Official back & Front thread



  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1355699778:
    <br />
    on 1355537793:
    <br />At this time of unfathomable, sickening, heartbreaking news, I would like to make a small request---if I may? <br /><br />I would like us all to join (virtual) hands in a vigil tomorrow --- time zones make it difficult, so please let's do it whenever we can…it doesn't matter WHEN…let's just DO it. Let's pray for those sweet, innocent children who lost their lives much, MUCH too soon, as well as their mourning families. <br /><br />Having children of my own, I cannot imagine the immense piercing anguish and scorching pain that these parents are going through right now. They need our love & support -- they will feel it…somehow, through God's Grace…..they will feel it. I believe that with all my heart. <br /><br />I would also like us to pray for Adam and his family. That young man obviously needed some help ---- and he didn't get it in time. <br /><br />It's devastating when we live in a world where you say "I love you" to your children and you're not even sure if it will be the last time you get to say that to them. <br /><br />L.O.V.E. to all of you and your children. <br />from your friend always, <br />Front xo<br />
    <br /><br />Front, there seems to be many contradictions in this awful event (read<br />Do you feel this might be a false flag operation? (God help us.....)<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    " One more question........ Why hasn't any of the video cameras from the school been mentioned by the police? There were cameras no doubt. So why hasn't the media asked about the footage on the cameras? There is silence from all regarding cameras at the school and any possible footage. "
    <br /><br />This immediately caught my attention, who may be behind all this?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • on 1355702900:
    <br />What do Front's actions matter? Is he/she here every day like we are? No. Is he/she emotionally invested in the trials and tribulations of the hoax like we are? Who knows. Front showed up a year and a half ago professing to be back. I, and several others have been here for 3 and 1/2 years. Is Front back? Maybe. Maybe not. I see no point in following the lead of someone who has holding a completely one-sided relationship with us solely on his/her terms. FRIEND is not just a casual title, it is something to be earned, and someone who flitters in n out of your life with no warning or communication is not someone I would call a friend. A puppetmaster is supposed to run a game, not blithely play with people's emotions behind a curtain of false pretenses.<br /><br />TS/TS_comments and Front have made it clear they play for the same team. If one is fake so are the rest. TS_comments knew what he was going to post while we were all waiting and his teammate found it AMUSING and ENTERTAINING enough to munch popcorn with a big fat grin on his face as he waited for the pieces to fall. TS_comments set me up to make a spectacle out of me in front of the entire community and Front found it entertaining and amusing. <br /><br />So yeah, I'm stupid because I fell for it. I walked into a trap designed to make me look foolish. Silly me. Fine. Whatever. I learned my lesson but I'm not dumb enough to turn around and call s/he who set me up for this mockery my "friend".<br /><br />@sunset, my dear, this post should answer your question for me as well.<br />
    <br /><br />OMG Bec you have never looked foolish to our eyes the other way around we all told you that you made a very good job when you exposed all those stretcher theories, we don't know yet if Front and TS are a fraud or not, if they turn out to be fake you will still have our respect for your work but I really think that TS_comments wanted to count on you to make that work because you have been one of the most obstinate investigators on this forum without disparage anyone.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TS/TS_comments and Front, I hope that they are not mocking the people, of all of us in general, although  have the benefit of the doubt, … .then TS would be the troll that more time spent  into a forum.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I dunno. I'd be disingenuous if I said I hadn't enjoyed my time here.
