Official back & Front thread



  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I don't understand one thing. Why the number of his posts are always 608 or 606? The numbers are always changing when you're posting something consistently <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    They must be the number of posts he had at the time the screenshots were taken, but then it sounds like "they/he"? started deleting some. So, maybe some of the screenshots were taken when he had 608 posts and the other when he had 606 posts? I could be wrong, but that is what I think. (interesting that both numbers add up to 14 though...two 7's)

    Exactly, than why the number is the same in every screenshot? It's impossible to do so, even if you delete your old posts. But it doesn't seem Back deleted his posts because we can see his every post..

    All of these posts originally appeared on the MJJC forum, but most, if not all, have been deleted from that original forum. Somebody took a picture of the screen when his posts were still on the forum and posted all them that they were able to get a pic of (or the important ones) onto the link above. Does that make sense?

    I believe people started taking screenshots of his posts, because some of his earliest posts started to be deleted. If he posted 608 times, there aren't that many screenshots shown on the link above, so many were deleted before a screenshot could be taken of it.

    When they started taking screenshots of his posts, he probably had posted a total of 606 posts. Then as they took more screen shots, he may have added two more posts on the forum some time during that time. (Hopefully this makes first response was very confusing...sorry about that.)
  • What mesmerises me with the back posts is the thought & creativity process, the way the thoughts are expressed, this ability to say a lot in relatively few words and stir images and emotions. Relatively few people can think at that level, back comes across as a very deep & bright person with the courage of their opinions, the type of person who will do think their own way in a BIG way.

    It wouldn't take much of a "push" to make me beLIEve this is the MAN himself. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I am very impressed by the power of their well-chosen words, exceptional way of thinking - not mainstream, different from anyone else in their writing style.
    If not
    the MAN himself
    , at least an illusion of the possibility of it, gives another glimpse of hope again.
    If fake, then a master of illusion, who has studied the Man perfectly.
    From the experience so far, with the many fake- MJ's up to now, it is advisable to remain neutral and not over-enthusiastic, in order not to be finally disappointed , but not many have come as close as this "informer" for me.
    Those, who think Michael would be less "aggressive" in attacking his opponents, should remember his speech against Sony, in which he was quite open and spoke up against the system that had been trying to crush many artists. He then spoke softly, but I can imagine, writing can be different.
    I remember the words of LMP, when she mentioned, he could be really REALLY bad, if necessary.
    He had many sides to his character, or he wouldn't have been able to survive and rise in the music-industry jungle, with leeches lurking at each corner, only waiting for a victim to be taken advantage of.
    A "Take-over", instead of a comeback, not bad. That would be IT.
    It would mean, exposing all the shady characters, which would be great. I am waiting patiently for further developments. "The best is yet to come" Is this it? A well prepared vendetta-crusade for justice behind the scene with an army of crusaders? "All hell is gonna break loose ...?"
    Immense damage has been done to one person and a good reputation had been drawn into the dust in front of the world's eyes. I think, we cannot fully comprehend, what anger such injustice can trigger off.
    Enough is enough, and at some point, the kettle is boiling, and you just can't take it any longer.
    To turn the other cheek is not always the best and most advisable solution, when a career is destroyed, and a personality smashed, even if it claims to have a "rhinozeros skin". Underneath is a soul that can be hurt nevertheless, and it was. We only had to look at his sad beautiful eyes to read the message.
    If Back is what many suppose him to be, he is still very full of life and willing to fight for his way back.
    I do hope it is Michael. Everything will be alright then, although not easy.
    A huge army around the globe would be ready to be on his side. It is a power, not to be underestimated.
    oh please enlighten me - who's Back and where I can find his posts ?!?!
  • oh please enlighten me - who's Back and where I can find his posts ?!?!

    Hi! Ginafelicia, you will find all the information you need in the original post by looking4truth. I had not heard of back until I read through this thread and as per my previous post, I have been amazed by what I found... and beLIEve that back may well be "The Man" himself! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    With L.O.V.E
    For those of you losing faith, take a look "BACK" shall we?
    by looking4truth » Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:08 am

    BACK is a member of the MJJC message board which is one of the largest Michael Jackson fan club message boards. In 2005 and 2006, he posted some interesting posts that refer to this adventure we are on right now. I just want to pick out some of the posts that stand out. However, you can check out all of them HERE: <!-- m --><!-- m --> ... light=back. A HUGE thanks goes to Pammy for taking the time to posting all of these. Please look at the dates and times of these posts.

