The Official Double Thread



  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    I keep on saying that my work colleage was at the 02 conference - it was not pre-recorded or fake.
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I keep on saying that my work colleage was at the 02 conference - it was not pre-recorded or fake.

    honestly hun you can speak till you blue in the face - pp have fixed ideas

    im becoming suspicious about some of the posts

    wonder if some of the posters are hoax or trouble making
  • I keep on saying that my work colleage was at the 02 conference - it was not pre-recorded or fake.

    honestly hun you can speak till you blue in the face - pp have fixed ideas

    im becoming suspicious about some of the posts

    wonder if some of the posters are hoax or trouble making

    Well then how do you explain the normal fans that were there at the press conference?

    I can't quite believe people think it was fake.

    P.s. sorry if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick with your post.
  • I keep on saying that my work colleage was at the 02 conference - it was not pre-recorded or fake.

    honestly hun you can speak till you blue in the face - pp have fixed ideas

    im becoming suspicious about some of the posts

    wonder if some of the posters are hoax or trouble making

    Well then how do you explain the normal fans that were there at the press conference?

    I can't quite believe people think it was fake.

    P.s. sorry if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick with your post.

    think you are getting me wrong here
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    Cridits go to: The_gloved_one
    hey guys i spotted something interesting while i was watching my TII DVD. Everything red pants Michael was on the screen he seemed to be a using autocue. anyone else think thats odd? Maybe Michael just needed reminding of his lyrics. Apologies if this has already been discussed. x
  • BlondieBlondie Posts: 10
    I keep on saying that my work colleage was at the 02 conference - it was not pre-recorded or fake.

    Apologies Datroot, I didn't see your post.
  • pyt777pyt777 Posts: 36
    by *Mo* » Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:00 pm

    pyt777 wrote:
    by *Mo* » Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:02 pm

    Victor wrote:please lock this thread, no more fightning be respectful to each other, Michael dont wanna see us FIGHT..

    Datroot wrote:Yes, get rid of this thread - people obviously can't discuss the subject sensibly.

    No, this thread will not be locked nor get deleted. This is an important discussion to which people must be able to post.

    Every poster is responsible for its own behavior. Rude posts can be individually removed, so there is no need to lock or delete this thread for that.

    Mo (and I dn't mean anything offensive) what about other threads that have been locked/deleted? Weren't those people also responsible for their own behaviour? And couldn't rude posts have been deleted in those instances?

    I think that this thread is causing a great divide among those on either side, not just a simple disagreement. With some people being openly rude and hostile towards other members and even Michael- or in some people's opinion- a double. I am not saying that the thread should be deleted. But certainly locked. The investigation isn't moving forward with this topic, and may even be holding us back...especially since it cannot be, for the time being, confirmed by the man himself @ the most. Besides, imo other threads have been locked for lesser reasons.

    First of all, this is the OFFICIAL double thread and for that reason alone it won't be locked. Second: As for your other questions/remarks - I don't think this thread is the appropriate place to discuss those. I'd rather see that appear in the Forum FAQ,...

    My apologies, I did not realize that because something has been labelled OFFICIAL it is right. Of course I shall concede the matter.
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    Cridits go to: The_gloved_one
    hey guys i spotted something interesting while i was watching my TII DVD. Everything red pants Michael was on the screen he seemed to be a using autocue. anyone else think thats odd? Maybe Michael just needed reminding of his lyrics. Apologies if this has already been discussed. x

    nicee one
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    THIS IS the MJ I know!!! And some ''mjs'' in TII just dont look like the REAL MJ!!!!!
  • 002mwcl.jpg

    its a shame he wore shades most of the time - eyes are the windows of the soul
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    he is ''hiding'' behind those shades!
  • he is ''hiding'' behind those shades!
    yeap i know
  • he is ''hiding'' behind those shades!

    Oh yes.

    "Oh my God he has sunglasses on.....HE MUST BE A DOUBLE!!!!!!"

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    You can't have it both ways. Point is, like I mentioned numerous times before in this thread, it is the overall picture you need to look at, not 1 characteristic. I'll repeat myself again, some people are just very badly capable of recognizing people from a photograph.

    Doubles can fool you on a distance, partially masked or remote on video, but not up close. It is not possible to make a double that similar. It is surgically NOT possible. If it were, Michael would also have been able to reconstruct the plastic surgery on his nose and have the perfect face again. It is complete, and utter NONSENSE.

    Even when it is clearly Michael, they do not want to believe it is and start looking with a magnifying glass for differences. As soon as they think they have 1 characteristic in a picture that does not look like on another picture, they believe it MUST be a double. But as soon as 1 characteristic is shown that is the same in both pictures, for instance a scar like theone on his cheek or the one under his lip, THEN it is explained 'ow that is surgically altered to look like MJ'.
  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    You can't have it both ways. Point is, like I mentioned numerous times before in this thread, it is the overall picture you need to look at, not 1 characteristic. I'll repeat myself again, some people are just very badly capable of recognizing people from a photograph.

    Doubles can fool you on a distance, partially masked or remote on video, but not up close. It is not possible to make a double that similar. It is surgically NOT possible. If it were, Michael would also have been able to reconstruct the plastic surgery on his nose and have the perfect face again. It is complete, and utter NONSENSE.

    Even when it is clearly Michael, they do not want to believe it is and start looking with a magnifying glass for differences. As soon as they think they have 1 characteristic in a picture that does not look like on another picture, they believe it MUST be a double. But as soon as 1 characteristic is shown that is the same in both pictures, for instance a scar like the one on his cheek or the one under his lip, THEN it is explained 'ow that is surgically altered to look like MJ'.

    The same way you clearly believe they are all michael, we clearly believe it isnt.

