


  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    HAHA great minds i posted a second before you
  • i tweeted and asked him if hes an idea of who they r protecting..but i doubt he replys..is this good for the hoax guys??? it doesnt sound that way <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • i tweeted and asked him if hes an idea of who they r protecting..but i doubt he replys..is this good for the hoax guys??? it doesnt sound that way <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Yeah, these kind of things make me feel uneasy. Implications of murder all the time... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> It's just taking it very far if it is a hoax... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    But, how come none of the other brothers tweet these kind of things, only Randy?
  • now he tweets~:my brother doesnt have a voice anymore..we must fight and speak out for him"~

    guys i dont get a good feeling about this..thoughts? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    now he tweets~:my brother doesnt have a voice anymore..we must fight and speak out for him"~

    guys i dont get a good feeling about this..thoughts? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    No public persona - no voice.
  • karen faye!~tweets@randyjackson8 Follow the money...RJ.....follow the money.
    5 minutes ago from web in reply to randyjackson8
    @randyjackson8some people who were around your brother before he died...find it more profitable to spin a few lies, than to tell the truth.
    6 minutes ago from web
    @randyjackson8not many want to rock the boat..your brother is out of the way, and too much money is being made and passed around apparently.
    7 minutes ago from web
    @randyjackson8I guess the term "personal interest" comes into play RJ. Your brother was involved with some BIG money and power players.
  • He can't talk himself, cause it would spoil the hoax.

    If he talked himself, people would hear it world wide, I guess..
  • I find this very bizarre! Why?

    Only last night I Tweeted about how nobody from Michael's family seemed to be addressing us hoax believers - I mean, I'm 100% certain that they know we exist but yet not one of them has said anything to us like "Hey guys, Michael has really died so there is no hoax" (or words to that effect.

    Yet the Jackson brothers are on Twitter every flaming night, Tweeting to us - Tweeting hoax believers - and they KNOW we think it is a hoax but they just sit back and say nothing and let us carry on believing.

    Then all of a sudden tonight, Randy starts to Tweet about the LAPD and DA not doing anything to investigate others that are involved.

    To me, Randy's Tweets are not a good sign for us hoax believers <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> but I find it suspicious that all of this has kicked off after my comments last night. I follow all of the Jackson brothers on Twitter and my Tweets are not protected, so I am guessing that at least one of them will have seen my rant from last night.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    it is worrying is it because of the green man
  • the green man is not MJ, and these tweets from Randy.....why would he post this if it is a hoax? i meant that for the "My brother doesn’t have a voice anymore…"
    and other tweets like that
  • karen faye!~tweets@randyjackson8 Follow the money...RJ.....follow the money.
    5 minutes ago from web in reply to randyjackson8
    @randyjackson8some people who were around your brother before he died...find it more profitable to spin a few lies, than to tell the truth.
    6 minutes ago from web
    @randyjackson8not many want to rock the boat..your brother is out of the way, and too much money is being made and passed around apparently.
    7 minutes ago from web
    @randyjackson8I guess the term "personal interest" comes into play RJ. Your brother was involved with some BIG money and power players.

    big money and power players... Yes we know that... but would the LAPD protect them>> ?? I just dont know. And not to be nasty.. KAREN FAYE would not be in the know of Michaels financial situation and who he was dealing with and why... she wasnt THAT far into the inner circle.
  • randyjackson8
    Ok Can’t say 2much. WHY WHY WHY r LAPD & DA ignoring evidence that goes beyond Dr. Murray? Wondering who they r protecting. Hmmm. Talk to me

    Ok Can’t say 2much.
    He can't go straight out and say "MICHAEL IS ALIVE!"

    WHY WHY WHY r LAPD & DA ignoring evidence that goes beyond Dr. Murray?
    Hoax evidence?

    Wondering who they r protecting.
    Umm Michael? Witness Protection Program?

    Hmmm. Talk to me
    He knows more than us, wants to see what we can come up with.

    Any better ideas? Hahaaha I really don't know... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Let me just say this.....if it turns out that MJ is gone forever....as in not alive.....i will NEVER EVERRRRR have any part of the Jackson5 ever again. Cause if hes gone......all these people involved in promoting Michaels stuff is doing it just for the money. The only way i would be able to feel good about supporting any of MJs memorbilia is that it would be contributing to support those children and his mom. IF mj is gone and thats a big IF...i pray hes not...but if hes gone i will be so MADDDDD at the Jacksons and all those leaving all these damn clues and leading us on.....i will be spitting mad. Period. I dont even like to consider the thought of him being "gone" forever. And in my heart...i know hes alive. I just know it. I KNOW IT!! Mj is still with us. Period.
  • I find this very bizarre! Why?

    Only last night I Tweeted about how nobody from Michael's family seemed to be addressing us hoax believers - I mean, I'm 100% certain that they know we exist but yet not one of them has said anything to us like "Hey guys, Michael has really died so there is no hoax" (or words to that effect.

