Some of the odd things at trial & outside courthouse so far



  • The peluche toy could be Mr. Jummy: <br />247905593_14_VVio.jpeg<br />He's cute :lol: <br />Jummy=yummy= yum·my  (yubreve.gifmprime.gifemacr.gif)adj. yum·mi·er, yum·mi·est Slang1. Very pleasing to the taste or smell; delicious. See  Synonyms at delicious.2. Delightful; delicious.=impeccable adjective ->above reproach, absolutely  ravvshing, absolutely the finest, beautiful, complete, delightful, excellent, exemplary, faultless, finished, flawless, glorious, ideal, immaculate, incredible, irreproachable, perfect, spotless, stylish, superb, unblemished, virtuousSee also: absolute, best, blameless, clean, honest, ideal, incorruptible, inculpable, irreprehensible, meritorious, [blink]not guilty, [/blink]unblemished, unimpeachable  <br />
  • Hello, reading all your comments regarding this trial makes me feel better and I truly believe that MJ is alive and well.Chernoff was incredibly he a real lawyer ?  lolol/ Did anyone noticed when the paramedic Seneff was talking about what happened there and what he wrote they showed us a paper that said "Micheal Jackson" and the date of birth 28.08.1958 ?
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    A guest lawyer on Sky News said Chernoff only passed the Californian Bar this year and has only had a couple of mediocre cases so far - this is his biggest.
  • on 1317448505:
    <br />Hi Everybody! So this trial is pretty interesting isn't it? For those that heard the alarm go off on Friday Sep. 30th, I heard it too. In fact just seconds after I started hearing the alarm during the trial I decided to make a tweet about it.<br /><br /><br />
    TrialAlarm.jpg<br /><br />At the time I was just making a light-hearted tweet about the alarm to lighten the moment. Later when trial was over and I had more time to pay attention to Twitter, I noticed that somebody was claiming that the alarm had gone off at 2:26 pm California time, which is the time Michael was "officially declared dead". I went back to my tweet and checked the time I had sent it. It said I had sent it 3 hours earlier, and when I put my mouse over the "3 hours ago" link the actual time popped up. I'm in Texas which is two hours later than California time, so my 4:27 pm was 2:27 pm California time. Like I said, I heard the alarm go off, and after I laughed for a few seconds, I went and tweeted my message about Michael being a Joker. So, the alarm did go off at 2:26 California time!<br /><br />This just confirms for me even more that Michael is sending us clues to Keep The Faith.<br /><br />!/TouchedByAngelM/status/119886098578145280<br /><br /><br /><br />Love and Light to you all!  bearhug <br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />Thank you for the confirmation that the time on my computer is correct. I did post on Twitter too asking if anyone else noticed the time and I received a couple of confirmations saying the time was correct. Unless we have MJ's ghost in the house making his presence known that was a deliberate wake up call.<br /><br />I loved reading what everyone else observed. I have noticed quite a few paralells to 2003-2005 events but I want to write it all down to see if it makes sense.<br /><br />Blessings!