  • on 1355702900:
    <br />What do Front's actions matter? Is he/she here every day like we are? No. Is he/she emotionally invested in the trials and tribulations of the hoax like we are? Who knows. Front showed up a year and a half ago professing to be back. I, and several others have been here for 3 and 1/2 years. Is Front back? Maybe. Maybe not. I see no point in following the lead of someone who has holding a completely one-sided relationship with us solely on his/her terms. FRIEND is not just a casual title, it is something to be earned, and someone who flitters in n out of your life with no warning or communication is not someone I would call a friend. A puppetmaster is supposed to run a game, not blithely play with people's emotions behind a curtain of false pretenses.<br /><br />TS/TS_comments and Front have made it clear they play for the same team. If one is fake so are the rest. TS_comments knew what he was going to post while we were all waiting and his teammate found it AMUSING and ENTERTAINING enough to munch popcorn with a big fat grin on his face as he waited for the pieces to fall. TS_comments set me up to make a spectacle out of me in front of the entire community and Front found it entertaining and amusing. <br /><br />So yeah, I'm stupid because I fell for it. I walked into a trap designed to make me look foolish. Silly me. Fine. Whatever. I learned my lesson but I'm not dumb enough to turn around and call s/he who set me up for this mockery my "friend".<br /><br />@sunset, my dear, this post should answer your question for me as well.<br />
    <br /><br />bec...are there things going on privately that have cast you into this whirpool of negativity?  I ask because in the public arena of this forum I saw no sign of that exercise making you look foolish or targeting you for mockery.  It appeared to me that you were asked to compile the list because you have always been resourceful and very outspoken.  If the shoe was on the other foot and you were trying to prove something....wouldn't you ask the person most likely to present the greatest challenge to give it their best shot?  I really think that's all that happened in this case.  You are not stupid, foolish or any of the other negative adjectives you used to describe yourself but you certainly don't seem like yourself lately and it concerns me.  I hope that you are taking care of yourself and can find your way back to happy.<br /><br />
    on 1355681862:
    <br /><br />Think or feel however you like. Go with it, whatever "it" is. I think a lot of us feel the same as you. I'm pretty disgusted myself because it looks more n more like we are getting played, and not in a good way. The line between a prank and a deception is crossed when the target begins to break down emotionally, in my opinion. Messing with your head? You are not at all alone, not at all. <br /><br />So to ALL who lurk n read here, heed UYI's words as they are reflective of more then just her own sentiments. The line is being crossed here. One might even argue that this has gone too far. Is this where we want to go with this "game"? People devote their lives to this. They pour their hearts and souls into it. If that isn't devotion I don't know what is. The breaking point is near.<br />
    <br /><br />The last paragraph you wrote here concerns me as well.  The only thing that's changed recently has been the suggestion that truly serious measures may have had to be taken in the "how'd he do it" category of the hoax.  While I get that it may be disconcerting for some to think about that possibility I don't understand why this is being labeled as "gone too far".  Maybe I've missed something else specific but it seems the whole tone here has changed with the suggestion that things may not be as simplistic or antiseptic as some would prefer.  This whole minefield of rabbit holes has been complex and some have contained knowledge that wasn't pleasant to think about...but it is what it is and everyone has free will to do what they feel is best for themselves in the level of participation.  Devotion to Michael and his adventure is one thing...but if it comes down to feeling negative or unfulfilled because someone has "devote(d) their lives to this. They pour(ed) their hearts and souls into it." and a BAM hasn't been forthcoming...then that seems to border on obsession with the hoax itself and not so much devotion to the man behind it.  Do I get frustrated...sure...can I state with 1000% certainty that we haven't been snookered...nope...but I'm confident in what I feel I've come to know over these last 3plus years...I don't let it define me...and I have total faith that if Michael is in fact still breathing oxygen...he knows what's best.  Bec...I do sincerely hope that you can find peace with all of would be a shame for you to stay so down in the dumps  :icon_e_sad:
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I've had this little feeling in the back of my mind that New Years will come and go with no Michael...  :errrr: but I trust in you TS!! <br /><br />P.S. Snoopy your signature photo is adorable!! I don't think I have seen that before.  :icon_albino:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @Love4Michael, yeah, I'm a cripple and I can't ride. It's temporary and I'll bounce back but for a person who's body is their economic value, it's pretty nerve wracking. But I'm ok. You know me, I'm just not delicate with my words.