    One of his most popular posts was of the New 7 Day Theory, which was posted by BACK on June 25, 2006 in response to a thread about 2Pac and his seven day theory. The comparison between 2Pac and Michael was recently mentioned on TMZ (<!-- m --><!-- m --> ... other-day/). These posts may be hard to comprehend at first. However, it is one of the most convincing pieces I've read from an "informer". Please look at the date and time and also note the mention of Mystery777, another member on that same board that folks thought to be MJ. Here is a post from that member: <!-- m --><!-- m -->.

    Here is the theory: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Here is another screenshot that's in reference to his 7 Day theory: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    After June 25th, BACK posted a conclusion of sorts about his theory, which makes references to Jesus, Archangel Michael, Evan Chandler and also this being 20 years in the making: <!-- m --><!-- m --> ... 937-25.htm (screenshots are towards the middle of the page. If you wish to just read the text only, you can go to the first page of the thread)

    The conclusion may make some people a little uncomfortable and indifference towards BACK but please continue to read. You may disagree with him on some things but other things cannot be denied. For instance, this post about This is It: <!-- m --> ... 7thisi.png<!-- m --> and this post about one day of simmering: <!-- m --><!-- m --> ... 252610.jpg. Haven't we heard MJ say the word "simmering" quite a bit in the movie, This is it? I have also written a post about how the TII post could be connected with the three sevens MJ wore in the movie HERE: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3635.

    Are these posts just mere coincidences? It's up to you but I think we all know how we feel about coincidences.

    Here are a few other interesting posts from BACK:
    Not a comeback but a TAKEOVER: <!-- m --><!-- m --> ... ver161.jpg
    Check your future history books: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    The King is BACK: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Media Failed: <!-- m --><!-- m --> (Even mentions Harvey Levin, that lawyer that runs TMZ...hmmm...)

    Some members believed/believe that he is MJ himself. I am not too sure of that but I do believe that he is "in the know".

    And do you notice a certain catch phrase in his posts? Keep Watchin? Listen closely @ 00:18 of the official preview of TII: <!-- m --><!-- m --> (Thanks to members at the old board for finding that). And remember what TMZ folks said to some of us hoax believers when confronted about the R.I.P. list? Keep watching! (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=4896)

    So sometimes my dear believers that are losing faith after today, we have to look BACK to move FORWARD.
  • The part when he says TAKEOVER, reminds me of Another Part Of Me. "We're taking over...we have the truth...this is our see it through..." Just a thought I had about BACK. Any new posts from him? Just curious.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    The part when he says TAKEOVER, reminds me of Another Part Of Me. "We're taking over...we have the truth...this is our see it through..." Just a thought I had about BACK. Any new posts from him? Just curious.

    That's the whole thing.
    See it trough.
    Do we like what we see?
  • The part when he says TAKEOVER, reminds me of Another Part Of Me. "We're taking over...we have the truth...this is our see it through..." Just a thought I had about BACK. Any new posts from him? Just curious.

    That's the whole thing.
    See it trough.
    Do we like what we see?

    Hummm! The more I read through Back's posts, the more I get this picture in my head of "the man" behind a large Apple screen, "playing" himself ... and I am really excited 'cos it is exciting! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Here are some thoughts about the messages in Back's posts:

    1. Take -over: back appears to use the word in relation to a "music" take-over. "It is not a come-back but a take-over" when talking about the O2 concert and a reference to fans needing to buy the "new album" to "catapult its release into the stratosphere" , "A true "take-over" will need this type of commitment.

    2.TMZ: back clearly does not appreciate Harvey Levin, but understands how to use the media to take advantage of it " these media companies are nothing more than partitions of a small Hollywood studio. Puppets and puppeteers galore..." As such, there may not be a conflict with TS/TIAI.

