


  • My update!

    Accredere non possum arvina non est! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    What is your "update", @ Gema. Can't seem to get the word "arvina" -- who or what?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    My update!

    Accredere non possum arvina non est! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    What is your "update", @ Gema. Can't seem to get the word "arvina" -- who or what?

    the meaning in the translation is my credo, I can´t believe is not butter!
  • My update!

    Accredere non possum arvina non est! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    What is your "update", @ Gema. Can't seem to get the word "arvina" -- who or what?

    the meaning in the translation is my credo, I can´t believe is not butter!
    Ok. Now I remember...
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745

    - 3 dictionary results
    –verb (used with object)
    to direct again.
    to change the direction or focus of: He redirected the children's energies toward building a sand castle instead of throwing sand at each other.
    Law . pertaining to the examination of a witness by the party calling him or her, after cross-examination.

    World English Dictionary
    redirect (ˌriːdɪˈrɛkt, ˌriːdaɪ-) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

    — vb
    to direct (someone or something) to a different place or by a different route

    Word Origin & History
    1844, from re- "back, again" + direct. ?!?bam!!

    Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
    Cite This Source Online Etymology Dictionary

    or should WE have to change our direction ??

    to what way then?..
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    to direct again. <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    Law . pertaining to the examination of a witness by the party calling him or her, after cross-examination. <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • New Tweet: <!-- m -->http://tinyurl.com/2wdcr5g<!-- m -->

    Oh, look at that! A redirect to all the comotion on this forum! Let me be the first to thankyou, @keyboardwizz, for creating Thisisalmostit. I've always looked forward to your Tweets. Clearly, this is my most active thread on this forum. I can't think of too many of your Tweets that haven't shed some new light for me, whether it's about "the man we never knew", or some other interesting topic. And, let me add, that you do so in a positive manner. So, as far as I'm concerned, you can keep on educating me. I don't know everything...I don't profess to know everything...and there is always room to learn more.

  • Most of you probably figured out by now that I am the person behind thisisalmostit and I feel I ow you all an explanation.

    -If you go back to the indexpage (the official twitter forum) it clearly states: Thisisalmostit by keyboardwizz

    -The first post on this thread was posted by me, that should set off an alarm, I posted the same post on http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net and one of the first replies I got was: "Since you posted this , it is probably you who started that account" so overthere I was debunked in a day......

    -The information I used where little things I bumped in to during the last months, and where meant to make people think, (the same principle T.S. used) Those could be inspirational quotes, song lyrics or even little personal experiences, and because they came frome the same mind, they all seem connected.

    -Sometimes I even had some lucky tweets, so it seemed that I predicted events I also thought about the posibility to use my tweets and make it seem I "predicted "events, I 've hinted "controversy" months ago.........

    -I was amazed by the reactions and the amazing information I got back from some of you in this thread, and was intrigued by the way that some of my tweets where interpreted in a way that I never thought of

    I never ever had the intention to hurt or deceive any of you, in my opinion everyone is responsible for what they are willing to believe.

    I sincerly thank you for the information I've gotten back from you, I will continue posting on this account but now you know The Source.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    keyboardwizz, thank you for that info. Since I was one of those who didn't know it was you, could you tell us your honest opinion of TS/TIAI and do you believe Michael is alive? You mentioned that TS could just as easily as you get things from the internet. Are you saying he could be just another literal 'keyboardwizz'? Thanks.

    Plus you're also calling yourself "The Source". TS <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    Thanks for your honesty

    May I ask why it took you so long to tell us about it?
  • keyboardwizz, thank you for that info. Since I was one of those who didn't know it was you, could you tell us your honest opinion of TS/TIAI and do you believe Michael is alive? You mentioned that TS could just as easily as you get things from the internet. Are you saying he could be just another literal 'keyboardwizz'? Thanks.

    Plus you're also calling yourself "The Source". TS <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    "In my opinion everyone is responsible for what they are willing to believe"

    I have no idea who TS is, and what his intentions are, he has brought us some great insights and information but I noticed while tweeting myself that: short interpretations can be interpreted in a lot of different ways, so you can control the way people think, and another thing I noticed is that T.S. explained his redirects after the facts , and for me it's a bit suspicious that he makes predictions after the facts.

    If you a have a little knowledge of synchronicities and multicontextual research, you will notice that T.S. only scratches the surface, and my interests lie in a much broader field then this hoax alone, there are some things going on in this world that really blow my mind, so if Michael is alive or not is just a detail in my experience.

