TIAI May 1



  • Could the lawyers be the focus of the sting <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ?

    Just saying that because in 1993 Michael was advised by the lawyers to settle the case, in his disadvantage, maybe the lawyers were corrupted to persuade MJ to settle.

    Anyway, it looks like the sting is focused on the court - but I don't know if it's the judge, the lawyers or the prosecution.

    But there's a problem with this: if the court is the focus, why the case is delayed so much? It doesn't make sense.
    I don't think it is normal a sting to last for so long.

    I think sting's go as long as they need to...maybe it is taking to long because they are trying to catch them, whoever they are, in the act...maybe they don't have proof and this is the proof they need...maybe the delayed trial is how the FBI will get them.

    For example if it is someone like Thome or Klien, they aren't necessarily involved in the court, only in providing testimony...and that testimony can be used against them and that could be how the FBI will get them.

    Maybe Thome or Klien knew beforehand that this would be a set up (sting court) -because maybe they know MJ is alive- and so the FBI couldn't get evidence or proof, then the FBI chose to use Michael Pastor as a diversion since he is being investigated anyway, because doesn't it seem odd to have Michael Pastor as the Judge of a HIGH PROFILE TRIAL while STILL being INVESTIGATED.

    So now that the trial has been delayed and if it is someone like Thome or Klien the FBI is after, then they must be somehow scrambling to cover themselves (like something they are doing now...I don't know what exactly though) and when the trial does come it can't be used against them.

    So the evidence might come after trial delay up to before the trial is supposed to start...I guess the FBI is waiting for them to make their move and catch them in the act.
    I have to say this puzzle about the focus of the sting is the most difficult one.

    TS we could use some hints <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    This is the link that didn't open.......due to the forum being down for a while, I could not post it any sooner..


    There's much hear-say in that complaint, much citing of news agencies and internet sources and "I believe".

    If this complaint would go "thru" and not get rejected by court, this would only prove that hear-say, internet and media do have a meaning in court comparable to true evidence - which would itself prove that the court does not stick to court rules and law.
    This would again prove that Michael's trial - comparable to the now formulated complaints - was (except for its outcome by the jury's decision) not following court rules and law.

    If the complaint would not go "thru" and would be rejected by court, the reasons and kind of rejection would be important to determine whether the judge would ride deeper into the rabbit hole of not sticking to existing law or whether verified reasons for rejection are being used.

    So either way, as to this complaint I think we face a sting which makes it at least a double sting project.

    In the meantime, I'm seeing this (well orchestrated):
    A double sting project? What do you mean Grace?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    TS dear, we're stuck. Evaluation time?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    peacock7 wrote: And speaking of Doc Murray, Lol, I don't think that he is a real doctor. At one time, he wasn't even known to be the attending official until two days later (it was Thome-Thome). Even when Jermaine the announcement, we didn't know the doc's name. One pic until................? And on and on. His video pleading his case was too Michaelish. Many of his so-called patients on his attorney website are people noted in history for something and have passed. He was on the beach with a lady that was also with PP&B in Hawaii last year. Lol

    I also believe that Murray was not a physician and are saying from the first day,.. by God that doctor does not know how to do a resuscitation cardio pulmonary?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think it's possible that the trial is a combination of a hoax court and a sting court.

    A hoax court because there are key players in that court room who are obviously in on it - Murray (duh), the defense, and possibly the judge.

    A sting court as well because of the FBI's involvement, the hearings/trial are happening so the "death" appears legitimate and also so that "legally" no one gets in trouble for staging a hoax court, as it was deemed necessary by the FBI.

    Who is the target(s) of the sting? Maybe certain people in the medical industry - shady doctors who prescribe whatever their celebrity clients want even though they don't need it and maybe certain pharmacies that hand out these meds like candy (like Applied Pharmacy in Vegas that was shut down). And like others have mentioned, maybe there were people in Michael's life who were trying to hook him on drugs to control him.

    I like SoldierofLOVE's post on the MJ/Elvis drug parallels. I think there is something there - both appeared to be drug addicts but weren't. Both fake their deaths and maybe help the FBI get the drug situation under control. Or something.

