/30, but not the world (we have no credibility, we are the death hoax nuts, so revealing to us only would be *perfectly* safe). But I did, and I think reasonably so, expect that TS was going to share some truth with us regarding the "whys" of the hoax [sting/court/FBI involvement], as he suggested strongly in his Level 7 posts.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    In regards to TS...and his promises for 11/30...<br />Just because we read it...don't make it factual....maybe it's a reminder in some way...<br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @Ford, agreed... except I was doubting TS's word like crazy for months/weeks/days leading up to the 11/29 "disappearance", doubting with logic and back up facts and evidence, in the end going back n forth with him post after post, and ended up getting scolded (for lack of a better word) by TS for my efforts. I think many would agree he was visibly displeased with me by the end... to the point that I pondered for a moment if I was the reason that nothing happened on 11/29-11/30.<br /><br />Do you still think TS wants us to doubt him and his word? Possibly. But if so, the test runs very deep indeed.
    I am at a complete loss as to why TS did what you mentioned, trapped himself in a promise like that
    <br /><br />Instead of finishing that level  he/she gave us a new redirect on the next day, with quotes from family promising the truth will come out, followed by 3 shocked smilies.<br /><br />Is the answer in those smilies? Was TS shocked we still don't have enough faith?  Maybe TS considered not all of us deserve to know the how-s?<br /><br />I usually doubt everything and everyone, but now that TS is missing I realize I trust him more than I thought.<br /><br />TIAI was an ARG made by TS, let's not forget this.  We have to become aware of this. We lived it, were part of it.<br />Surprisingly, I find myself having more faith in TS now than before. Maybe I make a big mistake, IDK.<br /><br />
    Oh bec you are not the reason why TS is not here now. I feel some guilt  for myself though, I know how it is.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    That's a nice sentiment, Gina, but who knows other then TS himself?<br /><br />I more-then-half expected the Family to finish level 7 where TS left off after that post. Think about it... we were promised to receive an end of Level 7, with truth about the Hows of the hoax; the FBI, the Sting, Court,,, by 11/29, sentencing day---> then we are reminded that the Family said Justice first then Truth, it'll all come out, etc, posted 11/30... then... complete radio silence...?  <br /><br />It's confusing and a little distressing, TS. I have to assume you're reading which is why I address you.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I have to strongly reiterate that I have no loss of faith that MJ is alive and this IS a hoax. I do, however, have a weakening of faith in Bamsday and am wondering if MJ just pulled an Elvis. Literally. <br /><br />TS said 2012. Yes, I know. But he didn't say it WOULD happen, he just said if it didn't happen then we know he's a fake. He (TS), Paris, and LaToya--->all fakes if MJ doesn't Bam by the end of 2012. Perhaps that is the legacy. LaToya, Paris, and TS can all be fakes, I'm sure it's no skin off their noses. We may care more then they do. They know the truth. What do they care if we do or not?
