TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    I don't like the leg I'm standing on, but I have to at least mention it.<br /><br />Photographic Evidence (yipes!) :?<br /><br />If we accept that the "body" wrapped in the sheets of the autopsy photo is the same "body" that went to UCLA that day---it solves a myriad of loose ends (i.e what was transported from Carolwood, used in the helicopter and the van etc...etc...)<br /><br />It is the most simplistic answer...and I don't think the purpose of this picture is arbitrary, it was given for a reason.  suspicious//<br /><br /><br />So what is this? <br /><br />A replica dummy or a real cadaver made to look like MJ.<br /><br /><br />2qamrec.jpg
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1322836708:
    <br />We have not proven that ALL the paramedics are in on it. We do not know if medical staff at UCLA was fiction, it can have happened as well. We are supposed to take things as they would have happened for real, therefore considering this perspective these people cannot all be involved in the hoax and the only way to "fool" them is with a terminally ill patient who would have died that day. That's the only "option" that requires the LEAST people in the know and it doesn't change much of what would have happened if it was all real. The only "thing" you would have to change is the person who "died" finally (considering that a soulless body is a dead person already).<br />
    [size=14pt]<br /><br />I don't know anymore about the terminally ill patient.  I posted that a MY guess years ago and was shot down big time!!!!!!!!!!  They said how'd that patient happen to die on the very date that made the numbers fit?  And also, if it wasn't dead, what'd they do pull his plug that day?!  From the beginning that made sense to me, in a CRUDE way....  but hey...I've been shot down for 2.5 years.  Glad you speculated as I have on the same thing ;) [/size]
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    This blog is very interesting, she has some good research, also believe that MJ is alive as he says in some time but not investigate that. The following is an investigation about the great structure of doctors and corporations.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Phillip Anscutz is an evil man who I and many know is responsible for the events that led to the death of Michael Jackson . Even though Mr Anschutz is anti-gay, anti-lesbian and anti–black he is very very rich, so rich that people  do not care that he is an extremely bigoted and greedy man. In the City of Los Angeles AEG controls not only the professional teams, The Staples Center, the Media but additionally  the Judicial System,Homeland Security, The US Attorney  and all of Law Enforcement.  As Michael told me  he had to do 30 shows or  he would  lose Neverland , his entire music catalogue and possibly his children. While I assured Michael this was impossible look at what has happened. The promoter JackWishna first brought Michael to Las Vegas  from Ireland to do Rock City. Michael had become insolvent because he had he essentially mortgaged his music catalogue to promote the CD Invincible and also borrowed against this catalogue from the Prince of Bahrain. Even if Michael never wanted to tour again his financial difficulties made it necessary. Michael arrived in Las Vegas from Ireland sober but after a short time he  became so physically and mentally disabled he,according to Wishna, could not do 2 shows a month. This was the result of two issues that plaqued Michael. One was the drug Propofol.  Steven Hoefflin was Dr Propofol, the white wizard, who sedated Michael every night while he was on tour. No wonder Hoefflin toured with him! Michael paid him a lot. He bought Hoefflin cars and aesthesia machines, but what Hoefflin never ever knew was that Michael had never trusted him. For years in Santa Monica, Hoefflin had pretended to operate on Michael and then sent him a huge bill for work he had never done. In addition to forcing him to sign stacks of records and asking him to sign drawings Michael never made, by the early 90’s, Hoefflin had begun to fake surgery on Michael . How would the money-hungry Hoefflin do this? He would give Michael Propofol and Versed and turn the operating room clocks ahead ahead by hours. Michael would then be awakened, gaze at the clocks, then settle back to sleep. Again and again Michael thought he had hours of nasal surgery when in fact he was only unconscious for several minutes. Hoefflin was deceiving Michael so frequently that eventually the other doctors there tried to intervene, arguing that administering the anaesthetic constantly was dangerous. Michael began going over Hoefflin’s office to nap on Propofol and soon he could not sleep without the drug. It was his greatest fear but by the mid 90’s Michael was a drug addict, .,. The Elvis Presley of Propofol. The other problem Michael had was his family who always were in need of funds. Once Rock City fell through Michael had to find a way out . Jermaine introduced Michael to Tohme Tohme, a Lebanese-American  and he  became Jackson’s business manager. He contacted fellow Lebanese-American Tom Barack.Barrack had a relationship with the Neverland's loan  holder, Fortress, and was able to get an extension to give his Colony team time to crunch the numbers. He bought the loan on Neverland and  said to Michael "Where you are is an insolvable puzzle unless you’re willing to go back to work ..it’s just presiding over a funeral."Colony agreed to bail out Michael in return, the firm would take ownership of Neverland and arrange for AEG, the concert promoter owned by Barrack’s friend Phil Anschutz, to stage a comeback.Incidentally Barrack also held the mortgage on the home of  an almost bankrupt physician Conrad Murray.  An unforeseen complication arose when Barrack received a call from the King of Bahrain, whom he knew from Sardinia, where Barrack owns much of the Costa Smeralda; astonishingly, Jackson had apparently forgotten that while being hosted in Bahrain, he had signed over the rights to his catalogue to the king’s son. Colony had to buy out that interest. Jackson moved into a gated $100,000-a-month mansion in Bel-Air and began to prepare for a run of 50 concerts in London he could never do! He was struggling physically and heavily medicated by a live-in doctor. He died, from a sedative overdose, eighteen days before the first concert. But in the frenzy of posthumous adulation of Jackson, it was hard to find an FM radio station that wasn’t playing Billie Jean or Beat It. Barrack watched as Jackson’s value was suddenly and spectacularly realized. "This Is It," a documentary about Jackson’s preparation for the comeback concerts, grossed $261 million worldwide during its theatrical run, a record for a concert film, and the Jackson estate signed a series of lucrative