    3. Back is MJ: "Literally the "KING" is "BACK" - <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    4. Possible reference to the 5Brothers Enterprise website?: Wondering whether the "Formulation of [square] meshing letter to number, it's just around the corner, before you "hear" that tHuNdEr." may have been either a reference to the O2 (O square?) or a reference to the 5BrothersEnterprise website, which also matches the description of meshing letter to numbers and makes a Thunder sound when the "square" appears on the screen. This site would also be a possible match for "Drama shall soon be met with that glorious shield of silence, while simultaneously being FOREVER replaced by that "square" of thunder, just around the corner."

    5. Reference to TS?: "tHREAD-sTARTER, 2-words" Post from 18/02/09

    6. BAM and Patience:[/u] "That whole pack of "mutts" should not take this for granted. All could be well, then ---BAM
    wtf just happened......" Could this be in reference to the intention of the BAM?
    The second post on the above link is also interesting, it refers to "Patience is a virtue"... "The future holds GREAT things. Believe it or NOT. Focus oN the "green" and imagine (see) the possibilities." This somehow brings "green man" to mind, I can even see eyes on Back green "avatar"...

    7.This is it?: "A return to positivity soon.... this i <*-*> (post from 13/08/09)

    8. Justice: Justice is a key agenda item for Back, there are multiple example of it through its various posts. Justice for what MJ went through in 1993 and 2005, Justice from a "Music/Art" perspective, Justice from the Media are those coming out very strongly.
    Also note the reference to 2 different Kings below... Who is he referring to? Elvis?
    Extract from Of a tHeOrY or Vision - 18/11/2009
    Arms, wrist and feet. Bludgeoned through the veins.
    Arms, wrist and feet, Poisoned through the veins.
    Two different Kings, with different Reigns.
    And The End result shall be the same.

    JUSTICE........For it is already written!

    And shall be illUMINATED! (E. Chandler— I hope you left proper notice repenting---the inferno awaits and you shall become a believer in what you didn’t before. HELL is your EQUALIZER. You’ve earned it!

    “With all the ingredients—is it Simmering---can you smell it—how long before the “pie” is done.” – As many have realized, IT would have been greatness to an infinite degree.

    9. The O2 announcement: "Doubt is the greatest motivator" (Post from 12/03/09) As if to say that the doubt was created on purpose to create suspicion....

    10. The New Theory of Seven: The post from 25/08/2006 refers to 25/06/2006 and describes the 7 days theory. What are the probability of such a post existing and MJ "dying" on the 25/06/2009 having displayed his nice 777 red shirt numerous times during the rehearsals. To reflect on some words used in another Back post, this specific post more than any others shift my Belief to the Know! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> The theory merits more attention.
    Also note the comment in Back post "Whatever happened to mystery777..." or "... what will be an unmatched tsunami in the world of music."

    11. 2012: I am sure I read in at least one of Back post a reference to the stars lining up... but I cannot find the post - I will post if I find it or if anybody has got it...?

    Going to my dreams now...

    With L.O.V.E
  • Thanks for your input TheRunningGIrl. If you do not mind, I wished to add on to your thoughts.

    1. I always thought TAKEOVER means taking over the music industry and bringing it back to what it was about before the corporate world got their hands on it. In order to takeover that part, there has to be a take over in other parts of the entertainment industry as well as the media, government, etc, since they are all interlink with one another so it will be a true takeover in every sense if this is what he means.

    2. I like your hypothesis about TMZ. That could be the case. I doubt TMZ knows the full story behind this whole adventure, they may know part of it and that is all they need to know in order to do its part. BACK's disdain for Harvey Levin could also be a distraction from what's really going on--a partnership between the two. So the contradiction between BACK and TS could be done on purpose to keep people guessing, those of us who are interested for good reasons and those of us who are interested for not-so-good reasons.

    3. I love that quote about The King is "BACK". Very clever. It seems like a pretty bold clue as to who this person is but it could also be looked at another way.

    4. Great job with this one. I would have never thought of that. I think you may be onto something. I found a few more things interesting about this post: <!-- m --><!-- m --> FOREVER is highlighted in red. Could this be in reference to the Love lives forever quote? The second sentence that highlights CHANGE seems to be in reference to then-candidate Barack Obama.