  • @ BEC and GiNA for what my words are worth, i really don't think you should be feeling guilty at all.<br />TS has always said that everyone should think for themselfs, not taken everything for face value but investigate if what someone says is true.<br /> TS would not stay away because you or anyone investigate and think opposite or something whatsoever.<br />Don't take this personally, please......He comes back, i think this(silent) has other purposes, it's something we don't know but we will discover later on or in the near future.<br />TS warned us that it would be difficult times for us, and that our believe had to build on solid rocks.<br />And Now is the time to show that our houses are build on solid rocks, and  not on sand.<br />So Bec. when you look at this from this perspective you said you believe in TS more than ever now, for me it means your house is build on solid rocks, it was a very hectic time these past several months. and now we have the silent, and because of that silent we have the time to let it really settle down and look back and think things over again, and it's really refreshing. We have to use this time wisely..... because it's going to change believe the facts......<br /><br /><br /><br />LOVE to you all<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1323451180:
    <br />@Ford, agreed... except I was doubting TS's word like crazy for months/weeks/days leading up to the 11/29 "disappearance", doubting with logic and back up facts and evidence, in the end going back n forth with him post after post, and ended up getting scolded (for lack of a better word) by TS for my efforts. I think many would agree he was visibly displeased with me by the end... to the point that I pondered for a moment if I was the reason that nothing happened on 11/29-11/30.<br /><br />Do you still think TS wants us to doubt him and his word? Possibly. But if so, the test runs very deep indeed.<br />
    <br />I really don't think you should take TS vanishing act personally.  I don't know how much any of us play into the hoax.  If we became an obstacle to deal with once it took flight, or if we were a key factored in from the initial game plays.  <br />I seriously do not believe that anything we do or feel on here will factor into the scheme of the hoax/return.  We have seen that Michael obviously has this all worked out numerically.<br />It could be us making excuses for TS disappearance will actually be giving him the excuses to not live up to his word.  I'd just carry on with our waiting period and if TS graces us, we'll see what his reasons are.  I understand what you say about TS entirely!!!  ....and we really will NOT know if he's real or not, until the end of all the hoax, or if he just stays gone! ;)  I've not based my feelings on Michael's hoax upon anyone...they are just other members, until this is over and can be shown that they are more than that.<br />Keep your head up and your faith...you are not alone...the circles we walk around this hoax road we walk together in one belief...Michael is ALIVE.<br />LOVE to you.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    TS has specifically stated more then once in the past that the return is dependent, at least in part, on us few hoaxers, and how much we understand the reasons for the hoax. Just sayin'.
  • I'm sorry , but we have investigated the posts from TS and his Redirects and all, and for me it's obvious TS is not fake, i admire all the members here and at other sites ass well who have investigated a lot and unraveled lots of clues, but TS has taken this a step much higher than anyone could have , so do you really believe if he had no knowlegde and had no ties with MJ,he could even give these facts, and clues to us wich later on would be confirmed by family members, thereby comes that it was early on in the hoax when he started all this updates and stuff. But without that i believe it was not possible for anyone who was an investigator to discover all these things whitout being informed through MJ or the Family. My conclusion in what i read from all your posts is that we all believe or know MJ is alive, and you don't think MJ would stay in contact with us or inform us, don't you believe he would take care of us and lead us the right way, i know for sure he would have and still is,do you think that he would let a fake informer lead us to directions for 2,5 year now! noo, i can't swallow that, simply because he is a Loving person,and cares for us,and humanity. <br /><br />Maybe you think i'm naive, than so be it, but this is what i believe! and i stick to this till.....ever!<br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1323453400:
