The silence of the hospital staff, Visitors,Patients!!!!!!!



  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    An interesting video-

    At the beginning the woman newscaster says she heard about MJ around 3:30 - the male newscaster says he first heard about it around 1:00 on the radio (was he listening to a police radio? who did he hear it from?) - listen to the video from :01 to :20 - around :13 the woman says "this has been developing for some time and we have yet to hear an official from UCLA Medical Center come out and tell us what happened here..."

    So they were expecting an official from UCLA Medical Center to give an announcment.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    I wonder how many news outlets questioned Jermaine giving the "official" announcement.

  • So they were expecting an official from UCLA Medical Center to give an announcment.

    Well we're still waiting for an OFFICIAL statement. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> not a jermaine statement. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    I wonder how many news outlets questioned Jermaine giving the "official" announcement.
    I'd imagine quite a few of them. I can't remember the last time, if ever, a celebrity's family member made a death announcement during the middle of the day, right at the hospital where the death occurred. It's not as if it were late at night or the wee hours of the morning and fewer staff members were available to do the deed.

    What surprises me more than Jermaine making the official statement is the fact that no news outlets have been vocal about how odd it was that he was the one to do it. They know how these things work, so I'd love to learn the reason for the silence of the media, as well as the hospital staff, visitors, and patients. I realize the media is ignorant much of the time, but hoax believers can't be the only people noticing oddities like this.
  • I wonder how many news outlets questioned Jermaine giving the "official" announcement.
    I'd imagine quite a few of them. I can't remember the last time, if ever, a celebrity's family member made a death announcement during the middle of the day, right at the hospital where the death occurred. It's not as if it were late at night or the wee hours of the morning and fewer staff members were available to do the deed.

    What surprises me more than Jermaine making the official statement is the fact that no news outlets have been vocal about how odd it was that he was the one to do it. They know how these things work, so I'd love to learn the reason for the silence of the media, as well as the hospital staff, visitors, and patients. I realize the media is ignorant much of the time, but hoax believers can't be the only people noticing oddities like this.

    I think non hoax believers think it is peculiar but don't think anything of it. They move on and take what the news is telling them as truth. just like the accusations against Mj. they don't care enough to research it and make a judgment based on facts. instead they came to the conclusion that Mj was "weird". dont think so. I think the man was quite normal.

    we're some dedicated fans if you ask me. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • At first, I am new here and my english is very bad. I hope, you understand, what I mean.
    Someone was asking, if Police was at MJs house on 25.06. I can say, YES....

    Look at this video on 0:36, you see on the left side an Officer (the one with the cap).

    <!-- m --> ... 3ef6573bd3<!-- m -->

    I also found some weeks ago picutres of KJ, leaving the UCLA. She had a "Visitor-Pass" on her blouse - Date 25.06.



    For more information: <!-- m --> ... LEaIypwjfQ<!-- m -->

  • So they were expecting an official from UCLA Medical Center to give an announcment.

    Well we're still waiting for an OFFICIAL statement. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> not a jermaine statement. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Agreed. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    I was thinking, maybe there was nothing to be been.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I find it hard to believe someone saw smth and not tell everybody else. he'd tell to a friend and so on and eventually it comes out to the rest of the world. Maybe noone saw is this possible? Though I do remember an old post saying somebody went into the hospital as soon as they heard, but didn't see anything except saying there was some diversion going on when they were probably trying to get him out.

    I agree. who really knows where they took that stretcher from the ambulance once it entered the building. once outside the public or camera eye, they could have just gotten rid of the dummy (if so??) or MJ could have walked out from another enterance wihtout really going inside the hospital. And lets not forget, it was still a real hospital with real deadbodies in it so we also dont know whose body was carried to the helicopter (if so??)
    you can actualy find a youtube video about anna nic. smith being carreid form the ambulance intothe hospital and to think no one could get that for MJ- not even one?? yah right.
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    IIt's unbelievable -from a normal standpoint- nobody in that big hospital, no one single person, noticed what's happening there. It's hard to believe that day not even a curious person paid a little attention to the agitation that created at least at the entrance of the hospital if not more. We all know that when an ambulance is coming to the emergency , with flashing lights and sounding sirens, nobody can ignore it totally and he/she casts at least a glance at what happens's human nature to do that.And it was about Michael Jackson...bodyguards...police aso.
    And this lack of any evidence speaks a lot to me.

