Official back & Front thread



  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I am bumping this for two reasons. (1) I would love to know if anyone has any updates on BACK. (2) In the last two updates from TS, he has been using capital letters as clues. It reminded me of the strange way BACK would type his posts with random capital letters...or seemingly random. (3) I think more people need to know about this guy.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Oh I found something else interesting. Everytime I reread his stuff, I find something else.

    In the second post of this series of posts, <!-- m --><!-- m -->, he writes:
    the “media” is no longer a proper description for the tabloid shows rotating on a 24/7 cycle. Trust me, the scab is partially pulled off, and puss is starting to leak out. Unfortunately for them, neosporin won’t help cure this progressing “wound” they’ve inflicted upon themselves. Some of their uhmm, associates, will help shine the light.

    Don’t worry…Michael Jackson will be fine…..They failed………………..

    Could he be referencing TMZ? I think so.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    I have to say that looking back on "back's" posts has been very eye opening for me. If "back" isn't Michael, then he is someone very close to him, but I believe that this is Michael and he was leaving us clues of what was going to come in the future. I loved re-reading these posts...thanks for bringing this subject up again. I hope more people re-visit these posts as they are very informative and for me, they solidify the fact that Michael is very much alive!
    Thanks again <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I'm not loosing faith but thanks very much for posting this. It's very interesting and intriguing. I don't know who BACK is but I love his style ! He says things directly and sure had information of what was going to happen.

    "MJ is now armored with an anti-leech forcefield" !
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Back sounds upset and thirsty for revenge <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> looks disturbed to me.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    I have also followed BACK for a long time now and it's very unfortunate that not many people have read his posts. I have often thought that he is MJ but even if he is not, he definitely has some inside info AND is close to the family. Most of his posts mysteriously disappeared shortly after June 25th, and I just noticed that some of his posts after June 25th are now gone as well. I will post what is left of them. In regards to a TS/BACK connection...there are several of Back's older posts (2005/2006) that are about one on the site knew what the heck he was talking about...just random numbers. Maybe now, with all that TS has taught us, we can 'crack the code' lol. I will try to find those posts and post them as well, in the meantime, here are his most recent posts.

    <!-- m --> ... ost2311732<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    I shall be brief but to the point.

    These veiled slights and the utter disrespect towards Mr. Jackson's family members, particularly Ms. Katherine Jackson, should seriously be addressed and furthermore, not tolerated here in this prestigious forum. Regardless of opinions about certain issues, either way, there are surely details that few are privvy to that may help to broaden each of your perspectives accordingly. I can personally say that reading certain responses levelled at Mr. Jackson's Mother has left me baffled, for it is no secret that he would be trully devastated to witness any fan/supporter/confidant besmirching his Mother in ANY circumstance. I've even seen some disgraceful utterances about Ms. Jackson's "intent" throughout this very trying ordeal. Though I choose not to broadcast the emotions and passions I have in this regard, I will say that "enraged" puts it lightly. Deference should be entertained where it is most definitely lacking.

    To conclude, I'd say
    > put yourself in the shoes of another and try your best to walk their path while adjusting to the hand they're dealt before you assume and assume and assume and assume and assume and ASSume yourself into an oblivious state; unwilling to see things you saw before. Words can be very hurtful and I'm sure you're aware of this!

    As Bono would say, "I knew more THEN than I know NOW"---in this CIrcumsTanc-E of many blinding lights.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2311759<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    We should always let the light shine.....

    For it illuminates

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2311775<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    Ms. Brown

    You can take solace in the fact that Ms Jackson and those three Angelics will be just fine...when all the smoke clears.

    Light is very much needed in these times of "darkness"

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2314353<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    I would like to seriously query when it is that someone that has the authority to do so, will put an end to this cyclic effort to malign "the Jackson Family"; especially its Matriarch, Ms. Katherine. The trend is becoming both dispicable and unbearable. Everyone is entitled to opinions galore, but the fact remains that circumstances are at play which I'm sure few are privvy to.This thread and others constantly read like the "Hard Copies" and "Inside Editions" of yester-year. Very much unbecoming of this forum, which has continued to remain dignified even when other "communities" chose to turn their backs on Mr. Jackson. They preferred fanning the flames of tabloid fodder, while this one chose respect and dignity.Now it could be understood, due to these differing opinions ,that questions are abound to be raised over a whole host of issues. But sensitivities to certain subject matters must remain paramount. Specifically the constant raising or insinuations of Ms. Jackson's "exit". How would you feel if someone kept hinting towards such a scenario about YOUR Mother. Unbelievable and very much idiotic if you try to dignify it.

    This must stop!

    Her honor shall be defended AGRESSIVELY. I refuse to allow Mother Jackson to be continuously disrespected at a place Mr. Jackson personally complimented on.

