Official back & Front thread



  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    you know, it was one thing when back was just a mysterious username that posted on another forum, to go research and dig through and post their old posts...

    ...but now that this person seems to be a member here, it feels a little stalker-ish, you know? How would you feel if the same was done to you? I would be creeped out if a bunch of people were posting my old posts from 2005 on a forum I just joined. I'd probably run screaming for the hills.

    Just a thought. Perhaps we should not spaz out and ruin this. Remember the Lynard Skynard story.
    True. The same goes with stating with such certainity who is who as long as you are not there sitting on the chair besides his laprop while this person writes to know who is it. Trying to find who some user on a forum is will never have results.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    What site was Randy running during the trial? Randy has always had attitude to spare.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    you know, it was one thing when back was just a mysterious username that posted on another forum, to go research and dig through and post their old posts... <br /><br />...but now that this person seems to be a member here, it feels a little stalker-ish, you know? How would you feel if the same was done to you? I would be creeped out if a bunch of people were posting my old posts from 2005 on a forum I just joined. I'd probably run screaming for the hills.<br /><br />Just a thought. Perhaps we should not spaz out and ruin this. Remember the Lynard Skynard story.
    <br />True. The same goes with stating with such certainity who is who as long as you are not there sitting on the chair besides his laprop while this person writes to know who is it. Trying to find who some user on a forum is will never have results.
    <br /><br />You're right. <br /><br />Pretty sure there's 2 years worth of lessons that need to culminate here and now. (KNOWING LOOK AT ALL OF US) I don't need to spell this out do I? Surely not.<br /><br />
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Having said this, I hope Front will enjoy being here and talkin' to us. I hope he won't get scared and chased away by the flow of people- though he is tough enough, so I don't worry for that.

    I welcome you, Front. Be the man! Your rants just made my day. After reading these TRUE words I feel like I MYSELF have thrown out all the anger I've been building up because of all the lies- for so long.

