Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    seriously what do people expect? for jermaine to expose michael over TWITTER? oh come on people. believers, if you've learned anything, you know michael does things on a scale we dont even entertain. if we think outside of the box, he's thinking 10 miles away from it.

    do people really expect this:

    @soandso yeah michael is alive. he's been hiding and we've been lying. oops! #jacksonsecret

    like, come on. people need to back off jermaine. i feel so sorry for the guy.
  • Steph22Steph22 Posts: 150
    people need to back off jermaine. i feel so sorry for the guy.

    I totally agree. This whole situation is just upsetting for everybody.We established that Jermaine is just trying to proctect Mike. Why not just leave it at that? This "twitter war" has been going on for days now. People need to stop the crazyness. There is no point to it and it distratcs us from other important things. And above all it makes some people very upset and lose their faith. Now come on people, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and leave this twitter war alone. We just need to ignore it.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    so he knows people thought this way about elvis but he said originally that he couldn't believe people would think this way, didn't he? couldn't he just have easily said it was sad that people had trouble letting go and that time would make it better for them or something and dropped it?
    me thinks he doth protest too much.
    that said this thing needs to die down a little . if some of these people want to see murray go to jail then they need to keep him out of site for a while. he was getting way to much exposure. however this thing goes he was out there way too much for a man in his position. it seems like since this all started with jermaine that everything has gone quiet everywhere else. jmo

    <!-- selvis_/ -->elvis_/<!-- selvis_/ --> <!-- smichael-jackson/ -->michael-jackson/<!-- smichael-jackson/ -->
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    so he knows people thought this way about elvis but he said originally that he couldn't believe people would think this way, didn't he? couldn't he just have easily said it was sad that people had trouble letting go and that time would make it better for them or something and dropped it?
    me thinks he doth protest too much.
    that said this thing needs to die down a little . if some of these people want to see murray go to jail then they need to keep him out of site for a while. he was getting way to much exposure. however this thing goes he was out there way too much for a man in his position. it seems like since this all started with jermaine that everything has gone quiet everywhere else. jmo

    <!-- selvis_/ -->elvis_/<!-- selvis_/ --> <!-- smichael-jackson/ -->michael-jackson/<!-- smichael-jackson/ -->

    way back in 2009 he did say that this was the way that we coped with the passing of michael and that in time we would let him go. that this was our way of grief.

    we however said michael is alive and jermaine is a d**k. Because it does'nt matter what anyone say we believe what we want anyway.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    so he knows people thought this way about elvis but he said originally that he couldn't believe people would think this way, didn't he? couldn't he just have easily said it was sad that people had trouble letting go and that time would make it better for them or something and dropped it?
    me thinks he doth protest too much.
    that said this thing needs to die down a little . if some of these people want to see murray go to jail then they need to keep him out of site for a while. he was getting way to much exposure. however this thing goes he was out there way too much for a man in his position. it seems like since this all started with jermaine that everything has gone quiet everywhere else. jmo

    <!-- selvis_/ -->elvis_/<!-- selvis_/ --> <!-- smichael-jackson/ -->michael-jackson/<!-- smichael-jackson/ -->

    way back in 2009 he did say that this was the way that we coped with the passing of michael and that in time we would let him go. that this was our way of grief.

    so do you believe him now?
    we however said michael is alive and jermaine is a d**k. Because it does'nt matter what anyone say we believe what we want anyway.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I hate the phrase "you people" when it's used derogatively <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    I hate the phrase "you people" when it's used derogatively <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->

    oh i know what you mean , i feel the same way <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    I do not understand why Jermaine spends time every day discussing the same thing. He must be busy. A grown and busy man not have to paying attention to petty bickering and tantrums on twitter fan.
    Jermaine, just ignore them. We have heard his message. Unless you're having fun with it ...
    No. .. I'm not calling you a sadist or vacated!
    But I do not understand why continue with it!
  • well I did read what jermaine wrote,but do I believe him?
    NO I dont,I knew someday a family member had to say something about all this,and i expected what jermaine is saying
    now,no shock here,what else did we expect he would come right out and say yeah Michael is alive.

    It could be that is all some kind of operation and till this is solved Michael has to stay underground,that when someone
    would find out he was still alive that could be dangerous for him,and jermaine is probally protecting his brother,if you read between the lines,you can see that Jermain is saying this hoax is getting to much attention and has to die down a little,ok he accomplised the oppesite and mabye he dident see this war on twitter coming,I dont know what Jermain was thinking
    I only know he made it worse.

    But if he is protecting his brother then I can only have the upmost respect for him,because it cant be easy having to keep quite about it,so I am not tweeting to him I have send him one tweet to tell him that its good he is fighting for his brother
    because I really believe that is what he is doing.