    Deflecting attention from prior archived statements regarding this topic and attempting to build cases by malicously defaming Michael Jackson's Brothers and Sisters or other bloodline does nothing to solidify your position. It just emits a vibe of cold-hearted callousness.

    If I may, the issue appears to revolve around money. I ask anyone to consider the situation from this simple premise.

    (f) denotes family

    Dianne Dimond or Sister Latoya(f)

    Dieter Weisner or Brother Jermaine(f)

    MJJCommunity(f) or TMZ

    Conrad Mur[derer] (the taker of life) or Mother Katherine ((f)--the bearer of life).

    If a choice HAS to be made on who can or should benefit financially from bloodline after they are physically no more--regardless of other nitpicky details--would it be family or outsiders?

    Please, Enlighten me!

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2315214<!-- m -->

    Re: Jackie a true brother

    This obvious "stealth" campaign of around the clock attacks on Mr. Jackson's family, especially through the posting of self absorbant drivel from that "rinse and repeat rag" will eventually cause major contentions that some don't see coming.

    The final potshot quoted in that write-up should serve notice to authority here. That single line was implanted only to further push their agenda. Whether it's the work of staff from that cesspool of an organization who're masquerading as principled observer here remains to be seen. But whatever the case, it's sick and below the gutter to keep using a Wonderful Mother as the lynchpin to progress a divide and conquer narrative against certain members. It is done with hopes that many will take the bait and support their effort.

    TMZ IS tabloid with a slick tongued unethical owner who likes to profess his "lawyer" background repeatedly. Well LEVIN, pimping GARBAGE should be against the law. Perhaps you need to revisit ethics 101 before spouting off credentials that actually showcase a flawed, money hungry media whore. Hypocrite! You and your cohorts have my permission to use that as a sensationalized headline.

    I hasten to predict that if something isn't done to contain this effort, fireworks will fly.

    We're watching

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2315280<!-- m -->

    Re: Jackie a true brother

    It is of the utmost urgency for those of us who sincerely care about protecting Mr. Jackson's legacy to not allow the "stealth" campaign underway in this and other threads, boards,or forums to reap the world-winds of success in their divide and conquer strategy. Some are being naively misled into joining the bandwagon without any inclination of ulterior motives by moles. I've observed and reflected from afar on a number of occassions, watching those intent on mischief, try to derail mjjcommunity into an unrecognizable state. A state where disrespect towards Mr. Jackson and his family is to some degree entertained, even in his Earthly abscense.

    I reitterate, it is very important to not allow this to continue. I'm embarking on this diligent effort to slow a tide that's swelling into a potential tsunami. Please reflect on this. It won't go unappreciated. We're sick of this tactic and it MUST stop. I'm being principled in leaving warnings where necessary. That too shall stop.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    I'll post the rest below.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    <!-- m --> ... ost2315328<!-- m -->

    Re: Jackie a true brother

    Furthermore, this thread title is an outrageous insult.

    It appears motivated in part by a sick fetish.

    If you dish it,..............."

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2348906<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    Au contraire.....

    This is NOT...a case of "guilt-tripping". It is a case of dispicable innuendo being camoflauged with "concerns" over "perceived" wishes of Michael Jackson.

    continued below the fold......

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2348954<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    Au contraire.....

    This is NOT...a case of "guilt-tripping". It is a case of dispicable innuendo being camoflauged with "concerns" over "perceived" wishes of Michael Jackson. Mother Katherine IS an indisputable Trustee for one reason---Brother Michael trusted her. The veiled slights towards Ms. Jackson have been focused squarely on monetary gain by either family members or perimeter sharks. And in these reprehensible escapades, there have been too numerous to mention occassions where assumptions about "when she passes" have been cast. Unacceptable---sure! Guilt tripping---absolutely not. I shall repeat myself to help anyone not yet in the mindset of understanding the breadth of some of this propaganda being leveled against this family, especially Mother Katherine, to open your heart and try imagining her burden. Multiply your hurt as a fan by an indeterminate factor. After you do so, see if you are content with continuing this campaign of damn near blasphemy, when you don't know what's NOT known. If you can---your heart is cold.

    Have you ever heard that saying " Mother knows BEST"?

    It was coined for a reason, for they are----> Words to live by!

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2349046<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    Let me suggest that you not profess to "know" what it is I do or don't know. Clear?

    The points itterated in my former post must have been illegible or hard to comprehend for they are totally ignored in the above response. Deflection is the word of the moment.this tactic of deflecting and drubbing up the subject of "responsibility" does nothing towards the necessary goal of rectifying this bolierplate issue. You see, if the focus is squarely placed on the matter of responsibility, the first thing that needs to happen is 100% refutation throughout this board of this classless defamatory campaiign against this FAMILY. That would be the responsible thing.

