TIAI May 1



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Paul McCartney's death hoax was a hoax about Paul having died and replaced secretly with a double... and none of it was true. It was a hoax of a hoax. Michael's is different, but there's still a connection, example, "...there were all these Paul McCartney records, The Girl is Mine..."

    What do these dots connect to? I'm confused.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    It might be a feeble attempt to get back on track....but, here it goes:

    TS said:

    I have been diving into HIPAA laws. I think many things can be simply answered by these laws. I don't want to post about it...yet. However, if you do a simple search about it, you will be amazed at how many violations have been done. This makes it seem more like a hoax court to me. For it to be a sting of legal proportion, these laws are still followed....for the most part. The violations that have occurred within the HIPAA laws, do not seem to be the type that would help a sting like this. Unless, of course, it's all to show how inane the courts are. But, then I have to remember Michael was cleared of charges. The backbone of the system must have worked...otherwise he would have sentenced, correct? Dirty self-righteous prosecutors, Dr. Feelgoods, easy access drugs....these are focused sting targets....but why break HIPAA laws to go after them? I can't figure how that would be needed. Unless, to show how people do not think before the believe. quote]

    I guess TS means patients' (MJ) privacy violation on the first place.
    Why hoax a death to go after them?

    HIPAA Law in California
    California enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 to help safeguard the patient privacy.

    Accountable Participants
    The stipulations of HIPAA apply to all California doctors, nurses, hospitals and doctor's office administrations, nursing homes, pharmacies and free medical clinics. The law binds insurance companies and government agencies related to the health care industry as well.
    Patient Record Access
    Under HIPAA, all patients are allowed to review their health record and make appropriate changes. They are to be informed how their information is being used, particularly when being passed on to a third party, in the form of a free annual report. Patients are lawfully entitled under HIPAA to name the format and place where they should be contacted by medical staff.
    Electronic Storage
    HIPAA also began the process of electronically storing medical information to ensure greater patient privacy and "improved efficiency in health care delivery by standardizing electronic data interchange

    Hey there...
    I just wanted to clear something....all that I quoted in my original post about TS was this sentence:

    TS said:

    "If the hoax forums can figure out that MJ is alive, when most of the members are not even professional investigators, then what excuse would the LA prosecution have for not figuring it out?"

    The rest of my post was just me.....I am sorry for any confusion, my bad....I apologize for not being more clear. However, Scorpionchik...you make some really good points about HIPAA...much appreciated!

  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    @ bec: I'm confused too. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> It was a hoax, not the same kind, you're right but most likely started by the Beatles themselves.

    Have you seen this video yet? It's been in a couple threads before.


    It's interesting because they're talking about the Paul is dead/double thing then immediately segue into talking about Michael...this was filmed less than a month after Michael "died". Maybe Paul knows Michael is alive and is helping him in some way? Maybe Michael finally gave Paul the "raise" he wanted, like they discuss in the video. Not that it's all about money but they could've worked out a deal - Michael helps Paul and vice versa. Paul is a good person to have on your side, his global appeal is almost as big as Michael's. Anyways, enough speculation from me for the night.
  • Hello Everyone, just checking in since I haven't posted in along while!
    I'm still here, reading when I have time!
    TS will be back, MJ will be back and thats that!!
    I haven't lost faith in either return!! I'll be <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> ing for joy when it happens!
    And <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ --> away to you all again! <!-- sbeerchug -->beerchug<!-- sbeerchug --> CHEERS! NON-Alcoholic of course!!
    And for anyone still feeling down here is a virtual <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> from me!!
    OK, I'm done <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
  • Hello Everyone, just checking in since I haven't posted in along while!
    I'm still here, reading when I have time!
    TS will be back, MJ will be back and thats that!!
    I haven't lost faith in either return!! I'll be <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> ing for joy when it happens!
    And <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ --> away to you all again! <!-- sbeerchug -->beerchug<!-- sbeerchug --> CHEERS! NON-Alcoholic of course!!
    And for anyone still feeling down here is a virtual <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> from me!!
    OK, I'm done <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> Welcome back, GodhaschosenMJ! Glad that you haven't lost faith <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> We'll all <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> together when it happens!
    @ bec: I'm confused too. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> It was a hoax, not the same kind, you're right but most likely started by the Beatles themselves.

