The silence of the hospital staff, Visitors,Patients!!!!!!!



  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    Noone confirmed he was admitted to the hospital and I read on MHJD the ucla statement was something like:" It has been reported by the Jackson family that MJ died here on the 25th of June"
    They don't want to take any responsibilty.
    Because he is not dead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    If that UCLA statement is a fact then THAT is my 100%er right there!!

    I'm a nurse and I know that if a big star died in our care the CONSULTANT caring for that patient and the press officer would do a statement about the death. No WAY would it be phrased like that. I have never heard of anything so dodgy in my life guys.

    I'm telling you if thats a fact, HE IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    This is the 'official' UCLA statement in from their newsroom - nothing else.

    "Statement on the death of Michael Jackson at UCLA Medical Center

    The family of Michael Jackson made this brief statement available on June 25 at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center:

    The legendary King of Pop, Michael Jackson, passed away on Thursday, June 25, 2009, at 2:26 p.m. It is believed he suffered cardiac arrest in his home. However, the cause of his death is unknown until results of the autopsy are known.

    His personal physician, who was with him at the time, attempted to resuscitate Jackson, as did paramedics who transported him to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Upon arriving at the hospital at approximately 1:14 p.m., a team of doctors, including emergency physicians and cardiologists, attempted to resuscitate him for a period of more than one hour but were unsuccessful.

    Jackson's family requests that the media respect their privacy during this tragic period of time. "

    <!-- m --> ... l&ref=1236<!-- m -->

    There was another blog entry, where they said "Michael Jackson died on June, 25th.. according to the Jackson family's statement....blabla"
    That was weird, and I can't find it anymore.
    I'm German and I looked up the word "according" - so my dictionary tells me, it also means "in conformance with", what would just tell me - the statement states the actual facts. What do you native speakers say about that?

    Funny, the only other blog about "Jackson" is about a former staff Ms. Jackson, who violated HIPPA by selling celebrity's infos to tabloids and was fired.

    But we had another eye witness report! From that cleansing woman at UCLA. And she saw Michael running around and being protected by many people. <!-- s:-D -->:-D<!-- s:-D --> Where's that one?
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    by AnnieIsNotOK » Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:20 pm

    Miss.Peppers wrote:
    DooDoo wrote:
    Noone confirmed he was admitted to the hospital and I read on MHJD the ucla statement was something like:" It has been reported by the Jackson family that MJ died here on the 25th of June"
    They don't want to take any responsibilty.
    Because he is not dead

    Or because he was already dead at his home and murdered by Dr Murray?? He didnt die at the hospital but died at home.. thats why no-one wanted to take responsibility?

    (sorry .. playing Devils advocate again but things have to make sense in my head)

    My mother-in-law died in her home a few years ago and my father-in-law called 911 as soon as he found her(He was gone to the dentist) and an ambulance was sent ,of course,but also the police showed up...When poeple die at home,the police suppose to be their,I think! Michael case,I didn't heard anything about the police beeing there on that day so...

    Yes indeed, police do come when a person dies in their house, in Canada anyway. So I am left wondering between 2 situations.

    1. All this was pre-taped playing along with TMZ and the ambulance monitor we are shown is meant to look like it's an actual 911 response. If they can get one of those to film a movie I am sure they can get their hands on one for this purpose as well. Then on June 25th, TMZ put everything in motion and started the ball rolling and the rest of the media followed their lead. At the same time all the other "actors" in this make believe events of the day went down to UCLA and spread the rumor and that is how the scene at the UCLA was created and that is why it looks so real.

    2. All this actually happened but Michael didn't die. But no, the more I think about it the more I have to come up with excuses to justify numerous things for this theory to stand and that shouldn't be. When something is REAL there are never so many questions being raised and justifications/proof needing to be brought to convince people it happened. But then again, maybe Michael was in a coma and his family decided that was it for him, that they were going to tell the world Michael had died and if he recovered they wanted him to live out of the public eye, live a peaceful normal life. But no, that just dont sound right either.
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    Another thing, people wouldn't have to call up media to sell them their stories about their account for that day. You can be sure that they would have reporters posted at the exits of the hopital asking each person going out those doors for their account of events, wanting to know if they seen or heard anything. Not just follow the Jacksons around along with a few close people to MJ, they would also want insight from people who have nothing to hide or cover up and would just be honest in their accounts. IMO <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • to anyone who can remmeber the time when Mj was in the pepsi accident: was there any news or eye witness accounts from the people in the hospital when Mj was rushed in? because we know that was serious.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    @ <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    ALso...can someone research the standards for announcing a death. I know and we all know how death announcements are usually made but can someone upload visual documentation of this standard practice of announcing someones death. (Can we see something stating the standard procedure for announcing someones death , even a celebrity?) this document would back us up.