    But, I digress. My intention is to do whatever possible to end this "stealth" campaign designed to confuse legitimate fans into participating in meritless attacks, especially leveled towards Ms. Katherine Jackson.

    The issue/discussion of responsibility--regarding how Michael was raised-has no bearing on this matter. That's a whole other topic.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2349146<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    Originally Posted by vncwilliam
    are you suggesting that i am mounting a stealth campaign against the family? because, if you are..
    you are professing to know what is in my mind. and you don't. CLEAR?

    you have no right to determine who is a legit fan. you don't know.

    i have nothing to do with any attacks occuring against MJ's family.

    i am talking about one thing, and one thing only. the responsibility, and respectability of a will. that is all. if you are going to lash out with accusations...quote the fans that you are referring to, so they can have an opportunity to defend themelves.

    Don't you get it!

    Through all the "side points" you continue to merge with this very very problematic issue, neither one adresses my point of contention. Which is on this TOPIC. Furthermore---I respect this board and therefore the rules. I don't need to "call anyone out". They know very well who they are. Can't you see the attempts at defense right before you. The repetition of their drivel is enough to cut an album full of nonsensical noise. You see, pointing them out is needless. Everyone here can read. Scroll back up the screen. It's effortless. And if I may, there is NO defense for their juvenile actions. So that point is moot. But I shall continue until the seige is no more.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2349165<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    I passionately urge someone with the rank/file authority to end these tabloid inspired, scurrilous attacks on Ms. Jackson. If not, unfortunately I can predict my future of being banned from this forum.I hastingly state here and now that the next time this instigating individual insults Mother Katherine, he/she will be afforded no more courtesy. This is beyond cold, cruel, ridiculous. Who the f888 does this character think they're toying with?

    Games are for children. He/she is messing with blood.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2349179<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    Originally Posted by vncwilliam
    you are the one making the accusations. why don't you have the courage to point out the remarks? and point out who is making them. because you give the impression you are accusing everybody here, otherwise. i have seen one statement against Randy Jackson, from somebody. at least, have the courage to quote the post, and point that out. because you and i agree on that. i don't know what Randy is doing..i don't know what any family member is really doing. all i see, is that a will is written. and that is to be respected. but if you are going to keep posting, it should have a purpose...and it demands that you provide an example. or else it will look like you are accusing people, unwarrantingly, the way you don't want to be accused, unwarrantingly.

    Question #1: Have you or have you not read this thread.

    qUESTION #2: Again, see question 1.

    The point of my post was to show you that I actually READ your post and responded in kind. Can I be afforded the same "luxury"? Rules? <----Did you get that point?Deflections and distractions are of no concern. Also, courage has nothing to do with this, just as insinuated about the subject matter of responsibility. When are the pieces going to fall into place? MY INTENTION & PURPOSE is to put an end to the attacks, especially against Ms. Jackson. Nothing more needs to be debated.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2349244<!-- m -->

    Re: Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

    It's amusing how wannabe Private I's fall out of the sky demanding to know sh%t when they CLAIM they already know it. Then they commense to whining and piping the same distorted fairytales and otherwise boobtube lipservice from a few of the cast of many irrelevant characters lusting for attention. It's the subject of their infactuation it seems. So much so that they feel important enough to be on a need to know basis. Well, know this---it's very bad protocol to attack a man's mother. And even more egregious to do it intentionally and repeatedly without concern or care. Everything is dye-casted in innuendo. No ifs ands or buts about it. As long as thine eyes have read it, it must be so.

    Well, here's the deal:

    The questions are irrelevant!
    The characters are irrelevant!
    And so too is the Propagandist!

    What is relevant is the immense potential for blowback. And i'm not going down alone.

    <!-- m --> ... ost2353379<!-- m -->

    Re: TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

    Calm thy nerves.......

    Arnie IS on the de-Klein

    He's desperate and scared sh*tless

    Because he knows it's just a matter of tImE.......

    Tables are meant to be turned!
    And lying backstabbers shall reap what they sow.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2365394<!-- m -->

    Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

    Originally Posted by williamorange1
    Debbie threats made the family back off , katherine new lawyer wanted to fight originally and said they have enough evidence against the executors.

    I'll say thank you Debbie for yet again stepping to help MJ and his kids .

    they figured out that as long as the probate is taking place katherine is gonna only recieve allowance , and since they know the blackmailing tactics did not work with Branca and Randy would have never been appointed as an executor they want to end the probate now and start collecting the 40% of the profits ( not gonna happen at all)before something bad happens to katherine and the siblings end up with nothing .

    basically they are forced to do that , again thank you DEBBIE .

