TIAI February 26



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I can not believe after 20 months people still can think that Michael was a drug addict or faked his death to escape from giving those concerts. Do these people really think they know who Michael is? They think that Michael was that fragile and that weak to be a drug addict and they think that Michael was that stupid to make a contract that he couldn't deal with! Didn't you learn a single thing from this hoax? You still say that numerology part of the hoax is our opinion/theory whatever. How can it be our opnion only since YOU can not debunk it?!? Since NOONE can debunk it! Can't you see what a perfect plan this is? After 20 months if you still think that Michael could be murdered, or he could be a drug addict, or did the hoax to escape doing the concerts, you shouldn't be here! Because NOTHING you will find after all will convince you to believe that he is alive and planned the hoax for a long time ago. It means that you missed everything and you have no idea about who Michael is and what his desires are and what he is capable of. With these absurd thoughts you are insulting and disrespecting Michael. There is no need to waste your time here because you are learning NOTHING and all you do is to spread negativity on the forum and confuse some of the believers who are so ready to lose their faith and hope. I'm sure that you have other things to do in life. So I could advise you to forget about the hoax/murder/dead issue and focus on your own life. Because it seems like this issue doesn't comfort you and you can not find the right answers. And you affect people with your negative and wrong thoughts.
    But the plan we think we see it's TOO PERFECT.....TOO DAMN PERFECT......
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    Have you even read what was found in his bedroom at Carolwood?
    Not to mention the numerous Doctor's that prescribed them?

    Key word in that is "read"... and where did we read it? On the internet and in the media.

    I don't believe anything I read and only half of what I see. lol

    Back to this photo...

    Someone remind me which one of those guys supposedly took the picture. Red shirt, beige/yellow shirt, or black shirt guy?
  • You asked [ challenged me] by implying I am an uninformed dumass.

    SO I am providing.

    It makes me very sad to have revisit Michaels hidden truth.
    I understand all too well what this means....more than
    you can ever imagine.

    <!-- m -->http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,304977,00.html<!-- m -->
    Michael Jackson Admits Drug Use in Testimony
    Thursday, October 25, 2007

    How bad is, or was, Michael Jackson's addiction to prescription medication?

    Well, in a deposition Jackson gave last summer, the beleaguered pop star 'fessed up for once about where his head's been at when he signs documents.

    The testimony Jackson gave on July 25, 2007, had to do with agreements he signed with former manager Dieter Wiesner.

    As usual, Jackson claimed to have forgotten putting his signature on the dotted line.

    In the deposition, taken in London, an attorney for Wiesner asks Jackson the key question.

    This is what it looks like in the actual transcript, obtained exclusively by this column:

    Q Were you impaired by the taking of prescription medications or something else at the time you signed these two documents?
    A I could have been.
    Q Is that best of recollection, that you signed these while impaired, not knowing what they meant?
    A I could maybe say so, but I'm not — I don't remember them.

    It's not like Jackson misunderstood the questioning, either. In the same line of examination, the attorney for Wiesner managed to get this in as well:

    Q How long in 2003 were you impaired because of the taking of prescription medication?
    A I don't know.
    Q Was it most of 2003?
    A I'm not sure.
    Q Did Dr. Farshchian prescribe that medication for you?
    A No, it wasn't Farshchian. I think it was a local.

    And then there's also this exchange:

    Q As of March 31, 2003, were you still impaired because of the taking of prescription medication?
    A I could have been.
    Q During the period of time you were impaired by the taking of prescription medication, was this an impairment that lasted like all your waking hours, or did it come and go?
    A It comes and goes, not all of the waking hours, of course not. Yes.
    Q Now, during the period of time you were taking this medication when you weren't impaired, did you ever tell one of your advisors that you were [concerned] about your impairment and they better watch what you were signing during this period of time?
    A Not that I recall.

    I am sure you are familiar with this site.

    Where there is a breakdown of all of the drugs that were found and what MJ took.
    in 2009.

    <!-- m -->[url=forhttp://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/04/anatomization-of-living-dead-part-1.html]forhttp://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/04 ... art-1.html[/url]<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/05/an ... art-2.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/05/an ... part-3.htm<!-- m -->

    Then there is this;

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/26/michael-j ... anvas-bag/<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/25/michael-j ... -propofol/<!-- m -->
    Drug Stash Found at Michael Jackson's
    3/26/2010 4:10 PM PDT

    The ones I bolded are benzo's or in that family of drugs.
    4 and 10 miligrams is a HIGH dose even for one pill.

