
  • shelby61shelby61 Posts: 305
    Perhaps this story was posted because James Brown was actually buried March 10, 2007...almost 77 days after his death...maybe we need to re-direct why this story was really posted and its purpose.
  • Slipping away too fast..


    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • !A “Super Bad” Internet rumor is playing “I Got You” with the British tabloids, which claimed yesterday that the corpse of soul superstar James Brown was stolen, but South Carolina cops and a funeral director say the papers are “Talking Loud and Saying Nothing.”

    “I have not heard that,” said the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office, which has jurisdiction over the area where Brown was laid to rest. “I would expect we would have knowledge of such a thing.”

    Charles Reid of C.A. Reid Funeral Home, who managed the 2006 burial of the Godfather of Soul in a mausoleum at his daughter’s home, said the rumor is false.

    James Brown’s daughter LaRhonda Pettit reportedly said his body was missing on the eve of an autopsy meant to prove he was poisoned. The story got picked up and traveled around the world before it landed back in South Carolina, where Reid laid it to rest."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Huh?
  • Sorry but I dont see that this picture is connected to the hoax...

    although i dont get the 2 outfits... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I believe the story is connected somehow because when the bodyguards did their interview for Good Morning America, at the exact time that Ashleigh (the interviewer) was doing the lead-in to the interview and she said "what Michael had been doing since the trial" she showed a video still of Michael at James Brown's casket. With Murray being one of James Brown's doctors, I feel sure this video still was included in the interview footage for a reason (otherwise, it was extremely odd and insane to show that picture). Then three days later, the tabloids break out with James Brown's body is missing, and TMZ leads an article saying "JAMES BROWN DID NOT COMPLETE HIS WORLD TOUR" showing the two caskets. Something fishy is going on here for sure and somehow they are connected. Just my thoughts. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • Sorry but I dont see that this picture is connected to the hoax...

    although i dont get the 2 outfits... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I think the poster posted the pictures to demonstrate that JB wore 2 outfits for his memorial and funeral and the photographs prove this.

    The relevance of the 2 outfits is the comparison to the fact that MJ also wore 2 OUTFITS one for the memorial and one for the funeral which were documented early on in the hoax, infact a very full description was supplied for the funeral pearl jacket, black trousers, gloves, gold belt same outfit as he wore to the Grammays when Janet presented him with his awards. So yes the 2 outfits are connected.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I believe the story is connected somehow because when the bodyguards did their interview for Good Morning America, at the exact time that Ashleigh (the interviewer) was doing the lead-in to the interview and she said "what Michael had been doing since the trial" she showed a video still of Michael at James Brown's casket. With Murray being one of James Brown's doctors, I feel sure this video still was included in the interview footage for a reason (otherwise, it was extremely odd and insane to show that picture). Then three days later, the tabloids break out with James Brown's body is missing, and TMZ leads an article saying "JAMES BROWN DID NOT COMPLETE HIS WORLD TOUR" showing the two caskets. Something fishy is going on here for sure and somehow they are connected. Just my thoughts. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Yes I totally agree, but we must somehow work out how to connect the dots. I am sure there is a connection, just has to be <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • !A “Super Bad” Internet rumor is playing “I Got You” with the British tabloids, which claimed yesterday that the corpse of soul superstar James Brown was stolen, but South Carolina cops and a funeral director say the papers are “Talking Loud and Saying Nothing.”

    “I have not heard that,” said the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office, which has jurisdiction over the area where Brown was laid to rest. “I would expect we would have knowledge of such a thing.”

    Charles Reid of C.A. Reid Funeral Home, who managed the 2006 burial of the Godfather of Soul in a mausoleum at his daughter’s home, said the rumor is false.

    James Brown’s daughter LaRhonda Pettit reportedly said his body was missing on the eve of an autopsy meant to prove he was poisoned. The story got picked up and traveled around the world before it landed back in South Carolina, where Reid laid it to rest."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Huh?

    So they are saying that this this newspaper article is A HOAX <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    !A “Super Bad” Internet rumor is playing “I Got You” with the British tabloids, which claimed yesterday that the corpse of soul superstar James Brown was stolen, but South Carolina cops and a funeral director say the papers are “Talking Loud and Saying Nothing.”

    “I have not heard that,” said the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office, which has jurisdiction over the area where Brown was laid to rest. “I would expect we would have knowledge of such a thing.”

    Charles Reid of C.A. Reid Funeral Home, who managed the 2006 burial of the Godfather of Soul in a mausoleum at his daughter’s home, said the rumor is false.

