TIAI May 1



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    And when TS was asked about whether he could give some info on Tohme's involvement and whereabouts, he promptly said a firm, "No." If we are to discuss if sting or hoax, then Tohme info would help that choice a lot.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I think we'll be hearing a lot more about/from Tohme before this thing's over.
    And when TS was asked about whether he could give some info on Tohme's involvement and whereabouts, he promptly said a firm, "No." If we are to discuss if sting or hoax, then Tohme info would help that choice a lot.

    @ MJonmind, can you remember when/where TS said this?
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    I think we'll be hearing a lot more about/from Tohme before this thing's over.
    And when TS was asked about whether he could give some info on Tohme's involvement and whereabouts, he promptly said a firm, "No." If we are to discuss if sting or hoax, then Tohme info would help that choice a lot.

    @ MJonmind, can you remember when/where TS said this?

    Jumping in @MJonmind as I was just looking it up! <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=314621#p314621<!-- l -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think we'll be hearing a lot more about/from Tohme before this thing's over.
    And when TS was asked about whether he could give some info on Tohme's involvement and whereabouts, he promptly said a firm, "No." If we are to discuss if sting or hoax, then Tohme info would help that choice a lot.

    @ MJonmind, can you remember when/where TS said this?

    Are you at liberty to disclose any information on Thome and his involvement-good or bad-in this matter? ...


    Also, I would like to keep this thread on topic: paramedics, and staged photo done in LAFD #71, or a different ambulance, etc.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=314621#p314621<!-- l -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think we'll be hearing a lot more about/from Tohme before this thing's over.
    And when TS was asked about whether he could give some info on Tohme's involvement and whereabouts, he promptly said a firm, "No." If we are to discuss if sting or hoax, then Tohme info would help that choice a lot.

    @ MJonmind, can you remember when/where TS said this?

    Jumping in @MJonmind as I was just looking it up! <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=314621#p314621<!-- l -->
    LOL, you beat me to it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Don't get mad, but sometimes old news, is good news. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Dr. Firpo W. Carr "Michael's Murky Murder Mystery? Michael's Murky Murder Mystery?"
    Written by Dr. Firpo W. Carr, (Columnist), on 09-24-2009 00:00

    Michael's Murky Murder Mystery?

    "They're trying to kill me"

    Though the media hype has died down around the controversial and mysterious death of Michael Jackson, millions of fans from around the world are still keenly interested in how, why, and who was behind it. Interestingly, if there are indeed shady figures involved-and more than a few, including family members, are convinced of this-these suspects perhaps have overlooked the fact that Michael has scores of admirers in law enforcement agencies spanning the globe. A few of Michael's law enforcement friends, as well as amateur would-be detectives, have contacted me with what they consider to be damning evidence showing that Michael was murdered. La Toya Jackson, Michael's older sister, shared her own thoughts on the matter with Barbara Walters in a 20/20 interview that aired September 11, 2009.

    La Toya Talks & Tells: "I knew Michael was surrounded by people that positioned themselves in his life," says La Toya, "positioned themselves to control and take advantage of him. And that's what bothered me more than anything else because I knew something terrible would happen at the end," she told Walters. That's not all. La Toya comes right out and says: "Not to mention the fact that Michael constantly told me, 'La Toya ...if I die...they're going to murder me, they're going to kill me.'" La Toya further reveals in guarded language: "I don't know exactly who. I think there are more players involved than we know. This is just my opinion. This is what I feel. I know what Michael was afraid of ... he was afraid of his life. He would say, 'I'm afraid of my life. I'm afraid they're going to assassinate me. I'm afraid they're going to kill me.'"

    Declaration to Dick: Famed activist Dick Gregory called me several weeks ago and revealed that Michael Jackson told him that "they (presumably Michael's business associates) are trying to kill me."

    When Michael Called Carr: Way back in 2004 during his trial Michael Jackson called me and said that prosecutors knew that he was innocent of child molestation charges, but pursued this strategy to wrest control of his music catalogue from him. "They're after my Beatles' catalogue," he complained. "They just want my music ...I would never hurt a child, and they know that." I reassured him that I was convinced of his innocence. "I love you," he responded. I pretended not to hear him. So, he said it again. "I love you." I tried to change the subject by returning to my firm belief in his innocence. It didn't work. "I love you," he said for a third time. I finally acquiesced and said, "I love you too Michael," to which he immediately responded most sincerely, "I love you more."

