
  • Happy FeetHappy Feet Posts: 320
    "There were also reports he may even have been beaten up before he died - perhaps by someone looking for money on his property."

    Do you remember it was reported that the body removed from Holmsby Home had unexplainable bruises to their knees, shins and back. Does anyone know if this was true or false?
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    I totally agree <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> This whole thing just gets more bizarre by the day!

    We will just have to keep watching and waiting for the whole thing to play out again..

    So lets do it "one more time"

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Well..there's one thing that would not make sense...if MJ has really died he already had several autopsies, so there would be no point anymore for any murderers to open up his supposed tomb and get rid of any evidence.
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    digging up a body or what ever they did with james body, that just SICK, SO bizarre !!!! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Re: James Brown.....He is rumoured to have buried a large chunk of his £120million

    Could this have anything to do with it?? Someones after the money that was buried with him????
  • Re: James Brown.....He is rumoured to have buried a large chunk of his £120million

    Could this have anything to do with it?? Someones after the money that was buried with him????
    But why waiting for it more than 3 years? why not digging up immadiately after the funeral? And was the tomb broken or was it intact?
  • the sad thing is that the body will probably never be recovered

    its shocking - terrible - no peace even in death
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Re: James Brown.....He is rumoured to have buried a large chunk of his £120million

    Could this have anything to do with it?? Someones after the money that was buried with him????
    But why waiting for it more than 3 years? why not digging up immadiately after the funeral? And was the tomb broken or was it intact?

    how is it gonna help stealing his dead body finding anything he buried on his estate? does he have a map tattoed on his body somewhere or what? sorry for being sarcastic, but i don't see the connection here. the article said he has part of his fortune buried on his estate, not that he was buried with it. and i doubt that he had anything on him when he died to indicate the spot where he buried his money. i don't see the connection here. plus it's tabloid of the worst kind - british!

    and agreed: i don't see the sense of digging someone up after over 3 years when it didn't raise any questions at the time he died. any investigation should have been done then, not over 3 years after he's buried. if they're looking for the money, they should start diggin' up the estate. what's a 3 year old corpse gonna tell them? tabloid-bs to me... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • Id like to know how someone could steal his body from a crypt which is on his daughters property WITHOUT HER CATCHING THEM??????
    Is she deaf? Was she not home? Why woukldnt she have some kind of securtiy system in place....this is JB we're talking about here......
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    JB's family was not agreeing on where to bury JB.
    Finally, the always so said temporary grave at his daughter's ground was chosen.

    My first thought was that JB has been brought into MJ's crypt to end the humiliating debates on his final resting place.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I totally agree <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> This whole thing just gets more bizarre by the day!

    We will just have to keep watching and waiting for the whole thing to play out again..

    So lets do it "one more time"

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Well..there's one thing that would not make sense...if MJ has really died he already had several autopsies, so there would be no point anymore for any murderers to open up his supposed tomb and get rid of any evidence.

    I think there was only 1 full autopsy done on Michael. The family probably had an independent dox report done though.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    JB's family was not agreeing on where to bury JB.
    Finally, the always so said temporary grave at his daughter's ground was chosen.

    My first thought was that JB has been brought into MJ's crypt to end the humiliating debates on his final resting place.

    well, if that had been done, why 'steal' the body and not officially move it?

    @jacksonologist: right, how come nobody noticed? if that was a crypt, there must have been some heavy machinery involved to open a crypt and move a dead body (with/ without casket?) and take it away...and nobody heard a THING???
    puh-leeeaaase!!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • This is too bizarre for me to believe it. However they say they don't know when the body might have been "stolen" and why in the world would they wait 4 years to dig the body up for an autopsy?! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    If it is true it is very very upsetting. Miss u JB I hope you're at peace.
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    Id also like to know if this article is reliable..how come the "godfather of soul" has gone missing, someone stole his body like a thief in the night..and no one else is reporting it???? Not even the almighty TMZ?? fishy..very fishy!
  • "There were also reports he may even have been beaten up before he died - perhaps by someone looking for money on his property."