  • on 1317487622:
    <br />A guest lawyer on Sky News said Chernoff only passed the Californian Bar this year and has only had a couple of mediocre cases so far - this is his biggest.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, that is interesting. Nobody would put a newbie on a case like this, would they? Plus, if he just passed the Bar this year how could he have been representing Murray for over a year? you know the name of the guest lawyer?<br /><br />Blessings
  • HeartsongHeartsong Posts: 177
    on 1317497831:
    <br />
    on 1317448505:
    <br />Hi Everybody! So this trial is pretty interesting isn't it? For those that heard the alarm go off on Friday Sep. 30th, I heard it too. In fact just seconds after I started hearing the alarm during the trial I decided to make a tweet about it.<br /><br />
    TrialAlarm.jpg<br /><br />At the time I was just making a light-hearted tweet about the alarm to lighten the moment. Later when trial was over and I had more time to pay attention to Twitter, I noticed that somebody was claiming that the alarm had gone off at 2:26 pm California time, which is the time Michael was "officially declared dead". I went back to my tweet and checked the time I had sent it. It said I had sent it 3 hours earlier, and when I put my mouse over the "3 hours ago" link the actual time popped up. I'm in Texas which is two hours later than California time, so my 4:27 pm was 2:27 pm California time. Like I said, I heard the alarm go off, and after I laughed for a few seconds, I went and tweeted my message about Michael being a Joker. So, the alarm did go off at 2:26 California time!<br /><br />This just confirms for me even more that Michael is sending us clues to Keep The Faith.<br /><br />!/TouchedByAngelM/status/119886098578145280<br /><br /><br /><br />Love and Light to you all!  bearhug <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thank you for the confirmation that the time on my computer is correct. I did post on Twitter too asking if anyone else noticed the time and I received a couple of confirmations saying the time was correct. Unless we have MJ's ghost in the house making his presence known that was a deliberate wake up call.<br /><br />I loved reading what everyone else observed. I have noticed quite a few paralells to 2003-2005 events but I want to write it all down to see if it makes sense.<br /><br />Blessings!<br />
    <br /> <br />And did you hear Judge Pastor explanation as to why the alarm went off? "A child set it off". So there are children playing unsupervised in the courthouse during this trial freely touching whatever they want? Or maybe the judge meant an adult behaving like a child...
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    @ Use_your_illusion:<br /><br />
    Kenny didn't even know what time it was...remember he said to the lawyer that MJ moved to the Staples Center near the end of June and the lawyer was like 'but Michael died June 25th 2009'...and Kenny still looked confused.<br />
    <br /><br />Yeah, and he did this same slip-up before in an interview we all saw somewhere a little after MJ made news "dying". The man could not seem to get it, that by "the end of the month", he and MJ couldn't have been doing ANYthing together, because it was too late. <br /><br />At first, I thought he was just nervous that he was going to slip up, but, to KEEP doing it, stating the wrong time factor after he has been told a few times that, he was mistaken, MJ had died a week earlier , this stressing of THE END OF JUNE, still, seems deliberate, like some kind of clue!!!! The end of June 2012???????????  bounce/  <br /><br /><br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1317506179:
    <br />And did you hear Judge Pastor explanation as to why the alarm went off? "A child set it off". So there are children playing unsupervised in the courthouse during this trial freely touching whatever they want? Or maybe the judge meant an adult behaving like a child...<br />
    <br /><br />Yep yep, a kid at heart always could be the one who rang the bell. ;) And btw I loved this judge. He is so fun. His jokes make everyone laugh and giggle in that room. He's cool. I wonder if Michael chose him and if his sense of humor is one of the reasons why Michael picked him. :mrgreen:
  • I'm not quite sure, whether it was said before, but I believe the "Michael on a stretchter"- pictures is so ridiculous. <br />Why in hell do they want us to believe that the Mike needed comfort in this bed, because that's the only reason why the top of the stretcher was up. Or why do you need to re-dress a corpse? <br />I wouldn't believe that Mike used a hospital gown as a pyjama. And his hairs, wasn't it said, that he was bald when he arrived at the hospital? At least he shouldn't have wear a wig...  WTF??