    I agree. Wasnt it said by many Jackson siblings that when they called the hospital to talk to their mom, they could hear their mom crying and shouting that MJ is gone. So ok lets pretend the hospital peeps kept his body hush hush but no one heard his mom scream about MJ?? Yah right.
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    At first, I am new here and my english is very bad. I hope, you understand, what I mean.
    Someone was asking, if Police was at MJs house on 25.06. I can say, YES....

    Look at this video on 0:36, you see on the left side an Officer (the one with the cap).

    <!-- m --> ... 3ef6573bd3<!-- m -->

    I also found some weeks ago picutres of KJ, leaving the UCLA. She had a "Visitor-Pass" on her blouse - Date 25.06.



    For more information: <!-- m --> ... LEaIypwjfQ<!-- m -->

    interesting- but I dont think its too hard to get, you jsust have to go in a hospital and say you are here to see someone.
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    And no stories of "I saw MJs mum"
    "I saw Jermaine" Latoya etc

    <!-- m --> ... 252009.php<!-- m -->

    Supposedly, Janet and some other siblings said in their interviews that when they called to talk to their mom in the hospital after finding out about MJ, they heard her scream or shout that MJ was gone in the background. So no one heard her in the hospital?? especially people on that floor??
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    to anyone who can remmeber the time when Mj was in the pepsi accident: was there any news or eye witness accounts from the people in the hospital when Mj was rushed in? because we know that was serious.

    Well,the only thing I could found,is this newspaper archive.pxjackfirew.jpg

    aww thanks AnnieIsNotOk!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    see right in the article an extra from the commercial spoke up and explained what she saw. can you imagine a hosptial with patients, their families and friends, nurses, doctors, janitors, housekeeper, etc. not a peep from them.

    also the vice president of the hospital gave a statement that he was fine in this article.
    nothing from the hospital officials now. weird eh!
  • 11221122 Posts: 3
    Hi guys!
    I think somebody didn't see something because of it!!!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Funerals, helicopters, christmas garlands on gates, refuse bins, UCLA - just a film <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> For us <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    Come on ! how could that be more fishy ?
    Like you all said , when it come to a celebrity people's mouth are always eager to open !And here,such an important,crucial event, no one to try to steal the spotlight ?
    Simple exemple :
    -One friend of me wich is a waiter called me all exited one day telling me that his restaurant(gastronomic one in Baumes de Provence) served Brad Pitt
    He could'nt believe it he was too happy(well I don't think that he lied hearing his little-like boy voice)that's totally unrelated to MJ,of course but it's to picture the effect has a celebrity over someone !

    -When Michael's son is born there were people all over the hopital(like many of you said it)
    - There are so many idiots wich had come forward in the past claiming to have witnessed MJ molesting boys or doing that or that...There must be some kind of idiots or rumour's spreading's monsters in a hospital,right ?(sorry for the vocabulary but You know what I mean , everyone wanted to have a piece of the cake when it came to MJ ,right ?)
    Why hasn't anyone has come forward to have his limelight ?!

    That's too big ! That's MJ ! I agree it must be all an act or something !
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    Come on ! how could that be more fishy ?
    Like you all said , when it come to a celebrity people's mouth are always eager to open !And here,such an important,crucial event, no one to try to steal the spotlight ?
    Simple exemple :
    -One friend of me wich is a waiter called me all exited one day telling me that his restaurant(gastronomic one in Baumes de Provence) served Brad Pitt
    He could'nt believe it he was too happy(well I don't think that he lied hearing his little-like boy voice)that's totally unrelated to MJ,of course but it's to picture the effect has a celebrity over someone !

    -When Michael's son is born there were people all over the hopital(like many of you said it)
    - There are so many idiots wich had come forward in the past claiming to have witnessed MJ molesting boys or doing that or that...There must be some kind of idiots or rumour's spreading's monsters in a hospital,right ?(sorry for the vocabulary but You know what I mean , everyone wanted to have a piece of the cake when it came to MJ ,right ?)
    Why hasn't anyone has come forward to have his limelight ?!