    5. Good catch! You could very well be right. TS did start a thread on here that explained a lot. Can you post BACK's post that you are referencing with this quote please?

    6. Yup, you could be right. These things were discussed in this thread or the original thread at the old message board.

    7. And this was mentioned on the old board as well as the original post in this thread. I think it's pretty obvious and it's funny that this was predicted years before. This, IMO, shows that this was planned years ago. It could've been filmed years ago as well.

    8. Yes, BACK was always about JUSTICE. He could be referencing Elvis but I thought he was talking about Jesus, given the context of the post. Again, it could be another way to say two things at the same time. (ie The King is "BACK".)

    9. Good observation. Never thought of that. Could also be in reference to how we ended up here--through doubt of the story that was presented to us about Michael Jackson's transition. And with this doubt, it has motivated us to be on this adventure.

    10. And yup, this theory was mentioned in the original post there as well as the old post on the old message board. This post made me wonder about his death.

    11. Unfortunately, I can't help you with the 2012 reference. "the stars lining up" reminds me, again, of Another Part Of Me. "Those planets are lining up...,we're bringing brighter days..."
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    Here is a link to the tHREAD sTARTER post. I bookmarked it, because it made me think of TS also.

    Here is a link to the tHREAD sTARTER post. I bookmarked it, because it made me think of TS also.

    Thank you! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Just out of curiosity, I checked to see how many days it was between the date BACK posted the tHREAD sTARTER post (February 18, 2009) and the date TS revealed himself (December 22, 2009) <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1924<!-- l -->. This is what I got: 307 Days -- or -- 43 Weeks and 6 Days