  • on 1317506179:
    <br />
    on 1317497831:
    <br />
    on 1317448505:
    <br />Hi Everybody! So this trial is pretty interesting isn't it? For those that heard the alarm go off on Friday Sep. 30th, I heard it too. In fact just seconds after I started hearing the alarm during the trial I decided to make a tweet about it.<br /><br />
    TrialAlarm.jpg<br /><br />At the time I was just making a light-hearted tweet about the alarm to lighten the moment. Later when trial was over and I had more time to pay attention to Twitter, I noticed that somebody was claiming that the alarm had gone off at 2:26 pm California time, which is the time Michael was "officially declared dead". I went back to my tweet and checked the time I had sent it. It said I had sent it 3 hours earlier, and when I put my mouse over the "3 hours ago" link the actual time popped up. I'm in Texas which is two hours later than California time, so my 4:27 pm was 2:27 pm California time. Like I said, I heard the alarm go off, and after I laughed for a few seconds, I went and tweeted my message about Michael being a Joker. So, the alarm did go off at 2:26 California time!<br /><br />This just confirms for me even more that Michael is sending us clues to Keep The Faith.<br /><br />!/TouchedByAngelM/status/119886098578145280<br /><br /><br /><br />Love and Light to you all!  bearhug <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thank you for the confirmation that the time on my computer is correct. I did post on Twitter too asking if anyone else noticed the time and I received a couple of confirmations saying the time was correct. Unless we have MJ's ghost in the house making his presence known that was a deliberate wake up call.<br /><br />I loved reading what everyone else observed. I have noticed quite a few paralells to 2003-2005 events but I want to write it all down to see if it makes sense.<br /><br />Blessings!<br />
    <br /> <br />And did you hear Judge Pastor explanation as to why the alarm went off? "A child set it off". So there are children playing unsupervised in the courthouse during this trial freely touching whatever they want? Or maybe the judge meant an adult behaving like a child...<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I'm still excited about this alarm going off at such a memorable time. I searched on Youtube and found the video so all can hear this if they missed it. Actually this YT account has all the testimony so far and it is very good quality, no commercial interruptions. I recommend that all bookmark this channel and/or subscribe because if he continues to upload all the testimony this will be a valuable resource. Also great for those that can't watch live because of timezone issues, work, etc.<br /><br />So here is the video where you can hear the alarm going off in court. The alarm starts at 12:48 in video. I don't know if this is a standard fire alarm bell sequence, but it rings 7 times quickly, pauses for a second then rings 4 times quickly. It rings this combination of 7 + 4 a total of 4 times. At 14:45 in the video the judge explains that it was an accidental pull by a child on another floor.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Well dang! Previewing my post as I create it, I've noticed that the person this video belongs to doesn't allow embedding. So you will have to click the video and let it open a new YT video window  to watch. While you are there, remember to subscribe!<br /><br />Does anybody remember Kenny Ortega saying on Day 1 of testimony that Michael was like a lost boy? This made me think of Peter Pan and just a minute after I had tweeted about MJ being a Joker and pulling the alarm, I also tweeted this<br /><br />LostBoytweet.jpg<br /><br />Well I think with all the conflicting testimony so far and the evidence full of mistakes, people really need to ask themselves "Is this real or a HOAX?" I've been on the hoax train for over 2 years and this trial sure hasn't changed my opinion, only strengthened it!<br /><br /><br />One last thing before I sign off...that "death bed" photo of MJ is crazy. I saved and zoomed in the original black/white photo that TMZ released on day 1 of the trial. (I know a clearer color image has been released since then) Anyway, I still say the arm looks fake, it's just too long. The band towards the wrist is supposedly the hospital armband (it's wider than any I've ever seen) and of course the legs can't be seen but it looks like there isn't enough room left on the bed for his long legs. Lastly I noticed that there appears to be a pyramid shape above his arm/elbow where the hospital gown is at. WTF is that about?  lolol/ <br /><br /><br />1MJsdeathbed.jpg<br /><br /><br />So I hope you all have a great weekend! Much Love and Light :-* KEEP THE FAITH<br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    The pyramid is because the Illuminati killed him. TS was right  :lol:
  • Did anyone else blow up the pic of the plant w. the fully exposed white thing next to it?  Cause I see faces of MJ there... anyone?  Michael is planted in the plant and next to computer. 