  • on 1355702900:
    <br />What do Front's actions matter? Is he/she here every day like we are? No. Is he/she emotionally invested in the trials and tribulations of the hoax like we are? Who knows. Front showed up a year and a half ago professing to be back. I, and several others have been here for 3 and 1/2 years. Is Front back? Maybe. Maybe not. I see no point in following the lead of someone who has holding a completely one-sided relationship with us solely on his/her terms. FRIEND is not just a casual title, it is something to be earned, and someone who flitters in n out of your life with no warning or communication is not someone I would call a friend. A puppetmaster is supposed to run a game, not blithely play with people's emotions behind a curtain of false pretenses.<br /><br />TS/TS_comments and Front have made it clear they play for the same team. If one is fake so are the rest. TS_comments knew what he was going to post while we were all waiting and his teammate found it AMUSING and ENTERTAINING enough to munch popcorn with a big fat grin on his face as he waited for the pieces to fall. TS_comments set me up to make a spectacle out of me in front of the entire community and Front found it entertaining and amusing. <br /><br />So yeah, I'm stupid because I fell for it. I walked into a trap designed to make me look foolish. Silly me. Fine. Whatever. I learned my lesson but I'm not dumb enough to turn around and call s/he who set me up for this mockery my "friend".<br /><br />@sunset, my dear, this post should answer your question for me as well.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Bec, as others have said, i never took anything as making a fool of you and only that you are one that has a great ability to look at things in a sane and common sense way. You have helped me to see alot of things in a way I couldnt or wouldnt have seen otherwise, and its always along the common sense route to me,, not some of the fantastical, or nonsensical things i've seen. You dont believe every single thing is hoax related and I have agreed with alot of your point of views. I kind of understand how you are feeling, everything is "supposedly" near the end... I've just always held myself back to a belief that all of this hoax is "possible" and if anyone could do it, it would be MJ,, a hope that he is still alive, and maybe his truth and his real self/light would be shown and told,,, but I've always kept it in my mind it could all not be true also. I hope you feel better.
  • I don't like being Negative. <br /><br />But this is just too much and I think it's time I left here because what I thought this place was, has changed. <br /><br />Why is everyone attacking others for who they are or what they think or believe? <br /><br />I can't put into words what I am thinking and feeling right now but far too many people are attacking others on this board who has meant no one here any harm. It all started pretty much december 1st and it seems one by one different members are starting to attack others. <br /><br />Who here has the right to hurt another member for what a member expresses hmmm? There is some emotional and verbal abuse being done here and it's being gift wrapped into apparent "Honesty" Opinions are NOT honesty and some opinions should not be voiced because they are very rude, especially when you don't know someone, and you take their innocent words and you pick at them sentence for sentence like a vulture picks off the meat off the carcass. <br /><br />For so long I have felt there is a shallowness here, Michael was layered, he was NOT shallow and yet his image has been hollowed out in this forum.<br /><br />BAM.. so obsessed with Bam. <br />So many are depending on him to make the world a better place rather than do it themselves! he said in the song "cry" "I can't do it by myself" <br />Do you think he would want all that pressure? or being thought of as a high being even though he himself as said he is only human, do you think the words "The world needs Michael" isn't puting pressure on him? the WORLD NEEDS US TO WAKE UP AND STOP BEING NEGATIVE AND FEEDING HATE AND ALL NEGATIVE EMOTIONS! US.. not Michael... Michael is one of US, it's ALL OF US together. Michael is just a man, with a beautiful heart, is isn't a super hero, he hasn't got power to ulter the world, he has the power of voice, to lead, to speak, to rally through his gifts/talents but he can't do it himself. We can each spread his messages through living the way of love, by speaking the words ourselves. <br /><br />People claim they aren't fans of him. Could have fooled me, so many here post YOUNG 20 - 30 years old photos of him and speak about his looks, People bring up his songs all the time.. What about the man himself? The man in his 40's and at 50! what about the man behind it all, not the songs but the words in his interviews. <br /><br />I see more and more "Yes (wo)Men" here... YOu like someone because you think michael would want you to, You go against a book until you think michael wants you to like it, You love his family because you believe he wants you to, It doesn't matter about real facts, even his own words... You just want the attention of the man on this board, you want him to notice you out of everyone. Many get frustrated when others bring up something... there is jealousy here, there is intolerance here, there is separation here, and there is Superiority here. I know it because I have felt it! How many posts have been completely ignored of mine?! and yet someone else will say almost the say thing and it's all praises.. Not everyone ignores but there is a majority. I ignored it because I try and accept everyone but lately with the hate filled comments. I'm done.<br /><br />Stop talking about looking in the mirror and actually do it! Love is but a word for many one this board.<br /><br />And this is where I take my leave. I hope Michael doesn't look here because I really don't think he would like what he would see. I feel like i'm back in high school watching the "popular" group pick on all the ones unaccepted by them (I got the feeling a long time ago that anyone who wasn't on this board 3 years ago is inferior and those unaccepted unless they are praising the ones who did!) <br /><br />ANyways I won't be looking in again. I don't care to read the mean, negative responses anymore and I finally standing up for those who have been attacked lately and letting out my own disappointment about here.
  • @ leilani81  I completely agree with you. Things are changing on this forum.  Maybe we've all reached our limits.  I don't want you to leave  :( , but that is your decision. 
