MJ Fakers (or not?)



  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Yeah well that will be a discussion with no end. Of course it's ok to just have faith, yet many here have suspicious minds and wouldn't take just a 'Yes, I know it's his' for an answer. On the other hand, they are asking and maybe you really know and they still don't trust the answer. So your answer won't help in any way, get what I'm trying to say?

    It's certainly a Catch 22, isn't it?

    I understand the inability to trust. It is a horrible symptom of how far mankind has fallen.

    Other than providing a video of Mike setting the account up -which I do NOT have - I can only attest to knowing it is his account.

    I didn't answer to cause discourse or further doubt, but simply to provide a truthful answer to a speculative audience.

    I Believe you !00%!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Yeah well that will be a discussion with no end. Of course it's ok to just have faith, yet many here have suspicious minds and wouldn't take just a 'Yes, I know it's his' for an answer. On the other hand, they are asking and maybe you really know and they still don't trust the answer. So your answer won't help in any way, get what I'm trying to say?

    It's certainly a Catch 22, isn't it?

    I understand the inability to trust. It is a horrible symptom of how far mankind has fallen.

    Other than providing a video of Mike setting the account up -which I do NOT have - I can only attest to knowing it is his account.

    I didn't answer to cause discourse or further doubt, but simply to provide a truthful answer to a speculative audience.

    Appreciate what you have shared with us, callofthewild. I'm open to hearing more . . .
  • MJJackson1958 is indeed Mike's legitimate, persona,l and true Twitter account.

    Hi callofthewild :=) Would you be so kind and explain the reasons why you believe that this is MJ`s twitter account ?

    Much Love

    He set it up himself. It was to be a means of communicating with family - and fans - during his extended stay out of the states.

    So then you must know MJ personally ?

    I am simply stating MJJackson1958 is his personal Twitter account.

    And people are asking you why you say that, it's a genuine question. How do you know? I can state things like that as well, and in that case I can expect people to ask me how I know. Otherwise you just say 'I think'.

    That's fair. I understand it is the nature of anyone to disbelieve something until they see it for themselves.

    If I answer and say, "Yes I knew Mike personally", then the next line of questioning, or demands rather, would be for me to prove it. Perhaps the proof I would have to offer is not something I'm willing to share publicly. Perhaps, I may consider it exploitative to share information personal to me.

    Perhaps it is sometimes ok to have faith that someone may come along and offer some insight and answers to questions such as 'is MJJackson1958 Michael Jackson's Twitter account?' without others being immediately demanding of them, and thus causing them to rethink answering any further questions that I've read here - some of which I know the answers to.

    To be particularly direct, I do not think this Twitter account belonged to Mike. I know it belonged to Mike.

    If there is one thing I have learned over this past year it is to have faith and to keep an open mind. With that said I look forward to hearing more in future posts
  • I know this is going to seem weird, but callofthewild are you Michael Jackson? My Michael alarm is going off and it's going pretty loud. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I know this is going to seem weird, but callofthewild are you Michael Jackson? My Michael alarm is going off and it's going pretty loud. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    But if you aren't, we all got a good laugh, didn't we? Maybe I've gone barking mad. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Yeah well that will be a discussion with no end. Of course it's ok to just have faith, yet many here have suspicious minds and wouldn't take just a 'Yes, I know it's his' for an answer. On the other hand, they are asking and maybe you really know and they still don't trust the answer. So your answer won't help in any way, get what I'm trying to say?

    It's certainly a Catch 22, isn't it?

    I understand the inability to trust. It is a horrible symptom of how far mankind has fallen.

    Other than providing a video of Mike setting the account up -which I do NOT have - I can only attest to knowing it is his account.