    It would be very very wise to consider restraint in this demonstrably ignorant proclamation that appears callously intentional and obviously routine in execution. I have asked, nicely, in no less than 5 instances. Now, I'm urging---because unless this issue needs rectifying beyond the realms of the internet...strike that....let's just say anyone will show valor in defense of their mother. Even a COWARD who constantly lambasts the mother of another.


    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2367900<!-- m -->

    Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

    Aknowledgement of the obvious: Oxman is a melodramatic azzclown with a "foot in the mouth" diseased character trait.

    His "dispicable" insults are to be EXPECTED, because it's a part of his schict.

    But, do I detect a little bit of hypocrisy here---a place where such insults are NOT EXPECTED?

    For days, certain individuals have had an unchecked field day lambasting Ms. Katherine Jackson. Then poof! When a certain issue pertaining to money appears to suit those same person's fancy, Mother Jackson once again becomes a shining beacon of light.

    Well, it is my opinion that some self reflection is necessary for that man or woman staring back in the mirror. If Michael was here, he would be DEVASTATED at both the occurrence and allowance of these SELF-SERVING attempts at character assassination levelled at his Mother, Friend and Confidant. I Am too devastated!

    For some who continue to weave a particular storyline set on extracting Michael from any affiliation with his bloodline by categorizing them as leeches concerned with money; Ask yourself, "what is it you've been blathering about when it comes to this Family matter"? Money , am I right?

    There also seems to be elevated propaganda in defense of Debra Rowe, thrusting her to damn near Saint status. But I guess some forgot about HiStory? A few self servingly motivated minutes on the witness stand does not remove one from other nefarious actions--against Michael. It seems one of the most obsessed media whore critics against Michael is now one of her boosom buddies. Or was this ALWAYS the case? Lucky for her she played her cards right and didn't "face her own music" from the stack of "Binders" chronicling HerStory. It's fascinating to watch some magnify her importance---because of DNA--then downplay family members of Michael Jackson--because of DNA. And I'm not talking Joseph Jackson.

    Do you kind of see the line of hypocrisy? It appears to be trending--
    Perhaps a cause to check twitter--but better to check yourself.

    Katherine Jackson should never be insulted here. Never! And when it does happen, it should be checked. I'm perplexed as to the level of toleration--ESPECIALLY here. Perhaps today my "cries" will be finally heard!

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2387044<!-- m -->

    Of a tHeOrY or Vision

    As one who embodies "vision" past 20/20, occurrences of the future are often "experienced". But many times this "experience" comes in the form of internal jolts, indicative of something of great significance. Séance hoaxes are not applicable.There are tIMEs when details are sparse, but abundant enough to "see" the grandness, just as it was in this magnetism towards the tHeOrY of sEVEN.

    Exit Angel Gabriel----enter Angel Michael

    Luke 1:36

    "And in the sixth month the angel (Gabri)el was sent from God unto a city......
    .........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph..."
    And in the sixth month the angel (Micha)el was “statused” by God in a city...(of Angels)
    .........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph.

    On 6-25-09, tIME took a literal backseat to the mOMENt. I could always "see" a Silhouette on a Grand-stage, once again taking over the World. Perhaps also parallel in holding to our proclamation that this was NOT a "comeback", but a take-over. This was it. And in a thunderous sense,
    it was. It just didn't dawn on me that that Grand Stage would be in the Heavens; A visual Staple-d to the Center of our minds for all eternity.

    Physically--no more, but with us in an eternal Angelic presence. We witnessed the beginning of this transfer on 7/7 of this historical year.

    As History has shown, reflected through the books and logics of many faiths, Prophets do and have walked amongst us. They have sometimes been Angels in the temporary casts of both tIME and human flesh. And in their allotted tIME, their purposes have most often been message DeLIVErance.

    In the separation of major tIME factions in our planetary HiStory, specifically Birth of Christ (BC) To nearly 2009 years post his physical exit (AD), there's only one other Worldly figure that has been bestowed the powers to reach EVERY corner of the globe. And that Heavenly Gift was the Incomparable Michael Jackson.

    2+5, The days of Christ and Michael.

    Although many other Great Worldly figures, ranging from Martin to Mother Teresa, have graced this Earth with soul driven purposes that have benefited humanity, there have ONLY been two who have been subjected to literal crucifixions; before, during and after their deaths. And even in the face of these crucifixions, they both maintained hearts filled with love, sensitivity and care for all man/woman-kind. They carried rare emotional connections to and concerns for every single poor and sick person on the planet; Especially the children. They were in-tune with the necessary nurturance that this magnificent creation we inhabit requires for survival. They both never stopped giving and wanting to give more! They even carried compassion and hope for those who were consumed with evil and sought to do them both harm. An EXTREME rarity!

