Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • This is his latest tweet:

    Love my Little brother and I Miss him deeply, not one day goes by without me thinking about him.

    i wonder why he capitalized the two L's, I and M. LLIM?

    Good eye Mjfansince4 - this could have a definite meaning, or maybe not, but it's strange to capitalize words that are clearly not meant to be capitalized. Thanks for pointing this out.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063

    Man I was looking at the lyrics to Word to the Badd. Those are some cold blooded lyrics. That's hard core diss on MJ from his own flesh and blood. Jermaine is blasting MJ in this song. I know MJ had to be deeply hurt at the time by this song then on top of that his own sister Latoya dissed him in public too. MJ definitely was a forgiving person to let this go. I think Jermaine was real bitter at the time because he didn't reach the level of success that MJ had. I mean maybe Mike did act different as he got more fame who knows but I think you should never put your family business out for everyone to see. We know Jermaine eventually change the song but I wonder how close him and Mike were after this song came out. Maybe that's why Jermaine and Latoya are always the ones speaking up for MJ now. They always have his back now. I think they are making up for demeaning MJ back in the day. Notice they seem to be the most outspoken of the siblings when it comes to Mike. I saw one of Tito's tweets to someone and he was telling them that he doesn't like to talk about his brother but he really misses him. Jackie, Marlon, and Rebbie are also very quiet about MJ. Janet she's kinda in between.

    I agree, msteetee34.
    I read an article that said MJ went to Jermaine about it, and they talked but it was said that Jermaine refused to apologize. I agree with what you said about LaToya & Jermaine, i think they are trying to make up for how much they hurt him.
  • This is the first time I've read those lyrics and they made me really sad <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> . I know it's easy to bash Jermaine because he does act strange sometimes but what makes me sad is that this might have been his truth. We all love Michael and will always defend him but none of us knew him on a personal level. He most definitely did distance himself from his family and I don't blame him for it since he probably felt pressured all the time but Jermaine must've seen it differently you know. Still doesn't make it right to insult your own brother publically but some people will always be bitter.

    What makes me really sad though is the fact that they were all close once... I have a sister that I love dearly and I just couldn't imagine ever drifting apart from her...
  • Mj5StarChickMj5StarChick Posts: 939
    I love Jermaine, but he is really annoying sometimes. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    First, the ORIGINAL lyrics of "Word To The Bad" where he sent a HUGE diss to MJ:
    What up yo,
    word to the badd

    Been abducted
    Don’t know who you are
    They may love you
    they don’t know you
    Lonely superstar
    never think about who you love
    only think about number one
    You forget about where you started from
    You only think about what you want
    don’t care about how it’s done
    you only think about you, your throne
    Be it right or be it wrong

    It ain’t about your world
    It ain’t about the things that you do
    If you don’t care, I don’t care
    Cause you keep thinkin’ ’bout you
    It ain’t about you takin’ my pie
    You been takin’ for a long time
    If you don’t care, I don’t care
    If you keep
    Well I ain’t thinkin’ ’bout you

    What up yo, word to the badd

    Once you were made
    You changed your shade
    Was your color wrong?
    Could not turn back
    It’s a known fact
    You were too far gone
    You know I tried to be there for you
    Like a brother I care for you
    It didn’t matter you always play me off
    You only care about what you want
    You don’t care about how it’s done
    You only think about you, your throne
    Be it right or wrong

    It ain’t about your world
    It ain’t about the things that you do
    If you don’t care, I don’t care
    Cause you keep thinkin’ ’bout you
    It ain’t about you takin’ my pie
    You been takin’ for a long time
    If you don’t care, I don’t care
    If you keep
    Well I ain’t thinkin’ ’bout you
    Oh no no, I ain’t thinkin’ ’bout you
    Oh no

    What up yo, word to the badd

    Thinkin’ about that pie that you’ve been takin’ from me
    From a brother to another brother hard to believe
    Lost and don’t know it yet you still show it
    Givin’ seems to be harder than it is to receive
    The glass has gotten shady, time to make it clearer,
    Clean it up and lets start with the Man in the mirror.
    Theres sadness there brother, aint no mistaken it,
    Get a grip cause youre not far from breakin it.
    Thinkin about the time when we used to be close,
    It shouldnt be past tense, cause nobody knows,
    What the future may hold, what tomorrow might bring,
    Its not guaranteed that youll be spreading your wings

    But meanwhile, I continue to smile, cause in the back of my head,
    I know you’re still a child
    You say that your a man, but that will never be.

    This song REALLY make's me want to slap Jermaine in the face.

    Second, the time he said that HE could have been Michael. Um, yeah... NO...

