Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



    Oh I am not sure but he really can sell himself in many ways.

    He's been the victim, he's been the hero, he's been the humanitarian, the king of pop and so on...... what can stop me to imagine that he can also sell himself as "divinity" in such a subtle way - by dening it!!
    "I know I'm not God..." he says, with those beautiful victim eyes and that soft voice... and we fall into his trap, because he has us thinking: "hmmmm..... maybe he is some sort of God or saint or divinity......."
    I hate when this is happening to me. I don't want to see him as a manipulator because I love him, but .... he is the sweetest puppet-master ever.
    We know we are subjects of his experiments and yet...... we agree with it and we let him study us.... I hope he's doing it with L.O.V.E.
  • Oh I am not sure but he really can sell himself in many ways.

    He's been the victim, he's been the hero, he's been the humanitarian, the king of pop and so on...... what can stop me to imagine that he can also sell himself as "divinity" in such a subtle way - by dening it!!
    "I know I'm not God..." he says, with those beautiful victim eyes and that soft voice... and we fall into his trap, because he has us thinking: "hmmmm..... maybe he is some sort of God or saint or divinity......."
    I hate when this is happening to me. I don't want to see him as a manipulator because I love him, but .... he is the sweetest puppet-master ever.
    We know we are subjects of his experiments and yet...... we agree with it and we let him study us.... I hope he's doing it with L.O.V.E.

    Whatever MJ has done in his life, whatever strings or pranks he might have pulled ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ), it's been for a GOOD CAUSE. That I have no doubt about! Michael said "It's all for LOVE", and he wasn't kidding - he was very serious. He was actually dead serious about lots of things.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Oh I am not sure but he really can sell himself in many ways.

    He's been the victim, he's been the hero, he's been the humanitarian, the king of pop and so on...... what can stop me to imagine that he can also sell himself as "divinity" in such a subtle way - by dening it!!
    "I know I'm not God..." he says, with those beautiful victim eyes and that soft voice... and we fall into his trap, because he has us thinking: "hmmmm..... maybe he is some sort of God or saint or divinity......."
    I hate when this is happening to me. I don't want to see him as a manipulator because I love him, but .... he is the sweetest puppet-master ever.
    We know we are subjects of his experiments and yet...... we agree with it and we let him study us.... I hope he's doing it with L.O.V.E.

    Whatever MJ has done in his life, whatever strings or pranks he might have pulled ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ), it's been for a GOOD CAUSE. That I have no doubt about! Michael said "It's all for LOVE", and he wasn't kidding - he was very serious. He was actually dead serious about lots of things.

    Yes I think that we should all stick to that. This is the most important! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Oh I am not sure but he really can sell himself in many ways.

    He's been the victim, he's been the hero, he's been the humanitarian, the king of pop and so on...... what can stop me to imagine that he can also sell himself as "divinity" in such a subtle way - by dening it!!
    "I know I'm not God..." he says, with those beautiful victim eyes and that soft voice... and we fall into his trap, because he has us thinking: "hmmmm..... maybe he is some sort of God or saint or divinity......."
    I hate when this is happening to me. I don't want to see him as a manipulator because I love him, but .... he is the sweetest puppet-master ever.
    We know we are subjects of his experiments and yet...... we agree with it and we let him study us.... I hope he's doing it with L.O.V.E.

    Whatever MJ has done in his life, whatever strings or pranks he might have pulled ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ), it's been for a GOOD CAUSE. That I have no doubt about! Michael said "It's all for LOVE", and he wasn't kidding - he was very serious. He was actually dead serious about lots of things.

    I beLIEve that "we" are being put through a "cruel to be kind" type scenario. A test may be a test! But I am struggling to see what the test is actually for...
    The Hoax zone has become a mini World on its own, it is at time disconnected from the real World... it is the strangest thing I have ever experienced! Nothing is quite real but at the same time it appears to be !
    We are not really saving the World whilst we are in controversy mode but maybe it will help see the light --- at least our army of love website is getting there so maybe, maybe after the confusion we will regroup...

