TIAI May 1



  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    In this video you can see, I think the photo of Diana in the ambulance.
    After being pronounced dead at the hospital was immediately embalmed making it impossible to do the autopsy. the scene was cleaned and opened to public in 2 hours, the body of Dodi Al Fayed was cremated.
    All this is really really scary


    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKB0QHXV ... r_embedded<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    ... And speaking of Tohme Tohme, i believe that was said at the beginning that had dismissed the staff who worked in the house on the 1:30 PM,.. and Jermaine declared at the beginning that Tohme is the doctor who was at that moment?
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Paula there is no quote button anymore but, shut up <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ --> Now we’re thinking along the same line.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    The limo left the RITZ at 00:20

    The accident happened at 00:26

    Two ambulances arrived at 00:26

    The ambulance was there for an hour

    The ambulance leaves at 01:35 to make a journey to the hospital, 3.7 miles away, which was furthest away to the scene.
    The speed of the ambulance was around 12mph.!!!

    At 01:55, the ambulance stops..

    At 02:06 the ambulance arrives at the Hospital

    Emergency staff worked on her for 2 hours, and at 04:00, announced her dead...

    This is the video about it all....it is long, but really interesting. They explain why things took that long....

    <!-- m -->http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 999940221#<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221

    Paula there is no quote button anymore but, shut up Now we’re thinking along the same line

    that you said? , that I not to opine?
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    The limo left the RITZ at 00:20

    The accident happened at 00:23.15

    Two ambulances arrived at 00:26

    The ambulance was there for an hour

    The ambulance leaves at 01:35 to make a journey to the hospital, 3.7 miles away, which was furthest away to the scene.
    The speed of the ambulance was around 12mph.!!!

    At 01:55, the ambulance stops..

    At 02:06 the ambulance arrives at the Hospital

    Emergency staff worked on her for 2 hours, and at 04:00, announced her dead...

    This is the video about it all....it is long, but really interesting. They explain why things took that long....

    <!-- m -->http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid<!-- m --> ... 999940221#
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Sorry....I double posted.. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    Michael Jackson was at the RITZ hotel in Paris on 14th & 15th April, 1999

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wABhk8-x0jw<!-- m -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    All very interesting, but haven't we got somewhat off topic here guys?! Anyone would think we'd got nothing left to say about hoax v sting court!

    If TS doesn't reappear by tomorrow, he's changed his mind about posting at least once a week!
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    All very interesting, but haven't we got somewhat off topic here guys?! Anyone would think we'd got nothing left to say about hoax v sting court!

    If TS doesn't reappear by tomorrow, he's changed his mind about posting at least once a week!

    Ooooppps..just .SLIGHTLY off topic...but that being said, TS might have some sort of Terrible Sickness...

    Or maybe its Too Soon......please TS..help !!!
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864

    Managing to last slightly longer than the Half Penny Coin, the One Pound Note was the second of the UK’s legal tender (after decimalisation) to be phased out of circulation. The main reason for it’s demise was the introduction of the One Pound Coin in 1983, which whilst slightly more expensive to manufacture could last for up to 50 times longer than it’s paper equivalent. The note managed to cling on to a place in our wallets until 1988, when on March 11th it was no longer considered a part of the British currency system.
    The slang term for a pound or a number of pounds sterling is 'quid' or 'nicker'
    Quid has various meanings:
    [...] An abbreviation of the Latin "tertium quid", meaning "third party"
    [...] Quid pro quo, the Latin phrase meaning this for that

  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    I have wondered many times who TS really was. He or She put so much time and efforts into this. I've read some accusations for Sousa, like those redirects were nothing but stolen believers' teories and it was done for only attracting people to this forum, but I don't see any advertising on the forum. ANY! So, this means they do it for free. And this is when my wonderings end and are replaced with the words of thanks. Because it's so rarely nowadays that someone would do something without asking for being payed for that.
    Apart from this I found this collective thinking rather interesting and enlightening. I, for one don't have much time to follow every event that happens, and of course I skip a lot of things, even if I try to spend every single moment on the internet. And Im glad there are people like TS and all of you, that scrupulously get to the bottom of every detail.
    Thank you! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I have wondered many times who TS really was. He or She put so much time and efforts into this. I've read some accusations for Sousa, like those redirects were nothing but stolen believers' teories and it was done for only attracting people to this forum, but I don't see any advertising on the forum. ANY! So, this means they do it for free. And this is when my wonderings end and are replaced with the words of thanks. Because it's so rarely nowadays that someone would do something without asking for being payed for that.
    Apart from this I found this collective thinking rather interesting and enlightening. I, for one don't have much time to follow every event that happens, and of course I skip a lot of things, even if I try to spend every single moment on the internet. And Im glad there are people like TS and all of you, that scrupulously get to the bottom of every detail.
    Thank you! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->

