Official back & Front thread



  • on 1355786972:
    <br />I suggest we not get our undies/drawers/thongs/boxers -- whatever you call them -- into a twist...unless you want to be that perpetual pretzel forever lost & floating in outerspace, grasping at every twinkling star while you're drifting through the dark, trying to untether that wedgie…..speaking OF…perhaps we should give Michael a little SPACE --- outside of the inflated balloon!, which seems to have PRESSurized as of late. <br /> <br />Now, before anyone jumps on the "we've-been-patient-for-3-plus-years" bandwagon and "you don't understand" la la la….."you haven't been here the whooooole timE" etc etc etc…..oh, really! MAY I suggest that you take a look back and READ my posts.  I can honestly say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would give any one of you here the shirt off my back if cold…the food off my plate if hungry…the water in my glass until your cup runneth over. I care deeply about each & every 1 of you. Yes, YOU. I have tried to offer comforting words--and not JUST words but words of TRUTH…..and attempted to do my best to shed a little light in times of darkness. MOST of which were accepted and appreciated. And this is NOT a horn-tooter by any means…point being: like I have stated previously, the support and appreciation goes BOTH ways. Do you think MJ doesn't appreciate the love & support here ---- even from those who seem like they are ready to bite his head off and spit him out if he doesn't BAM by THEIR deadline? Hmmm, yea I would dare to say with CERTAINTY!…I_DEED he does.  <br /><br />Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself---->,22635.0.html  I would only ASK…..that you all be kind to each other while "sitting in the waiting room". Silence is not cause for alarm.  No need to be frantically looking for that red EXIT sign above the door. <br /><br />Remember: MJ is quite good at transforming into the Master Of Illusion. The words and events that shall unfold in tHIS story "book" are no different---since they were written by him. Did you know that MJ likes word games? Yes, of course you did. So---beyond the twists and turns of the (seemingly) shapeshifting "plot", open your eyes (and mind) a little more…..and WAIT for the next epoch before closing the book….. <br /><br />Don'T take mere words at face value.<br /><br /><br />hello front-I'll be taking a seat in the waiting room.....FYI, I like word games too..I have no doubt who wrote the book.....:)<br />
  • I'm much of a reader and I post very rarely but couldn't stop myself after I saw the last drama on the forum. It saddens me to see how some got disappointed with the rules of the game they joined voluntarily. Michael Jackson is the one who created this game, it is not us. The rules which stands for the WHYs, HOWs and WHENs of the hoax do not need to satisfy ANY of our expectations, conjectures or demands. If you are feeling disappointed or sad, just take a step back. Get some rest and think again about everything that you observed in the past 3 1/2 years. I agree with what Emulik wrote. People need to think twice before typing out on this forum because they can be writing things that they will regret in the near future. <br /><br />Hoping everyone to find peace in their lives ...
  • Here's a great video I just found even though the date they give of October 28, 2011 has passed.<br />The ideas are what's important.<br /><br />The Quickening.  Awakening as One-Uniting the Way to the New World<br /><br />
  • on 1355786972:
    <br />I suggest we not get our undies/drawers/thongs/boxers -- whatever you call them -- into a twist...unless you want to be that perpetual pretzel forever lost & floating in outerspace, grasping at every twinkling star while you're drifting through the dark, trying to untether that wedgie…..speaking OF…perhaps we should give Michael a little SPACE --- outside of the inflated balloon!, which seems to have PRESSurized as of late. <br /> <br />Now, before anyone jumps on the "we've-been-patient-for-3-plus-years" bandwagon and "you don't understand" la la la….."you haven't been here the whooooole timE" etc etc etc…..oh, really! MAY I suggest that you take a look back and READ my posts.  I can honestly say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would give any one of you here the shirt off my back if cold…the food off my plate if hungry…the water in my glass until your cup runneth over. I care deeply about each & every 1 of you. Yes, YOU. I have tried to offer comforting words--and not JUST words but words of TRUTH…..and attempted to do my best to shed a little light in times of darkness. MOST of which were accepted and appreciated. And this is NOT a horn-tooter by any means…point being: like I have stated previously, the support and appreciation goes BOTH ways. Do you think MJ doesn't appreciate the love & support here ---- even from those who seem like they are ready to bite his head off and spit him out if he doesn't BAM by THEIR deadline? Hmmm, yea I would dare to say with CERTAINTY!…I_DEED he does.  <br /><br />Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself---->,22635.0.html  I would only ASK…..that you all be kind to each other while "sitting in the waiting room". Silence is not cause for alarm.  No need to be frantically looking for that red EXIT sign above the door. <br /><br />Remember: MJ is quite good at transforming into the Master Of Illusion. The words and events that shall unfold in tHIS story "book" are no different---since they were written by him. Did you know that MJ likes word games? Yes, of course you did. So---beyond the twists and turns of the (seemingly) shapeshifting "plot", open your eyes (and mind) a little more…..and WAIT for the next epoch before closing the book….. <br /><br />Don'T take mere words at face value.<br />
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Thanks Front... :bearhug:  Just want to tell you now...    Merry Christmas with L.O.V.E.