    With L.O.V.E
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Grace you might be right.
    In fact I am sure you are right.
    In fact TS said in his last post he also has another username here

    I think TS sounds different in the last couple of posts than he did earlier. JMO. To me, he sounds more like someone else that posts often.
  • Hi, TheRunningGirl:

    My opinion is that MJ isn't doing this only for the people paying attention and/or spending time on this forum (remember we are a small minority)... He's doing it primarily for the people who aren't paying attention, those who are in the dark, those who must be shocked into a realization that the world they live in is in big part A SHAM, A LIE. If the hoax goes as planned, it's going to demolish many myths and many lies, and the world as we know it will be gone. Think domino scene in "V for Vendetta". This isn't a game... This is HUGE.

    For one (small scale, if you want), this hoax is going to make people question a lot of things, just as WE have questioned many things since 6/25/2009. Now think of a world where people start doing serious reading again, and ethics and investigation are reborn in the field of journalism, and people question the motives of governments and challenge them... That would already be a BIG CHANGE!

    For those like us, who are caught up in this thing, it does get a bit like torture, with all the confusion we try to make sense of... But for MJ we are only a tiny part of the big picture he's looking at. And he's probably betting that we love him enough to understand, to buy his albums, and to generally support him. He asked us once, "Will You Be There?"
  • Grace you might be right.
    In fact I am sure you are right.
    In fact TS said in his last post he also has another username here

    I think TS sounds different in the last couple of posts than he did earlier. JMO. To me, he sounds more like someone else that posts often.

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I don't follow TS on a day-to-day basis... If true, he/she sounds like a player. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY GINA.................. are you realllly the big 4 - 0.....sounds like a hoax to me!! Have a great day.... get off the hoax train for a bit and try not to spend alllll day hoaxing with the hoaxers in hoaxland in the hoax universe.........yours hoaxilly ............. .......BJ XXXX
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    BlackJack, the word "hoaxmas" you used some posts ago gave me chills.....

    Does the letters TNZ ring any bells to you?
  • La multi ani ! Happy birthday Gina ! Have a wonderful day just like you are.
    BJ i love the words you invented <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> hoaxmas, hoaxilly..they are so great !
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GINA.................. are you realllly the big 4 - 0.....sounds like a hoax to me!! Have a great day.... get off the hoax train for a bit and try not to spend alllll day hoaxing with the hoaxers in hoaxland in the hoax universe.........yours hoaxilly ............. .......BJ XXXX

    LOL you made me laugh so loud here <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    My 40 sounds like a hoax to you <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> that was the best compliment I've received today !!
    Do I look younger in that photo? Well, you, just like MJ, must know the advantages of a good make up <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I'll take your advice and have a day off from hoaxland today....but only if you promise me nothing very important will happen today, as you know I can't afford to miss it <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    Love you
    La multi ani ! Happy birthday Gina ! Have a wonderful day just like you are.
    BJ i love the words you invented <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> hoaxmas, hoaxilly..they are so great !

    Thank you so much my dear friend!!
    Day off now, but I'll be thinking of you all......
    Gema I can't leave without saying YES to your last post !!
    TNZ is/are so funny and smart, I absolutely looooooove he/she/them !!
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Happy Birthday Gina!! Have a great one! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    LOL I think that soon we will have to UPDATE the dictionnaries. Happy birthday Gina, 40 years old is a very important age and very symbolic. God bless you.

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Gema I can't leave without saying YES to your last post !!
    TNZ is/are so funny and smart, I absolutely looooooove he/she/them !!

    First Happy b-day!!! and you don´t look 40 at all!! I thought you were 24 <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    About TNZ, not many people think that "they" are funny.....
  • Hi, TheRunningGirl:

    My opinion is that MJ isn't doing this only for the people paying attention and/or spending time on this forum (remember we are a small minority)... He's doing it primarily for the people who aren't paying attention, those who are in the dark, those who must be shocked into a realization that the world they live in is in big part A SHAM, A LIE. If the hoax goes as planned, it's going to demolish many myths and many lies, and the world as we know it will be gone. Think domino scene in "V for Vendetta". This isn't a game... This is HUGE.

    For one (small scale, if you want), this hoax is going to make people question a lot of things, just as WE have questioned many things since 6/25/2009. Now think of a world where people start doing serious reading again, and ethics and investigation are reborn in the field of journalism, and people question the motives of governments and challenge them... That would already be a BIG CHANGE!

    For those like us, who are caught up in this thing, it does get a bit like torture, with all the confusion we try to make sense of... But for MJ we are only a tiny part of the big picture he's looking at. And he's probably betting that we love him enough to understand, to buy his albums, and to generally support him. He asked us once, "Will You Be There?"