    But I still believe Michael is around somewhere and nothing will shake my faith
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    [theory] What if Jermaine doesn't know. What if Jermaine has simply been aware of the hoax community all this time and has simply played along just to get attention for himself... but in reality has no inside info at all. For example: would you tell the brother who publicly dissed you about your giant secret global project? If this brother (Jerm) is one to publicize family drama and use it for financial gain (Word to the Badd), he's probably not the best candidate for keeping massive global secrets for 2 years...

    If so, this would indicate that Jermaine is as slimy and selfish and opportunistic as has been suggested in the past. That he, being aware of the hoax community but not the hoax, was deceptively cryptic all along (this is not it, airport, yes i believe he's somewhere Larry) just to get attention for himself. He's spent 2 years riding the coattails of what he thinks is a myth to suit his own interests. Now, he's being pressed about it and he's jumping ship.

    He said MJ would never so cruelly hoax his fans. What an ASSHOLE to say that.[/theory]

    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> my tone it is changing...
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    so do you guys finish this book? he hasn't managed to come through with anything else so far has he? or did i miss it and the book is done? maybe the whole thing is to draw attention to the book. idk
  • [theory] What if Jermaine doesn't know. What if Jermaine has simply been aware of the hoax community all this time and has simply played along just to get attention for himself... but in reality has no inside info at all. For example: would you tell the brother who publicly dissed you about your giant secret global project? If this brother (Jerm) is one to publicize family drama and use it for financial gain (Word to the Badd), he's probably not the best candidate for keeping massive global secrets for 2 years...

    If so, this would indicate that Jermaine is as slimy and selfish and opportunistic as has been suggested in the past. That he, being aware of the hoax community but not the hoax, was deceptively cryptic all along (this is not it, airport, yes i believe he's somewhere Larry) just to get attention for himself. He's spent 2 years riding the coattails of what he thinks is a myth to suit his own interests. Now, he's being pressed about it and he's jumping ship.

    He said MJ would never so cruelly hoax his fans. What an ASSHOLE to say that.[/theory]

    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> my tone it is changing...

    I hope not Bec,because if this was true,I would loose all respect I have left for him,but you made me think things over again,oh my head hurts from all this
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    <br />From @mjsheartofgold to  @jermjackson5 #Elvis had believers and i never see his fans fighting or problems. Jermaine, dont you think #Michael deserve us beLIEvers? <br /><br />From @jermjackson5 to    @mjsheartofgold yes, Elvis had believers. I think that is my point
    <br /><br />What does he mean by the Elvis thing, that people believed and Elvis never came back?
    <br /><br />yes I think that is what he meant.... that we will wait for ever and ever for nothing to happen...
    <br /><br />Exactly! That Elvis tweet is very interesting and I got it the same way like you did. As I wrote before, I do believe that the return was cancelled. And that is the reason why Jermaine is making all these tweets. Michael doesn't want us to wait for him to come back no more. I do not believe that Jermaine is tweeting anti-hoax to protect his brother. They've been protecting him by saying he's dead from the beginning. He didn't need to talk anti-hoax to protect him. If that was the intention, he would have adressed the hoax in July 2009, not now.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    ----<br />from @NastyGrouch to  @jermjackson5 Maybe giving answers instead of saying we are crazy would help, instead of going on talk shows and doing a&e tell us who/why <br /><br />From@jermjackson5 to  @NastyGrouch never said anyone is 'crazy'. pls don't misquote me <br /><br />---<br />From @mjsheartofgold to  @jermjackson5 #Elvis had believers and i never see his fans fighting or problems. Jermaine, dont you think #Michael deserve us beLIEvers? <br /><br />From @jermjackson5 to    @mjsheartofgold yes, Elvis had believers. I think that is my point<br />--<br />From @KaeTweets ; to  @jermjackson5 hey jermaine! lol what you doing up so late? && why are you entertaining bs? lol <br /><br />From @jermjackson5 to    @KaeTweets not entertaining it. just trying to help fans who, in good faith but false hope, are being terribly misguided <br />---<br /><br />from jermjackson5  drawing a line under this nonsense now. I'm happy to have helped the few who listened & understood that I wouldn't lie to or mislead fans <br />---<br /><br /> mj_dance/
    <br /><br /><br />someone on the other forum picked up on the possible emphasis on had verses has . what do you all think?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    You don't cancel your life's work. Not after 25-30 years of planning. No, you don't just cancel like that. MJ just quit and give up? Throw in the towel? Take his ball and go home? That to me is total fantasy driven and unbelievable. Sorry Pure Love, I think you are wearing depression goggles to say that.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    To get all this way, to get this far... and then give up? NO WAY. Not the MJ I know.