deals, including a video game and a Cirque du Soleil show. What’s amazing, Barrack says, is he attained in death what he could never attain in life. It may be an obvious observation, but it’s one with huge financial implications for a long-term investor. Anyone who had seen past the momentary distractions of controversy and scandal could have identified the intrinsic preciousness of Jackson’s talent and fan base. Colony hadn’t predicted Jackson would die, of course, but it had wagered correctly that, over time, Michael Jackson the asset would outshine its liabilities (and even Michael Jackson the person).Clearly Philip Anschutz /AEG  hired Murray because an incompetent physcian would serve their needs much more so than a competent one.During the last week of his life Michael resigned with his most hated Lawyer Branca. Why? Because  Murray was unable to start IV’s and was giving Michael Propofol right into his muscles! Michael became stoned 24  hours a day and essentially did not know what he was doing. The nurses up at Carolwood knew this but the public missed it. Why do you think There were marks all over his body? So Judge Partridge you  used my medical records when I was not even in the USA so let me speak.I will tell you and the world why Barrack ,Tohme Tohme,Randy Phillips, Howard Weitzman and John Branca all participated in this terrible conspiracy and were responsible for people believing I had anything to do with Michael’s death. Why have you allowed my records to be illegally released and finally,why have  you nor anyone else reacted against the two individuals who attempted to kill me during this mess.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />A note from AG in Italy:<br />Where are the tapes of surveillance cameras in June 25, 2009? They were extinguished? Were deleted? Stolen? I didn't understand well it, but in my opinion Tomhe Tomhe is involved.  And Murray...Murray had debts to Colony Capital for a loan of money which he had been unable to return due to costs for the maintenance of children and due to two causes for negligence which cost  disbarement  by Medical Board California. Furthermore, Murray may have been threatened by Colony Capital...choose between 'performance of works' and his own life.Still it is no excuse for what he did Considering the fact that Tohme Tohme had already threatened to death the representatives of Julien's Auction, to prevent the sale of Neverland's objects (objects that Tohme Tohme had personally chosen, among the many present in the House). This was the reason why Michael fired him. Tohme Tohme is an intermediary by Colony Capital, a muscleman and is a member of the Nation of Island <br /><br /><br />**********  END  **********<br /><br /><br />I could pull this apart piece by piece but I’m not going to.  Only want to touch on a few glaring issues with his post. <br /><br /><br />Aside from the fact that the man does not believe in paragraphs (or the truth), this whole thing in general is the rantings of a man who quite frankly leaves me with a visual of a someone frantically clawing at the sides of a pit he is falling into.  And with every movement he is increasing the rate of his fall.<br /><br /><br />It was Klein’s medical records and the subpoena of them in court that highlighted Klein’s crimes against Michael.  Klein never got called in to testify (he wasn’t on trial, why would they call him?)  Klein first wrote a blathering letter to the Justice Department complaining that his records were stolen and that AEG was behind it, then he claims that his records were leaked when he submitted them for payment from Michael’s estate.<br /><br /><br />Then Klein claims that those records were not his and he didn’t treat Michael in all of May and part of June, then he complains that he ‘deserves that money’ that he submitted to the estate because he did all this treatment and Michael could afford it.  He charges for 170+ procedures and 51 Demoral injections in three months, then tries to claim he never gave them.  And that’s just the beginning.  (There is TONS of information in Klein’s continued and panicked rantings).<br /><br /><br />Arnold Klein has become the mouthpiece of those that did this to Michael.  In his very first sentence, Klein attacks Philip Anshutz.  Klein has never met the man.  Neither have I, but I know Klein is lying.  Why such animosity against a person Klein has never met?  Where are the accusations of “anti-gay”, “anti-lesbian” and “anti-black” coming from and what does any of that have to do with Michael?  Michael wasn’t gay or a lesbian.  Michael is black, but the only slurs against blacks I have ever heard being uttered in regard to Michael is from those that accused him of wanting to be white.  And we know who financed THAT bunch . . . Sony and the establishment.<br /><br /><br />How many blacks are consultants for the FDA?  How many blacks work as professors in David Geffen’s school of medicine?  How many blacks did Klein ever have working in his office either as assistants or medical professionals?  (and are THEY still alive?)<br /><br /><br />We will get to more of that later. Right now I just want to concentrate on the post he put on Facebook.<br /><br /><br />Klein said – “In the City of Los Angeles AEG controls not only the professional teams, The Staples Center, the Media but additionally  the Judicial System,Homeland Security, The US Attorney  and all of Law Enforcement.”<br /><br /><br />Ummm, if this was the case and Murray worked for AEG – Then what is Murray doing in jail?  Why was Murray even arrested?  Why isn’t Klein in jail since AEG hates Gays and Lesbians (not sure which Klein is yet, maybe he’ll clarify).  He didn’t even have to testify.  He treated Michael but was never called in.  Metzger was, Lee was, Murray was accused and convicted.  How did Klein escape questioning? <br /><br /><br />AEG controls Homeland Security?  Really?  Not the Rothschilds and Rockefellers?  Did this happen yesterday?  If AEG controlled all the law enforcement, judicial system and the media, then tell me why AEG’s name was all over the news as culpable and Sony has been all but ignored?<br /><br /><br />Klein is a raving maniac, that much is clear.  But why?  I mean, he’s a free man, Murray is in jail and he has no reprisals for all the Demoral he pumped into Michael.  So what is his problem?<br /><br /><br />Just who is he working for?<br /><br /><br />Oh yes . . . The David Geffen School of Medicine and the FDA.  I wonder what it is they are responsible for that Klein has to completely deplete any integrity he has by propagandizing against a company that as far as my research has revealed, quietly and without publicity funds organizations that improve lives for families.  I found the “Foundation for a Better Life” which pays for positive messages aimed at young people on billboards, magazines and on T.V., and “The Discovery Institute” which has fought to stop the raping of rights of people of faith.