    Tormented by Tohme: Michael Jackson was none too pleased with Dr. Tohme Tohme, who is the former brother-in-law of Randy Phillips, CEO of AEG, the company that was sponsoring Michael's tours. In a telephone conversation with and recorded by confidante June Gatlin in September 2008 (apparently Michael wasn't aware he was being recorded), the King of Pop complained about tactics used by Tohme. Several times after having me on his show to talk about Michael's death Geraldo Rivera actually aired the conversation between Michael and Gatlin on August 31, 2009.

    Michael: Last time we spoke, you told me to check on Dr. Tohme and I did a complete checking. This guy, he just...he just has ways about him that looks like he's...see what he's done? He's built this divide between me and my representatives and I don't talk to my lawyer, my accountant. I talk to him and he talks to them.

    Gatlin: That's not good.

    Michael: I know it's not good. I don't like it. I wanna get somebody in there with him that I know and trust. I don't' know what's in my accounts. I don't' know.

    Gatlin: Oh! That's not good Michael!

    Michael: I know it's not good.

    Gatlin: You can't allow somebody to just be in total control of your life.

    Michael: I totally agree with that. That's why I'm calling you.

    Many of Michael's fans are wondering why the other networks aren't highlighting the fact that Michael was not content-to understate it-with AEG representative Dr. Tohme Tohme. They're wondering why AEG didn't come out criticizing Dr. Conrad Murray, and why AEG allegedly took out drug overdose insurance on Michael.

    Suspicious Sony & AEG Guilty?: The following are direct communications from well informed, well placed Michael Jackson fans: "I wanted to share with you some of the information about AEG that I have uncovered. According to their website, AEG Teleworks (an affiliate of AEG) handles production, post-production, off-site production, and telecast services for ABC, CBS, and NBC. This is probably the reason why when anyone states that they believe Michael was murdered or that AEG was conducting shady business, their assertions seem to fall on deaf ears. I have not seen any of the mainstream media outlets besides ABC promoting Barbara Walters' interview with LaToya that is scheduled to air tonight (although it has been known for weeks now that the interview was scheduled to air on September 11th). That's mighty strange considering that anyone who claims Michael was an addict or a 'tortured soul' or 'begged' for drugs gets unlimited airtime. I just wanted to share this information with you. If you are interested in any of the other information that I have uncovered, I would be happy to share that with you as well. Thank you so much for speaking up on Michael's behalf....Please let Michael's family know that they are not fighting this battle by themselves, and that the Body of Christ is covering them in prayer. God bless you!!"

    Another informative fan wrote: "If you click on the link that I have posted at the bottom of this message, it will take you to the webpage for Bounce Event Marketing (another affiliate of AEG). One of their specialties is 'high-end music industry events,' and SONY is one of their many clients. So, even though Sony paid millions of dollars for Michael's rehearsal footage for the purposes of turning it into a movie, AEG will still be getting paid indirectly through Bounce Event Marketing. They have their hands in just about everything, don't they?"

    Yet another fan reveals that Dr. Tohme is a close personal fried of Tom Barack, chairman of Colony Capital, the company that now owns Neverland; and that Frank Dileo, Michael's former manager, was on the board of Sony Records.

    As stories develop rest assured that, God willing, these will be reflected in my column. Why am I doing it? Because of a legal and moral pact between Michael and me. Peace and blessings. Amen.

    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/fi/node/376383<!-- m -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111

    Are you at liberty to disclose any information on Thome and his involvement-good or bad-in this matter? ...


    Also, I would like to keep this thread on topic: paramedics, and staged photo done in LAFD #71, or a different ambulance, etc.

