Harvey's Twitter Post about MJ's investigation



  • finding a date so everyone can see the show (reveal) is a little tricky ... but we're told it will happen in a matter of weeks

    I think that is what is important in this article! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Mel31Mel31 Posts: 73
    where is the 'MERGE NOW' button <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> !!![/quote]

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> i cry and i laugh in same time now <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I would like to put this article. It is from a German side and they have mentioned from the beginning that Michael Jackson is alive at the end they say, it does not matter what happens they will not change their mind. I have translated the article with google. I think I still will believe that Michael is alive and give you some hope although it is hard.

    Source: <!-- m -->http://www.dasbewegtdiewelt.de<!-- m --> (I just searched for Michael Jackson on this side). This side was presented in another hoax side in Germany.

    Here we go:

    Ice-cold murder ?????? Dubious Jackson's death confirmed: Our suspicions and doubts about themselves. Print Email
    Friday the 10th July 2009 at 11:59 Clock

    We have so far been reported in 2 articles about the mysterious and very dubious circumstances or events, and our information in connection with the death of Michael Jackson .......:

    Mysterious death! Pop star Jackson still alive? Sensitive information to lead us to Paraguay! 1,000-euro bet


    Jackson's death - there will always be curious! Evidence of mega-scandal condense!
    After a few us then begin immediately, "smartly" and "upper-doubters" to massively attacked and silly mails written - have now also confirmed reports that come directly from the police from Los Angeles (after 2 weeks) - our first thoughts, information, suspicions and doubts that there's something wrong and was enormously lazy. The fact that you should be by the mass media - in the mass as a mass - often just fucked and sold for stupid, do not have to be new! The only way I can explain to me that one ...... every day, the biggest pipes, rivets, losers, liars, actors, idiots, self-promoter, only Geldgeil, egoists, crack heads, etc. on television, or their waste and scrap regularly published in newspapers, magazines or on websites. Just that - what's happening now - is further proof that we

    - Also have here - some very good contacts and have information from which others can only dream of - even if many still! do not want to believe.

    Background: After everything (in the context first of all) for public use as normal and without incident as a "commonplace-death" was published - and some of us because of our articles and info to go with it as a "freak" and "conspiracy theorist" is put, is Now in investigating the alleged death of pop star Michael Jackson and the possibility of a murder on the part of police

    no longer excluded. The investigations in this direction is now in full swing.

    Now, suddenly take the tests, doubts and unresolved questions of allegedly first clear and perfectly innocuous circumstances of Jackson's death, quite huge volume of go in all directions - jaja!

    The police chief of Los Angeles, Bill Bratton, said now presents to the television channel CNN - but you should also have no doubt already have noticed in various media in recent hours.

    We had already betting on huge insurance and noted that have a "death" of the context / had!

    Just a reminder: We had written: "When the doctor suspects but is not" yet "." Yes, not then - and now?

    Other - allegedly exaggerated and the fetched statements - one of us then - suddenly turn out as facts and new insights - that `s stuff!

    It was quite clear that in the public once the "life celebration" and then keeps the wind - in other words, the news coverage - to be huge turn.

    If you continue to want to read about them, so no unnecessary speculation, false reports, or just trash from the mass media - then you come to us and let us also ask to all people in your environment, the issue of Jackson's death " and the real interest backgrounds.

    Yes, you can also entries in boards, forums, blogs, etc. to use.

    We keep you here with

    the true facts, facts and circumstances, up to date - in conspiracies and pointless speculation we do not participate - and nowhere!
    All of our eternal critics and doubters should according to current news (where our nose ... etc. have been confirmed once again) now hold but finally the impudent flap and superior in the future, perhaps not even a little bit better, whether some of our articles and more easily once set down only as spinning, or showing off.

    We're off to the cause and have encountered some scorching tracks, and our information and knowledge to become more explosive and scandalous.

    I'm curious about when to even officially on the - in this context has "disappeared" or the "low shot comes to speak" to!

    But the whole thing costs a lot of money and nerves - a lot of money and even more nervous. The only way!

    Also, the video footage surfaced now - from just before his "death", during rehearsals for the tour - show a very healthy, agile and totally fitten Michael Jackson. Of fatal illness, painkillers, etc. .... no trace.