    - 3 - 10 mg/ml 1% lydocaine vials (2 empty, 1 3/4 full)
    - 1 empty bottle propofol 200 mg
    - 1 pulse monometer
    - 1 empty vial lorazepam 4 mg
    - 2 empty vials midazolam 10mg
    - 1 empty vial propofol 1g/100ml
    - 1 black nylon bag
    - 1 dark blue costco bag
    - 1 light blue canvas bag
    - 1 pill bottle with 13 tablets containing 25 mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine, 80 mg aspirin
    - 4 vials propofol 200mg/20ml
    - 2 vials 5 mg flumazenil
    - 1 vial lorazepam
    - 1 vial lidocane
    - 200mg vials of propofol (1 full, 1 1/4 full)
    - 1 empty bag I.V. drip of sodium chloride with syringe
    - 1 ziplock baggy containing 18 tubes of Benoquin

    Note that one of the items seized was a canvas bag. Bodyguard Alberto Alvarez told cops Dr. Murray told him to put vials of propofol in a plastic bag and put that bag in a canvas bag.

    Raid at Jackson's Netted Heavy Drugs

    Santa Barbara County Sheriff's deputies who raided Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch back in 2003 found a syringe, powerful narcotics, vials and IV bags containing what could be anesthesia.

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/10/raid-at-m ... avy-drugs/<!-- m -->

    Take the tour of 1-40 pictures that goes back to 2003. Same kind of drugs.
    BENZO's mainly...big doses.

    <!-- m -->http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/michael ... ost_recent<!-- m -->

    We are not talking .02 or .05 here.
    MJ had a BIG problem.
    You can run from the truth but you cannot hide from it.
    Like I stated above
    They are one of the worst habits to kick and he was doing heavy duty doses....
    and doctor shopping to get them...as far back as 2003.
    It appears he never really stopped.

    It isn't a pretty truth but the Facts.
    Like it or not.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    RunFaYaLife, nothing you posted proves drug use in 2009, most definitely not TMZ articles, lmao. It doesn't prove drug use in 2003 either, but that aside. Your theory still doesn't make sense in any way. But this thread is about the ambulance picture, so if you want to continue this discussion, you better make a thread in "the murder theory`.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Have you even read what was found in his bedroom at Carolwood?
    Not to mention the numerous Doctor's that prescribed them?
    Have you ever looked beyond the tip of your nose? You remind me of an old MJHD member: jewell. She tried to convince people of the same theory and also never had anything to back up her story. Think whatever you want, but you are not convincing anyone.

    I like that. Very well put, Souza.
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Are you ready to beLIEve..

    The clues could be a metaphor.......

    Red car....Redy or READY

    Two leaves or two paramedics.....TO

    Leaves...beLEAVE..Or BELIEVE...
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Am I the only one to find it strange to see the word


    in big letters being distributed each time when somebody is using the word


    And isn't that just the opposite of what it should actually mean?#

    Why did it become so popular to spread this LIE?

    I think that it is not an appropriate word at all to explain or express Michael to be alive and our faith in this. I think it is actually quite the opposite.
    Whoever invented this is a big mind gamer.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Well, I have been looking at the pics, all 4, checked the angles, watched de videos from Hollywood channel and Tristan´s one.

    Could it be that the pic was taken from a mirror using an angle view to change the perspective and to not reflect the lense and the photographer? Could this be the ilusion? Starting with the man in the mirror!

    This method is used as a technique in art, just came in to my mind when re-watching pics and videos.

    The focus of the pic is centered towards the left and seeing how the camera man approaches the ambo, that perspective would be difficult to achieve unless another tool is used to reflect the image, a mirror i.e.

    Even if the pic is staged, part of it can be having a conceptual artistic value in its execution.

    Do I make sense or I need a shot of coffein?
  • Pass the caffeine; It's possible...

    And another thought...what if it's a reflection INSIDE the ambulance from the window?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Pass the caffeine; It's possible...

    And another thought...what if it's a reflection INSIDE the ambulance from the window?

    Do you mean that the cameraman is inside the ambo taking the pic from the mirror which reflects part of the interior?
  • Well as long as we are speculating...
    Has it ever occurred to you that if Michael Jackson is still with us earthlings..
    that everything that happened is real and he really did overdose or was overdosed?
    Revived at the hospital and secretly wisked away to go into rehab and recover?

    If that should be the case he would be in bad shape...considering.

    In fact he still may be recovering....what we are looking at here is a guy
    that was already in bad health [Lupus-which BTW wipes out your already shrunken Thymus gland which naturally shrinks with age...and yes you can live without one.

