Volcano in Iceland



  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    no one knows, except God, how that volcano will behave in the coming days...

    The volcano will be impacting for quite a while I guess.
    The flights will be depending more on weather conditions than the volcano stopping.
    A "high" over Iceland will transport the clouds clockwise to Europe north to south.
    A "low" will transport the clouds from south to north.
    Actually the clouds are moving in the north as a counter "low" west of Spain is blocking.

    (Iceland would be in the top left corner of the following map but it's far away and thus not included)
    This is European weather:

    And these are some web cams in European capitals:
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    i hope everyone is okay!! i'm thinking of you all!!! sending love from california

    Thanks hun! I'm a couple of miles away from Manchester Airport and its eery quiet, great day clear blue skies but no vapour trails or ash that I can see.
  • smilessmiles Posts: 129
    latest news is that the volcano is getting worse now.. so airports will continue to be closed.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    In France there are 23 airports closed and a lot of flights have been cancelled. They say that this situation has only been known once and that it was during the 9/11 attacks.
    They say that this cloud is dangerous for airplanes engines cause it contains rocky glass particles, but apparently for a human body this is not dangerous, not yet at least.

    au moins il n'y aura pas de grève des pilotes... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> oui ça c'est sûr le Volcan leur vole toute opportunité de grève <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . C'est plus embêtant pour les personnes coincées à l'étranger.

    Now most of french airports are closed until Monday and military airports could be used.
  • A very critical discussion has started since yesterday.

    The location and the concentration of this cloud that nobody actually sees,we have beautifull blue skies and sunshine,is being calculated by a simulator. Yesterday, many airlines here had their planes "ferried",without passengers, to the airports where they would be needed once the sky is clear again.During and after these flights (to my knowledge by KLM,Lufthansa, Air FRance),which reached an altitude of partly 13 km (more than 10000 feet) pilots reported clear air and after landing technicians did not find any trace of ashe, nor any damages caused by parts of volcan material.

    After that, they started questioning the results of the simulatorcalculations and asked for measurements in the sky. That kind of technology seems not to be very advanced here since such events occur extremely seldom.Tomorrow evening Germany will send some measurement equipement in the air.In the meantime airlines and other companies suffer enourmous economical loss and thousands of people are waiting on airports since days because they do not have a visa to enter the country where they got stuck.

    Some people here are comparing the decision to close the skies with the governmental overreaction to the swineflu. I think this is not fair since this definately is a precautionary measure that makes sense untill further notice.But anyway,this shows us the other side of the story.
  • Just a small correction; 13 km is more than 40000 feet!
  • Hmm.. headlines just in is that airspace closed across UK until Wednesday now.

    They say this could go on for Months. Ive got a flight booked to be in LA for June 25th!!! Aaargh!

    Ive checked the ferries and from UK to USA it takes 6 days to cross by boat.. so that aint an option!!!

    Im gutted if i miss my holiday and trip to LA. I was going to go to Forest Lawn and Neverland.
  • MichelleMichelle Posts: 325
    Nature's message: on a satellite picture death's-head shape crater wholes of the volcano in Iceland....
    The point is:
    Nature's revenge on humanity begins....... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • KimKim Posts: 245
    Besides the Mayans, Nostradamus has also made the same prediction. Nostradamus has been right a lot with many predictions. I have recently seen a documentary about the Mayans and Nostradamus.
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    A lot of scientists contraticted Nostradamus, saying that he made vague texts which have severals interpretations, and he made a lot of text with nothing happened.
    It just a few vague texts that we interpret with things that we want to see.
  • Besides the Mayans, Nostradamus has also made the same prediction. Nostradamus has been right a lot with many predictions. I have recently seen a documentary about the Mayans and Nostradamus.

    Mayans don´t predict the end of the world.

    Two days Spanish northern airports closed... they have opened again this evening.
    Is this a sign of the cloud getting back?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Nature's message: on a satellite picture death's-head shape crater wholes of the volcano in Iceland....
    The point is:
    Nature's revenge on humanity begins....... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Makes me think of the 9/11 attacks there was a "devil's face" in the dust. But I don't think that regarding the volcano this has something to do with the end of the world. This is God who judges there is no revenge, only Justice.


  • Besides the Mayans, Nostradamus has also made the same prediction. Nostradamus has been right a lot with many predictions. I have recently seen a documentary about the Mayans and Nostradamus.

    Mayans don´t predict the end of the world.

    Two days Spanish northern airports closed... they have opened again this evening.
    Is this a sign of the cloud getting back?

    I heard in Project Camelot that the Belgium man was speaking about that in Egypt there is a 2000 km long labyrint with 3000 rooms and in one of the rooms there is a Mayan table which tells the real story about 2012 and it's not the end of the world. They labybrint is underwater and they are sucking up the water and trying to research it before 2012. Here is the video, I have to warn you it's more than an hour long and I don't believe everything he says but he has some good points. So if you have the time watch it or watch it in bits like I did.