<br /><br /><br />While I do not consider the Anschutz Corporation perfect by any stretch of the imagination, I don’t consider every one with money evil either (Michael is a prime example).  They are far more family and faith friendly then most of the corporations out there lobbying for control of us.  I don’t know Philip Anschutz personally, I have never met him, but given an opportunity, I would much rather run into HIM on a lonely street then the rabid Dr. Klein.  But If I had a choice, I’d rather run into Michael than Anschutz . . . fair enough?<br /><br /><br />What else about Klein’s block of text, hmmmm . . . Oh, he quotes the likes of Jack Wishna, a “promoter” . . . Now, how is THIS promoter any different than any of the others who have used and abused Michael personally and financially in his years of service to the human race?<br /><br /><br />Jack Wishna is a thug who described Michael’s house as a pig sty in one article I had the misfortune of reading back in 2010.  This is Jack Wishna’s information – <br /><br /><br />“He has also partnered with Tony Orlando who was the youngest VP at Columbia Records, now Sony Music, and headed April Blackwood Music Publishing arm under the legendary Clive Davis[4] .”  - Source<br /><br /><br />Well there you go . . . Wishna must be believable because he worked with Sony and Clive Davis.  Yep.  We know how good Sony was to Michael right?  This is who Klein is foaming at the mouth to protect?<br /><br /><br />Here is Jack Wishna’s real interest in Michael as apparently under the radar he is still using Michael’s name to try and launch a fan-funded Music endeavor.<br /><br /><br />“Wishna then brought aboard Don Kirshner, the legendary rock promoter and producer, and friend to Michael Jackson, to further help shape rockcityclub.com . . . He was excited to come back to America, and I am very proud and honored to have had Michael as part of our early company history. We will honor his memory and the legacy he left behind for millions of fans around the world.”  <br />Source<br /><br /><br />So now we know why Klein is injecting Wishna’s name  . . . helping a pal promote his fledgling endeavor pathetically claiming Michael had anything to do with it.  I guess Wishna thought Klein’s name-dropping would somehow add credibility to him when fans believed nothing he had to say two years ago when he first popped up out of the mire.<br /><br /><br /><br />Now in all fairness to Wishna, he could very well be unconnected to all this and Klein is just throwing names out there, but coupled with the press releases – Source – You can see that Wishna is taking to capitalizing on Michael rather recently and just in time for the verdict and sentencing.<br /><br /><br />And in this article – Source – he is effectively aligning himself with the estate, which I guess is why they are letting him get away with using Michael’s name to launch his business.  In this article Wishna is quoted as having been a friend of Michael’s for over a decade (hmmm, don’t recall hearing his name in 2005 during the trial either).  He is also concerned about the feelings of the family in airing the Murray documentary.  However his ‘friend” Klein is busy slamming the family all over facebook.<br /><br /><br />I think brain matter begins to break down with each lie that a person tells because these people are just not even keeping track of them anymore.<br /><br /><br />So Jack Wishna is in bed with the estate and Klein, but Klein is not in bed with the estate but is in bed with Wishna – confused yet?  (it gets better).<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />My response to Mimi yesterday about the taping of Michael that Murray did:<br /><br /><br />Mimi said - "Yesterday Judge pastor assumed the same thing I was assuming all along about Murray tape recording Michael in slurred state."<br /><br />........... I never assumed that. I assumed that since propofol doesn't DO THAT, that Murray taped Michael because SOMEONE ELSE DRUGGED MICHAEL and Murray wanted to get it on tape. Since it was a Sunday on the date of the recording, it had to be someone else in the house. Why would Murray tape Michael and possible incriminate himself?<br /><br /><br />The  Murray tape date and time stamp was May 5, 2009 at 9:05 am.  That was on a Sunday.  Let me show you something from Dr. Klein’s interview with Harvey Levin in November of 2009:<br /><br /><br />“ . . . Michael’s not here anymore and I think I have a right to that money and I’ll donate to a charity in his name. But I have a right to the money for the work I did because I would take my whole weekends off. Do you know how many weekends I spent with him doing this, and just working on his face, trying to rebuild a face? It’s not easy.”  Source<br /><br /><br />From my own notes on the trial where they went over Klein’s records of the days Michael was treated, Klein's notes revealed visits to Michael on May 4th, 5th and the 6th, each with $300mg’s of Demoral intramuscularly administered.  My notes copied from that day in the Murray trial are below the screen shot of the May 4th visit:<br /><br /><br />Screen shot of Klein’s Records<br />May 4th is the bottom visit showing<br /><!--[if !supportLists]-->1-  <!--[endif]-->200mg dose of Demoral and 1 – 100mg of Demoral<br />MJ+2011+Trial+Klein+Records+4th+of+May+300.JPG<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />“-Chernoff asks if Waldman formed an opinion that based on the records Michael was not only taking Demoral but dependent on it.  This is based on 6 weeks of frequent, high dose use and  would make anyone dependent on opiods.<br /><br /><br />May 5th (no more pictures)<br />300mgs of Demoral 2mgs of Midazolam<br /><br /><br />- Chernoff does not see any signatures or initials from a doctor on the records.  May 6th 300mgs of Demoral and May 5th another 300mgs.  May 4th 300mgs were provided so in three days 900 mgs of Demoral.<br /><br /><br />-Chernoff goes to May 19th and May 20th<br /><br /><br />Michael recieved 200mmg each day of Demoral plus 2mg of Versed and on one of those days 300mmg's 200 at one time and 100 about 90 minutes later on May 21 and May 22nd.”  Source<br /><br /><br />So the May 5th recording that Conrad Murray made was NOT because he felt compelled to sell Michael’s recording for money as the Judge so erroneously ASSUMED, but because within THREE DAYS of Klein’s visits (over the weekend and a Monday!) Klein pumped Michael full of 900 milligrams of Demoral . . . in THREE DAYS!  I’m surprised he’s not dead!  (Sorry).<br /><br /><br />Klein is full of crap, trying to tell us he wasn’t in the country all of May and didn’t treat Michael.  He apparently was sure enough about it to fight for that money he feels he “DESERVES”!