Michael Jackson's Message - Part 1



  • NightOwlNightOwl Posts: 150
    hesouttamylife, Are you saying people have been implanted with these chips/tags?

    Well mjjveritas, in fact many people has done it freely.
    You don´t have to force someone if they´re self convinced.

    That's right. Some will willingly have a chip. FEAR is again one excellent way to manipulate sheeple to accept the chip.
    Here are two videos:
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMTV0Un7 ... re=related<!-- m -->
    Oh, how well they read their prewritten lines!
    Or make it hip and cool like in this next video. A club in Rotterdam (also pay attention to the advanced technique of the chip): <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI4C1_tZCyI<!-- m -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Im_convincedmjalive, I'm glad you've felt the need to restrain yourself. My "nonsense spewing garbage" as you so eloquently put it is my opinion. I'm not going to apologize for stating it. I don't need to be aware of signs as I would not allow myself to be implanted (without my consent). As for nightclubbers, who cares, they're probably high on drugs anyway. I'm sure that last sentence will get you going. I've "spoke(n) blindly many times" have I? What would you know? You can't even string a coherent sentence together combined with your attitude problem. Quite a delightful combination. Why am I here? That's for me to know and you to not find out. "Check myself". What are you taking? By the way, possibly for the second time, my username is "mjjveritas".
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    You just proved every single one of my PIONTS <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Ignorance KILLS! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Peace out!
    <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    How bout this also D.A.N. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Im_convincedmjalive, You are a joke! Get yourself a dictionary and then maybe I'll take you a bit more seriously. You might have something interesting to say but I can't be bothered trying to interpret through all the spelling mistakes. You're the ignoramus here. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Im_convincedmjalive and dmovie27. Can you confirm if you are the same person?
  • Your conversation is really constructive.
    I wish it to keep filling the thread, thanks.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Im_convincedmjalive, I can't believe you're still banging on about "D.A.N.". If it's religious, save it. I'm not interested.
    Souza & Mo – I appreciate your efforts in providing this forum for those who question the death of Michael Jackson. You are entitled to your own opinions about current events in the world and I am one who would always defend your right to express yourself, regardless of whether I agree with you or not.
    In this thread I must also say that I too have my own opinions and the right to express them. President Obama and the United States government did NOT cause the Haiti earthquake. Mistakes were made in Iraq and President Obama is the one who was opposed to the Iraq war in the first place, rallied the majority U.S. public against it and has worked diligently to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq.
    There are real terrorist threats that exist in the world – yes real threats to all peace loving people. I do not think you are representing Michael Jackson in any way with the allegations in this thread– but you are entitled to your own opinions.
    hesouttamylife, Are you saying people have been implanted with these chips/tags?

    Well mjjveritas, in fact many people has done it freely.
    You don´t have to force someone if they´re self convinced.I remember awhile back they tried to get people to have that done to thier babies , to identify them if they were kidnapped , some people did it ..remember that.
  • Yes, yes, in fact that has to do with the theory that such a lot of famous kidnappings last years is because of their means to highlight something to create a massive opinion... brain washing.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Somekindofsign, Do I detect a whiff of sarcasm? I'm entitled to respond publically to someone who has publically written in a negative tone towards me. One is allowed to voice differing opinions on controversial topics. I'm open to reading and learning about HAARP and that is what I have stated. There is no good reason why this poster has responded in that way towards the content of my previous posts.
  • I want to talk here about this...




    so "2012" that michael have said is not about the end of the world but about the new world order ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->WOW ....! YOU GOT IT.
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, Thank you for the videos. With regards to the second video the voiceover states that "every worker carries a personal RFID identification system which detects their location and the working stations and analyses their production in real time". This could be a device that the worker carries much like a credit card. There was no mention that the RFID was implanted in them. Every worker carries the RFID on their person.
  • Well, but I don´t want any of them to be seen as normal.
    Even if that was normal, onething takes to the other.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, Regarding the fourth video, what has the American Civil Liberties Union got to say about this?
  • Uh, that quesion is too from the States to me... sorry IDK, don´t even understand the question and don´t know what that Union is. I understand the words American Civil Liberties and Union, but I don´t know that organization or how they act. I don´t like to assume from a name. I pass the question to someone from there.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, I agree to an extent regarding the RFID's. It could be a slippery slope to go down. I would suspect The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) would oppose measures to implement RFID's in people even with their consent. I'll put a link to Wikipedia about the ACLU as it will save me. If you watch Fox News they always mention this group. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_Liberties_Union
  • Ah, Ok. But the thing is simple. They did it with credit cards and cellulars... when things are just accepted there´s nothing to say about it.