    Have you seen this video yet? It's been in a couple threads before.


    It's interesting because they're talking about the Paul is dead/double thing then immediately segue into talking about Michael...this was filmed less than a month after Michael "died". Maybe Paul knows Michael is alive and is helping him in some way? Maybe Michael finally gave Paul the "raise" he wanted, like they discuss in the video. Not that it's all about money but they could've worked out a deal - Michael helps Paul and vice versa. Paul is a good person to have on your side, his global appeal is almost as big as Michael's. Anyways, enough speculation from me for the night.
    I've never seen this, thank you for posting.
    I love Paul's sense of humor. He pictures Michael in such a funny lovely way, adorable, just like he was, with his soft voice and everything....how many "voices" Michael has?
    The only part I don't like is when he says "he was masivell'y talented and we miss him" <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> .

    Anyway, lets' hope it was just for the illusion.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    @ bec: I'm confused too. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> It was a hoax, not the same kind, you're right but most likely started by the Beatles themselves.

    Have you seen this video yet? It's been in a couple threads before.


    It's interesting because they're talking about the Paul is dead/double thing then immediately segue into talking about Michael...this was filmed less than a month after Michael "died". Maybe Paul knows Michael is alive and is helping him in some way? Maybe Michael finally gave Paul the "raise" he wanted, like they discuss in the video. Not that it's all about money but they could've worked out a deal - Michael helps Paul and vice versa. Paul is a good person to have on your side, his global appeal is almost as big as Michael's. Anyways, enough speculation from me for the night.

    Oh my! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Did you guys hear Paul say that he thought MJ was HISTORICALLY PLACED, to make things right (in the music industry, wherein many, if not all historical talents were roped (suckered)into self-cheating contracts, as innocents--regarding business & such)??? To hear P.M. say those uncommon, "Michael Jackson-kind" of words, must mean they discussed such things! I WISH I had been privy to THAT conversation! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Thank you for posting this video!! I never heard this before. I thought MJ wanted to get into the publishing as a strategic business move in world domination and ingenious(while he slept <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) cash collection. I heard later that MJ wanted to give certain peoples' property BACK, and was legally prohibited from, IDK, breaking up the catalogue, or some other legal nonsense? So, it WASN'T a self serving or cold business move. Business, yeah, superhero, BATMAN business!!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    No, wait, Robin Hood business. Not the petty thievery woodsman in tights, but a hero who takes from legalized thieves and gives to the rightful owners. I think MJ told P.M. that he believed HIMSELF, that he was historically placed... I think Paul THINKS MJ has died, and that's why he felt comfortable using MJ's words , "historically placed", as if they were his own idea!!!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I'm kind of worried about TS.. i hope he comes back soon. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    @Its her: You got me thinking of the corrupt music industry now as a target of The Sting! Maybe not the whole industry but key greedy players. The way Paul spoke about Michael makes me think that Paul does know Michael is alive. I think he used the words "historically placed" because he knows Michael wants to make it right and will do what he can for the music industry, among other things. Paul has been around the music industry for five decades and knows what it is like as an artist. THAT's why he got into music publishing himself and recommended the same to Michael. Like, if you want to make it in their game, you have to play the game to win for yourself and everyone else whose been treated grossly unfair by their record labels. And in the video, it sounds like Paul is talking about Michael as though he is alive, then adds the "we miss him" part at the very end, almost as though it were an afterthought and he thought he should add that in.

    If the FBI have been investigating Michael for years then they have intel on certain music execs and their practices. I would imagine Michael knew his life was being investigated and may have even went along with certain FBI agents to help himself gather the proof he needed to expose these bad corporate-music types.

    The thing with this FBI sting is that it involves the most famous person in the world. Someone who everyone wants a piece of - which makes Michael a target for evil doers of every sort. Imagine how many of these "big fish" will be dragged in by the FBI's widespread net!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    @Its her: You got me thinking of the corrupt music industry now as a target of The Sting! Maybe not the whole industry but key greedy players. The way Paul spoke about Michael makes me think that Paul does know Michael is alive. I think he used the words "historically placed" because he knows Michael wants to make it right and will do what he can for the music industry, among other things. Paul has been around the music industry for five decades and knows what it is like as an artist. THAT's why he got into music publishing himself and recommended the same to Michael. Like, if you want to make it in their game, you have to play the game to win for yourself and everyone else whose been treated grossly unfair by their record labels. And in the video, it sounds like Paul is talking about Michael as though he is alive, then adds the "we miss him" part at the very end, almost as though it were an afterthought and he thought he should add that in.