    Do you remember it was reported that the body removed from Holmsby Home had unexplainable bruises to their knees, shins and back. Does anyone know if this was true or false?

    Yes I remember reading that, guess we will have to go back and check the "autopsy report" for details.

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    JB's family was not agreeing on where to bury JB.
    Finally, the always so said temporary grave at his daughter's ground was chosen.

    My first thought was that JB has been brought into MJ's crypt to end the humiliating debates on his final resting place.

    well, if that had been done, why 'steal' the body and not officially move it?

    It's again media telling us what kind of motivation was behind an action and what that action would mean in a context that media chooses.

    It is nowhere known - aside from what media claim to know and spread as truth - that the body was stolen.
    If there is an empty grave - be it empty. The body will be somewhere else. Does this mean it was stolen? It only means it was moved from one place to another.

    Don't take the thoughts others are thinking for you and colouring for you as what you should be thinking and colouring.
    Get to the basics. It says that JB is not anymore where he was thought to be.

    And what if all was officially ok and media just want to sensationalize a nothing into what makes folks go OMG?

    Just read some of the threads on illuminati again. I do not believe in a small group wanting to rule the world. It's just not feasible for many reasons. But what astonishes me the more I follow the crap that public media is publishing (which I did not do before because I did not listen nor watch nor read them):

    you don't need to be brainwashed by a traumatism once occuring in your childhood life.
    It is absolutely sufficient to read tabloids and watch soaps and reality shows and LKL and Oprah and all the other "artificial life" presentations on a daily basis.
    Stupidity will slowly sink in, feeling bored with your own life and the need to watch the life of others (comment OMG and meanwhile waste your own life) will just creep into normality.

    I personally do not care at all if some media claim the body of JB stolen.
    As long as there is no proof, this is sensationalism journalism and OMG producing and a waste of time to me. It is just not true until proven.
  • Re: James Brown.....He is rumoured to have buried a large chunk of his £120million

    Could this have anything to do with it?? Someones after the money that was buried with him????
    But why waiting for it more than 3 years? why not digging up immadiately after the funeral? And was the tomb broken or was it intact?

    For google links to details of length before funeral seems very familiar the reasons for delay

    <!-- m -->http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid ... jAemvNiCDA<!-- m -->
  • Id also like to know if this article is reliable..how come the "godfather of soul" has gone missing, someone stole his body like a thief in the night..and no one else is reporting it???? Not even the almighty TMZ?? fishy..very fishy!

    It has been reported on a few other media outlets you will find on google.
  • Maybe that is what the concrete was for at Neverland <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> (lol)

    Seriously, I think it's probably tabloid B.S. What was the news source? Has CNN or any of the other main networks reported it? If not, don't you think that would probably be headline news? I mean, come on, the Godfather of soul's body goes missing???? Pleeeease.

    Even if it is true. That doesn't mean it has anything to do with MJ. Unless it would be playing a part in the hoax.

    What a thought! Perhaps JB was stolen, and then they check MJ's crypt to be sure he's still there. And then they find an empty crypt as well. Perhaps it's all part of the plan. It would mean that the world would think MJ was stolen too, but in actuality, he is alive and it would put an end to anyone trying to find him or this hoax still going. The beLIEvers will finally believe he is dead, and then he could live in peace. But that would mean we would never see him return. But at least he would still be alive.

    What Tito said on that last episode of the Jackson Dynasty show, still haunts me. He said something like, if we could just have Michael back, he would not have to sing another note as long as we could have him back.

    Just sounds like some kind of clue to me.


    Please don't be upset with the little humor at the top. I was just trying to lighten it up a bit. Let's not panic and think MJ is really dead because of this JB news.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Well this info is disturbing and the timing quite weird. Don't know if it's true or not only tabloids are relaying the info. I cannot imagine why the corpse has been stolen. Maybe it never was in that tomb at all <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Recap

    - Michael was very concerned for at least over a decade that a group of people were trying to murder him, a conspiracy. A group of people possibly with roots within the music industry, racial issues are mentioned in this context as well as Michael's power as a black artist.

