Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • @ Eva, she doesn't only act like she doesn't know anything at all, but also like she didn't even meet MJ. I don't think MJ is aprecciating the way she's spreading hate and almost making people to go to the court house and stone CM to death. And I really don't believe any s**t she has to say, she's a big time LIAR saying that she had to give food to MJ because he couldn't even hold a spoon, she had to read his emails because he didn't know how to operate a computer <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> and answer his phone calls because he didn't know how to even turn on a cell phone. That's just stupidity, she's angry that MJ didn't let her in anything lately and of course she telling everybody that she did his make up just to make believe that she kept being close to the guy.

    And of course she criticize everyone that is "profiting" of MJ's "death" and she doesn't remember how she sold the pictures of his grave, keep selling stories about his private life and even sells bracelets on internet saying that MJ is wearing the same one in his ankle, inside de casket obviously.
  • too bad Prince's father isn't here to see his 13th birthday

    wowza this woman <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • too bad Prince's father isn't here to see his 13th birthday

    wowza this woman <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    i think karen is going a little overboard now, too bad she only thinks she was as important to him as she thinks, lol shes crazy
  • She is trying really hard to make us believe he's dead. Sorry love, it ain't workin.
    She just wants attention IMO <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • @randyjackson8 Follow the money...RJ.....follow the money.
    5 minutes ago from web in reply to randyjackson8
    @randyjackson8some people who were around your brother before he died...find it more profitable to spin a few lies, than to tell the truth.
    6 minutes ago from web
    @randyjackson8not many want to rock the boat..your brother is out of the way, and too much money is being made and passed around apparently.
    7 minutes ago from web
    @randyjackson8I guess the term "personal interest" comes into play RJ. Your brother was involved with some BIG money and power players.
  • How the hell would she know if he was involved with "big money"?
    She was his MAKE UP ARTIST.
    I don't think Michael would share those kind of things with her.
    She's really starting to get on my nerves now.
  • too bad Prince's father isn't here to see his 13th birthday

    wowza this woman <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Umm.. if MJ has died and Karen believes MJ has been murdered.... how exactly does she think this is going to help?

    I cannot fathom out what she thinks she is achieving doing this!!!!
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    How the hell would she know if he was involved with "big money"?
    She was his MAKE UP ARTIST.
    I don't think Michael would share those kind of things with her.
    She's really starting to get on my nerves now.

    I don't think we should discredit what she is saying. She obviously cares very much for Michael. Besides, you would be surprised at what hairdressers and makeup artist hear when they are working on someone. My hairdresser is one of my best friends.
  • The thing that gets me about the Karen Faye rants is if she is that close to the family, why doesn't she just Direct Message these kinds of tweets? She seems to be show boating to me. I'm just saying... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Too much information for a real friend to be publicizing.
  • I don't understand why most people on here are so hard on Karen Faye ,I mean after all she does know him ,there are loads of pictures of her and Mj ,outside of work .All of you saying that she was just his make up artist are wrong ! They are clearly friends, and if she was going along with the hoax theory then you all would not be bad mouthing her SHE WOULD BE THE MOST WONDERFUL FRIEND EVER IF SHE AGREED WITH THE hoax THEORY ...... RIGHT ! .How do you know that maybe she is doing what MJ told her to do ,maybe she thinks he is dead ,maybe he is dead .But a lot of folks on here pretend as tho' you know MJ and what MJ would or would not do better than, not only his friends, but his family. She has been very LOYAL to Michael and she had close relation with him ,she probably applied make up to his body .I am positive that she know all kind of stuff about MJ and she has remained steadfastly silent .She could probably be a millionare if she talked to the press !!!! but she dosen't .I don't think MJ would like you picking on his friend / makeup artist . LEAVE HER ALONE ! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Wow, I am speechless on this one. <shakes head>
  • I don't understand why most people on here are so hard on Karen Faye ,I mean after all she does know him ,there are loads of pictures of her and Mj ,outside of work .All of you saying that she was just his make up artist are wrong ! They are clearly friends, and if she was going along with the hoax theory then you all would not be bad mouthing her SHE WOULD BE THE MOST WONDERFUL FRIEND EVER IF SHE AGREED WITH THE hoax THEORY ...... RIGHT ! .How do you know that maybe she is doing what MJ told her to do ,maybe she thinks he is dead ,maybe he is dead .But a lot of folks on here pretend as tho' you know MJ and what MJ would or would not do better than, not only his friends, but his family. She has been very LOYAL to Michael and she had close relation with him ,she probably applied make up to his body .I am positive that she know all kind of stuff about MJ and she has remained steadfastly silent .She could probably be a millionare if she talked to the press !!!! but she dosen't .I don't think MJ would like you picking on his friend / makeup artist . LEAVE HER ALONE ! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Wasnt Kenny Ortega a friend of MJs too? He worked on TWO world tours with him, after all.

