Official back & Front thread



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    We can find 100's of direct clues and promises that MJ will come back in his songs, videos and words, and also the memorial, etc. Some of his close friends have hinted he will come back, and even IF some of his family members were to say openly that he is coming back, would it give more weight to the chance we will actually see him again. If the media were to shout it everywhere, and the polls indicate that 70% of the populace were believers would that affect anything. NO! There's only one person that can change promise to fulfillment. The rest of it is only for emotional medicating to help us feel better in our hope and longing.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Front wrote:

    hesouttamylife, stay strong. We are all holding hands……..till the end ---or rather, the beginning.

    06/25/09 ---- the End as we know it.

    a New Beginning.

    Stay positive. Mr. Nappy Head will not let his fans down

    I like this
    Stay positive. Mr. Nappy Head will not let his fans down

    though this part don't understand it <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • FrontFront Posts: 155
    Four words…………….

    BEWARE of trojan horses.
  • Four words…………….

    BEWARE of trojan horses.

    And trojan horses are...????
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    The Trojan Horse is a tale from the Trojan War, as told in Virgil's Latin epic poem The Aeneid, also by Dionysius, Apollodorus and Quintus of Smyrna. The events in this story from the Bronze Age took place after Homer's Iliad, and before his Odyssey. It was the stratagem that allowed the Greeks finally to enter the city of Troy and end the conflict.

    In one version, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse, and hid a select force of 30 men inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greek army entered and destroyed the city of Troy, decisively ending the war.

    In the Greek tradition, the horse is called Δούρειος Ἵππος, Doúreios Híppos, the "Wooden Horse", in the Homeric Ionic dialect. Metaphorically a "Trojan Horse" has come to mean any trick or stratagem that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or space.

    Today, special forces use camouflage, airborne transports, and other techniques and equipment to sneak behind enemy lines, taking advantage of the "element of surprise", in order to take and hold a key position until reinforcements arrive. It is also associated with "malware" computer programmes presented as useful or harmless to induce the user to install and run them.
    Jesus said to his disciples, "One of you will betray me." Horrified, they asked who it could be. Jesus at least gave them a clue, "The one who dips his bread in the cup", --(Judas).
    Four words…………….

    BEWARE of trojan horses.

    Now that's a riddle <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The horse of Troy of Homer... depends from what point of view see you: Trojan perspective it can certainly mean treachery or deceit, but from the Greek point of view it could mean victory or intelligence.

    It all depends on the Crystal with which you look.

    This episode is not narrated in the Iliad; referred to him in the Odyssey, in which Homer chronicles the adventures of the Greek hero Odiseo in his return to his homeland Ithaca. It is also alluded to by Virgil in the Aeneid. Also in two lost poems of the archaic period, the little Iliad, and the Iliou persis, chronicled the creation of the wooden horse and later use to trick the Trojans and the capture of the city by the Greek army

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Four words…………….

    BEWARE of trojan horses.
    I got my anti-virus no worries <!-- smj_bad/ -->mj_bad/<!-- smj_bad/ -->
  • FrontFront Posts: 155
    These trojan horse jockey-clowns are riding alongside the "circus" waving their "In The Know" flags…'s only a matter of time before they are DISmounted, falling flat on their wanna-be a33es. Those who state "facts" & dates "beyond a shadow of a doubt"---utterly PREPOSTEROUS!---are merely dancing in their OWN twisted shadows.This sick tactic MUST stop.

    They are ignorant but not dumb, and they know that MJ and his camp will not take the position at this point in time (obviously!) of refuting their "solid" theories and/or "facts". and so they run with it like bandits on crack.

    "I KNOW something but I can't tell you HOW I know…wink wink wink"….. "THIS is what's gonna happen and WHEN it's gonna happen…wink wink wink"..… "I have inside information but, ssshhhh!,, it's a secret!….wink wink wink".

    wink---mother---wink---f*cking---wink, GET THE F--K OUT!