    Those are some thoughts I've had so far, I have more but my friend is picking me in 5 minutes so I must dash.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This is a great link to read......So I say "a multi purpose sting". There are many levels in the justice system that are corrupt...from the Judges, the FBI and even attorney's. All these people can be "bought" if the price is right.

    <!-- m -->http://www.forgottenamericans.org/Judic ... uption.htm<!-- m -->

    Los Angeles County Judicial System Corruption
    Why should we have to pay taxes on the judicial branch of our government that is totally corrupt and racist against Black-Americans-Only!

    Criminal Courts Building
    Los Angeles, California

    There seems to be no end of the corruption in the LA judicial system! The lawyers, judges, the BAR association and the Commission on judicial performance!
    Our law enforcement, judicial system and Government are totally corrupt!!!
    They all act like they are above the law! Like they are GOD! That is insulting to me because it is obvious that they are too stupid to be GOD!
    I blame the Fascist Bush Regime and Uncle Tom Bradley's Cabin!
    I have been involved in court cases in the Los Angeles judicial system, Pasadena, Inglewood and Culver City. Mostly what I see are white or Hispanic judges and lawyers with Hispanics working in the courts. There are usually all white juries with some foreigners or all Hispanic juries. Even the public defenders are usually white or some kind of foreigner. I have seen Mexican prosecutors that can barely speak English in the Criminal Courts Building in Downtown Los Angeles. It has been my personal experience that the judges are dishonest and act like they are above the law. When you complain to the so-called governing organizations they will do nothing or say that judges have complete immunity. They especially seem to “gang” up on you if you complain of racism! The same has been true of the public defenders I have had. They will tell you stupid lies and try to intimidate you into allowing them to do nothing to defend you! If you do not know anything about the law they will railroad you into jail. The judicial system in Los Angeles County is totally corrupt and there is very little justice if any at all. This is especially true for Black Americans that can not afford good legal representation.

    It is an established fact that most poor people can not even get access to the judicial system because they can not afford a good lawyer. Our judicial system is basically a judicial extortion system. There should be some kind of funding system for these high priced lawyers that people of low income can access. We have medical insurance, we have car insurance, how come we do not have insurance for the legal system? I have been a member of the pre-paid programs. During one case I was involved in several years ago, I called an attorney in their pre-paid system and asked him about his fees. He wanted about Fifteen thousand dollars to handle my case! I said that I am a member of the pre-paid program. He stated that this price was a 35% discount!

    How do you get an all white jury in Los Angeles County where the population is about 90% Hispanic? Why do we have foreigners on our juries that have questionable citizenship status and can barely speak English? How come I have never seen an all black jury? Do you think that Steve Cooley could get a conviction of a Hispanic LAPD “Frito Bandito” cop that guns down a Black American youth in an act of terrorism directed at Black Americans?

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmNsZ5iJ ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • onthewingsoflove ..i also found that on another site as well and posted the link, so I guess we are on the right track..

    I knew this had to be big..its never really happened before....A JUDGE being JUDGED by jury...we have Mj and the FBI to thank for that...and of course Murray.

    <!-- m -->http://laurackdbray.blogspot.com/2011/0<!-- m --> ... board.html

    Have you seen this video about the corruption in the LA court system ??

    Hi there, I read the complaint at the link and what a great find! Here's another case at the following link that also involves Judge Pastor that was going on in 2010.
    <!-- m -->http://www.insidesocal.com/crime&courts ... ls-fo.html<!-- m -->

    I agree with the phrase "A JUDGE being JUDGED" with one minor change, "JUDGES being JUDGED!" This is too elaborate of a hoax to be aimed at one individual. I feel there is a wolf outside the door who's getting ready to huff and puff and blow the house down!

    We all have our own opinions and just as I have stuck to the belief that a corpse was used, I'm sticking with the belief that it is a court sting! So from here I will just wait to see if we have graduated to the next level.

    Have we TS? <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ -->

  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    onthewingsoflove ..i also found that on another site as well and posted the link, so I guess we are on the right track..

    I knew this had to be big..its never really happened before....A JUDGE being JUDGED by jury...we have Mj and the FBI to thank for that...and of course Murray.

    <!-- m -->http://laurackdbray.blogspot.com/2011/0<!-- m --> ... board.html

    Have you seen this video about the corruption in the LA court system ??