    Thanks for the link lilwendy and Souza! That kind of put us in our place didn't it?!!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Just posting to say I'm still watching. I think we presented some good, quality info to support hoax court and we did it back on pages 1 and 2. Many pages later and my opinion hasn't changed.
  • TheMoonIsDancingTheMoonIsDancing Posts: 1,003
    I'm already excited for TIAI June!!!!
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I have in mind what Michael said in the 60 minutes interview...he said it was a big conspiracy....and for me it sounds like it goes way beyond the Los Angeles area...but maybe I'm looking too far. I go for a hoax court serving a sting operation with no dead body used all because of the toys and because I can't imagine that a court can be fooled by the fabricated "evidences" for too long.

    TS where are you? No more secrets to share? <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
  • <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    OK....so I can't get the movie The Sting out of my head. Something dawned on a few minutes ago.......I was puttering around on the piano, playing small miscellaneous riffs. I started playing The Entertainer. I don't know why...I just did. This song is the theme from the movie The Sting. It was originally written by Scott Joplin....an African-American composer from the late 1800's to early 1900's:

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Joplin<!-- m -->

    The song was re-done by Marvin Hamlisch for the movie:

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Entertainer_(rag<!-- m -->)

    Interesting enough Sony has the rights to Scott Joplin's music and released an album of his music in 2001:

    <!-- m -->http://www.allmusic.com/album/piano-rags-sony-r896446<!-- m -->

    Where I am going with all this....I have no idea, lol. Perhaps, Sony is the target after all......what is Thome's association with Sony, is there any? I'll dig a little bit more and get back to you <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ -->

    Blessings for a beautiful day!
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    Y'all, I still say that MJ is portraying MJ as Thome-Thome and TT is like MJ's ideal character as it pertains to MJ/HIMSELF cleaning up everything around him that has to do with his name, estate and life (MJ's). For instance, check out this from below article. It is almost like MJ is the one that took control of his own dealings in life. I mean it's like MJ is portraying Thome - and what Thome says in below piece is actually what MJ is/was feeling and meant. He meant to take control of his life - and he is doing so GAME OVER TIME. And notice those lips of Thome's. Reminds me of MJ's. Lol

    Excerpt from article:

    "He has been stung by allegations that he was involved with the Nation of Islam, which he said was untrue.

    "I have nothing against anybody," he said, "But I don't know anyone from the Nation of Islam. When I took over Michael Jackson's affairs, I fired some people from the Nation of Islam."

    It is known that he is of Lebanese descent. His double name — pronounced toh-MAY' — is not uncommon in the Middle East. But he declined to go into detail about his own life and career other than to say he is a U.S. citizen who was raised in Los Angeles and, "I'm a self-made man. I'm in the world of finance."

    "I don't want to talk about me," he said. "I'm a nobody. I'm not important. I want to talk about Michael Jackson."

    At times he appeared on the verge of tears as he discussed Jackson's death, saying, "It's unbelievable ... I'm devastated ... God bless his soul."

    He said that by talking about Jackson, he was fulfilling one of the star's wishes.

    "He always said to me, 'I want people to really know who I am after I'm gone.'"

    He would only briefly discuss Jackson's finances. During his time with the superstar, Tohme said, he was paid nothing but was able to negotiate lucrative business deals that would secure the future of Jackson's children. He followed a long line of business managers and spokespeople who had come and gone from Jackson over the years. In the final year, he said he played a pivotal role in turning things around.

    His negotiations for Jackson included a Broadway show with the Nederlander organization, an animated TV show based on "Thriller," a line of clothing including "moonwalk shoes," and more. He said he was working with others to renegotiate the terms of Jackson's main assets, his share of the Sony-ATV Music Publishing Catalog — which includes music by the Beatles — and the catalog of Mijac, the company that controls Michael Jackson's own music.

    "I am not in the music business. I'm a stranger to this business," Tohme said, noting that he had stiff competition from others who wanted to take over Jackson's finances.

    "I built a fence around Michael to keep people out," he said, acknowledging that he cut costs by firing many members of the Jackson staff, including security guards. And he twice fired the children's nanny, Grace Rawaramba, on Jackson's orders.

    "I was trying to do what we could to maximize his profits and minimize spending. I wanted to find a way to reel in all the loans he had.