    Yet the Jackson brothers are on Twitter every flaming night, Tweeting to us - Tweeting hoax believers - and they KNOW we think it is a hoax but they just sit back and say nothing and let us carry on believing.

    Then all of a sudden tonight, Randy starts to Tweet about the LAPD and DA not doing anything to investigate others that are involved.

    To me, Randy's Tweets are not a good sign for us hoax believers <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> but I find it suspicious that all of this has kicked off after my comments last night. I follow all of the Jackson brothers on Twitter and my Tweets are not protected, so I am guessing that at least one of them will have seen my rant from last night.

    Of course they know!!! I bet they came here everytime..... no wonder one of us is one of them! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    If they really want to say this is a murder they should start by telling us he is DEAD!! because they would need our support to made such a statement! and that´s not happening!! So I guess all this strange things and the slip ups (which are more obvious every time) are just for non believers to start researching!! and believing!!! that´s what I think... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I'm not trying to be mean but Randy Jackson seem a little odd to me. He just like Latoya always saying some off the wall stuff. He is supposedly very private then why is he on Twitter making such bold statements. This is a site where millions of people view daily. Plus all the Jacksons have different views when it come to MJ. I just read his nephew's tweet the other day and he was saying that one person is responsible and then some of the other Jacksons saying others responsible. Why would you even make statements like this on Twitter if someone murdered your brother? Wouldn't you be afraid they may have someone retaliate against you? It seem inappropriate to me. I think he was even tweeting when they was at court. If he feel like that then go on Oprah or something. Tell your story why you feel the way you do. Also like I said before I feel if this is true that Al Sharpton would be saying something as well. I haven't heard him say nothing about MJ being murdered. He's the king of representing injustice in the black community.
  • @randyjackson8not many want to rock the boat..your brother is out of the way, and too much money is being made and passed around apparently

    your brother is out of the way thats right not passed away kepp the faith <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Yes, I agree that Randy has been playing an interesting role within this hoax....much different than the rest of the family. In light of the tweets that he has sent over the last few month, much of what he said didn't seem to make much sense, and it has been hard to get a feel for what his feelings might be in regard to what Michael might be doing or why. He didn't seem to fit into the plan........


    Somebody posted a thread...sorry...there are sooooo many now , I don"t remember where i saw it, about John Branca, Micheal's lawyer who was reported as being rehired in June, and is now a co-executor of the estate along with John McClain. This thread claims that Michael fired Branca in June of 2003 for embezzeling money and for maintaing an unethical relationship with Tommy Mottola, and that he (Branca) was not rehired. This thread also gives a link to the website, Seeking Clues, which shows a piece written by Firpo Carr, a Jackson family friend and journalist for the LA Sentinal, who states some eye-opening information about the Branca/Mottola arrangement, including an investigation into the embezzelment which went nowhere when brought before a judge, the infamous will that Randy claims is fake (in this will, Branca is named executor of the estate) and that even though Michael fired him in 2003, he failed to discontinue his associaton within Michael's business dealings. Please read that other thread about Branca not being rehired.

    If these claims are true........then the things that Randy has been tweeting about start to make sense.

    Was Branca working with Mottola for the purpose of taking Michael down? (The claim of mj being murdered, and more than Murray being involved)

    Is there STILL some conspiracy going on for them to somehow get their hands on all of Michale's money, and that is why Branca refused to be removed as mj's lawyer and is now one of the executors of his estate? (The family is being reported that they don't agree with what the executors are doing, making money off of Michael)

    Is it important for some of "these people" to think that Michael is actually dead? (Jacksons keeping the story going long enough to watch what Branca might do and hope he slips up and they can expose the truth)

    Is there an investigation (of Branca and co.) going on that we don't know about, and the Jackson's have to be very careful about what is said, so Randy sort of talks "in code" within these tweets?

    I don't know.......

    I'm speculating, based on my original confusion about Randy's role in the hoax, his tweets and what this thread and the added link to Seeing Clues said.

    If this is the case.......

    there is a much deeper and sinister story here.

    Michael, please be safe, and know that we are here to support you and will wait as long as it takes.

    Any comments?????
  • Remember how in 2005, MJ accused Randy Jackson of being in a plot to steal his fortune??? Why is Randy seperated from the rest of the family in his views now???
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Remember how in 2005, MJ accused Randy Jackson of being in a plot to steal his fortune??? Why is Randy seperated from the rest of the family in his views now???
    I didnt know that I wondered if things were a bit tetchy there it looked like it sometimes.
  • Remember how in 2005, MJ accused Randy Jackson of being in a plot to steal his fortune??? Why is Randy seperated from the rest of the family in his views now???
    Not true. The problem was in regards to Randy putting up a website during the trial and having people pay to register. Randy and MJ were close and remained close and as far as anyone knows they are still close. Remember just because it's printed in the news does not make it true. It seems Randy has been the only bro who has not profited one bit from MJ's so called death. He hasn't given any interviews, no t.v shows, no new CD's. So i think of all the siblings he is really trying to help MJ expose those who wanted him dead. The rest of the siblings are more interested in their own careers.
  • Yes, I agree that Randy has been playing an interesting role within this hoax....much different than the rest of the family. In light of the tweets that he has sent over the last few month, much of what he said didn't seem to make much sense, and it has been hard to get a feel for what his feelings might be in regard to what Michael might be doing or why. He didn't seem to fit into the plan........


