The silence of the hospital staff, Visitors,Patients!!!!!!!

Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I had this topic posted on MJHD and im now putting it here.I wish i copied the whole thread b4 it closed!!!
No word from anyone not a single person that saw anything has spoken Including visitors ,Patients..People love to talk but apparently not about this!!!!


  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    I know it is not logical
    everybody is quiet? But they also do everything for geld ....... very peculiarly
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • this is what i do not understand,this silence speaks volumes to me <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I was thinking, maybe there was nothing to be been.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I find it hard to believe someone saw smth and not tell everybody else. he'd tell to a friend and so on and eventually it comes out to the rest of the world. Maybe noone saw is this possible? Though I do remember an old post saying somebody went into the hospital as soon as they heard, but didn't see anything except saying there was some diversion going on when they were probably trying to get him out.
  • tiida11tiida11 Posts: 248
    IIt's unbelievable -from a normal standpoint- nobody in that big hospital, no one single person, noticed what's happening there. It's hard to believe that day not even a curious person paid a little attention to the agitation that created at least at the entrance of the hospital if not more. We all know that when an ambulance is coming to the emergency , with flashing lights and sounding sirens, nobody can ignore it totally and he/she casts at least a glance at what happens's human nature to do that.And it was about Michael Jackson...bodyguards...police aso.
    And this lack of any evidence speaks a lot to me.
  • I made a post about this in old MJHD too and this is what's been my biggest evidence to this date. I cannot for the love understand why nothing has been released, no statements, no gossip, not a word from hospital staff, nurses, ER doctors, neighbouring patients and visitors.

    Believe me, if Michael was admitted into hospital, news would spread really fast. Think he was the only one worked on for over an hour in UCLA medical hospital? Not a chance, if they worked on him for an hour, news would spread, co-workers would tell each other Michael Jackson is in the hospital, the co-workers families would see the news on television and ask them whats happening. I can understand that staff are prohibited from talking, but lets look at Britney Spears, she was admitted to the same hospital and news and photos were leaked immediately after she was hospitalized. And neighbouring patients or people waiting in the ER would see or hear something.

    My biggest puzzle is the lack of statements and gossip, even the cleaning people could have made some extra money from spreading some true or false stories of Michael. Infact, they could have made a fortune on a cellphone pic or something. But no one saw or heard anything, probably because he wasnt even in there.

    And why did JERMAINE JACKSON announce his death at a pressconference? I thought it was the chief doctors job to do, an authority figure, police officer, coroner, nurse, cardiologist, surgeon, you name it. And Jermaine got the honor to announce the death? I thought this day and age such hard news would be delivered by someone more proffecional and someone with an education in medicine and not a family member. Since when did they start letting families announce possible murder cases?

    Like seriously, it would have sounded more reliable if it was the Jackson family lawyer who announced the news. But Jermaine? Why not Blanket?
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    habe ich einen Post dazu in den alten MJHD zu und das ist, was seit meiner größten Beweise zu diesem Datum. Ich kann nicht für die Liebe verstehen, warum nichts freigegeben wurde, keine Erklärungen, kein Klatsch, kein Wort aus dem Krankenhaus, Krankenpflegepersonal, ER Ärzte, Patienten und Besucher Nachbarländern.

    Glauben Sie mir, wenn Michael ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurde, würde Nachricht verbreitete sich sehr schnell. Glaube, er war der einzige, arbeitete für über eine Stunde in UCLA Medical Krankenhaus? Nicht eine Chance, wenn sie arbeiteten auf ihn für eine Stunde, würde Nachricht verbreitete, Mitarbeiter würden sich gegenseitig sagen, ist Michael Jackson im Krankenhaus, würden die Mitarbeiter die Familien der Nachrichten im Fernsehen sehen und sie bitten, was ist passiert. Ich kann verstehen, dass das Personal aus Gesprächen verboten, aber läßt Blick an Britney Spears, wurde sie in das gleiche Krankenhaus und Nachrichten und Bilder aufgenommen wurden sofort ausgetreten, nachdem sie kam ins Krankenhaus. Und den benachbarten Patienten oder Menschen warten in der Notaufnahme sehen würde oder etwas zu hören.

    Meine größte Rätsel ist der Mangel an Erklärungen und Gerüchte, auch die Reinigung Menschen hätten etwas mehr Geld Ausbreitung von einigen wahr oder falsch Geschichten von Michael gemacht. Infact, hätten sie ein Vermögen für ein Handy Bild oder etwas gemacht. Aber niemand sah und hörte nichts, wahrscheinlich weil er selbst wasnt in there.