    Hi there, I read the complaint at the link and what a great find! Here's another case at the following link that also involves Judge Pastor that was going on in 2010.
    <!-- m -->http://www.insidesocal.com/crime&courts ... ls-fo.html<!-- m -->

    I agree with the phrase "A JUDGE being JUDGED" with one minor change, "JUDGES being JUDGED!" This is too elaborate of a hoax to be aimed at one individual. I feel there is a wolf outside the door who's getting ready to huff and puff and blow the house down!

    We all have our own opinions and just as I have stuck to the belief that a corpse was used, I'm sticking with the belief that it is a court sting! So from here I will just wait to see if we have graduated to the next level.

    Have we TS? <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ -->


    Its not letting me get into the link <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->

    Same things happening with my link too <!-- m -->http://laurackdbray.blogspot.com/<!-- m -->
  • Its not letting me get into the link <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->

    Same things happening with my link too <!-- m -->http://laurackdbray.blogspot.com/<!-- m -->

    That's strange. I clicked it and it came right up. But here is the article. It's appears this person was following that trial and this is one of several articles about it.

    BREAKING NEWS: No dismissals for Cameron Brown

    Previous Entry | Next Entry
    By Denise Nix on January 28, 2010 10:20 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | ShareThis

    Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor refused Cameron Brown's motion to dismiss the first-degree murder charge, and all the lesser offenses included in it. "I believe there should be a third trial in this case, and there will be," Pastor said.

    His ruling came after Brown's attorney, Pat Harris, argued that the jury's deadlock of six in favor of second-degree murder and six for involuntary manslaughter meant Brown was acquitted of first-degree murder. Harris, who indicated his firm Geragos & Geragos will likely not remain for the third trial, also argued that "basic fairness" dictates the dismissal for his client who has remained jailed for about six years.

    But Deputy District Attorney Craig Hum countered that there was no verdict, and even submitted declarations from six panelists that indicated such, and that one of them actually favored first-degree murder. Hum argued that, as far as fairness goes, it wasn't fair that he murdered 4-year-old Lauren Sarene Key, his daughter, over child support.

    Lauren died after going over a Rancho Palos Verdes cliff on Nov. 8, 2000. Prosecutors believe Brown threw or pushed her while the defense claims she slipped by accident. Two juries have deadlocked between first-degree murder, second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter.

    Pastor also refused to grant any kind of bail for Brown. Harris said today's rulings will be appealed.

    I'll have the complete write-up later at dailybreeze.com
    I see no graduation coming <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> ...

    could you guys with the links summarize your findings and theories in a few words please <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ --> ?
    <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Ginafelicia, I will let you make up your own mind by showing you these videos....this will explain exactly what is going on.....its a big fight, and if anyone had a reason to expose this corruption, it would be Michael, since he too, was a victim of this injustice......GO MJ

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoJukyFO ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    Great post, TS.

    But seriously guys.. you've lots of nice ideas but I really doubt TS stands for The Scorpion. That's just the image for the post, when we are discussing a "sting" in here, see?
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    One thing that has made me wonder in the original post here by TS......why is it TS capitalized The Sting? If talking about a sting operation....no need to. It made me instantly think of the Paul Newman movie The Sting. It's been years since I've seen it, though I know it's a great movie. Reading through the imdb.com I can sort of see a correlation of storyline....perhaps between James Brown, enabling doctors, Michael and FBI. Or perhaps within the movie the courts are dirty....I need to re-watch it!
    Here is the the imdb....can you guys see what I am talking about? In the movie, who would you consider to be the focus, or what type of character...I am a bit stuck with that:

    <!-- m -->http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070735/<!-- m -->

    Have a beautiful day!
  • SoldierofLOVESoldierofLOVE Posts: 993
    To the previous post, I've posted about the movie, The Sting, a few times. While the entire film is worth another viewing, you can see a couple of clips here at the bottom of this post: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18688&p=325375#p325375<!-- l -->

    The beauty of the ILLUSION is phenomenal. Imagine how MJ could have perfected the illusion by now.

    Although not the general focus of my investigating and researching, that'd be great if TS stood for The Sting!