    "We had an agreement," Tohme continued. "I would never interfere with his creative decisions and he wouldn't interfere with my business decisions."

    Tohme said he abandoned everything he was doing in his own life to concentrate his time and effort on Jackson's affairs. He points with pride to the crown jewel of his and the new Jackson team's efforts: the contract with AEG for concerts at the 02 arena in London.

    He said Jackson was looking forward to the concerts because he wanted his children to see him perform.

    Like others before him, Tohme was caught up in the excitement of Jackson's world. He traveled with him to London, where they saw the play "Oliver" and were mobbed by fans. "I had never seen fans who loved anyone so much and he loved them just as much," Tohme said.

    Tohme uses the title "Dr." and apparently has a medical degree, though there is no record that he has practiced in the United States. He said he was convinced that Jackson was in perfect health the last time he saw him, two days before he died. He said the star kept himself and his children on a healthy diet, never ate red meat, didn't drink and, as far as he knew, never took drugs." (Right here MJ is STATING/TELLING THE WORLD THAT HE NEVER TOOK DRUGS. I hope some can see what I mean. I may not be right, but I don't count anything out with that Brilliant man.

    <!-- m -->http://www.zimbio.com/Dr+Tohme+Tohme/ar ... hme+breaks<!-- m -->

    And what's up with the below article? MJ is that U?

    <!-- m -->http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/ ... ays_r.html<!-- m -->

    But you know some are thinking that Thome-Thome and MJ's own brother, Jermaine had MJ killed. I mean really! So does this mean that MJ's entire family is in on it? To include cousins, uncles, aunts and the like? MJ wrote in his book Moonwalker that his mother's sister had 11 or 13 children, and that his father's sister or brother (I forgot which) had 11 or 13. I don't remember which is which now, but that's just the children out of those two. I doubt that his entire brood of relatives would go along with his MAIN family members (mother and father) to have had MJ killed by the mysterious Thome-Thome. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    And then remember his giving the $5.5M back. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.chocolatecity.cc/2009/07/25/ ... -millions/<!-- m -->
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    In other words, if I am on the right track, MJ planted all things having to do with the mysterious Thome-Thome.
    The Sony question bothered me too ...I don't know what to think.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I know this may divert from the theme slightly but sort of not. Just thinking about the phone call to June Gatlin, which represents so many many stories and articles similar to LoToya's Barbara Walters interview that indicate Michael had leeches around him and he thought he was going to be murdered. This phone-call single-handedly put TT in everyone's bad books. This is the whole mind-bending, head-banging stuff that is going on with this hoax, namely that MJ could be planting information to set up a looks like conspiracy to murder him. This clip Loyalfan posted on another thread really caught my attention because it confirmed this. Arthur Jafa says basically that MJ had a strategy, a construction, his soft-spoken gentle voice and the whole thing is like shit is just happening, but he is actually driving the whole thing. MJ's voice is normally deeper. He created all this including a lot of the tabloid stuff in his life. And he says Lisa Marie confirmed this, and begged him to stop doing this because it's not working.

    I say did MJ tell her to say that, or did she not know at that time but now she does?
    Rabbit holes, and worm holes!
    This is again part of the reason why I don't think sting and hoax mix very well, like oil and water. I just can't see it.

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    I am not sure Sony is the main focus of this Sting. Might be a small part, but not the whole company. He owns half of Sony publishing as far as we know, but I have a feeling he owns more than that. Mottola is a target, I am pretty sure of that. He's not with Sony anymore. Mottola has had Lindsay Lohan under contract and rumor has it that Mottola and Lohan had an affair years ago. When I look at Lindsay's young age and Mottola's creepy face, I don't think that that was an affair, I think he had Lindsay 'under control' so to speak. That could also be why Lindsay is most likely playing a role in all this (I really think the Lohan case is at least partially a hoax), and maybe that is why she gets protection from MJ's bodyguard now. Too many connections between Lindsay and MJ to be a coincidence. I am not sure how this death hoax would expose Mottola, but because I think this sting started way before June 25, it could be that they already have enough on him. Or maybe Lindsay's case has something to do with that, I don't know.