    Imho this whole experience is an example how a collective consciousness (the people aware of the hoax) create a new "reality " (Michael is alive)
    But I am glad that the truth about Michael (dead or alive ) is being told, the world has the right to know that it is/was being lied to by the media.

    For me personally the main thing in the hoax is how the f$ck can religious leaders get away with child abuse, while a pop idol still is being judged as a pedophile, while proven innocent, sadly it's a messed up world.......

    @ Gema : Nobody asked ..........
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    this whole experience is an example how a collective consciousness (the people aware of the hoax) create a new "reality " (Michael is alive)

    I agree on this.
    @ Gema : Nobody asked ..........

    I read you were asked to stop it and tell.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    keyboardwizz wrote: If you a have a little knowledge of synchronicities and multicontextual research

    I have no such knowledge, could you please explain why that is?
  • this whole experience is an example how a collective consciousness (the people aware of the hoax) create a new "reality " (Michael is alive)

    I agree on this.
    @ Gema : Nobody asked ..........

    I read you were asked to stop it and tell.

    The underlined quote sounds like we were actually under a social experiment...How fast a conspiracy theory can grow? How far can it reach? How many interpretations can be given to a single statement? This should explain the numerology stuff then...Or are you simply saying all of this because of what happened in the other thread? Sorry, but I'm just too suspicious about everything going on in here. I do appreciate your honesty, though I never followed you.
  • First of all, please use the quote button the right way, now it seems that Gema said:

    "This whole experience is an example how a collective consciousness (the people aware of the hoax) create a new "reality " (Michael is alive)"

    While this is my quote, and I made this statement as my personal view on the whole hoax, so it has nothing to do with the situation that's going on right now. And yes you can see my twitter experience as a social experience and it gave me a good insight in gullibility and interpretations of quotes and redirects.

    Third, I was asked to stop but I had my own reasons for it to continue, when you read my posts on other threads you can clearly see my intentions and opinions, I don't wan't drama on this thread, thisisalmostit has been and will be a positive experience.

    For synchronicity and multicontextual research you really have to do your own investigation, it involves a lot of reading,research and a totaly new way of looking at the world , but it's a very rewarding experience for me. It involves studying symbols, etymology, history, astrology, mystisicm, the occult, psychology etc. All of these are subjects I'm fascinated with for decades now, but with the multicontextual research all this knowledge finally fits together.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    First of all, please use the quote button the right way, now it seems that Gema said:

    "This whole experience is an example how a collective consciousness (the people aware of the hoax) create a new "reality " (Michael is alive)"

    While this is my quote, and I made this statement as my personal view on the whole hoax, so it has nothing to do with the situation that's going on right now. And yes you can see my twitter experience as a social experience and it gave me a good insight in gullibility and interpretations of quotes and redirects.

    Third, I was asked to stop but I had my own reasons for it to continue, when you read my posts on other threads you can clearly see my intentions and opinions, I don't wan't drama on this thread, thisisalmostit has been and will be a positive experience.

    For synchronicity and multicontextual research you really have to do your own investigation, it involves a lot of reading,research and a totaly new way of looking at the world , but it's a very rewarding experience for me. It involves studying symbols, etymology, history, astrology, mystisicm, the occult, psychology etc. All of these are subjects I'm fascinated with for decades now, but with the multicontextual research all this knowledge finally fits together.

    Is God doing like TS? I know I'm digressing from your purpose in writing this, but this all made me think of something that relates to the deepest parts of my own personal study of the Bible and my understanding of the Creator's heart and intentions for this world and its history, including this Michael saga. While I believe the Bible to be 100% God's Word, I take a step back and see a bigger picture that includes everything as having His stamp of handiwork, including things such as literature and movies. Does God want to guide us in understanding His creative process, and understand how we can be manipulated to choose good or evil, all the while He weaves His story with all it's rich twists and turns, civilizations, ideologies, influencial individuals, wars, disasters. I've always seen the parallels in the story of the Wizard of Oz, that Michael loved, to world history. We humans travel down the yellow brick road of life, needing a heart, courage, and a brain (compassion, strength of character, and wisdom/understanding) The destination is heaven/paradise on earth. Behind the curtain is God, all along, orchestrating the whole thing, allowing us to believe certain things so that we will gain insight into His heart and fragility of humanity. For instance, hell included as a hoax to create fear that motivates to action for the wrong reasons. A giant test, a scenario to be annalyzed from afar for deep wisdom. And it's all for L.O.V.E. because God/the Creator is L.O.V.E.
    Why, for instance, did Jesus only speak in parables? Sounds just as obscure and with-holding information for other purposes as TS is doing. There is a much grander 'game' going on, since the foundation of the world.
    Matthew 13:10-17 (King James Version)