    I am SICK of the blind leading the innocent into the depths of their own dark swamp that REAKS of fabrication and deception.It smells like too many people have pissed in that swamp. These people need to have their lips duct-taped SHUT…or shall I say DUCK-taped, for the QUACKS that they are!

    The cacophony of their nonsensical babbling is starting to sound like a broken record---and it's getting quite annoying and LAME. Even an audience full of zombies who can't follow a rhythm would request a refund at this point! Not a "show" that I would advise taking a Front row seat in.

    It's not necessary to call anyone out---they are full aware of who they are---so I shall say this….. If you ninny-hammers want to entertain yourselves by writing deluded fairytales for your OWN bedtime stories so you can get off on your "knowledge" and "facts"…so be it. But do NOT cast your illicit "spotlight" on TRUE fans…..because when the curtain goes down and your "ACT" is over and the REAL curtain ascends…..we shall SEE who the true star is. And in case you have forgotten who that is, let me remind you---the name Michael Jackson ring a bell?

    WAKE UP---your "show" is OVER………and they didn't even serve snacks during intermission. Now THAT's lame!

    Everyone here deserves to be treated with respect. D*cking around the fans is NOT a good illustration of mutual respect now is it!

    Words to take to heart----> Stop using Michael Jackson's fans as puppets!

    In the END, the only (puppet) string you'll be seeing is the one tied around your finger---to REMIND you to check yourself in the mirror and "make that change".
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    These trojan horse jockey-clowns are riding alongside the "circus" waving their "In The Know" flags…'s only a matter of time before they are DISmounted, falling flat on their wanna-be a33es. Those who state "facts" & dates "beyond a shadow of a doubt"---utterly PREPOSTEROUS!---are merely dancing in their OWN twisted shadows.This sick tactic MUST stop. <br /><br />They are ignorant but not dumb, and they know that MJ and his camp will not take the position at this point in time (obviously!) of refuting their "solid" theories and/or "facts". and so they run with it like bandits on crack.  <br /><br />"I KNOW something but I can't tell you HOW I know…wink wink wink"…..  "THIS is what's gonna happen and WHEN it's gonna happen…wink wink wink"..…  "I have inside information but, ssshhhh!,, it's a secret!….wink wink wink". <br /><br />wink---mother---wink---f*cking---wink, GET THE F--K OUT! <br /><br />UGH. <br /><br />I am SICK of the blind leading the innocent into the depths of their own dark swamp that REAKS of fabrication and deception.It smells like too many people have pissed in that swamp. These people need to have their lips duct-taped SHUT…or shall I say DUCK-taped, for the QUACKS that they are!<br /><br />The cacophony of their nonsensical babbling is starting to sound like a broken record---and it's getting quite annoying and LAME. Even an audience full of zombies who can't follow a rhythm would request a refund at this point! Not a "show" that I would advise taking a Front row seat in. <br /><br />It's not necessary to call anyone out---they are full aware of who they are---so I shall say this….. If you ninny-hammers want to entertain yourselves by writing deluded fairytales for your OWN bedtime stories so you can get off on your "knowledge" and "facts"…so be it. But do NOT cast your illicit "spotlight" on TRUE fans…..because when the curtain goes down and your "ACT" is over and the REAL curtain ascends…..we shall SEE who the true star is. And in case you have forgotten who that is, let me remind you---the name Michael Jackson ring a bell? <br /><br />WAKE UP---your "show" is OVER………and they didn't even serve snacks during intermission. Now THAT's lame! <br /><br />Everyone here deserves to be treated with respect. D*cking around the fans is NOT a good illustration of mutual respect now is it! <br /><br /><br />Words to take to heart----> Stop using Michael Jackson's fans as puppets! <br /><br />In the END, the only (puppet) string you'll be seeing is the one tied around your finger---to REMIND you to check yourself in the mirror and "make that change".
    <br /><br /> Er... :?   Exactly WHATin the hee haw heck are you talking about??? <br />(Does anyone understand  :? any of this? I  respect/ think... someone is ranting on the wrong Board... :? ) <br /><br />Honestly, none of that which you speak is here (yet).The worst that I see is everyone being led around by the noses to follow every latest tweet, as if wisdom and great wealth is being dispensed there...Sooner or later Time will be better spent, as people realize the sand is slipping through the hourglass at warp speed. WHAT are you so livid about? I want to understand. :) <br /><br />Do you want to put that pipe down and try again, dear?
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Four words…………….

