Official back & Front thread



  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    OMG!  :icon_lol: @MjonMind you are the psychologist of the forum! lolll you've done a perfect "portrait" of our hoax family here. I would put it in a frame! <br />And you sure managed to put a smile on my face today!  :) thank you!<br />Love you sis'!  :bearhug:
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1355702900:
    <br />What do Front's actions matter? Is he/she here every day like we are? No. Is he/she emotionally invested in the trials and tribulations of the hoax like we are? Who knows. Front showed up a year and a half ago professing to be back. I, and several others have been here for 3 and 1/2 years. Is Front back? Maybe. Maybe not. I see no point in following the lead of someone who has holding a completely one-sided relationship with us solely on his/her terms. FRIEND is not just a casual title, it is something to be earned, and someone who flitters in n out of your life with no warning or communication is not someone I would call a friend. A puppetmaster is supposed to run a game, not blithely play with people's emotions behind a curtain of false pretenses.<br /><br />TS/TS_comments and Front have made it clear they play for the same team. If one is fake so are the rest. TS_comments knew what he was going to post while we were all waiting and his teammate found it AMUSING and ENTERTAINING enough to munch popcorn with a big fat grin on his face as he waited for the pieces to fall. TS_comments set me up to make a spectacle out of me in front of the entire community and Front found it entertaining and amusing. <br /><br />So yeah, I'm stupid because I fell for it. I walked into a trap designed to make me look foolish. Silly me. Fine. Whatever. I learned my lesson but I'm not dumb enough to turn around and call s/he who set me up for this mockery my "friend".<br /><br />@sunset, my dear, this post should answer your question for me as well.<br />
    <br /><br />Stop your whining and get your game together girl!  :Crash: <br /><br />No one thinks you looked stupid. You are awesome and we respect you here!<br /><br />Just wait this one out before you throw in the towel, ok? <br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • ....
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1355723119:
    <br />Omg can't believe how bad things are here. All falling down like a a house of cards. I've been away for a week and its sad to return to this. Hope you're all ok. Hang in there. I know it's hard. Just remember that aside front TS the facts are the facts and you know he truth. Beyond death hoax only god knows the whole truth. Not even MJ (not talking about truth about hoax, truth beyond that such as the religious stuff, or eow stuff, etc)<br /><br />(I know you beg to differ MJonmind and I love you x)<br /><br /><br />Leilani great comment re: putting pressure on MJ and obsessed with bam. Bam Wont cure all the problems with the world. <br /><br />The world needs GOD to intervene and overhaul the whole planet / system. And thank goodness the bible days it WILL happen. It's only a matter of when. And when we look at the world and see things like the school shooting, this system can't last much longer. Also the bible predicts it will happen in our generation.<br /><br />Jmo if i am wrong so be it but I think that is what MJ is trying to highlight believe and trust in GOD, not that he himself is the answer. <br /><br />Brilliant strategy really because he commands the attention on many. It's his version of preaching / life saving work because he knows via his bible study we are near the end. 'This generation will see destruction if system of things' etc etc - but again this is just jmo.<br /><br />21.12.12 will be interesting to say the least. I am watching a doco on it now which is a culmination of info from free masonry / Nostradamus / Mayan/ financial ruin / bloodshed / environmental disaster. It doesn't phase me one little bit. They are suggesting its a free mason gimmick for world domination. A tangent theory of a theory...<br /><br />Whatever happens or doesn't happen, always trust in god. In the divine name there is refuge :)<br /><br />Biblical history shows there were always survivors. But only those who trusted in god. <br /><br />Flood<br />Soddom and Gomorrah <br />10 plagues<br />Red Sea<br />Jerusalems destruction<br /><br />Always those who trust in GOD and followed his direction survived <br /><br />Love you all<br />
    <br /><br />Spot on! Aussie, you have a way of putting things into perspective.<br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • on 1355732756:
    <br /><br />Spot on! Aussie, you have a way of putting things into perspective.<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks Jono. Only makes sense or is comforting to those who are religiously inclined though. With respect I understand that to some it is mere jibberish and not a source of comfort.<br /><br />Can only imagine how difficult it it to reconcile this world / current circumstances if one doesn't have hope that it will be fixed by God. And I say that in the purest sincerest way possible. If I didn't have my beliefs in a positive hope for the future, I would be at a total loss.<br />