    And I just CAN'T wait for the day all these people "in the know" will see that lies DON'T live long enough to get old.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Thank you so much FrenchBraid for posting all this. To me this matches EVERYTHING I have read in these last 2 years of MJ's lyrics, interviews, candid words, other people's words on him, etc. and in my estimation it is a 99.999% match.
    Posted on: May 18 2005, 04:07 PM
    Diane Demon took that rumor about resting from some guy named Adam or something, who supposedly said it last night on a radio show. Then Jim Avila ran with it, which is causing this uproar. Even if the defense scaled back on character witnesses, they still have a lot to cover. They have Chris Tucker and his girlfriend, the other people on that plane from Miami, those on the plane with Tucker to Miami, the Santa barbara DFCS, the animal trainers from neverland, amusement ride operators, cops that got fired and reassigned after closing this investigation, the nannies, MJ's other bodyguard, Insurance people from the 1993 settlement, welfare fraud people, jc penney sec. guards, jc penney lawyers, David Arvizo, some arvizo family members, school teachers, other neverland employees who the mother called after she left the ranch for good, her l.a. cop friend, Jay leno, Larry King, Brad Miller, Vinnie Amen, Asef, people from passport office, etc. So I say at least 3 weeks. That report theyre coming up with is wishful thinking. Unless Raymone Bain says it in a P.C., I wont believe it.
    Who but MJ in the courtroom DAILY would know this stuff. Does anyone know what the normal hours of court that MJ had to sit, would be? The posting times seem to be anywhere from about 2:00pm to 2:00 in the early morning so no problem there. He could have had a private 5-10 minutes in a back room with his laptop if need be and the rest at home.
    Posted on: Jun 1 2005, 02:47 PM
    Admin2, Ron Zonen is a certified, grade A piece of sh*t. PERIOD. He's not the best lawyer in that courtroom. Thats Jim hammer and Diane dimond bullsh*t spin. The overwhelming consensus is that T-Mez runs the show up in that mofo. Even most pro-prosecution pundits admit that. All Zonen has is an unhealthy fetish of talking about sleeping with boys, and booty grabs in your sleep. He's the devil
    I thought that was Tommy Matolla.
    Posted on: Jun 10 2005, 02:37 AM
    I'll be SUPRISED if Diane Demon doesn't commit suicide on National T.V. It'll be like the scene from the wizard of oz when someone pours water on the WITCH. "I'm MELTING".
    He knows the play well.
    Posted on: May 15 2005, 01:31 AM
    Mellville considers himself FAIR because he wears the powerful title of Judge. He says he's the unbiased jurist over these proceedings where a man's life is on the line. From time to time, he rules motions in favor of the defense with hopes of appearing FAIR. He is a JUDGE,with an OPINION, and it just so happens that I disagree perfusely with that OPINION. By in large, we as observers can come to a conclusion, which would be our OPINION, about this "judge", and most would say his fairness SUX. There's an occasional "be quiet Mr. Sneddon", but there are a hell of alot more "I will allow it " rulings to admit his Innuendo, masquerading as evidence. Ou contraire ala Tom Messeraeu. There are many "I will not allow it" and " hurry-up councel, don't you see the jury's restless councel, you misrepresented to me councel, stop repeating yourself councel, get your sick client's ass here right now councel (warrant),get your lawyer witness here by 8:30 councel (warrant). But he's FAIR. So Admin2, this post is not a rip toward you. Its a rip toward the word FAIR. If you really want to reinforce the concept of fairness, I think calling out and warning those who make STATEMENTS that stirs emotions by many on the board , in a negative way, just as much as you warn those who attack those STATEMENTS. I appreciate all the hardwork you and any other individual involved, puts into this forum to make it so extraordinary. I found this place just searching for fan info on google. When I first came here, I just read posts to get a sense and feel for what was going on and I was very intrigued. So I stuck around. When the media began to show me day after day that they weren't concerned with telling the truth, only with spinning sensationalism and beating the drums of negativity loud and clear, my anger skyrocketed.. And so the public became hypnotized, which left only us, the fans, to seek the truth, report it, and give our undivided support. What does that mean? Does it mean I call myself a fan, but yet instill, I come here only to harp on negativity and piss on the positive. Whats really going on? As I stated the other day, OPINIONS are like azzholes: everybody has one. But only azzholes would take the time to instigate, pissoff, enrage, or push the buttons of innocent supporters trying to rely on HOPE and TRUTH. Imagine the next door neighbor calling the cops on you because you had a yard full of people over for your childs' birthday party and they had an OPINION that you shouldn've had it in the first place, because their neighborhood shouldnt be overflowing with strangers sippin fruit punch. Would you accept that opinion or cuss their ass out? I dont start fights, I finish them. So if these trolls wanna battle, I'm ready to swing back, if you'll let me. I'm here for one purpose: TO DEFEND MICHAEL J. JACKSON. PERIOD!
    He’s just a fan that happened upon this site? Haha! It sounds more like this is Michael's giving us his defense and testimony to the world, that he wasn't able to do in the courtroom.
    Posted on: Jun 6 2005, 02:57 PM
    that clown Botek is gonna get is fuqing beard sued off for ILLEGALLY recording MJ conversations. That "fake" rabbi is gonna wish he was on a boat to Jerusalem when he finds out about the ton of bricks that are gonna land on him. Be careful. One of these trolls here just may be Botek. I've seen certain posts that mimic the exact garbage coming from his mouth. PFFFT.
    MJ was sweet in the recorded interview, but I think these are his true feelings toward Boteach.
    Posted on: Jun 9 2005, 12:32 AM
    Snothead has all the girlie mags at home. He cant return it because that evidence is tainted. The pages are now sticky and beginning to clump together. The jury just has to take their word for it that MJ ONCE owned these magz.
    Haaahaaahaha! A man would know that!
    Posted on: Jun 9 2005, 05:31 PM
    If you take your life then how in the hell will you ever be able to hug MJ and let him PERSONALLY thank you for sticking with him thru THICK and THIN until the nightmare was over and he finally received his freedom. DON'T DO IT. I'll give you mouf to mouf and revive your azz, then break your back for trying this nonsense.
    How he loves his fans! Especially the girls!
    Posted on: Jun 9 2005, 09:03 PM
    BeBe, relax and have a good time reading your book sweets. Don't get too stressed. MJ is gonna be just fine. BACK has got his "BACK". OK? They dont wanna press their luck attempting to do the wrong thing knowing that I'm on his team. Take a deep breath and rent some comedic DVD's. Freedom is near. Hugz and kisses to you BeBe.
    A woman wouldn’t talk about kisses to another woman.
    on MJJC <!-- m --><!-- m --> ... =16923&hl=
    Posted on: Feb 28 2006, 05:48 PMonce AGAIN, this fat-azz NEOCON is trying to stir up some "supposed" "MJ is anti-semetic bullsh*t. If dumbell doorknob brained individuals fail to realize that MJ TOURED the holy land of Israel and had many associates who were JEWISH, then they would know there's a plot to only defame and slander this man. Its obvious that these right wing extremeist NEOCONS are nothing more than blood-sucking greedy, vindictive, obsessed leeeches who try to maul you to the core if they can't get the access they want. As I've said before, I got love for my Black, White, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian Brothers and Sisters, but the extremist elements, like Islamic Jihadists , Jewish Neocons, Racist Rednecks, Skinheads and Black Seperatists are whats causing the decay in this world today. And the problems Michael Jackson has originates from these Extreme Neocons, who also got us into this ILLEGAL WAR with Iraq, because they want to control him and he won't allow it. They want his fortune and since he refuses to submit they have tried to crucify him. Think about it. Freidman, Blume, Allred, Liebermann, Dimond, Feldman, Abrams, Beckerman, Gilford, Hemmer, Hammer, Murphy, King (Schaffels lawyer), Schmuley Botek, Crier, Zonin, Palanker , etc, etc, are ALL JEWISH NEOCONS. They are obsessed with vengance and destruction of those who won't support their philosophy. AGREED?
    He accidently switches from third person to first person. I'm totally feelin it with these posts. And there is NO way this is a woman. IMO <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- srespect/ -->respect/<!-- srespect/ -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I just wonder why do you think you KNOW Michael that much. No offence. I still don't know who BACK is, but what from what you posted proves he's not? The fact you know he doesn't use the term "prolly"? Since when do you know Michael? I'm sorry but this doesn't prove anything. You are not him to know what words he uses all the time and why he uses them. You have no idea then what means to wear a mask.

