Volcano in Iceland



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.

    Everything is possible it wouldn't surprise me. But we must admit that with this HAARP machine and God only knows what else they are confusing us because it's hard to make the difference between a natural disaster and a provoked one. Fear and confusion.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Could it be something to do with this? All grounded flights seem to be in the same area <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-B5D7AB63-<!-- m --> 5A03E89F/natolive/news_62556.htm?

    Hope this link works.

    The link doesn't work. What was it about (seems interesting) ?
    <!-- m -->http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-B5D7AB63 ... _62556.htm<!-- m -->?
    its about a NATO exercise. they have them all the time and has nothing to do with the volcano, they didnt start the vulcano and they did not stop the flights. The ash stoped the flights.

    Thank you for the link.
  • I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.

    I agree with you, Not that it's a hoax but there is definitely something fishy about all this I don't trust it.
  • I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.

    sweetie a can asure you that the volcano is not a hoax. I work at the an airport, I work with risk management and it I can tell you that flying trough a cloud of ash will stall the engines. Some airlines have done testflights over parts of Europe and it went ok, however they only went up for a short period. And as for right now the airports are open again in scandinavia for north and west bound flights. But in a few hours the airspace will close again due to the cloud and shifts in the wind. And yes, you might be able to fly through the cloud with some planes at some altitudes, and it might be fine the first time, the second time... but after that you might fall out of the sky. Do you want to gamble with your life? I can tell you that the the European national aviation agencies and Civil Aviation agancies in any europan coundtry value the lifes of the passengers and dont want to risk their lifes. BUT the airlines are loosing money and want to start flying... safe or not.... and with that you have propaganda ....they say its safe couse they want to make money....
    just think about it....

    The volcano is not a hoax... but the impossibility of aircarfts flying IT IS.
    Articles are coming out now about it. The Belgian association of airline pilots (BVP) is speaking about it right now.
    Belgian pilots questioned the closure of air traffic
    About how modern aircrafts can perfectly detect and avoid the cloud.
    Of course that is not on Head Lines... you should ask yourself why.
    With this closings they are causing unnecessary huge losses.
    Plus there was already a plan to privatice all the European airports management.
    Privaticing public profitable companies.
    If you work in an airport... your job stability is in high risk.
  • A mail I received two months ago:
    (Google translated, sorry)
    If you forward this email (how typical) ...
    A strategic sector for Spain will end up in the hands of foreign companies ... and above all, you will end up paying more taxes.

    DID YOU KNOW THAT AENA (Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea - Spanish Airports and Airspace) has a "BLACK HOLE" FOR INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE 12,000 million euros?
    (Sounds like a lot, right? For more: there are nearly 13,000).
    Did you know that only the interest on that debt has already reached the 800,000 euros a day?

    Did you know that before the advent of this government to power, not only had never had any deficit, but always had generated big profits?
    Did you know that infrastructure investments of this government contracted works have been for always these three companies related to PSOE, one of them owned by Blanco (Minister)("Grupo San José")?

    The latter does not think that surprised anyone.
    What follows, however, should worry (much):


    Did you know that "the amount of the debt to 9000 million was financed by Spanish banks and 3,000 million directly by foreign banks, but that Spanish banks to maintain liquidity," to see the amount increased, were issuing debt and obligations sold in the international market (which is a common practice in banking)?

    Did you know that take over the airport network in a country of tourism is a very tasty big business, and powerful U.S. corporations and the United Kingdom and have taken steps to assume the debt of Aena (failing which banks exercise their urge to embargo) and remain so with the biggest slice they can take?

    Did you know that "business is probably why" American "consultants" (such as working in Iraq doing the dirtiest work) work with Development and Aena (McKinley), and have designed their "Action Plans", forcing them to a roadmap to keep the management of our airports "legally" in exchange for avoiding a public scandal that would end the international embargo this administration?