  • AdoreAdore Posts: 44
    on 1355719565:
    <br /><br />We know Michael is alive.  The only way that isn't true would be if the Jacksons, TMZ, the State of California and whoever else is involved in a massive time-consuming conspiracy to mess with the minds of a small group of posters on this forum.  Now really, does that make sense?  <br /><br />
    <br /><br />No, that doesn't make sense.  :icon_e_smile: <br /><br />Seriously now, I'm always amazed whenever I read about this possible scenario and that are people out there actually believing in it.  As if they -  the Jacksons, TMZ, the State of California etc. - have something (money or fame) significant to gain out of this ...  Now, for me, that doesn't necessarily imply that TS / Front are for real -  I'm at fence about them, or better say, I'd most definitely have considered them fraud if not for the "coincidental" connections with the family - and I reckon some of them were quite mind-boggling.  Either the "coincidences" are just coincidences, or TS/Front are, at worst case, just fans and / or fanatics.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    on 1355701770:
    <br />@Do I know what you are feeling and I am so sorry about it but listen: if Sony were really behind Front, TS their posts wouldn't be so elaborated and the whispers wouldn't be subtle but more direct so easy to be deciphered by the members here and concerning Paris' twitter how come that Sony has all kind of Paris' pics with her different haircut and colour dye? do you think Paris would give Sony her pics to be posted on a fake twitter to play with people (on this forum) that really love her father? it would be like throwing stones to herself unless Sony is making her do drugs (sorry Michael if you are reading).<br />Wouldn't it be better to play Michael's haters or maybe Sony hate so much Michael that wants just to play Michael's advocates?<br /><br />I hope all this have a happy end for the sake of our mental health, specially mind.<br />
    <br /><br />@Sweetsunset, thank you for answering me, I really don't know what to think about Sony, John Branca and all the others and their 'relationship' with the family, I just hope that they (the family) will be able to recognize any wrongdoings (if going on) on their part and will NOT play the game together with Sony. But to accuse us that we are into Lucifer and that we were lead in the very wrong way in this forum by very wrong people, such as TS, because this would be a Sony-related site, and so WE are evil too, that's what hurt me. <br /><br />I don't have to believe in TS to be a part of this forum. I still find it difficult to surrender myself and to believe in TS 100 %, despite the validation by family members. The problem for me is that I so WANT to read between the lines of all the whispers and clues, what if there is NOTHING to read there. I just want to protect myself, even though I KNOW that Michael made the incredible, impossible, happen! But we so hope for a Bam (at least I AM!) and now I don't know for sure anymore if that is going to happen. Maybe I'm too afraid to hope for it anymore, because I want to spare myself the disappointment. Yes, for me, it IS important.<br /><br />But this is not my hoax, it's Michaels, and it's important what HE wants, not what I want. If I were Michael, a vulnerable human being like all of us, I would be scared to death because of all the pressure and expectations that people are having and that I and only I could heal the world (with a little help from my friends).<br />I'm not a very religious person but I learned alot on that blog I mentioned. It got me thinking, could he really be The One (really, listen to his songs, to his interviews, read his poems and watch his short films again and again).<br /><br />You see, that's why I took a pause, to clear my head, it was necessary in my opinion! <br /><br />@ Everyone: thank you all for your posts and opinions, I really apreciate everyone's input, it gives me hope and strenght again  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1355733286:
    <br />
    on 1355732756:
    <br /><br />Spot on! Aussie, you have a way of putting things into perspective.<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks Jono. Only makes sense or is comforting to those who are religiously inclined though. With respect I understand that to it is mere jibberish and not a source of comfort.<br /><br />Can only imagine how difficult it it to reconcile this world / current circumstances if one doesn't have hope that it will be fixed by God. And I say that in the purest sincerest way possible. If I didn't have my beliefs in a positive hope for the future, I would be at a total loss.<br />
    <br /><br />Agreed. But it doesn't make it less true  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.."<br /><br />Sorry for preaching  :LolLolLolLol:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Do<br />
    I'm not a very religious person but I learned alot on that blog I mentioned. It got me thinking, could he really be The One (really, listen to his songs, to his interviews, read his poems and watch his short films again and again).