    And then to have your slimey Word to the Badd brother say it would be cruel as a method to cancel it all? Yeah no. Sorry. Not believable. It's more believable to say he's dead then that.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    You don't cancel your life's work. Not after 25-30 years of planning. No, you don't just cancel like that. MJ just quit and give up? Throw in the towel? Take his ball and go home? That to me is total fantasy driven and unbelievable. Sorry Pure Love, I think you are wearing depression goggles to say that.

    I didn't say Michael cancelled it Bec. If we believe the FBI is involved which I do, they might have cancelled the return because of protection and safety issues. And thank you for your nice words about the depression googles. That was so nice of you! If being realistic means being in a depression, then yes I am. But you can not judge me like that. I'm tired of seeing people jumping on me just because I write what I think about Jermaine's tweets. But I do not give a f**k what you say or your prejudgements. I will keep on writing what I believe. Positive or negative.
  • ----
    from @NastyGrouch to @jermjackson5 Maybe giving answers instead of saying we are crazy would help, instead of going on talk shows and doing a&e tell us who/why

    From@jermjackson5 to @NastyGrouch never said anyone is 'crazy'. pls don't misquote me

    From @mjsheartofgold to @jermjackson5 #Elvis had believers and i never see his fans fighting or problems. Jermaine, dont you think #Michael deserve us beLIEvers?

    From @jermjackson5 to @mjsheartofgold yes, Elvis had believers. I think that is my point

    From @KaeTweets to @jermjackson5 hey jermaine! lol what you doing up so late? && why are you entertaining bs? lol

    From @jermjackson5 to @KaeTweets not entertaining it. just trying to help fans who, in good faith but false hope, are being terribly misguided

    from jermjackson5 drawing a line under this nonsense now. I'm happy to have helped the few who listened & understood that I wouldn't lie to or mislead fans

    <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    What does he mean by the Elvis thing, that people believed and Elvis never came back?

    I think he is trying to say that although Elvis died, there are still a lot of people who believe that he is still alive, so Jermaine is trying to dispel rumors that Michael is still alive to eliminate false hopes among believers.

    All of this is just making me think more and more that Michael isn't coming back. And with the family continuing to scream murder, it also makes me think that the hoax wasn't as planned as some believe, but rather a last minute effort to help Michael escape before being murdered by TPTB. Granted I think that Michael really did want to get away from the world, and he probably fantasized and thought about faking his death numerous times, but in the end, I think it may really be a case of 'watch out what you wish for, because it just may come true'. I believe very strongly in the power of thought and how continuous thoughts can ultimately lead to reality.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Nonsense. That Jermaine would be in charge of canceling Michael's life's work on Twitter is complete nonsense. And then to go one further, that Jermaine would be in charge of canceling Michael's life's work that the FBI is also involved in ON TWITTER IS NONSENSE.

    Read what you people are saying. It's crazy talk for serious.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    All of this is just making me think more and more that Michael isn't coming back. And with the family continuing to scream murder, it also makes me think that the hoax wasn't as planned as some believe, but rather a last minute effort
    I am so thankful to God that someone else thinks that too. Finally <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
    It all makes sense if you see it like that.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    And the fake ambulance pic is? what? Just for fun?

    And the recording of "painS"? Coincidence? MJ's own words?

    What about Keep Watchin beat box in TII trailer at :18. Everyone's collective imagination?

    Crazy talk. You people baffle me.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh and you think he would cancel by telling Jermaine to say that to hoax us all would be CRUEL?

    Come the fuck on.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think Jermaine is messing around. Or is annoyed. He’s harassed on a daily basis by some believers who are DEMANDING to know about Michael being alive, where he is, etc. Maybe he (or Michael) thinks that some believers feel high and mighty for knowing Michael is alive and have become cocky, arrogant or mean to anyone else who thinks differently. So that could be a reason Jermaine has been tweeting as he has.

    Or Jermaine could’ve been told to knock the hoax hints off for a while, maybe even the FBI even said something. You never know, I imagine more people are becoming wise to the hoax everyday, including the people targeted in the sting. If that’s the case, it could be time to muzzle (at least for a bit) the strong hoax hinters who might actually be in on it.

    He could also be following his hoax script. It could also be a test of who keeps the faith and who throws in the towel.

    But really, all Jermaine has done is draw attention to the fact that a lot of people think Michael’s alive.

    Hello to all the guests reading!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I agree with bec, every word of it. I am not too positive or unrealistic, I am very realistic.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I agree with bec, every word of it. I am not too positive or unrealistic, I am very realistic.

    Of course you do. I'm being realistic to myself and you're being realistic to yourself Souza. But it is not good to jump on others for stating their opinion and judge them as being frustrated or being in a depression.
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