    On drugs...depending on how many benzo's alone he took [and that is just one class] would be having horrible withdrawals and seizures. Look it up.
    Actually my sister who happens to be an RN and has worked on a physc unit told me it is a harder drug to kick than heroin.

    ALso, he would have to have heart problems from his cardiac arrest.

    Not to mention he already had a strong desire to disappear from the public.
    Judging from how he was treated alone ...if I were him.... I would too.

    As I have stated before if he is still around ....WE will not be seeing him again.
    But we may be watching some of his creations and not even realize it.
    But it would not be now...or anytime soon.
    This whole hoax thing however...IS beneficial to him, his children and his estate.
    So by all means....DO carry on!
    Absolutely not true at all. I have personal experience with benzo's and believe me it is nothing like how you say. There is no withdrawal symtoms and no seizures like how you are trying to make it seem. Usually when a person is going to come off of benzo's the Dr. will wean someone off of them by gradually decreasing the amount taken and the milligram dosage. The type of benzo that is described is a mild anti-anxiety drug.

    It is not worse than heroin to kick. Your sister worked in a psych hospital. Key word: Phych. Severe mental patients take different kinds of drugs depending on what their mental health issues are and that determines the strength and what kind of psych meds.

    Benzo's are mild and weak in comparison to heavy duty pysch meds. The dosage mentioned for the benzo's Michael supposedly was taking is so low it would not impair him like you describe and it certainly isn't a high enough dose to become so dependant on that it would be hard to function without it.
    Drug Stash Found at Michael Jackson's
    3/26/2010 4:10 PM PDT

    The ones I bolded are benzo's or in that family of drugs.
    4 and 10 miligrams is a HIGH dose even for one pill.

    - 3 - 10 mg/ml 1% lydocaine vials (2 empty, 1 3/4 full)
    - 1 empty bottle propofol 200 mg
    - 1 pulse monometer
    - 1 empty vial lorazepam 4 mg
    - 2 empty vials midazolam 10mg
    - 1 empty vial propofol 1g/100ml
    - 1 black nylon bag
    - 1 dark blue costco bag
    - 1 light blue canvas bag
    - 1 pill bottle with 13 tablets containing 25 mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine, 80 mg aspirin
    - 4 vials propofol 200mg/20ml
    - 2 vials 5 mg flumazenil
    - 1 vial lorazepam
    - 1 vial lidocane
    - 200mg vials of propofol (1 full, 1 1/4 full)
    - 1 empty bag I.V. drip of sodium chloride with syringe
    - 1 ziplock baggy containing 18 tubes of Benoquin

    Lorazepam (Ativan) is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines and is used to treat anxiety disorders.

    <!-- m -->http://www.rxlist.com/midazolam-injection-drug.htm<!-- m -->
    Midazolam is a short-acting drug in the benzodiazepine class that is used for treatment of acute seizures, moderate to severe insomnia, and for inducing sedation and amnesia before medical procedures.

    Almost all drugs now a days have side effects and warnings but that doesn't mean it applys to every person who takes them. We all have different chemical make up and drugs effect each one of us differently. Warnings are worse case scenerio and legally they have to tell us what may happen. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Why is it the original topic never stays on track?
  • Absolutely not true at all. I have personal experience with benzo's and believe me it is nothing like how you say. There is no withdrawal symtoms and no seizures like how you are trying to make it seem. Usually when a person is going to come off of benzo's the Dr. will wean someone off of them by gradually decreasing the amount taken and the milligram dosage. The type of benzo that is described is a mild anti-anxiety drug

    There isn't anything you can tell me and benzo's that I do not already know....intimately.

    Everything I said is true. AND yes depending on how long you have taken them
    [which should not be than a month since they are HIGHLY addictive]
    and the dosage- you most certainly WILL experience withdrawal symptoms and quite possibly seizures.

    FYI...This class of drugs are also prescribed FOR seizures.

    Regardless of whether you are weaning yourself off of these drugs gradually OR in the hospital the withdrawal is most certainly SEVERE...let's just call it a trip to HELL because that is exactly what it IS.

    They may be billed as a "mild anxiety drug" but they are addictive as hell.
    In fact when xanax hit the market it was billed as a "NON ADDICTIVE mild anxiety drug" by the Pharma Co.

    Now we know they were as usual FOS.
    Lorazepam (Ativan) is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines and is used to treat anxiety disorders.