    BEWARE of trojan horses.
    I got my anti-virus no worries <!-- smj_bad/ -->mj_bad/<!-- smj_bad/ -->

    man you don't think that is what they really mean. i have had all kinds of issues of late. hopefully that wasn't what times remembered was talking about with that 3 week mumbo jumbo
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Front, there is a great thread for you:<br /><br />The Official Negativity Thread - Whine, Cry And Rant In Here<br />http://<br /><br />You might be astonished how often how many felt like you in these 2 years.<br /><br />This thread however is about BACK and not about your mishaps, negative feelings and disappointments.<br />Blessings.
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Sousa, I have a favour to ask of you. If you are going to lock this thread due to just impossible offtop and silly mockery, please, don't do it. Better remove all the unrelated posts but save the ability to share opinions about BACK. As an active reader, writer and researcher of this thread I would find that utterly disappointing if I couldn't be posting here anymore.
    To me BACK has always been the key figure of my belief in the hoax.
    Thank you in advance
    These trojan horse jockey-clowns are riding alongside the "circus" waving their "In The Know" flags…'s only a matter of time before they are DISmounted, falling flat on their wanna-be a33es. Those who state "facts" & dates "beyond a shadow of a doubt"---utterly PREPOSTEROUS!---are merely dancing in their OWN twisted shadows.This sick tactic MUST stop.

    They are ignorant but not dumb, and they know that MJ and his camp will not take the position at this point in time (obviously!) of refuting their "solid" theories and/or "facts". and so they run with it like bandits on crack.

    "I KNOW something but I can't tell you HOW I know…wink wink wink"….. "THIS is what's gonna happen and WHEN it's gonna happen…wink wink wink"..… "I have inside information but, ssshhhh!,, it's a secret!….wink wink wink".

    wink---mother---wink---f*cking---wink, GET THE F--K OUT!


    I am SICK of the blind leading the innocent into the depths of their own dark swamp that REAKS of fabrication and deception.It smells like too many people have pissed in that swamp. These people need to have their lips duct-taped SHUT…or shall I say DUCK-taped, for the QUACKS that they are!

    The cacophony of their nonsensical babbling is starting to sound like a broken record---and it's getting quite annoying and LAME. Even an audience full of zombies who can't follow a rhythm would request a refund at this point! Not a "show" that I would advise taking a Front row seat in.

    It's not necessary to call anyone out---they are full aware of who they are---so I shall say this….. If you ninny-hammers want to entertain yourselves by writing deluded fairytales for your OWN bedtime stories so you can get off on your "knowledge" and "facts"…so be it. But do NOT cast your illicit "spotlight" on TRUE fans…..because when the curtain goes down and your "ACT" is over and the REAL curtain ascends…..we shall SEE who the true star is. And in case you have forgotten who that is, let me remind you---the name Michael Jackson ring a bell?

    WAKE UP---your "show" is OVER………and they didn't even serve snacks during intermission. Now THAT's lame!

    Everyone here deserves to be treated with respect. D*cking around the fans is NOT a good illustration of mutual respect now is it!

    Words to take to heart----> Stop using Michael Jackson's fans as puppets!

    In the END, the only (puppet) string you'll be seeing is the one tied around your finger---to REMIND you to check yourself in the mirror and "make that change".