    People really think they know so much about Michael. They don't.

    I don't know MJ either, but I do know that referencing "Purgatory" is VEEEERRRY uncharacteristic for any JW(as everyones knows, MJ used to be), unless they are discussing various doctrines with someone wanting JW instruction. In fact, most people who are not Catholic have never even heard the term. We know MJ is not Catholic, either.

    The other thing, whether or not MJ says "prolly" instead of "probably", I myself don't KNOW that either. All I know is that, in song, and speech, MJ usually takes care to be very precise in pronouncing words, particularly, when he wrote those words, he wants people to get what he says. He has perfect diction (Dirty Diana), when he wants to have. When he slurrs words, it is usually an MJ re-invention of the words (like "Shamone") in making his unique mark on the World! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    If MJ is using the word "prolly", it is because he or his designee is "in character", for his eventual Hoax, as someone else, much younger, who regularly uses the urban dialect of "The King's English". <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    I know <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> MJ, an educated man, has spent time in the company of Royals and Dignitaries of State, in many countries. I can't imagine him saying "prolly", to anyone <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ --> , unless trying to fit in online with an audience of sympathetic young adult fans, after he read some of them saying it this way! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    It doesn't mean 52 year old MJ won't ever use the word "prolly", but I think if he does, it is with a wink to a certain personality, whom everyone he is speaking directly to, at that point, knows, who he means.

    I don't think anyone is trying to say that they know MJ and others do not. It is just a bunch of different things people have observed, which perhaps others have not noticed or been exposed to (yet). <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    P.S. We ALL wear masks once we are out of childhood, & some children learn this even earlier, as a defense mechanism from harsh reality. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> We ALL, as adults, have held back who we really are from some one or some group. Dating and job interviews are ALL about putting your best side forward and concealing things you aren't sure about sharing, lest we suffer ridicule or suspicion, or censure. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    I've said a few times, I actually think Back is a "Mask" or a fictional extension of MJ's wonderful mind in communicating with fans, both pre and post Hoaxed death. It does not have to be MJ himself, either, but someone acting on his behalf.

    But just because one can swear like a <!-- salbino/ -->albino/<!-- salbino/ --> pirate, doesn't mean he ARE one. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Aaaargh! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->
  • FrontFront Posts: 155
    he who dares to osCillate
    will most certainly mEEt with fAte
    the Plan will not be sHaKen
    until it is TIme to aWakeN

    p.s. ____ _______
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    Hi, I'm new, but have been lurking for months, I never really intended to post, but this ...
    p.s. ____ _______

    ... just made me laugh so hard, and I really needed a laugh. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    And what's with the capital letters? Pact he knew? A wench kept?
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    FrenchBraid and voiceforthesilent, thank you so much for your great help! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
    I need to read it all very carefully first to form my own opinion but I want to thank FrenchBraid again for such a detail explanation of her thoughts based on a great research.
  • he who dares to osCillate
    will most certainly mEEt with fAte
    the Plan will not be sHaKen
    until it is TIme to aWakeN

    p.s. ____ _______

    Looks to me like a puzzle!
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    I have no doubt in my mind that Back is Michael.
    I am having trouble believing that "Front' is Back though.......