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    81 with a finger on the pulse. My wife and I make an effort to express L.O.V.E. everyday to people we know and people we do not know. The mirror reference is bang on. We don't think we are better then others, we know we are making more of an effort then others. We don't talk about the efforts we make because we live a quiet life of confidence, L.O.V.E. always for no reward. If someone's only reaction to rudeness, is to be combative, perhaps a pleasant reminder is totally appropriate. Be the better person and make the moment a learning opportunity. How about challenging yourself to be the wisest person in every moment. It is too easy to be lazy (physically and mentally), some people can not get through the day without making an attempt to bring you down. <br />Insert mirror----using the same energy and enthusiasm, bring someone or something "up", with positive and loving praise. I L.O.V.E. you mjj4ever777 and the people that you reach with your L.O.V.E., they L.O.V.E. you too!<br />The first step to happiness, is firing the ornery bloke, that has his cold hand on your heart. Ask first, give him the chance, if you do not get the L.O.V.E., let him go. No guilt comes from a true heart that has tried, you can take that to the bank. If Michael Jackson could read your mind, would he be proud of you?  <br />God bless all of you for changing gears in the turn!!~!!         
  • Please forgive me, I don't seem to be myself:)
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1355717065:
    <br />Please forgive me, I don't seem to be myself:)<br />
    <br /><br />Loved it, made perfect sense to me  :bearhug:
  • on 1355672285:
    <br />If you don't care about Michael's BAM anymore I find it very disrespectful towards him, I DO CARE SO MUCH and I won't relax until the day I see Michael again in the flesh that day I will be able to sleep in peace with myself.<br />
    <br /><br />But that's for him to decide if its disrespectful. Yeah maybe it was, but it was my honest opinion, like it or not. I've always cared, but now lately, I just throw my hands up in dismay. It's not the ACTUAL BAM that has me annoyed, it's what is going on in between with the draining endless mind games.<br /><br />
    on 1355681862:
    <br />
    on 1355661222:
    <br />
    on 1355650759:
    <br />
    on 1355648413:
    <br />This whole thing frustrates me. I so badly want to know the how's and why's of the hoax. I couldn't care less about the BAM anymore, we've just been dragged on with nothing else to do, except wait. This doesn't even feel like the calm before the storm, it just feels like someone has put us in a waiting period to wander and go at each other. I'm just like, what the heck let me leave the forum for a bit and although I did, my brain can't shut out this hoax. Yeah this is a great adventure, I choose to be here blah blah blah, but this is totally messing with my head.<br />Front can keep his visions, TS can keep his signs, updates and redirect 'reminders' to himself. Oh and how about MJ just keep his BAM day too, not like we really need it anyway. <br /><br />I mean MJ you're great and all, its all yours and its on your time and I have no problem with that, not that my opinion matters in that regard because I don't control the things you do, everyone's rights are to take care of their own rights so that is not what I'm saying, I think I'm outta faith, outta patience and too faulty.<br /><br />I  mean I don't know if this post is a vent, or an outlet to share my feelings. I don't even have the mental capacity to figure that out either. But maybe its cause I'm extremely weak and have learnt nothing at all or maybe its because, I really couldn't care less about this hoax anymore.<br />
    <br /><br />You are not faulty and you are not weak. You are human and you are not alone. Your opinion matters.<br />
    <br /><br />I appreciate that Bec, I just feel really lost and confused lately, I don't even know what to think anymore or how to feel.<br /><br />@Adi thank you too.<br />
    <br /><br />Think or feel however you like. Go with it, whatever "it" is. I think a lot of us feel the same as you. I'm pretty disgusted myself because it looks more n more like we are getting played, and not in a good way. The line between a prank and a deception is crossed when the target begins to break down emotionally, in my opinion. Messing with your head? You are not at all alone, not at all. <br /><br />So to ALL who lurk n read here, heed UYI's words as they are reflective of more then just her own sentiments. [size=18pt]The line is being crossed here.[/size] One might even argue that this has gone too far. Is this where we want to go with this "game"? People devote their lives to this. They pour their hearts and souls into it. If that isn't devotion I don't know what is. [size=18pt]The breaking point is near.[/size]<br />
    <br /><br />You are far from foolish Bec, you're as smart as they come. It was a mistake on TS' part if he tried to amuse himself by making you out to look like a fool or to set a trap for you. Don't stop being you, because the you that I see is awesome.<br /><br />@Do, yes I agree. And if anyone wants to take me up on that, then go ahead. But where does the line get drawn? When does a prank become more than a prank or when does an ARG become actual reality? I guess we will see how things play out.