    Well DUH....and so is xanax, which is what Michael Jackson had more of than any other benzo.
    The life a xanax in your system is 5 hours.
    I would imagine if you look it up that is about the same for Loraxepam too.

    Any"pram" is in the benzo family.
    Midazolam is a short-acting drug in the benzodiazepine class that is used for treatment of acute seizures, moderate to severe insomnia, and for inducing sedation and amnesia before medical procedures.

    That's right it does and is also prescribed for the same thing as the other "prams"
    only you left out mild to acute anxiety.

    It isn't the type it is the dosage.

    AS I already stated above we can agree on that.
    It is not worse than heroin to kick. Your sister worked in a psych hospital. Key word: Phych. Severe mental patients take different kinds of drugs depending on what their mental health issues are and that determines the strength and what kind of psych meds.

    That is not as assumption it is a FACT.
    And furthermore how DARE you question my sister!
    She has been an RN for over 30 years.
    When my sister speaks about something you better damn well listen...
    she KNOWS what she is talking about.
    She has seen it ALL and does not exaggerate.
  • TIAI February 26

    Postby ~Souza~ » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:27 am

    RunFaYaLife, nothing you posted proves drug use in 2009, most definitely not TMZ articles, lmao. It doesn't prove drug use in 2003 either, but that aside. Your theory still doesn't make sense in any way. But this thread is about the ambulance picture, so if you want to continue this discussion, you better make a thread in "the murder theory".

    According to his OWN testimony he was using in 2007...considering the class of drugs
    It is not much of a stretch to think he would be using the same drugs in 2009.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    Can we STOP the darn fighting on this forum and get back ON topic please? My bucket is seriously very close to full.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    so if you want to continue this discussion, you better make a thread in "the murder theory".

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • RunFaYaLife wrote:
    And furthermore how DARE you question my sister!
    She has been an RN for over 30 years.

    Lmao...say what? I think you should read what I wrote again. So you have your interpretation of things, not facts and I have mine. I'm out of this convo now Souza. No worries. This is not fighting for me. I can't change ignorance only God can do that; maybe. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I know you are not Imconvinced...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TS_comments wrote:

    Its her wrote:
    Gema wrote:
    GINAFELICIA wrote:

    So, if there is someone who has any idea what that leaf pattern means...

    I also would like to know if the leaf pattern has been discussed or come to a conclusion.

    I think this TS_Comments person is still trying to come up with something credible, on the leaf subject ...stalling, gotta ask MJ, who stepped out a minute... "how's that go, again?"

    I thought (s)he SAID he would explain some leaf things the second or third days of this thread. (Tap, Tap Tap) ...

    I still have two more things on the leaf pattern; I will explain at least one (and maybe both) sometime next week.

    TS could advance that explanation <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Back to the pic.

    Air ambulances (helicopters) have white framed cabinets.

    The rest of the ambo´s interior does not match.
  • mtcklsdmtcklsd Posts: 2


    Ok. So I may be losing my mind or just wanting to see something g that's not there, but I see eyes looking out from the picture. They are just above the white sheet, to the left of the guy's arm. I'm doing this from my phone so I can't circle the area. Maybe this zoomed in cropped picture will help a bit.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    You can share my padded cell. I've been seeing faces, eyes and MJ dancing sillouettes in the hoax related photos for 18 months. Geez, I've been known to see faces in the tiles of my bathroom floor and wood grain of the piano since this hoax kicked off. And I'm not even on drugs. Don't worry ...you are not alone. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    You can share my padded cell. I've been seeing faces, eyes and MJ dancing sillouettes in the hoax related photos for 18 months. Geez, I've been known to see faces in the tiles of my bathroom floor and wood grain of the piano since this hoax kicked off. And I'm not even on drugs. Don't worry ...you are not alone. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    The eyes are all over Google images.
    Like a watermark.
  • mtcklsdmtcklsd Posts: 2
    You can share my padded cell. I've been seeing faces, eyes and MJ dancing sillouettes in the hoax related photos for 18 months. Geez, I've been known to see faces in the tiles of my bathroom floor and wood grain of the piano since this hoax kicked off. And I'm not even on drugs. Don't worry ...you are not alone. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    It's very nice to know I'm not alone in my vision issues. Thanks for the safe place to bang my head as my need to bang my head to clear my vision increases. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    You're right, Grace, Google helps right along the path of mild insanity.
  • You asked [ challenged me] by implying I am an uninformed dumass.

    SO I am providing.

    It makes me very sad to have revisit Michaels hidden truth.
    I understand all too well what this means....more than
    you can ever imagine.