    <br />I have to strongly reiterate that I have no loss of faith that MJ is alive and this IS a hoax. I do, however, have a weakening of faith in Bamsday and am wondering if MJ just pulled an Elvis. Literally. <br /><br />TS said 2012. Yes, I know. But he didn't say it WOULD happen, he just said if it didn't happen then we know he's a fake. He (TS), Paris, and LaToya--->all fakes if MJ doesn't Bam by the end of 2012. Perhaps that is the legacy. LaToya, Paris, and TS can all be fakes, I'm sure it's no skin off their noses. We may care more then they do. They know the truth. What do they care if we do or not?<br />
    <br /><br />I think that TS is clearly telling us for certain that Michael will bam, there is no ambiguity. After all his efforts here despite the animosity he encountered it doesn't make any sense at all that he would just not care, so the same for the family. I have no doubt whatsoever about the bam.<br /><br />TS:<br />"Last but not least: I will say for certain that MJ will BAM before the end of 2012!!!  Previously, I have given probabilities, possibilities, hints, and clues of a BAM from MJ.  However, this is the very first time that I have given a BAM timing with certainty—not that I am giving an exact day or even year (could be this year or next), but I am saying that there is a deadline beyond which his BAM will not be extended.  I say this with so much certainty that if MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that TS is a fake informer!"<br /><br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And what happens is that we have no right to make mistakes, we all have errors, wrong, we rectify, ..we are human, TS is human. AND very well by all those who have exposed their theories and have defended wrong or not investing in that many hours of their time and sleepless nights, not to feel bad bec and any other person, Making mistakes is part of the life
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    @ Bec....I'm sorry I don't remember TS saying that..and to me it's THOSE sort of things that make me go HUMM???<br />Because how can what WE do, fit in with Michael's numerology scheme?<br />Unless someone on here knows what to post on a certain date, how can whatever we discover coincide with<br />the VERY dates to fit with Michael's hoax?<br />Just wondering...trying to fit pieces too...I'm NOT saying TS isn't in the know, somehow...just can't imagine how WE fit into the<br />numerology, we speak at random and Michael's numerology CANNOT be random at our posts, or they wouldn't fit.<br />;)<br />
  • wouldn't it be somthing if michael was never expected to bam in the first place .  OMG! and then he decided to .  OMG! <br />course that would have to mean that people have been being hoaxed by a different hoaxter than they thought they were all along.  /overreacting/<br /> penguin/ wouldn't it be something? lolol/ mj_bad/
  • on 1323458926:
    <br />@ Bec....[size=18pt]I'm sorry I don't remember TS saying that..and to me it's THOSE sort of things that make me go HUMM???[/size]Because how can what WE do, fit in with Michael's numerology scheme?<br />Unless someone on here knows what to post on a certain date, how can whatever we discover coincide with<br />the VERY dates to fit with Michael's hoax?<br />Just wondering...trying to fit pieces too...I'm NOT saying TS isn't in the know, somehow...just can't imagine how WE fit into the<br />numerology, we speak at random and Michael's numerology CANNOT be random at our posts, or they wouldn't fit.<br />;)<br /> <br />
    @ford seems like there was something from ts that had that flavor about it . ages ago , it seems i remember he backtracked on it to some degree when people did indeed go humm. seems like it was around the time of the the elvis and mj twitter / elisa presley thing . i could be off on the timing.<br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1323457863:
    <br />
    on 1323453400:
    <br />I have to strongly reiterate that I have no loss of faith that MJ is alive and this IS a hoax. I do, however, have a weakening of faith in Bamsday and am wondering if MJ just pulled an Elvis. Literally. <br /><br />TS said 2012. Yes, I know. But he didn't say it WOULD happen, he just said if it didn't happen then we know he's a fake. He (TS), Paris, and LaToya--->all fakes if MJ doesn't Bam by the end of 2012. Perhaps that is the legacy. LaToya, Paris, and TS can all be fakes, I'm sure it's no skin off their noses. We may care more then they do. They know the truth. What do they care if we do or not?<br />