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    DEAR PALS!!!!<br /><br />Do NOt Even Worry!!!<br /><br /><br />@ParisJackson: finals next week<br /><br />Nxt Week is NEAR.<br /><br /><br />Waiting inAwe for 12/21/12[/color<br /><br /><br /><br />@<;br />Send LOVE for ALL of US and Promise --->>>WE WILL GET THERE VERY SOON!<br /> :screaming-7365::bearhug:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />Oh man.  What is going on here?  We're all people who have the same hopes, right?  I mean, that's why we're here.  Whether it's been for 3 years or 3 months or however long.  Every one of us, guests included, have their own unique feelings and take on the hoax.  Recognize the goodness and sincerity in others that you feel in yourself.  Every one of us have learned something, many somethings, and it's up to each person to do with that what they will.  <br /><br /><br />We're just past halfway through December, it ain't over yet.  If 2013 comes and no Michael then each person will deal with that, hopefully in a positive way.  We knew when we signed up that this wasn't the easy road to take, as natural as it may have been for some.  We know Michael is alive.  The only way that isn't true would be if the Jacksons, TMZ, the State of California and whoever else is involved in a massive time-consuming conspiracy to mess with the minds of a small group of posters on this forum.  Now really, does that make sense?  I know there's a hoax community outside of here but this is the only place with TS and Front who seemingly have proven connections to those listed...unless there really is such thing as coincidence, and a LOT of them...anyone care to calculate the odds??  <br /><br /><br />If anyone is feeling overwhelmed, maybe it's time to sit back with a cup of tea or go for a walk or meditate - don't let the hoax consume you.  We're all going to be ok. 
  • Hi family,<br /><br />I know I haven't been on here in a long time, but as 2012 draws to a close, I just wanted to see how things in hoaxland are.  Forgive me for my absence: I have been dealing with a lot of things, but feeling better now.<br /><br />Sending my love to you all.  <br /><br />
    on 1355537793:
    <br />At this time of unfathomable, sickening, heartbreaking news, I would like to make a small request---if I may? <br /><br />I would like us all to join (virtual) hands in a vigil tomorrow --- time zones make it difficult, so please let's do it whenever we can…it doesn't matter WHEN…let's just DO it. Let's pray for those sweet, innocent children who lost their lives much, MUCH too soon, as well as their mourning families. <br /><br />Having children of my own, I cannot imagine the immense piercing anguish and scorching pain that these parents are going through right now. They need our love & support -- they will feel it…somehow, through God's Grace…..they will feel it. I believe that with all my heart. <br /><br />I would also like us to pray for Adam and his family. That young man obviously needed some help ---- and he didn't get it in time. <br /><br />It's devastating when we live in a world where you say "I love you" to your children and you're not even sure if it will be the last time you get to say that to them. <br /><br />L.O.V.E. to all of you and your children. <br />from your friend always, <br />Front xo<br />
    <br /><br />This is a day late, but I am praying for the children and others involved in this tragedy.  I am praying that God took those little sweet children to be with Him.  <br /><br />There are some very evil forces in this world, and I just wanted to say that I am still here, a part of MJ's army to fight this evil and to expose their evil deeds.  I believe there was more to this shooting than a 'lone nutcase'.  (I am praying for Adam and his family too).<br /><br /><br /><br />I am so sad to hear that everyone is feeling down.  Maybe it is always darkest before dawn???<br /><br /> :bearhug: to you all.<br /><br /><br />
  • Omg can't believe how bad things are here. All falling down like a a house of cards. I've been away for a week and its sad to return to this. Hope you're all ok. Hang in there. I know it's hard. Just remember that aside front TS the facts are the facts and you know he truth. Beyond death hoax only god knows the whole truth. Not even MJ (not talking about truth about hoax, truth beyond that such as the religious stuff, or eow stuff, etc)<br /><br />(I know you beg to differ MJonmind and I love you x)<br /><br /><br />Leilani great comment re: putting pressure on MJ and obsessed with bam. Bam Wont cure all the problems with the world. <br /><br />The world needs GOD to intervene and overhaul the whole planet / system. And thank goodness the bible days it WILL happen. It's only a matter of when. And when we look at the world and see things like the school shooting, this system can't last much longer. Also the bible predicts it will happen in our generation.