    What assurances and promises made in secret in London Salgado (representatives of which companies) for the Financial Times to label leave Spain as "a country with insolvency risk?
    Does this sound now which of the juiciest "insolvency" is referring to? And why the UK was just as interested in making public our "insolvency" (if we subdue the claims of their business on our heritage, of course)?
    Why do you think that, among other reasons, the King had to intervene to ask the political consensus "to the seriousness of the situation"?

    Did you know the national airport network is a public property of all the Spanish heritage, and now (with the "Privatisation Plan") we will lose?
    Did you know that our airports had cost us no Spanish citizens a penny because they were paid in full with the proceeds of Aena (which, in turn, came from the airlines that fly-and fly-our country)?

    Did you know that the salary of the drivers also has cost taxpayers a penny because it is paid in full also with those profits?
    Did you know that the controllers themselves had given the commission "business" of Aena, in April 2009, reducing their salaries by 25% (and thus on record) and Aena rejected it "was not considered interesting" (and nine months after Mr. White shows off saying that it will Lowering the salary by 25%, as if it were his idea)?

    Did you know that the privatization plan of Development includes the autonomous regions, so that, except Madrid and Barcelona to stay with small airports (not profitable), which will be funded from now with taxpayers' money (when so far no airport, large or small, cost us taxpayers money)?
    Did you know that for large airports cost the parcel of shares reserved for local government is ridiculously small (or even give to satisfy the "economic power" local) and foreign investors take "the lion's share?

    Did you know that Development aims to reassure public opinion by declaring that kept "at all times" the ownership of airports, when such a thing serves no practical purpose at all and what it does is lose, totally and absolutely, any capacity to manage the the same, now and forever?

    Did you know that the government has "intimidated" the Popular Party in this whole affair because the policy of heavy investment in infrastructure began when Alvarez Cascos was a minister?
    Did you know that in reality, this argument has no weight because, when the PP lost the elections, made it clear accounts Aena had surplus accounting box?
    Did you know that the government is on their side of the Catalan nationalists in this process because they have promised a juicy part in sharing the "pie" of El Prat?

    Did you know that when the Minister of Development said that "has nothing against drivers" is telling the truth because, in reality, only being used as a smokescreen for the public not aware of what is happening behind the scenes until it's too late?
    Did you know that, so, Aena need to put the drivers are on strike or at least look like you are (strike "covert") to follow the media focus on them and all their risky distraction campaign still running?
    Did you know that, so, in the HR department of Aena force us to schedule shifts of drivers, especially for Easter-intentionally bad for missing staff or sectors are saturated, and will need to delays and create a mess?

    Can you explain now how it is possible that Development front, instead of putting a race engineer, who had been normal, "have made an uneducated man but has been for years the spokesman for the PSOE," engineer "Communication, an expert at hiding and manipulating information at your convenience, a master of media campaigns, smear campaigns, campaigns of" harassment and demolition "media?

    I know this all may seem like one of those typical messages "chain" but understand that in reality the situation is more serious:

    If you forward it to all those who, in your opinion, should know this information, you could care less about the future of your country.
    If you forward it to all those people you want, is that you do not mind, without any need-we (and our children) live in a country even more enslaved to foreign interests.
    If not you forward, never miss a millionaire, or American English (in the Bahamas or in his mansion in the "City"), laughing every time you remember how smart he was to take over, with a powerful suite of actions, the profitable airports in a country of "PIGS", thanks to public opinion in this country was manipulated and fleecy.

    Oh, by the way: it did Angela Merkel at the time, now we just announced the United Kingdom: VAT rise (to 19% and 20%) to "deal with the deficit."
    If the state will have to pay the airports "unprofitable" (while the huge profits generated by the profitable end up in private hands), how much do you need for us to climb the VAT to us too?

    NATIONAL HOME FOR OUR INDUSTRY, TOURISM, the airport network is a strategic sector of national interest:
    Still less foreign interests!
    If tourism is a thing of the Spanish people, our airports too.

