TIAI May 1



  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137

    recalling the 2005 trial ... the physical and moral damage which was the subject Michael <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->



    And the garbage of Thomas Sneddon continues declaring that Michael is guilty after the verdict.. sufficient reason to take revenge for all these people, sometimes it is necessary to remember <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is a strange coincidence that Tom Sneddon BECAME (that is, was put in place) as county prosecutor, with jurisdiction over Neverland, the year all this started, when THRILLER came out?? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Michael didn't buy Neverland till later, but a coincidence none the less. But sneddon's interview posted where he said that there was a whole team behind him [ mentions lawyers and those higher up] who decided to go ahead with the 2005 trial. hmm. And sneddon did 2 years in the military. Probably 2 years of mind programming. One of his alters is probably a rabid dog.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    It's her
    Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is a strange coincidence that Tom Sneddon BECAME (that is, was put in place) as county prosecutor, with jurisdiction over Neverland, the year all this started, when THRILLER came out??
    What are you suggesting?
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    still bugs me about the jermaine being the only one authorized to make statement deal. <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Besides shady doctors, Sneddon, Batshit, and all other snakes that surrounded MJ in his life, focus of the sting must be the ones pulling the strings behind the curtain. I have been wondering who that could be for a long time, but chappie mentioned yesterday that it might be possible that Mike has something to do with the new movie that will premiere in Cannes tomorrow, Unlawful Killing, and that exposing the conspiracy to kill Princess Diana could be a part of the hoax and even the sting. I think she might have hit the nail on the head.

    Who are they? THEY are trying to kill me. THEY know who they are. THEY, THEY, THEY. Who are they? I have asked myself that question numerous times after writing the V for Vendetta blog. I will quote the end:

    Well, it is clear that he was framed…twice! But how and why? There are too many similarities between the Chandlers and the Arvizos. There is a link with David Schwarz and Tom Sneddon and Sneddon admitted he met with Janet Arvizo before the accusations. Makes us think that Sneddon planned this and that the Arvizos and the Chandlers are on the payroll?

    But what’s in it for Sneddon? Fame? Not in a good way because putting Mike behind bars means he will gain millions of haters, some even mad enough to hunt him down and kill him.

    Because he thought he was guilty and wanted the child molester behind bars? Doesn’t make sense either, because he was presented all the facts and evidence supporting Mike, he must have known he was innocent. If we can already see that by reading on the net, he must have seen that as well. So why hunt him down for so many years? Must have been for $$$$, we don’t see another reason. But who was paying Sneddon to get Mike?
    <!-- m -->http://doubledutchblogs.wordpress.com/2 ... vengeance/<!-- m -->

    Of course, you can say TPTB are behind it, but why and who exactly? Who wanted him out of the way and why? What could he have known that made certain people so nervous that he needed to be taken down? I am sure there are many, since MJ was off message and becoming very powerful and influential in the late 80's, but he also met Princess Diana back then. He was devestated when she died, they must have been good friends. They talked on the phone, but it is said (and I believe that immediately) that Diana's phone calls were being tapped. I think she told him things he wasn't supposed to know and that is when I think the Chandlers came in and 10 years later the Arvizos.

    When Diana died, he told Barbara Walters that he was afraid he would be next. Why would he say that?

    Now this movie premieres in Cannes tomorrow and it has new audio material of Diana talking on the phone about her fears for being killed. It is said this movie will be very revealing. So much even, that it is banned in the UK (as if that makes sense with the internet nowadays).
    Princess Diana documentary to screen at Cannes
    Keith Allen will debut his controversial film, 'the inquest of the inquest' of Princess Diana, at the festival as Unlawful Killing will not be shown in UK cinemas
    Ben Child
    guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 10 May 2011 14.29 BST

    'What I found was horrifying' ... Keith Allen and Princess Diana. Photograph: Tim Rooke/Rex Features and Rex Features

    Actor and film-maker Keith Allen will screen his controversial documentary about the death of Princess Diana in Cannes on 13 May.

    Unlawful Killing, a labour of love developed over three years following extensive interviews with people who knew his subject, alleges that "dark forces" within the British establishment worked to cover up the true details of Diana's death in 1997. It is described by Allen as "the inquest of the inquest" and has drawn controversy because it will show a photograph of the dying princess taken by paparazzi moments after her car crashed in a Paris tunnel.