    Now this??
    Jermaine it's not the "Jackson" style.. it's the MICHAEL Jackson style. Stop trying to copy him!

    I say this with LOVE! L.O.V.E.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Reading the words made me feel angry but hearing them come from his mouth was 10x worse!!! How oculd he say it about his OWN little brother??? Whatever Michael did to deserve it idk but it prolly wasn't enough to have him put on the spot like that <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> !!! I love Jermaine but wow i knew it was sumthin that i didn't like and it's his attitude sumtimes <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Well if he had that much animosity built up how come he didn't come to Michael and tell him personally??? My sisters and I have our wrongs EVERY SINGLE DAY. We have it out like idk what but dang Jermaine just went ham.....actually 600 bars on Michael!!!! I wonder how Michael felt <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Hmmm mayb he told him it wasn't abt him...ha <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    BTW thnx for sharing <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • GoOoFGoOoF Posts: 150
    Wow. I've never heard abt this song before.
    Dunno what to do, laugh or cry... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    to go grow up with a brother like michael must be very hard you always know you will in his shadow no matter what
  • GoOoFGoOoF Posts: 150
    to go grow up with a brother like michael must be very hard you always know you will in his shadow no matter what

    Yes i was thinking abt the same thing..I guess it was a hell of job for Jermaine to watching his lil brother becoming the king of MUSIC. For sure he was very proud of Michael, but at the same time i think he had a bad taste in his mouth as well. This song is nothing but pure jealousy.
    Anyway, i'm not blaming him. That must be very hard.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    to go grow up with a brother like michael must be very hard you always know you will in his shadow no matter what

    Yes i was thinking abt the same thing..I guess it was a hell of job for Jermaine to watching his lil brother becoming the king of MUSIC. For sure he was very proud of Michael, but at the same time i think he had a bad taste in his mouth as well. This song is nothing but pure jealousy.
    Anyway, i'm not blaming him. That must be very hard.

    Jermaine seems quite career minded and it was a goal that he could never achieve being greater than michael and as I said from the dynasty programme it looks like he is the one they ridicule it must be hard for him but the song was jealousy on his part I do feel sorry for him
  • This is Michael's brother you're talking about. What do you guys think Michael would think if he sees that ? This is his family we have to respect that no matter what happened in the past.

    I'm very shocked to see the hateful comments of so-called fans on Twitter. I knew that the fact that Jermaine is muslim is not appreciated but I didn't know people could be that mean. People are full of prejudices and claim to understand Michael's message. God only knows what they hide in their hearts.

    These are just jackets guys everybody has imitated Michael's style why not his brother ? If it was even the case...

    By the way, this is a hoax. Remember ? Poor Jermaine he was maybe only giving clues. Please Michael do something...

    Peace out.

    Sarahli, you said exactly what I was thinking...Thank you! People fail to remember that Michael could be behind all the actions of his family and they are just doing what Michael wants them to do. They are his family and I know he loves them very much and I believe they love him too! How would anyone one of you like it if it was your family that these things were said about? I know it would hurt me terribly. Even though my sisters and I have our disagreements, we still love each other and would defend each other to no end if someone was hurting one of us. If people think this is a hoax, and that Michael is alive...then why is it so far fetched for you to consider that Michael might be very much a part of everything that people do on his behalf. I think Michael is not given enough credit as to the genius he really is and his part in this hoax. He would not go through all of this to sit back and not have a say in everything that is said or done. Thanks for listening!

    God Bless you and love to all!
  • A lot of people r copying Michael. Tons of people. Fans, singers, entertainers. He's a big inspiration for everyone. Yes, Jermaine is obviously doin' the same thing. He can do that, and there's nothing wrong with that. He's his brother.
    I don't think that he's tryin' to take Michael's place.
    I don't think that he's that naive.
    How could he take that place?
    There is a lot of levels in the music industry.

    -Bad entertainers without any talent
    -Average ones
    -Good ones
    -So many talented ones and amazing ones
    -And then..the extremely talented, unforgettable artists, and then after this.. there is nothing. This is the top.

    And then somewhere HERE... there is Michael Jackson.
    He has his own level and i don't think anyone could reach that, i don't think that anyone 's gonna take this place ever.

    So..Jermaine can do whatever he wants to do...he's nothing like Michael.
    We know that.
    Everyone knows that.
    Even Jermaine knows that, i guess.
    Don't bash him just because he's tryin' to be something similar to someone who he loves even MORE than we do. Just don't.