<br /><br /><br />900 MILLIGRAMS IN THREE DAYS!  WTF???  (language, I’m sorry)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />This is Ghazarian’s Answer to Klein’s Records<br />Note at 0:32 He uses the term “Saudi Defense”<br />Is that a term Zionists use?<br /> /><br /><br />This one, Ghazarian claims Dr. Murray is an Internist . . . not he’s not<br /><br /><br /><br />At least Dr. Drew admitted that after three days of these dosages they would have had to airlift his patient to the hospital.<br /><br /><br />Again . . . there is NO SUCH THING AS ADDICTION TO PROPOFOL!  It does not stay in the body long enough for the body to develop a dependency.<br /><br /><br />Let’s look at some symptoms of Demoral withdrawls:<br /><br /><br />“Obviously, the severity of withdrawal symptoms experienced is directly related to the amount of Demerol taken and the length of time over which it has been taken. Generally speaking, "cold turkey" quitting of this medication is not recommended. If you use Demerol regularly and wish to stop taking this medication, consult first with your physician. <br /><br />"Cold turkey" withdrawal symptoms can occur four to five hours after the last dose and usually lasts 7 to 10 days. Demerol withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to: severe anxiety, insomnia, profuse sweating, muscle spasms, chills, shivering and tremors.”  Source<br /><br /><br />Wow.  You know what that sounds like?  That sounds a LOT like what Kenny Ortega, Karen Faye and the Vampire gang was describing!  <br /><br /><br />Symptoms of dependency!<br /><br /><br />· A strong desire or need to continue taking the medicine.<br />· A need to increase the dose to maintain the effects of the medicine.<br />· Withdrawal syndrome occurring after the medicine is stopped. Source<br /><br /><br />Symptoms of Demoral Overdose:<br /><br /><br />Demerol overdose presents with bluish colored skin; cold and clammy skin; coma or extreme sleepiness; limp, weak muscles; low blood pressure; slow heartbeat; troubled or slowed breathing. In the case of overdose, immediate medical attention is required.  Source<br /><br /><br />Here’s something that scared me:<br /><br /><br />“The major hazard of Demerol is respiratory depression. To a lesser degree, other risks are circulatory depression; respiratory arrest, shock, and cardiac arrest. ”  Source<br /><br /><br />Propfol while propfol/Diprivan does have similar cautionary notes, Propofol does NOT have addiction or withdrawl symptoms.  Here is what I found from Propofol:<br /><br /><br />“- rapid onset of and emergence from sedation, <br />- short pharmacologic serum half-life, <br />- absence of pharmacologically active metabolites, <br />- and rapid metabolic clearance. ”  Source<br /><br /><br />Withdrawl symptoms?  Since Propofol is quickly metabolized and cleared by the body, this study I found said withdrawl symptoms were inconclusive due to the patient also being administered benzodiazapines:<br /><br /><br />“Although these data further implicate the association between prolonged propofol infusions and withdrawal syndrome, the investigators were unable to identify a risk for prolonged propofol infusions exceeding a specific number of days as the definitive cause for precipitous withdrawal symptoms. More intense symptoms may reflect prolonged administration of high dosages of opioids and benzodiazepines rather than the withdrawal of propofol infusions exclusively.  The limited and inconclusive information concerning propofol withdrawal syndrome provides little direct guidance to the administration of propofol and the risk of sudden and profound drug withdrawal.”  Source  and here Source  Scroll down to “Warnings and Precautions” – No Withdrawls or  addiction risks listed.<br /><br /><br />Perhaps Dr. Murray taped Michael because he KNEW Michael was being OVER MEDICATED!!!  Way over!  And he wanted to get it on tape to both show Michael and show the show producers what Klein was doing!<br /><br /><br />This does not excuse Murray using Propofol in the home.  But I would sure like to know why the coroners’s did not find any Demoral in Michael’s system after such a long period (three months) of frequent and high dosages (51 shots in 3 months for a total of 7,600 mgs (25 shots at 200mgs each and 26 shots at 100mgs each).<br /><br /><br />The symptoms for both Demoral dependency, overdose and withdrawls match EXACTLY what Ortega and Karen Faye described (even though I believed Karen Faye was full of it).<br /><br /><br />Propofol?  No.  Propofol would have been out of the system.<br /><br /><br />My problem with Murray remains with this:  He taped Michael on May 5th, knowing or at least suspecting that someone was doping him up and he STILL gave him Propofol by his own admission.  He suspected something!<br /><br /><br />Secondly, it was given in the home and he should have just said no.  But if Michael could not sleep, Demoral is a DEFINITE cause of Insomnia, shivering and chills amongst other symptoms he exhibited.<br /><br /><br />Now the question is, why wasn’t Klein called in and investigated?  Why did the judge make such disparaging remarks to Murray, calling him a liar when the prosecution’s witnesses couldn’t even collaborate their own testimonies, and why did Qbees and the MJJCommunity Website, a Sony funded and estate sanctioned MARKETING website take a collection from fans to send GIFTS to the PROSECUTION TEAM AND JUDGE?<br /><br /><br />Why is Klein all over his facebook page trying to cover up his own crimes by trying to implicate people who has NOTHING TO DO WITH MICHAEL’S TORMENT most of his life!<br /><br /><br />Why is Klein protecting Sony and Sony affiliated promoters?  Where was Klein in 2005?  Why didn’t Klein go to the press if he knew Michael was taking Propofol in 1996?  Hoefflin didn’t TOUR with Michael . . . METZGER DID!<br /><br /><br />I’m not done . . . More tomorrow.  MUCH more.<br /><br /><br />People, I need your help.  I need you to dig up some information on Dr. Hoefflin, Dr. Metzger, Dr. and any affiliations Klein has with ANYONE who was Michael’s handlers . . . Weitzner, Geller, Boteach, Malnik, The Clintons,  Bush, Music Industry suits like Mottola, Clive Davis, Koppleman, Weitzman (also Klein’s attorney even though he’s badmouthing him right now), Branca, Watenmaker and any other of Michael’s affiliates. <br /><br /><br />Remember what Randy Phillips said in his testimony during Murray’s trial?  He asked Michael Amir if Michael was okay, and Amir replied, “he just came back from Kleins”.<br /><br />http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/
  • on 1322838325:
    <br />I don't like the leg I'm standing on, but I have to at least mention it.<br /><br />Photographic Evidence (yipes!) :?<br /><br />If we accept that the "body" wrapped in the sheets of the autopsy photo is the same "body" that went to UCLA that day---it solves a myriad of loose ends (i.e what was transported from Carolwood, used in the helicopter and the van etc...etc...)<br /><br />It is the most simplistic answer...and I don't think the purpose of this picture is arbitrary, it was given for a reason.  suspicious//<br /><br /><br />So what is this? <br /><br />A replica dummy or a real cadaver made to look like MJ.<br /><br /><br />2qamrec.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />I brought up the weird dates when Souza did her resizing of the pic... no body responded to that post. We know it's fake; but is it a real pic of MJ manipulated for this hoax or the MJ corpse look a like?<br /><br />« Reply #1294 on: October 12, 2011, 09:37:16 AM »<br />Souza:<br />Okay, this is a little awkward, but I played with Michael's body a little... in Photoshop that is. And I put some more volume to the arms and I put the black box a little higher, because that is also an illusion to make his body look off. They still did something with the legs as well, parts are covered with the sheets (weird, since when are the in sheets on an autopsy table? I guess that would get too messy). I also pointed out where the nipples are in my opinion, since there seems to be a 'fake nipple' on his right that is too high. Either for the illusion or a dark spot, but not a nipple I think. And I pointed out where his belly button should be. I also made the legs a little longer without stretching the rest of the picture. Keep in mind that I spent only 5 minutes and I'm not a Photoshop expert. <br /><br />Trinity:<br />Thanks for setting this up in better proportion Souza.  This looks like MJ to me. Here are my thoughts on this pic:<br /><br />[size=10pt]#1. I think the date thing was MADE to draw attention. YES the 6 is actually a 9 turned upside down... I see 3 9's = 999 in the photo[/size]<br /><br />#2. With the 6 looking like an 8 we have MJ telling us he posed for this shot on 8-25-2009.  Two mos AFTER 'DEATH'. (?) This is a Set up & photo shopped = ALIVE  <br />( I still question this whole date thing)<br />#3. The "truth" has been "stretched" and here we are literally naval gazing!...This is PRE-Autopsy as there is no Y cut & the date of supposed autopsy is wrong; it should be the 26th right?<br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1322839381:
    <br />
    on 1322836708:
    <br />We have not proven that ALL the paramedics are in on it. We do not know if medical staff at UCLA was fiction, it can have happened as well. We are supposed to take things as they would have happened for real, therefore considering this perspective these people cannot all be involved in the hoax and the only way to "fool" them is with a terminally ill patient who would have died that day. That's the only "option" that requires the LEAST people in the know and it doesn't change much of what would have happened if it was all real. The only "thing" you would have to change is the person who "died" finally (considering that a soulless body is a dead person already).<br />
    [size=14pt]<br /><br />I don't know anymore about the terminally ill patient.  I posted that a MY guess years ago and was shot down big time!!!!!!!!!!  They said how'd that patient happen to die on the very date that made the numbers fit?  And also, if it wasn't dead, what'd they do pull his plug that day?!  From the beginning that made sense to me, in a CRUDE way....  but hey...I've been shot down for 2.5 years.  Glad you speculated as I have on the same thing ;) [/size]<br />
    <br /><br />I wasn't much in favor of this theory at the beginning as well but they may really have "pulled the plug" (I strangely have Kenny Ortega's voice in my head saying that as I type  :?), if it happens to be true then you would have been right from the start!  respect/
  • I wish TS would come back  :'(<br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1322857544:
    <br />I wish TS would come back  :'(<br />
    <br /><br />Maybe if we all cry at the same time tonight? <br /><br />neutral.gif<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br /><br />Edited to add:  Just realized this is my 777th post!  C'mon TS....it's a special occasion  ::P<br /><br /> /white flag/
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    "appears,...alleged"<br /><br />appear11.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    Legal QuestionAttorneys Only: Answer this Question <br />Why in the Conrad Murray case, during the verdict Michael Jackson was still stated as alleged victim?and waht does alleged date means?<br /><br /><br />Verdict:<br /><br />Superior court of California Los Angeles County. The people of the state of California plaintiff versus Conrad Robert Murray defendant. Case number SA-073164. Title of court and cause. We the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant Conrad Robert Murray guilty of the crime of involuntary manslaughter. In violation of penal code section 192 subsection B alleged victim Michael Joseph Jackson alleged date of June 25th 2009 as charged in count I of the information<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />
    When the verdict form was drafted, Jackson was still an "alleged" victim, because Dr. Murray was then presumed innocent. Obviously, that's no longer true.<br /><br />
    /judge/ errrr suspicious// :?:<br /><br />http://www.lawguru.com/legal-questions/-/conrad-murray-case-verdict-michael-119617113/a<br /><br /><br /><br />Lieutenant David Smith showed reporters the basement where the singer's body was registered, weighed, photographed and fingerprinted.<br /><br />He said the corpse was brought in through the same loading bay as all the other victims of trauma or those who have died of unnatural causes.<br /><br />"This is great equaliser, if you will," he explained.<br /><br />"I was here when it happened, so I watched the weighing in he was treated basically the same as everybody else, but a little more prestige was granted.<br /><br />"If anything, just for his own privacy and protection. He was kept very much under lock and key."<br /> /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />This is possibly the place where they left the "body" to take that photo<br /><br />llegadacoro.png<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />http://believerland.foroactivo.com/forum<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1322856223:
    <br />
    on 1322838325:
    <br />I don't like the leg I'm standing on, but I have to at least mention it.<br /><br />Photographic Evidence (yipes!) :?<br /><br />If we accept that the "body" wrapped in the sheets of the autopsy photo is the same "body" that went to UCLA that day---it solves a myriad of loose ends (i.e what was transported from Carolwood, used in the helicopter and the van etc...etc...)<br /><br />It is the most simplistic answer...and I don't think the purpose of this picture is arbitrary, it was given for a reason.  suspicious//<br /><br /><br />So what is this? <br /><br />A replica dummy or a real cadaver made to look like MJ.<br /><br /><br />2qamrec.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />I brought up the weird dates when Souza did her resizing of the pic... no body responded to that post. We know it's fake; but is it a real pic of MJ manipulated for this hoax or the MJ corpse look a like?<br /><br />« Reply #1294 on: October 12, 2011, 09:37:16 AM »<br />Souza:<br />Okay, this is a little awkward, but I played with Michael's body a little... in Photoshop that is. And I put some more volume to the arms and I put the black box a little higher, because that is also an illusion to make his body look off. They still did something with the legs as well, parts are covered with the sheets (weird, since when are the in sheets on an autopsy table? I guess that would get too messy). I also pointed out where the nipples are in my opinion, since there seems to be a 'fake nipple' on his right that is too high. Either for the illusion or a dark spot, but not a nipple I think. And I pointed out where his belly button should be. I also made the legs a little longer without stretching the rest of the picture. Keep in mind that I spent only 5 minutes and I'm not a Photoshop expert. <br /><br />Trinity:<br />Thanks for setting this up in better proportion Souza.  This looks like MJ to me. Here are my thoughts on this pic:<br /><br />[size=10pt]#1. I think the date thing was MADE to draw attention. YES the 6 is actually a 9 turned upside down... I see 3 9's = 999 in the photo[/size]<br /><br />#2. With the 6 looking like an 8 we have MJ telling us he posed for this shot on 8-25-2009.  Two mos AFTER 'DEATH'. (?) This is a Set up & photo shopped = ALIVE  <br />( I still question this whole date thing)<br />#3. The "truth" has been "stretched" and here we are literally naval gazing!...This is PRE-Autopsy as there is no Y cut & the date of supposed autopsy is wrong; it should be the 26th right?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Exactly, this photograph is the ONLY piece of evidence that can be cross examined to detemine what went to UCLA that day.<br /><br />We can go around and around in circles on what we THINK went into that ambulance that day (the picture is fake after all), but no HARD EVIDENCE to support anything.<br /><br />I don't think this picture is arbitrary like I said. There was no reason to show it in court other than to connect the dots in terms of WHAT went to UCLA that day.<br /><br />The white sheets and the date are a marker <br /><br />We see it in the ambulance, we see it in the ER video, we see it in the helicopter and being transported in the van.<br /><br />SO WHAT THE HECK IS THIS "BODY"?<br /><br />Perhaps we aren't getting a response from TS because the evidence is right in front of us. :?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322861721:
    <br />
    on 1322857544:
    <br />I wish TS would come back  :'(<br />
    <br /><br />Maybe if we all cry at the same time tonight? <br /><br />neutral.gif<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br /><br />Edited to add:  Just realized this is my 777th post!  C'mon TS....it's a special occasion  ::P<br /><br /> /white flag/<br />
    <br /><br />Congrats  to your 777th post BTC.  :mrgreen: I bet you do not want to make another post. :lol:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @Snoopy: look at the color in him. That's Michael and he's so very much alive in that pic. Or that's an incredible dummy. Or rather I should say it's an altered pic of either. But that's not a corpse. Not a chance in hell is that a dead thing.<br /><br />So Snoopy what are you trying to say with your post and this pic? Are you saying I can go back to Live MJ theory again? Maybe if I do it will piss off TS so bad he will come back to bitch slap me upside the head. <br /><br />TS: "Girl?!? a'mattah with you. You simple or somthin? Damn." <br /><br />bec: "I dunno. I'm asleep with my head stuck up where the Sunflowers don't grow. I like it here, no one calls me crazy."
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1322886639:
    <br />@Snoopy: look at the color in him. That's Michael and he's so very much alive in that pic. Or that's an incredible dummy. Or rather I should say it's an altered pic of either. But that's not a corpse. Not a chance in hell is that a dead thing.<br /><br />So Snoopy what are you trying to say with your post and this pic? Are you saying I can go back to Live MJ theory again? Maybe if I do it will piss off TS so bad he will come back to bitch slap me upside the head. <br /><br />TS: "Girl?!? a'mattah with you. You simple or somthin? Damn." <br /><br />bec: "I dunno. I'm asleep with my head stuck up where the Sunflowers don't grow. I like it here, no one calls me crazy."<br />
    <br /><br />Could be....could very well be (LIVE MJ that is, not TS smacking you in the head)  :lol:<br /><br />I'm just trying to look at this "body" issue from an angle we might have skipped over.<br /><br />I think it's safe to say the "body" is either a replica dummy, a cadaver altered to look like MJ or LIVE MJ.<br /><br />There was alot of effort put into the "body" in this picture. The details, presentation, lighting etc....when you compare it to the "death" picture, this one has MUCH MORE detailing. The bruising, coloration, etc...just for it to be a "fake picture" shown in court for dramatic effect?....I don't think so.<br /><br /><br />I think the fact that the body is wrapped in the white sheets is no accident--->I think we're suppose to connect the events ambo/helicopter/van etc...with this body and study it to solve 7c.<br /><br />So maybe if we work the equation backwards...from the Coroner to the hospital to Carolwood, we might can figure out the answer, rather than continue going in circles.<br /><br /><br /><br />The video Paula-C posted was about the coroners process and everything "they did" for Michael's "corpse". <br /><br />It's a good start...<br /><br />He said the corpse was brought in through the same loading bay as all the other victims of trauma or those who have died of unnatural causes. <br /><br />HOW WOULD THEY KNOW IT'S UNNATURAL, THEY HADN'T TESTED OR EXAMINED THE BODY YET, IS THIS A SPECIAL PROCESS THAT MOST OF THE EMPLOYEES WOULDN'T HAVE ACCESS TO?<br /><br /><br /><br />"I was here when it happened, so I watched the weighing in he was treated basically the same as everybody else, but a little more prestige was granted. <br /><br />THE WEIGHT (136LBS) WAS A HUGE DISCREPANCY ISSUE<br /><br /><br /><br />"If anything, just for his own privacy and protection. He was kept very much under lock and key".<br /><br /> ARE THEY REFERRING TO THE BODY, OR THE FAKE AR REPORT, PICTURES WHAT?