    If the FBI have been investigating Michael for years then they have intel on certain music execs and their practices. I would imagine Michael knew his life was being investigated and may have even went along with certain FBI agents to help himself gather the proof he needed to expose these bad corporate-music types.

    The thing with this FBI sting is that it involves the most famous person in the world. Someone who everyone wants a piece of - which makes Michael a target for evil doers of every sort. Imagine how many of these "big fish" will be dragged in by the FBI's widespread net!

    I agree that the music industry is a target, but how would his death expose anything? Wouldn't a sting while he is "still alive" be more useful? With him as bait? Or are they using other celebs and did he have to die to let them do their evil deeds? That would mean that Sony would be a target and he had to be out of the way because they wouldn't do certain things while he was alive because he had spoken out so much against them and owned half? Could be, but not yet convinced. Need to think that through some more.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    @Its her: You got me thinking of the corrupt music industry now as a target of The Sting! Maybe not the whole industry but key greedy players. The way Paul spoke about Michael makes me think that Paul does know Michael is alive. I think he used the words "historically placed" because he knows Michael wants to make it right and will do what he can for the music industry, among other things. Paul has been around the music industry for five decades and knows what it is like as an artist. THAT's why he got into music publishing himself and recommended the same to Michael. Like, if you want to make it in their game, you have to play the game to win for yourself and everyone else whose been treated grossly unfair by their record labels. And in the video, it sounds like Paul is talking about Michael as though he is alive, then adds the "we miss him" part at the very end, almost as though it were an afterthought and he thought he should add that in.

    If the FBI have been investigating Michael for years then they have intel on certain music execs and their practices. I would imagine Michael knew his life was being investigated and may have even went along with certain FBI agents to help himself gather the proof he needed to expose these bad corporate-music types.

    The thing with this FBI sting is that it involves the most famous person in the world. Someone who everyone wants a piece of - which makes Michael a target for evil doers of every sort. Imagine how many of these "big fish" will be dragged in by the FBI's widespread net!

    I agree that the music industry is a target, but how would his death expose anything? Wouldn't a sting while he is "still alive" be more useful? With him as bait? Or are they using other celebs and did he have to die to let them do their evil deeds? That would mean that Sony would be a target and he had to be out of the way because they wouldn't do certain things while he was alive because he had spoken out so much against them and owned half? Could be, but not yet convinced. Need to think that through some more.

    I think his "death" would expose more. Michael owning half of Sony publishing means that the other half don't work for Michael, maybe the "other half" had a plot to kill MJ because a dead Michael means HUGE $$ in their greedy sweaty hands, plus their major opponent is gone. Such a plot could've been uncovered by the FBI. Afterall, they first started investigating Michael officially many years ago because of a threat against Michael's life. Certain agents help Michael plan and stage his death. Maybe that's why there's always been confusion with Sony - are they good or bad...maybe both! Since it's literally divided down the middle.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yeah but how does killing Michael get the publishing catalogs into anyone's hands? Michael's death means the estate and lawyers take over and Michael left nearly everything to his kids (so says the alleged will), and all of their assets would be frozen as far as buy/sell, until they were at least 18... so how does removing Michael from the picture benefit someone who is after his catalog? I don't get it.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Yeah but how does killing Michael get the publishing catalogs into anyone's hands? Michael's death means the estate and lawyers take over and Michael left nearly everything to his kids (so says the alleged will), and all of their assets would be frozen as far as buy/sell, until they were at least 18... so how does removing Michael from the picture benefit someone who is after his catalog? I don't get it.