    That's too big ! That's MJ ! I agree it must be all an act or something !

    I have been thinking that too ..
    It's one of my reason to believe there was something fishy about Michael's death .. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Grenat is right.

    I mean peoplle would try to sell their stories to the tabloids in the child abuse siutation) before they would go to the police which proved the child abuse stories to be false but what im trying to say is that they were tryin to make money offa that situation because it dealt with MJ (a big celeb) and a scandal. there was money to made from that so people were gonna cash in.

    but Mj's supposed death and no one saw him come into the hospital? no patients of family or patients or doctors who werent tending to him but still saw him come in, or the staff that moved the body to the morgue

    hospitals are swarming with people and NO ONE saw him?

    Smell that, yall? I "smell the smelly smell" of a smelly hoax. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Well here it is... a user on another forum (<!-- m --> ... =64&t=1675<!-- m -->) - all credit goes to HoaxWatcher from - has found something definetly worth looking at. Though not an eye-witness report, this comes from LAFD captain's wife and she talks about her husband's text messages after he and his team been working on MJ... The site seems totally legit, here's the direct link:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I know this can be squeezed into hoax somehow (as almost everything due to variety of theories), yet i hate to admit this one gave me a strange feeling. Here's why: this woman is talking to her friends/relatives on this blog (hell it even looks like a cozy kitchen), she doesn't want to mention MJ's name not to attract attention to her site (so to keep it a private), Jeff Mills is indeed an LAFD captain and most certainly been there on call. So I see only few possibilitis here:
    - he told his wife this story to close the scene (knowing she has a blog and ppl would be questioning after a while); i don't think it was intentional and public-oriented, most certainly - just for this particular community
    - the unpronounceable

    And, in case it's the 1st option, i find it interesting he texted MJ was "gone before they got there", I actually find it interesting he texted at all, just 2 minutes after MJ was pronounced dead at UCLA.
    "They went to UCLA medical center with him and had to stay quite a long time" - that's probable - "He finally called me around 7 PM and still couldn’t say much" - that's a long time actually, but i suppose there could be other reasons. "He was warned that the paparazzi can intercept cellphone calls. Back at his fire station, he was fielding phone calls from TMZ and other celebrity websites looking for information." - This sounds just fine, however it always seemed TMZ were on top of everything almost as if they had an inside source, would they need to call the fire dep for info? well maybe. "Of course he was saying, “No comment.” - yet it's fine to let your wife share this info with neighbours? Oh... IRDK
  • Well here it is... a user on another forum (<!-- m --> ... =64&t=1675<!-- m -->) - all credit goes to HoaxWatcher from - has found something definetly worth looking at. Though not an eye-witness report, this comes from LAFD captain's wife and she talks about her husband's text messages after he and his team been working on MJ... The site seems totally legit, here's the direct link:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Oh wow, I hadn't heard about that. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> This is not good news for us....damn. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    This is not good, I'm actually quite scared about this. I dont know what to think. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Well here it is... a user on another forum (<!-- m --> ... =64&t=1675<!-- m -->) - all credit goes to HoaxWatcher from - has found something definetly worth looking at. Though not an eye-witness report, this comes from LAFD captain's wife and she talks about her husband's text messages after he and his team been working on MJ... The site seems totally legit, here's the direct link:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I know this can be squeezed into hoax somehow (as almost everything due to variety of theories), yet i hate to admit this one gave me a strange feeling. Here's why: this woman is talking to her friends/relatives on this blog (hell it even looks like a cozy kitchen), she doesn't want to mention MJ's name not to attract attention to her site (so to keep it a private), Jeff Mills is indeed an LAFD captain and most certainly been there on call. So I see only few possibilitis here:
    - he told his wife this story to close the scene (knowing she has a blog and ppl would be questioning after a while); i don't think it was intentional and public-oriented, most certainly - just for this particular community
    - the unpronounceable