    Und warum hat Jermaine Jackson bekannt zu seinem Tod in einer Pressekonferenz? Ich dachte, es war der Chef Ärzte Aufgabe zu erfüllen, eine Autorität, Polizei, Untersuchungsrichter, Krankenschwester, Kardiologen, Chirurgen, you name it. Und Jermaine hat die Ehre, den Tod bekannt geben? Ich dachte, der heutigen Zeit so schwer wäre Nachrichten von jemandem mehr proffecional und jemand mit einer Ausbildung in der Medizin und nicht ein Familienmitglied geliefert werden. Seit wann sie beginnen zu lassen Familien bekannt möglich Mordfälle?

    Wie schwer wäre es geklungen haben mehr zuverlässig, wenn es der Familie Jackson Anwalt, der die Nachricht bekannt gegeben. Aber Jermaine? Warum nicht Decke? [/ Quote]

    I agree to 100 prozent with them

    What is real with the fire alarm? Do we know whether this was is? Time?
  • I made a post about this in old MJHD too and this is what's been my biggest evidence to this date. I cannot for the love understand why nothing has been released, no statements, no gossip, not a word from hospital staff, nurses, ER doctors, neighbouring patients and visitors.

    Believe me, if Michael was admitted into hospital, news would spread really fast. Think he was the only one worked on for over an hour in UCLA medical hospital? Not a chance, if they worked on him for an hour, news would spread, co-workers would tell each other Michael Jackson is in the hospital, the co-workers families would see the news on television and ask them whats happening. I can understand that staff are prohibited from talking, but lets look at Britney Spears, she was admitted to the same hospital and news and photos were leaked immediately after she was hospitalized. And neighbouring patients or people waiting in the ER would see or hear something.

    My biggest puzzle is the lack of statements and gossip, even the cleaning people could have made some extra money from spreading some true or false stories of Michael. Infact, they could have made a fortune on a cellphone pic or something. But no one saw or heard anything, probably because he wasnt even in there.

    And why did JERMAINE JACKSON announce his death at a pressconference? I thought it was the chief doctors job to do, an authority figure, police officer, coroner, nurse, cardiologist, surgeon, you name it. And Jermaine got the honor to announce the death? I thought this day and age such hard news would be delivered by someone more proffecional and someone with an education in medicine and not a family member. Since when did they start letting families announce possible murder cases?

    Like seriously, it would have sounded more reliable if it was the Jackson family lawyer who announced the news. But Jermaine? Why not Blanket?

    I agree with you 100%. I remember when Brittany Spears was taken to UCLA, the news spread so quick that paparazzi's were following the ambulance that she was in to the hospital ON FOOT! I didn't see that with MJ! Not one paparazzi followed the ambulance to the hospital? Strange...

    I find it very odd that none that worked was at the hospital has any stories to tell to the media? They could make a fortune!! " I was at UCLA the day Michael Jackson died and here's what I saw", didn't see any headlines like that!! And the fact that JERMAINE JACKSON * TOHME TOHME were the ones to announce his death is very odd. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Like you said, chief doctor, police, etc would be the one to announce the death of a celebrity, not their family!! When Anna Nicole Smith died, officials made the announcement to the public, not her family!

    I would think by now we would've herd stories from workers, patients, visitors, etc of what happened the day Michael "died". I find it suspicious that we haven't herd one story. It makes me wonder if Michael was ever at UCLA that day? Maybe they brought a body double in to make things believable? Maybe Michael was taken to the hospital but was rushed out after they arrived? I don't know what to think. If it turns out that Michael died die that day, I think the family has a lot of explaining to do!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • <!-- m --> ... -ucla.html<!-- m -->

    A witness report, there she also debunk the firealarm story since it didint go off in the building Michael was.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    <!-- m --> ... -ucla.html<!-- m -->

    Ein Zeuge Bericht, da ist sie widerlegen auch die Rauchmelder didint Geschichte, da es ab in das Gebäude Michael Krieg. [/ Quote]

    Fire dispatch rider, nevertheless, not <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507

    A witness report, there she also debunk the firealarm story since it didint go off in the building Michael was.

    Yes this is the only one however She didnt see anything its all about the helicopters and stuff .. She wasnt even in the same building!!!
    Not an eyewitnees......And not even confirmed that it was Jermaine just general "I heard this" so its all rumours...

    In fact, after the little fire alarm, we found out that one of the nurses (the one who takes my vitals) was approached by a young black man as we were waiting for the all clear. He told her his name was Jermaine Jackson, Jr. and he needed help finding the entrance to the hospital, so she escorted him. She was just a few feet away, and we missed it! Once we got the "all clear", we went back in to finish my appointment. At that point, a lot of the nursing staff was confirming that Michael Jackson had indeed passed away. Not sure if we knew ahead of everyone else, but it was still shocking news to say the least. The good news about the rest of my appointment: I am still cancer free, and I no longer need to have blood draws at home! Yay!
  • Leah-Kim, congratulations on being cancer-free, may that continue. I lost a family member last year to cancer and I dont want anyone to go through that hell.
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    Leah-Kim, congratulations on being cancer-free, may that continue. I lost a family member last year to cancer and I dont want anyone to go through that hell.