    Welcome JentleTouch...and yes, I agree totally with your thoughts. It's a rare find to have people who are not in it for the money...I have been consumed with the forum from day one, and I kinds can't wait to get back a normal life again..God bless you.
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    Great stuff Chappie and Souza. MJ probably also taught Princess Diana a few things too. I still miss her.

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'll say!

    Excerpt from below:

    "Comments in the press often noted the strained relationship between Diana and the Queen Mother, which is understandable if both were aware Diana was the biological daughter of the Queen Mother’s deceased husband; her mother Frances was in the position to have been inseminated 8 years after his death ."

    <!-- m -->http://www.free-press-release.com/news- ... 62257.html<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://susanmaureenbrandt.yolasite.com/ ... -middleton<!-- m -->
    <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ -->

    Never heard that before. Gonna read...

    On 2nd link, please ensure you select "back" at bottom of page (William and Kate). Ya' can't miss what she writes about Brad Pitt and Angelina being siblings - and Jane Fonda being their mother. Too much! No wonder MJ was trying to keep up with his sperm and DNA.

    All true! Disgusting, but true!
    This video also answers the question, who are THEY?

    Souza we need a *i want to puke* smiley! <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash
    By VC | May 14th, 2011 | Category: Latest News | 20 comments


    One of the first articles I’ve published on Vigilant Citizen was “Princess Diana’s Death and Memorial: The Occult Meaning” which describes the events and the symbolism relating to the ritual sacrifice of Lady Di. While most people still buy the official “accident” story, evidence mounts that an accident was not the cause of Diana’s death, but was actually a set up leading to her murder.

    A new film entitled Unlawful Killing (to be released everywhere except the UK) will apparently be showing a pictures of Diana right after the accident…still alive and not dying. Furthermore, the movie will show Diana predicting the circumstances of her death.The movie is backed by Mohamed al-Fayed, the father of Diana’s fiancé who also died that night.

    Unlawful Killing will probably not dwell on the occult and ritualistic side of things. It remains, after all, a mass media production. When cover-ups are too sloppy and evidence begin piling disproving them, limited concessions are made to quell the public’s questions. This movie might be a limited concession, where part of the big ugly truth is revealed in order to protect the “bigger uglier truth”. We’ll see.
    From the London Telegraph:

    The film sets out to prove a cover-up by the “establishment” over the death of Princess Diana. It has caused outrage in sections of the British press and is not scheduled for a UK release.

    Directed by actor Keith Allen and backed by Mohamed al-Fayed, father of Dodi, the film is being screened at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival on Friday.

    Mr Allen describes his film as an “inquest into the inquest” of Princess Diana’s death. Of the controversial photo, Mr Allen wrote in the Daily Mail: “The photo is not used in the film for the purpose of shock.

    “It is included as evidence, because it shows clearly that, although Diana had been injured in the crash, she was alert and very much alive. I repeat: it is not a picture of a dying woman.”
    Director Keith Allan about his documentary in The Guardian

    Unlawful Killing – the film the British won’t get to see
    My documentary about the Diana inquest will be shown everywhere but the UK. Here’s why

    The internet is a global lavatory wall, a Rabelaisian mixture of truth, lies, insanity and humour. I felt its power and madness this week, when an excerpt from my new film, Unlawful Killing, was leaked on to YouTube and seized on by US conspiracy theorists, who immediately began claiming that the CIA had murdered Princess Diana, thereby allowing others to dismiss my documentary as mad.