    And, in case it's the 1st option, i find it interesting he texted MJ was "gone before they got there", I actually find it interesting he texted at all, just 2 minutes after MJ was pronounced dead at UCLA.
    "They went to UCLA medical center with him and had to stay quite a long time" - that's probable - "He finally called me around 7 PM and still couldn’t say much" - that's a long time actually, but i suppose there could be other reasons. "He was warned that the paparazzi can intercept cellphone calls. Back at his fire station, he was fielding phone calls from TMZ and other celebrity websites looking for information." - This sounds just fine, however it always seemed TMZ were on top of everything almost as if they had an inside source, would they need to call the fire dep for info? well maybe. "Of course he was saying, “No comment.” - yet it's fine to let your wife share this info with neighbours? Oh... IRDK

    Seriously, why wouldn't she want to mention Michael's name? People found her blog anyway, as it seems. She wouldn't have to mention this at all if she didn't want the attention. You can discuss this with your friends all you want, you don't need to do it on the internet for the whole wide world to see. Next. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Here's another article from when Michael got burnt in 1984:
    <!-- m --> ... 44,00.html<!-- m -->
    It's worth reading!

    I'm copying it here:

    Feb. 13, 1984
    Thriller Chiller - By Carl Arlington
    Pop Sensation Michael Jackson Survives a Fiery Brush with Serious Injury and Plans a Memoir with Jackie O

    Michael Jackson had been shot. That was the first reaction of those nearby when he grabbed the back of his head and screamed. It was not a bullet wound that made him scream, though it was almost as bad: Jackson's head was on fire.

    This live thriller unfolded last week before thousands of stunned fans at Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium, where Michael, 25, and his musical brothers were filming a Pepsi commercial. It happened during one of the last scenes after four hectic days of shooting under the direction of video wizard Bob Giraldi. Giraldi had ordered another take of the flashy gala opening sequence. Amid brilliant illumination, Michael appeared at the top of a stairway and began his dazzling dancing descent to the floor, where the remaining Jacksons were lined up.

    About halfway down, he felt something hot but figured it was just the klieg lights. Pyrotechnical special effects were flashing around him as he pirouetted to a fizzy version of Billie Jean. Suddenly there was a jolt of pain and he cried out. The first to respond was Miko Brando, 22, Marlon's son and a Jackson security aide. "I tore out, hugged him, tackled him and ran my hands through his hair," reports Brando, who burned his own fingers in the process. Within seconds the fire was extinguished and Michael was surrounded by a crowd of bodyguards, Jacksons and technicians. A quick-thinking fan grabbed a handful of ice, borrowed a T-shirt to make a cold compress and applied it to the wound. A few minutes later paramedics arrived and whisked Michael away to the emergency room at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

    The accident occurred just after 6 p.m. and early bulletins on the local news reported that Jackson had been "severely burned and was in serious condition." In fact, thanks to the emergency ice treatment, he was alert enough to tell the ambulance attendants that he wanted to keep his trademark jeweled glove on when he was wheeled into the hospital. The medical staff checked his vital signs and inspected the wound. The fire had scorched a palm-sized second-degree burn on his crown which surrounded a third-degree burn about the size of the hole in a 45-rpm record. An antiseptic cream (silver sulfadiazine) was applied, and Jackson was offered a painkiller, which he at first refused because of his disdain for narcotics. He later accepted an analgesic.

    Word of the accident quickly reached Dr. Steven Hoefflin, Jackson's personal physician and plastic surgeon, who rushed to Cedars-Sinai. "It was quite a shock for Michael, and when I got there he was in a daze," reports Hoefflin. "After I examined him and told him he would be fine, he felt a lot better." Hoefflin, who once cosmetically reshaped Jackson's nose, decided to move his famous patient across town for treatment at the Burn Center of the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City. Accompanied by his parents, his brother Randy, two bodyguards and Hoefflin, Michael arrived at about 8:15 p.m. Once settled in room 3307, he became the patient of nurse Kathy McGrath, 29, who recalls that "he was still pretty shaken up and cold, so we put about five blankets on him."

    Soon fans began congregating at the hospital and crowding into the emergency room waiting area. Switch-boards were flooded with calls and six staff volunteers handled the jammed phone lines. Security throughout the hospital was beefed up and a guard placed at every entrance to the burn unit. "Practically everybody who works in the hospital found some excuse to visit the floor," says Burn Center supervisor Pat Lavalas.