    Then it was a natural death, now apparently may Murder and the truth .........

    But even that may not be the whole truth.

    We had written: "Jackson is alive!" - And we stick to it!

    But what is even more important to you than the result here and everything related to Michael Jackson still "will get high" is the following
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Jackson's death - there will always be curious! Evidence of mega-scandal condense! Print Email
    Wednesday, 08th July 2009 at 11:18 Clock

    We were already in our article vom 27.06.2009 with the title:

    Mysterious death! Pop star Jackson still alive? Sensitive information to lead us to Paraguay! 1,000-euro bet
    addresses some incredible and mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Michael Jackson. After our report later - just a few hours - have entered into a number of other well-known and big TV stations, as well as magazines, newspapers and websites on our information and our footsteps, or should I say "feet". It did not change after their research

    allegedly proved that some obvious and insurmountable gaps, inconsistencies and oddities are in space, it might be worth / would be enlightened.

    I have deliberately waited with the publication of this article until today, because

    since we currently can not yet provide a sufficient evidence to the last detail for some really incredible suspicions and evidence, we would allow the final days of stop by there once a little rest, we are not involved in any speculation or conspiracy theories, and hence before the official memorial ceremony yesterday to nothing more to say.

    No matter what there really is / was or what the next few months to come to light yet - but the one requires decency, conscience and respect for the death itself, that one is just as well as holding back something and the people who want to grieve, mourn times can be easily.

    But some of it I would like to

    yesterday - ".................." - Funeral still say:

    The appearance and posturing of Brooke Shields was really unbearable and very big puppet show, and if it is alleged to basketball legend Magic Johnson was the greatest experience of his life - he said - that he views almost to the bottom of the Neverland Ranch with a bucket Jackson -Food eaten chicken, then I ask myself quite in earnest, if some people here are still very close?

    I understand and I see also that one has put on at such a moment, the good side of the Dead "and brings personal experience with, but as a completely reality principle, and about 20 trillion percent covered trash we must not cease to really.

    It is really little more than pathetic and ridiculous, if we must force to such statements or gestures, or can be carried away - but when one is accustomed to large audiences and big emotions.
    Those are old hands in the business and superstars who do not make the first time before an audience of millions, what, then .........

    Nowhere is a lie to the world as much as:
    - Before an election or a wedding,
    - During a funeral
    - After a hunt!

    That was yesterday

    the parade again proof that the saying of what is using it!

    The organizers of the Jackson - theater probably had not even thought of himself in the approach and expected that the whole is already a billion dollar business within a few days. The press reported on the front pages only about the storm and the people around the world, the record stores to Jackson CDs and all, where Jackson is on it.

    Even age-old - signed by Jackson - Tour tickets on ebay prices reaching several hundred dollars - that's just madness.

    But I am in good spirits, that we

    You can say many things because sometimes more, because we have some info and traces on the heels of that are truly amazing (I will return again to it).

    Another sad news, I would like but do not conceal it.

    In Paraguay, there are now pursued in the context, 4 persons, the various dubious things and circumstances are and were on a "good, correct and hot way" to have been gunned down - 2 people have disappeared without trace and were allegedly still currently missing.

    There are thus 2 questions:

    1. Why do we proceed with such an incredible tough and brutality against people who allegedly groping in the dark and things and circumstances are on the trail, which will give it and not at allegedly being presented only as fantasies?

    2. Should one not consider whether we can under these circumstances, the matter should not simply be left aside, because it certainly looks like this:

    There are a lot of money and operates a large expenditure for this - just to make themselves artificially into a danger which we have not really needed.

    It's like smoking: Since you are also a lot of money for it, only to injure himself to health - in other words, one begs the question of whether it purely from reason and reflection should not be more usefully stop.
    It also has a lot of effort to earn money, which they then spend on cigarettes, which are not even healthy, but just the opposite - that is infected too!