    USCA (Union of Air Traffic Controllers Association)
    Delegation of Control Tower Palma de Mallorca -

    If I´m not wrong this is hapenning all around Europe, also with Athens Pireo Port... and now the volcano thing.
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    Some good news they are saying the UK airspace may reopen tomorrow.
  • The airports are opening here tomorrow as well, although I'm glad for the people who are stuck because they can go to their homes again but I'm not so happy with the chemtrails that will probably be back up in the air as well and the noise. It was so quite and clean.
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.

    sweetie a can asure you that the volcano is not a hoax. I work at the an airport, I work with risk management and it I can tell you that flying trough a cloud of ash will stall the engines. Some airlines have done testflights over parts of Europe and it went ok, however they only went up for a short period. And as for right now the airports are open again in scandinavia for north and west bound flights. But in a few hours the airspace will close again due to the cloud and shifts in the wind. And yes, you might be able to fly through the cloud with some planes at some altitudes, and it might be fine the first time, the second time... but after that you might fall out of the sky. Do you want to gamble with your life? I can tell you that the the European national aviation agencies and Civil Aviation agancies in any europan coundtry value the lifes of the passengers and dont want to risk their lifes. BUT the airlines are loosing money and want to start flying... safe or not.... and with that you have propaganda ....they say its safe couse they want to make money....
    just think about it....

    The volcano is not a hoax... but the impossibility of aircarfts flying IT IS.
    Articles are coming out now about it. The Belgian association of airline pilots (BVP) is speaking about it right now.
    Belgian pilots questioned the closure of air traffic
    About how modern aircrafts can perfectly detect and avoid the cloud.
    Of course that is not on Head Lines... you should ask yourself why.
    With this closings they are causing unnecessary huge losses.
    Plus there was already a plan to privatice all the European airports management.
    Privaticing public profitable companies.
    If you work in an airport... your job stability is in high risk.

    im not worrid about my job.. i wont loose it no mather what.. but the personell on the aircrafts will. i wont discuss this no more since lots of it is classified information. but there is not hidden agenda and no hoax..
  • Have you red the next post I sent?
    It´s also from within airports workers.
    Have you red the Belgian pilots article?
    Belgian pilots questioned the closure of air traffic
    It´s your word against their. But they talk in plain sight.

    I´m glad your job is not jeopardised.
    Many others are.
    Plus our national companies and taxes.
  • A mail I received two months ago:
    (Google translated, sorry)
    If you forward this email (how typical) ...
    A strategic sector for Spain will end up in the hands of foreign companies ... and above all, you will end up paying more taxes.

    DID YOU KNOW THAT AENA (Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea - Spanish Airports and Airspace) has a "BLACK HOLE" FOR INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE 12,000 million euros?
    (Sounds like a lot, right? For more: there are nearly 13,000).
    Did you know that only the interest on that debt has already reached the 800,000 euros a day?

    Did you know that before the advent of this government to power, not only had never had any deficit, but always had generated big profits?
    Did you know that infrastructure investments of this government contracted works have been for always these three companies related to PSOE, one of them owned by Blanco (Minister)("Grupo San José")?

    The latter does not think that surprised anyone.
    What follows, however, should worry (much):


    Did you know that "the amount of the debt to 9000 million was financed by Spanish banks and 3,000 million directly by foreign banks, but that Spanish banks to maintain liquidity," to see the amount increased, were issuing debt and obligations sold in the international market (which is a common practice in banking)?

    Did you know that take over the airport network in a country of tourism is a very tasty big business, and powerful U.S. corporations and the United Kingdom and have taken steps to assume the debt of Aena (failing which banks exercise their urge to embargo) and remain so with the biggest slice they can take?

    Did you know that "business is probably why" American "consultants" (such as working in Iraq doing the dirtiest work) work with Development and Aena (McKinley), and have designed their "Action Plans", forcing them to a roadmap to keep the management of our airports "legally" in exchange for avoiding a public scandal that would end the international embargo this administration?