    James Brown’s daughter LaRhonda Pettit reportedly said his body was missing on the eve of an autopsy meant to prove he was poisoned. The story got picked up and traveled around the world before it landed back in South Carolina, where Reid laid it to rest."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Huh?

    So they are saying that this this newspaper article is A HOAX <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
    I find it very hard to believe that anyone would lie to the media about the body of their own father gone missing. Something doesn't add up here. Or the rest of the family relocated the coffin and didnt notify Pettit because they did not agree with her about a postmortem.
  • Happy FeetHappy Feet Posts: 320
    !A “Super Bad” Internet rumor is playing “I Got You” with the British tabloids, which claimed yesterday that the corpse of soul superstar James Brown was stolen, but South Carolina cops and a funeral director say the papers are “Talking Loud and Saying Nothing.”

    “I have not heard that,” said the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office, which has jurisdiction over the area where Brown was laid to rest. “I would expect we would have knowledge of such a thing.”

    Charles Reid of C.A. Reid Funeral Home, who managed the 2006 burial of the Godfather of Soul in a mausoleum at his daughter’s home, said the rumor is false.

    James Brown’s daughter LaRhonda Pettit reportedly said his body was missing on the eve of an autopsy meant to prove he was poisoned. The story got picked up and traveled around the world before it landed back in South Carolina, where Reid laid it to rest."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Huh?

    So they are saying that this this newspaper article is A HOAX <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
    I find it very hard to believe that anyone would lie to the media about the body of their own father gone missing. Something doesn't add up here. Or the rest of the family relocated the coffin and didnt notify Pettit because they did not agree with her about a postmortem.

    Yeah it does seem strange. I'm wondering why she said this in the first place. Something doesn't seem right. If the body is indeed where it should be as the rest of the family are claiming, then her request for the autposy should go through right?

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Let's see what happens then.
  • I was watching a video of MJ's 45 Birthday on YT today and am wondering if JB has a connection to the hoax in another way, on the birthday party video MJ makes a speach and makes reference to SONY and how they sacked Artists, which made me wonder did they sack James Brown? I believe JB was sent to prison at one point in the 198'0s and there was police violence against him. Anyone know anything about it? Am currently researching the Sony conection to JB and if he was sacked?

    If he was I think this could possibly be another connection.

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • is he already missing?
  • I was just watching the new George Lopez show, Lopez Tonight, & I don't know if you guys know this, but his band leader is Michael Bearden - from TII.

    Anyways... during his monologue, Lopez talked about how the daughter said that James Brown's body was missing and made a joke that maybe there's a James Brown zombie walking around. Then Bearden quickly chimed in and said, "Maybe he never died."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> That was a weird thing for him to say.
  • I was just watching the new George Lopez show, Lopez Tonight, & I don't know if you guys know this, but his band leader is Michael Bearden - from TII.

    Anyways... during his monologue, Lopez talked about how the daughter said that James Brown's body was missing and made a joke that maybe there's a James Brown zombie walking around. Then Bearden quickly chimed in and said, "Maybe he never died."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> That was a weird thing for him to say.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I was just watching the new George Lopez show, Lopez Tonight, & I don't know if you guys know this, but his band leader is Michael Bearden - from TII.

    Anyways... during his monologue, Lopez talked about how the daughter said that James Brown's body was missing and made a joke that maybe there's a James Brown zombie walking around. Then Bearden quickly chimed in and said, "Maybe he never died."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> That was a weird thing for him to say.

    Michael Beardon said that for real? Wow I have to watch the repeat of that later tonight. That is weird that he would say that and George Lopez was making jokes about it. Michael Beardon was MJ's musical director and one of his friends. It's almost like their be sarcastic like this story is just tabloid trash. That's probably why they was joking about it. Anyway I think Michael Beardon knows stuff about MJ too. He and MJ appeared to be pretty tight as friends. Actually the whole story does sound bizarre. My family and I were talking about this subject on Sunday. One of our friends said that sometimes they put holes in the bottom of people's coffins and then they reuse the coffin to make additional money. James Brown's casket was made with gold. I would hope this kind of thing wouldn't happen or be true. That's just sick.
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    I didn't read through the whole 6 pages of comments but wouldn't JB's daughter have noticed the grave had been dug out in her back yard when it was originally done?

    Why now? Correct me if I'm wrong but the reason for exhuming JB's body was to do an autopsy and not because his daughter called in saying someone dug up my daddy's grave the dirt is all moved... right?