    I don't think the LA court is the focus of the sting. I bet there is corruption everywhere in every court, so why pick LA? If you want to make a point with it, pick Santa Barbara, where he was dragged through the mud twice. If it's a sting court, then the only ones NOT in the hoax would be the prosecution. The judge is the one setting the perfect 'hoax-dates' and the defence is with Murray, 'nuff said. But you really can't tell me that the prosecution would not have discovered that MJ isn't dead, no way. Or they have, but are prosecuting Murray anyway. If that would be the case and they would want to lock up a black man who they know is innocent, why only one phony charge? That doesn't make sense.

    Also a target must be Sneddon, because I can't believe Mike would let him get away with it. He might not have been the mastermind behind the allegations, but he implemented it. Evil and greedy to the bone, so he MUST be a target.

    Diane Demon will probably get her share too. ET online bought that fake picture, and maybe they KNEW it was a fake picture. Ben might have told them he photoshopped it because he couldn't get a clear picture through the window. If that is on tape, Demon is fucked. Either in court or just public humiliation.

    Batshit probably gets his share and many others who fucked him over. Don't know how, but that's what I think. I also think some very high profiles are targets, but I think we can only speculate on that. Either time will tell, or TS will spoonfeed us a little <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    Today is 5/11. In Europe we write November 5th that way. You posted this thread at 11:05, so new post today?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    In short, these could be just some of the mafia who wanted to ruin the life of Michael forever.
    If this is an Sting's operation, these people already should have been prosecuted or arrested. We can not be sure, simply do not have any news about it.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Souza, seems the last time you said that TS came right away. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> Now I'm expecting him!
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    L.A. county is the only county left in Caliland that is still paying extra benefits to judges.
    Los Angeles County Judges receive a $178,000 per year salary from the State, $30,000 in health and retirement benefits from the State, and an additional $ 46,379 per year in cash perks from Los Angeles County. According to Fine the Los Angeles judges receive $100,000 more that U. S. Federal District Judges and members of the United States Congress, and $30,000 more than the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, .
    Paul Moyer: Norris says these payments compromise the judges and create a conflict of interest for them. Richard Fine, another local attorney, agrees, and says there are no limits on how the payments are spent..

    Richard Fine: The judges can elect to either spend the money for their professional development or to buy county insurance or they can just take the money, put it in their pocket and spend it any way they want.

    Paul Moyer: Fine says the payments make local judges among the best-paid in the United States – and cost LA County $21 million a year…this, in a time of budget crisis. But the real scandal, he says, is that judges can pocket the money without having to disclose it to the public.
  • Yambo3003Yambo3003 Posts: 291
    "We are all here because of him, may that continue with him leading the way" -- Kenny Ortega


    Hope everything is fine TS.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221

    recalling the 2005 trial ... the physical and moral damage which was the subject Michael <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->



    And the garbage of Thomas Sneddon continues declaring that Michael is guilty after the verdict.. sufficient reason to take revenge for all these people, sometimes it is necessary to remember <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Thanks, that picture i'll use it in another thread.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I believe that it is good to remember these things.. if at some time we manage to discover all this mess <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ -->

    Michael Jackson Autopsy: AP Reports Jackson Died in Home
    October 5, 2009
    By LBG1
    “I have always believed that if I simply tell the truth, I will be exonerated.”
    Dr. Conrad Murray, August 18, 2009

    In a recent article published by the AP, AP Exclusive: Autopsy shocker: Jackson was healthy, not only was Michael Jackson “healthy” at the time of his death, according to the AP, “court documents state” Michael Jackson “died in his rented mansion”:

    From the AP:

    “Jackson died at his rented Los Angeles mansion June 25 after his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, administered the anesthetic propofol and two other sedatives to get the chronic insomniac to sleep, court documents state. Propofol, normally a surgical anesthetic used in operating rooms, acts as a respiratory depressant and requires constant monitoring,”

    Had “court documents” definitively stated Michael Jackson “died” at his “rented Los Angeles mansion” as the AP article claimed?