    What assurances and promises made in secret in London Salgado (representatives of which companies) for the Financial Times to label leave Spain as "a country with insolvency risk?
    Does this sound now which of the juiciest "insolvency" is referring to? And why the UK was just as interested in making public our "insolvency" (if we subdue the claims of their business on our heritage, of course)?
    Why do you think that, among other reasons, the King had to intervene to ask the political consensus "to the seriousness of the situation"?

    Did you know the national airport network is a public property of all the Spanish heritage, and now (with the "Privatisation Plan") we will lose?
    Did you know that our airports had cost us no Spanish citizens a penny because they were paid in full with the proceeds of Aena (which, in turn, came from the airlines that fly-and fly-our country)?

    Did you know that the salary of the drivers also has cost taxpayers a penny because it is paid in full also with those profits?
    Did you know that the controllers themselves had given the commission "business" of Aena, in April 2009, reducing their salaries by 25% (and thus on record) and Aena rejected it "was not considered interesting" (and nine months after Mr. White shows off saying that it will Lowering the salary by 25%, as if it were his idea)?

    Did you know that the privatization plan of Development includes the autonomous regions, so that, except Madrid and Barcelona to stay with small airports (not profitable), which will be funded from now with taxpayers' money (when so far no airport, large or small, cost us taxpayers money)?
    Did you know that for large airports cost the parcel of shares reserved for local government is ridiculously small (or even give to satisfy the "economic power" local) and foreign investors take "the lion's share?

    Did you know that Development aims to reassure public opinion by declaring that kept "at all times" the ownership of airports, when such a thing serves no practical purpose at all and what it does is lose, totally and absolutely, any capacity to manage the the same, now and forever?

    Did you know that the government has "intimidated" the Popular Party in this whole affair because the policy of heavy investment in infrastructure began when Alvarez Cascos was a minister?
    Did you know that in reality, this argument has no weight because, when the PP lost the elections, made it clear accounts Aena had surplus accounting box?
    Did you know that the government is on their side of the Catalan nationalists in this process because they have promised a juicy part in sharing the "pie" of El Prat?

    Did you know that when the Minister of Development said that "has nothing against drivers" is telling the truth because, in reality, only being used as a smokescreen for the public not aware of what is happening behind the scenes until it's too late?
    Did you know that, so, Aena need to put the drivers are on strike or at least look like you are (strike "covert") to follow the media focus on them and all their risky distraction campaign still running?
    Did you know that, so, in the HR department of Aena force us to schedule shifts of drivers, especially for Easter-intentionally bad for missing staff or sectors are saturated, and will need to delays and create a mess?

    Can you explain now how it is possible that Development front, instead of putting a race engineer, who had been normal, "have made an uneducated man but has been for years the spokesman for the PSOE," engineer "Communication, an expert at hiding and manipulating information at your convenience, a master of media campaigns, smear campaigns, campaigns of" harassment and demolition "media?

    I know this all may seem like one of those typical messages "chain" but understand that in reality the situation is more serious:

    If you forward it to all those who, in your opinion, should know this information, you could care less about the future of your country.
    If you forward it to all those people you want, is that you do not mind, without any need-we (and our children) live in a country even more enslaved to foreign interests.
    If not you forward, never miss a millionaire, or American English (in the Bahamas or in his mansion in the "City"), laughing every time you remember how smart he was to take over, with a powerful suite of actions, the profitable airports in a country of "PIGS", thanks to public opinion in this country was manipulated and fleecy.

    Oh, by the way: it did Angela Merkel at the time, now we just announced the United Kingdom: VAT rise (to 19% and 20%) to "deal with the deficit."
    If the state will have to pay the airports "unprofitable" (while the huge profits generated by the profitable end up in private hands), how much do you need for us to climb the VAT to us too?

    NATIONAL HOME FOR OUR INDUSTRY, TOURISM, the airport network is a strategic sector of national interest:
    Still less foreign interests!
    If tourism is a thing of the Spanish people, our airports too.

    USCA (Union of Air Traffic Controllers Association)
    Delegation of Control Tower Palma de Mallorca -

    If I´m not wrong this is hapenning all around Europe, also with Athens Pireo Port... and now the volcano thing.