    Hmm...3 sevens perhaps or 4+3=7? It could just be a .... coincidence. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Please my friends, if you watch these videos you will make the connection to "Back's" posts! In the first one you will see the same avatar that "Back" uses! The answers lie within these videos!! I love you all...this is all for LOVE!!!
    start at the beginning dec won't be sorry!
    <!-- m --> ... z-tdcx-I0I<!-- m -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Am I the only one who has no clue about who Back is?
  • Looking4truth thank you for your feedback, I do very much appreciate that you have added valuable comments to my original thoughts; those are meant to be expanded upon and discussed so that we can create a clear summary of why we believe that Back is Key to this hoax. The clearer the message is, the more people will understand it; it is a very time consuming exercise to go through Back's posts... <!-- s:roll: --> :roll: <!-- s:roll: --> ... it takes some doing! but I am glad they were copied (Thanks Pammy) before most of them got deleted.<br />I hope you do not mind me further adding to your post. (In red on the quote below)<br /><br />There is much more in the Back posts that is of relevance to what has already been discussed on this forum and I will document this in a new post in the coming days.  (e.g. Chris Brown reference, Spiritual beliefs, the most recent posts to be analysed, the vendetta and the names on the list - this is very relevant to some of the individuals who have been reported dead since the start of the hoax  <!-- s:shock: --> :shock: <!-- s:shock: --> -, expending on the New seven days theory so that everybody understands that it is no coincidence and very specific -Back first posted this on the 25th June 2006 and it leaves absolutely no room to doubt its relevance to the hoax.) <br /><br /><br />
    Thanks for your input TheRunningGIrl. If you do not mind, I wished to add on to your thoughts.<br /><br />1. I always thought TAKEOVER means taking over the music industry and bringing it back to what it was about before the corporate world got their hands on it. In order to takeover that part, there has to be a take over in other parts of the entertainment industry as well as the media, government, etc, since they are all interlink with one another so it will be a true takeover in every sense if this is what he means.<br />TheRunningGirl: Exactly my thoughts, I believe that the prime reason for the hoax is indeed taking over the music industry and bringing it back to a state that takes out the corrupted corporate layer that benefits neither the artists or their "fans"; it is also about breaking the power of the media by demonstrating their lies/lack of integrity and use by non scrupulous power hungry politicians and others to turn public opinions to support their own non ethical goals.  This is a HUGE undertaking and a dangerous one and that's why he needs both very powerful individuals on his side as well as millions of supporters worldwide to see it through.  What is very interesting here is that this is all about  NWO/Illuminati/mind control but it is said in plain words with a clear focus on what needs to change. <br /><br />2. I like your hypothesis about TMZ. That could be the case. I doubt TMZ knows the full story behind this whole adventure, they may know part of it and that is all they need to know in order to do its part. BACK's disdain for Harvey Levin could also be a distraction from what's really going on--a partnership between the two. So the contradiction between BACK and TS could be done on purpose to keep people guessing, those of us who are interested for good reasons and those of us who are interested for not-so-good reasons. <br />TheRunningGirl: I agree... deals need to be made with enemies sometimes! Who ever has read Machiavelli will know that! <br /><br />3. I love that quote about The King is "BACK". Very clever. It seems like a pretty bold clue as to who this person is but it could also be looked at another way. <br />TheRunningGirl: Very true! However I have not found any other so called informers/fans...etc with so much insight and foresight and this Back's post is just the statement of who is it, the proof is in his other posts content.<br /><br />4. Great job with this one. I would have never thought of that. I think you may be onto something. I found a few more things interesting about this post: <!-- m --><!-- m --> FOREVER is highlighted in red. Could this be in reference to the Love lives forever quote?  The second sentence that highlights CHANGE seems to be in reference to then-candidate Barack Obama. <br />TheRunningGirl: The second sentence may indeed be a reference to OBAMA coming to power and bringing Change. Not sure of the meaning of FOREVER being highlighted in red, it could be in reference of the Love lives forever quote... question is Why?<br /><br />5. Good catch! You could very well be right. TS did start a thread on here that explained a lot. Can you post BACK's post that you are referencing with this quote please? <br />TheRunningGirl: Anewfan was much faster than I was  ;) <br /><br />6. Yup, you could be right. These things were discussed in this thread or the original thread at the old message board. <br />TheRunningGirl: In simple words, the BAM is when the "take-over" is complete. I love the statement "Lets see how you dance and sweat to You Rock My World". The choice of words does live me speechless, it is so witty, he seems so vindicated... it makes you want to catch the train... 8-)   <br /><br />7. And this was mentioned on the old board as well as the original post in this thread. I think it's pretty obvious and it's funny that this was predicted years before. This, IMO, shows that this was planned years ago. It could've been filmed years ago as well. <br />TheRunningGirl: Again a strong pointer to who Back is and the relevance of his posts<br /><br />8. Yes, BACK was always about JUSTICE. He could be referencing Elvis but I thought he was talking about Jesus, given the context of the post. Again, it could be another way to say two things at the same time. (ie The King is "BACK".) <br />TheRunningGirl: You know the way Back is vindicated against certain people, against the music industry, against the media and political puppets always brings the image of V for Vendetta in my mind (And remember his kids wearing V masks in some photos!).  The Hoax is really as much a Vendetta as a radical worldwide change in the way the media and music industry is run, there is a lot of anger here and a need to clear his name and punish those who instigated his "crucifixion".  It comes very strongly in a number of his posts.... and he is right!<br /><br />9. Good observation. Never thought of that. Could also be in reference to how we ended up here--through doubt of the story that was presented to us about Michael Jackson's transition. And with this doubt, it has motivated us to be on this adventure.<br /><br />10. And yup, this theory was mentioned in the original post there as well as the old post on the old message board. This post made me wonder about his death. <br />TheRunningGirl: I think it would be worthwhile to go through this theory again - I have read through those posts again and again and there can be no doubts that they referred to the events that we are currently living through. People misunderstood it initially as being a reference to Tupac but it is not, the only thing he borrowed from Tupac is the "Seven Days Theory", the New Seven Days Theory is all about MJ and it is so specific that there is no denying that it is the original description of the Hoax. Absolutely None. <br /><br />11. Unfortunately, I can't help you with the 2012 reference. "the stars lining up" reminds me, again, of Another Part Of Me. "Those planets are lining up...,we're bringing brighter days...<br />The RunningGirl: Let's forget this one, I probably dreamt about it - literally or not!  ;) "
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
  • :? Am I the only one who has no clue about who Back is?

