TIAI May 1



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Thank you, PureLove. I read some, but not all of them.
    If you could tell me what's the TS's opinion considering my question it would be greatly appreciated.
    It's just there are so many threads with his updates, Im afraid I will lost into them. <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ -->
    TIAI Update #4d: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder

    4-32. Would a “Death Hoax” Murder Plot Convince the Family???

    If there was a conspiracy to murder MJ (and don’t get me wrong, that is a very real possibility): what would be the point in all the complexity, trying to make it look like MJ faked his death? Would they do all that, just to convince a few thousand hoax believers? {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6929}

    More and more MJ fans are now thinking maybe MJ was murdered (including former hoax believers); so I guess it didn’t work very well, if they were trying to convince all the fans that it was a death hoax.

    But far more even than the fans, the murderers would need to shield themselves from detection by the family; because the family would be motivated to catch the murderers, as much or more than most fans. And in this case, several family members are already well known in the music industry (Jackson Five, Janet Jackson, etc). So as much or more than any other family, the murderers would want to avoid detection by the Jackson family—because they have the influence to do something about it.

    Now get ready for the murder-theory destroying question: if they planned a murder to look like a hoax, what is the likelihood that they could succeed in convincing the family that MJ faked his death???????

    The only way that a murder (made to look like a hoax) could work, is if the family was in on the murder plot—whether for money, or their own lives were threatened, or because they all hated him and wanted him dead, or something. I’m not trying to say that any of these things are true; but we are turning every stone, so to speak.

    It is quite unlikely that even one family member would want MJ dead, much less the entire family. It is also unlikely that any family member could be bought with money to help in a murder plot; and again, certainly not the entire family. The threat of death is no doubt a stronger motivation than money; but true love is stronger than death—so if there’s even one family member that truly loves MJ, then the whole family could not be in on a murder plot.

    Yet another problem is that we have Jermaine and others saying that they know all about it, and they are going to spill the beans. So I guess the huge, long-term, and very complicated plot to murder MJ and make it look like a hoax—it didn’t work! And they had to be planning it for many years: including the will dated 7-7-02, and the 1998 autographs (somehow they convinced or forced MJ to do this). All that ingenuity, and it failed!

    Yet another problem is the many indications not only of the hoax, but also of the return and bam. Wouldn’t it be better to make it look like a hoax with no return, so that the hoax believers would not be expecting to see MJ again (then they could believe the hoax for decades, and not wonder what happened to MJ)? In fact, wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier to murder MJ with an entirely different plan—having nothing to do with a death hoax? They could make it look like an accident (car or airplane), or maybe a suicide; perhaps a “crazy” person could just shoot him (Lennon), etc.
    4-18. Jermaine and La Toya Supported 9-9-09

    Jermaine had his MJ Tribute press conference in London on 9-9-09! {http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1621118/20090910/jackson_michael.jhtml; also <!-- m -->http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/i ... r-tribute/<!-- m -->, and <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q ... type=&aq=f<!-- m -->} London??? Yes, London—exactly where “This Is It” concerts were originally scheduled; and also where the O2 press conference was held on March 5, 2009 {}. However, half of a year later, the MJ Tribute is still listed as “coming soon” {http://www.thetribute2010.com/}. So what are the chances that this announcement in London just happened to be on 9-9-09?

    In the original set of redirects, R44 was a picture of “99” (on 12-16 & 12-17)—which was 99 days from 9-9-09 (inclusive on the 16th, and standard on the 17th). Two days later, TMZ posted this video of La Toya Jackson Christmas shopping (although posted on the 18th, she did the actual shopping during the “99” redirect). At 0:47, the camera points to a “9.99” price tag for about 5 seconds {http://www.tmz.com/2009/12/18/la-toya-jackson-chris-brown-tiger-woods-target-christmas-holiday-shopping-video/}
    2-2. ALLJACK5ONS Tweet “Revealed” on MLK Day

    Here is their tweet: “if u don't think our emotion is real, all I can do is pray for you. see truths when they r revealed to you. ur eyes don't lie - media does” {8:38 PM Jan 18th from web; <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS/status/7933369787<!-- m -->}.

    First of all, we need to understand both the time and the subject context of this tweet. The date was January 18, 2010—which was of course MLK Day; and indeed they knew what day it was, as can be clearly seen in two earlier tweets that day { <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS/status/7910861080<!-- m -->}. This was also one day after the final Jackson Reality Show, which ended with a visit to Forest Lawn {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=82}.