    Michael, meanwhile, was making a fast recovery. Within a few hours he was asking for a videotape player. Because staffers did not have the key to the cabinet where the hospital video equipment was kept, they broke the padlock to get the machine and found an assortment of about 10 tapes for Jackson. He selected Close Encounters of the Third Kind, directed by his friend Steven Spielberg, and stayed awake watching it until 1 a.m. Then, after being given a sleeping pill, he had a restful night.

    Michael awoke to a breakfast of fruit and juice and a tidal wave of messages from friends and fans. Diana Ross called. So did Liza Minnelli. Jackson's favorite among the hundreds of telegrams was one from a girl that said, "I heard you were hot, Michael, but this is ridiculous."

    By the time Hoefflin arrived the next day, Jackson had watched American Bandstand on TV and, according to one nurse, "was bebopping in bed while the doctors examined him."

    Instead of a typical hospital gown, he had adorned himself in a turquoise scrub outfit. The nurses also fashioned a head bandage that could be camouflaged with a macramé hat. "You're going to start a new wave here in 1984—the net look," nurse Jan Virgil told Michael. "He laughed and said he wanted to look French."

    Jackson had been to the Burn Center previously, visiting patients there on two occasions. Only last month, in fact, Jackson called on Keith Perry, a 23-year-old mechanic who had suffered third-degree burns on 95 percent of his body. Perry had just undergone his 14th operation when Michael arrived and was placed in an adjoining room. Another severely burned patient with whom he had been in frequent contact was 41-year-old seamstress Bessie Henderson. "Bessie had gone through many operations and was very depressed," reports Hoefflin, who is also her plastic surgeon. "When Michael started calling she turned around and now she is doing a lot better."

    Some of the patients were unaware they had a celebrity in their midst until Michael, wearing white socks and a single white sequined glove, made his rounds, visiting Keith, Bessie and the other six patients in the burn unit. One of the patients could not believe that he had actually been visited by Michael Jackson, so the singer returned to prove that it wasn't just a dream. Another patient wanted to know why Jackson wore the glove. "This way," he explained, "I am never offstage." With the consent of his doctor, Michael decided after less than a day to check out of the hospital and continue treatment as an outpatient.

    Accompanied by his entourage and sporting a black fedora and hospital whites over street clothes, Michael was taken to a private car in a wheelchair. On his way, he stopped to have his picture taken with several visitors. "He's going to be bigger than Elvis Presley," said a woman in her 50s. "Bigger than who?" chirped one of the preteens who had flocked around.

    Nearly all of the Burn Center staff got their souvenirs, as their famous patient posed for snapshots and signed cassettes, Thriller albums and 8 x 10 glossies. And though Jackson did not dance, Hoefflin knew that wouldn't last for long. "Telling Michael not to dance," said the surgeon, "is like telling him not to breathe."

    Jackson plans to attend the mega-party that CBS and Epic Records are throwing in his honor at the American Museum of Natural History in New York this week, and he ought to be back in full gear by the time the Grammy awards (he's nominated for a dozen) roll around Feb. 28. "Michael is healthy and in good shape," says Hoefflin. "That will make for a speedy recovery." It's too early to judge if he will need any reconstructive surgery.

    The exact cause of the accident at the Shrine Auditorium has yet to be determined. Eyewitnesses say it was a spark from one of the special lighting effects that ignited his hair. "Michael was exhausted when it happened," says Hoefflin. "It came at the end of a week when he was trying to film the commercial, make plans for a major national tour and finish an album with his brothers."

    So far there has been no lawsuit, though the Jacksons and Pepsi executives have been carefully reviewing the film of the incident to determine if there was negligence. The sponsorship deal with Pepsi for two commercials is reportedly the most lucrative celebrity endorsement deal in history, guaranteeing the Jacksons at least $5 million. The family had to be nudged into the deal because, according to one insider, endorsing a product "isn't a decision every artist could be comfortable with immediately."