    <br /><br />I think that TS is clearly telling us for certain that Michael will bam, there is no ambiguity. After all his efforts here despite the animosity he encountered it doesn't make any sense at all that he would just not care, so the same for the family. I have no doubt whatsoever about the bam.<br /><br />TS:<br />"Last but not least: I will say for certain that MJ will BAM before the end of 2012!!!  Previously, I have given probabilities, possibilities, hints, and clues of a BAM from MJ.  However, this is the very first time that I have given a BAM timing with certainty—not that I am giving an exact day or even year (could be this year or next), but I am saying that there is a deadline beyond which his BAM will not be extended.  I say this with so much certainty that if MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that TS is a fake informer!"<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thank you, Sarahli, for the reminder. I can't believe I forgot that. You're right, he did say that MJ will Bam, and gave the deadline of the end of 2012.<br /><br />But, I hate to point out, he also said we would be finished with Level 7 no later then 11/29, even if he had to finish it himself... and that didn't happen (?). Which is sincerely weird. Why didn't he just finish it? He promised something that was easy for him to fulfill, so why seemingly not just do what he said he was going to do? Maybe it's simply because he really is just human and he got annoyed. Maybe he got so sick of me not believing what he was saying he figured he'd just quit wasting his breath and I ruined it for everyone. Like me being a pain in the ass was the last straw. He talked about the animosity and attack-based opposition that he received on the boards and in the community over 2 years and told me sometimes I need to wonder if what I'm being told is the truth, not always wonder if it's not. Maybe he just had enough of trying to convince people he is a true informer.<br /><br />So I dunno. Who said TS is a little like the Bible? Like how religious people pick and chose what lines and verses to take literally and which are only metaphorical and open to interpretation. Atheists say you have to take it all literally or not of it literally, otherwise you are just picking and choosing to satisfy your own biases and prejudices; "creating" your own truth if you will. Is the same fair to say about TS?<br /><br />I don't think so, because TIAI and TS are a direct source of written information--->From TS himself. It is not masses of scripture compiled over the ages written by multiple sources; the second hand rendition (based on memory) of someone else's words (Bible). Apples and oranges, but food for contemplation.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    on 1323457863:
    <br />
    on 1323453400:
    <br />I have to strongly reiterate that I have no loss of faith that MJ is alive and this IS a hoax. I do, however, have a weakening of faith in Bamsday and am wondering if MJ just pulled an Elvis. Literally. <br /><br />TS said 2012. Yes, I know. But he didn't say it WOULD happen, he just said if it didn't happen then we know he's a fake. He (TS), Paris, and LaToya--->all fakes if MJ doesn't Bam by the end of 2012. Perhaps that is the legacy. LaToya, Paris, and TS can all be fakes, I'm sure it's no skin off their noses. We may care more then they do. They know the truth. What do they care if we do or not?<br />
    <br /><br />I think that TS is clearly telling us for certain that Michael will bam, there is no ambiguity. After all his efforts here despite the animosity he encountered it doesn't make any sense at all that he would just not care, so the same for the family. I have no doubt whatsoever about the bam.<br /><br />TS:<br />"Last but not least: I will say for certain that MJ will BAM before the end of 2012!!!  Previously, I have given probabilities, possibilities, hints, and clues of a BAM from MJ.  However, this is the very first time that I have given a BAM timing with certainty—not that I am giving an exact day or even year (could be this year or next), but I am saying that there is a deadline beyond which his BAM will not be extended.  I say this with so much certainty that if MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that TS is a fake informer!"<br />
    <br />Great post Sarahli. I agree. Not everything has to be over analyzed. I choose to take this post from TS as a straight forward promise. I feel he has the track record of two+ years of integrity and stickability  to deserve such trust.
  • on 1323437251:
    <br />
    on 1323420777:
    <br />
    on 1323417106:
    <br /><br />To train our brains?<br />To keep us here and occupied?<br />To 'test' us?<br />To prove to himself that the hoax can't be proved (with what has been presented to the world), and therefore the great illusion was totally successful?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Because he himself doesn't know what happened, therefore the reason he hasn't concluded the level 7, no matter how much you guys have tried to help ?<br />
    <br /><br />I'm 100% sure that TS knows what happened, how happened and why happened. And there is a good reason why he hasn't concluded level 7 yet. Probably level 7 is going to be concluded after the BAM. I have full trust in him. And we will be learning soon. This is the final silence before the big storm which is BAM in our case. That's how I feel. <br />
    <br /><br />Come on PureLove, I think otherwise and I am not surprised at all. But I still believe Michael is alive and it has nothing to do, never have, with TS/Front identity and 'levels'. 