    The tweets both before and after the “revealed” tweet were all on the subject of the Reality Show, and especially the ending about MJ. Some of the tweets even mention MJ specifically {http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS; click “more” at the bottom of the page, until you get to January 18 tweets}.

    So the context of this “revealed” tweet is clearly about MJ. The next step is to understand that this tweet is in response to hoax believers (“if u don't think our emotion is real”). Hoaxers have been saying all along, that a huge evidence of the hoax is the lack of tears from the family at the memorial and burial, etc. Surely, they are not ignorant of this.

    And what could they possibly be responding to, other than the hoax—could it be that they were responding to accusations that their emotions were not real, because they don’t care that MJ is dead? Who would say such a thing? And even if someone was cold enough to say that, why would they even bother to respond? Worse yet, why would they respond by saying that the media lies?? Has the media been trying to convince people (falsely), that the Jackson family’s emotions are not real???

    Sorry, but the statement about emotions and media lying doesn’t make sense, unless they were referring to the hoax theory. So this tweet was in response to hoax believers; and believers themselves have recognized this fact, in threads such as this one: “Jacksons address hoax!!” {posted by dirtydiana2009; <!-- m -->http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpb ... =17&t=3783<!-- m -->}. Since this is the most direct statement yet, from the family, about hoax believers: this tweet deserves thorough investigation.

    The part about their “emotion is real” does not specifically say emotion from MJ dying; it could be emotion from the pain that the media lies have caused, etc (media lies are mentioned in this tweet, MJ death is not mentioned in this tweet). And in fact, even the hoax itself is painful for MJ (he knows that it has hurt the fans, and that hurts him; also, he wants to return as much or more than his fans want him to return).

    Primarily, though, we need to examine the last half of this tweet: “see truths when they r revealed to you. ur eyes don't lie - media does”. Notice the very clear plural usage: “see truths [plural] when they [plural] are [plural] revealed to you”. If MJ really were dead, and this is all that they were trying to say, then why the plural? Why wouldn’t it be “see the truth [MJ is dead] when it is revealed”?

    And again, why the reference to the media lying?? If the Jacksons know that MJ is really dead, and this is what they are referring to here, then why wouldn’t they be supporting media “truth” (reports that MJ is dead)?? And why the phrase “ur eyes don’t lie”? We have never seen any dead body; so “ur eyes don’t lie” can’t possibly mean that our eyes have already seen for ourselves that MJ is really dead.

    The only conclusion which makes sense, is that the Jacksons tweet mentioned “truths” about the hoax—and our eyes don’t lie regarding these things. This also fits the statement about the media lies—the media is not telling the truth about the hoax, they are saying that MJ is dead (but our eyes can see the hoax).

    Now let’s take it a step further. Since this is clearly referring to truths about the hoax: why did they use the word “revealed”? Why not use some other word, such as “see truths when they r shown to you”? Or “recognize truths when they r seen by you”? Or any of several other ways to say it?

    Do you suppose that they were entirely ignorant of TIAI Revealed—which was posted nearly a month before 1-18, and Part 1 had about 11,000 views by 1-18? Also, TIAI Revealed Update #1 was posted one week before 1-18, and had about 15,000 views by 1-18. Few if any posts on this forum have more views. If any of the Jacksons were paying any attention whatsoever to the hoax forums, then surely they were already aware of TIAI Revealed, on 1-18.

    For the sake of TIAI doubters, let’s say that TIAI is not really MJ’s message. Don’t you think in that case, the Jacksons would avoid any hint of support for TIAI—and maybe even give hints against it? Yet instead of that, they use the very word “revealed” in this tweet, the statement which is the clearest statement yet from them about the hoax; and they refer to the things “revealed” as “truths” that “ur eyes” can and should “see”.

    Not only did they use the word “revealed”, but they also referred to the media lies—which is one of the main themes in TIAI. Notice that TIAI Revealed, Part 7, even has the word media in the title: “NWO Powers Control the Mass Media”; and redirect #9 has the title: “9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media”.

    Last but not least: why was this tweet given on January 18, MLK Day? Do you think that they knew nothing about the MLK connections with the hoax (They Don’t Really Care About Us?)—and do you think they were totally unaware of TIAI Update #1 (with 15,000 views), and the things in there about January 18???