    This link
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    refers us to this link
    <!-- m --> ... _Guide.pdf<!-- m -->

    regarding the California Hospitals Guide to Release of Patient Information to the Media. You should link to this pdf file to read the entire Guide for yourself.

    Under "General Guidelines" it says that according to HIPPA they can give out information on a patient only if the inquiry specifically contains the patient's name. If this means the inquiry must contain the person's specific legal name, perhaps this is why the hospital itself did not issue a statement, if the inquiry was for someone named "Michael Jackson", or "Michael Joseph Jackson" not named "Michael Joe Jackson". When Jermaine issues the "death" statement, he says "My brother, Michael Jackson, the King of Pop"

    On page 3 it discusses the "Death of a Patient"
    - no information may be released unless the inquiry contains the patient's name
    - with this inquiry, the hospital may respond with a "one-word" description of the condition of the patient
    - patient's death is not routinely announced by the "hospital" but by the patient's physician or the coroner
    - "Additional information about a patient's death, including the date, time and cause of death should not be released without written authorization from a legal representative of the deceased. (Was Jermaine or Tohme a "legal" representative?) Again, this information typically comes from a patient's physician, not the hospital." (and not from their brother)

    Page 5 discusses Celebrities
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    Noone confirmed he was admitted to the hospital and I read on MHJD the ucla statement was something like:" It has been reported by the Jackson family that MJ died here on the 25th of June"
    They don't want to take any responsibilty.
    Because he is not dead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    If that UCLA statement is a fact then THAT is my 100%er right there!!

    I'm a nurse and I know that if a big star died in our care the CONSULTANT caring for that patient and the press officer would do a statement about the death. No WAY would it be phrased like that. I have never heard of anything so dodgy in my life guys.

    I'm telling you if thats a fact, HE IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Please go to this link and watch the entire video from the UCLA press site and tell us what you think about the way the official from UCLA presents this entire thing.

    IMO, he does not even mention "Michael Jackson" or why they are having the press conference. He mentions Jermaine's (Mr. Jackson's) friend Tohme, and Jermaine, but does not refer to "Michael". He says "Okay, ah, good evening, good evening, my name's Amir Dan Rubin, I'm the chief operating officer of the UCLA hospital system. I'd first like to introduce a, uh, personal friend of Mr. Jackson, Dr. Tohme, who will make a brief statement, um, and then, uh, we'd like to bring up Mr. Jermaine (pause) Jackson (to me, this refers back to the first time he said "Mr. Jackson") So, technically, it seems that UCLA is only introducing Tohme and Jermaine.

    This is the link to the UCLA press site, the original video, but it does not seem to have the video available on this site anymore. Hmm.
    <!-- m --> ... id=E0C5478<!-- m -->

    This link is the same video on YouTube, they just edited out the "Okay, ah, good evening"
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Link to the press release
    <!-- m --> ... 94914.aspx<!-- m -->

    Link to article which states "Jackson died Thursday at the medical center, according to a statement released by his family."

    <!-- m --> ... 94986.aspx<!-- m -->
  • LLJLLJ Posts: 140
    Why isn't anyone coming forward either saying "ye i worked that day and MJ wasn't in the hospital"? This one confuses me more?

    But i guess the people who could (would) have REALLY seen him wouldn't have been a lot. Therefore not a lot to keep quiet.?
  • goes. MJ did NOT die (duh) and all the footage we saw was already taped previously. Including the ambulance pic. (again...duh)

    Maybe MJ didnt even go to the hospital at all.....thats why there are no reports from anyone INSIDE the hospital....cus he wasnt there for anyone to see!!

    Im really starting to lose it here you guys!! LOL!!! So many pieces tot he puzzle and none of them fit together!
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    a few thoughts i've just had reading through all this is..

    *if michael was not there then there's nothing to talk about!!

    *if he was there an didn't die, then saying he did would be lying

    *if they said he was there and he did die, then the family could sue them for talking about it in either case due to confidentiality, except visitors and patients.. dunno how that would work!!

    *the media would stalk them to death an so would fanatic fans to get every single detail out of them..

    still strange that there is not a bad seed in the employee's definatly after 15mins of fame!! irrelevant of them losing there job.. etc!!

    very strange!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Please go to this link and watch the entire video from the UCLA press site and tell us what you think about the way the official from UCLA presents this entire thing.