    <br />That's my thinking as well. Some would say why put all this pressure on MJ to be something more than he is.  Well I'm not putting him on the 'special' level, he's saying it with his own words. He's the one making the claims that I'm picking up on. Front, Back and TS are saying this as well. If MJ should come out and say, 'nah, I was just kidding around or taking artistic licence', then that's totally cool with me.<br /> <br />Don't mean to bug ya, but did you see my question to you in my post before this one?<br /><br />Sim,  :beerchug:
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    on 1355737458:
    <br />Do<br />
    I'm not a very religious person but I learned alot on that blog I mentioned. It got me thinking, could he really be The One (really, listen to his songs, to his interviews, read his poems and watch his short films again and again).
    <br />That's my thinking as well. Some would say why put all this pressure on MJ to be something more than he is.  Well I'm not putting him on the 'special' level, he's saying it with his own words. He's the one making the claims that I'm picking up on. Front, Back and TS are saying this as well. If MJ should come out and say, 'nah, I was just kidding around or taking artistic licence', then that's totally cool with me.<br /> <br />Don't mean to bug ya, but did you see my question to you in my post before this one?<br /><br />Sim,  :beerchug:<br />
    <br /><br />
    [size=12pt]Do, if you’re talking about Bonnie, I wouldn’t worry about it. Though I too read her blog and appreciate her work, I feel she jumps to many conclusions with extremely thin reasoning. I also discovered that one blogger journalist took her to task for totally fabricating a story about him, and telling it as truth.  I grew up in the church world where almost every denomination called each other from the devil, so that’s nothing new. Some people just get really overly emotional about things. Lol[/size]
    <br /><br />Oooh I'm so sorry MJonmind, I didn't see you comment to me, I apologize! I often confuse Do with the verb 'do', and when I'm busy, like now ahummm (!) I scan through the posts too quickly!<br /><br />Yeah, I was talking about Bonnie, and you are right, she is very quick to judge others who have a slightly different opinion. I was very surprised when she attacked me, because I was posting comments about the possibility that Michael could be the One before she did and she wouldn't want to hear about that, no way. I understand that she is religious and that she would want to back up that possibility with the scriptures, but I don't know the scriptures (well, maybe a little by now, learned on her blog!) and I have that feeling for a long time now, only by listening to Michael himself! So I feel the same as you do!<br />The blogger journalist she attacked was Charles Thomson, I read the blogs he wrote about, and yes, that was not very nice of her.<br />
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    *sigh*<br /><br />I had prepared a lengthy post...but, re-reading it and thinking about all that is happening now, I found that I actually just want to say one thing to all of you: <br /><br />[size=12pt]Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle[/size]<br /><br />( this quote is often attributed to Plato, but also to Philo of Alexandria, Ian MacLaren, John I don´t know...but I think there´s a lot of truth in it)<br /><br />......<br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    After reading all posts I was thinking about Michael`s feelings on this..sometimes it is better to think twice and write then, not write first with boiling head. Everyone is creator of itselfs happiness, so I hope that those who felt sad, bad and unhappy feels better now! we are close to Christmas and it is huge reason to be happy!  :icon_razz: enjoy the time with your closest and everyday try to make somebody smile  :icon_razz:
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    BAM.. so obsessed with Bam. <br />So many are depending on him to make the world a better place rather than do it themselves! he said in the song "cry" "I can't do it by myself"
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1355742465:
    <br />*sigh*<br /><br />I had prepared a lengthy post...but, re-reading it and thinking about all that is happening now, I found that I actually just want to say one thing to all of you: <br /><br />[size=12pt]Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle[/size]<br /><br />( this quote is often attributed to Plato, but also to Philo of Alexandria, Ian MacLaren, John I don´t know...but I think there´s a lot of truth in it)<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for that MaryK - short and sweet but oh so true, in life in general, not just on here!