    Deriding its critics as mad is an age-old British establishment trick. My “inquest of the inquest” film contains footage of Diana recalling how the royals wanted her consigned to a mental institution, and the inquest coroner repeatedly questioning the sanity of anyone who wondered if the crash was more than an accident. His chief target was Mohamed Al Fayed, a man I once profiled for a Channel 4 documentary. Before I met him, I’d half-believed the media caricature of him as a madman, driven nuts by the death of his son, and wildly accusing the Windsors of having planned the 1997 crash. However, I found a man who was sane and funny but frustrated that Britain wouldn’t hold an inquest into his son’s death. Michael Mansfield QC thought it unfair too, and fought for one to be held; which was why the longest inquest in British legal history eventually began in 2007.

    Long before the inquest started, the eminently sane Mansfield had persuaded me that there were suspicious circumstances surrounding the crash, and signs of a cover-up by the authorities. Many journalists agreed, but as the inquest drew near, I noticed that British newspapers (several of which had regularly run “Was Diana Murdered?” pieces) suddenly fell into line, and started insisting that the inquest was a waste of time. They raised no protest when virtually all the key French witnesses refused to participate, nor did they find it odd that not one senior royal was ordered to appear, even though Diana had stated in a lawyer’s note that the Windsors were planning an “accident” to her car. Nor did they raise the issue of possible bias when legal proceedings involving the integrity of the royal family were to be heard in the royal courts of justice before a coroner who’d sworn an oath of allegiance to the Queen.

    I felt the need to raise it, so I asked every major UK broadcaster (BBC, ITV, C4, Five, Sky) to commission a TV documentary about the inquest. But they refused even to contemplate such a suggestion, so Associated Rediffusion and I began filming and financing it ourselves. Shortly before the inquest began, Fayed offered to fund our project, so we could make a feature-length cinema documentary instead. We agreed, on condition that we would report events in the way we saw them, and the deal was struck.

    Unlawful Killing is not about a conspiracy before the crash, but a provable conspiracy after the crash. A conspiracy organised not by a single scheming arch-fiend, but collectively by the British establishment – judges, lawyers, politicians, police chiefs, secret services, even newspaper editors – all of whom have been appointed to their positions because they are “a safe pair of hands”. Just as compass needles all point north without being told to, so these people instinctively know what is expected of them when the state’s interests are under threat and they act accordingly, quietly suppressing uncomfortable evidence or undermining the credibility of witnesses whose evidence contradicts the official narrative.

    Consider just a fraction of what transpired. Over 100 significant witnesses were not called to the inquest, or refused to appear. Blood tests allegedly proving the drunkenness of the driver Henri Paul were deemed “biologically inexplicable” by a toxicologist. A British crash expert found that Diana’s seat belt had not been working. And so on.

    Strangest of all was the media coverage of the verdict. Inquest evidence showed conclusively that the crash was caused by an unidentified white Fiat Uno and several unidentified motorcycles, vehicles that were certainly not paparazzi, because uncontested police evidence confirmed that the paparazzi were nowhere near the tunnel at the time of the crash. The jury understood this, bringing in a verdict of “unlawful killing” by unidentified “following vehicles”; yet within seconds, the BBC was misreporting that the jury had blamed the paparazzi, and the rest of the media meekly followed suit. Which is why – three years on – barely anyone realises what the jury’s troubling verdict really was.

    Why is the film being premiered next week at Cannes, three years after the inquest ended? Because British lawyers insisted on 87 cuts before any UK release could be contemplated. So rather than butcher the film, or risk legal action, we’re showing it in France, then the US, and everywhere except the UK. Pity, because at a time when the mindless sugar rush of the royal wedding has been sending British Rrepublicans into a diabetic coma, it could act as a welcome antidote.

    <!-- m -->http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/n ... car-crash/<!-- m -->

    Click on the link to view video.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393

    Paula there is no quote button anymore but, shut up Now we’re thinking along the same line

    that you said? , that I not to opine?

    I think you misunderstood <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> We are thinking along the same lines about Tohme Tohme <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    hesouttamylife wrote:

    paula-c wrote:


    Paula there is no quote button anymore but, shut up Now we’re thinking along the same line

    that you said? , that I not to opine?