    I didn't answer to cause discourse or further doubt, but simply to provide a truthful answer to a speculative audience.
    Now, what's in bold, I agree that mankind as a whole has serious trust issues these days- but, if you didn't know this already, we here on this board, for many months out of this year-and-a-month, have dealt with so many people making cryptic posts in the tone of a wise, mystic Merlin or something who's been "lovingly" watching over us and is now dropping a hint or "guiding" to something or some fake nonsense. People were even put into danger in one situation! I'm not saying you're doing this, but I am correcting you.
  • Yeah well that will be a discussion with no end. Of course it's ok to just have faith, yet many here have suspicious minds and wouldn't take just a 'Yes, I know it's his' for an answer. On the other hand, they are asking and maybe you really know and they still don't trust the answer. So your answer won't help in any way, get what I'm trying to say?

    It's certainly a Catch 22, isn't it?

    I understand the inability to trust. It is a horrible symptom of how far mankind has fallen.

    Other than providing a video of Mike setting the account up -which I do NOT have - I can only attest to knowing it is his account.

    I didn't answer to cause discourse or further doubt, but simply to provide a truthful answer to a speculative audience.
    Now, what's in bold, I agree that mankind as a whole has serious trust issues these days- but, if you didn't know this already, we here on this board, for many months out of this year-and-a-month, have dealt with so many people making cryptic posts in the tone of a wise, mystic Merlin or something who's been "lovingly" watching over us and is now dropping a hint or "guiding" to something or some fake nonsense. People were even put into danger in one situation! I'm not saying you're doing this, but I am correcting you.

    When one is corrected, they've usually made a mistake. I don't believe I have thus far, but begging a thousand pardons if I have crossed a line by simply making a statement.

    There is nothing cryptic about what I've said. It's direct, and to the point. I can't make it any clearer.

    I'm certainly no 'Merlin or something', and no, I don't know how long anyone has been on this particular board as I've just recently joined. Last, but certainly not least, I most definitely do not wish harm upon anyone.

    God bless.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Welcome, callofthewild! I haven't been here that long either....but I have found that this site is full of a lot of interesting information....some WAY over the top...and some that really get you thinking. Happy reading!
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    I know this is going to seem weird, but callofthewild are you Michael Jackson? My Michael alarm is going off and it's going pretty loud. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Interesting...and there is that use of the semicolon, like TS... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I know this is going to seem weird, but callofthewild are you Michael Jackson? My Michael alarm is going off and it's going pretty loud. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I had the same feeling. There is something about your posts that seem very familiar! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I just can't put my finger on what it is yet that hits me so hard, hopefully it will dawn on me afterwhile as to where I have encountered you before.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    welcome to the board callofthewild and thx for the info , i believe u,there were a lot of attention seekers here but i can feel that u're not one of them,so if u knew MJ personally, it's just great that you are a member of this site now,blessings.
  • welcome to the board callofthewild and thx for the info , i believe u,there were a lot of attention seekers here but i can feel that u're not one of them,so if u knew MJ personally, it's just great that you are a member of this site now,blessings.

    I agree. I really feel that some people are two quick to dismiss the possibility that someone on this forum could actually have a connection to Michael. I know this comes from others in the past playing games with us. I just feel that if people are not open minded to these possibilities than we could be throwing away an unbelievable opportunity to find some answers to the multitude of questions we have. I for one welcome the chance to have some light shed on any aspect of this adventure.

    "The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about"
    Dr. Wayne Dyer
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Callofthewild, have you posted here before, a few months ago? I recall seeing your user name. Pardon me if I am wrong.
  • Welcome callofthewild, I believe in you & what you have to say. I try to always keep an open mind & look at all possibilities pertaining to Michael. I never underestimate his genius! Thank you for sharing what you know & I look forward to hearing more from you! Take care & God Bless you! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    I'm really glad to see that some people are finally opening up to the fact that not everyone is a fake or has some sort of hidden "agenda". Callofthewild has stated some things as fact and I think we should take that and be thankful that he/she was kind enough to provide us with the "truth" on this subject. So, having said that...Thank you Callofthewild and I look forward to more posts if you feel inclined to do so.
    God Bless...Dayna
  • NeVrOzAyNeVrOzAy Posts: 58
    Welcome here Callofthewild ! Your posts are interesting, keep answer to questions that you have the answer ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Ok guys, i need to express my feelings about what's happening on twitter...