    I think they wanted to remove Michael from the picture because he is the force behind it (publishing catalogs). They would probably think it would be easier to deal with the estate and lawyers because they knew Michael wouldn't budge as long as he lives. If the assets are frozen then perhaps they are willing to wait out until the kids are 18 and take advantage of their young ages to influence them. In the meantime they release the Michael album - the "bad" half of Sony wants to start making money off of "new" material, the "good" half says, "Ok, but with these songs." They all arrange a seven album deal over 10 years for $250 (2+5=7) million dollars which will increase the catalog's worth even more, but the two halves have different goals. Right now it's mutually beneficial but only because it has to be. Or something like that, I've only really started considering it in this way tonight, although I've always thought Michael wanted to expose the evil greedy music industry as he publicly spoke out on the very subject on more than one occasion.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    follow the money trail ... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    @Its her: You got me thinking of the corrupt music industry now as a target of The Sting! Maybe not the whole industry but key greedy players. The way Paul spoke about Michael makes me think that Paul does know Michael is alive. I think he used the words "historically placed" because he knows Michael wants to make it right and will do what he can for the music industry, among other things. Paul has been around the music industry for five decades and knows what it is like as an artist. THAT's why he got into music publishing himself and recommended the same to Michael. Like, if you want to make it in their game, you have to play the game to win for yourself and everyone else whose been treated grossly unfair by their record labels. And in the video, it sounds like Paul is talking about Michael as though he is alive, then adds the "we miss him" part at the very end, almost as though it were an afterthought and he thought he should add that in.

    If the FBI have been investigating Michael for years then they have intel on certain music execs and their practices. I would imagine Michael knew his life was being investigated and may have even went along with certain FBI agents to help himself gather the proof he needed to expose these bad corporate-music types.

    The thing with this FBI sting is that it involves the most famous person in the world. Someone who everyone wants a piece of - which makes Michael a target for evil doers of every sort. Imagine how many of these "big fish" will be dragged in by the FBI's widespread net!

    You may be right about McCartney knowing MJ is alive, as, on second thought, those two MUST have discussed the Beatles' hoax...

    And the Music Industry does have some shady characters in power in it, but I don't understand how a Sting would work, there. Everything is done by contract. Contracts are broken in court every day, if illegal actions, such as extortion are proven, or if either party fails to do what they promised in the contract. But is there anything to be busted in the middle of committing it? I mean mind control slavery, duping the under-educated in business savvy, those things aren't "sting"-able, if you willingly participate.

    It is criminal that contracts ROBBING talent of their proper due, are still standing today. Not just in music, but in Television, where thousands of actors signing to do 13 episodes of a cornball series, discover they are in a major hit, with NO residuals, NO payments after they stop filming, despite the series going on into syndication for decades. I don't understand why no one fought these in court, and everyone, especially the duped & robbed, simply accepts it!! But there is nothing to "Sting", per se.

    What IS Sting-able, in MJ's life are creepy things people THOUGHT he was involved in anyway: pedophilia, or an appetite for it. I think he was PAINTED on purpose <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> (the purpose being a Sting), with rumor, media innuendo, and a court trial, to appear to be one of them, so the creepy sellers would be drawn to a creepy buyer with so much money, he wouldn't miss any, if they sold him thousands of international kids. This would get MJ deep into the heart of a MAJOR child trafficking/pornography conglomerate. A BIG Sting. I think it would make him sick, just seeing what he would have to see, but he has never let anything jar his focus, which would be, to helping the police NAIL worthless bastards such as these.

    That said, unless these were only American criminals, I can't see any involvement with an American court. So...maybe I am all wrong. Maybe it really IS something the courts or court officials are doing illegally, and Murray(FBI) is the <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> inside guy.... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I kind of don't LIKE the <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> thought that MJ would do anything this dangerous, anyway, just to quiet all the so called fans who won't accept a hoaxed death without a REAL (factual) COMPELLING reason, as opposed to just a GIANT movie of his interactive Thriller & ARGame.

    I am sorry, but if they didn't get it <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> all his life
    that he was a big GAMESTER <!-- salbino/ -->albino/<!-- salbino/ --> <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> MAGICIAN, it is not HIS fault that they are still whining (not even over HIM, but) THEIR "loss".