    Christ was the savior of lives once as a physical being
    So too was Michael Jackson.
    I’m sure there are “many” here on this very board who can attest to that. My word itself does not have to be taken as conclusive. The proof will be provided through acknowledgement.

    Throughout the decades of the modern tIMEs we live, many Great figures have suffered untIMEly demises. Deep reflection of these occurrences will or should give you great pause. The easiest approach up until about 20 years ago was always by the bullet. What changed the trend? Well, along came awareness, suspicion, and non-acceptance of "stories" that carry potholes in logic. Thus, it demanded a necessity for more elaborate plans of execution that are now used as a means of thwarting the full truth. This process had to be in magnification ten fold in order to end the physical existence of the most famous person walking this Earth. Many OTHER attempts had failed, even though they left enormous wounds. You see, evil always goes for the jugular by attacking a person's greatest strength. Michael Jackson's greatest strength was pure love. The antagonist of such a principle is hate. So they used that pure love and coupled it with another of his strengths towards healing and caring for sick children to formulate perhaps the most wickedly contrived fiction in history. The goal was to create the most egregious of perceptions and marvel with pleasure and amusement at its historically noted difficulty to disprove. But I'm of the vision that this stain too shall be removed in due course. In fact, I have intuition that the subject of the first narrative has already, years ago, righted that wrong behind the scenes. For that individual or even those of his acquaintance, who are ambivalent about the “open” approach & legalities, these initials (T-M) are your "key". Trust ME!

    Though the hands of tIME still move incrementally, tick-tock, tick-tock, it is quickly running thin on the 2 decade long, elaborate planning that culminated in this execution. I can now understand that "vision" of 6/25/06 relapse", with CLARITY. This is no conspiracy theory! However, believe as you may. But believing and knowing--- are two different things.

    Arms, wrist and feet. Bludgeoned through the veins.
    Arms, wrist and feet, Poisoned through the veins.
    Two different Kings, with different Reigns.
    And The End result shall be the same.

    JUSTICE........For it is already written!

    And shall be illUMINATED! (E. Chandler— I hope you left proper notice repenting---the inferno awaits and you shall become a believer in what you didn’t before. HELL is your EQUALIZER. You’ve earned it!

    “With all the ingredients—is it Simmering---can you smell it—how long before the “pie” is done.” – As many have realized, IT would have been greatness to an infinite degree.

    Mr. Jackson--- you know I still have your back--- until my end.

    KEEP Watchin'.......

    "This is my planet. You're ONE of Us" --- The Greatest

    <!-- m --> ... ost2388932<!-- m -->

    Re: The Innocent Man by MJ - Handwritten Lyrics up for auction

    Of A tHeOrY or Vision


    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    KEEP Watchin'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2394779<!-- m -->

    Re: Of a tHeOrY or Vision

    Confusion from issues of perplexity often leads to pointless derision.......
    It is always wise to use time prudently.
    Never expend it on confusion.......
    Try harder to understand.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2507191<!-- m -->

    Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

    Justice WILL be served on the

    perpetrators of this contrived circumstance.

    Michael Jackson very much deserves it.......and shall receive!

    It doesn't matter the time interval or smoke-screened projections and barriers erected to usurp this occurrence.

    Etch it to stone.......They will face accountability!

    Perhaps the FEDs will feel so inclined to lend the LAPD another one of its "hands" in a matter that actually warrants it.


    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2819246<!-- m -->

    Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

    THEY always make a mistake. ALWAYS!

    Deception "WILL" run its course and as elements of both "conspiracy" and reality start to merge, many brains will do somersaults.

    This me-me-me ness is stale and "played". Satans Claws need clipping. Soon to be asserted!

    OPEN your eyes &

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2819285<!-- m -->

    Re: UPDATE - #133: the whole thing may be illegal - Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for s

    I've asserted to an infinite degree that these attacks and side-swipes leveled towards Katherine Jackson will soon manifest themselves and reap GREAT regrets. A certain subset of individuals are cleverly and agressively leading many to points of NO RETURN. The effort is concentrated;make no mistake about that. NO mistake!

    Victorious in certain undertakings, they have been. However, tides shift. EXPECT that!~ Much is transpiring beneath the glaring lights to even this playing field. I've been silent, because success warrants it!

    Katherine DESERVES respect! She has done more to earn it than anyone else in Michael's life. Perhaps suggestions to the contrary should be reconsidered.

    If respect isn't given, like it appears in some corners to be up for debate. It will have to be demanded, taken or both.