    I've told you already in another thread ("Is Michael on Twitter") that there is a wierd account "Iall4love".
    A third chatroom has been created 13 days ago, it's called "loveistheanswer", it's protected with a password. I think this room has been created by "love_amir" whose username is "mir". I don't remember if I talked about him/her already, anymay.. Then "iall4love" spread the word about this chatroom on his twitter account.

    Mir used to come and chat with us during the first days. He said that he is a close friend of Michael, that michael is fine, safe and happy, he gave us a message from him etc ... and said that the only way to contact him is by sending him messages to his twitter account : iall4love.

    Believe it or not. First, I believed it.

    One day, iall4love came himself in the chatroom. I wasn't there but i was told that he did not stay very long and just said that faith and belief are relevant (or something like that) and that he loves us etc...
    He came in this room 4 more times, but he said nothing each time, he just came, read during 5 minutes, then left.

    The question is : why did he say nothing ?
    because, most people in this room believe that he is always there, i mean, that he reads everything in there. So, no need to be connected to read those love messages for him.
    The problem is that there are always so many people in there, and some of them are really crazy (btw, sorry ) and are always saying "michael i love you, i miss you, you are my life etc...", and, most important point, they believe everything !
    So,the problem now is that there are many new people who come in this chatroom and claim to know everything or to be a close firend of him, or to have a message from him, and they are always arguing about whether iall4love is michael or not.

    So, now, i don't know who to believe anymore ! and it's getting me crazy, angry and tired !

    Now, here is my question for you all and for callofthewild : what's your opinion about what's happening ?
    feel free to ask me questions if you don't understand something or if you want more facts.
    And, important point : this is guetting really serious, believers are now devided there, they are fighting, and you all know that michael hates that.
    So if your answer is just : "BS", then, don't answer because i need more, we need more, they need more. We have to do something ! I repeat : this is guetting really serious in there !


    ps : for those from the chatroom : i'm not a spy, i only need to share my feelings to others ...
  • Last tweet on this account was on 06/25/09
    HI to my lovely 3 nephews 3T !!!
    12:21 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via web
    Reply Retweet . I don't have time! very busy!!!
    12:18 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via web

    How come MJ has total of 11 tweets in his account and all in June? Also misspeling is weird:
    Name Michael Jackson
    Location Los Angeles
    Bio composer , singer , a proud father to 3 children! not marrid at the moment
    I really don't know
    It has been stated that Michael was not the best speller. It's also very easy to have typos when you're in a hurry.
  • I would be so happy if this account was real, but somehow I doubt MJ's choice of username would include his date of birth. Michael was terrifying of aging. I dunno though, just a thought.

    He did not want to age, but he gladly announced and celebrated his b'days with close friends. A clip of his 50th is somewhere on youtube. He didn't mind getting older in numbers, just not in appearance and ability.
  • Welcome here Callofthewild ! Your posts are interesting, keep answer to questions that you have the answer ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Ok guys, i need to express my feelings about what's happening on twitter...

    I've told you already in another thread ("Is Michael on Twitter") that there is a wierd account "Iall4love".
    A third chatroom has been created 13 days ago, it's called "loveistheanswer", it's protected with a password. I think this room has been created by "love_amir" whose username is "mir". I don't remember if I talked about him/her already, anymay.. Then "iall4love" spread the word about this chatroom on his twitter account.

    Mir used to come and chat with us during the first days. He said that he is a close friend of Michael, that michael is fine, safe and happy, he gave us a message from him etc ... and said that the only way to contact him is by sending him messages to his twitter account : iall4love.

    Believe it or not. First, I believed it.

    One day, iall4love came himself in the chatroom. I wasn't there but i was told that he did not stay very long and just said that faith and belief are relevant (or something like that) and that he loves us etc...
    He came in this room 4 more times, but he said nothing each time, he just came, read during 5 minutes, then left.