    So are you going to keep trying to convince us that there isnt doubles, im not trying to convince you or anyone they used doubles, im stating my own opinions with the others in this thread that i clearly see doubles.

    It would be alot more respectful if you just sate your disagreement without trying to make us or our members come off as crazy.

    As I have stated a thousand times, this is a HOAX site, and no idea or thought is crazy.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    About the doubles. Just take a loo at the splitted screens on TII at the end of Human Nature. 3 Mj´s. One real and 2 doubles. Crazy? may be, but is a possibility <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • bluegurl201bluegurl201 Posts: 167
    *Mo* » Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:29 am

    I am totally blown away by some statements I came across while catching up on this thread.

    Let me explain something. I'd say that the majority of people on this board have no experience whatsoever with the music industry. Now I'm not saying I know it all because I don't, but at least I have been around in the business long enough to know what things are going on behind the scenes.

    The entertainment industry is one big illusion. Artists, producers, managers and agencies will show you want they want you to see, and will let you listen to what they want you to hear. Publicity campaigns are put together to target audiences in different age groups, and an enormous strategy is involved in order to accomplish this. It's like one big movie script.

    Have you ever been to a recording studio? Have you ever been present at a set where they record music videos? Have you ever been present at an artist's photo shoot for a promotional campaign? Do you have any idea what is done to create that big illusion you see and hear? If the answer to all these questions is NO, I'd really like you to think twice before you make comments which are not based on any knowledge nor experience...

    Huge amounts of money are involved and invested in the entertainment industry, and money can buy ANYTHING. Google ProTools, harmonizers, compressors, equalizers and other related recording studio equipment, listen to samples. A song is not "ready to go" after simply recording the voice and the instruments. If that was the case, all these major label producers would be out of a job today. Go on youtube and watch "the making of" just anything in order to see what can and is done to manipulate any sort of film and video footage.

    Now as for the use of doubles and I'd rather call them doppelgangers - the use of doppelgangers among the high profile celebrities, royalties, presidents etcetera is common knowledge to those surrounding them. People are paid big bucks to provide a service of being the double for the person they're being employed by. It's done for security reasons and diversion. There's nothing new about that.

    If there shouldn't have been doubt about the use of doubles in This Is It, there would have been perfect doubles in the movie, looking and moving exactly like Mike. Since (in my opinion, as I see many differences) that wasn't done, to me it shows that we are to investigate these doubles and find out as to WHY they were used.

    This has nothing to do with discrediting Mike, were here to investigate a hoax, and every single stone should be turned in order to get to the bottom of this.

    I totally agree with you Mo, well said (:
  • ok guys I'll make a deal with u. As u know I don't believe at all into the double theory. But u can try to convince me, it will be hard though.
    To convince me, try to find a pic of the «double» without make up and disguise.

    Good luck guys!! lol ;P
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    ok guys I'll make a deal with u. As u know I don't believe at all into the double theory. But u can try to convince me, it will be hard though.
    To convince me, try to find a pic of the «double» without make up and disguise.

    Good luck guys!! lol ;P

    Well if we would be able to find that and recognize him, that wouldn't make him a very good double don't you think?

    I don't care if you believe it or not, if you're not convinced now after 32 pages, you will never be until Mike will say so himself.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • ok guys I'll make a deal with u. As u know I don't believe at all into the double theory. But u can try to convince me, it will be hard though.
    To convince me, try to find a pic of the «double» without make up and disguise.

    Good luck guys!! lol ;P

    Well if we would be able to find that and recognize him, that wouldn't make him a very good double don't you think?

    I don't care if you believe it or not, if you're not convinced now after 32 pages, you will never be until Mike will say so himself.

    U say it <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Until now, I'm sure at 100% it was really Michael at the O2 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    Hmmmm...It could may well be that he use certain times,and even in TII,I aknownledge the possibility,because you have to be open-minded and look at every possibilities.
    But the pictures you advanced...most of them are not really convincing you know...
    Like the Third one on the very first page,posted by Badkolo
    You say it's possible to surgically or with help of prothesis to look like just like Michael Jackson..but it's impossible to have exactly the same bone structure right ? I think it have to be Michael on this you really think that someone can have his exact face like this ??
    I agree some shots doesn't look like him-but close-up seem to be far-fetched to be considered as potential close-up...wouldn't have this kind of things found out before if it was true ??
    I well want to change my opinion(I don't mind at all,it would be really interesting to find one startling double,amazing)someone would have a credible picture ??
    And I find that this topic is turning into a War and sometimes I read post that were simply mean...if you don't agree with someone why not just move on ??Why continue to argue...Just read the post,wait,make your opinion,if you're not still convinced why fight it out like this ??
    Look like kindergarden to me this thread sometimes...
  • mary77mary77 Posts: 28
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> very well said , grenat , IMO , That`s how a DISCUSSION should be followed , post your opinion and respect each other , no matter what , no matter how much wrong or right you thing the others are....... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    To be honest, perhaps we are losing site of the BIGGEST proof of all..........


    Forget pics. Look at the BODY LANGUAGE. So clearly, obviously, NOT Michael Jackson in so many many many scenes. Once I got past the emotion of the situation, and sat and watched with a clear mind and a clear set of eyes (and an OPEN mind), it was shockingly obvious.

    Thanks to everyone who have produced pics, they are great supporting evidence to the real clear proof, the body language of the doubles in TII is totally off.

    All you folks who staunchly say no doubles.........


    Because that was so awkward and uncomfortable and embarassing I about had to walk out.
  • he is ''hiding'' behind those shades!
    yeap i know

    probably tired of pp staring him in the face to check if he is a double or not

    having a good laugh at the fools????? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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