    IMO, he does not even mention "Michael Jackson" or why they are having the press conference. He mentions Jermaine's (Mr. Jackson's) friend Tohme, and Jermaine, but does not refer to "Michael". He says "Okay, ah, good evening, good evening, my name's Amir Dan Rubin, I'm the chief operating officer of the UCLA hospital system. I'd first like to introduce a, uh, personal friend of Mr. Jackson, Dr. Tohme, who will make a brief statement, um, and then, uh, we'd like to bring up Mr. Jermaine (pause) Jackson (to me, this refers back to the first time he said "Mr. Jackson") So, technically, it seems that UCLA is only introducing Tohme and Jermaine.

    This is the link to the UCLA press site, the original video, but it does not seem to have the video available on this site anymore. Hmm.
    <!-- m --> ... id=E0C5478<!-- m -->

    This link is the same video on YouTube, they just edited out the "Okay, ah, good evening"
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Link to the press release
    <!-- m --> ... 94914.aspx<!-- m -->

    Link to article which states "Jackson died Thursday at the medical center, according to a statement released by his family."

    <!-- m --> ... 94986.aspx<!-- m -->

    This is very suspicious, thank you!
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    OK guys? I understand the part about HIPPA and the hospital when I read through the procedures of death or illness announcement I am kinda confused on the part where it states that only from authorization from the patient's legal representative may any other information such as time, and cause of death be released. But it does say NORMALLY IT IS THE PATIENT"S PHYSICIAN OR CORONER who does this. OK so does Thome authorize Jermaine? This My friends I feel that we need to study that booklet a little harder. I am kinda confused because I still don't understand what gave Jermaine the authority to announce MJ's death? I know he is his brother and all is just wayyyy off. I mean where were the physician or coroner or both? Surley they were present right? Why didn't the family just allow them to do their jobs? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> OK we are going to get this. Let's research and read through this documentation very carefully and see how it applies to MJ's death announcement ok? Jermaine ? and Thome? WTH? The booklet keeps saying NOrmally it is physician or coroner? Maybe someone can call and ask can a family member be allowed to announce the death? (I mean it's not illegal for a family member to do it right> WHy would a family member need authorization from the patients legal representative if it is their loved one? Ya follow me? HELLLLLLP! PLEASE!!!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • to anyone who can remmeber the time when Mj was in the pepsi accident: was there any news or eye witness accounts from the people in the hospital when Mj was rushed in? because we know that was serious.

    Well,the only thing I could found,is this newspaper archive.pxjackfirew.jpg
  • to anyone who can remmeber the time when Mj was in the pepsi accident: was there any news or eye witness accounts from the people in the hospital when Mj was rushed in? because we know that was serious.

    Well,the only thing I could found,is this newspaper archive.pxjackfirew.jpg

    aww thanks AnnieIsNotOk!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    see right in the article an extra from the commercial spoke up and explained what she saw. can you imagine a hosptial with patients, their families and friends, nurses, doctors, janitors, housekeeper, etc. not a peep from them.
  • And they say on the article that it's the hospital's vice-president(Larry Baum) who makes a statement...not Jermaine <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Noone confirmed he was admitted to the hospital and I read on MHJD the ucla statement was something like:" It has been reported by the Jackson family that MJ died here on the 25th of June"
    They don't want to take any responsibilty.
    Because he is not dead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Or because he was already dead at his home and murdered by Dr Murray?? He didnt die at the hospital but died at home.. thats why no-one wanted to take responsibility?

    (sorry .. playing Devils advocate again but things have to make sense in my head)

    My mother-in-law died in her home a few years ago and my father-in-law called 911 as soon as he found her(He was gone to the dentist) and an ambulance was sent ,of course,but also the police showed up...When poeple die at home,the police suppose to be their,I think! Michael case,I didn't heard anything about the police beeing there on that day so...

    VERY GOOD POINT! There was no police there <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • And they say on the article that it's the hospital's vice-president(Larry Baum) who makes a statement...not Jermaine <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    ahhh How did Jermaine miss to make the statement, shame on him <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MJJLivesMJJLives Posts: 130
    VERY GOOD POINT! There was no police there <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I was going to mention the same thing. A police car always accompanies an ambulance. Also, in one of the "Final Days" videos, a Fire Department official stated that, I believe, 2 ambulances and 3 fire trucks were dispatched. Why would fire trucks be dispatched? There was no mention of fire. It is not customary for fire trucks to accompany ambulances unless there is a potential for fire. I found that odd.
  • Actually, the fire department is almost always dispatched first in a 911 call because they can usually get there the fastest since there is normally a fire station in every neighbourhood. They are equipped with paramedics just as an ambulance unit is. I assume the police weren't called because no one was reported dead at the time.