  • /><br /> /><br /> /><br />Ok ok I suppose some might wonder what the heck is she posting those tweet links for? Well IF your wondering and curious enough... you may find the answers ye seek.  :icon_mrgreen:<br /><br />BTW I find it difficult to read along anymore because my lack of brain power to diffuse the snowy crap that messes up my pages which causes my attention span to be very short. lmao! So I really have only gotten as far as reading...blah blah blah and then on this last page I happen to notice because someone else quoted your post @Front that you went Kaboom!  :icon_exclaim:  :computer-losy-smiley:<br /><br /> :thjajaja121:<br /><br />Awww hang in there Fam! It's worth it.  :icon_cool:<br /><br />~Peace N hair grease~  :icon_e_wink:
  • on 1355786972:
    <br />I suggest we not get our undies/drawers/thongs/boxers -- whatever you call them -- into a twist...unless you want to be that perpetual pretzel forever lost & floating in outerspace, grasping at every twinkling star while you're drifting through the dark, trying to untether that wedgie…..speaking OF…perhaps we should give Michael a little SPACE --- outside of the inflated balloon!, which seems to have PRESSurized as of late. <br /> <br />Now, before anyone jumps on the "we've-been-patient-for-3-plus-years" bandwagon and "you don't understand" la la la….."you haven't been here the whooooole timE" etc etc etc…..oh, really! MAY I suggest that you take a look back and READ my posts.  I can honestly say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would give any one of you here the shirt off my back if cold…the food off my plate if hungry…the water in my glass until your cup runneth over. I care deeply about each & every 1 of you. Yes, YOU. I have tried to offer comforting words--and not JUST words but words of TRUTH…..and attempted to do my best to shed a little light in times of darkness. MOST of which were accepted and appreciated. And this is NOT a horn-tooter by any means…point being: like I have stated previously, the support and appreciation goes BOTH ways. Do you think MJ doesn't appreciate the love & support here ---- even from those who seem like they are ready to bite his head off and spit him out if he doesn't BAM by THEIR deadline? Hmmm, yea I would dare to say with CERTAINTY!…I_DEED he does.  <br /><br />Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself---->,22635.0.html  I would only ASK…..that you all be kind to each other while "sitting in the waiting room". Silence is not cause for alarm.  No need to be frantically looking for that red EXIT sign above the door. <br /><br />Remember: MJ is quite good at transforming into the Master Of Illusion. The words and events that shall unfold in tHIS story "book" are no different---since they were written by him. Did you know that MJ likes word games? Yes, of course you did. So---beyond the twists and turns of the (seemingly) shapeshifting "plot", open your eyes (and mind) a little more…..and WAIT for the next epoch before closing the book….. <br /><br />Don'T take mere words at face value.<br />
    <br /><br /> You say (highlighted in red) you never asked to believe your words. Of course, you never said that literally, but your inriguing posts (highlighted in blue) that express 100% certainty that MJ is alive and will BAM soon, INDIRECTLY suggest reader to believe what  you write because  it sounds like statement of fact. <br />Then you again go back and say: "Don't take mere words at face value". <br /> :WTF:
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Thank you Front for the kind and reassuring words. I get so excited when I see you post, and it helps a lot when things are getting quiet, and I see that you've posted!  :icon_albino: Sweets, i hope you know all of us, or most of us, would never intend to pressure Michael into BAM...  :errrr: I hope he doesn't feel as though we're pressuring him, I think as MJ fans/believers we just get a little impatient sometimes and forget about Michael's feelings when it comes to BAM... we just miss him and TS mentioned a certain deadline and it just has us so excited we don't quite know how to process it. I don't think anyone of us has been in a situation like this before.  :icon_e_surprised: I know I forget to think how is HE feeling about BAM sometimes, and I apologize for that.  :icon_redface: <br /><br />
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1355786972:
    <br />I suggest we not get our undies/drawers/thongs/boxers -- whatever you call them -- into a twist...unless you want to be that perpetual pretzel forever lost & floating in outerspace, grasping at every twinkling star while you're drifting through the dark, trying to untether that wedgie…..speaking OF…perhaps we should give Michael a little SPACE --- outside of the inflated balloon!, which seems to have PRESSurized as of late. <br /> <br />Now, before anyone jumps on the "we've-been-patient-for-3-plus-years" bandwagon and "you don't understand" la la la….."you haven't been here the whooooole timE" etc etc etc…..oh, really! MAY I suggest that you take a look back and READ my posts.  I can honestly say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would give any one of you here the shirt off my back if cold…the food off my plate if hungry…the water in my glass until your cup runneth over. I care deeply about each & every 1 of you. Yes, YOU. I have tried to offer comforting words--and not JUST words but words of TRUTH…..and attempted to do my best to shed a little light in times of darkness. MOST of which were accepted and appreciated. And this is NOT a horn-tooter by any means…point being: like I have stated previously, the support and appreciation goes BOTH ways. Do you think MJ doesn't appreciate the love & support here ---- even from those who seem like they are ready to bite his head off and spit him out if he doesn't BAM by THEIR deadline? Hmmm, yea I would dare to say with CERTAINTY!…I_DEED he does.  <br /><br />Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself---->,22635.0.html  I would only ASK…..that you all be kind to each other while "sitting in the waiting room". Silence is not cause for alarm.  No need to be frantically looking for that red EXIT sign above the door. <br /><br />Remember: MJ is quite good at transforming into the Master Of Illusion. The words and events that shall unfold in tHIS story "book" are no different---since they were written by him. Did you know that MJ likes word games? Yes, of course you did. So---beyond the twists and turns of the (seemingly) shapeshifting "plot", open your eyes (and mind) a little more…..and WAIT for the next epoch before closing the book….. <br /><br />Don'T take mere words at face value.<br />
    <br /><br />I am just now catching up with this....Hi ya Front : )  Indeed, the Master of Illusion is hard at work.  MJ must be overwhelmed by the events of the past week.....However, we must push forward, push on.  You are right, silence is no cause for alarm....I have always felt silence is golden....sort of no news, is good news type of thing.  No knickers twisted here, lol.  I must admit, only you could use undies, pretzel, twinkling star and wedgie in a sentence.  (well, I just did, but you know what I mean)'re hilarious Mr. Front (even if you don't mean to be).  I definitely won't take those words at face value....unless they are accompanied by a merlot and a moonlit night.  You've been a good friend to the hoaxers.  Emotions run high, and energy runs low.....never a good combination for me anyways.  I have been fairly silent lately...can't wrap my little brain around many words.  But, yet you inspired me....for some odd reason.....probably related to those knickers again. <br />Anyways, this post is a prime example of why I haven't been too vocal about anything.......sort of crap writing ....sorry family.  <br />I do hope things can get back to love.....I know it's always been here.  As for dear Michael....may I offer up a quote from a person in history that I greatly admire: <br /> <br />"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, <br />the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."<br /><br />~Harriet Tubman <br /><br />Blessings to you Front....thank you for the post, as always, much appreciated.  <br />LOVE to you my dear hoax family.......<br /><br /><br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1355805280:
    <br />Thank you Front for the kind and reassuring words. I get so excited when I see you post, and it helps a lot when things are getting quiet, and I see that you've posted!  :icon_albino: Sweets, i hope you know all of us, or most of us, would never intend to pressure Michael into BAM...  :errrr: I hope he doesn't feel as though we're pressuring him, I think as MJ fans/believers we just get a little impatient sometimes and forget about Michael's feelings when it comes to BAM... we just miss him and TS mentioned a certain deadline and it just has us so excited we don't quite know how to process it. I don't think anyone of us has been in a situation like this before.  :icon_e_surprised: I know I forget to think how is HE feeling about BAM sometimes, and I apologize for that.  :icon_redface:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />That's for sure.  There is no precedent.  I love it!