    The black-and-white image is reportedly so graphic that it was pixelated during the inquest into Diana's fatal crash. It will not be shown in Britain because the film itself is not being shown in cinemas – due, Allen says, to lawyers who insisted on extensive cuts.

    "Screening this film in Cannes for the world's media will be both exhilarating and terrifying for me," said the star of Shallow Grave and Trainspotting. "As far back as 2004, I had been intrigued by Mohamed Al Fayed's unrelenting determination to seek answers to the questions surrounding the death of his son, Dodi and Princess Diana.

    "By going 'undercover' at the inquest, I hoped to reconcile some of my own suspicions too – but what I experienced was horrifying. This film is, in short, the inquest of the inquest."

    Unlawful Killing will combine a recreation of the inquest and interviews with the late Tony Curtis, Howard Stern, Kitty Kelley, Mohamed Al Fayed, Piers Morgan and Michael Mansfield QC. Dave Stewart provides the original score.

    Writing in the Guardian, Allen said: "Unlawful Killing is not about a conspiracy before the crash, but a provable conspiracy after the crash. A conspiracy organised not by a single scheming arch-fiend, but collectively by the British establishment – judges, lawyers, politicians, police chiefs, secret services, even newspaper editors – all of whom have been appointed to their positions because they are 'a safe pair of hands'.

    "Just as compass needles all point north without being told to, so these people instinctively know what is expected of them when the state's interests are under threat and they act accordingly, quietly suppressing uncomfortable evidence or undermining the credibility of witnesses whose evidence contradicts the official narrative."
    <!-- m -->http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2011/may ... ary-cannes<!-- m -->

    Attending the film festival in Cannes: Joe and Janet, but also Lady Gaga, who has the same countdown on her website as <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonfakeddeath.com<!-- m -->. I am not saying it's legit, but it's strange since that site was registered on June 25, 2009. Gaga's countdown is for the release of the album 'Born this way' - UK version, while the US version will be released on May 17 already so I don't get why she didn't set the countdown to that date. Cannes will end on the 22nd, I hope they will put the movie online on the 23rd.

    Here is the trailer for Unlawful Killing:


    And here is a sneak preview:


    All the V for Vendetta references. V blows up the British houses of parliament, the movie is set in London. The concerts were supposed to be in London, Jermaine's tribute (well one of them) was supposed to happen in London, this hoax has the UK written all over it.

    Why would the friend mentioned in the trailer of the movie wait this long to release the tapes? Waiting for the right moment? And who is this friend? Who is said to have taped half of his life? I think it's possible that MJ is at least partially involved in all this. If he would have the opportunity to expose the British Establishment for murdering Diana, I am sure he would. Who wouldn't? She was the female MJ, humanitarian, haunted by paparazzi and TPTB and loved by billions. If the truth comes out about her death, the world will be pissed and that's quite the understatement. The first reports on the 'accident' aired by the BBC were that she was not seriously injured. Concussion and a broken arm or leg I think. It is also said that she was consious and talked to one of the rescuers on the scene. Then a doctor comes along and injects her and next thing she is on the reanimation department in the hospital because of a cardiac arrest. What did they inject her with? Propofol maybe? Is that why that drug was chosen for this hoax?

    Then there is the Batshit connection, Diana was also interviewed by him. After this interview she was forced to divorce Charles by Elizabeth and 2 years later she was dead. Here is the interview:








    To me there are again too many coincidences. For those who haven't seen it yet, here is a link to a documentary I posted back in August about the accident: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=78&t=13842<!-- l -->
    Please remember that the “top priority” of the FBI is “public corruption” in government agencies; and their investigation specifically includes “verdicts handed down in courts”
    A verdict of unlawful killing was returned in the following cases:
    A jury decided on 7 April 2008 that Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed had been unlawfully killed by the grossly negligent driving of the following vehicles and the driver of the Mercedes in which they were travelling.
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlawful_killing<!-- m -->

    So THEY got away with murder and the driver got the blame. If that's not public corruption, then I don't know what is.

    By the way, I still believe it is a hoax court. I think I said it before, but I think some of the witnesses could also be targets. TMZ has an article now that Adams has to testify for the defence while he doesn't want to. So sting using court, not focussing on court.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • TheMoonIsDancingTheMoonIsDancing Posts: 1,003

    10:25 says "he is planning the next step in his career, always looking ahead." Maybe the person that is close to Michael was referring to the "hoax" his next BIG career move after '05 trial.