    Somebody posted a thread...sorry...there are sooooo many now , I don"t remember where i saw it, about John Branca, Micheal's lawyer who was reported as being rehired in June, and is now a co-executor of the estate along with John McClain. This thread claims that Michael fired Branca in June of 2003 for embezzeling money and for maintaing an unethical relationship with Tommy Mottola, and that he (Branca) was not rehired. This thread also gives a link to the website, Seeking Clues, which shows a piece written by Firpo Carr, a Jackson family friend and journalist for the LA Sentinal, who states some eye-opening information about the Branca/Mottola arrangement, including an investigation into the embezzelment which went nowhere when brought before a judge, the infamous will that Randy claims is fake (in this will, Branca is named executor of the estate) and that even though Michael fired him in 2003, he failed to discontinue his associaton within Michael's business dealings. Please read that other thread about Branca not being rehired.

    If these claims are true........then the things that Randy has been tweeting about start to make sense.

    Was Branca working with Mottola for the purpose of taking Michael down? (The claim of mj being murdered, and more than Murray being involved)

    Is there STILL some conspiracy going on for them to somehow get their hands on all of Michale's money, and that is why Branca refused to be removed as mj's lawyer and is now one of the executors of his estate? (The family is being reported that they don't agree with what the executors are doing, making money off of Michael)

    Is it important for some of "these people" to think that Michael is actually dead? (Jacksons keeping the story going long enough to watch what Branca might do and hope he slips up and they can expose the truth)

    Is there an investigation (of Branca and co.) going on that we don't know about, and the Jackson's have to be very careful about what is said, so Randy sort of talks "in code" within these tweets?

    I don't know.......

    I'm speculating, based on my original confusion about Randy's role in the hoax, his tweets and what this thread and the added link to Seeing Clues said.

    If this is the case.......

    there is a much deeper and sinister story here.

    Michael, please be safe, and know that we are here to support you and will wait as long as it takes.

    Any comments?????

    Yes it makes sense to me....they are being careful.... you may be right that some people should believe his death... I think Randy and Karen are pretty much in that... but they are still not saying openly he is dead....

    There is no doubt for me that something happened..... Michael didn´t do this for fun....
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I think Randy gave us a big clue with this tweet! He's trying to say why and how on earth could LAPD and DA ignores evidence that goes beyond Murray! Who could they want to protect? And he wanted to say "Think about it" with that hmmm. This is what I got from his tweet. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I'm not trying to be mean but Randy Jackson seem a little odd to me. He just like Latoya always saying some off the wall stuff. He is supposedly very private then why is he on Twitter making such bold statements. This is a site where millions of people view daily. Plus all the Jacksons have different views when it come to MJ. I just read his nephew's tweet the other day and he was saying that one person is responsible and then some of the other Jacksons saying others responsible. Why would you even make statements like this on Twitter if someone murdered your brother? Wouldn't you be afraid they may have someone retaliate against you? It seem inappropriate to me. I think he was even tweeting when they was at court. If he feel like that then go on Oprah or something. Tell your story why you feel the way you do. Also like I said before I feel if this is true that Al Sharpton would be saying something as well. I haven't heard him say nothing about MJ being murdered. He's the king of representing injustice in the black community.

    Both he and Rev Jess Jackson have been very, very quiet lately haven't they? And where is the family of Martin Luther King Jr? They were at the memorial If MJ was murdered, you'd think these people would be yelling it from the rooftops.
  • They all must play their part, of course. MJ wouldn't fake his death, in my opinion, for folly. I am certain it was to take the dirty, greedy wannabes down. If anything, I feel the Jackson family is trying to push for the truth in this matter and for the police to dig for those individuals and the motives behind it. (MJ can be very much alive---but no one would be the wiser if he "appeared" dead to the world). MJ has to be "dead" so the authorities will go after the crooked people otherwise the corrupt will cover their tracks all the more. With MJ out of the picture.....these fools will fight to claim anything they feel is theirs of MJ's. It is all being watched vigilantly (I hope) so that those bastards are caught!!!! MJ's goal is to make the world a better place. Plus, he wants his life to be better for himself and his children. I think, if the investigation is done well then something very big will be exposed in the end. However, if not, we can be rest assured in knowing that corruption runs wide and very deep in this civilization and there seems apparently little we can do to change it.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Randy is trying to show people that there were people after Mike. Look beyond Murray, look at the bigger picture. Powerfull people wanted him dead, but everyone is focussing on Murray.

    Listen to Jermaine, he says the same. And no he can't say, because that would be stupid and dangerous. People need to open their eyes themselves.


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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