  • MJLover1990, I guess you´re gonna like my new thread:

    For once and for all: For Mayans is not the end of the world

    The documentary that I embeded "2012 Science or Superstition" is really scientific and interesting...
  • MJLover1990, I guess you´re gonna like my new thread:

    For once and for all: For Mayans is not the end of the world

    The documentary that I embeded "2012 Science or Superstition" is really scientific and interesting...

    I love reading about science, history and the truth so I'm good. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Thanks for the link I'll check it out tomorrow. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    I think like MJ <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    In 2012 it will be no the end of the world, but the end of one world. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • I think like MJ <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    In 2012 it will be no the end of the world, but the end of one world. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Absolutely, it will be the end of the world as we know it now the end of the reality as it is now. If we work together it can be heaven on earth.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I think that the Elite's governing us are aware of what's going to happen in the thereabouts of 2012 and that they just silence people who know. I think as many of you that it will not be the end of the world, even if it will happen one day or the other, but rather something to see with electromagnetic fields or pole shift. Even this supposition has to be verified because there is nothing officially said about that matter at all. The Illuminaties will certainly not tell us the truth about it because in both ways it finally serves their agenda.

    If this is true (pole shift) they will not tell anyone so nobody can be prepared, more people will therefore die and that's what they want, depopulation. Meanwhile they will be safe in their basements and will get out of them when shift is finished to establish the NWO.

    If it's false they will use this treath via their technology to create a false apocalyspe and establish their NWO.

    But while we're all focusing on what is maybe coming in 2012 I'm sure that something is happening now. I saw a documentary in a French channel about Israel/Palestine. There was a Rabbin who was talking about the reconstruction of the Solomon's Temple right in the place where there is the mosque Al Aqsa. He said that they needed to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque first. He said that everything was ready, that he just needed a phone call to start it. The journalist was quite astonished and told him that there would be a war but it didn't seem to bother the Rabbin...

    Many think that the Anti-Christ will "rule" from Israel and that the reconstruction of the Temple is necessary to welcome him...
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.

    sweetie a can asure you that the volcano is not a hoax. I work at the an airport, I work with risk management and it I can tell you that flying trough a cloud of ash will stall the engines. Some airlines have done testflights over parts of Europe and it went ok, however they only went up for a short period. And as for right now the airports are open again in scandinavia for north and west bound flights. But in a few hours the airspace will close again due to the cloud and shifts in the wind. And yes, you might be able to fly through the cloud with some planes at some altitudes, and it might be fine the first time, the second time... but after that you might fall out of the sky. Do you want to gamble with your life? I can tell you that the the European national aviation agencies and Civil Aviation agancies in any europan coundtry value the lifes of the passengers and dont want to risk their lifes. BUT the airlines are loosing money and want to start flying... safe or not.... and with that you have propaganda ....they say its safe couse they want to make money....
    just think about it....
  • MichelleMichelle Posts: 325
    Nature's message: on a satellite picture death's-head shape crater wholes of the volcano in Iceland....
    The point is:
    Nature's revenge on humanity begins....... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Makes me think of the 9/11 attacks there was a "devil's face" in the dust. But I don't think that regarding the volcano this has something to do with the end of the world. This is God who judges there is no revenge, only Justice.

    I'm not saying the end of the world is coming, but i'm sure nature is fed up with humans who are distroying the environment and sadly the world leaders not showing much effort to stop polluting our environment globally.
    Maybe the shape of the craters is a coincidence and the more and more strong earthquakes are too, and global warming.....but i think people who are here don't believe in coincidences........

    I also believe our economic system will destroy itself and things will change globally, the financial system and banks will disappear, cause it's a wrong system and through the very last financial crisis which has a big effect on the whole word not just America, more and more people will discover that our system is not operable for long time.

    If the change will come around 2012 or not, it's a question, but it's not a question that there will be huge changes!
  • Could it be something to do with this? All grounded flights seem to be in the same area <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-B5D7AB63-<!-- m --> 5A03E89F/natolive/news_62556.htm?

    Hope this link works.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Could it be something to do with this? All grounded flights seem to be in the same area <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-B5D7AB63-<!-- m --> 5A03E89F/natolive/news_62556.htm?

    Hope this link works.

    The link doesn't work. What was it about (seems interesting) ?
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    Could it be something to do with this? All grounded flights seem to be in the same area <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-B5D7AB63-<!-- m --> 5A03E89F/natolive/news_62556.htm?

    Hope this link works.

    NO it has nothing to do with this.
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    Could it be something to do with this? All grounded flights seem to be in the same area <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-B5D7AB63-<!-- m --> 5A03E89F/natolive/news_62556.htm?

    Hope this link works.

    The link doesn't work. What was it about (seems interesting) ?
    <!-- m -->http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-B5D7AB63 ... _62556.htm<!-- m -->?
    its about a NATO exercise. they have them all the time and has nothing to do with the volcano, they didnt start the vulcano and they did not stop the flights. The ash stoped the flights.
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