    This is very odd to say the least and I do believe there is a connection with MJ here. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    maybe the article is meant to make people think. I mean if James Browns bocy is missing ( one king) maybe some would want to take a look and see if Elvis body (a king) is still there and MJ's (a king) is there.
    and when they do they discover that the graves are empty, or atleast MJ's.
    Maybe thats the thought behind it all??
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I was just watching the new George Lopez show, Lopez Tonight, & I don't know if you guys know this, but his band leader is Michael Bearden - from TII.

    Anyways... during his monologue, Lopez talked about how the daughter said that James Brown's body was missing and made a joke that maybe there's a James Brown zombie walking around. Then Bearden quickly chimed in and said, "Maybe he never died."

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> That was a weird thing for him to say.

    What if he was just trying to be funny? But I admit, that was rather odd.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082

    Forensics experts who were attempting to exhume the body for postmortem discovered an empty tomb

    Why did they wait 4 years to exhume his body ? Didn't they have an autopsy made back then ?[/quote]

    thank you I wanted to post the same question <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    well all i can say guys is....my head is spinning with all this.........ifeel really thick sometimes and wish there was a "lightbulb moment" so we could understand things...its so complicated........just my thoughts...xxxx
  • mrbigshotmrbigshot Posts: 456

    - Michael was very concerned for at least over a decade that a group of people were trying to murder him, a conspiracy. A group of people possibly with roots within the music industry, racial issues are mentioned in this context as well as Michael's power as a black artist.

    - Michael's big idol, James Brown, dies under suspicous circumstances in 2006 having Murray as physician. Michael may have suspected the same group of people that were after him also murdered his idol JB. He may even have suspected Murray played a role in it.

    - In the meanwhile, JB's body is stolen(if this news is true). Possibly to cover up a murder and get rid of any evidence.

    - Michael gets Murray as physician himself. Why? Did he serve as a bait to catch JB's murderers?

    - Michael then 'dies' under suspicious circumstances himself, with again Murray's involvement.

    - JB's body is being exhumed for autopsy, possibly to find out if there is a link with the MJ case. However investigators find the tomb empty and the body stolen.

    - Security at MJ's supposed tomb is lifted. Possibly the individuals that stole JB's body may try opening MJ's tomb as well. Lifting security may serve as bait to catch the people behind both JB's and MJ's case.

    This is all so bizarre.

    [new theory]

    This makes me wonder that, if Michael actually did die, it would be to catch James Brown's murderers if, in fact, it was proven that foul play was involved. That would possibly make Michael an ultimate humanitarian. To sacrifice his own-self to bring justice to the Brown Family and to eventually expose Murray. And to think, Jesus died for our sins, so possibly, and I'm saying this in extreme circumstances, if Michael actually did pass on, it was to provide justice and to possibly catch Brown's murders. that would possibly be the only reason why I would believe that Michael Jackson is not here with us today. Which, I sincerely hope this didn't happen. but if he had to go out one way, it'd be to save countless individuals by eliminating himself from the world. If this ever happened and the truth leaked out, michael would become an instant saint and enshrined as a hero for eternity.

    Sounds a bit like some action movie. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • What if it was JB's body that was in the casket at MJ's memorial, funeral and now in MJ's crypt?

    How tall was JB? Did he have a receding hairline? Was an Autopsy done on his body back in December when he passed away?

    I remember the paramedics saying MJ looked like an old man. The discrepencies in height, weight, hair etc.
    What if we now have the body?

    It was the same coffin and would explain why there was no viewing of MJ's body because maybe it wasn't MJ's body.

    TS did say that there was another body maybe it was JB's.

    I dunno anything is possible, I guess...
  • From the New York Times.

    Preserving the Rich and Famous
    February 21, 2007, 1:12 pm By MIKE NIZZA
    We can’t find any reports of an autopsy on James Brown, who died of congestive heart failure, and he must’ve been embalmed quickly for the lavish funeral services in the days after his death. Also, his body has been kept in a temperature-controlled room at his Beech Island, S.C., home.

    I tried to find his height but I am getting many different numbers 5ft 6in, 5ft 7in, 5ft 9in and 5ft 11in. with a penchant for heels...lol
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Serenitys_Dream, God is truth, and now all this mess with James Browns, why an alleged autopsy after so long?
    For the media have not said anything about James Browns, in case you need an autopsy after all this time ... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    We must keep our eyes wide open in all this.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I always wondered if James Brown is really buried in at his daugther Deanna's home. Or was the public just told that and he was buried in a secret location. Now this is just a theory I have no idea if it's true. But maybe James Brown was buried at Forest Lawn in the crypt that is suppose to be Michael's. Maybe he's buried there temporary until the Public Mausoleum is built for him here in Augusta. Idk but if this is connected doesn't that mean that to some degree someone in the Brown family is in on the hoax? I'm just throwing it out there.
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