    We stand now at a crossroads, because:

    "? It is very dangerous to be right when the government and the masses are wrong, or the number of men and women does not fit into the stuff."
  • err that article sounds horrible...the english is all over the place and i cant make out what they are trying to say... but um thanks for trying to help i guess thank you truly...i think i am just going to have to take a break for a bit and come back and read further...but i am nervous very nervous bout what is about to go on i am in deep depression just thinking about all we have done to the family and other fans for not acting proper about michaels death...we questioned everyones emotions and they really were trying to deal with michael death...some even questions paris's tears at the memorial OMGosh we are horrible!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I pray tonight for good news tomoro in regards to Michaels Death
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    Yes we ARE horrible! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> And it hurts much much more than it did way back in june. People are slowly moving on by now and we just lost him all over again. Just think how Michael would have been feeling this 6 months, we questioned his kid's tears, his mother's, brother's and the whole family's grief. We didn't pray for his soul to get peace. We took everything as a joke, we laughed at their words. Mostly, WE WISHED HIS MURDERER TO BE FREE. we just hurt Michael all this months. Our lives are going to be hell by people laughin at us and telling us how FOOLISH we were acting all these days. Oh god have some mercy.
  • Q:

    How come everyone that has got in contact with investigators or the LAPD has been told personally that the investigation wont wrap up until January, while these people are saying it wrapped up last month?

    Doesn't make sense to me!
  • I Feel like i just now lost him...Now my denial is over and it took 7 months to figure it out, Michael I hope you forgive me for all we put you and your family through, I really do because I don't know if i can forgive myself...I promise to you and to myself that i won't be so disrespectful to your family and the ones who deeply care for you. I am Deeply torn by all of this now...I shall go into mourning process now...Peace to You and Your Family Michael. God Bless You!!! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> RIP Michael Jackson <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Q:

    How come everyone that has got in contact with investigators or the LAPD has been told personally that the investigation wont wrap up until January, while these people are saying it wrapped up last month?

    Doesn't make sense to me!
    Maybe they found the evidence they were looking for and needed to actually make this a case or something...things changed...although i dont know why if it was finished last month that they waited so long to tell us the news <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> kinda makes me very angry about that
  • Okay, I know there is a big debate going on regarding the validity of BOW.

    But she said a lot will happen in Jan and also that Michael controls all news released?..

    you are right.....didn't she say that there will be a news about hoax and investigation???
    so is she legit?? how if we ask her about the truth of this news? what is this mean? am starting to believe her.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Countenance, countenance my dears.

    There's nothing to be afraid of.
    This is wake-up time, in order to get the things revealed somebody must start talking, right?
    How would you like to start it?
    Michael coming on stage and saying: "oh geez, I am so sorry, but it was a hoax"?
    There is so much still to come.
    If you faint now, you will miss all the best - so get your cold water in immediate reach <!-- s;-) -->;-)<!-- s;-) -->

    If this court case will be of same character as those with the child support, I will have to keep myself from laughing and falling off the chair.

    REMEMBER that Michael NEVER let us down.

    Do you really expect Mr. Murray going to court and jail?
    A person that wrote a public letter to his "fans": "In my absence, I will continue to manage the practice, and be involved as much as possible but it will be from a distance."

    An actor, whose voice and behaviour was being altered in the "Thank you" video to ressemble Michael and to thank his friends for their "continued support"?
    This was first class technique.
    "They mean the world to me!" Remember that sentence?
    You continued supporters mean the world to Michael.

    HEADS UP, ladies, there is nothing to fear and all to expect.
    Relax, get your popcorn and enjoy the show.
  • Thank you Grace! You have no idea how much your words just helped me. This has been such a hard night.
  • im just really scared that we are making a huge mockery out of the funeral and memorial if he really is gone then we were really disrespectful to his family.. BUT i am going to pick myself up off the ground from that horrible fall, hold my head up high, and continue with this investigation. I knew this journey would be a difficult one and i would run into things that i did not like. So I am going oto finish what i started.
    Michael I am Here for you the whole way. But i have to admit Michael you are giving me one hell of a ride. Love you more and as always, It's All For L.O.V.E.

    thank you grace for those words deeply thankful for that
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    im just really scared that we are making a huge mockery out of the funeral and memorial if he really is gone then we were really disrespectful to his family.. BUT i am going to pick myself up off the ground from that horrible fall, hold my head up high, and continue with this investigation. I knew this journey would be a difficult one and i would run into things that i did not like. So I am going oto finish what i started.
    Michael I am Here for you the whole way. But i have to admit Michael you are giving me one hell of a ride. Love you more and as always, It's All For L.O.V.E.

    thank you grace for those words deeply thankful for that

    We are NOT being disrespectful to Michael's family.
    Have you forgotten about all the pictures where they are HAVING A GREAT TIME at memorial and burial? If they can laugh, so can we and it does not harm any respect from our hearts at all.