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Hahahaha, I missed the alarm - txs for posting. The faces are hilarious.<br />Sounds like an alarm clock, LOL, anybody wake-up, please? All sitting in the dark...<br />Or was it end of class?<br /><br />3_3_1v.gif<br /><br /> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: <br /><br /><br />Offtopic, but not completely:<br />I had a conversation with my colleague, yesterday, (male, married, 2 kids, doesn't care about anything about Michael except that yes, he did a few good songs. He comes up pretty tough at times trying to ridicule me - despite, despite he has noticed some serious wrong stuff is going on in the world, so we sometimes still find a level to talk, LOL). <br />I told him about the stuffed toys in court and the photo with the missing legs. We continued towards 9II and that a lie just needs to be big enough to be believed because people would say "I saw it with my own eyes" (through a TV channel) and they would be 100% sure they saw the truth.<br /><br />If anything proves that a lie just needs to be big enough to be believed, it is Michael's disappearance and this trial. <br />Kick off a snowball with a few and the rest will fall into desired place.<br />If Michael can do it, anybody can do it. <br />Financial gamblers and governments included.<br /><br />The longer this lie runs uncovered despite all obvious inconsistencies, the more this proves how manipulated we are.<br /><br />Another realization:<br />the more others tell us and overwhelm us with their blabla, the less questions we are asking.<br />It is a tactic to fill us up and choke our mind.<br /><br />End of offtopic. Gonna go watch the alarm again LOL<br /><br /><br />In this video, the alarm goes off when exhibit 22 is about to be presented.<br />The alarm in the video goes off in this sequence:<br />7 / 4 pause <br />7 / 4 pause <br />7 / 4 pause <br />7 / 4<br /><br />which adds up (for those counting) to <br />22<br />4*11<br />
    <br />66<br /><br />There is more.<br />Exhibit 22 on google:<br /><br /><br /><br />It is about government exchange US - Israel on the Israelian attack on U.S.S. Liberty.<br />We had cover-ups before 9II.<br /><br />
    <br /> On June 8, 1967 on a hot clear afternoon, Israeli air forces, combined later with naval forces, initiated an attack on an American intelligence vessel -- the USS Liberty.[1] The air-sea attack took 34 lives and injured 171 crewmen.[2] The Israeli government explained the attack was an error due to misidentification of the ship. The American government has officially accepted the Israeli apology, yet continues to conceal many facts of the incident from the American public. There was a disparity between the official history of this event and the accounts of the surviving crewmen of the Liberty. The disparity forces a more comprehensive explanation of the events. Investigation of the deliberateness of the attack and the response of the United States government, as well as the cultural and political context of the middle to late 1960s, is revealing. This factual and contextual evidence demonstrates that the attack was in fact intentional and subsequently covered-up by the United States government.
    <br /><br />
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    on 1317497976:
    <br />
    on 1317487622:
    <br />A guest lawyer on Sky News said Chernoff only passed the Californian Bar this year and has only had a couple of mediocre cases so far - this is his biggest.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, that is interesting. Nobody would put a newbie on a case like this, would they? Plus, if he just passed the Bar this year how could he have been representing Murray for over a year? you know the name of the guest lawyer?<br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br />Michael McParland
  • oveliasovelias Posts: 118
    hi in this case is a greek song that fix perfect in this situation.<br /> titel: δεν κανω διακοπες (i am not doing vocations)<br /> lirikcs: so many years i am hear and i beat you hard with now stop nither 1 min.<br />                                i    am not doing vocasions, i am geving you that you want. <br /> ;))<br />      <br />
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1317485598:
    <br />Hello, reading all your comments regarding this trial makes me feel better and I truly believe that MJ is alive and well.Chernoff was incredibly he a real lawyer ?  lolol/ Did anyone noticed when the paramedic Seneff was talking about what happened there and what he wrote they showed us a paper that said "Micheal Jackson" and the date of birth 28.08.1958 ?<br />