    I think you misunderstood We are thinking along the same lines about Tohme Tohme

    I'm sorry, i did not understand <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290

    Managing to last slightly longer than the Half Penny Coin, the One Pound Note was the second of the UK’s legal tender (after decimalisation) to be phased out of circulation. The main reason for it’s demise was the introduction of the One Pound Coin in 1983, which whilst slightly more expensive to manufacture could last for up to 50 times longer than it’s paper equivalent. The note managed to cling on to a place in our wallets until 1988, when on March 11th it was no longer considered a part of the British currency system.
    The slang term for a pound or a number of pounds sterling is 'quid' or 'nicker'
    Quid has various meanings:
    [...] An abbreviation of the Latin "tertium quid", meaning "third party"
    [...] Quid pro quo, the Latin phrase meaning this for that


    Just thought I'd add what I found. Same leaves/vines as the FBI. I think they (FBI) are Illuminati.
    From an interesting site talking about 911, the Illuminati and numerology.
    <!-- m -->http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http ... 0gGA3OTrDQ<!-- m -->

    I also want to mention that the other night I was watching on TV part of a docu-drama about the life of one of the "arab terrorists" connected to Osama BIn Ladin and 911, how he was training and infiltrating, getting ready for the operation, talking about how the west doesn't understand the eastern thinking, etc. It was all re-enacted stuff and well-done. They showed clips of OBL mixed in. The thing that caught my attention was the fact that FBI was mentioned several places. That doesn't make sense if they are helping to cover the murder of 3000 people on 911 by TPTB, and are also helping MJ with his hoax. I'm still telling you this FBI connection does not sit right with me and never has. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    The other thing sort of related but a little off topic is that I came across this. The Coca Cola company has clearly been supporting/financing(?) MJ's hoax, and this ad shows the eye and horns symbols of Illuminai. <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
    Sunday 01st July 2007

    I thought I would send you this image I found off a bottle of coke it shows the all seeing eye with the old satanic 2 finger sign coming out of the top of the all seeing eye.


    <!-- m -->http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http ... 0gG69IigDg<!-- m -->
    I wish there was an emoticon for banging head against wall. I just can't figure this involvement out.
    Please God <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> or anybody <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> or TS <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> . <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    That's the 'I love you' hand signal.
    things really went way out of topic here.
    TS why don't you come here?
    You know what guys, I think TS send us to chase ghosts in this thread.

    Because he told us the hoax is about a lot of things. More than one goal, in fact he mentioned 7 or 8 goals of the hoax.
    So why do we have to dig into the sting or hoax court only <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ --> ?
  • ElsaElsa Posts: 341
    That's the 'I love you' hand signal.

    Yes - it was on the Sydney Harbour Bridge NYE.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I know that now the discussion is focused on Diana, I do not know if I had posted before, ... but look at the ghost .... Tohme Tohme <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> 2770.gif
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->


    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGb9jPRg ... r_embedded<!-- m -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I always wondered about the names..."Prince" for princess, and "Paris" where Dianna was killed. But Michael always wears the crown on all of his clothing..

    Prince is a name in Michael's family that is passed down. Paris is where Paris was born.

    Paris was born in California, not in Paris. And why does Katherine call Prince 'Ted' when his name is Prince?

    Oh, I apologize! Paris was conceived in Paris, France. I knew Michael had mentioned Paris being named after the city

    I think Paris Hilton said that Michael asked her if he could name his daughter Paris.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TS_comments wrote:

    It’s time for another level.

    We are now at the most important level: who is the focus of The Sting? Keep in mind the possibility that more than one person or entity is the focus.

    Most specifically, though, we need to investigate whether the entire court is in on the hoax, or could the court itself be the focus of the FBI investigation (or part of the investigation). Some have already proposed this possibility, while others have summarily dismissed it. As always, please do not dismiss any theory until it has been thoroughly debunked. And whatever theory you personally believe, try to debunk your own theory; many hoax investigators are still not doing this.

    In favor of the court sting theory, let me point out a few things. Some say that the court did the right thing back in the 2005 acquittal, so why would it be investigated? The reality is that the defense and jury did the right thing, but what about the prosecution? We already know about Aphrodite’s testimony, and Tom Sneddon (TS ), etc.