<br /><br /><br />I don't think figuring out what was in the ambulance will be found studying the UCLA footage...I think everything we have related to the coroners is where we will find the answer on the what went to UCLA. :?<br /><br /><br /><br />*EDIT* ALSO THE DATE.....TS said something about those seeing Michaels "dead body" testing their resolve with faith in the numerology will be okay....I'll find the exact quote and include it.<br /><br />TS wrote:<br /><br />As we go through and continue to debunk some of these long-cherished hoax theories (NONE of which have EVER been supported by yours truly): no doubt it will cause some to fear that MJ really died, and there is no hoax (and this could be the reason for some of the resistance displayed in 7a).  It is true, as Jesus said, that those who build their faith upon the sand will have their house collapse when a storm comes through (see Matthew 7:24-27).<br /><br />Nevertheless, those who have built their faith on solid theories (such as the numerology, with a $999 reward that nobody has even attempted to collect after more than a year) will not be troubled over the collapse of the long-cherished but faulty hoax theories.  Quite the contrary, the true how’s of the hoax will become quite clear; and then it will be even more obvious that it’s a hoax (not murder, or accidental manslaughter, etc).<br />
  • on 1322886639:
    <br />@Snoopy: look at the color in him. That's Michael and he's so very much alive in that pic. Or that's an incredible dummy. Or rather I should say it's an altered pic of either. But that's not a corpse. Not a chance in hell is that a dead thing.<br /><br />So Snoopy what are you trying to say with your post and this pic? Are you saying I can go back to Live MJ theory again? Maybe if I do it will piss off TS so bad he will come back to bitch slap me upside the head. <br /><br />TS: "Girl?!? a'mattah with you. You simple or somthin? Damn." <br /><br />bec: "I dunno. I'm asleep with my head stuck up where the Sunflowers don't grow. I like it here, no one calls me crazy."<br />
    <br /><br /> lolol/
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @PureLove...thanks for the congrats  ::P  <br /><br />I'm not going anywhere...so my post count will greatly increase by the time this is through lol.  <br /><br />I'm sticking like glue....for Mike.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ok Snoopy then I'm doing the LiveMJ thing again, because that pic IS LiveMJ as far as I'm concerned.<br /><br />So score one more notch in LiveMJ's theory Pro-column. Because we have a delightful snapshot of LiveMJ laying on sheets dated 8/25/09, Van Video day.<br /><br />Sheets-->Stretcher-->Ambulance @Carrolwood-->;UCLA-->Helicopter-->Coroner Van-->MJ jumps out-->Van Video posted online 8/25/09--date on "Autopsy" pic-->sheets from Helicopter body-->sheets balled up on UCLA gurney pic-->vague white blob on stretcher being loaded @Carrolwood.<br /><br />I'm really not retarded, I promise. That's just the pattern and process of events and scenes documenting the travels of one mysteriously sheeted body starting on 6/25/09. If you think this pic is the key (which is a fine theory btw I'm not trying to discredit it), then you can go all the way to the end of the process and deduce that Live MJ (or that which represents he) jumps out of the back of the coroner van means that LiveMJ was on the stretcher going into the ambulance @Carrolwood.<br /><br />If MJ died that's exactly how it happened, right? Well up until the Van Video part it is of course.<br /><br />To make it a hoax you change one thing: the dead part (and then Van Video becomes the natural end). You add people in on it but again, key people in key places, as TS said. <br /><br />TS went through some motions of discrediting the van video and it's almost certainly true that it was filmed at another time. But that doesn't prove it isn't MJ. And it also doesn't prove it wasn't an MJ authorized "leak". Remember from the live feed, the black dressed guy darts in the garage after the van. He's playing a part, I'm certain. His role is to set the scene for the later and separately filmed Van Video. Or perhaps earlier filmed...(?) it doesn't matter. The black clothed man's cameo appearance on the live feed is entirely too coincidental to be believed is just that. If he is simple paparazzi where is his footage? He was close enough to film something, the van driving in the garage, pulling away, something. He could have ran to follow it inside as well. He could have filmed something to show for the biggest celebrity death event of the decade, perhaps since Elvis... as it is, none of his footage has surfaced. That tells me he had a specific purpose and it wasn't filming. It was to be filmed. <br /><br />So if it wasn't LiveMJ throughout, at least that is what it is supposed to LOOK like. That's what the visual facts all support; from the stretcher .gif to the body moving in the helicopter, to the Van Video. Someone tried very hard to develop this little side story to the "official story", something that if you read between the lines you could connect the dots and discover the hoax. Why is this being ignored? Too obvious? Well considering my premise (movie), I disagree.<br /><br />The common hurdle with any [what or who was on the stretcher?] theory is this: how you gonna make it work at UCLA? I dunno. How you gonna make it work @Coroner';s? Everyone just accepts that part is, what? Worked out somehow? What's the difference with UCLA? They let Jermaine make the death announcement for goodness sake. UCLA said nothing at all. UCLA PR dept kept referring only to JJ's statement and declined to say ANYTHING regarding the matter. They wouldn't even confirm that MJ was there. If two of their esteemed doctors worked on "MJ" as reported, why did they not even admit he was there?<br /><br />All the visual information points to it being MJ himself on that stretcher and that means either he's dead or LiveMJ theory is right. I know he's not dead so it's LiveMJ theory for me. All of this is only in my opinion of course, and after 11/29-11/30 I'm reflecting on my judgement anyway so keep that in mind.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Your eyes don't lie media does. Remember that Tweet?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Bec, I've been reflecting on my judgment too lately because I thought we had made progress a few nights ago (and I was pretty happy about that) and then...nothing...nobody else really climbed on board that theory (Live MJ) and nothing more from TS, apart from the latest TIAI redirect.  I still think we have the right idea but I guess we can't expect a resultant BAM from figuring it out (if we indeed, have) or TS to say "Yes that's how it went down."  Although, NOT saying something says something too.