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    BAM.. so obsessed with Bam.
    <br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]I declare myself: OFFICIALLY OBSESSED WITH BAM and PROUD to be and COUNTING the days!  :TongueOutSmiley:<br /><br />Beware: it's CONTAGIOUS! RUN while you can!  :affraid:[/size]<br /><br /><br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br />LOL Sim, I love your honesty.  Nothing wrong with wanting a BAM, MJ gave us that word himself!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />p.s. just noticed the "quote" name...  :LolLolLolLol:
  • on 1355727791:
    <br /> <br />NEVER, during the course of all these hoax years, would I have imagined that we would be denied and spoiled the anticipation joy of discussing about the BAM and about Michael’s return! People making other people feel guilty for daring to hope for a happy outcome of all this! OR feel ‘silly’ or ‘selfish’ because they’d love to see Michael back or because we put our hopes on him! I mean how ABSURD is that?!! I just can’t understand it!! We have been receiving so many blatant signs and positive winks/clues/countless twits and everything we needed to have in order to keep calm and positive through this difficult waiting-period! YET the uncontrolled reactions and the hurtful statements, the panic and the chaotic atmosphere seem to throw most of us into complete amnesia and ignore the FACTS that we know and of the TRUTH that we know!!<br />
    <br /><br />It's a pity I feel so sad but the reality is that is the first time that I am ashamed of being a BAM supporter I feel like guilty and I am being one of those crazy here who wants Michael to BAM, where are those sentences with which I felt comforted in the near past where it was said that BAM was needed to clear Michael's name because he shouldn't remain as a drug addict as a minor abuser as a Jacko Wacko? who did invent the word BAM: Sim, Aussie, Mary, YoungMack, myself (sorry I pick up these names as I am 100% sure they want a BAM) or Michael himself on TII? You all know that I don't like to criticise because that's not my style but in this case I am feeling a hypocrisy veil covering some members faces because they are talking in a different way they are really thinking (Bec this is not addressed to you because I really know you are having a very hard time) and that is because they don't want to feel silly if Jan 1st 2013 arrives and BAM doesn't happen, I am a BAM supporter and I think BAM will happen in a way or other and I really wish it for the sake of Michael and not for my own sake as some might be thinking.<br /><br />@ Sim thank you very much for your enthusiasm concerning BAM, if Michael's BAM was depending on the enthusiasm of the members lately on this forum BAM would never happen, I as Sim think that BAM is the culmination of all that hard work that Michael did to make this hoax happen, where are those magic words: Michael is a genius, he is pulling off this hoax in a brilliant way, Michael is gonna give a lesson to the mainstream media by popping suddenly up and say to the entire world don't never believe what is written just find out by yourself and so on.....<br />@Leliani don't never leave us you are a beautiful human being and I as the rest have enjoyed and appreciated every and each of your posts.<br /><br />And to finish I don't usually say so much I love you or things like that but in this case I love you all so much and I really mean it, PLEASE don't destroy this beautiful community if you really love Michael, if somebody is playing games so let them play but what it's true is that we are not playing when it comes to Michael, who said that it's being a devilish behaviour in here? that is a very nasty word that doesn't fit in this community, period.
  • on 1355759164:
    <br />
    BAM.. so obsessed with Bam.