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    Front'n'further, your wordings always amaze me lol. <br />You know we try so hard to plant seeds and water them well, in their places and all in organized order in a pretty manured bed when we learn a foreign language - and here you come like a storm and strike us with an odoriferous jungle filled with exotic flourishing liana and raindrop crystals reflecting sun and moon light at the same moment.<br />I would never be able to shake your hands without blushing about my English. <br />Maybe we should try Quebec French instead. You are a special kind of a bomb that's for sure lol.<br /><br />
    on 1355797899:
    <br />[size=12pt]Hi Kids!<br /><br />I have a silly idea<br />
    <br /><br />Sooooo glad to see you have a silly idea
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Front, I’m not going anywhere.  How can I—I want to hear the rest of the story, until the end—if there even is an ending—and not just the beginning of another story.  You and your word games, it's not my undies in a twist but my poor happy brain... :icon_lol:<br /><br />tumblr_m7aji2QF6I1qfmemqo1_500.gif<br /><br />
    on 1355805280:
    <br />Thank you Front for the kind and reassuring words. I get so excited when I see you post, and it helps a lot when things are getting quiet, and I see that you've posted!  :icon_albino: Sweets, i hope you know all of us, or most of us, would never intend to pressure Michael into BAM...  :errrr: I hope he doesn't feel as though we're pressuring him, I think as MJ fans/believers we just get a little impatient sometimes and forget about Michael's feelings when it comes to BAM... we just miss him and TS mentioned a certain deadline and it just has us so excited we don't quite know how to process it. I don't think anyone of us has been in a situation like this before.  :icon_e_surprised: I know I forget to think how is HE feeling about BAM sometimes, and I apologize for that.  :icon_redface:
    <br />This Christmas I don’t wish any presents but one--- and it starts with a B, and that stands for MJ, and that rhymes with hooray-- because of all the love we feel from him and for him (you)!  No pressure from me, take your time!  Before 3 1/2 years ago I hardly took note you were on the radar :Crash:, which means now I'll make up for lost time loving you, and the Masterpiece you have created for as long as you need me/us! <br /><br />ImConvinced<br />
    ~Peace N hair grease~  :icon_e_wink:
    <br />elvisgreas.jpg<br />Still wondering how he's going to fit into the double Bam.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355799609:
    on 1355729187:
    [size=12pt]@ sim <br /><br />Thank you for insight on how you feel. Just want to say I'm sorry if I've ever fallen into that category.[/size]<br />If so, it's the way it reads and not my intention. I admire and respect your work immensely :)<br />Putting your heart on the line and providing insight to how you feel may make others think before posting. Including me.<br />Snarky remarks are infectious. And many of us have made them at some point or another.<br />I guess love is infectious too. And if we all do our part it will radiate throughout the forum.<br />Sending love to you and everyone else here.<br /><br />[size=12pt]If I have ever offended anyone please accept my sincerest apologies. [/size]Those who know me on real life know that I have a huge heart and am a big softie. If that sometimes doesn't transpire I can only apologise.<br />You're all brilliant and I'm honoured to be in your presence. I truly mean that  :bearhug:
    [size=12pt]Well said! Thank you, Aussie, for saying what I wanted to say, but in a much better way than I could have said it.[/size]  :th_bravo:<br />I hope nobody misconstrued anything I said either.  I know I am not always the best at saying in words what I feel in my heart, and[size=12pt] I hope I didn't offend anyone with my post above.  Offending anyone or belittling anyone was not my intention (never has been),[/size] as there is enough 'elitism' already (I deal with it day to day at work  :icon_rolleyes: )  <br /><br />[size=12pt]Also, I always admire the different gifts that all have on this forum.  I am not perfect, which I know perfectly well (why I believe I NEED Jesus).  Also, I know I have been 'one of those away from the forum',[/size] but that was because of things going on in my life at the time and not due to the forum.  I just needed time and couldn't be here and deal with that at the same time.  We all have battles to face...<br />Anyways, I think something big is coming, so I guess I am excited and passionate about what is to transpire.  :icon_bounce:  :elvis-1405:  :michael_jackson-1135:  Don't think my passion is anything but that, passion!<br />Thank you, Front for your post. :bearhug:  to all!
