Volcano in Iceland



  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    The Belgian association of airline pilots (BVP) is speaking about it right now.
    Belgian pilots questioned the closure of air traffic

    And we really did not expect this: shortly after some questioning in public, here is the answer: It IS dangerous to fly - and military ex Brussels confirmed it.

    (poor google translation)

    We wonder if we ever thought there was another answer possible. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    (was there ever a different answer than vaccination to swine flu?)
  • @Grace;in the same article it is mentioned that the volcanthing could have negative consequences for military activities.I did actually find nothing reliable yet concerning the operation BAT 10 excercise.

    OK,it might be all in the game,and if we are allowed to fly regular from April 22 (BAT 10 ends) I will have my reasoned doubts about the ashcloud. The Dfs(Deutsche FlugSicherung=German Aviation Security) releases the allowance and they are restricted by the submissions of the trafficministry.
    So, government has a high influence and a final responsiblity in this case, no doubt. Finally only the trafficminister Ramsauer(Germany) can order a closure of the sky in the Germany.
    Right now, the sky is still closed,but exceptances are being allowed to fly under particular circumstances,BUT these flights take place in the responsibility of the airlines. In this case,no airline could blame the authorities when probems with engines and other damages occur.

    Wait and see,I do not see enough evidence yet to blame anyone on inproper and incorrect behaviour.
  • This is freakiin crazy. the world is coming to an end, but I hope not before Michael comes back. I want to take my last breaths around close to the same time he does. But seriously guys, something is going on and it ain't just science. Maybe the NWO are testing out their escape vessels underground.

    No, according to me the world is not coming to an end. Check on worldwide history during the past 10.000 years taking into account both nature and political developments. I think if people would have had the media and infrastructure we have now, our existence could have been put in an endworld-scene ever since.And that is only one side of the truth.We live in polarities, in a yin and yang situation (IMO of course) and we are struggling with that. Besides all evil in the world, there is a lot of very good stuff,too.If media would start reporting all good things that happen in the world, we would probably have an other sight on things. Finding a balance in yourself between extremes that allways have happened and focussing on a positive and intelligent approach instead of getting paralysed by forces we do consider true without having final evidence, is the better alternative, I think.
  • hey to cheer us up just heard whitney houston wasnt happy cos shes on tour and she had to go to scotland on a ferry <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • FITAFITA Posts: 77
    Here you have an expert with nothing to lose talking about the swine flu scam:


    Wow! I had no idea it was that bad! I watched the videos on the front page of this site (MJDHI), but only after I got the vaccine. Ironically, I haven't had any flu symptoms at all. Usually, following my seasonal-flu vaccinations, I become mildly symptomatic of the seasonal flu for a few days, and I manage to not get the flu later on (October). However, when I was vaccinated against swine flu, I didn't have any symptoms of swine flu (February, 2010). Do you think I might have had a placebo? Or could I have worse symptoms later on? I asked my doctors about this after watching the videos about Michael exposing the NWO; and they said there is no need for concern; but they may just be wining and dining the pharmaceutical companies. What do you think?
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