    Check out the original post, I explain who he is.
  • Looking4truth thank you for your feedback, I do very much appreciate that you have added valuable comments to my original thoughts; those are meant to be expanded upon and discussed so that we can create a clear summary of why we believe that Back is Key to this hoax. The clearer the message is, the more people will understand it; it is a very time consuming exercise to go through Back's posts... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ... it takes some doing! but I am glad they were copied (Thanks Pammy) before most of them got deleted.
    I hope you do not mind me further adding to your post. (In red on the quote below)

    There is much more in the Back posts that is of relevance to what has already been discussed on this forum and I will document this in a new post in the coming days. (e.g. Chris Brown reference, Spiritual beliefs, the most recent posts to be analysed, the vendetta and the names on the list - this is very relevant to some of the individuals who have been reported dead since the start of the hoax <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> -, expending on the New seven days theory so that everybody understands that it is no coincidence and very specific -Back first posted this on the 25th June 2006 and it leaves absolutely no room to doubt its relevance to the hoax.)

    Thanks for your feedback! I'll be interested in reading what else you'll highlight about these posts. I have to go back myself to see what else I can pick up on. It's always fun to go back to his posts because they are so insightful. I also think the posts about Sony should be examined so if I have time, I may take on that endeavor unless you already had in mind to do that. And again, I'm still amazed he is not highlighted more on this board. He is the one and only informer who was stating clues BEFORE June 25th.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    http://<br /><br />I keep looking at this post that many think says "This Is It" and I think it means "This I See", because it says a return to positivity soon............this i <*-*><br /><br /><br />The last part looks like a face (emoticon)        this i <*-*>  (this i see)<br /><br />It could have double meanings as in many of his messages, though.
  • Looking4truth thank you for your feedback, I do very much appreciate that you have added valuable comments to my original thoughts; those are meant to be expanded upon and discussed so that we can create a clear summary of why we believe that Back is Key to this hoax. The clearer the message is, the more people will understand it; it is a very time consuming exercise to go through Back's posts... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ... it takes some doing! but I am glad they were copied (Thanks Pammy) before most of them got deleted.
    I hope you do not mind me further adding to your post. (In red on the quote below)

    There is much more in the Back posts that is of relevance to what has already been discussed on this forum and I will document this in a new post in the coming days. (e.g. Chris Brown reference, Spiritual beliefs, the most recent posts to be analysed, the vendetta and the names on the list - this is very relevant to some of the individuals who have been reported dead since the start of the hoax <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> -, expending on the New seven days theory so that everybody understands that it is no coincidence and very specific -Back first posted this on the 25th June 2006 and it leaves absolutely no room to doubt its relevance to the hoax.)

    Thanks for your feedback! I'll be interested in reading what else you'll highlight about these posts. I have to go back myself to see what else I can pick up on. It's always fun to go back to his posts because they are so insightful. I also think the posts about Sony should be examined so if I have time, I may take on that endeavor unless you already had in mind to do that. And again, I'm still amazed he is not highlighted more on this board. He is the one and only informer who was stating clues BEFORE June 25th.

    Looking4truth, you are absolutely right, it is a good idea to look through the Sony posts, you should be able to draw some interesting comments - I read through those and the Business insight from Back is just amazing! I am not saying this lightly, in my "spare time" I run a company ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) ... he knows what he is talking about and from "high up"!
    The reason that Back is not talked more about on this board, is probably because there is a lot to take in and it takes time to read through the material and understand it. Furthermore, many so called informers have been proven to be faked and people don't want to be "burnt" again.

    With L.O.V.E
  • http://<br /><br />I keep looking at this post that many think says "This Is It" and I think it means "This I See", because it says  a return to positivity soon............this i <*-*><br /><br /><br />The last part looks like a face (emoticon)        this i <*-*>  (this i see)<br /><br />It could have double meanings as in many of his messages, though.
    <br /><br />Anewfan, you could well be right, This i <see> (This I see) makes sense and it could indeed have a double meaning This i <sit> (This is it).  <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    :? Am I the only one who has no clue about who Back is?

    Check out the original post, I explain who he is.

    Thanks, I read it, but I am not sure I understood who he is.

    Who is he? why a he and not a she?