    If "Front' is indeed "Back" than that would mean that Front is Michael.
    And I do not believe Michael is posting as someone named Front.

    Sorry Front, but I am sending you 'Back' to the recessed corners of my mind! HAHAHAHA! <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244

    p.s. ____ _______
    I wonder if this means "keep watching" or " michael jackson" or sort of fear to use someone else's words and masking them with ____ ________
    I guess Im getting suspicious again <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    geez with all these names back and forth ahhhh i mean front. now i don't know if am coming or going. <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    geez with all these names back and forth ahhhh i mean front. now i don't know if am coming or going. <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->

    hahahaha!! <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    Ok, NOW I get the capital letter thing, I missed the "I" - I blame my headache. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    geez with all these names back and forth ahhhh i mean front. now i don't know if am coming or going. <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->
    <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ --> i am spinning so much i dont know if i am left or right <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> if i bounce off the wall at least they are soft <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    he who dares to osCillate
    will most certainly mEEt with fAte
    the Plan will not be sHaKen
    until it is TIme to aWakeN

    p.s. ____ _______

    PS is keep watching <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->

    Of the rest of it....if it's crypted I don't know what it means <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> so I'll take it at the face value <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ --> I mean we'll know nothing until the right Time....great <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    he who dares to osCillate
    will most certainly mEEt with fAte
    the Plan will not be sHaKen
    until it is TIme to aWakeN

    p.s. ____ _______
    So we should not doubt or give up. MJ will keep his promise to BAM.(The message I get.) <!-- sparty/ -->party/<!-- sparty/ -->
    michaelsupporter, you're faster than me. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Thanks Front, for all your positivity! You're a pleasure to have here!
    <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I'm watchin' - that's all, no comment, just watching!
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    I'm watchin' - that's all, no comment, just watching!

    me, too...and waiting with bated breath for his return. 2qx0qrp.jpg
    on MJJC <!-- m --><!-- m --> ... =16923&hl=<br />Posted on: Feb 28 2006, 05:48 PMonce AGAIN, this fat-azz NEOCON is trying to stir up some "supposed" "MJ is anti-semetic bullsh*t. If dumbell doorknob brained individuals fail to realize that MJ TOURED the holy land of Israel and had many associates who were JEWISH, then they would know there's a plot to only defame and slander this man. Its obvious that these right wing extremeist NEOCONS are nothing more than blood-sucking greedy, vindictive, obsessed leeeches who try to maul you to the core if they can't get the access they want. As I've said before, I got love for my Black, White, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian Brothers and Sisters, but the extremist elements, like Islamic Jihadists , Jewish Neocons, Racist Rednecks, Skinheads and Black Seperatists are whats causing the decay in this world today. And the problems Michael Jackson has originates from these Extreme Neocons, who also got us into this ILLEGAL WAR with Iraq, because they want to control him and he won't allow it. They want his fortune and since he refuses to submit they have tried to crucify him. Think about it. Freidman, Blume, Allred, Liebermann, Dimond, Feldman, Abrams, Beckerman, Gilford, Hemmer, Hammer, Murphy, King (Schaffels lawyer), Schmuley Botek, Crier, Zonin, Palanker , etc, etc, are ALL JEWISH NEOCONS. They are obsessed with vengance and destruction of those who won't support their philosophy. AGREED?
    He accidently switches from third person to first person.  I'm totally feelin it with these posts. And there is NO way this is a woman. IMO  bow/    bounce/    respect/
    <br /><br /><br />  :o    :shock:    suspicious//    bow/ <br /><br />it's Michael talking  bow/  ?!<br /><br />I guess it's hard to play so many roles.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    capital letters. C E E A P H K T I W N
    can, keep , with.
    Yes you can
    keep your promises
    And you're with us?
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    So, Front, who are the special false stars who showed up uninvited in Michael's hoax movie?
    capital letters. C E E A P H K T I W N
    <br /><br /><br />KEEP WATCHIN  bow/ <br /><br />...I'm late like always  :lol: .....
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