    I do not see any relationship to the volcano thing.

    Spain has the smallest problems concerning the ashcloud.Actually, some planes that could not land elsewhere,landed in Spain.
  • What the letter describes is not only hapenning with Spanish airports (which have also been closed, there has been a real chaos also, despite what you may heard, true that not as in the northern Europe, but Barcelona´s, Bilbao´s... were closed)
    It seems there´s an interest on European airports giving loss.
    That´s where I see the relation. It´s me, of course... you can see another thing.

    Is neither only hapenning with airports, also harbours, water...

    What about Belgian pilots?
    What about flights that stayed on land because the destiny was closed?
    Actually some planes that could not land elsewhere, landed in Spain.

    I haven´t heard any of that. Where can I found it?
    You mean planes that came from closed airports?
    Planes that were going to closed airports from the begining or were they suddenly closed?
    Sorry, I don´t understand that. I can´t see sense on it.
  • I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.

    Well, if you compare this with the swine flu, I agree on the extension of the hype that is being caused and the many speculations from people that are no experts at all,to say the least.
    Factually, we are stuck in the middle of a complexe thing where financial and safety interests are colliding. We are talking about planes that can not just stop in the air and make a break.There is a great deal of responsibility over the lives of other human beings.
    At the same time there is the responsibility for the jobs of 100.000ds of people working in that section. Some of the airlines concerned already had severe financial problems. The loss for the bigger EU Airlines caused by the closed sky is like round about 15 Million Euros a day.Indirectly striked are not only European economies,all Airlines outside Europe suffer the situation!No one is allowed to fly into this area.Indirectly,many other companies all over the world are suffering,too.
    By tomorrowevening things will get clearer, measurements have been made or are still going on and will be evaluated by then. Politically seen, I would not know right now who really is making a profit of this, apart from the railwaycompanies..and a few lucky taxidrivers plus Hotelowners.
  • I am watching this volcano story more and more as a hoax like the swine flu.
    There are reports that airplanes are able to fly at 15000 feet (without passengers) yet they are not allowed at 30000 feet (with passengers) where the ashcloud is said to take place.
    Obviously there is no need to keep airplanes at ground, just that they cannot get to usual heights.

    Before our minds get cloudy too:
    who has an interest in harming European economies?

    Just a question.

    This "somewhat official research institution says this and that has to happen" reminds me somewhat of a fire alarm training that we witnessed globally some months ago.
    Or is this just the test of the fittest?

    Not too funny that the American financial desaster swept into Europe via Iceland bankruptcy.
    I heard Goldman Sachs is now accused of fraud. Makes you think.

    Well, if you compare this with the swine flu, I agree on the extension of the hype that is being caused and the many speculations from people that are no experts at all,to say the least.
    Factually, we are stuck in the middle of a complexe thing where financial and safety interests are colliding. We are talking about planes that can not just stop in the air and make a break.There is a great deal of responsibility over the lives of other human beings.
    At the same time there is the responsibility for the jobs of 100.000ds of people working in that section. Some of the airlines concerned already had severe financial problems. The loss for the bigger EU Airlines caused by the closed sky is like round about 15 Million Euros a day.Indirectly striked are not only European economies,all Airlines outside Europe suffer the situation!No one is allowed to fly into this area.Indirectly,many other companies all over the world are suffering,too.
    By tomorrowevening things will get clearer, measurements have been made or are still going on and will be evaluated by then. Politically seen, I would not know right now who really is making a profit of this, apart from the railwaycompanies..and a few lucky taxidrivers plus Hotelowners.

    You heard correctly....
  • Here you have an expert with nothing to lose talking about the swine flu scam:

  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Interestingly, military aircraft kept on flying in and out of the largest U.S. military airbase at Ramstein, Germany, as neighbours reported.

    Now why can they operate and civil airspace is closed?