    So we have here a clear Jackson statement about the hoax, using the word “revealed”, and referring to media lies—and it was even done on January 18, MLK Day! Either these things are more TIAI “coincidences” (added to all the previous ones), or else they were giving clues about TIAI.

    Well, how much clearer of a clue do you want? Do they need to spell out the domain for you: <!-- m -->http://www.ThisIsAlsoIt.com?<!-- m -->? Be assured, that will not happen before MJ comes back (it would be too big of a hint about the hoax). In fact, don’t be too surprised if they don’t say anything directly even after MJ comes back—surely you can understand why, due to the nature of the subjects involved.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TheMoonIsDancing wrote:

    I believe, and always will believe, that the reasons for Mike's disappearance is all in his music. Ecspecially HIStory, BOTDF and Invincible albums. Extortion, Assassination Attempts, Death Threats, Corruption (both related and unrelated to his own life), Destroying all lies and propaganda. As we sleep, people are kidnapped, murdered, blackmailed, hunted and sold by those they trust. A sting operation would have more purpose in his life than just a 'mind game', if Michael is the man I believe he is, this would seem much more plausible than any other theory.

    I think equally
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Thanks PureLove for finding the TIAI posts on the family, almost like finding a needle in a haystack, for things you can't find with the word-search.
    by Gema » Fri May 20, 2011 10:50 am
    I get the impression that TS will show up soon.
    I get the feeling he visits often and is here with us. Is he annoyed we can't stay on track or aren't finding what he wants us to? I doubt it. We are likely the study group that perhaps MJ gages hoax clue releases, probably time-released. The grieving fans aren't even on the same page so he can't go to them. This death-hoax is way too important and MJ has gone to too much work for TS to abandon us. He'll be back. Does anyone know what is the longest TS has stayed away from posting in the past?
    by suspicious mind » Fri May 20, 2011 7:22 am
    AnaMarcia wrote:
    GINAFELICIA wrote:And half of the time they were married they weren't living together, if it's true what they said.
    But were they married for good? Because the marriage certificate is on Michael Joseph , not Michael Joe.

    She says he was surrounded by leeches. Was he that naive to not see ?
    Was she wrong?
    We'll never solve the mistery named Michael Jackson. Summing up what I know about him returns a blank page....again....

    There were so many vampires and leeches on your back we already know, or else Michael would not have suffered so much. Michael seemed innocent, but do not know if he was naive enough to not realize anything. But if he had noticed, would he have been charged again in 2003?

    This statement of Liza, confirms what Latoya and Joe said about conspiracy and horrible people who were controlling Michael's life. If it were so, then it isn't difficult to accept the theory of murder!
    It is very difficult to know. Believers see him as a hero and non believers as victim. Which one is correct?
    Do you remember of a phrase spoken in the movie V? "I'm more of a demon when I act like an angel"

    That is correct, Michael?

    interesting that you point this out. that is the very feeling i get sometimes watching him in certain circumstances.
    We also know that for years the FBI investigated MJ, and the pedophile claim; but they found nothing against MJ. Could it be that in the process of this investigation, the FBI found evidence of corruption in the LA prosecution and the MJ trial? Could it be that as a result, the FBI in cooperation with MJ decided to make the LA court system the focus of a sting operation? Please remember that the “top priority” of the FBI is “public corruption” in government agencies; and their investigation specifically includes “verdicts handed down in courts”
    It sure didn't seem like the FBI did much to help MJ at the 2005 trial, although more may have been going on behind the scene, and others have even suggested MJ's trial may have been a cover for more serious things happening. I have agonized over the MJ- a victim or hero since the very beginning. There is all this evidence that shows him to be a victim all his life, and paradoxically all the evidence showing him to be smarter than it all, and planning for this hoax for at least 20 years, yet giving the appearance of innocence. I remember one of his bodygaurds saying that MJ hadn't even known what a prostitute was. Haha! MJ performed since a small child in stripper clubs and the seediest dives we can imagine. He probably knows more about prostitutes than the experts. My heart tells me steadily that the Pepsi fire, and both accusations and one trial were also part of the plan. Those feelings have never gone away but stay strong in my heart. That doesn't say he didn't experience excruciating emotional pain as things happened, but he set in motion a series of events that perhaps were God-ordained or he felt called by God to set things in motion. Somewhere along the line with the 2005 the FBI got involved. My personal belief is that the FBI are not on the good side, though many working with them may have good intentions. But perhaps MJ's trial had the effect of stirring the evil hornet's nest, exposing massive child sexual abuse by the rich and powerful in the USA and world-wide. What MJ supposedly did to a child is absolutely nothing to the horrific violence done to millions of children every day. MJ shouldered the world's hatred of people who hurt and exploit children. But this decades long "sting" is far from over, just a different chapter. My opinion is if the FBI are involved, MJ is only using them. MJ's heart is with children--period. I'm still struck by the sight of MJ placing his hand on the shoulder of the gaurd outside the courtroom in 2005, and before that placing his hand on the shoulder of a security personnel in the filming of TDRCAU in the rough neighbourhood of Brazil; as if MJ was saying "I am in charge here. Don't forget that." It reminds me of when Jesus said to the Jewish leaders who were wondering why he wasn't answering their questions at his trial, that they wouldn't have any power at all if God didn't choose to allow them this moment in history, that they were really nothing. These are just my thoughts concerning the hoax versus sting trial coming up for Conrad Murray, who represents Michael we have concluded. Hoax trial, with some perhaps believing it's a sting IDK.
    suspicious mind
    Feds take down Philadelphia reputed mob boss
    <!-- m -->http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110523/ap_<!-- m --> ... ob_arrests
    Finally, the responses to this article show a truer pespective, in my mind, as to what real justice would look like, and what real National protectors of US citizens would do. To me it seems to be an illusion that the FBI are really our friends--more like friends of bankers, politicians, multi-national companies, etc.
    John 5
    Now if we could get the feds to take down the wall street mob. Now that would be news.