    So far, this area has been rather “murky”, of whether Michael Jackson’s “life” was “extended” by life-saving measures before he was “pronounced” dead at UCLA Medical Center. Accounts of the last hours of Jackson’s death are punctuated with medical jargon such as “faint pulse”, “unresponsive”, “resuscitate”, and failure to “revive”. The key witness in the last hours of Michael Jackson’s life when Jackson suffered a cardiac arrest: Dr. Conrad Murray, who was attending Jackson in Jackson’s home as his personal physician.

    To date, Murray had given one “public” statement via a one minute Youtube video on August 18, and an interview with Gerald Posner, held a half-hour after the Youtube video was filmed.


    If you’re looking for any additional “details” from Murray on what occurred on June 25 in Posner’s interview, Posner summed up the interview in his first paragraph:

    “In his first interview since Michael Jackson’s death, which the L.A. Coroner’s Office said was caused by an injection of propofol, the doctor who is at the center of the King of Pop homicide investigation frets about being a scapegoat, and insists that he wants to be exonerated.”

    An interesting read, the interview was short on specifics regarding Michael Jackson’s death, other than Murray was “infuriated” at being “tagged” Jackson’s “enabler” or “concierge doctor”, which, Murray insisted, he was “neither”. Instead, he was Jackson’s “friend”. A “friend” who had “theories” about “other doctors and advisers” around Jackson who were “responsible for the star’s problems near the end of his life”.

    Murray had this to say about his “biggest worry”:

    What is your biggest worry? Without hesitating he says, “That I will be made the scapegoat.” For whom? He doesn’t want to blame others, doctors, or business advisers around Jackson, but clearly he has his own ideas of some of those who were responsible for any of the pop star’s problems near the end of his life.

    Posner also interviewed Murray’s attorney Ed Chernoff who had this to say about his client “telling the truth” and “never changing his story”:

    “Dr. Murray told the truth from the very first interviews with the police,” said Matt Alford, one of Chernoff’s partners and a ranking member of the defense team. “His story has never changed.”

    While Murray stated:

    “I have always believed that if I simply tell the truth, I will be exonerated.”

    While it’s true, Murray’s “story”, the version being touted by Ed Chernoff and Murray spokesperson Miranda Sevcik, has remained “the same”, the authorities have a “different” version of Murray’s story, the version contained in the Aug. 25, search warrant affidavit.

    Ed Chernoff and spokesperson Miranda Sevcik have given interviews, making statements on
    Murray’s behalf, of Murray’s “version” of the events that occurred on June 25, the fateful day when Murray’s star patient succumbed to what authorities claim was a combination of lethal levels of the drug propofol and sedatives.

    Versions, Statements, and Claims Regarding Michael Jackson’s “Death”

    According to statements made by Murray’s spokesperson Miranda Sevcik, when Murray “found” Michael Jackson, Jackson “wasn’t breathing” but had a “weak pulse”. Jackson wasn’t declared dead until Jackson “was in the hospital”:

    From Radar Online:

    “Her claims are not consistent with Dr. Murray’s version of events,” Sevcik said. “LaToya was not in the house during the time she claims Prince was called into Jackson’s bedroom.

    “Our version of events has not changed. Prince was never called into the bedroom and Dr. Murray found Micheal Jackson not breathing with a weak pulse. Mr. Jackson was not declared dead until he was in the hospital.”

    Sevcik’s statement was in response to claims made by La Toya Jackson during an appearance on Barbara Walters’ ABC 20/20 on September 11, 2009:

    Excerpt from La Toya Jackson’s appearance on ABC’s 20/20:

    When asked by Walters if Murray murdered her brother, La Toya said, “Something went wrong. Something went wrong.”

    La Toya also addressed reports that Michael’s oldest son, Prince, was summoned by Murray the night of his father’s death to help resuscitate his father.

    “He called Prince … Prince … watched him do this, Barbara. And you don’t do that to a child. You don’t do that to a child, especially when you knew prior to asking that child to come up, that Michael was no longer alive,” she said.

    La Toya stressed that she believes Michael was dead long before Murray even called for Prince — but called the 13-year-old in, to “show that [he] had nothing to do with this.”

    The following video is a clip of La Toya’s September 11, ABC, 20/20 interview.