    <br /><br />I have always admired people able to admit to their faults and also apologize for them.<br />It's so beautiful and so RARE! It takes character and courage to admit to yourself that you can also make mistakes willingly or unwillingly! and that shouldn't exonerate anyone from being humble and ask for forgivenessAussie bindupbrokenhearted mjj4ever777, even tough well intended with the message that she was trying to convey, used a patronizing TONE addressing to all of us, [which was noticed by several members, not just me] and also a belittling WORD with regards to me. Coming from her, a sweet loving and kind person, was disappointing and hurting for me! which also caused me to overreact on her! And I am VERY sorry if I hurt you and I would be even MORE sorry if you decided to leave us because of this! Please KNOW that I LOVE you, you're still my sis' no matter what!  :bearhug: and please KNOW that your presence is needed here!
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Thank you Mr. Front for you nice words. I hope everyone here is satisfied know now! I guess those who have a certain  Bamsday in mind will get disappointed the most. Sometimes I wonder why many hoaxers don't just let MJ decides for himself when and where to BAM!<br /><br />Ohh, and since you've mentioned the "waiting room", I guess we should figure out where the rest rooms are, since we're going to wait for some time!  :-[  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1355786972:
    <br />I suggest we not get our undies/drawers/thongs/boxers -- whatever you call them -- into a twist...unless you want to be that perpetual pretzel forever lost & floating in outerspace, grasping at every twinkling star while you're drifting through the dark, trying to untether that wedgie…..<br />
    <br /><br /> :LolLolLolLol:  oh the visual. Thanks for that. <br /><br />Opening eyes and mind a little more, seeing is believing.... trying not to be third eye blind.  :icon_lol: btw Paris tweeting about Jumper song again, around same time @randyjacksonjr<;br />Awaken your 3rd eye ⚡
    /><br />ET call home.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355816700:
    <br />Thank you Mr. Front for you nice words. I hope everyone here is satisfied know now! I guess those who have a certain  Bamsday in mind will get disappointed the most.
    Oh NO!. I am more optimistic than ever! :icon_bounce: especially after Front's post!! :icon_e_wink: coeur4.gif<br /><br />
    on 1355816700:
    Sometimes I wonder why many hoaxers don't just let MJ decides for himself when and where to BAM!
    Nobody imposed him when to BAM. We are only happily anticipating and guessing BAM dates.  :penguin:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />PS: Where's that BAMzified list  :woohoo2:  :icon_geek: :icon_lol:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355801035:
    <br />[...] People need to think twice before typing out on this forum because they can be writing things that they will regret in the near future.
    SO TRUE !!<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355811185:
    on 1355797899:
    [size=12pt]Hi Kids!<br /><br />I have a silly idea
    Sooooo glad to see you have a silly idea
    [size=14pt]+ 1[/size]  :icon_lol:<br />@It';s Her: LOVE you sis'! MISSED you!!  :bearhug: Amazing post as ever!!