    In my opinion that death photo is a dummy. It doesn't have to be in full natural size.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Why are we working backwards folks? <br /><br /> Bec, I think that "your eyes don't lie, the media does" tweet can be interpreted many ways, for example: Our eyes see something is wrong with his death, even though the media is telling us the alleged 'truth' vs. Our eyes are seeing MJ alive in front of us possibly this whole time, even though the media is saying he's dead. If, that is the way you interpreted the tweet.<br /><br />I personally saw Level 7 as being finished, just not wrapped up by TS.<br /><br />Level 7a- The ambulance arrived at Carolwood and went to UCLA in real time on June 25, 2009.<br /><br />Level 7b- A person did in fact die, whether on June 25, or a day or two previous. Either way a corpse was used for transport-could be a person on life support or again, died previously. Both are applicable.<br /><br />Level 7c- The court is real for a sting, but a hoax to prevent entrapment and possibly entertainment purposes for hoaxers (I mean a pumpkin is entertaining ;)). Paula posted a great blog that could indeed show who in the medical industry the sting is against. One of the doctors possibly being Klein, and Murray acting just as he is supposed to in order to help MJ as the "fall guy". A sting on the judicial system/media/fans is bound to happen as a result of this hoax/court, regardless of whether or not those are the intended sting target(s).<br /><br />And ofcourse, you can add the why's to 7c being the Illuminati (sting/exposé on them etc.).<br /><br />Pretty simple to me, unless ofcourse I'm wrong.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1322915344:
    <br />Why are we working backwards folks? <br /><br /> Bec, I think that "your eyes don't lie, the media does" tweet can be interpreted many ways, for example: Our eyes see something is wrong with his death, even though the media is telling us the alleged 'truth' vs. Our eyes are seeing MJ alive in front of us possibly this whole time, even though the media is saying he's dead. If, that is the way you interpreted the tweet.<br /><br />I personally saw Level 7 as being finished, just not wrapped up by TS.<br /><br />Level 7a- The ambulance arrived at Carolwood and went to UCLA in real time on June 25, 2009.<br /><br />Level 7b- A person did in fact die, whether on June 25, or a day or two previous. Either way a corpse was used for transport-could be a person on life support or again, died previously. Both are applicable.<br /><br />Level 7c- The court is real for a sting, but a hoax to prevent entrapment and possibly entertainment purposes for hoaxers (I mean a pumpkin is entertaining ;)). Paula posted a great blog that could indeed show who in the medical industry the sting is against. One of the doctors possibly being Klein, and Murray acting just as he is supposed to in order to help MJ as the "fall guy". A sting on the judicial system/media/fans is bound to happen as a result of this hoax/court, regardless of whether or not those are the intended sting target(s).<br /><br />And ofcourse, you can add the why's to 7c being the Illuminati (sting/exposé on them etc.).<br /><br />Pretty simple to me, unless ofcourse I'm wrong.<br />
    <br /><br />How and why does entertainment fit in with any of that? I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying it doesn't make much sense to me for all that serious stuff... and then a random Jack-o-lantern.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    A dummy does not deceive to a doctor and then would have to be a corpse it should be remembered that the autopsy report is one of the topics most unusual, and the question is who belong that report? , ..that response is never the know
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Bec, you do know that my post was pertaining to only what was asked of us and NOT every other aspect of the hoax; like entertainment. I've said a million times, this hoax is for many reasons i.e., movie, ARG, Illluminati/NWO/EOW wake up call etc.<br /><br /> However, the court was serious. I'm not saying the Jack-O-lantern was the ONLY aspect of the *entire* hoax that is entertainment, no, only what went on in court. There was a sting that took place in my opinion and the pumpkin, misspellings etc., were there to prevent entrapment when MJ returns whilst also giving US a source of entertainment as we were the only ones aware of these things because of the hoax. <br /><br /> So, the court was sting (real) and hoax. My post was fulfilling the outline; 7a, 7b and 7c, that's it.<br /><br /> We can either move forward or stand in the same place. I'm not saying to believe what I say, but why is everyone upset when TS doesn't post anything, but when he does no one takes what he says as being valid info to guide us all in the right direction?<br /><br /> Yes be cautious of information presented to you regardless of the source, but that's why we are all here; to decipher between what is true and what is not. I think we can trust TS was pointing us in the right direction, no? Thusly, the Live MJ theory is one of those things I file under not applicable, given all of what we know so far. Like I said I could be very wrong, but...<br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322938988:
    <br /> Bec, you do know that my post was pertaining to only what was asked of us and NOT every other aspect of the hoax; like entertainment. I've said a million times, this hoax is for many reasons i.e., movie, ARG, Illluminati/NWO/EOW wake up call etc.<br /><br /> However, the court was serious. I'm not saying the Jack-O-lantern was the ONLY aspect of the *entire* hoax that is entertainment, no, only what went on in court. There was a sting that took place in my opinion and the pumpkin, misspellings etc., were there to prevent entrapment when MJ returns whilst also giving US a source of entertainment as we were the only ones aware of these things because of the hoax. <br /><br /> So, the court was sting (real) and hoax. My post was fulfilling the outline; 7a, 7b and 7c, that's it.<br /><br /> We can either move forward or stand in the same place. I'm not saying to believe what I say, but why is everyone upset when TS doesn't post anything, but when he does no one takes what he says as being valid info to guide us all in the right direction?<br /><br /> Yes be cautious of information presented to you regardless of the source, but that's why we are all here; to decipher between what is true and what is not. I think we can trust TS was pointing us in the right direction, no? Thusly, the Live MJ theory is one of those things I file under not applicable, given all of what we know so far. Like I said I could be very wrong, but...<br />
    <br /><br />If I had better english, this would be what I was going to write. Perfectly said Suzy and very well explained.  /bravo/
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I haven't seen level 7 wrapped up at all. Something was on the stretcher, but why a corpse? I still don't see why it would be a corpse. So for me level 7 has not been finished yet.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1322956352:
    <br />I haven't seen level 7 wrapped up at all. Something was on the stretcher, but why a corpse? I still don't see why it would be a corpse. So for me level 7 has not been finished yet.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />A dummy for purposes of illusion does  for the purposes of deceive a doctor, then the report of the forensic was something that was written following a indent , there was no autopsy.<br />
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