    This is what is happening right now in Germany, currently hosting the most important manoever of NATO BAT 10 forces:
    (official sources)

    [A large fleet of warships, submarines and auxiliary vessels from NATO’s Response Force (NRF) sailed from ports across Europe on 12 April to take part in the key maritime exercise “Brilliant Mariner” in the North and Baltic Seas. ]...[The exercise, which will end on 22 April 2010, will be operating in Northern European waters and airspace. ]

    [The aim of BAT 10 is to train, test, integrate and validate the interoperability, readiness and capabilities of NATO Response Force 15 nominated air forces and associated command structures by exercising NRF missions and tasks in a challenging and realistic scenario. ]

    [Exercise BRILLIANT ARDENT 10 (BAT 10) is a large scale NATO Response Force (NRF) Air Live Exercise (Air LIVEX) to be hosted by Germany over the period 12-22 April 2010. ]
    [It is only through exercises such as BAT 10 that NRF forces can be operationally certified as trained, capable and ready to fulfil the NRF mission. ]

    Explaining little on the NRF mission:

    I am not saying the volcano is a hoax.
    I am saying think twice about the consequences of who said, determined and published what.
    I would like to know why the entire airspace over Europe was closed when aircraft were able to operate and a huge military aircraft training took place.

    I know that regions may be emptied to avoid witnesses.
    It would just be very interesting to know whether there were civil air control staff working or whether they were sent home.
    This is too fishy.
  • What the letter describes is not only hapenning with Spanish airports (which have also been closed, there has been a real chaos also, despite what you may heard, true that not as in the northern Europe, but Barcelona´s, Bilbao´s... were closed)
    It seems there´s an interest on European airports giving loss.
    That´s where I see the relation. It´s me, of course... you can see another thing.

    Is neither only hapenning with airports, also harbours, water...

    What about Belgian pilots?
    Actually some planes that could not land elsewhere, landed in Spain.

    I haven´t heard any of that. Where can I found it?
    You mean planes that came from closed airports?
    Planes that were going to closed airports from the begining or were they suddenly closed?
    Sorry, I don´t understand that. I can´t see sense on it.

    Many planes were diverted to still-open airports, from where people could easily get acces to traintransportation.For example,a plane comes from USA to Paris,Paris is allready closed,next available airport is Madrid. The open/close situation in f.e. South France is not very stable,depending on the location of the ashcloud.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Before the 9/11 attacks there were also exercises...I don't say that it is necessary the case here but just to mention that there are no coincidences.
    <!-- m -->http://www.scribd.com/doc/16411947/NORA ... ck-Summary<!-- m -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m -->http://www.businessandfinance.ie/cat_ne ... temID=1445<!-- m -->

    Second vulcano on Iceland is erupting <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I keep an eye on the news.
  • Many planes were diverted to still-open airports, from where people could easily get acces to traintransportation.For example,a plane comes from USA to Paris,Paris is allready closed,next available airport is Madrid. The open/close situation in f.e. South France is not very stable,depending on the location of the ashcloud.

    Ok so you´re talking about the first moments. I understand.
    Still this is causing loss around the world.
  • http://www.businessandfinance.ie/cat_news_detail.jsp?itemID=1445

    Second vulcano on Iceland is erupting <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I keep an eye on the news.

  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m -->http://www.businessandfinance.ie/cat_ne ... temID=1445<!-- m -->

    Second erruption is a hoax. It was only hot air.
    Panic over nothing. Pfffffff <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    This is freakiin crazy. the world is coming to an end, but I hope not before Michael comes back. I want to take my last breaths around close to the same time he does. But seriously guys, something is going on and it ain't just science. Maybe the NWO are testing out their escape vessels underground.
  • OMG!!
    A little positivism would do.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    A little positivism would do.

    I'm adding that quote to my collection <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Sorry hesouttamylife, but your post was devasating <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I don´t see it that way... there will be loss before the change.
    But not everything will be negative... most will be good IMO.

    I sincerely recommend the documentary on this thread.
    It´s very encouraging!
    For once and for all: For Mayans is not the end of the world
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