    Harrold Dyers
    A much bigger prize would be Wall St. and the criminals that caused the 2008 crash.

    la cosa nostra are small potatoes now..the big ones are the columbian drug lords , the mexican drug dealers and maybe biggest of all the criminals are the gangs operating here in the usa

    Excellent!! now if the feds can only crack down on the other crime syndicates in our cities, our politicians then they would really be doing something. Honestly....what's worse...these guys taking bets from people or our politicians raping us with their taxes and abusing their authority and wasting the money they take from us?

    Government HATES competition!

    no issue
    I love it, they bring these guys up on Loansharking charges, but credit card companies can legally charge over 30%.....b@st@rds!

    What's the difference in "loan sharking" by the mob and our financial institutions? Bank of America says if you're late on a credit card payment, the interest rate goes to 29.99% . Who's the loan shark?
  • It seems like we are on our own. At least for a while. I wonder why TS didn't make any new post. He could be busy with his life etc but how long would it take to make a post and explain what's going on. At least he could tell that he wasn't going to make any posts till the trial begins. I don't get this silence. I don't believe that any of us would lose our hope or faith if TS doesn't write again but still I wonder if his sudden disappearance is related with Jermaine's tweets.

    Your right, remember on the other thread TS said;
    Sorry, circumstances have taken me away from much attention here recently. Will be back soon.

    So at least he would of given us a warning.

    But I think MJFAN7 is right;
    I'll never lose faith, it just seems like there's nothing happening. Maybe we're in the eye of the hurricane... calm before the storm? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I remember one of his bodygaurds saying that MJ hadn't even known what a prostitute was. Haha! MJ performed since a small child in stripper clubs and the seediest dives we can imagine. He probably knows more about prostitutes than the experts.

    Absolutely <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Somewhere along the line with the 2005 the FBI got involved. My personal belief is that the FBI are not on the good side, though many working with them may have good intentions. But perhaps MJ's trial had the effect of stirring the evil hornet's nest, exposing massive child sexual abuse by the rich and powerful in the USA and world-wide. What MJ supposedly did to a child is absolutely nothing to the horrific violence done to millions of children every day

    You read my mind <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->

    And not only that, what about the death penalty?. Death penalty is legal in many USA states. Pharma companies sell the drugs that are used to be injected and the state pays for those.

    May people who condenms Murray are pro death penalty. Makes no sense. How ironic.

    Any way, what I would think MJ is trying to expose is the drug industry and the doctors with license "to kill" giving heavy prescription drugs to anyone who would pay for it. Some docs are very corrupted.

    If Murray "killed" Michael is because he wasn´t informed about the drugs given by docs to Michael, and he said so in his defense.
    Murray said he tried to get MJ out of demerol. Who gave demerol previously to MJ?, wasn´t Klein, his "friend and doctor"?. Wasn´t Klein also the one treating his skin condition? wasn´t Klein the one refusing to give MJ´s medical journal away?
    Murray, as a Doctor, I guess needed to have MJ´s medical files in order to go on with a "detox" treatment to start with.