    WOW!!! I'm saving this before it's gone with the wind <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ --> .
    Back, Front or what your real name is, thank you for the new perspective.
    Though I hope the hoax won't be hijacked.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Its Her
    Er... Exactly WHAT in the hee haw heck are you talking about???
    Yes, my mouth was hanging open <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> , and I was ROTFL, but I liked it!
    I think the rant may have been in the right thread after all.
    I hear ya Gina.
    Front would you mind if I will call you Back from now on <!-- sparty/ -->party/<!-- sparty/ --> ?
    You sound sooooooo much like Back that you must be either a genius of internet disguise or Back himself <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ --> <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    These trojan horse jockey-clowns are riding alongside the "circus" waving their "In The Know" flags…'s only a matter of time before they are DISmounted, falling flat on their wanna-be a33es. Those who state "facts" & dates "beyond a shadow of a doubt"---utterly PREPOSTEROUS!---are merely dancing in their OWN twisted shadows.This sick tactic MUST stop.

    They are ignorant but not dumb, and they know that MJ and his camp will not take the position at this point in time (obviously!) of refuting their "solid" theories and/or "facts". and so they run with it like bandits on crack.

    "I KNOW something but I can't tell you HOW I know…wink wink wink"….. "THIS is what's gonna happen and WHEN it's gonna happen…wink wink wink"..… "I have inside information but, ssshhhh!,, it's a secret!….wink wink wink".

    wink---mother---wink---f*cking---wink, GET THE F--K OUT!


    I am SICK of the blind leading the innocent into the depths of their own dark swamp that REAKS of fabrication and deception.It smells like too many people have pissed in that swamp. These people need to have their lips duct-taped SHUT…or shall I say DUCK-taped, for the QUACKS that they are!

    The cacophony of their nonsensical babbling is starting to sound like a broken record---and it's getting quite annoying and LAME. Even an audience full of zombies who can't follow a rhythm would request a refund at this point! Not a "show" that I would advise taking a Front row seat in.

    It's not necessary to call anyone out---they are full aware of who they are---so I shall say this….. If you ninny-hammers want to entertain yourselves by writing deluded fairytales for your OWN bedtime stories so you can get off on your "knowledge" and "facts"…so be it. But do NOT cast your illicit "spotlight" on TRUE fans…..because when the curtain goes down and your "ACT" is over and the REAL curtain ascends…..we shall SEE who the true star is. And in case you have forgotten who that is, let me remind you---the name Michael Jackson ring a bell?

    WAKE UP---your "show" is OVER………and they didn't even serve snacks during intermission. Now THAT's lame!

    Everyone here deserves to be treated with respect. D*cking around the fans is NOT a good illustration of mutual respect now is it!

    Words to take to heart----> Stop using Michael Jackson's fans as puppets!

    In the END, the only (puppet) string you'll be seeing is the one tied around your finger---to REMIND you to check yourself in the mirror and "make that change".

    I don't wait for Michael's return and i didn't make a secret of it but if there is one thing i want him back is to put an end to all "trojan horses" who forgot who the is the real star. The worst part in this "quest" journey was being played with people's vulnerability. Thank you for this awakening message, Front. I agree with every piece of it.
  • BACK to FRONT <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Seriously, the only thing missing from your post was --> Keep Watchin' <!-- smichael-jackson/ -->michael-jackson/<!-- smichael-jackson/ -->

    Awesome rant - you actually made me try to figure out how to use this board again and remember my password to login to post this. I can't stop laughing! If I could find a clapping smilie I'd use it.

    Whoever you are, I have my own theory about our good friend(s) BACK <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    These trojan horse jockey-clowns are riding alongside the "circus" waving their "In The Know" flags…'s only a matter of time before they are DISmounted, falling flat on their wanna-be a33es. Those who state "facts" & dates "beyond a shadow of a doubt"---utterly PREPOSTEROUS!---are merely dancing in their OWN twisted shadows.This sick tactic MUST stop.

    They are ignorant but not dumb, and they know that MJ and his camp will not take the position at this point in time (obviously!) of refuting their "solid" theories and/or "facts". and so they run with it like bandits on crack.

    "I KNOW something but I can't tell you HOW I know…wink wink wink"….. "THIS is what's gonna happen and WHEN it's gonna happen…wink wink wink"..… "I have inside information but, ssshhhh!,, it's a secret!….wink wink wink".

    wink---mother---wink---f*cking---wink, GET THE F--K OUT!