    <br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]I declare myself: OFFICIALLY OBSESSED WITH BAM and PROUD to be and COUNTING the days!  :TongueOutSmiley:<br /><br />Beware: it's CONTAGIOUS! RUN while you can!  :affraid:[/size]<br />
    <br /><br />Please write me on your list  :icon_lol:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Sweet & @Andrea: you are now officially contaminated! 1sm089iqi.gif<br /><br />Don't leave the restricted hoax-area!<br /><br />  :icon_lol:
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1355761616:
    <br />@Sweet & @Andrea: you are now officially contaminated! 1sm089iqi.gif<br /><br />Don't leave the restricted hoax-area!<br /><br />  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /><br />count with me Sim  :icon_razz: B.A.M.tastic day/evening to you!
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1355760493:
    <br /><br /><br />It's a pity I feel so sad but the reality is that is the first time that I am ashamed of being a BAM supporter I feel like guilty and I am being one of those crazy here who wants Michael to BAM, <br /><br />Honey you don't have to feel sad nor ashamed of believing as strongly as you do ! we are all here with you , no matter what , with or without a Bam , we're a family of believers !  <br /><br />where are those sentences with which I felt comforted in the near past where it was said that BAM was needed to clear Michael's name because he shouldn't remain as a drug addict as a minor abuser as a Jacko Wacko? <br /><br />As much I wanna help you overcome your sadness , I just gotta disagree with this one . Michael's Bam isn't meant to clear his reputation for The Man we love isn't selfish . He wouldn't do that only to clear his name , I believe that by making a Bam all the masks will drop out and consequently , the true Him will be known . <br /><br />who did invent the word BAM: Sim, Aussie, Mary, YoungMack, myself (sorry I pick up these names as I am 100% sure they want a BAM) or Michael himself on TII?  Hats off ! That's so true ! <br />I am a BAM supporter and I think BAM will happen [size=8pt][size=12pt]in a way or other[/size][/size] and I really wish it for the sake of Michael and not for my own sake as some might be thinking.<br /><br />Yes Yes Yes ! It will happen in a way or another ! I believe that all the frustrations and bewilderments are meant to happen as well . A Bam isn't a Bam if it is already predicted or expected . Michael said it himself " I'll look around a little bit , PLAY WITH THEM , snap my fingers and then Bam " He has surely looked around , he IS playing with us and with them as well I believe , there are two steps left : the act of snapping the fingers and the Bam . <br /><br /><br />And to finish I don't usually say so much I love you or things like that but in this case I love you all so much and I really mean it, PLEASE don't destroy this beautiful community if you really love Michael, if somebody is playing games so let them play but what it's true is that we are not playing when it comes to Michael, who said that it's being a devilish behaviour in here? that is a very nasty word that doesn't fit in this community, period.<br /><br />I don't think we're being played . I actually believe that everything is well -planned and very organised . We just need to stop anticipating things and to just go with the flow . Michael has of course seen this coming , he knew that people will start losing hope and that their faith will start fading away , but this is the point of all of this . "Are we going to allow ourselves to be hopeless ?"  , " are we going to let people tell  to believe in ? "  <br />Even in moments of despair just like these , we should keep the faith , because without it , what are we ? <br /><br />
    <br /><br />n2jnql2wso8dtkt07w8v.jpg<br /><br />love
  • ShrimpShrimp Posts: 27
    This is my very first post (except for the one where I introduced myself) and I don't know if I can really attribute something to the discussion, but hey, I'm here now so I give it a go.<br /><br />I have been reading here for a few months and one of the things that struck me on this board (except for the VERY interesting findings/facts/opinions on the hoax) was the way you guys interacted with each other. I have also said this in my other post, but I found it really remarkable and so refreshing. People that treat each other with respect. People that are kind to one another. People that express their love and friendship for each other (you even call each other family) without even having seen each other 'live'. I only know of one other board where people were also kind and respectful (a Dutch board about attachment parenting, so something totally different than this) and not rude, offensive or ridiculizing. It's really something to be proud of.