<br /><br />Jmo if i am wrong so be it but I think that is what MJ is trying to highlight believe and trust in GOD, not that he himself is the answer. <br /><br />Brilliant strategy really because he commands the attention on many. It's his version of preaching / life saving work because he knows via his bible study we are near the end. 'This generation will see destruction if system of things' etc etc - but again this is just jmo.<br /><br />21.12.12 will be interesting to say the least. I am watching a doco on it now which is a culmination of info from free masonry / Nostradamus / Mayan/ financial ruin / bloodshed / environmental disaster. It doesn't phase me one little bit. They are suggesting its a free mason gimmick for world domination. A tangent theory of a theory...<br /><br />Whatever happens or doesn't happen, always trust in god. In the divine name there is refuge :)<br /><br />Biblical history shows there were always survivors. But only those who trusted in god. <br /><br />Flood<br />Soddom and Gomorrah <br />10 plagues<br />Red Sea<br />Jerusalems destruction<br /><br />Always those who trust in GOD and followed his direction survived <br /><br />Love you all
  • @ bec,<br /><br />I am sorry to hear about your foot.  As a rider too, I know that it can be a real downer to not be able to do something you love, especially when it is your career too.  <br /><br />my horses and I send healing vibes your way.  <br /><br />(sorry if this is off topic)<br />
  • To all my forum friends<br /><br />image_zps09fcd030.jpg<br /><br />Love you all and keep carrying on<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />@Bec Sorry to hear ur still having issues with your foot. Good health wishes to you x
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    I have been bothered/offended, both individually (personal attacks) and collectively (as part of this forum/group), by scolding remarks and by more or less veiled insults and patronizing tone from several users here and outside of this forum too. And it’s not just about NOW! Things like these have been going on since way too long! Just because we have different opinions, it doesn’t mean others have the right to belittle us. And anyone has the right to react and defend themselves when being insulted. And I find disgraceful the way certain users, who had been absent or simply chose to keep quiet, during those times of intense debates, are now jumping in with their “wise and calming” tone to ‘solve’ the conflict! It’s so easy and so unfair to judge and place the blame when looking from outside!<br />Nobody said this period was easy! We all have our lives and our personal troubles and we ALL have become increasingly irascible and sensitive lately due to various factors! But that doesn’t give anyone the right to: patronize, ridicule, call names, lecture, insult and then play the victim when the ones offended react back! <br /><br />Maybe my way of dealing with offending messages, is not something pleasant to witness. Even though I have never replied with insults, I have never disrespected anyone! I have never humiliated or ridiculed anyone. But Yes, I DO take the matter into bits and pieces if I am being disrespected in any way! <br />1000 loving and kind messages, even if they sincerely come from the heart, do not represent an excuse nor the right to launch ONE offending/patronizing message in the worst possible moment when the tension is already up! Or 3 quarters of a loving message do not “cover” for the remainder quarter of veiled (‘slipped”) ironies! And those kind of subtle ironies are worse than a direct blatant insult! The fact that someone underestimates others to that point where he/she has the sensation that those people are not able to seize their veiled intent just makes me see RED in front of my eyes! <br />And when their apparently “innocent” comments get exposed, they act so offended and they victimize themselves, even insinuating that it wasn’t them who launched insults but it was the others who saw insults where there weren’t any! It’s just irritating to no end especially when the written text is still there for everyone to see!! Complaining and whining about the reply you received, denying or conveniently twisting what you had said initially, instead of facing the consequence, only makes it worse!<br /> <br />NEVER, during the course of all these hoax years, would I have imagined that we would be denied and spoiled the anticipation joy of discussing about the BAM and about Michael’s return! People making other people feel guilty for daring to hope for a happy outcome of all this! OR feel ‘silly’ or ‘selfish’ because they’d love to see Michael back or because we put our hopes on him! I mean how ABSURD is that?!! I just can’t understand it!! We have been receiving so many blatant signs and positive winks/clues/countless twits and everything we needed to have in order to keep calm and positive through this difficult waiting-period! YET the uncontrolled reactions and the hurtful statements, the panic and the chaotic atmosphere seem to throw most of us into complete amnesia and ignore the FACTS that we know and of the TRUTH that we know!!