    We also know that for years the FBI investigated MJ, and the pedophile claim; but they found nothing against MJ. Could it be that in the process of this investigation, the FBI found evidence of corruption in the LA prosecution and the MJ trial? Could it be that as a result, the FBI in cooperation with MJ decided to make the LA court system the focus of a sting operation? Please remember that the “top priority” of the FBI is “public corruption” in government agencies; and their investigation specifically includes “verdicts handed down in courts”


    Investigations of Public Corruption
    Rooting Crookedness Out of Government

    Today marks an important anniversary in the annals of public corruption investigations in the U.S.

    Twenty years ago today, in a federal courtroom in Chicago, a jury found Harold Conn (top center in photo) guilty on all 4 counts of accepting bribes to be passed on to Cook County judges as payment for fixing tickets. The evidence? He had been caught live on FBI tapes.

    This "bagman" had been Deputy Traffic Court Clerk in the Cook County judicial system, and he was the first defendant to be found guilty in a mammoth sting investigation of crooked officials in the Cook County courts.

    It was called OPERATION GREYLORD, named after the curly wigs worn by British judges. And in the end--through undercover operations that used honest and very courageous judges and lawyers posing as crooked ones... and with the strong assistance of the Cook County court and local police--92 officials had been indicted, including 17 judges, 48 lawyers, 8 policemen, 10 deputy sheriffs, 8 court officials, and 1 state legislator. Nearly all were convicted, most of them pleading guilty (just a few are shown in our photo). It was an important first step to cleaning up the administration of justice in Cook County.

    That's really the whole point. Abuse of the public trust cannot and must not be tolerated. Corrupt practices in government strike at the heart of social order and justice. And that's why the FBI has the ticket on investigations of public corruption as a top priority.

    How'd that happen? Historically, of course, these cases were considered local matters. A county court clerk taking bribes? Let the county handle it.

    But in the 1970s, state and local officials asked for help. They didn't have the resources to handle such intense cases, and they valued the authority and credibility that outside investigators brought to the table. By 1976, the Department of Justice had created a Public Integrity Section, and the FBI was tasked with the investigations, focusing on major, systemic corruption in the body politic.

    Who's investigated? Public servants: members of Congress and state legislatures; members of the Administration and governors’ offices; judges and court staffs; all of law enforcement; all government agencies. Plus everyone who works with government and is willing to pay for "special favors": lobbyists, contractors, consultants, lawyers, U.S. businesses in foreign countries, you name it.
    What kind of crimes? Bribery, kickbacks, and fraud. Vote buying, voter intimidation, impersonation. Political coercion. Racketeering and obstruction of justice. Trafficking of illegal drugs.

    How serious of a problem is it? Last year the FBI investigated 850 cases; brought in 655 indictments/informations; and got 525 who were either convicted or chose to plead.

    Last words: Straight from Teddy Roosevelt: "Unless a man is honest we have no right to keep him in public life, it matters not how brilliant his capacity, it hardly matters how great his power of doing good service on certain lines may be...No man who is corrupt, no man who condones corruption in others, can possibly do his duty by the community."
    <!-- m -->http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2004/ma ... ord_031504<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Cops Seek 2nd Person in Jackson Investigation

    6/27/2009 1:35 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

    Cops want to talk to a second person in their investigation into Michael Jackson's death.

    Sources tell TMZ police want to talk to Dr. Tohme Tohme about an "alleged indirect connection" between prescription drugs and MJ's passing.

    Dr. Tohme says he's Jackson's longtime friend and manager. He tells us, "I don't have anything to do with his (Michael's) medication or health. This is B.S. -- why should I talk to police?"

    Police also plan to interview Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray.

    Tohme Tohme was questioned by the police?
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Cops Seek 2nd Person in Jackson Investigation

    6/27/2009 1:35 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

    Cops want to talk to a second person in their investigation into Michael Jackson's death.

    Sources tell TMZ police want to talk to Dr. Tohme Tohme about an "alleged indirect connection" between prescription drugs and MJ's passing.

    Dr. Tohme says he's Jackson's longtime friend and manager. He tells us, "I don't have anything to do with his (Michael's) medication or health. This is B.S. -- why should I talk to police?"

    Police also plan to interview Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray.

    Tohme Tohme was questioned by the police?

    wonder if the tohme tohme thing could have had a little of an affect on jermaines actions over the last week?
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