<br /><br />In this thread in particular, I see that the atmosphere is changing. And I blame stress for it. The deadline TS gave us for Michael to BAM is approaching rapidly, and I cannot imagine what it would be like for you guys to even consider it might not happen. You have given so much of your lifes to investigate the hoax. If Michael doesn't BAM by January 1st (which I certainly do not hope or think, but of course it is a possibility), it will be difficult. So I'm sure there's stress. And that makes it harder to be our kind, loving selves. Because you really are kind and loving, all of you. Believe me, as an 'outsider' I really feel that.<br /><br />As far as the BAM is concerned, I really really really hope it will come (of course I do!), also for selfish reasons, I admit, because I miss him, and I want to be sure that he is indeed alive (I'm about 99% convinced, it would be nice, I mean absolutely fantastic, if that would be a 100%. Being a knower instead of a believer). It would make me feel better. I would be so happy for him and his children and family (although that will not be needed because obviously they know he never died). So yes, that's selfish. But more importantly, I think the BAM will have far-reaching effects on the world. Opening their eyes to not believe everything the media say/write/show them. Letting them think for themselves. And I think the fans, believers and non-believers, and hopefully other people as well, will really get the message Michael wanted to get across for so long. Because as you know (but many others out there don't) there is SO much more about him than just his incredible dance moves and fantastic songs.<br /><br />Of course the BAM will not solve world problems. Michael can't do that. But he can certainly be a huge help. He has so many fans all over the world, and he will intrigue so many other people with this hoax and hopefully influence them and get them to change their behavior, to start with the man or woman in the mirror. Because in my opinion not so many people do that. The fact that there are so many boards on line in which people are just plainly rude and hurtful to each other proves this. But I also see it in my environment. Judgemental people that are not very kind and tolerant and helpful towards other people, their friends and family aside. It saddens me and it frustrates me. And I do (and will continue doing) everything I can to make sure my own children will not turn out like that. And giving the good example is in my opinion the key for this, not 'making them be nice' with rewards or punishment.<br /><br />What I'm trying to say is that maybe in this stressful times we need to tolerate more from each other. I think everybody here has good intentions and a good heart. Let's keep that in mind.<br /><br />As for the BAM, in Michael's words:<br /><br />Keep the faith<br />Because it's just a matter of time.<br /><br />You guys are wonderful. People like you give me faith and hope for this world.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1355748956:
    <br />After reading all posts I was thinking about Michael`s feelings on this..sometimes it is better to think twice and write then, not write first with boiling head. Everyone is creator of itselfs happiness, so I hope that those who felt sad, bad and unhappy feels better now! we are close to Christmas and it is huge reason to be happy!  :icon_razz: enjoy the time with your closest and everyday try to make somebody smile  :icon_razz:<br />
    <br /><br />Very true Emulik.  :icon_e_smile:<br /><br />Shrimp, thank you for your post. Very true and uplifting. I also think that everybody here has a good heart and good intentions before all. We all want what is best for Michael and for the world in general.  We are a family and a team we musn't forget that and all the things we went through TOGETHER.  :icon_e_smile:<br /><br />I think that there is no harm in wanting and wishing for Michael's return or BAM because we believe it is a part of the plan. If it wasn't we wouldn't be here and would have accepted that Michael just left and wanted to live away from the crazy world. But it isn't the case and we are here to show our support. <br /><br />I don't want we forget all the times Front posted and made us happy just because of that lol and how he defended us when needed. I am sure he learned to appreciate all of us. I consider him a friend and someone who brought us joy. JMO of course.  <br /><br />And put me on that list of BAMzified people!  :icon_lol:<br /><br />:penguin:<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    My name is MJonmind, and I am "BAMzified".  ( :icon_lol: you know like AA! 12-step program.)<br /><br />
    on 1355780635:
    <br />This is my very first post (except for the one where I introduced myself) and I don't know if I can really attribute something to the discussion, but hey, I'm here now so I give it a go.<br /><br />I have been reading here for a few months and one of the things that struck me on this board (except for the VERY interesting findings/facts/opinions on the hoax) was the way you guys interacted with each other. I have also said this in my other post, but I found it really remarkable and so refreshing. People that treat each other with respect. People that are kind to one another. People that express their love and friendship for each other (you even call each other family) without even having seen each other 'live'. I only know of one other board where people were also kind and respectful (a Dutch board about attachment parenting, so something totally different than this) and not rude, offensive or ridiculizing. It's really something to be proud of.<br /><br />In this thread in particular, I see that the atmosphere is changing. And I blame stress for it. The deadline TS gave us for Michael to BAM is approaching rapidly, and I cannot imagine what it would be like for you guys to even consider it might not happen. You have given so much of your lifes to investigate the hoax. If Michael doesn't BAM by January 1st (which I certainly do not hope or think, but of course it is a possibility), it will be difficult. So I'm sure there's stress. And that makes it harder to be our kind, loving selves. Because you really are kind and loving, all of you. Believe me, as an 'outsider' I really feel that.<br /><br />As far as the BAM is concerned, I really really really hope it will come (of course I do!), also for selfish reasons, I admit, because I miss him, and I want to be sure that he is indeed alive (I'm about 99% convinced, it would be nice, I mean absolutely fantastic, if that would be a 100%. Being a knower instead of a believer). It would make me feel better. I would be so happy for him and his children and family (although that will not be needed because obviously they know he never died). So yes, that's selfish. But more importantly, I think the BAM will have far-reaching effects on the world. Opening their eyes to not believe everything the media say/write/show them. Letting them think for themselves. And I think the fans, believers and non-believers, and hopefully other people as well, will really get the message Michael wanted to get across for so long. Because as you know (but many others out there don't) there is SO much more about him than just his incredible dance moves and fantastic songs.<br /><br />Of course the BAM will not solve world problems. Michael can't do that. But he can certainly be a huge help. He has so many fans all over the world, and he will intrigue so many other people with this hoax and hopefully influence them and get them to change their behavior, to start with the man or woman in the mirror. Because in my opinion not so many people do that. The fact that there are so many boards on line in which people are just plainly rude and hurtful to each other proves this. But I also see it in my environment. Judgemental people that are not very kind and tolerant and helpful towards other people, their friends and family aside. It saddens me and it frustrates me. And I do (and will continue doing) everything I can to make sure my own children will not turn out like that. And giving the good example is in my opinion the key for this, not 'making them be nice' with rewards or punishment.<br /><br />[size=12pt]What I'm trying to say is that maybe in this stressful times we need to tolerate more from each other. I think everybody here has good intentions and a good heart.[/size] Let's keep that in mind.<br /><br />As for the BAM, in Michael's words:<br /><br />Keep the faith<br />Because it's just a matter of time.<br /><br />You guys are wonderful. People like you give me faith and hope for this world.<br />
    <br />Wonderful wonderful post!<br /><br />Sweetsunset and Jowayria, loved your posts!<br /><br />MJJ4ever777 and Leilani81, I truly hope you will not leave us on this forum. I truly do love you both! Sorry for any hurt I've caused you.<br /> :bearhug:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355765343:
    on 1355761616:
    @Sweet & @Andrea: you are now officially contaminated! 1sm089iqi.gif<br /><br />Don't leave the restricted hoax-area!  :icon_lol:
    count with me Sim  :icon_razz: B.A.M.tastic day/evening to you!
    <br />
    on 1355782398:
    And put me on that list of [size=12pt]BAMzified [/size]people!  :icon_lol: :penguin:
    on 1355784797:
    <br />My name is MJonmind, and I am "[size=12pt]BAMzified [/size]".  ( :icon_lol: you know like AA! 12-step program.)
    <br /><br /> :affraid: There are more and more casualties! Told ya' !  :icon_lol: :icon_lol:  <br />It's highly CONTAGIOUS !! 0016.gif <br /><br />You can still RUN though!  :icon_lol: <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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