    TMZ has now become the 7th REMIX to the Bible around here. That sensationalist driven male version of Dianne Dimond who runs it gets more due dilligence here than Mother Katherine! How ridiculous is that?

    Change is hopefully over the horizon!

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2819410<!-- m -->

    Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur


    Realize that works of FICTION have helped reshape perception of many historical FACTS. It doesn't take much effort to draw reasonable conclusions about obvious "slight of hands".

    Keep WATCHIN'......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2823180<!-- m -->
    (He uses colored font in this post a lot...not sure what he means by it)

    Re: UPDATE - #133: the whole thing may be illegal - Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for s

    Sometimes when bands ASSume they are in unisome, at least one member will be attentive enough to realize they are actually offbeat. It is also a bitter pill to swallow when that "imperfection" is pointed out.

    For those that consider themselves sanctioned experts regarding the lives of a very large and famous FAMILY, perhaps your credentials need thorough auditing in order to find out just what went wrong. To put it nicely, there's ignorance to reality, transfixion on sensationalism and much "assuming" of oneself into circles.

    With the clapping being a little offkey, could an expert please tell me if Michael APPROVED of "THIS IS IT" the motion picture? That is since this narrative continues to surface and the band knows what he REALLY wanted.

    Also, Respect is earned you say?

    Well Levin, Anka, McClain, Branca, Botek and many more must be "EARNING" it in droves.

    Aren't they?

    Experts only please!

    Also, let the experts tell us or at least attempt to dissect the differences between the vast amount of people "EARNING" it?

    Even this website! wink

    Respect doesn't come cheap, does it?

    The qualifier for NOT earning it appears to be blood!

    Threats are of no cosequence in this day and age; at least that's what many believe.

    But I promise, not only Mr. Taylor, but to those who sincerely believe in the ORIGINAL intent of this forum, if Katherine Jackson is not given her due respect, we are prepared to tranfer part of the burden we have to bear from these relentless insults right where it belongs. Sadly, most of the disdain originates from an UNLIKELY place! The more I think about it, the greater my agony elevates because I never though it would devolve to such a circumstance. The leadership could help us, but many appear to subliminally support it. Michael wouldn't WANT this I assure you. Me-me-me ness will lead some to the edge before they open their eyes.

    Real Talk!

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    <!-- m --> ... ost2824231<!-- m -->

    Re: UPDATE - #133: the whole thing may be illegal - Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for s

    Sanctamonious son of a ....Band.....

    And the beat goes on!

    Uncoordinated and offkey---as expected.

    My points stand, regardless of attempted deflections using miscellaeneous quotes.

    The lol's are childish--and irrelevant.

    So are clapping emoticons.

    Reread and enlighten oneself. Attempts at engaging will lead you astray!


    Keep WATCHIN'.......
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    "This was it. And in a thunderous sense,
    it was. It just didn't dawn on me that that Grand Stage would be in the Heavens; A visual Staple-d to the Center of our minds for all eternity. "

    What does it mean ? Is he still in the know or is playing a game ?
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    These are the posts from 2006 where he mentions random numbers. For all those of you that are gifted with figuring numbers out (which I am not), any ideas as to what he could have meant???

    I can't post the screenshots cause they are too big.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Thanks BeTheChange for all of the BACK updates. It seems BACK was rather upset about the fans talking about Katherine. I'm still confused though. If according to BACK, Levin is a neoconservative, greedy tabloid lawyer, then why is TMZ the first ones to report the news and seems to be such an intricate part of this whole thing, especially according to TS? And people need to remember, BACK was stating facts years beforehand. This is getting more confusing by the day. I don't know if this is a test to see if we can pick out the truth from two opposing opinions or what but I am not sure what to think at this point. I think both TS and BACK have made very valid points and predicted things that happened so are they both vital sources and if so, why are they so conflicting? Hmmm...
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Well this has kept me busy reading through the night. Thankyou for bumping this up. And there does seem a connection with TS and BACK. Similar styles for sure. I will definitely KEEP WATCHING.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thanks BeTheChange for all of the BACK updates. It seems BACK was rather upset about the fans talking about Katherine. I'm still confused though. If according to BACK, Levin is a neoconservative, greedy tabloid lawyer, then why is TMZ the first ones to report the news and seems to be such an intricate part of this whole thing, especially according to TS? And people need to remember, BACK was stating facts years beforehand. This is getting more confusing by the day. I don't know if this is a test to see if we can pick out the truth from two opposing opinions or what but I am not sure what to think at this point. I think both TS and BACK have made very valid points and predicted things that happened so are they both vital sources and if so, why are they so conflicting? Hmmm...