    In other news regarding a clue that I think will end up telling us more, I was speaking to someone recently who says that it is not allowable for anyone to wear or purchase FBI gear (hats, shirts, pens, etc.) without official clearance as in you must have some connection to the FBI be it agent, analyst or a member of the citizen's academy. This person I spoke with is someone who has been to a citizen's academy, but they are not employed with FBI so I need verification. He says that these groups have access to the FBI store with a registration number. If you were to go online they'd ask for your reg. number. And, with the citizen's academy you'd never have access to their gear without it saying FBI/ Citizen's Academy on it. Or, if there's generic gear, it is not in official colors which are blue and gold. Marlon's hat is official? I'm gonna find out. You might see generic gear purchased in black/white or some other color but not official colors and not without some other signifier on it (such as Citizen's Academy.) If this is true, and I plan to get this verified officially next week, where'd Marlon get that hat...... OFFICIALLY.... <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->

    @peacock. I'm pondering some things you're saying about drugs and MJ. @2good... I'll look at the videos you've posted and think more seriously about the court corruption. Thanks.

    There's more I have about Elvis parallels. Later for that. Gotta run. <!-- selvis_/ -->elvis_/<!-- selvis_/ --> <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    @TS: Your redirect isn't working anymore due to the website migration. I sent you a pm about how I think it could be solved without changing the redirect.

    Time to check in anyways, we're fried! <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I think it's possible that the trial is a combination of a hoax court and a sting court.

    A hoax court because there are key players in that court room who are obviously in on it - Murray (duh), the defense, and possibly the judge.

    A sting court as well because of the FBI's involvement, the hearings/trial are happening so the "death" appears legitimate and also so that "legally" no one gets in trouble for staging a hoax court, as it was deemed necessary by the FBI.

    Who is the target(s) of the sting? Maybe certain people in the medical industry - shady doctors who prescribe whatever their celebrity clients want even though they don't need it and maybe certain pharmacies that hand out these meds like candy (like Applied Pharmacy in Vegas that was shut down). And like others have mentioned, maybe there were people in Michael's life who were trying to hook him on drugs to control him.

    I totally agree with you Andrea. The trial can be a combination of a hoax and a sting court. And I've already written in one of my posts that the sting's reason could be about the doctors who give irresponsibly these drugs and the pharmacies who maintain them to the patients. I exactly agree with your post. Makes perfect sense.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Here we are in a very difficult where all we consider that if the FBI participated in and as said Andrea " I think it's possible that the trial is a combination of a hoax court and a sting court". But where is the evidence, as we could convince a non-believer of all this?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think it's possible that the trial is a combination of a hoax court and a sting court.

    A hoax court because there are key players in that court room who are obviously in on it - Murray (duh), the defense, and possibly the judge.

    A sting court as well because of the FBI's involvement, the hearings/trial are happening so the "death" appears legitimate and also so that "legally" no one gets in trouble for staging a hoax court, as it was deemed necessary by the FBI.

    Who is the target(s) of the sting? Maybe certain people in the medical industry - shady doctors who prescribe whatever their celebrity clients want even though they don't need it and maybe certain pharmacies that hand out these meds like candy (like Applied Pharmacy in Vegas that was shut down). And like others have mentioned, maybe there were people in Michael's life who were trying to hook him on drugs to control him.

    I totally agree with you Andrea. The trial can be a combination of a hoax and a sting court. And I've already written in one of my posts that the sting's reason could be about the doctors who give irresponsibly these drugs and the pharmacies who maintain them to the patients. I exactly agree with your post. Makes perfect sense.

    And I would even go beyond some doctors and pharmacies. A little head's up that I'll be going a little conspiracy-minded here...but here goes.

    There are some evil pharmaceutical companies out there whose bottom line is $$. BIG $$. They don't try to cure diseases and conditions, they make it manageable so you are always dependent on their meds and paying dearly for them. Their solutions are to burn, poison, cut and radiate. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> There have been cures for major diseases (like cancer and AIDS) that have been suppressed because if people can be cured, they cannot prolong treatment and keep people paying for it. It's sickening. Pardon the pun. Oh, and they create illness too - a perfect example is swine flu. The patent for the H1N1 vaccine was applied for in 2007 by Baxter (pharm company). How could anyone apply for the swine flu vaccine 2 years before the virus even existed? TMZ did a story on Michael and swine flu back in April 2009. <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/04/28/jacko-ahe ... swine-flu/<!-- m --> The FBI investigates everything, including allegations against major pharmaceutical companies and we won't even hear about the actual results of these investigations, if we were to hear about the investigation to begin with.