    Sevcik’s statement, that Michael Jackson wasn’t “declared dead until he reached the hospital” is technically true as Jackson was “pronounced” dead at UCLA Medical Center at 2:26 pm, EST.

    According to La Toya Jackson and the AP, Jackson had “died” while in his home. I decided to take a closer “look” at what was in the multiple page Search Warrant and Affidavit documents released by the Los Angeles Police Department relating to Michael Jackson’s death. A closer look at whether there was “evidence” in the court documents that backed up the AP’s and La Toya’s claim that Jackson had “died” at his home.

    I also took look at other sources such as statements made by Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson Capt. Steve Ruda, whose paramedics responded to the 911 call made from Jackson’s home, statements made by Jermaine Jackson during a press conference held at UCLA Medical Center, a few hours after his brother’s death, and, statements made by Dr. Conrad Murray’s attorney Ed Chernoff, and Miranda Sevcik, Murray’s spokesperson.

    June 25, 2009, The Day Michael Jackson Died

    A little over four hours after Michael Jackson’s official time of death, the LA Times published an article at 6:52 pm on the press conference held by Jermaine Jackson at UCLA Medical Center to announce the “King of Pop has passed away”. Mentioned in the article: the time Michael Jackson arrived at the hospital, 1:14 pm, and Dr. Tohme R. Tohme, who, according to the Times, was Michael Jackson’s “personal physician”.

    An excerpt:

    “This is hard,” he said softly. “My brother, the legendary King of Pop, passed away on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 2:26 p.m…. It is believed he passed away of cardiac arrest.”

    He said Michael Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Tohme R. Tohme, was with him at the house and had tried to resuscitate him. He said paramedics also tried to revive his brother and “upon arriving at the hospital at 1:14 p.m., a team of doctors, including emergency physicians and a cardiologist, worked to resuscitate him for a period of more than one hour but were unsuccessful.“


    Watching the video, it’s apparent how visibly distraught Jermaine was when attempting to speak about his brother’s tragic death which had occurred just hours earlier. What wasn’t in the video: the LA Times report that Jermaine had stated “Dr. Tohme R. Tohme was Jackson’s “personal physician”.

    Here’s what Jermaine actually said:

    “His personal physician who was with him at the time attempted to resuscitate my brother…”

    At no point during the press conference did Jermaine name “who” Michael’s personal physician was. The Times has yet to print a retraction that Jackson’s personal physician was Dr. Conrad Murray, nor has the Times explained why the Times reporter stated that, during his press conference, Jermaine Jackson stated “Dr. Tohme” was Jackson’s “personal physician”.

    Jermaine stated that his brother had “passed away on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 2:26 p.m”. The time, “2:26 p.m.”, was the time Jackson was “pronounced dead” by Dr. R. Cooper, Emergency Physician, UCLA Medical Center.

    Resuscitate: To restore to life. Derived from the Latin resuscitare, to reawaken

    Revive: To bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate.

    Jermaine also stated: Jackson’s “personal physician” tried to resuscitate his brother while at Jackson’s home, paramedics “tried to resuscitate” Michael, then, at the ER, physicians “worked to resuscitate” Michael “for a period of more than one hour but were unsuccessful”.

    To date, the totality of official “court documents” in the Michael Jackson case released to the public have been two separate releases of search warrant documents: the original LAPD 14-page search warrant document, which included the “Declaration and Request” affidavit for the search warrant dated June 25, which was served at Michael Jackson’s home after his death.

    The second round of Search Warrant documents, 23-pages, released on August 25th, stemmed from LAPD affidavits supplied to a Houston, Tx, Harris County District Court judge and were instrumental in proving probable cause to search Dr. Conrad Murray’s medical clinic and storage unit in Houston.

    Included in both sets of search warrant documents, the affidavits: documents submitted to a judge or magistrate, needed to establish “probable cause”.

    From Legal Dictionary:

    A search warrant is a judicial document that authorizes police officers to search a person or place to obtain evidence for presentation in criminal prosecutions. Police officers obtain search warrants by submitting affidavits and other evidence to a judge or magistrate to establish Probable Cause to believe that a search will yield evidence related to a crime. If satisfied that the officers have established probable cause, the judge or magistrate will issue the warrant.