    Although it will be a decidedly less lucrative undertaking, Michael also plans an autobiography. And for this, he will have the help of the most celebrated editor in publishing: Jackie Onassis. Mrs. O was first introduced to Mr. J several years ago at a Kennedy function in New York; both Caroline and John Jr. have been fans since the singer's Jackson Five days. Jackie and Michael met again last October in California—this time, says Jackson aide Steve Manning, "to really get to know each other."

    Two weeks ago Jackie's firm, Doubleday, announced a $300,000-plus deal with Jackson—and named Jackie as his editor. Michael's memoirs, which will contain around 200 photos from his private collection, is due out in the spring of 1985. Jackson is also set to star in a new film of Peter Pan with Spielberg directing. The tour, meanwhile, is scheduled to begin this May with the kick-off possibly in the Jacksons' old hometown, Gary, Ind. The concert may be broadcast internationally.

    Not that Jackson needs the extra exposure. The Guinness Book of World Records recently stopped the presses on its latest paperback edition to cite Michael's 23-million-copy Thriller as the biggest-selling solo LP of all time. He also continues to break sales records with his sixth single, Thriller's title cut, and his "Say Say Say" duet with Paul McCartney remains at the top of the charts. All of this is mere statistical evidence of Michael's extraordinary fan appeal, a mystique now enhanced by a near tragedy. "I would be willing to break my arm," said 14-year-old Tyrone Davis, one of the faithful who kept vigil outside the hospital, "just to be in the emergency room with Michael." Not to be outdone, Davis' sidekick, John Thomas, 13, boasted, "That's nothing. I would break my neck."
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    At first, I am new here and my english is very bad. I hope, you understand, what I mean.
    Someone was asking, if Police was at MJs house on 25.06. I can say, YES....

    Look at this video on 0:36, you see on the left side an Officer (the one with the cap).

    <!-- m --> ... 3ef6573bd3<!-- m -->

    I also found some weeks ago picutres of KJ, leaving the UCLA. She had a "Visitor-Pass" on her blouse - Date 25.06.



    For more information: <!-- m --> ... LEaIypwjfQ<!-- m -->
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Why did they have on visitor passes? I've never seen that except on people visiting the hospital on official business. Not relatives of deceased patients. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    yah its like, your relative is maybe dead but you have to first get the pass to get in :S hmmm weird!

    At first, I am new here and my english is very bad. I hope, you understand, what I mean.
    Someone was asking, if Police was at MJs house on 25.06. I can say, YES....

    Look at this video on 0:36, you see on the left side an Officer (the one with the cap).

    <!-- m --> ... 3ef6573bd3<!-- m -->

    I also found some weeks ago picutres of KJ, leaving the UCLA. She had a "Visitor-Pass" on her blouse - Date 25.06.



    For more information: <!-- m --> ... LEaIypwjfQ<!-- m -->
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Why did they have on visitor passes? I've never seen that except on people visiting the hospital on official business. Not relatives of deceased patients. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • peshtishorpeshtishor Posts: 94
    in "Guide to release of patient information to the media",(A guide for hospital public relations professionals and the news media,as specified by California law and HIPAA):


    The HIPAA privacy protections continue to apply to a
    patient’s medical information even after the patient’s
    death. That is, no information may be released unless
    the inquiry contains the patient’s name.
    The death of a patient is considered to be a “patient
    condition” and may be disclosed using this oneword
    description. However, hospitals should exercise
    additional care with respect to disclosure of a
    patient’s death, ensuring that all reasonable efforts
    have been made to notify the patient’s next-of-kin
    prior to the patient’s death being made public.
    A patient’s death is not routinely announced by
    the hospital, but rather by the patient’s physician or
    the coroner.
    Consequently, hospitals should verify that there has
    been no objection to disclosure from the patient’s
    family or other legal representative and that next-of-kin
    have been notified (or a reasonable attempt has been
    made) prior to the hospital making any announcement
    of a patient’s death.
    Additional information about a patient’s death,
    including the date, time and cause of death, should
    not be released without written authorization
    from a legal representative of the deceased. Again,
    this information typically comes from a patient’s
    physician, not the hospital