    <br /> <br />I saw that too - If they supposedly got that information from his drivers license when they I.D him, how could they get that wrong?  :lol: <br /> <br />Also...has anyone been watching when the jurors come out of the court at the end of the day? I think a camera man from TMZ usually races over to where they exit to watch them coming out. Anyway, the reason I mention it, is I happen to watch it on Friday and there is one man on the jury that looks like he's in "costume" or like a disguise.  rr/  Something about his skin color looked odd...and the hair was a little "off".  He looked a little "theatrical" is the best way I can describe him.  <br /><br />Anyone else see it? :geek: <br /><br />Does anyone know how to take screen stills from a live video feed?  I just know they will show this man again.<br /><br /> does this mean Michael could even be sitting in the jury box???!! :shock: <br /><br />(Jury #128 African American male, 54, technical director for TV, cousin is a judge and another cousin who's a lawyer, his dad died of alcoholism, juror on 3 cases, loved the Jackson 5 as a kid, now likes Jay Z.)<br /><br />.....also too I noticed alot of the jurors had some related issues to alcoholism---either themselves or family members- not sure of the significance of that if any, just thought I'd mention it. :?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1317538910:
    <br />Hahahaha, I missed the alarm - txs for posting. The faces are hilarious.<br />Sounds like an alarm clock, LOL, anybody wake-up, please? All sitting in the dark...<br />Or was it end of class?<br /><br />3_3_1v.gif<br /><br /> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: <br /><br /><br />Offtopic, but not completely:<br />I had a conversation with my colleague, yesterday, (male, married, 2 kids, doesn't care about anything about Michael except that yes, he did a few good songs. He comes up pretty tough at times trying to ridicule me - despite, despite he has noticed some serious wrong stuff is going on in the world, so we sometimes still find a level to talk, LOL). <br />I told him about the stuffed toys in court and the photo with the missing legs. We continued towards 9II and that a lie just needs to be big enough to be believed because people would say "I saw it with my own eyes" (through a TV channel) and they would be 100% sure they saw the truth.<br /><br />If anything proves that a lie just needs to be big enough to be believed, it is Michael's disappearance and this trial. <br />Kick off a snowball with a few and the rest will fall into desired place.<br />If Michael can do it, anybody can do it. <br />Financial gamblers and governments included.<br /><br />The longer this lie runs uncovered despite all obvious inconsistencies, the more this proves how manipulated we are.<br /><br />Another realization:<br />the more others tell us and overwhelm us with their blabla, the less questions we are asking.<br />It is a tactic to fill us up and choke our mind.<br /><br />End of offtopic. Gonna go watch the alarm again LOL<br /><br /><br />In this video, the alarm goes off when exhibit 22 is about to be presented.<br />The alarm in the video goes off in this sequence:<br />7 / 4 pause <br />7 / 4 pause <br />7 / 4 pause <br />7 / 4<br /><br />which adds up (for those counting) to <br />22<br />4*11<br />
    <br />66<br /><br />There is more.<br />Exhibit 22 on google:<br /><br /><br /><br />It is about government exchange US - Israel on the Israelian attack on U.S.S. Liberty.<br />We had cover-ups before 9II.<br /><br />
    <br /> On June 8, 1967 on a hot clear afternoon, Israeli air forces, combined later with naval forces, initiated an attack on an American intelligence vessel -- the USS Liberty.[1] The air-sea attack took 34 lives and injured 171 crewmen.[2] The Israeli government explained the attack was an error due to misidentification of the ship. The American government has officially accepted the Israeli apology, yet continues to conceal many facts of the incident from the American public. There was a disparity between the official history of this event and the accounts of the surviving crewmen of the Liberty. The disparity forces a more comprehensive explanation of the events. Investigation of the deliberateness of the attack and the response of the United States government, as well as the cultural and political context of the middle to late 1960s, is revealing. This factual and contextual evidence demonstrates that the attack was in fact intentional and subsequently covered-up by the United States government. <br />
    <br /><br /><br />
    <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
    Richard A. Senneff said MJ was already dead when he arrived at the scene - but they tried to resuscitate him for 47 minutes without success .... <br /> <br />
  • jadz29858jadz29858 Posts: 122
    Hi Did anyone also notice on day 4 which was Friday that Michael Flanagan left the court room and judge Michael Pastor said"we talked about this before" and how many times did they stop to have a meeting with the judge. There was more time out then time in? Can't wait for Monday theres got to be more to this.!!!!
  • Joe Jackson had an alcohol problem early on in his marriage....I know I've heard that before...