    More about Klein. I watched the interview in TMZ where he said that MJ had body dismorphia yet he fueled MJ with drugs, creams and surgeries. Makes no sense once more.

    There was a bunch of prescription drugs at MJ´s house labeled with different people´s names and doctors who prescribed them got money for it.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    It seems like we are on our own. At least for a while. I wonder why TS didn't make any new post. He could be busy with his life etc but how long would it take to make a post and explain what's going on. At least he could tell that he wasn't going to make any posts till the trial begins. I don't get this silence. I don't believe that any of us would lose our hope or faith if TS doesn't write again but still I wonder if his sudden disappearance is related with Jermaine's tweets.

    Your right, remember on the other thread TS said;
    Sorry, circumstances have taken me away from much attention here recently. Will be back soon.

    So at least he would of given us a warning.

    But I think MJFAN7 is right;
    I'll never lose faith, it just seems like there's nothing happening. Maybe we're in the eye of the hurricane... calm before the storm? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Calm before the storm? I hope so. But still a calm for 4 months is a little bit long I think IF we don't get anything from TS till the trial.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Thanks PureLove for finding the TIAI posts on the family, almost like finding a needle in a haystack, for things you can't find with the word-search.
    by Gema » Fri May 20, 2011 10:50 am
    I get the impression that TS will show up soon.
    I get the feeling he visits often and is here with us. Is he annoyed we can't stay on track or aren't finding what he wants us to? I doubt it. We are likely the study group that perhaps MJ gages hoax clue releases, probably time-released. The grieving fans aren't even on the same page so he can't go to them. This death-hoax is way too important and MJ has gone to too much work for TS to abandon us. He'll be back. Does anyone know what is the longest TS has stayed away from posting in the past?
    by suspicious mind » Fri May 20, 2011 7:22 am
    AnaMarcia wrote:
    GINAFELICIA wrote:And half of the time they were married they weren't living together, if it's true what they said.
    But were they married for good? Because the marriage certificate is on Michael Joseph , not Michael Joe.

    She says he was surrounded by leeches. Was he that naive to not see ?
    Was she wrong?
    We'll never solve the mistery named Michael Jackson. Summing up what I know about him returns a blank page....again....

    There were so many vampires and leeches on your back we already know, or else Michael would not have suffered so much. Michael seemed innocent, but do not know if he was naive enough to not realize anything. But if he had noticed, would he have been charged again in 2003?

    This statement of Liza, confirms what Latoya and Joe said about conspiracy and horrible people who were controlling Michael's life. If it were so, then it isn't difficult to accept the theory of murder!
    It is very difficult to know. Believers see him as a hero and non believers as victim. Which one is correct?
    Do you remember of a phrase spoken in the movie V? "I'm more of a demon when I act like an angel"

    That is correct, Michael?

    interesting that you point this out. that is the very feeling i get sometimes watching him in certain circumstances.
    We also know that for years the FBI investigated MJ, and the pedophile claim; but they found nothing against MJ. Could it be that in the process of this investigation, the FBI found evidence of corruption in the LA prosecution and the MJ trial? Could it be that as a result, the FBI in cooperation with MJ decided to make the LA court system the focus of a sting operation? Please remember that the “top priority” of the FBI is “public corruption” in government agencies; and their investigation specifically includes “verdicts handed down in courts”
    It sure didn't seem like the FBI did much to help MJ at the 2005 trial, although more may have been going on behind the scene, and others have even suggested MJ's trial may have been a cover for more serious things happening. I have agonized over the MJ- a victim or hero since the very beginning. There is all this evidence that shows him to be a victim all his life, and paradoxically all the evidence showing him to be smarter than it all, and planning for this hoax for at least 20 years, yet giving the appearance of innocence. I remember one of his bodygaurds saying that MJ hadn't even known what a prostitute was. Haha! MJ performed since a small child in stripper clubs and the seediest dives we can imagine. He probably knows more about prostitutes than the experts. My heart tells me steadily that the Pepsi fire, and both accusations and one trial were also part of the plan. Those feelings have never gone away but stay strong in my heart. That doesn't say he didn't experience excruciating emotional pain as things happened, but he set in motion a series of events that perhaps were God-ordained or he felt called by God to set things in motion. Somewhere along the line with the 2005 the FBI got involved. My personal belief is that the FBI are not on the good side, though many working with them may have good intentions. But perhaps MJ's trial had the effect of stirring the evil hornet's nest, exposing massive child sexual abuse by the rich and powerful in the USA and world-wide. What MJ supposedly did to a child is absolutely nothing to the horrific violence done to millions of children every day. MJ shouldered the world's hatred of people who hurt and exploit children. But this decades long "sting" is far from over, just a different chapter. My opinion is if the FBI are involved, MJ is only using them. MJ's heart is with children--period. I'm still struck by the sight of MJ placing his hand on the shoulder of the gaurd outside the courtroom in 2005, and before that placing his hand on the shoulder of a security personnel in the filming of TDRCAU in the rough neighbourhood of Brazil; as if MJ was saying "I am in charge here. Don't forget that." It reminds me of when Jesus said to the Jewish leaders who were wondering why he wasn't answering their questions at his trial, that they wouldn't have any power at all if God didn't choose to allow them this moment in history, that they were really nothing. These are just my thoughts concerning the hoax versus sting trial coming up for Conrad Murray, who represents Michael we have concluded. Hoax trial, with some perhaps believing it's a sting IDK.