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    Wow....71 pages (yes, I waited on purpose to post)  :lol:<br /><br />Are we any closer to figuring this out? lookout.gif<br /><br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1323489263:
    <br />
    on 1323457863:
    <br />
    on 1323453400:
    <br />I have to strongly reiterate that I have no loss of faith that MJ is alive and this IS a hoax. I do, however, have a weakening of faith in Bamsday and am wondering if MJ just pulled an Elvis. Literally. <br /><br />TS said 2012. Yes, I know. But he didn't say it WOULD happen, he just said if it didn't happen then we know he's a fake. He (TS), Paris, and LaToya--->all fakes if MJ doesn't Bam by the end of 2012. Perhaps that is the legacy. LaToya, Paris, and TS can all be fakes, I'm sure it's no skin off their noses. We may care more then they do. They know the truth. What do they care if we do or not?<br />
    <br /><br />I think that TS is clearly telling us for certain that Michael will bam, there is no ambiguity. After all his efforts here despite the animosity he encountered it doesn't make any sense at all that he would just not care, so the same for the family. I have no doubt whatsoever about the bam.<br /><br />TS:<br />"Last but not least: I will say for certain that MJ will BAM before the end of 2012!!!  Previously, I have given probabilities, possibilities, hints, and clues of a BAM from MJ.  However, this is the very first time that I have given a BAM timing with certainty—not that I am giving an exact day or even year (could be this year or next), but I am saying that there is a deadline beyond which his BAM will not be extended.  I say this with so much certainty that if MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that TS is a fake informer!"<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thank you, Sarahli, for the reminder. I can't believe I forgot that. You're right, he did say that MJ will Bam, and gave the deadline of the end of 2012.<br /><br />But, I hate to point out, he also said we would be finished with Level 7 no later then 11/29, even if he had to finish it himself... and that didn't happen (?). Which is sincerely weird. Why didn't he just finish it? He promised something that was easy for him to fulfill, so why seemingly not just do what he said he was going to do? Maybe it's simply because he really is just human and he got annoyed. Maybe he got so sick of me not believing what he was saying he figured he'd just quit wasting his breath and I ruined it for everyone. Like me being a pain in the ass was the last straw. He talked about the animosity and attack-based opposition that he received on the boards and in the community over 2 years and told me sometimes I need to wonder if what I'm being told is the truth, not always wonder if it's not. Maybe he just had enough of trying to convince people he is a true informer.<br /><br />So I dunno. Who said TS is a little like the Bible? Like how religious people pick and chose what lines and verses to take literally and which are only metaphorical and open to interpretation. Atheists say you have to take it all literally or not of it literally, otherwise you are just picking and choosing to satisfy your own biases and prejudices; "creating" your own truth if you will. Is the same fair to say about TS?<br /><br />I don't think so, because TIAI and TS are a direct source of written information--->From TS himself. It is not masses of scripture compiled over the ages written by multiple sources; the second hand rendition (based on memory) of someone else's words (Bible). Apples and oranges, but food for contemplation.<br />
    <br /><br />Come on bec this is not your fault, I don't know what makes you think that. I don't see TS not posting just because one of us wouldn't supposedly understand or agree with him, it has happened quite often during the course of this journey and he always stayed with us. If TS wanted to finish this level like he said (single handedly), he would just have finished it, period. We have NO idea about his reasons as of now, and there definititely must be good reasons for him not posting, as always with TS, so I think it's just best to wait for that and not speculate too much. I feel you are taking it all on yourself like a big burden on your shoulders, please just don't because that's not true. We are a team, if we "fail" or "win" it's all together. Anyway I don't think it's about that.<br /><br />Lest you forget:<br /><br />TS:<br />"But I really appreciate your help here bec, I really do--you know that.  bearhug"<br /><br />I am sure it's not changed.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1299124428:
    <br />For the most part, I am just sitting back and watching people discover some of my secrets, before I get around to spilling them!  But actually, that is the way I want it.  :) 
    <br /><br />
    on 1299046812:
    <br />Last of all, I am the one who started this thread: maybe I should give a little more of an overview, so people will have a little better idea of the bigger picture that we are working on piecing together here.  The ambulance picture is a major key to unlocking the entire hoax--how and who, etc.  It's not only important to understand IF the photo is fake, but HOW it was faked.  Once we understand how (staged in the same amublance, but another day; or staged in another ambulance on another day; or not staged at all, but Photoshop fabricated; or not fake at all, but 100% real; etc)--then the rest of the events should fall into place relatively easily.<br /><br />For example if the paramedics were involved with staging the photo before 6-25-2009, then they were most likely also in on the hoax itself.  But if the ambulance photo was 100% real, or perhaps real but slightly edited in Photoshop, then maybe the paramedics are not in on the hoax at all.  Once we understand whether or not the paramedics are in on the hoax, then many of the other pieces should fall into place--such as who or what was in the ambulance on 6-25-2009 (MJ, or dummy, or nothing, etc).  There is also the question of whether the entire court and courtroom is staged, with the judge and jury and lawyers all being confidential agreement actors--or is there perhaps just a few key people who know what's really going on.