    From Answers.com:

    -An affidavit is voluntarily made without any cross-examination of the affiant and, therefore, is not the same as a deposition, a record of an examination of a witness or a party made either voluntarily or pursuant to a subpoena, as if the party were testifying in court under cross-examination.

    -An affidavit is based upon either the personal knowledge of the affiant or his or her information and belief. Personal knowledge is the recognition of particular facts by either direct observation or experience. Information and belief is what the affiant feels he or she can state as true, although not based on firsthand knowledge.

    -Affidavits serve as evidence in civil actions and criminal prosecutions in certain instances. They are considered a very weak type of evidence because they are not taken in court, and the affiant is not subject to cross-examination. Their use is usually restricted to times when no better evidence can be offered. If a witness who has made an affidavit is not available to testify at a trial, his or her affidavit may be admitted as evidence. If the witness is present, his or her affidavit is inadmissible except when used to impeach the witness’s testimony, or to help the witness with past recollection of facts.

    According to Examiner.com, the August 25th “release” is the “official affidavit in its entirety, minus redaction’s made by law enforcement officers, pertaining to the search warrant that was issued in the Michael Jackson homicide case”.

    The definition of “redaction” from Dictionary.com:

    –verb (used with object)
    1. to put into suitable literary form; revise; edit.
    2. to draw up or frame (a statement, proclamation, etc.).

    At an earlier date, I was able to find a link to the 14-page document, then fortuitously copied the document, as, a day later the link no longer directed to the document. While there are numerous links to the Search Warrant records released on August 25, I haven’t been able to find a link to the original June 25 search warrant records.

    First up, what was written in the original search warrant affidavit pertaining to whether Jackson was found “dead” in his home.

    On page 2, the document states:

    -”on June 25, 2009 Robbery Homicide Detectives were assigned to investigate the death of Michael Jackson”.

    -”Jackson was removed from his home to UCLA Medical Center” and then “pronounced dead at the hospital”.

    Page three of the Affidavit states:

    -”Family members and security staff” informed the police that “Mr. Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, was with him at the time of his death.”.

    The affidavit then stated:

    -”Detectives met with Dr. Murray at UCLA Medical Center.”

    -“Dr. Murray stated he was with the decedent (Michael Jackson) at the time of his death.”

    -”Detectives obtained a short summary of the events and Dr. Murray left the hospital against the objections of the investigating officers.”

    In the very next sentence, the affidavit “contradicts” the previous statement that Murray had been “interviewed and “gave a short summary” to investigators before he left:

    “Officers have been unable to interview Dr. Murray, and the coroner’s office has not established a cause of death for for the decedent.”

    Page 8 of the “official” August 25 Search Warrant and Affidavit stated:

    -”Upon arrival, Dr. Murray met with Dr. R. Cooper, the physician in charge of the emergency department. Murray told Cooper he had given JACKSON two separate 2mg doses of LORAZEPAM (Ativan), during the course of the night”.

    -”Cooper attempted to revive Jackson with negative results”.

    -”Cooper pronounced Jackson’s death at 1426 (2:26 pm) hours.”

    -”Murray refused to sign the death certificate, and the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office was summoned to the hospital.”

    “Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Robbery Homicide Division (RHD)” were “assigned to assist the Coroner’s Office conduct an investigation”.

    -”Upon arrival at UCLA Medical Center, neither the coroner’s investigators nor detectives could locate MURRAY to re-interview him. Repeated attempts at contacting and locating MURRAY were unsuccessful.”

    On June 25, 5:20 pm, PST, the site, TMZ reported:

    We’ve just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50.

    Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We’re told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

    A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest.

    Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive.

    * Michael Jackson Autopsy: AP Reports Jackson Died in Home
    * Continued on Page 2: Michael Jackson Autopsy: AP Reports Jackson Died in Home, Part II
    * Michael Jackson Autopsy: AP Reports Jackson Died in Home Part III

    By LBG

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  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Lady Diana.....
    Remember remember.....

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