    [quote]suspicious mind
    Feds take down Philadelphia reputed mob bosshttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110523/ap_ ... ob_arrests
    Finally, the responses to this article show a truer pespective, in my mind, as to what real justice would look like, and what real National protectors of US citizens would do. To me it seems to be an illusion that the FBI are really our friends--more like friends of bankers, politicians, multi-national companies, etc.
    John 5
    Now if we could get the feds to take down the wall street mob. Now that would be news.

    Harrold Dyers
    A much bigger prize would be Wall St. and the criminals that caused the 2008 crash.

    la cosa nostra are small potatoes now..the big ones are the columbian drug lords , the mexican drug dealers and maybe biggest of all the criminals are the gangs operating here in the usa

    Excellent!! now if the feds can only crack down on the other crime syndicates in our cities, our politicians then they would really be doing something. Honestly....what's worse...these guys taking bets from people or our politicians raping us with their taxes and abusing their authority and wasting the money they take from us?

    Government HATES competition!

    no issue
    I love it, they bring these guys up on Loansharking charges, but credit card companies can legally charge over 30%.....b@st@rds!

    What's the difference in "loan sharking" by the mob and our financial institutions? Bank of America says if you're late on a credit card payment, the interest rate goes to 29.99% . Who's the loan shark?

    hi there : i was stricktly looking at this with my hoax glasses on : i noticed the joe/ joshep, the mob boss and 11 others ( 12 plots purchased) uncle joe , godfather : i think that subject has come up a couple of times and the type of crime these dudes were into and the intimidation aspect.
    as for the rest i only had <!-- smichael-jackson/ -->michael-jackson/<!-- smichael-jackson/ --> on my mind <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    it's not that we can't go forward without TS but the ride is funnier with him around <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->

    Not only funnier, but also more interesting and exciting.
    I think we were trapped at this level.

    And I think there's a reason for it.
  • tenschitenschi Posts: 29
    Hi guys! I have a feeling TS's absences may be tied in with what's happening with the weather. Could someone have had foreknowledge of what the government had planned? I am confident TPTB intend to clear out large portions of land of the population. The catastrophes’ THEY have caused (research HAARP) is accomplishing that. Imagine the cost to the government in aid for recovery. Call me paranoid but...

    Additionally, I question Marlon wearing the FBI hat. Did it mean they are on MJ's side or working with the interlopers?
    If any of this has been discussed, please disregard this bit of sporadic outburst.