    This sting has MULTIPLE LAYERS, just like the hoax. If anyone knows who is really responsible for killing JFK, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon, Princess Di, JFK Jr and many more, it's the FBI. These agents who uncover the truth are more than likely stopped cold from releasing any of this information to the public, just think of Mulder and Scully on the X Files (and that series has so many hoax parallels I can't even begin to tell you that right now). They would discover the truth about a government cover-up but forbidden and threatened from releasing anything to the public.

    So think about that while remembering the beginning of the TIAI re-directs. Re-directs on JFK's murder, 9/11, the George cover, V for Vendetta, 2012, among others with certain dates being significant, as well as the numerology involved. If a big part of the reason for this hoax is Michael exposing all the lies that he can about so many things, he can do this confidently with the information the FBI has gathered over the years. And these FBI agents can protect Michael while finally releasing all the evidences they've been wanting to, with the help of Michael's global popularity. And if Elvis is involved in that as well somehow then that would be aces.

    But back to the sting court aspect (in combination with hoax court). If we believers are able to figure out that Michael is alive and Murray is innocent, will the prosecution? Do they know already? We know, so entrapment avoided. Another aspect of the sting could be investigating the justice system itself and how innocent-until-proven-guilty people are treated, which has been suggested before.

    I believe the hoax, the FBI, and TS/TIAI (and TMZ too) are all closely tied together for several reasons and purposes.
    Exposing the truth and the lies about so many things being a big reason.

    This thread was posted on May 1st at 11:05 p.m. L.A. time by TS. May 1st being the formation date of the Illuminati in 1776. 11:05 - remember remember the fifth of November. "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." "There's no certainty – only opportunity."
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    So, to prove our point, we need concrete evidence...

    Is that why Michael decided to make his death so dramatic, and involve a doctor, propofol and drugs ??

    Elvis died at home, in his bathroom. There was no-one else involved. But his doctor had to stand trial, and that took a few years. His doctor had his license revoked for years, as he overprescribed medication to not only him, but others. What was that outcome ?? A huge drug bust by the DEA and FBI.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I'd say the concrete evidence, is that MJ used propofol...a drug thats legal, but illegal to be used outside of a hospital setting.

    He needed someone to be put on trial, otherwise nothing would be acheived. We already had the DEA involved from day 1. Many different meds were found in alias names. Would this convince a judge and jurors that MJ was a drug addict (pre-conceived opinion) and let Murray off ??? This is already how to media are portraying MJ..a drug addict. Case closed.....or not......saving the best for last.
  • A Must watch series of videos that explain a whole lot. Steve Cooley the Big Boss of the DA's office is exposed by those who have worked with him personally. I believe Steve and the DA's office (all of it) is under scrutiny (focus of the sting) along with all the other systems I have talked about. This is bigger than a few going down or being exposed for the crooks they are.

    <!-- m -->http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515.php<!-- m -->
    Internet exclusive: On Full Disclosure® Video News Blog
    Video Preview Time: Preview 7:30 min.
    Release Date: May 14, 2008

    Los Angeles, CA Is it a co-incidence that it has been almost 20 years, since the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office prosecuted a big dollar, white collar crime? Or could it be there are no more big corruption cases or major crimes committed by powerful and prominent people in Los Angeles?

    In a Full Disclosure Network® two-part series Steve Ipsen, President of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys (L. A. County) and Albert Robles, Constitutional Attorney who serves as an elected member of the So. California Water Replenishment Board both contend that corruption is alive and well in Los Angeles County. These two challengers running against Cooley in the June 2008 election, point out that the current DA has refused to prosecute the rich and powerful while successfully lobbying for a $55,000 pay raise bringing his salary to $292,300, making him one of the highest-paid government officials anywhere.