    I am SICK of the blind leading the innocent into the depths of their own dark swamp that REAKS of fabrication and deception.It smells like too many people have pissed in that swamp. These people need to have their lips duct-taped SHUT…or shall I say DUCK-taped, for the QUACKS that they are!

    The cacophony of their nonsensical babbling is starting to sound like a broken record---and it's getting quite annoying and LAME. Even an audience full of zombies who can't follow a rhythm would request a refund at this point! Not a "show" that I would advise taking a Front row seat in.

    It's not necessary to call anyone out---they are full aware of who they are---so I shall say this….. If you ninny-hammers want to entertain yourselves by writing deluded fairytales for your OWN bedtime stories so you can get off on your "knowledge" and "facts"…so be it. But do NOT cast your illicit "spotlight" on TRUE fans…..because when the curtain goes down and your "ACT" is over and the REAL curtain ascends…..we shall SEE who the true star is. And in case you have forgotten who that is, let me remind you---the name Michael Jackson ring a bell?

    WAKE UP---your "show" is OVER………and they didn't even serve snacks during intermission. Now THAT's lame!

    Everyone here deserves to be treated with respect. D*cking around the fans is NOT a good illustration of mutual respect now is it!

    Words to take to heart----> Stop using Michael Jackson's fans as puppets!

    In the END, the only (puppet) string you'll be seeing is the one tied around your finger---to REMIND you to check yourself in the mirror and "make that change".
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    This thread however is about BACK
    maybe he did write in his thread <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=188&t=5167<!-- l -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    by FrenchBraid » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:01 am

    BACK to FRONT Seriously, the only thing missing from your post was --> Keep Watchin'

    Awesome rant - you actually made me try to figure out how to use this board again and remember my password to login to post this. I can't stop laughing! If I could find a clapping smilie I'd use it.

    Whoever you are, I have my own theory about our good friend(s) BACK
    I'm thinking MJ (or assumed names) just has to snap his fingers, and everybody will return here.
    This thread however is about BACK
    maybe he did write in his thread <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Where else <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ --> ?

    OK, maybe <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> . Nothing is as it seems <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> . This army of love training will never end <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> .
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thank you Front for your post...I really enjoyed reading it, I feel your anger. The path leading to the Truth is unfortunately not totally safe and we may encounter trojan horses...that small number of people who claim what they are not but who make a lot of noise (don't ask me I have no names LOL). I think we must stay open-minded to all possibilities and not let other people impact on our judgment because of how they say never accept anything as truth until it's proven...that's kind of the motto of this hoax forum after all. I think this is also what Michael wants us to learn. God knows how people appearing to be good cheated on him, so he knows better. Now there is something I believe in 100% and even is that the truth always prevails, ALWAYS. If we put faith in that we don't need to assume and speculate too much (and hence avoid headaches) because the truth prevailing in the end is one of these inviolable "laws of physics".
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Who exactly is Front ranting about? All the random fakers/multiple accounts on here? Or what? Sorry...I haven't been on here as much as I've been dealing with flooding issues in my area so I'm a little confused.
  • FrontFront Posts: 155
    They say "imitation is the best form of flattery". That is not always the case. It's purely circumstantial. And it is ESPECIALLY not flattering when the "imitation" comes from nefarious instigators---yes, "trojan horses"---who seem to take great pleasure in attempting to mimic a certain individual(s?). Exploiting Michael Jackson in such a way (i.e., circumstance of June 25) and his fans will not be tolerated…here or anywhere else!

    While I choose not to waste my time engaging in "dueling banjos" with these dimwits who obviously have a few "strings" loose, it IS my intention to quiet the GARBAGE that spews from their mouths before it has a chance to reverberate.

    I have a feeling that my rant IS in the right place.

    I think I've made myself clear to the guilty party(ies). Those outside that party, don't worry…it's said and done. They will fail and fail again.

    I have nothing more to say on this topic.
    I'm out………PEACE!

    p.s. "Keep Watchin'" is not needed here…I know they will. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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