    Very well said thank you GoOoF!! You took the words right out of my mouth!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    God Bless & LOVE to you all!
  • to tell the truth, our big brothers (if male) and big sisters (if female) know us better than our parents (if you grew up together) when you really think about it, and sometimes when they have a problem with each other, they are determined to let their sibling know it... now if MJ wasn't taking his calls (during the time word to the bad <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> **that ish*** should be listed in the top dis records! like LL and Kool Moe Dee or JZ and Nas type battle*** LOL) he was probably on some sh** like "Oh this ni@@a gonna hear what I have to say..."

    I think he did what all big brothers do... get on your case <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    back to the costumes. as soon as everyone say these they thought michael. can i ask if that is the same thing you thought when you saw the new costumes? the shoes to me especially feel like someone just went tttttttttttttttooooooooooooooo taking away the things that were michael and replaceing them with their wants and not his. i could be wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy off but that is how it feels.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    At sound check for Children Uniting Nations event! SMILE!
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    there are more photos and tweets from Jermaine and his wife
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Wow Jermaine is using an umbrella now too?
  • LovelyLurkerLovelyLurker Posts: 149
    OMG I wish Jermaine would just stop.
  • GoOoFGoOoF Posts: 150
    Wow Jermaine is using an umbrella now too?

    Guys, i'm just wondering, Michael is probably aware of what Jermaine's doin', so it could be easily a part of the plan, no?
    If it's not ( what i don't think), then Jermaine makes me speechless. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I've been trying to tell people to look closer at Jermaine. I think he has Vitiligo as well. I've seen splotchy areas in some of the videos here and there, up near his neck. If he does not have Vitiligo than another of my hunches may be possible....he does look smaller and thinner these days, talks a lot softer too. Keep an eye on his every move. Jerm man may be a huge player in this yet.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Wow Jermaine is using an umbrella now too?

    A jali (or jaali, Gujarati) is the term for a perforated stone or latticed screen, usually with an ornamental pattern constructed through the use of calligraphy and geometry. Early work was performed by carving into stone, while the later more elegant used by the Mughals employed the technique of inlay, using marble and semi-precious stones.
    This architectural decoration was used in Islamic architecture as well as in Indian architecture.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    This type of architecture permits to see without being seen.


    The umbrella is not black like Michael's (or I need "sun"glasses ?). Is it a message ?
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Ah jeez...
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Wow Jermaine is using an umbrella now too?
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Interesting thoughts on the umbrella. I do think Jermaine is holding up a very important piece of the puzzle......he we go:

    84 = umbrella = Captain EO, Lightman, Rosebud

    It's rosebud that interests me most. In the classic movie, "Citizen Kane", the word, "rosebud" is the last word uttered by the main character Charles Foster Kane. His character was based on the media giant William Randolph Hearst. Hearst used, "yellow journalism"...basically, tabloid garbage. I am going to posts a couple of wiki links about Citizen Kane and yellow journalism. The use of an umbrella is very significant, I believe.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    So many coincidences, so little time <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Many blessings to you all!
    Have a great weekend!
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Oh dear, my head hurts! Jermaine, sweetheart, as others have said, you're either doing one heck of a good job - or you're not!

    '....and they have not a clue when it's all gonna end' <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Interesting thoughts on the umbrella. I do think Jermaine is holding up a very important piece of the puzzle......he we go:

    84 = umbrella = Captain EO, Lightman, Rosebud

    It's rosebud that interests me most. In the classic movie, "Citizen Kane", the word, "rosebud" is the last word uttered by the main character Charles Foster Kane. His character was based on the media giant William Randolph Hearst. Hearst used, "yellow journalism"...basically, tabloid garbage. I am going to posts a couple of wiki links about Citizen Kane and yellow journalism. The use of an umbrella is very significant, I believe.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    So many coincidences, so little time <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Many blessings to you all!
    Have a great weekend!

    I think it's worth to put an excerpt here. Thanks for your findings.

    "Yellow journalism or the yellow press is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension "Yellow Journalism" is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.

    Campbell (2001) defines Yellow Press newspapers as having daily multi-column front-page headlines covering a variety of topics, such as sports and scandal, using bold layouts (with large illustrations and perhaps color), heavy reliance on unnamed sources, and unabashed self-promotion. The term was extensively used to describe certain major New York City newspapers about 1900 as they battled for circulation.

    Frank Luther Mott (1941) defines yellow journalism in terms of five characteristics:

    1. scare headlines in huge print, often of minor news
    2. lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings
    3. use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudo-science, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts
    4. emphasis on full-color Sunday supplements, usually with comic strips (which is now normal in the U.S.)
    5. dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system."
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Thank you for the're great! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I was just thinking.....where have we seen yellow? The ties at the memorial......where else?

    Thanks again for the post!
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