    The standards for release of information and
    permissible disclosures are no different for public
    figures or celebrities than for other patients. However,
    given the likelihood of media interest, the hospital
    may wish to verify with the patient (or the patient’s
    representative) whether there is objection to the
    disclosure of information to the media.
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Part of this article caught my eye yesterday regarding the lack of photos and the leak of the death certificate<br /><br /><br /><br />The Gossip Machine, Churning Out Cash<br />JIM RUTENBERG<br />Published: Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 5:11 a.m. <br />Last Modified: Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 5:11 a.m.<br /><br /><br />The team of federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents in Los Angeles are asking similar questions when they suspect that confidential health records are sold for gossip fodder. Anthony R. Montero, a special assistant United States attorney with the health care fraud unit based in Los Angeles, said the number of leaks was “significant, but we actively investigate all the matters.”<br /><br />Last year, prosecutors won a guilty plea from a former U.C.L.A. Medical Center researcher, Huping Zhou, who was found to have illegally gained access to private medical files, many of celebrities, more than 300 times. But investigators could find no evidence to support their suspicion that he was doing it for pay from gossip outlets. Mr. Zhou is appealing his case.<br /><br />Similarly, the Los Angeles police have yet to solve a high-profile, embarrassing leak: an official photograph obtained by TMZ showing the singer Rihanna’s bruised face after she was beaten in February 2009 by her boyfriend at the time, the singer Chris Brown. In September 2009, the department put two officers it suspected in the leak on administrative leave, but they have not been charged and continue to collect full pay, their lawyers said.<br /><br />The Los Angeles Coroner’s Department has investigated two major leaks — the actress Brittany Murphy’s preliminary autopsy report in December 2009 and Michael Jackson’s preliminary death certificate.<br /><br />“Here’s what we’re facing: the offer for pictures of Michael Jackson in our building was worth $2 million the day after he died,” said Ed Winter, the deputy coroner. “We had to shut down public access to our building. We had people literally climb the back fence trying to break in and get what they could.”<br /><br />The federal law enforcement team established the clearest link between private records and a gossip outlet two years ago by following the trail of Farrah Fawcett’s medical file.<br /><br />After The National Enquirer report that Ms. Fawcett’s cancer had returned, investigators tracked the leak to a low-level employee at the U.C.L.A. Medical Center, Lawanda Jackson, who disclosed her involvement with the paper as part of a plea agreement.<br /><br />According to an official involved in the investigation, Ms. Jackson described a courtship in which an Enquirer reporter established a level of trust before offering money for information. The official said The Enquirer initially asked Ms. Jackson to find out whether celebrities were in the hospital and then moved on to requests requiring more intrusive forays into medical files, paying each time.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Ex-hospital worker convicted in patient record leaks dies

    Prosecutors are moving to dismiss the case against the UCLA Medical Center employee, who had sold information about celebrities to the National Enquirer.

    May 09, 2009|Associated Press

    The U.S. attorney's office says it is moving to dismiss a case against a former UCLA Medical Center employee who died after pleading guilty to selling medical records of celebrities.

    Lawanda Jackson, 50, had been scheduled for sentencing Monday after pleading guilty in December to the felony charge of violating federal medical privacy law for commercial purposes.

    Jackson sold information from the records of Britney Spears, Farrah Fawcett and other high-profile patients to the National Enquirer, authorities said. The publication has not been charged.

    Court papers filed by prosecutors Thursday moved to dismiss the indictment against Jackson, saying the government had received a copy of her death certificate.

    The cause of death was not disclosed in the document.

    Jackson's federal public defender, Angel Navarro, said she died March 24 from complications of breast cancer.

    He said she regretted her offense. "She was a nice lady who made a bad decision for a little bit of money," he said, adding that Jackson was married with a teenage daughter.

    Jackson could have faced a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, but was expected to receive probation as a result of her plea agreement, Navarro said.

    Jackson worked as an administrative specialist at the UCLA hospital for 32 years and in recent years began using her supervisor's password to access medical records inappropriately, authorities said.

    The tabloid deposited checks totaling at least $4,600 into her husband's checking account beginning in 2006, prosecutors said. Jackson resigned in July 2007 before she could be fired.
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