    The question is : why did he say nothing ?
    because, most people in this room believe that he is always there, i mean, that he reads everything in there. So, no need to be connected to read those love messages for him.
    The problem is that there are always so many people in there, and some of them are really crazy (btw, sorry ) and are always saying "michael i love you, i miss you, you are my life etc...", and, most important point, they believe everything !
    So,the problem now is that there are many new people who come in this chatroom and claim to know everything or to be a close firend of him, or to have a message from him, and they are always arguing about whether iall4love is michael or not.

    So, now, i don't know who to believe anymore ! and it's getting me crazy, angry and tired !

    Now, here is my question for you all and for callofthewild : what's your opinion about what's happening ?
    feel free to ask me questions if you don't understand something or if you want more facts.
    And, important point : this is guetting really serious, believers are now devided there, they are fighting, and you all know that michael hates that.
    So if your answer is just : "BS", then, don't answer because i need more, we need more, they need more. We have to do something ! I repeat : this is guetting really serious in there !


    ps : for those from the chatroom : i'm not a spy, i only need to share my feelings to others ...

    My opinion is this.

    If you want to believe something, you will. No matter how unrealistic, unbelievable, or how far fetched something may be, if you really want to believe something, you will find the most tangible part of a theory, statement, or what have you that you can find, and you'll hold on to it.

    What you are essentially saying is don't tell you that this person is full of it, because you don't want to hear that.

    Well, what if the truth is this person is telling you a lie? Are you so desperate to believe something, anything that you'd rather believe a lie?

    I liken this to Mike's life. People didn't know the truth about him, so they were willing to the point of being desperate to believe anything printed or said about him, even if it was a lie. It was hurtful and damaging to him.

    What they didn't know, and didn't care to hear, because they were so hung up on the lies, was that Mike was as normal as you or me. He experienced the same emotions, feelings, ups and downs that we do. The only difference between him and us is he could sing and dance better.

    So, I'm going to tell you exactly what you do not want to hear. It's BS.

    The time you waste on untruths is time you could be using to search for what is real and seeking justice.

    I learned a long time ago people will seek out and find your vulnerabilities, and they will exploit them for the sake of their own greed and gain.
  • Welcome here Callofthewild ! Your posts are interesting, keep answer to questions that you have the answer ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Ok guys, i need to express my feelings about what's happening on twitter...

    I've told you already in another thread ("Is Michael on Twitter") that there is a wierd account "Iall4love".
    A third chatroom has been created 13 days ago, it's called "loveistheanswer", it's protected with a password. I think this room has been created by "love_amir" whose username is "mir". I don't remember if I talked about him/her already, anymay.. Then "iall4love" spread the word about this chatroom on his twitter account.

    Mir used to come and chat with us during the first days. He said that he is a close friend of Michael, that michael is fine, safe and happy, he gave us a message from him etc ... and said that the only way to contact him is by sending him messages to his twitter account : iall4love.

    Believe it or not. First, I believed it.

    One day, iall4love came himself in the chatroom. I wasn't there but i was told that he did not stay very long and just said that faith and belief are relevant (or something like that) and that he loves us etc...
    He came in this room 4 more times, but he said nothing each time, he just came, read during 5 minutes, then left.

    The question is : why did he say nothing ?
    because, most people in this room believe that he is always there, i mean, that he reads everything in there. So, no need to be connected to read those love messages for him.
    The problem is that there are always so many people in there, and some of them are really crazy (btw, sorry ) and are always saying "michael i love you, i miss you, you are my life etc...", and, most important point, they believe everything !
    So,the problem now is that there are many new people who come in this chatroom and claim to know everything or to be a close firend of him, or to have a message from him, and they are always arguing about whether iall4love is michael or not.

    So, now, i don't know who to believe anymore ! and it's getting me crazy, angry and tired !