    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TS give signs of "life" on 01 June, there is an eclipse of the sun, or on June 3 will be the day # 111 in the current round as Tzolkin Maya astronomical correlation with the Gregorian calendar. <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- m -->http://timesci.wikidot.com/start<!-- m -->
    The Tzolkin, or Tzolk'in ' in [1] - the account of the days - is the name given to the maya version of the revised or sacred 260-day cycle, made up of twenty trecenas (or thirteen scores) used in the Mesoamerican pre-Columbian and equivalent to the Aztec Tonalpohualli. The tzolk'in ' in is still used in the indigenous communities of the Guatemalan Highlands and the State of Oaxaca and receiving the title of guards of the days those who in these communities augur well for the earthly events based on the sacred cycle dates. The tzolk'in ' in is a three-dimensional calendar because it is based on the Sun (the seals), Moon (tones) and the star Sirius, so it is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar.
    It is unknown the manner with which the Maya called to this calendar. It was the mayanist William e. Gates who coined the name on the basis of the (Quiché: ch 'ol q' iij, 'the order of the days')?, thus researchers and specialists have admitted the term tzolkin.[2] that his real name is unknown.[3]

    <!-- m -->http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzolkin<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    "drought period"

  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    "drought period"


    Maybe this will help...


    (Now we just need TS to stop by and say hi) <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Its Her, I hear ya!

    paula-c, nice pic! After the drought I envision a torrent/downpour. My guess our butts will be glued to our computer chairs once more. So we should get all the things we need to do done now while we can. Thanks TS for the downtime! I need to get my flowers planted and garden seeded.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Its Her, I hear ya!

    paula-c, nice pic! After the drought I envision a torrent/downpour. My guess our butts will be glued to our computer chairs once more. So we should get all the things we need to do done now while we can. Thanks TS for the downtime! I need to get my flowers planted and garden seeded.
    Good idea! Garden seeded, trees trimmed, fence painted, etc., while hes giving us some time. Just keep watchin'. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think we pretty much answered his questions. If MJ isn't back by Harvest Time, he'll probably give us a break then, too! <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    well after a while without saying anything, I started to dig up old stuff and I found this, our friend Craig Harvey and tweet ... and also TMZ.
    FB who is and who is T?

    Dr. Tohme Tohme Wants Money Money from MJ
    Originally posted Nov 13th 2009 10:39 AM PST by TMZ Staff


    Michael Jackson's former manager just filed a huge creditor's claim against the estate ... and it's mostly over the sale of Neverland Ranch in 2008.

    In the documents, filed yesterday in L.A. County Superior Court, Dr. Tohme says he was promised a certain fee from Michael if he could locate a company to save Neverland Ranch from foreclosure last year.

    Dr. Tohme claims he's the one who brought Colony Capital LLC to the table -- the company T says forked over $23 million to save Neverland. Dr. Tohme wants his cut of the deal -- which he claims is approximately $2.3 million.

    In July of 2008, Dr. Tohme also says Michael promised him 15% of the singer's "gross compensation within the entertainment industry" -- but T has no clue how much he's owed for this one.

    The doc wants in excess of $2.3 million.

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/11/13/dr-tohme-<!-- m --> ... y-from-mj/

    TMZ refers to Tohme as "T"

    This account twitter already not exist

    tweet says June 20


    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/chiefcoronerla<!-- m -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Thanks for reminding us of Craig who managed to put a smile and a questionmark into our faces every time he'd tweet some more.
    chiefcoronerla Craig Harvey
    I'm beginning to believe what the Hell's Angel's used to say..."3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead"....
    7 Oct 09
    Craig Harvey
    chiefcoronerla Craig Harvey
    Whew...a 4 to 6 week respite, and then the frenzy begins anew. Answers will come to those who wait.
    27 Jun 09
    Craig Harvey
    chiefcoronerla Craig Harvey
    Wow, what a day. It was a real challenge to make things happen, be one step ahead and handle an information avalanche.
    26 Jun 09

    no comment.
    Sometimes I feel like Michael's life is the biggest mess ever..or the biggest secret ever

    What's solid fact and what's hoax ?
    Sometimes I feel like I know nothing.

    My husband says why do you believe Michael, he lied all the time.

    I miss him so much and if this is a sting op. - it's the hell of a long one. Because I see no heads rolling after 2 years.
    That's crazy.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Sometimes I feel like Michael's life is the biggest mess ever..or the biggest secret ever

    I miss him so much and if this is a sting op. - it's the hell of a long one. Because I see no heads rolling after 2 years.
    That's crazy.

    As I said at the beginning,there is no sting operation. SO works in different scenario.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I think there is a sting operation in the movie.

    But behind the scenes it's a hoax court.
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