    Would Michael approve of Karen and her friends harassing and threatening Kenny like this??

    I cannot answer or predict what Michael would "want" or "think".. and neither can you.

    All i know is that i love and care for Michael, i have his back and i will work for the truth. If that means certain "friends" of MJ get outed for who and what they are, then so be it.
  • I don't understand why most people on here are so hard on Karen Faye ,I mean after all she does know him ,there are loads of pictures of her and Mj ,outside of work .All of you saying that she was just his make up artist are wrong ! They are clearly friends, and if she was going along with the hoax theory then you all would not be bad mouthing her SHE WOULD BE THE MOST WONDERFUL FRIEND EVER IF SHE AGREED WITH THE hoax THEORY ...... RIGHT ! .How do you know that maybe she is doing what MJ told her to do ,maybe she thinks he is dead ,maybe he is dead .But a lot of folks on here pretend as tho' you know MJ and what MJ would or would not do better than, not only his friends, but his family. She has been very LOYAL to Michael and she had close relation with him ,she probably applied make up to his body .I am positive that she know all kind of stuff about MJ and she has remained steadfastly silent .She could probably be a millionare if she talked to the press !!!! but she dosen't .I don't think MJ would like you picking on his friend / makeup artist . LEAVE HER ALONE ! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    there was a topic posted somehwere here about karen faye and there was a link where it takes you to a site talking about how fake she is Michael even fired her before because he found out she was manipulating his fans, buy runnig a site where fans could order things, and then were promised they would be delivered and never were, also she talks about how she used to sit on michaels lap but never kissed him or saw him naked, im sorry you dont talk about your boss like that its called being un professional, also, she talked very badly about his family, and she despised every woman that was somehow linked to mj, she was a very jealous woman, and she also pretended to be someone else on some forums and was discussing personal information about Michael, and his relationships, and she even discussed joana's sex life to all these strangers, im sorry but karen faye is nothing but FAKE!
  • One simple question i have....... "what is wrong with her?"

    idk, she's acting weird. she's going crazy! If there's a hoax, it's hard to believe she's in on it! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • One simple question i have....... "what is wrong with her?"

    idk, she's acting weird. she's going crazy! If there's a hoax, it's hard to believe she's in on it! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Someone on twitter posted this about Karen. They obviously have done their research! The link is in this thread!
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=81&t=5906<!-- l -->
  • Gosh, Michael, now I know why you just had to get away! These antics from your supposed friends are enough to make anyone crazy!!!!!!
  • Karen Faye comes across as extremely obssessive over all things related to Michael Jackson.
    She reminds me of Glenn Close's character in Fatal Attraction.
    Remember the infamous bunny boiler who declared... "I will not be ignored". <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Karen Faye comes across as extremely obssessive over all things related to Michael Jackson.
    She reminds me of Glenn Close's character in Fatal Attraction.
    Remember the infamous bunny boiler who declared... "I will not be ignored". <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> great minds think alike. Yesterday I was reading a little more about KF and for some reason all the time I couldn't get Glenn Close's character out of my head. Let's keep our pets out of KF's hands <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I don't know how you all think you know Karen Faye ,Most of the info came from Bloggers or media ,how do you even know it is true ,you all are doing the same thing to Karen that was done to MJ ! SPECULATION .You don't know anything for sure .And as far as her being jealous of other women ,how the heck would you know that ? Are you a mind reader ? I would seem that other women would be jealous of her ,after all she has a very close relationship with him ,it makes more sense for people to be jealous of her . I certainly am !
  • Jealousy will almost always reep one the opposite of what they desire, therefore no one needs to feel down about the relationship they shared.
  • She just tweeted this:

    What steps can I take to stop all this anger? I am open to anyone who genuinely wants to communicate and move in a positive direction.

    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/wingheart<!-- m -->
  • And here was my reply to her:

    @wingheart Here's a suggestion - stop sending nasty Tweets to Kenny and others who were close to Michael. Makes you look bitter!


    @wingheart That's not the sort of thing that Michael promoted. If you were as close to Michael as you claim, you would already know that.

    Seems other people are Tweeting her with the same sort of thing. What is with this woman???
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