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Yep - pretty sure MJ decided long ago the when, the where and the how of the BAM ...... I doubt we hoaxers will make a difference to it.<br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1355816794:
    <br />
    on 1355786972:
    <br />I suggest we not get our undies/drawers/thongs/boxers -- whatever you call them -- into a twist...unless you want to be that perpetual pretzel forever lost & floating in outerspace, grasping at every twinkling star while you're drifting through the dark, trying to untether that wedgie…..<br />
    <br /><br /> :LolLolLolLol:  oh the visual. Thanks for that.  <br />
    <br />Yes Front, your mind works in mysterious ways! :icon_lol:<br /><br />
    on 1355816700:
    <br />Ohh, and since you've mentioned the "waiting room", I guess we should figure out where the rest rooms are, since we're going to wait for some time!  :-[  :LolLolLolLol:
    <br /><br />clothes%20line%20panties.jpg<br /><br />
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1355786972:
    <br />I suggest we not get our undies/drawers/thongs/boxers -- whatever you call them -- into a twist...unless you want to be that perpetual pretzel forever lost & floating in outerspace, grasping at every twinkling star while you're drifting through the dark, trying to untether that wedgie…..speaking OF…perhaps we should give Michael a little SPACE --- outside of the inflated balloon!, which seems to have PRESSurized as of late. <br /> <br />Now, before anyone jumps on the "we've-been-patient-for-3-plus-years" bandwagon and "you don't understand" la la la….."you haven't been here the whooooole timE" etc etc etc…..oh, really! MAY I suggest that you take a look back and READ my posts.  I can honestly say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would give any one of you here the shirt off my back if cold…the food off my plate if hungry…the water in my glass until your cup runneth over. I care deeply about each & every 1 of you. Yes, YOU. I have tried to offer comforting words--and not JUST words but words of TRUTH…..and attempted to do my best to shed a little light in times of darkness. MOST of which were accepted and appreciated. And this is NOT a horn-tooter by any means…point being: like I have stated previously, the support and appreciation goes BOTH ways. Do you think MJ doesn't appreciate the love & support here ---- even from those who seem like they are ready to bite his head off and spit him out if he doesn't BAM by THEIR deadline? Hmmm, yea I would dare to say with CERTAINTY!…I_DEED he does.  <br /><br />Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself---->,22635.0.html  I would only ASK…..that you all be kind to each other while "sitting in the waiting room". Silence is not cause for alarm.  No need to be frantically looking for that red EXIT sign above the door. <br /><br />Remember: MJ is quite good at transforming into the Master Of Illusion. The words and events that shall unfold in tHIS story "book" are no different---since they were written by him. Did you know that MJ likes word games? Yes, of course you did. So---beyond the twists and turns of the (seemingly) shapeshifting "plot", open your eyes (and mind) a little more…..and WAIT for the next epoch before closing the book….. <br /><br />Don'T take mere words at face value.<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for stopping by San DiAgo! Stay classy<br /><br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • hopihopi Posts: 195
    ...for your entertainment while sitting in the waitingroom... <br /><br /> /><br />have blessed days ahead and stay cool, calm and collected - something will happen, we just don't know what and when, although  :abouttime:  :smiley-vault-misc-150:<br /><br />Thank you Front for easing the minds of some...<br /><br /> :bearhug:  love and light to all of you...<br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Hopi, so adorable!  Brings back sweet memories!<br /><br />Its Her<br />
    When this Hoax began, almost NO one  (except his intimates) knew that about him, his ambitions to be invisible, even as the most famous man on the planet, his disguises, his quirks to do it better than ANY Illusionist!!! and NOW almost ALL of us are too  :Pulling_hair: :thjajaja121:  familiar with him to expect him to do anything else, BUT pull a fast one!!!  THINK! :affraid:
    <br />Lively post as usual! Imagination on over-drive! :icon_lol:<br /> :bearhug:<br />
  • mattiemattie Posts: 296