    I thought exactly the same thing when I read what he says about Harvey Levin and TMZ. But there must be an explanation because TMZ is definitely part of the hoax.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    This is all very interesting and there is a lot to read through. I don't know if TS and Back is one and the same but what I have noticed is that there are quite a few spelling errors in Back's posts. I haven't really noticed many in the TS posts. I know that doesn't make anything conclusive but it's an observation.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    This is all very interesting and there is a lot to read through. I don't know if TS and Back is one and the same but what I have noticed is that there are quite a few spelling errors in Back's posts. I haven't really noticed many in the TS posts. I know that doesn't make anything conclusive but it's an observation.

    And Michael is not a good speller. I've realized that when reading some of his handwritten notes. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    looking4truth, I know, some mistakes are quite funny, where things are scored out. Of course Back could have disguised the writing by deliberately making mistakes or TS could have used a spell checker if they are indeed the same person. Who knows. Of course TS knew they would have a big audience so probably wanted to put on a good show. My favourite spelling error is when someone writes the word "misspelled" as "mispelled". Love the irony. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Wow...I am also trying to figure all of this out and I am really confused( maybe due to the fact that I have been up for the last 36 hrs straight, thinking non stop about Michael, Tmz, Back, BOW, Peterpanpyt, TS and TIAI updates, trying to put all the "puzzle pieces" together....need I say more? Lol) Anyway, I digress... I'm confused now, about Back bashing TMZ also, when they seem to be the ones keeping the clues alive. As for Back...I was almost convinced that Back could have been Michael, but since reading the posts by back since 6/25/09, I have changed my mind. It almost seems to me that Back was Michael in the pre-6/25/09 posts, but when reading the posts after 6/25/09, it sounds more like back is maybe one of Michael's brothers. Does that make sense to anyone else? Pre hoax clues from Michael, post hoax posts from Marlon? Jackie? Jermaine? Tito? because they are all very "defensive" posts, "family" defending "family". I also see a similar writing technique between Back and TS...?
    I'm soooo confused with all of this, but thank you for bringing up "Back" again as I think we need to re-examine all of his information.
    Ok...I'm off to my padded cell now for a few hours sleep...I hope!
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    BACK is MJ in my opinion. I've gone over and over all of his post from MJJC and yes some are a bit angry, but that is why I believe it's MJ. There's no reason for a fan to have such distain for the media and those who have betrayed MJ, except MJ. And when they talk about his mother, only a son who loves his mother would defend her with such nobility. In one of his post defending mother Kate, he writes..."it's family".

    And I think all of the post are from MJ, God bless his brothers, but none of them have the intelligence to write like BACK. This person is well read, his use of words and the way he spins a web with his words are all the same person. Remember we only MJ as the person we see in the public and what he has allowed us to know, but there is another side, a personal side, a private side that has gone through HELL with the media.

    As for TMZ, yes they are a part of the hoax because MJ knows he could use them to spread the word of his so called death and any other stories he wants the public to know. He's smart enough to use his enemies and he knows how. Just think about how long he's been planning this. TMZ and Levin are being used. I don't think Levin knows about the hoax, he's just doing what tabloid media does, they report the hype.

    No matter what happens in the public eye with the so called death of Michael Jackson, I know he planned this for years and being the kind of person he is, he couldn't do it without letting hard core fans know about it, so he left a trail with the postings of BACK.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    BACK is MJ in my opinion. I've gone over and over all of his post from MJJC and yes some are a bit angry, but that is why I believe it's MJ. There's no reason for a fan to have such distain for the media and those who have betrayed MJ, except MJ. And when they talk about his mother, only a son who loves his mother would defend her with such nobility. In one of his post defending mother Kate, he writes..."it's family".

    And I think all of the post are from MJ, God bless his brothers, but none of them have the intelligence to write like BACK. This person is well read, his use of words and the way he spins a web with his words are all the same person. Remember we only MJ as the person we see in the public and what he has allowed us to know, but there is another side, a personal side, a private side that has gone through HELL with the media.

    As for TMZ, yes they are a part of the hoax because MJ knows he could use them to spread the word of his so called death and any other stories he wants the public to know. He's smart enough to use his enemies and he knows how. Just think about how long he's been planning this. TMZ and Levin are being used. I don't think Levin knows about the hoax, he's just doing what tabloid media does, they report the hype.

    No matter what happens in the public eye with the so called death of Michael Jackson, I know he planned this for years and being the kind of person he is, he couldn't do it without letting hard core fans know about it, so he left a trail with the postings of BACK.