    Love and hugs to all,
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    TS will you please come back?
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    PureLove, big thanks for posting this. If I understand correctly, TS thinks the family is in on the hoax. If all those mentioned things are the only reason to believe they are really in on it, to me it's unconvincing. Because everyone can interpret it in their own way, that tweet for instance. The chosen words could easily be just a coincidence ( You don't believe in coincidence, I know, I know:) but still ) How many times do we use those words on a daily basis. I know I do. And that doesn't make me be someone in the know. Even if that's not a coincidence, still the different interpretation works. I try hard and I just can't comprehend why would they act in such a cruel way? I mean towards the fans, of course. As far as I know the overwhelming majority of Michael's fans is women. I know how emotional they are. Michael, in my opinion wouldn't just sit back and watch all these neverending tears, suffers and pains, or, even worse, act as if it was just a game, " the adventure ". And he didn't. He had left a few strong clues before he disappeared, but he did it himself. and if he would act along with the family, they should be acting the same way. But they don't. Since the very beginning the family has been trying to convince everybody there is no hoax and Michael is indeed dead. I first thought it was their role and they had been playing just perfectly, Oscar-alike. And now I think they have never been in on it. Maybe just having their guess. Of course, I know there were many " slip-ups" made by them during this " unnervious adventure". My favorite sure was " To the airport, oh I mean to the hospital", made by Jermaine, the one who is the most active convincer ever ( along with Randy and Karen, though she isnt a family member ) Sure, it does NOT look like an accidental remark, but heck I made a lot worse slip-ups and they were really and I mean Really made just by accident. This also goes to all the other ones, that we mistook as well. You know what made me think they are not the slip-ups but the faulse perceptions? The family' behavior. They just DON'T act as if they know anything. If they knew, they would act the same way as Michael. Knowing his nature I just refuse to believe he would ever let them act like this and sit back and watch the fan's reaction to every " Michael is dead, painful, but true " remark, tweet or whatever. Or, what's worse, send an insider and play with them ans ask riddles. NO. That's not Michael I have always known and admired. NO. They at least should be silent. Just S.I.L.E.N.T.!
    You may say - Read between the lines. Fine, I will do, and I do but Michael was pretty simple and clear when he left his great clues. We could clearly read PAINS, and there was no need to read between the lines. Also we didn't need to See between the lines ( is there such an expression? lol ) when we clealy saw the moving body inside the helicopter, him in the pig mask with Liz and the kids on the Halloween night or him disguised as the green man in the new version of We Are The World etc etc. The point I want to make is Michael is simple. All the great things are simple. He didnt bend our brain even more, he knew we would be overwhelmed enough already after the 25 of June, he acted precisely and distinctly and he was very honest. He warned us. In TII. " The adventure. There is nothing to be nervous about "
    But before the film came out he had done a lot of work with all those well thought-out clues. You just have to be a real fan to see and understand that. Apparently, his family isn't one. Or he just had no choice.
    TS , please take notice that Im in no way trying to dispute your words and thoughts, that's just something I want you to consider and comment if possible.
    Thank you.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think this is getting a little too much off-topic now. Jentle, please post that in the TS/TIAI discussion forum, not here.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    I think this is getting a little too much off-topic now. Jentle, please post that in the TS/TIAI discussion forum, not here.
    Ok, please let me know where that thread is.
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Sousa I am sorry for being off-topic again, but I found that forum but there are so many threads there so I really don't know where it would be the right place to post it. Is there something like " Questions to TS? "
    Please, help me. Thanx
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Sousa I am sorry for being off-topic again, but I found that forum but there are so many threads there so I really don't know where it would be the right place to post it. Is there something like " Questions to TS? "
    Please, help me. Thanx

    You can start a new one if it doesn't fit into an existing one.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Sousa I am sorry for being off-topic again, but I found that forum but there are so many threads there so I really don't know where it would be the right place to post it. Is there something like " Questions to TS? "
    Please, help me. Thanx

    You can start a new one if it doesn't fit into an existing one.
    Ok. I will. But If I skipped the existing one with the same subject, forgive me <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
    End of Off-topic <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    To return to the topic, it seems to me interesting this comment:

    iLOVEMJBeLIEve wrote:

    And also I remember that Latoya is/was also a cop. I was watching Celebrity Big Brother UK 2009, and she was on the show six months before Michael "passed". She was asked by her housemates on the show about being a cop and she said that she has arressted like over 200 people and even has a badge . I was really surprised that she arrested that much people. My point is that since she is a cop at that time (don't know if she still is now), she does have connections to police and even the FBI. I believe that the hoax idea could have been suggested/help from Latoya and Michael together as well. Notice how since Michael's "death", she is one of the family members that strongly keeps stating that Michael was murdered but nothing else
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    To return to the topic, it seems to me interesting this comment:

    iLOVEMJBeLIEve wrote:

    And also I remember that Latoya is/was also a cop. I was watching Celebrity Big Brother UK 2009, and she was on the show six months before Michael "passed". She was asked by her housemates on the show about being a cop and she said that she has arressted like over 200 people and even has a badge . I was really surprised that she arrested that much people. My point is that since she is a cop at that time (don't know if she still is now), she does have connections to police and even the FBI. I believe that the hoax idea could have been suggested/help from Latoya and Michael together as well. Notice how since Michael's "death", she is one of the family members that strongly keeps stating that Michael was murdered but nothing else

    IDK where to place LaToya. She has a lot of influent contacts, but she harmed Michael´s image, as we know, long ago. Is she a key person?
    She went to MJ´s mansion and collected things and hard disks according to media info, and this is odd.