  • Hi All,<br /><br />I couldn't watch the trial after they returned from lunch, so I was not watching when the alarm went off. Therefore I have some questions. How did the judge know that it was a child that set the alarm off? Did someone come into the courtroom and tell him that it was pulled by a child?<br /><br />Second, someone wrote above that the alarm rang 7 rings 4 times. If that is the case did everyone in the courtroom just sit there? So I guess I need to know who told everyone to stay in their seats and how quickly were they told this.  Because every where I have ever worked where the building had fire alarms, when they went off you had better well evacuate the building even if it was a drill!!  Can someone fill in the details here. Otherwise the fire alarm was wrote into the script like everything else. ;) <br /><br />  [blink]Aldas, Beannu, Benedizione, Benediction, Bendicion, Bencao, Valsignelse, Zegen, Segen, Palaima,[/blink] Blessings, my friends! <br /><br /><br />OnTheWingsOfLove<br /><br /> <br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1317523504:
    <br />The pyramid is because the Illuminati killed him. TS was right  :lol:<br />
    <br /><br />:lol:
  • on 1317605020:
    <br /> Hi All,<br /> <br /> I couldn't watch the trial after they returned from lunch, so I was not watching when the alarm went off. Therefore I have some questions. How did the judge know that it was a child that set the alarm off? Did someone come into the courtroom and tell him that it was pulled by a child?<br /> <br /> Second, someone wrote above that the alarm rang 7 rings 4 times. If that is the case did everyone in the courtroom just sit there? So I guess I need to know who told everyone to stay in their seats and how quickly were they told this.  Because every where I have ever worked where the building had fire alarms, when they went off you had better well evacuate the building even if it was a drill!!  Can someone fill in the details here. Otherwise the fire alarm was wrote into the script like everything else. ;) <br /> <br />  <br /> <br />
    <br /><br />
    on 1317448505:
    <br />Hi Everybody! So this trial is pretty interesting isn't it? For those that heard the alarm go off on Friday Sep. 30th, I heard it too. In fact just seconds after I started hearing the alarm during the trial I decided to make a tweet about it.<br /><br />
    TrialAlarm.jpg<br /><br />At the time I was just making a light-hearted tweet about the alarm to lighten the moment. Later when trial was over and I had more time to pay attention to Twitter, I noticed that somebody was claiming that the alarm had gone off at 2:26 pm California time, which is the time Michael was "officially declared dead". I went back to my tweet and checked the time I had sent it. It said I had sent it 3 hours earlier, and when I put my mouse over the "3 hours ago" link the actual time popped up. I'm in Texas which is two hours later than California time, so my 4:27 pm was 2:27 pm California time. Like I said, I heard the alarm go off, and after I laughed for a few seconds, I went and tweeted my message about Michael being a Joker. So, the alarm did go off at 2:26 California time!<br /><br />This just confirms for me even more that Michael is sending us clues to Keep The Faith.<br /><br />!/TouchedByAngelM/status/119886098578145280<br /><br /><br /><br />Love and Light to you all!  bearhug <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I'm still excited about this alarm going off at such a memorable time. I searched on Youtube and found the video so all can hear this if they missed it. Actually this YT account has all the testimony so far and it is very good quality, no commercial interruptions. I recommend that all bookmark this channel and/or subscribe because if he continues to upload all the testimony this will be a valuable resource. Also great for those that can't watch live because of timezone issues, work, etc.<br /><br />So here is the video where you can hear the alarm going off in court. The alarm starts at 12:48 in video. I don't know if this is a standard fire alarm bell sequence, but it rings 7 times quickly, pauses for a second then rings 4 times quickly. It rings this combination of 7 + 4 a total of 4 times. At 14:45 in the video the judge explains that it was an accidental pull by a child on another floor.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Well dang! Previewing my post as I create it, I've noticed that the person this video belongs to doesn't allow embedding. So you will have to click the video and let it open a new YT video window  to watch. While you are there, remember to subscribe!<br /><br />Onthewingsoflove - You can watch the video I posted above and hear for yourself what happened in court that day with the alarm. I counted 7 fast rings then short pause and 4 fast rings. This combination of 7+4 happened 4 times total. Also could be 11 11 11 11<br /><br />Again I recommend that everybody think about bookmarking this Youtube account<br /><br /><br /><br />He has good quality videos of almost all the testimony so far and plans on taping and uploading the entire trial.<br /><br /><br />Hope this has helped. Love and Light to all!  bearhug
  • Something else I noticed is that the badge on Martin Blount is one that a long time ago I found was sold at a badge store and not the official one that they wear. I no longer have the link to the site but will keep looking but I did keep pictures.<br /><br /><br />
  • And here is the badge Martin B. had on his uniform at court.<br /><br />
  • And here is the badge that was for sale to the public. Like i said, I'll look for the website where I got this information.<br /><br />
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