    10And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

    11He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

    12For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

    13Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

    14And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

    15For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

    16But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

    17For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
    Matthew 13:34-35 (King James Version)

    34All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:

    35That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
    So maybe Jesus only wanted the really smart ones to get it, or he wanted to make a game of it to see if by discussion they could figure it out. He was prejudiced against large crowds of people and only like to speak clearly to small groups. No, there was a progressive revelation thing going on, since the foundation of the world. That was 0 A.D. and now this is 2010 A.D. The prophet Daniel said in the last days that knowledge would increase. Daniel 12:4. And why does God keep secrets anyway? Is that lying?
    Hoax within a hoax, within a hoax, within a hoax. JMO <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes I think that secrets /revelations in the scriptures are being revealed gradually. Only God knows the future and all the secrets and He reveals them in due time, in a certain moment to certain people. Then when things are revealed for all people to see, the real test begins because not everybody will believe. I sometimes feel like this hoax is a metaphor/allegory/parallel of the Divine plan. There are a lot of similarities.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Yes I think that secrets /revelations in the scriptures are being revealed gradually. Only God knows the future and all the secrets and He reveals them in due time, in a certain moment to certain people. Then when things are revealed for all people to see, the real test begins because not everybody will believe. I sometimes feel like this hoax is a metaphor/allegory/parallel of the Divine plan. There are a lot of similarities.
    Thanks Sarahli. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @keyboardwizz, amateur interpretations and experimentations within a multicontextual approach are not showing the results of a real research at all and that is why "your" project got out of hand and looked lame from the beginning.

    Game going out of hands?
  • @keyboardwizz, amateur interpretations and experimentations within a multicontextual approach are not showing the results of a real research at all and that is why "your" project got out of hand and looked lame from the beginning.

    Game going out of hands?

    It never is or was a game for me, and if you've read my post above you'll read that I've used information based on knowledge I gathered the last 20 years, so calling that "amateur and experimentation " is clearly a lack of insight or interest. As I stated above T.S. only scratches the surface on multicontextual research, so if mine looked lame what would you call his ??
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    An experiment to fans?, On the internet is very easy to deceive (if I agree that everyone is free to believe what they want), but this forum is easier to do it because at stake here are people's emotions.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @keyboardwizz, amateur interpretations and experimentations within a multicontextual approach are not showing the results of a real research at all and that is why "your" project got out of hand and looked lame from the beginning.

    Game going out of hands?

    It never is or was a game for me, and if you've read my post above you'll read that I've used information based on knowledge I gathered the last 20 years, so calling that "amateur and experimentation " is clearly a lack of insight or interest. As I stated above T.S. only scratches the surface on multicontextual research, so if mine looked lame what would you call his ??

    I see a pattern in TS´s posts. Event anounced previously-->event happening withing the predicted time, which lead me to think that there is a link between TS and MJ events.

    This pattern I could not see in yours, since your actvity was taking place after the latest TS redirection.
    Come on, was too obvious <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Now we need to find out who is behind BOW, Cassandra Gretchen and the other posers <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Confess now or keep silent for the rest of your life <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • This is a reply on the thisisalsoit on november 14th

    Redirected to : <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=72&t=15242&start=25#p263414<!-- l -->
    In the official version of Breaking News, I hear

    1:34 fakin' fakin' breakin' the news.

    I've realized that this TIAI redirect about the Orson Welles broadcast of War of the Worlds (The Greatest Hoaxes ever), was timed perfectly prior to Breaking News . The War of the Worlds broadcast was done as a series of news bulletins about Martians landing in New Jersey. Breaking News starts with news bulletins and was supposedly recorded in New Jersey. The War of the Worlds broadcast made Orson Welles famous around the world and the question over the authenticity of Breaking News has people listening to and comparing Micheal Jackson's voice which promotes all his music not just this new album.

    There is also controversy over the unauthorised use of the Prince symbol, just as there was when Paul Anka claimed ownership of the This is It song. Ooops – it’s hard to believe Sony could be so careless. Key people at Sony have to be involved in the hoax and TS had to know what was going to happen with the song when this redirect was made – right?

    On the 9th:
    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/thisisalmostit<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->https://twitter.com/#!/thisisalmostit/s ... 9385871360<!-- m -->

    Nuff said.........
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I don´t understand. what do you want to say?
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I don't suppose you mean all this is a hoax in itself keyboardwizz? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Or that because the redirect pointed to the Orson Welles hoax just before Breaking News was released some kind of inside info was at play? Not easy to accept considering....
This discussion has been closed.