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    Time to free ourselves from the last bit of fear.<br /><br />For whatever happens, WE KNOW THAT WE ARE LOVED.<br />If anything matters, it is knowing THIS ^^ with certainty, no matter what may shake the world around us and how low we may feel.<br /><br />Be a light in the darkness out there. <br />There are people waiting for your smile.<br /><br />
  • @ sim <br /><br />Thank you for insight on how you feel. Just want to say I'm sorry if I've ever fallen into that category.<br /><br />If so, it's the way it reads and not my intention. I admire and respect your work immensely :)<br /><br />Putting your heart on the line and providing insight to how you feel may make others think before posting. Including me.<br /><br />Snarky remarks are infectious. And many of us have made them at some point or another.<br /><br />I guess love is infectious too. And if we all do our part it will radiate throughout the forum.<br /><br />Sending love to you and everyone else here.<br /><br />If I have ever offended anyone please accept my sincerest apologies. Those who know me on real life know that I have a huge heart and am a big softie. If that sometimes doesn't transpire I can only apologise.<br /><br />You're all brilliant and I'm honoured to be in your presence. I truly mean that  :bearhug:<br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @aussie: I respect you more than ever for what you've just written!<br />Thank you!<br />Much appreciated and much needed!<br /><br />hugs back  :bearhug:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Aussie, I've long ago recognized you as a sweetie-pie! <br /><br />IMO, there is no fighting going on here, but only different personalities  bumping a bit, normal in ANY family (trust me--happens all the time in my family of 5). . :icon_e_ugeek: :icon_cool: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_bounce: :icon_neutral: :icon_e_smile: :icon_e_geek: :icon_e_sad: :icon_rolleyes: :woohoo2: :icon_redface: :icon_mad: :icon_eek: :icon_e_surprised:<br />I saw and felt what Sim was talking about even before she pointed it out, a slight patronizing tone but still saying 'love'.  I wouldn't have said anything, but Sim is a forthright person, and shoots from the hip, like a lawyer. MJJ4ever777, I've always enjoyed your posts filled with positive comments, because that's where your heart is, and I know you had totally only the best of intentions. UYI and Bec are like a couple of ninga fighters coming out with their dukes up. Leilani81, you feel strongly with your emotions so you took some comments in a negative way, when I saw it as clarifying in a logical way.    I'm very much into the hoax investigation aspect, and that's totally why I'm here, although I've loved the journey with everyone here. I think each of us thinks predominantly either with our heart or our mind.  There's nothing wrong with that, we've been each created differently.  It would be awfully boring if we were all the same.  I respect each of you for your opinions, personality and especially your great love for Michael.  Sometimes it's good to clear the air a little. We've been in cramped quarters here after all for a long time.  Go to stretch our legs a bit.  Each of us have a right to express ourselves, but doing it without offending is often tricky.  I, myself, certainly don't want to offend anyone with my post, and if I still have, my apologies. My goal is to keep members from leaving, and to keep the peace here.  We are all valuable, each for bringing different strengths to the table.  There is no clique here, only recognized skills that we each contribute, seen over time by all of us.  Nobody's posts are ignored just because of who the person is, though perhaps it might feel that way.  We all process each other's posts and glean from it what helps us personally. That's as far as I can see.  Anyways that's my 2 cents.<br />canadian-currency1.jpg?w=103&h=91<br /><br />Jowayria<br />
    If Front is willing not to give up , if he is determined to be there  , why should we give up ? <br />I know that we'll feel deceived if no Bam happens this year , but  does it mean that we should become hopeless ? [size=18pt]hell no ![/size] if there's going to be no Bam this year , there is certainly a reason that we WILL find out  .
    <br />I appreciate your fresh perspective on patience, since you are a relative newcomer! :D<br /><br />Do, if you’re talking about Bonnie, I wouldn’t worry about it. Though I too read her blog and appreciate her work, I feel she jumps to many conclusions with extremely thin reasoning. I also discovered that one blogger journalist took her to task for totally fabricating a story about him, and telling it as truth.  I grew up in the church world where almost every denomination called each other from the devil, so that’s nothing new. Some people just get really overly emotional about things. Lol<br /><br />Bec<br />
    @Love4Michael, yeah, I'm a cripple and I can't ride. It's temporary and I'll bounce back but for a person who's body is their economic value, it's pretty nerve wracking. But I'm ok. You know me, I'm just not delicate with my words.
    <br />You know we all love you a lot!
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