    A little misunderstanding I do not have Cancer i copied that from the Blog from the person saying she was at the hospital.. See the link.

    Leahkim/ mikhael
  • Leah-Kim, congratulations on being cancer-free, may that continue. I lost a family member last year to cancer and I dont want anyone to go through that hell.

    A little misunderstanding I do not have Cancer i copied that from the Blog from the person saying she was at the hospital.. See the link.

    Leahkim/ mikhael

    Ohh Im really sorry for my mistake, sorry about that. Im glad for that persons sake who wrote that in the quote.
  • do you guys remember i think it was the barbara walters interview when she was being a bitch,anyway mj said when i think it might have been prince was born that there were helicopters flying all around the hospital and the doctors said to mj how stunned they were at this attention,as they are use to having big stars there, so mj dies and none of this happens ,no witness ,no gossip,no doctors ,no cleaners,no visitors talking <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> just jermaine,were we born yesterday
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    You are right. This silence doesn't make sense. I remember that when I heard the news I thought that someone of the hospital staff would make a statement - but there was none. I also thought that Alvarez and even dr. Murray were going to be interviewed or make some kind of statement, as they were with MJ when he supposedly died - but no... key people didn't say a word.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I had this topic posted on MJHD and im now putting it here.I wish i copied the whole thread b4 it closed!!!
    No word from anyone not a single person that saw anything has spoken Including visitors ,Patients..People love to talk but apparently not about this!!!!

    yep that's a thing that makes me crazy! No doctor no nurse nor visitors are talkin about that or were interviewed. If this would be a true story. i think that the media would have interviewed staff or visitors of the hospital on that day wouldn't theyß
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    Noone confirmed he was admitted to the hospital and I read on MHJD the ucla statement was something like:" It has been reported by the Jackson family that MJ died here on the 25th of June"
    They don't want to take any responsibilty.
    Because he is not dead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Niemand bestätigt wurde er ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, und ich lese auf MHJD der UCLA-Anweisung war so etwas wie: "Es wurde von der Jackson-Familie berichtet, dass MJ hier starb am 25. Juni"
    Sie wollen keine Verantwortung übernehmen.
    Denn er ist nicht tot;) [/ quote]

    They say it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    Niemand bestätigt wurde er ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, und ich lese auf MHJD der UCLA-Anweisung war so etwas wie: "Es wurde von der Jackson-Familie berichtet, dass MJ hier starb am 25. Juni"
    Sie wollen keine Verantwortung übernehmen.
    Denn er ist nicht tot;) [/ quote]

    They say it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Wow! That's cool! I mean , the translation! I might start learning Deutsch! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I know his death certificate was never signed but if he was infact treated in the hospital for more than one hour his records would be found in archives and if anyone in the staff wanted to make themselves a millionaire and never have to work in their life, they could have leaked the info out, any type of paper that has his name and date of birth on, but nothing has been leaked. Even if they risk getting fired, Im sure they'd take the opportunity. And not even one paper with his name and the hospitals name have come out.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Niemand bestätigt wurde er ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, und ich lese auf MHJD der UCLA-Anweisung war so etwas wie: "Es wurde von der Jackson - Familie berichtet, dass. MJ hier starb am 25. Juni "
    Sie wollen keine Verantwortung übernehmen.
    Denn er ist nicht tot;) [/ quote]

    Sie sagen, es;): D [/ quote]
    Wow! That's cool! Ich meine, die Übersetzung! Ich könnte dem Lernen beginnen English! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->: D [/ quote]

    I also <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Noone confirmed he was admitted to the hospital and I read on MHJD the ucla statement was something like:" It has been reported by the Jackson family that MJ died here on the 25th of June"
    They don't want to take any responsibilty.
    Because he is not dead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    If that UCLA statement is a fact then THAT is my 100%er right there!!

    I'm a nurse and I know that if a big star died in our care the CONSULTANT caring for that patient and the press officer would do a statement about the death. No WAY would it be phrased like that. I have never heard of anything so dodgy in my life guys.

    I'm telling you if thats a fact, HE IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> really <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Yes, there is my WTF. Not even a proper statement confirming that he was admitted to the hospital. They didnt even have to say he died at the hospital, they only needed to say he was admitted and they cant even say that? The hospital has only released statements THROUGH the Jackson family because if they were to release false statements on their own account they would definitely get fired. They all made sure nothing they did was illigal.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Wow, thanks this is a great news, we need such a specialist knowledge <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Thanks, this is very positive
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