    I am also more a reader like you..most because i find it difficult to write in English.<br />Here from the beginning.<br />But i am also one waiting for the BAM.<br />Is that selfish? maybe..but i tried to open people's eyes around me..but they dont want to know.<br />They make fun of me and say i live in fairy land.<br />Now it comes to the point i am not allowed to speak about all thats going on.<br />This is not a fun place to be,and thats why i am also hoping for the Bam.<br />So people wil finaly listen and open there eyes(most important)..and know i am not a lunatic after all.<br /><br />HI and so sorry Front..but i wil land on the list also.<br />But if it takes more time i sit it out :icon_e_geek: i wil be in the waiting room.<br />There are lots of people i think like hardly hear of us..but we are here wen you need us!<br />Ready to spread your message..but we need you like you need us to make people listen.<br />Hope i did not offend anybody..that is not my intention!<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355801035:
    <br />I'm much of a reader and I post very rarely but couldn't stop myself after I saw the last drama on the forum. It saddens me to see how some got disappointed with the rules of the game they joined voluntarily. Michael Jackson is the one who created this game, it is not us. The rules which stands for the WHYs, HOWs and WHENs of the hoax do not need to satisfy ANY of our expectations, conjectures or demands. If you are feeling disappointed or sad, just take a step back. Get some rest and think again about everything that you observed in the past 3 1/2 years. I agree with what Emulik wrote. People need to think twice before typing out on this forum because they can be writing things that they will regret in the near future. <br /><br />Hoping everyone to find peace in their lives ...<br />
  • thank You Front, i started to make sence of the words out of the capital letters,<br /><br />I made a beginning, it's not even near good but maybe from there on we can make it how it's meant to be.<br /><br />I i-deed Just ask Wait of press you once most certainty read his truth.<br />Both Bam not exit<br />(  remain, Their, space.) could not use these words yet!<br /><br /> this is the point where i'm going  to go further on. i love the word games. :)<br /><br />i'm curious what you  all will make of the words?
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    Thank you Front for your words! I am sorry Michael could feel little pressured about BAM from us..<br /><br />I will be waiting here, with a plenty of new undies  :icon_lol:  :icon_redface:<br /><br /> @ItsHer...welcome back, you were missed here!  :icon_razz:<br /><br />@MJonmind... :LolLolLolLol: at "global warming" picture! I wonder what type/kind of undies  will come next  :LolLolLolLol:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355817058:
    PS: Where's that BAMzified list  :woohoo2:  :icon_geek: :icon_lol:
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]HA! There it is:  [/size] 0016.gif<br /><br />bamzified0.jpg<br /><br />
    on 1355765343:
    on 1355761616:
    @Sweet & @Andrea: you are now officially contaminated! 1sm089iqi.gif<br /><br />Don't leave the restricted hoax-area!  :icon_lol:
    count with me Sim  :icon_razz: B.A.M.tastic day/evening to you!
    <br />
    on 1355782398:
    And put me on that list of [size=12pt]BAMzified [/size]people!  :icon_lol: :penguin:
    on 1355784797:
    <br />My name is MJonmind, and I am "[size=12pt]BAMzified [/size]".  ( :icon_lol: you know like AA! 12-step program.)
    <br /> :affraid: There are more and more casualties! Told ya' !  :icon_lol: :icon_lol:  It's highly CONTAGIOUS !! 0016.gif You can still RUN though!  :icon_lol:
    on 1355785986:
    I'll happily join that BAMMY list.......I'd be lying if I said otherwise.
    on 1355786399:
    Okay, add me to the Bamzified list ! It's way too late to run away. We're going to help wake" the world up and help heal the world !!!  Get ready soldiers !   
    on 1355799887:
    [...]I like this forum, bc I feel comfortable saying I BELIEVE in the BAM...thank you...
    on 1355832985:
    HI and so sorry Front..but i will land on the list also...But if it takes more time i sit it out :icon_e_geek: i wil be in the waiting room.
    <br />
    [size=12pt]ATTENTION: All those who feel contaminated with the symptoms of BAM-obsession<br /> are requested NOT TO leave "The WAITING ROOM" <br />until Dr. Hoax makes his entrance!  :moonwalk_:<br />  :icon_geek: :icon_lol:[/size]
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