    <br /><br /><br />
    on 1299563942:
    <br />Why would they spend the time and money staging an ambulance shot—not knowing where he might be on his final day, or what kind of ambulance might pick him up?
    <br /><br /><br />
    on 1299670398:
    <br /><br />The next level means that we are now going to shift the focus from the ambulance picture (whether it was real or fake, etc) to whether or not some or all of the paramedics are in on the hoax.  Did the actual paramedics pose for a staged ambulance shot before 6-25-09?  Or did MJ use actors dressed like paramedics?  Was the ambulance photo staged with the actual #71 LAFD ambulance, or another one that looks about the same inside?  Would the real paramedics publicly deny the ambulance photo, if it was not them in the picture (and they were not in on the hoax)?<br /><snip><br />This is why I started our investigation process with the ambulance photo; now we know that it was planned and staged in advance, so we have a good platform upon which we can build our next level of investigation.
    <br /><br />
    on 1300339045:
    <br />Finally: is this hoax a prank, or a Thriller II reality movie, or an ARG, or a sting operation, or a Vendetta, or an NWO/EOW warning, or a wake-up call to the gullible public (don't believe everything in the media), etc--which is it?  And the answer is: all of the above!  It is something that people have never seen before, at least not the combination of these things and on this scale.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />
    on 1300416120:
    <br />I agree, that this was not "JUST" for a joke, or fun.  And I included several reasons other than just a prank.  However, even though there are several other reasons, you know MJ is a prankster--and he is certainly capable of throwing some things in for a laugh here and there.  I'm sure that you have read many people refer to the trial as the man's-laughter (manslaughter) case.
    <br /><br /><br />
    on 1302563472:
    <br /><br />It’s now time for the third level!  :D 8-) :) <br /><br />The focus now is going to be the trip from the house to the hospital.  And most specifically: who or what (if anything) went in the ambulance on the stretcher to UCLA?  MJ himself, an MJ double (still alive), a real corpse, a dummy, or nothing?<br /><br />Please do not jump to any quick conclusions on this, and be very careful to remember the following principles of investigation: #1 the fewer people in on the hoax, the better; #2 once you have a theory, try to debunk your own theory; #3 we are looking for a theory that has at least two different strong points, which nobody can debunk.<br /><snip><br />The question of whether all, some, or none of the paramedics are in on the hoax, is a question that has not yet been answered with at least two strong points which nobody can debunk.  Nevertheless, between the staged ambulance photo, and especially with the FBI involvement: nearly everyone is agreed that at least one or more of the paramedics are in on it.  <br /><br />On the other hand, though, so far nobody has offered any strong support for ALL of the paramedics being in on it; and if any of them were not in on it, there would almost certainly need to be a real corpse.  Please don’t dismiss this possibility too quickly; it would explain the warm room, the paramedics not recognizing MJ, he looked like a frail old man, etc—and it would also decrease the amount of people that would need to be in on it (both at the house, and at the hospital).  If someone can bring at least two strong points against the corpse theory, and nobody can debunk either of the two: fine.  And if not, then we need to be open to considering all possibilities—that is what good investigation is all about.<br />
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