    Anyway, check out this TMZ article on Tiger Woods... <!-- m --> ... -overdose/<!-- m --> The hospital staff doesn't seem to have a problem leaking details about his OD. It says the whole 5th floor was shut down, and they even released his aliases. I know it's a different hospital, but this is what we're used to hearing when a major celebrity is taken to the hospital. And nothing about MJ..not one tiny detail? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Why isn't anyone coming forward either saying "ye i worked that day and MJ wasn't in the hospital"? This one confuses me more?

    But i guess the people who could (would) have REALLY seen him wouldn't have been a lot. Therefore not a lot to keep quiet.?

    Yeah I've been thinking the exact same thing for a little while now. No one that was working their that day has come forward saying anything like that either. Like you, that confuses me too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    If he was there, why is no one talking?. And if he wasn't there, why is no one talking? Same thing goes for Murray. No one in his past is talking or selling a story. No family members or friends from "This is It" dancers/production crew/props etc talkin or selling stories either!!!! Does nobody have nothing to sell? You could probably retire on the money you'd make from one of these stories. Thing is, nobody is even making up stories and selling those! Whoever said 'tabloid' news had to be truthful?

    The silence is deafening and abnormal. Greed should of got the better of someone by now!
  • I read somewhere that the UCLA patients had to sign a confidentiality agreement and not say anything about what happened that day. If I find where I read it, I copy you here.
    Yet it seems strange that there is this silence, with or without agreement of confidentiality, as is Michael Jackson and press will want to know what happened that day there ... morbid curiosity.
    And it seems strange, do sign such things ill patients in a hospital. Do they have something to hide? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    a little bit many people would be involved .... if this was now everything surely comes in if one must pay.... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Why MJ would have generally then in the UCLA ...... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Why isn't anyone coming forward either saying "ye i worked that day and MJ wasn't in the hospital"? This one confuses me more?

    But i guess the people who could (would) have REALLY seen him wouldn't have been a lot. Therefore not a lot to keep quiet.?

    Exactly! They can't talk about nothing!!!! If they would have seen ANYTHING, they would have spoken already.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Or because he was already dead at his home and murdered by Dr Murray?? He didnt die at the hospital but died at home.. thats why no-one wanted to take responsibility?

    (sorry .. playing Devils advocate again but things have to make sense in my head)[/quote]

    My mother-in-law died in her home a few years ago and my father-in-law called 911 as soon as he found her(He was gone to the dentist) and an ambulance was sent ,of course,but also the police showed up...When poeple die at home,the police suppose to be their,I think! Michael case,I didn't heard anything about the police beeing there on that day so...[/quote]

    VERY GOOD POINT! There was no police there <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->[/quote]

    My dad died in his kitchen and we had to wait until 3:00 a.m. for the police to arrive. He couldn't be moved to the hospital until after they had been to the house.
  • OK guys? I understand the part about HIPPA and the hospital when I read through the procedures of death or illness announcement I am kinda confused on the part where it states that only from authorization from the patient's legal representative may any other information such as time, and cause of death be released. But it does say NORMALLY IT IS THE PATIENT"S PHYSICIAN OR CORONER who does this. OK so does Thome authorize Jermaine? This My friends I feel that we need to study that booklet a little harder. I am kinda confused because I still don't understand what gave Jermaine the authority to announce MJ's death? I know he is his brother and all is just wayyyy off. I mean where were the physician or coroner or both? Surley they were present right? Why didn't the family just allow them to do their jobs? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> OK we are going to get this. Let's research and read through this documentation very carefully and see how it applies to MJ's death announcement ok? Jermaine ? and Thome? WTH? The booklet keeps saying NOrmally it is physician or coroner? Maybe someone can call and ask can a family member be allowed to announce the death? (I mean it's not illegal for a family member to do it right> WHy would a family member need authorization from the patients legal representative if it is their loved one? Ya follow me? HELLLLLLP! PLEASE!!!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Im going to go out on a limb and give my opinion as to why Jerkmaine announced the death and NOT an official person (doctor, coroner etc)
    It is probably because since its not a real death that the actual doctors or coroner or anyone else that is of any rank did not or simply COULD NOT jeapordize their career's by announcing a death that never happened. Either they werent allowed to by law or they just didnt want to do something so unethical. Know what I mean? They didnt want to risk their credibility as a professional.
    I dont know if this is the case or not but it seems this would be the reason. And WHY Jerkmaine? Why not his parents if anyone?
    Maybe its because Jerkmaine wanted to steal the spotlight and try to get his face seen by every known human on the planet, which I wouldnt doubt.

    But Im guessing its because of my reasons above in bold.
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