    The 2005 trial and Hoax are 4 years apart. Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory are 4 years apart from one another. And BOTDF (HIStory in the Mix) and Invincible are 4 years apart. Maybe nothing more than a coincidence, but I just thought I'd put that out there. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I’ve often wondered how Prince Charles really felt about Michael & Princess Diana’s relationship.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Souza Souza Souza!! WOW, I'm very impressed with your post and it makes WAY TOO MUCH SENSE.

    I think the main target of the sting is "TPTB" and my biggest question about that is who are they? I tried saying something similar in an earlier post, that the targets of the sting (and there are many) lead all the way to the top. No wonder this hoax has been planned for so long.

    The Princess Diana connections cannot be coincidence. I'm still reeling at how you put it all together. I watched that Bashir interview years ago but will watch it again. I want to think about this more.

    And yes I agree it's a hoax court, with some sting on the side.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    *reminder to watch later*
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393

    there was a post about MJ’s hands. Well here is a sure picture of them when he was handcuffed.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Excellent post Souza, and Mohamed Al-Fayed is friend of Michael
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Come on Hoaxers....Open your eyes....
    Cannes ends 23/5/2011.....

    Guess who is/will be there....
    Joe Jackson

    Janet Jackson

    Lady Gaga

    Johnny Depp
    Tim Burton (Jury president)
    And many more.

    The Movie is by Keith Allen
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Allen_(actor<!-- m -->)
    Fan of Fulham F.C. England Football Club in London.

    Guess who is the owner of that club...Mohamed Al Fayed.....


    It reveals a cover-up by the British Establishment culminating in a six month inquest.
    Keith Allen's ground breaking documentary recreates key moments from the inquest and demonstrates how vital evidence of foul play was hidden from public scrutiny, how the Royal Family were exempted from giving evidence and how journalists, particularly those working for the BBC, systematically misreported the events and in particular, the verdict itself.
    This is the story of how the world was deceived.

    <!-- m -->http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... u-wont-see<!-- m -->

    Unlawful Killing is not about a conspiracy before the crash, but a provable conspiracy after the crash.
    A conspiracy organised not by a single scheming arch-fiend, but collectively by the British establishment – judges, lawyers, politicians, police chiefs, secret services, even newspaper editors – all of whom have been appointed to their positions because they are "a safe pair of hands".

    Production company Allied Stars Ltd

    Guess what movie...

    Remember Remember the 5th of november?
    V for Vendetta

    Lady Diana Princess of Wales.

    On 5 november 1981 the first pregnancy was officially announced.
    Prince Charles's first son and heir.
    Charles will never be king as we all know.
    But he was able to marry his Camilla after Diana died.
    But Is prince Harry really Charles his son?
    Only Diana knows...

    Quote TMZ:Should Harry decide to go ahead and take a DNA test against the Queen's wishes, he might want to stay out of Parisian tunnels.

    Who is:
    Whois Server: Whois.theplanet.com
    Referral URL: <!-- m -->http://www.theplanet.com<!-- m -->
    Name Server: NS.MICROLITE1.COM
    Name Server: NS2.MICROLITE1.COM
    Status: ok
    Updated Date: 28-apr-2011
    Creation Date: 28-apr-2011
    Expiration Date: 28-apr-2013

    The Sting?
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ --> Great info Chappie. Really great infomation.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    hesouttamylife wrote:

    Great info Chappie. Really great infomation

    that's true <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think we are, dare I say it, making excellent progress here.

    Chappie, thank you for gathering that information and piecing it together. I am very interested to see what comes out of Cannes. What will this controversial documentary of Princess Diana's death reveal and how the people of the world react? Diana, who devoted her life to giving love to everyone and really meaning it and really wanting to make a positive change. I wish I appreciated Diana more when she was alive, I'm Prince William's age and still basically a child when she died. To have her and Michael on the earth at the same time was truly an amazing thing. And the presence of the Jacksons at Cannes has to mean something significant.

    Is this maybe the reason for the trial being delayed again? I think people are really supposed to make some of their own connections, see it for themselves and then perhaps Murray will get his fair trial...if it comes to a trial. They just need to feel that sting of doubt that things aren't as they seem, and refuse to listen to the lies they are spoonfed daily. Look at the world with eyes wide open. And there is such a thing as a peaceful revolution - people may not realize that but as soon as they do, they can have it.
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    I can't even verbalize the sinking sick feeling I'm feeling right now. I need to let this sink in but I believe these truly are the global dots we were supposed to be connecting.