    Are you suggesting that is MJ?
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I'm really intrigued by back, sometimes I think he's an insider, sometimes I think it's Michael himself...

    regarding the TS connection you already mentionned TheRunningGirl I thought that this also could be a hint:

    "Our tIME for change has come.....
    a mOMENT of ages was reached.....
    But others are destined come.....
    It's just tHEORY-s take tIME to Peak...."

    It should have been written "theories" in plural if I understand correctly but he obviously wanted a TS..and this post was in response to a post concerning Michael's health <!-- m --><!-- m --> and a statement by Tohme saying that Michael was in perfect health. So this answer is very intriguing because it's like he knew that theories were about to peak as if he knew about what was going to happen..IDK.

    I tried to understand why the capital letters in his posts...we know Michael's handwriting and his 'habit' to put capital letters wherever he wants...back for example wrote tHEORY but also tHeOrY...
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I'm really intrigued by back, sometimes I think he's an insider, sometimes I think it's Michael himself...

    regarding the TS connection you already mentionned TheRunningGirl I thought that this also could be a hint:

    "Our tIME for change has come.....
    a mOMENT of ages was reached.....
    But others are destined come.....
    It's just tHEORY-s take tIME to Peak...."

    It should have been written "theories" in plural if I understand correctly but he obviously wanted a TS..and this post was in response to a post concerning Michael's health <!-- m --><!-- m --> and a statement by Tohme saying that Michael was in perfect health. So this answer is very intriguing because it's like he knew that theories were about to peak as if he knew about what was going to happen..IDK.

    I tried to understand why the capital letters in his posts...we know Michael's handwriting and his 'habit' to put capital letters wherever he wants...back for example wrote tHEORY but also tHeOrY...

    I notice that the letters that aren't capitalized are tm and ts....I remember there was a screenshot that Back had said that TM is the key (or something to that effect).....TM could mean (Tommy Mottola? Tom Mesereau? Thome?) I have looked and looked and looked some more to find that screenshot and I can't now.

    Does anyone know or remember that screenshot? If you can find it or have it handy, can you post it?
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Ooh...I found it......this is only part of a really long post. I don't think it was a screenshot...someone posted it earlier in this thread. Here is the part that talks about the initials T-M being the "key".
    Throughout the decades of the modern tIMEs we live, many Great figures have suffered untIMEly demises. Deep reflection of these occurrences will or should give you great pause. The easiest approach up until about 20 years ago was always by the bullet. What changed the trend? Well, along came awareness, suspicion, and non-acceptance of "stories" that carry potholes in logic. Thus, it demanded a necessity for more elaborate plans of execution that are now used as a means of thwarting the full truth. This process had to be in magnification ten fold in order to end the physical existence of the most famous person walking this Earth. Many OTHER attempts had failed, even though they left enormous wounds. You see, evil always goes for the jugular by attacking a person's greatest strength. Michael Jackson's greatest strength was pure love. The antagonist of such a principle is hate. So they used that pure love and coupled it with another of his strengths towards healing and caring for sick children to formulate perhaps the most wickedly contrived fiction in history. The goal was to create the most egregious of perceptions and marvel with pleasure and amusement at its historically noted difficulty to disprove. But I'm of the vision that this stain too shall be removed in due course. In fact, I have intuition that the subject of the first narrative has already, years ago, righted that wrong behind the scenes. For that individual or even those of his acquaintance, who are ambivalent about the “open” approach & legalities, these initials (T-M) are your "key". Trust ME!

    Do you think he's talking about Tom Mesereau? Tom wasn't really "behind the scenes" though? Was he? He seemed to be right out front IMO. Could Tommy Mottola have "righted the wrong" "behind the scenes"? Didn't MJ believe that Tommy Mottola was behind the allegations of the 2005 trial? Maybe I am way off.....any thoughts?
  • this is a lot of info to read on this little bity computer. Gonna have to go to my son's computer cuz my eyes are crossing up <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I had kinda skipped over this thinking it was about people losing faith which I am not at the moment. tricky, tricky <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but wow this looks quite interesting and I don't want to skip over any of it. I'll refrain from commenting until I finish. but it looks like a great find to me. Thanks for my homework assignment. Will get on it soon!
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