    - Michael's big idol, James Brown, dies under suspicous circumstances in 2006 having Murray as physician. Michael may have suspected the same group of people that were after him also murdered his idol JB. He may even have suspected Murray played a role in it.

    - In the meanwhile, JB's body is stolen(if this news is true). Possibly to cover up a murder and get rid of any evidence.

    - Michael gets Murray as physician himself. Why? Did he serve as a bait to catch JB's murderers?

    - Michael then 'dies' under suspicious circumstances himself, with again Murray's involvement.

    - JB's body is being exhumed for autopsy, possibly to find out if there is a link with the MJ case. However investigators find the tomb empty and the body stolen.

    - Security at MJ's supposed tomb is lifted. Possibly the individuals that stole JB's body may try opening MJ's tomb as well. Lifting security may serve as bait to catch the people behind both JB's and MJ's case.

    This is all so bizarre.

    Bizarre indeed - wow! You're recap sounds so plausible. We ARE in the 21st century, right?
  • Maybe that is what the concrete was for at Neverland <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> (lol)

    Seriously, I think it's probably tabloid B.S. What was the news source? Has CNN or any of the other main networks reported it? If not, don't you think that would probably be headline news? I mean, come on, the Godfather of soul's body goes missing???? Pleeeease.

    Even if it is true. That doesn't mean it has anything to do with MJ. Unless it would be playing a part in the hoax.

    What a thought! Perhaps JB was stolen, and then they check MJ's crypt to be sure he's still there. And then they find an empty crypt as well. Perhaps it's all part of the plan. It would mean that the world would think MJ was stolen too, but in actuality, he is alive and it would put an end to anyone trying to find him or this hoax still going. The beLIEvers will finally believe he is dead, and then he could live in peace. But that would mean we would never see him return. But at least he would still be alive.

    What Tito said on that last episode of the Jackson Dynasty show, still haunts me. He said something like, if we could just have Michael back, he would not have to sing another note as long as we could have him back.

    Just sounds like some kind of clue to me.


    Please don't be upset with the little humor at the top. I was just trying to lighten it up a bit. Let's not panic and think MJ is really dead because of this JB news.

    It was reported on the BBC RADIO 2 NEWS THIS MORNING 12.3.10 at 7am which is why I researched this, BBC is a Major News Chanel in the UK.
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    This is just UNBELIEVABLE! OMG! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> This is a disgrace!!!
  • Maybe that is what the concrete was for at Neverland <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> (lol)

    Seriously, I think it's probably tabloid B.S. What was the news source? Has CNN or any of the other main networks reported it? If not, don't you think that would probably be headline news? I mean, come on, the Godfather of soul's body goes missing???? Pleeeease.

    Even if it is true. That doesn't mean it has anything to do with MJ. Unless it would be playing a part in the hoax.

    What a thought! Perhaps JB was stolen, and then they check MJ's crypt to be sure he's still there. And then they find an empty crypt as well. Perhaps it's all part of the plan. It would mean that the world would think MJ was stolen too, but in actuality, he is alive and it would put an end to anyone trying to find him or this hoax still going. The beLIEvers will finally believe he is dead, and then he could live in peace. But that would mean we would never see him return. But at least he would still be alive.

    What Tito said on that last episode of the Jackson Dynasty show, still haunts me. He said something like, if we could just have Michael back, he would not have to sing another note as long as we could have him back.

    Just sounds like some kind of clue to me.


    Please don't be upset with the little humor at the top. I was just trying to lighten it up a bit. Let's not panic and think MJ is really dead because of this JB news.

    It was reported on the BBC RADIO 2 NEWS THIS MORNING 12.3.10 at 7am which is why I researched this, BBC is a Major News Chanel in the UK.

    But, wouldn't you think it would be big news in the U.S.? I don't see it anywhere over here.
  • What the heck? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
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