    I felt in my heart that there was some kind of connection but didn't take the time to truly look.

    Thank you so much to all of you who have put in hours upon hours researching. I know it's a sacrifice.

    God bless you.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    But what's the connection with Michael Jackson?
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Too many dots to not be connected. All I can say is BINGO!!!!
    I'm sure some toffs are shitting their pants right about now.
    [On a personal note, I'm the proud mum of a child who did the musical score of a movie also being shown at Cannes this year.]
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    The day Diana died, 31 August 1997, we were going to the MJ concert in Belgium.
    It was all day on the radio that the concert would not be cancelled.
    I was saying to my friends, no way there is going to be a concert today.
    As time went by, my friends were saying, come on we got to go.
    I said no wait till 18.00 hours...I don't believe his going to do the concert at all.
    So we were listening to the 18.00 o'clock news and still nothing.
    So we got in the car, 30 minutes later on the news, the concert was cancelled.
    We returned home.

    As for the movie, I really hope that they found real evidence that will shock the world.
    My thoughts are that MJ is behind it all.
    Don't forget that Diana would be 50 this year, born July 1 1961.
    And guess who died at 50?
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    WOW, WOW & WOW!!! Excellent posts Souza and Chappie!! This is blowing my mind...I don't even know what to say except that, "the shit is about to hit the fan"!!!
    I think that the world's "eyes" are about to be opened in a BIG, BIG way! I really need to let this all sink in before I say anything else, but I do want to say a big "thank you" to all of our "Investigators"...you guys are all AMAZING!!

    Blessings and LOVE, to all!! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    But Is prince Harry really Charles his son?
    Only Diana knows...
    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2007/06/14/prince-ha ... -my-daddy/<!-- m -->

    Quote TMZ:Should Harry decide to go ahead and take a DNA test against the Queen's wishes, he might want to stay out of Parisian tunnels.
    I remember reading this years ago. This brings new meaning to the time he dressed as a nazi and offended everyone, and called his army buddy a “paki”. He's an interesting one to watch!

    Souza, my heart totally tells me you are correct, and your evidence is solid. For me, this takes me to discussion on other threads in the past about who Michael may really be. Since the beginning of man-kind my studies have shown there to be two blood-lines in this grand story that God is telling. One is counterfeit and userping the rightful one even during Old Testament times. Since Christ lived 2000 years ago, there has been a concerted effort to gain that throne, called the Morovingians, search for the holy grail, etc. All the royals of Europe are involved and related, as well as many of the most influencial people in the world including bankers etc. A certain group of people (I won't name but you all know who I mean) are involved with this and have been behind all the major world wars. Prince Philip being formerly a Nazi makes perfect sense, since Hitler was only a puppet in their hands, to eventually force/create the state of Israel. This same group of people were heavily behind driving the slave trade, trying to wipe out the Afro-Americans themselves and their memory of who they really were, the true children of Israel from the Old Testament times. Prince William may well be the chosen one for their blood-line, just as there may be a chosen one from the other line. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was a related royal from that blood-line, but it could be that Michael is the one, looking at even things like the royal crest on his Neverland gate.


    For this "group" of people, London is the finacial center of the world, New York is the international trade center, the Vatican is the spiritual center, and Jerusalem is the Biblical prophetic home, since they tried so hard to create this "homeland". Revelation describes the complete destruction of this city by likely nuclear fire. There is mountains of data on all of this for any who care to dig very hard where few dare to go, and it's a deep vast hole. It's all God's story folks, just cause He chose it to go that way.

    I still believe this is mostly a hoax court, because since Michael was a young child he has known that God has a special role for him, and would protect him as he fulfills his calling. Therefore he can put his heart into creating with all humor, love, connecting a gadzillion dots, and making it "The greatest show on earth". Coca cola is a big sponser for this hoax, and I'm sure that other huge forces, are lining up with either side in this battle. This movie Unlawful Killing may or may not reveal anything sensational, but it may heat things up in this drama. And remember TS did include in his list of reasons for the hoax, the end of the world, or in other words TPTB may be shifted dramatically, we'll be under new management.
  • Yambo3003Yambo3003 Posts: 291
    I don't like Mr. Guano! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I always wondered about the names..."Prince" for princess, and "Paris" where Dianna was killed. But Michael always wears the crown on all of his clothing..

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGRb3ly2IE8<!-- m -->
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