    <!-- m -->http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,304977,00.html<!-- m -->
    Michael Jackson Admits Drug Use in Testimony
    Thursday, October 25, 2007

    How bad is, or was, Michael Jackson's addiction to prescription medication?

    Well, in a deposition Jackson gave last summer, the beleaguered pop star 'fessed up for once about where his head's been at when he signs documents.

    The testimony Jackson gave on July 25, 2007, had to do with agreements he signed with former manager Dieter Wiesner.

    As usual, Jackson claimed to have forgotten putting his signature on the dotted line.

    In the deposition, taken in London, an attorney for Wiesner asks Jackson the key question.

    This is what it looks like in the actual transcript, obtained exclusively by this column:

    Q Were you impaired by the taking of prescription medications or something else at the time you signed these two documents?
    A I could have been.
    Q Is that best of recollection, that you signed these while impaired, not knowing what they meant?
    A I could maybe say so, but I'm not — I don't remember them.

    It's not like Jackson misunderstood the questioning, either. In the same line of examination, the attorney for Wiesner managed to get this in as well:

    Q How long in 2003 were you impaired because of the taking of prescription medication?
    A I don't know.
    Q Was it most of 2003?
    A I'm not sure.
    Q Did Dr. Farshchian prescribe that medication for you?
    A No, it wasn't Farshchian. I think it was a local.

    And then there's also this exchange:

    Q As of March 31, 2003, were you still impaired because of the taking of prescription medication?
    A I could have been.
    Q During the period of time you were impaired by the taking of prescription medication, was this an impairment that lasted like all your waking hours, or did it come and go?
    A It comes and goes, not all of the waking hours, of course not. Yes.
    Q Now, during the period of time you were taking this medication when you weren't impaired, did you ever tell one of your advisors that you were [concerned] about your impairment and they better watch what you were signing during this period of time?
    A Not that I recall.

    I am sure you are familiar with this site.

    Where there is a breakdown of all of the drugs that were found and what MJ took.
    in 2009.

    <!-- m -->[url=forhttp://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/04/anatomization-of-living-dead-part-1.html]forhttp://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/04 ... art-1.html[/url]<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/05/an ... art-2.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://xscapemj.blogspot.com/2010/05/an ... part-3.htm<!-- m -->

    Then there is this;

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/26/michael-j ... anvas-bag/<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/25/michael-j ... -propofol/<!-- m -->
    Drug Stash Found at Michael Jackson's
    3/26/2010 4:10 PM PDT

    The ones I bolded are benzo's or in that family of drugs.
    4 and 10 miligrams is a HIGH dose even for one pill.

    - 3 - 10 mg/ml 1% lydocaine vials (2 empty, 1 3/4 full)
    - 1 empty bottle propofol 200 mg
    - 1 pulse monometer
    - 1 empty vial lorazepam 4 mg
    - 2 empty vials midazolam 10mg
    - 1 empty vial propofol 1g/100ml
    - 1 black nylon bag
    - 1 dark blue costco bag
    - 1 light blue canvas bag
    - 1 pill bottle with 13 tablets containing 25 mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine, 80 mg aspirin
    - 4 vials propofol 200mg/20ml
    - 2 vials 5 mg flumazenil
    - 1 vial lorazepam
    - 1 vial lidocane
    - 200mg vials of propofol (1 full, 1 1/4 full)
    - 1 empty bag I.V. drip of sodium chloride with syringe
    - 1 ziplock baggy containing 18 tubes of Benoquin

    Note that one of the items seized was a canvas bag. Bodyguard Alberto Alvarez told cops Dr. Murray told him to put vials of propofol in a plastic bag and put that bag in a canvas bag.

    Raid at Jackson's Netted Heavy Drugs

    Santa Barbara County Sheriff's deputies who raided Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch back in 2003 found a syringe, powerful narcotics, vials and IV bags containing what could be anesthesia.

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/10/raid-at-m ... avy-drugs/<!-- m -->

    Take the tour of 1-40 pictures that goes back to 2003. Same kind of drugs.
    BENZO's mainly...big doses.

    <!-- m -->http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/michael ... ost_recent<!-- m -->

    We are not talking .02 or .05 here.
    MJ had a BIG problem.
    You can run from the truth but you cannot hide from it.
    Like I stated above
    They are one of the worst habits to kick and he was doing heavy duty doses....
    and doctor shopping to get them...as far back as 2003.
    It appears he never really stopped.

    It isn't a pretty truth but the Facts.
    Like it or not.

    Umm please see this video about how TRUTHFUL FOX NEWS IS




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