    Now, here is my question for you all and for callofthewild : what's your opinion about what's happening ?
    feel free to ask me questions if you don't understand something or if you want more facts.
    And, important point : this is guetting really serious, believers are now devided there, they are fighting, and you all know that michael hates that.
    So if your answer is just : "BS", then, don't answer because i need more, we need more, they need more. We have to do something ! I repeat : this is guetting really serious in there !


    ps : for those from the chatroom : i'm not a spy, i only need to share my feelings to others ...

    My opinion is this.

    If you want to believe something, you will. No matter how unrealistic, unbelievable, or how far fetched something may be, if you really want to believe something, you will find the most tangible part of a theory, statement, or what have you that you can find, and you'll hold on to it.

    What you are essentially saying is don't tell you that this person is full of it, because you don't want to hear that.

    Well, what if the truth is this person is telling you a lie? Are you so desperate to believe something, anything that you'd rather believe a lie?

    I liken this to Mike's life. People didn't know the truth about him, so they were willing to the point of being desperate to believe anything printed or said about him, even if it was a lie. It was hurtful and damaging to him.

    What they didn't know, and didn't care to hear, because they were so hung up on the lies, was that Mike was as normal as you or me. He experienced the same emotions, feelings, ups and downs that we do. The only difference between him and us is he could sing and dance better.

    So, I'm going to tell you exactly what you do not want to hear. It's BS.

    The time you waste on untruths is time you could be using to search for what is real and seeking justice.

    I learned a long time ago people will seek out and find your vulnerabilities, and they will exploit them for the sake of their own greed and gain.

    callofthewild - your post is so well said. Blunt but not rude. Thank you. It can be easy to forget that Michael is a human being with real emotion but many of us here do realize this and we are searching for the truth, for what is real. We are seeking justice. Some of us just happen to also believe that he could still be alive. Please, I don't wish to hear more fluff but I am genuinely interested in hearing if you believe Michael is still among the living. Your insight is greatly appreciated. Blessings.
  • NeVrOzAyNeVrOzAy Posts: 58
    Welcome here Callofthewild ! Your posts are interesting, keep answer to questions that you have the answer ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Ok guys, i need to express my feelings about what's happening on twitter...

    I've told you already in another thread ("Is Michael on Twitter") that there is a wierd account "Iall4love".
    A third chatroom has been created 13 days ago, it's called "loveistheanswer", it's protected with a password. I think this room has been created by "love_amir" whose username is "mir". I don't remember if I talked about him/her already, anymay.. Then "iall4love" spread the word about this chatroom on his twitter account.

    Mir used to come and chat with us during the first days. He said that he is a close friend of Michael, that michael is fine, safe and happy, he gave us a message from him etc ... and said that the only way to contact him is by sending him messages to his twitter account : iall4love.

    Believe it or not. First, I believed it.

    One day, iall4love came himself in the chatroom. I wasn't there but i was told that he did not stay very long and just said that faith and belief are relevant (or something like that) and that he loves us etc...
    He came in this room 4 more times, but he said nothing each time, he just came, read during 5 minutes, then left.

    The question is : why did he say nothing ?
    because, most people in this room believe that he is always there, i mean, that he reads everything in there. So, no need to be connected to read those love messages for him.
    The problem is that there are always so many people in there, and some of them are really crazy (btw, sorry ) and are always saying "michael i love you, i miss you, you are my life etc...", and, most important point, they believe everything !
    So,the problem now is that there are many new people who come in this chatroom and claim to know everything or to be a close firend of him, or to have a message from him, and they are always arguing about whether iall4love is michael or not.

    So, now, i don't know who to believe anymore ! and it's getting me crazy, angry and tired !

    Now, here is my question for you all and for callofthewild : what's your opinion about what's happening ?
    feel free to ask me questions if you don't understand something or if you want more facts.
    And, important point : this is guetting really serious, believers are now devided there, they are fighting, and you all know that michael hates that.
    So if your answer is just : "BS", then, don't answer because i need more, we need more, they need more. We have to do something ! I repeat : this is guetting really serious in there !


    ps : for those from the chatroom : i'm not a spy, i only need to share my feelings to others ...