    Watch this seven minute preview from the series that is featured on 45 cable systems and the internet. The full two-part programs will be available for viewing (for a limited time up to the election) from the Full Disclosure website from the following links:
    Preview (7:30 min)

    http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515-1.php Segment #1 (8 min)
    Candidates provide background on their careers and qualifications. They present a summary of issues for why they are running against the Incumbent DA Steve Cooley

    http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515-2.php Segment #2 (8 min)
    Candidates discuss why Steve Cooley is not participating in the U. S. Department of Justice Gang Initiative and address the following issues:
    DA non-action policy on deporting illegal alien gang members
    Mexican Drug Cartels in City of Cudahy
    Impact of Criminal Defense lobby on DA prosecution policies
    DA Cooley's campaign contributions from Criminal Defense lobby

    http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515-3.php Segment #3 (8 min)
    Candidates describe the failures and demoralization of the DA's office, and of DA Investigators as body guards and chauffeurs for questionable personal activities.

    http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515-4.php Segment #4 (8 min)
    Both candidates noted the following:
    DA's refusal to prosecute pedophile priests in the Catholic Church
    DA's non-prosecution policies of powerful people, i.e. Board of Supervisors
    Called DA's pay raise "pay back" for looking the other way.
    Ethics Violation: Cooley called Jury members "stupid" following the Blake Verdict

    http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515-5.php Segment #5 (8 min)
    Candidates detail issue where there is Corruption in the DA's office:
    Belmont Learning Center scandal
    Criminal Defense Attorneys influence
    DA disbanded environmental crimes unit
    Manipulated cases by transfer of expert Deputies

    http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515-6.php Segment #6 (8 min)
    Video disclosure of how DA Investigators were used to conduct an unofficial and unauthorized investigation. Candidates describe DA's failure to investigate MacArthur Park beatings gross negligence at Martin Luther King Hospital.

    Challengers Quotes on DA Cooley’s record:
    Steve Ipsen:
    “The corruption that exists in the county that I'm aware of, that I can state here today is with the District Attorney's office.”

    “This DA doesn't deserve to be paid when he isn't doing his job.”

    Albert Robles:
    “He has refused to prosecute the pedophiles and child molesters that work and still work in the Catholic Church”.

    “Steve Cooley takes untold amounts of money from the criminal defense sector”.
    This series is to be featured on 45 cable systems starting May 14, 2008. A complete listing of channels and airtimes, by community can be found from this link.
    I wrote about the issues I felt were a part of this sting operation back in the thread TIAI April 11 but here it is again since it does apply here regarding some of the WHO the focus of the sting is.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18688&p=322491#p322491<!-- l -->
    I do believe that one part of the sting operation deals with the drug problems in Hollywood and the over prescribing of meds by the doctors and the pharmecy that issues them.(Mickey Fine Pharmacy) I also believe it has to do with FDA issues and the manufactors of Propofol. Big pharmaceutical manufactors do not care what goes into the drugs or the side effects as long as they make a profit. Tainted medicines are resold all the time in order to dump them and make a profit.

    The epidemic outbreak of swine flu made the pharm industry come up with a vaccine and it was almost mandatory to get the vaccine. This is part of the NWO plans to depopulate the world. There are so many commercials on T.V. here in the USA talking about the bad side effects from taking a so called good drug for a medical problem. These commercials talk about if you or a loved one has suffered (whatever) please call so and so office for legal help to sue

    Doctors speak out about H1N1 VACCINE DANGERS
    Uploaded by 91177info on Oct 22, 2009
    Baxter Patent H1N1-
    <!-- m -->http://www.scribd.com/doc/17458061/Baxt ... pplication<!-- m -->
    Are vaccines today more dangerous, in some cases, than the diseases? Has something gone wrong with the system or the companies making them? Filmed at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccinations (sponsored by the Nat'l Vaccine Information Center) in October, 2009, listen to what these health professionals have to say!

    Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine )
    Uploaded by octomedia on Nov 2, 2006
    <!-- m -->http://www.whale.to/vaccines.html<!-- m -->
    [Video] Bayer Sells AIDS-Infected Drug Banned in U.S. in Europe, Asia - Unearthed documents show that the drug company Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine -- Factor VIII concentrate, intended for hemophiliacs -- to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, although they knew that it was tainted with AIDS. Bayer knew about the fact that the drug was tainted and told the FDA to keep things under wraps while they made a profit off of a drug that infected its patients. If these allegations are true, then both Bayer and the FDA are at fault for this catastrophe. FDA regulators helped to keep the continued sales hidden, asking the company that the problem be ''quietly solved without alerting the Congress, the medical community and the public,'' according to the minutes of a 1985 meeting

    Vaccine Information and Awareness sites:

    <!-- m -->http://thinktwice.com/<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.vaclib.org/<!-- m -->

    Robert Gallo: The Man That Created AIDS
    Uploaded by DrLeonardHorowitz on Sep 14, 2007
    Where did AIDS come from? Some say it doesn't matter, as long as we find a cure. But what if the man and money that created it, are still spreading it along with lies and half-truths? Watch this clip from In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, to learn where AIDS really originated.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18688&p=322744#p322747<!-- l -->
    The way things are now Propofol is an uncontrolled drug and can be obtained very easily by a Dr. who has a liscense and also by a person with a script. The pharmacy in Nevada was distributing Propofol to Murray as if it was no big deal. That is why that pharmacy is now shut down.

    The events that have happened since MJ died because of Propofol have been incredible. MJ used himself as bait for a sting operation that far out weighs a cadaver being used in the process. He also used Propofol as the drug of choice so that it would cause great attention to that drug. The Propofol from a manufacture making it was shown to have tainted lot numbers. The manufactures have stopped making it here in the USA. There is a timeline link below that shows how far back some issues started and caused faulty infusion pumps to be recalled.

    Quote from my 2nd post in this thread.
    I believe that one part of the sting operation deals with the drug problems in Hollywood and the over prescribing of meds by the doctors. I also believe it has to do with FDA issues and the manufactors of Propofol. Big pharmaceuticals manufactors do not care what goes into the drugs or the side effects as long as they make a profit. Tainted medicines are resold all the time in order to dump them and make a profit.
    Here is part of it’s ALL for L.O.V.E.
    TS_comments wrote:
    However, if key people in the FBI are cooperating with LAFD and MJ: then when the truth comes out, all they have to do is show success in catching some public corruption through this process--and all is well that ends well. After all, once again, that is their "top priority among criminal investigations" <!-- m -->http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/corruption<!-- m -->.
    I forgot to add the link I talked about in my last post. See below.
    There is a timeline link below that shows how far back some issues started and caused faulty infusion pumps to be recalled.
    <!-- m -->http://www.dipity.com/timeline/Propofol-Recall/<!-- m -->

    <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    But back to the sting court aspect (in combination with hoax court). If we believers are able to figure out that Michael is alive and Murray is innocent, will the prosecution? Do they know already? We know, so entrapment avoided. Another aspect of the sting could be investigating the justice system itself and how innocent-until-proven-guilty people are treated, which has been suggested before.

    I've been thinking along these lines too, Andrea. I've wondered from the start how much MJ is controlling things regarding the legal proceedings, or if in fact he just set the ball rolling and is watching things play out, same as we are. If one of the reasons for the hoax is to expose corruption and malpractice in the judicial system, what greater malpractice could there be than trying and possibly convicting and sentencing a man for manslaughter when no-one died?

    Trouble is, although we think we've figured out MJ is alive - we seem unable to PROVE it, as TS says, with evidence that would stand up in a court of law.
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    Time to check in anyways, we're fried! <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    Please TS have mercy <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->

    I'm so glad that people are still trying to figure this out (hoax court or sting court) even during such hard times! Thank you all soooooo much that you didn't get distracted by recent events! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
    I feel so stupid when i read your posts people <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> i'm so far from your level of knowledge, so i'm just reading it all and not posting much in here.
    So i think that it's a sting court and i agree with Im_convinced and the rest of people who thinks the same is that this bigger than we could think, it's not just an illusion and a show (even though it's all included as well, Michael is the greatest entertainer in the world!). It's a well planed STING to bite a lot of real bad people!

    It's the greatest MASTERPIECE the world will ever see! And i'm sure that it will change our HIStory books forever!

    L.O.V.E to all! And thank you once again for all your hard work ! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
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