    Hey! Truthprevails

    ...There is no doubt that the Hoax forums are only a small part of the whole "production", but they are here for a real purpose...??!
    Art and the entertainment media is MJ channel to make change happen and I agree that we should support the take-over through buying his albums. I however beLIEve that Michael ultimate objective is indeed to trigger change to make our World a better place but it will take many of US to take real actions for this to eventually happen. Change requires leadership, else people get lost on the way!

    ...This said, I still think this is game time in hoaxland! We boarded the Hoax train, now we need to play! Our train has recently stopped in snowy Mongolia for us to have a snow fight... I love snow fights!...

    With L.O.V.E

    PS: And a very Happy Birthday to Gina... 40! This is when life really starts! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • The Hoax zone has become a mini World on its own, it is at time disconnected from the real World... it is the strangest thing I have ever experienced! Nothing is quite real but at the same time it appears to be !
    We are not really saving the World whilst we are in controversy mode but maybe it will help see the light --- at least our army of love website is getting there so maybe, maybe after the confusion we will regroup...

    With L.O.V.E[/quote]

    That's a good question : If tomorrow was the Bam's day, and everything was explained, do you think we would gather...Perhaps has Michael a real plan for his Army of Love...What do you think?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I am totally hoaxsessed, but it would be great to find out by proof if MJ is alive.

    It can sound morbid wanting to know if he is alive or dead, but Michael has been a fascinating personality since always and doubting his legit death was very predictible. Let´s say that fitted in quite easy.

    The best part would be to know if MJ reads this forum and to know under which avatar.
    It would be great to really know his views about different subjects and I am not talking about deep ones, just anything, like cooking, favourite travel destinations, paraormal experiences, a good book, the latest art piece collected, the worst hotel room, funny daily situations, family matters....IDK, day by day stuff one can talk to anyone, as you do in the forums or in this one beside the investigation part.
    Gema I can't leave without saying YES to your last post !!
    TNZ is/are so funny and smart, I absolutely looooooove he/she/them !!

    First Happy b-day!!! and you don´t look 40 at all!! I thought you were 24 <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    About TNZ, not many people think that "they" are funny.....

    My brain is 24, maybe even 14 because I'm in love as a teenager <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    If someone would have told me 20 years ago that when I'll turn 40 I'll be crazy in love with Michael Jackson while investigating his "temporarly dead" status I'd have told that person to just beat it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Thank you all for your messages <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Oh, TNZ humor is one of my favourites <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I don't care about those who dislike their style <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Gema if we are not dreaming and MJ is indeed alive (and he MUST be because I can't be in love with a dead man ........ what a solid proof isn't it <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> ) I'm almost 100% he sometimes reads this forum, even if he is not registered here.
    Do you think he would waste his time chating about little things? Or maybe yes....maybe he finally decided to take a break from work (he's an workaholic - another guess of mine <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) and have some fun with his dear fans while testing them .......

    Hi Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Idk, it will depend on his ego.
  • The Hoax zone has become a mini World on its own, it is at time disconnected from the real World... it is the strangest thing I have ever experienced! Nothing is quite real but at the same time it appears to be !
    We are not really saving the World whilst we are in controversy mode but maybe it will help see the light --- at least our army of love website is getting there so maybe, maybe after the confusion we will regroup...

    With L.O.V.E

    That's a good question : If tomorrow was the Bam's day, and everything was explained, do you think we would gather...Perhaps has Michael a real plan for his Army of Love...What do you think?

    Hi! Sophie

    I certainly beLIEve that the Army of L.O.V.E will play some role in the awakening by helping to spray "the message" to the wider public before BAM. This way more people will open up their minds to the fact that he may be alive and, they will start looking for answers to various questions... This forum then act as a source of information!
    It also means that more people will be anticipating the "BAM", hopefully waking up and making his return safer. The mainstream media is unlikely to be very supportive of his actions (I guess?) so we need to make sure that there is enough public awareness and support so that they (The media) get nowhere with their lies and get ridiculed.
    There is also no reason why the Army of Love may not be involved in preparing post BAM events and even playing a role in changing the World after BAM...
    ...Is this what HE has in mind? Maybe!
    ...Do we have enough "soldiers" really wanting to "get to work" for him? I would hope so.... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    This is fitting in so many ways regarding so many things/people/actions/etc.


    That is all.
  • It's a conspiracy to just say the word 'conspiracy' nowadays!!
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