    I've thought of that as a possibility and perhaps a family member is providing them all this information to report on but then the question becomes how did they know to post certain stories at a specific time. I doubt the family member would request that without looking suspicious. Levin is not dumb. I think he would've picked up on this so I still think there is a possibility he is in on it. I do think at times it was MJ and maybe at times it was Dave Dave (I have no real proof of this...just a gut feeling). Of course, I could be wrong.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I also noticed in BACK's theory-related posts, there is always an emphasis on time. I'm wondering if perhaps, he could be referencing Timewave Zero. Souza recently wrote a post about it and as I was reading it, I couldn't help but think about his posts. You can read the post here: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11228<!-- l -->
  • I always thought Back was legit and that he was an insider on the hoax, in and of itself. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    <!-- m --> ... ost2856940<!-- m -->

    Posted yesterday (June 22)

    Re: Katherine video statement thanks VoicePlate and Fans for Michael Jackson Tribute

    I presume you have a Mother and Grandmother(s) somewhere in your lineage, or else you wouldn't exist. Bearing this in mind, why don't you think about them the next time you chose to demonstrate your ice-cold nature & approach towards Katherine Jackson.

    This issue is very much beyond a message board and recycling of responses...It's personal. I mean, really! There are various family members who frequent this board and that should come as a suprise to noone. So imagine the affect these constant, unchecked, verbal assaults are having on those who have reason to care for her. This very beautiful person should NEVER be subjected to such foolishness. NEVER--EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER----Dammit---EVER. Especially on a forum that ONCE stood on principle and supported Michael by also RESPECTING the ones he LOVED the most. Mr. Taylor, you should aknowledge that Michael would never have associated himself with any forum demeaning his mother. AT ALL..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quite frankly, I could give 2 _ _ _ _ _ about an opinion regarding different ventures and issues of money. Relegate that opinion to a gas can and set a match to it! Perhaps Levin will "report" it.

    I've continiously warned that this repeated lambasting of Katherine will end in regret. 24/7 Pressure, do you know what it feels like? After losing a Son nearly a year ago, you're reminded of just how fragile any element of life can be. Then you find yourself facing the fact that your youngest Son just had a medical scare. Do you know what that feels like? That being compounded pressure. Do you?

    Imagine anyone questioning the character, sincerity, competence and motivation of YOUR Mother.

    What would you do?

    Unfortunately, for me, I think resolution to this issue will only happen face-to-face.

    Pleading has only fanned the flames!

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    Hmmm..."face-to-face" resolution. Very interesting.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450

    Posted yesterday (June 22)

    Re: Katherine video statement thanks VoicePlate and Fans for Michael Jackson Tribute

    I presume you have a Mother and Grandmother(s) somewhere in your lineage, or else you wouldn't exist. Bearing this in mind, why don't you think about them the next time you chose to demonstrate your ice-cold nature & approach towards Katherine Jackson.

    This issue is very much beyond a message board and recycling of responses...It's personal. I mean, really! There are various family members who frequent this board and that should come as a suprise to noone. So imagine the affect these constant, unchecked, verbal assaults are having on those who have reason to care for her. This very beautiful person should NEVER be subjected to such foolishness. NEVER--EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER----Dammit---EVER. Especially on a forum that ONCE stood on principle and supported Michael by also RESPECTING the ones he LOVED the most. Mr. Taylor, you should aknowledge that Michael would never have associated himself with any forum demeaning his mother. AT ALL..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quite frankly, I could give 2 _ _ _ _ _ about an opinion regarding different ventures and issues of money. Relegate that opinion to a gas can and set a match to it! Perhaps Levin will "report" it.

    I've continiously warned that this repeated lambasting of Katherine will end in regret. 24/7 Pressure, do you know what it feels like? After losing a Son nearly a year ago, you're reminded of just how fragile any element of life can be. Then you find yourself facing the fact that your youngest Son just had a medical scare. Do you know what that feels like? That being compounded pressure. Do you?

    Imagine anyone questioning the character, sincerity, competence and motivation of YOUR Mother.

    What would you do?

    Unfortunately, for me, I think resolution to this issue will only happen face-to-face.

    Pleading has only fanned the flames!

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    Hmmm..."face-to-face" resolution. Very interesting.

    Thanks for posting and the bolded areas are very interesting to this adventure. And after reading his Oxford speech, the writing style is quite similar. He was much more cryptic earlier but now he seems to be more straight-forward the closer we are to July. I'll keep watchin' as he says.
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    It seems all of BACK's post are gone. Removed by the admin. Strange a day before the one year mark. Even post that referenced BACK are gone. The last post about Mother Kate is gone. Thank goodness all of his post were saved by many of us, but I think he's gone for good from MJJC.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    It seems all of BACK's post are gone. Removed by the admin. Strange a day before the one year mark. Even post that referenced BACK are gone. The last post about Mother Kate is gone. Thank goodness all of his post were saved by many of us, but I think he's gone for good from MJJC.

    Maybe because it will be over soon?
  • Wowsers! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
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