    Btw memorials and burials are not meant to be sad.
    They are meant to say good-bye and to feel the brotherhood with the others saying good-bye. In the know that we will meet again.
    Nothing else.
  • THANK YOU Grace, you are fantastic <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ! And you are soooo right ! I really don't understand all this grief after reading that article. Remember - something finally has to start happen because all this situation for many people is too weird. They have to start mentioning investigation , dr Murray and all these things. But FBI is helping Michael, so there is no need to woryy! Just trust Him guys <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ! You cannot be let down by such articles and news, there will be probably more of them before MJ will come back, but this is normal <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Kisses ! :*

  • BellexxBellexx Posts: 166
    Eh, the video has been removed? Couldn't open it anyway... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->


    the video has been removed
  • @MJalive999, what it's all about? thanks
  • aww man i didnt get to see it the video was removed for some strange reason
  • If Murray goes to prision, will you accept he is gone? maybe this is the best for him to rest in peace although I am sure there will be people who will go on thinking he is alive <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • julietjuliet Posts: 491
    Guys, I wish I can warm all the hearts that feel low with different info/news feed. There will be more news/info feeds coming and you should be so proud of yourselves for holding on to what is not being shown - that Michael is alive. I do believe that he is alive because there's not one person/feed or anything that would come out with the truth. We all know that all they can give us are inconsistencies because they just don't know how to twist the truth with all their refining lies which makes it more obvious that they are all hanging on to the skin of their teeth.

    I wrote something months ago, and please have a read, at least it will comfort you and keep your strength as you have been holding on to it with so much love for Michael.


    The never ending flow,
    Of feeds and informations,
    Are still being thrown,
    To those with different intentions.

    No one can deny,
    The sight of the Golden Box,
    Supposed to have the contents,
    Of the physicality of Michael.

    No one can be fooled,
    When there's no actual proof,
    Where many among the crowd,
    Speculate more than the badge.

    The Golden Box would indicate,
    A void that would explain,
    The significance being held,
    In bidding it farewell.

    It's just an empty box,
    And that the majority knows,
    The meaning would be profound,
    Of which he'll never be bound.

    To fathom will not be easy,
    But with the heart one will clearly see,
    With what he has endured,
    Has been poured into the box.

    Everything that has been haunting,
    Created by his fame,
    He has to let go off,
    And put it all in the box.

    The numerous assaults,
    By the media and the journalists,
    Who claim to have the freedom,
    Of speech to justify their filths.

    The box would be filled with burdens,
    From the start of being praised,
    Then loved and being used,
    Which is all too delusive.

    The Golden Box would be,
    A very poignant stage,
    The release from all hypocrisy,
    Which is kept from the majority.

    The Golden Box is indeed,
    The platform to start anew,
    Took time, trust and courage,
    For all his demons to be buried.

    The metaphorical touch,
    Of this Golden Box,
    Signifies his knowledge of the truth,
    And his resiliency to be wiser.

    From this point onwards,
    With the value of life in his hands,
    He must be guided well,
    To continue in making a difference.

    There will be no more fretting,
    It's time he has decided,
    To clean out the air,
    And take his place that he deserves.

    J U L I E T ***
  • Um there are so many different emotions going through me right now, to me if Dr.Murray goes to jail Its over. That would be taking it too far...Since the beginning of this investigation The fat that Murray was stilll free and practicing medicine made me think that Michael was still alive...Maybe the whole switch off in the helicopter ( one body had black straps when getting boarded on helicopter, and then came off flat with no straps)to the coroners van was to make people follow that body instead of Michael's real body or something... IDK right now i am just confused and lost and dont know which way to turn gosh i just wanna scream!!!1 <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    Oh no when he gets arrested the game is over for me
  • Keep the Faith! The Great Adventure is not over yet!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
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