    You that you know ACLU, what do they say about fluoride in water? what do they say about ASPARTAME?what do they say about tear gassing citizens?
    I could make a list, but guess the answer is the same.

    In this wiki I just see they deffend the obviously politically correct.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, I don't want to be controversial but from a UK perspective some facets of American society seem quite paranoid/scaremongering in their approach to things. Remember the Cold War survivalists hiding out in Montana/Oregon etc, and that was during the period of Detente. Americans seem to get worked up about such issues as abortion, so much so that they campaign outside clinics etc. That just doesn't tend to happen in the UK. Things seem much more bipartisan in the USA. Everything is much more of a big deal. Remember everyone, this is just my opinion.
  • I think they have good tools that we don´t. For instance, if you touch one senator´s heart, you can put something in the congress and the chances are open. We have some good tools that they don´t.

    The pitty is that these tools are being hindered, and people conformism and blindness are causing the lack of its use. In the other hand, people who has tried to use them has being silenced. Look at the case of Sibel Edmonds...


    Or what happened when it was proven that the Bush election was a fraud with the counting machines? Nothing.
    What happened even with the lack of clarity about Obama being natural USA citizen or not?
    Let´s not talk about 911 or massive destrucion weapons in Iraq (same that the campaign they are running now against Iran).

    Europe... we have the Lisbon Treat. You live close to Ireland and know what happened there. They asked once it was NO, they asked again then. What does a referendum means today? Asking till people say yes?

    The list is endless.
    Sorry to digress, but I think that there are too many things that are not right today to conclude that it´s all like always and that we are not being completely manipulated as an ignorant or powerless flock. We just need to be branded with this crap, under skin or in the wallet, I don´t see a big difference.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, I remember we spoke regarding the EU referendums some time ago. [url]Re: UK Terror Threat Raised to "Severe". ATTACK HIGHLY LIKELY.
    by mjjveritas » Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:33 pm

    somekindofsign, I agree with you in regards to the EU Constitution and referendums. It is a farce when an indidivdual country has spoken and the EU insists on re asking the question again until the EU gets the answer it wants. No matter how many times they ask the question my answer will ALWAYS be the same "No" to the EU. Not very democratic is it, completely disregarding the will of the people when they have spoken/given their answer. This is the same body that has not had its accounts signed off for about seven years because of the level of corruption.mjjveritas

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  • True.. TDCAU
    They don´t really give a damn shit about us.
    Michael would have expressed that so, but he´s more polite than me and I´m not in the point of view, so I translate MJ words meaning to the world <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, Thanks for your video. I shall watch it tomorrow. I think part of the problem is apathy and lack of time. British people have the longest working hours in Europe. They need to work beyond the EU's Working Week Directive because they have mortgages to upkeep. It's ok for unemployed people or people with alternative lifestyles to devote time and energy to going on marches and writing to Members of Parliament but your average UK worker doesn't have that luxury of time. As for President Obama and his place of birth, I would assume that it was verified that he was born on US soil and not in Africa. Obama would probably feel it was demeaning and undermining to show everyone his birth certificate. Anyway if he was actually born outwith the USA, the certificate will have been doctored by now. The George W. Bush fiasco, well it does look like corruption was evident there.
  • As for President Obama and his place of birth, I would assume that it was verified that he was born on US soil and not in Africa. Obama would probably feel it was demeaning and undermining to show everyone his birth certificate. Anyway if he was actually born outwith the USA, the certificate will have been doctored by now.

    Have you ever heard of Orly Taitz? Here's the link to her website: <!-- m -->http://www.orlytaitzesq.com<!-- m --> Just spend some time there looking around...
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