    My opinion is this.

    If you want to believe something, you will. No matter how unrealistic, unbelievable, or how far fetched something may be, if you really want to believe something, you will find the most tangible part of a theory, statement, or what have you that you can find, and you'll hold on to it.

    What you are essentially saying is don't tell you that this person is full of it, because you don't want to hear that.

    Well, what if the truth is this person is telling you a lie? Are you so desperate to believe something, anything that you'd rather believe a lie?

    I liken this to Mike's life. People didn't know the truth about him, so they were willing to the point of being desperate to believe anything printed or said about him, even if it was a lie. It was hurtful and damaging to him.

    What they didn't know, and didn't care to hear, because they were so hung up on the lies, was that Mike was as normal as you or me. He experienced the same emotions, feelings, ups and downs that we do. The only difference between him and us is he could sing and dance better.

    So, I'm going to tell you exactly what you do not want to hear. It's BS.

    The time you waste on untruths is time you could be using to search for what is real and seeking justice.

    I learned a long time ago people will seek out and find your vulnerabilities, and they will exploit them for the sake of their own greed and gain.

    thanks a lot for answering, you're right, i'll do the best i can !
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I don't believe the BS, I do believe he is still with us, and I am looking for the truth
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    Hi I am new to this but have always enjoyed Michael's music I am from the Bahamas and have recently became interested in Michael's death. It is so sad that the media and others in this world can spend their life trying to tear down and destroy one person for no known reason. Because someone is trying to bring peace and love back into the world. I dont know very much about Michael but what I do know is that he is an extraordinary human being a giving person who only wanted to unite all cultures and people from every walk of life through love and his music and he succeeded in doing so and because he was successful in accomplishing that he became a threat to those who want to control the world and him. The Good thing is that Michael is God's child and he is special and he is strong and he has so much love in him that it will take everything they can muster in their evil minds and hearts to stop him and he will continue fighting. I have so much respect and admiration for this man and if he is alive I wish him God speed and encourage him to continue spreading the love. Because "ITS ALL FOR L.O.V.E. callofthewild I wish to encourage you to continue shining your light or Michael's light on this forum you are much appreciated. God Bless.
  • Hi I am new to this but have always enjoyed Michael's music I am from the Bahamas and have recently became interested in Michael's death. It is so sad that the media and others in this world can spend their life trying to tear down and destroy one person for no known reason. Because someone is trying to bring peace and love back into the world. I dont know very much about Michael but what I do know is that he is an extraordinary human being a giving person who only wanted to unite all cultures and people from every walk of life through love and his music and he succeeded in doing so and because he was successful in accomplishing that he became a threat to those who want to control the world and him. The Good thing is that Michael is God's child and he is special and he is strong and he has so much love in him that it will take everything they can muster in their evil minds and hearts to stop him and he will continue fighting. I have so much respect and admiration for this man and if he is alive I wish him God speed and encourage him to continue spreading the love. Because "ITS ALL FOR L.O.V.E. callofthewild I wish to encourage you to continue shining your light or Michael's light on this forum you are much appreciated. God Bless.

    Welcome mopey3655 and blessings to you. Your words are so well said and such a great reminder of the person we have all grown to love, respect, admire, and fight for. May God bless your day with goodness.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    I know this is going to seem weird, but callofthewild are you Michael Jackson? My Michael alarm is going off and it's going pretty loud. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I had the same feeling. There is something about your posts that seem very familiar! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I just can't put my finger on what it is yet that hits me so hard, hopefully it will dawn on me afterwhile as to where I have encountered you before.

    The style is kind of a cross between Michael, TS, and Elizabeth Taylor... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Also reminded me of this: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/02/jackson-drug-aliases/<!-- m --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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