    She talks about murder but too late. If she was informed that MJ was in danger she, being a police, should have known what procedures to take to file a report in time. May be she did, we don´t know, but talking about murder after Michael´s "passing" makes no sense.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Gema wrote:

    paula-c wrote:
    To return to the topic, it seems to me interesting this comment:

    iLOVEMJBeLIEve wrote:

    And also I remember that Latoya is/was also a cop. I was watching Celebrity Big Brother UK 2009, and she was on the show six months before Michael "passed". She was asked by her housemates on the show about being a cop and she said that she has arressted like over 200 people and even has a badge . I was really surprised that she arrested that much people. My point is that since she is a cop at that time (don't know if she still is now), she does have connections to police and even the FBI. I believe that the hoax idea could have been suggested/help from Latoya and Michael together as well. Notice how since Michael's "death", she is one of the family members that strongly keeps stating that Michael was murdered but nothing else


    IDK where to place LaToya. She has a lot of influent contacts, but she harmed Michael´s image, as we know, long ago. Is she a key person?
    She went to MJ´s mansion and collected things and hard disks according to media info, and this is odd.

    She talks about murder but too late. If she was informed that MJ was in danger she, being a police, should have known what procedures to take to file a report in time. May be she did, we don´t know, but talking about murder after Michael´s "passing" makes no sense.

    I do not believe the story that Michael told his family that he feared for his life and no one to swim .. and she is his sister La Toya despite what has happened in the past, Michael has always said that family comes first and that is very well
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Gema wrote:

    paula-c wrote:
    To return to the topic, it seems to me interesting this comment:

    iLOVEMJBeLIEve wrote:

    And also I remember that Latoya is/was also a cop. I was watching Celebrity Big Brother UK 2009, and she was on the show six months before Michael "passed". She was asked by her housemates on the show about being a cop and she said that she has arressted like over 200 people and even has a badge . I was really surprised that she arrested that much people. My point is that since she is a cop at that time (don't know if she still is now), she does have connections to police and even the FBI. I believe that the hoax idea could have been suggested/help from Latoya and Michael together as well. Notice how since Michael's "death", she is one of the family members that strongly keeps stating that Michael was murdered but nothing else


    IDK where to place LaToya. She has a lot of influent contacts, but she harmed Michael´s image, as we know, long ago. Is she a key person?
    She went to MJ´s mansion and collected things and hard disks according to media info, and this is odd.

    She talks about murder but too late. If she was informed that MJ was in danger she, being a police, should have known what procedures to take to file a report in time. May be she did, we don´t know, but talking about murder after Michael´s "passing" makes no sense.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl5vi9ir49g<!-- m -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I do not believe the story that Michael told his family that he feared for his life and no one to swim .. and she is his sister La Toya despite what has happened in the past, Michael has always said that family comes first and that is very well

    As I said, IDK where to place LaToya <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    "I think is just the way of getting attention, the attention that she didn´t get from the public (...)"
    I remember one of his bodygaurds saying that MJ hadn't even known what a prostitute was. Haha! MJ performed since a small child in stripper clubs and the seediest dives we can imagine. He probably knows more about prostitutes than the experts.

    Absolutely <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I never knew there are experts who know more.

    Is this still the last TIAI redirection?
    If I think back to TIAI redirections and how the whole TIAI thing started I have to say it was a very clever and kind of innovative idea. What a ride <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->

    You guys think there is a connection between TS leaving us alone and Jermaine's tweets?
    Maybe TS lost his/hers hope ....wouldn't this be something <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    TS losing faith? No way. There must be a good reason.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669

    You guys think there is a connection between TS leaving us alone and Jermaine's tweets?
    Maybe TS lost his/hers hope ....wouldn't this be something <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->

    TS has realized that Michael is dead.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    You guys think there is a connection between TS leaving us alone and Jermaine's tweets?
    Maybe TS lost his/hers hope ....wouldn't this be something <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->

    TS has realized that Michael is dead.

    Yeah, because MJ is sooooooooo dead as a doornail... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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